
=== ph_afk is now known as ph
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bessHi Guys, I have a problem instsalling ubuntu gnome the installer somehow crashes when I choose the custom partition install02:25
sgo11darkxst, hi, do you have time?06:51
sgo11darkxst, I added "xrandr --output VGA-0 --off" to /sbin/prime-offload. lightdm resolution problem is fixed. but gdm and gnome-shell still have the same problems. gdm is flickering and fails to start. gnome-shell is a black off screen when login with lightdm. Maybe these problems are not related to my non-existent display?06:53
darkxstsgo11, hey07:06
sgo11darkxst, hi. I am here. just added a comment in launchpad.07:06
darkxstyes saw07:07
NoskcajCan i have a link to the ubuntu-gnome 3.10 transition tracker?07:08
darkxstso the flickering only happens on second display for me, which means probably gdm is displayed on non-existent display07:08
NoskcajThat did exist didn't it?07:08
darkxstbuts its incomplete07:09
darkxstalso a few of those are PPA bugs for 3.1207:09
darkxsthad hoped the QA team would take over triaging and tagging bugs, but that hasnt really happened07:09
darkxstsgo11, and not really surprised setting a second primary during a running session, crashes X!07:10
darkxstsgo11, you absolutely must only ever have one primary07:10
sgo11darkxst, ok. do you mean I should try "xrandr --output LVDS-1-0 --primary" in /sbin/prime-offload? can I put both "xrandr --output VGA-0 --off" and  "xrandr --output LVDS-1-0 --primary" in that file? thanks.07:12
darkxstsgo11, sure try that07:12
darkxstjust put the --off command before the --primary one07:12
sgo11darkxst, ok. got it. I will try that now. I am using that laptop now. so I will have to quit IRC first. brb. thanks.07:13
Noskcajdarkxst, I have triage rights if you need anything07:13
darkxstNoskcaj, well I want all significant gnome-shell/mutter/gjs bugs etc tagged under Ubuntu gnome07:16
darkxstI will add you to that project so you can actually tag them though07:16
darkxstNoskcaj, done, so add project ubuntu-gnome to bug, then you should be able to select milestone trusty07:21
sgo11darkxst, just tried that. gdm is still flickering. the only difference is when I switch to VT1 and back to VT7, there is no pupup window "could not set the configuration for CRTC 652". when switching back to VT7, the screen is not updated, thus it still shows screen VT1 image.07:21
darkxstsgo11, you get the gdm grey background during flickering state though?07:22
sgo11darkxst, then, I tried to switch to lightdm. what I see this time is a popup window "The system is running in low-graphics mode" title.07:22
sgo11darkxst, yeah, gdm grey background flickering between grey and black (off).07:23
darkxstsgo11, first is odd, second means gdm is loaded but displayed on the other display07:23
darkxstsgo11, let me see if I can revert the config change in gpu-manager07:23
sgo11darkxst, in lightdm, it shows "Your screen , graphics card, and input device settings could not be detected correctly. You will need to configure these yourself". that is the content of that title.07:24
NoskcajActually, i need to update d-conf07:24
darkxstsgo11, yeh I know that popup, anyway undo those changes and try with the updated ubuntu-drivers-common which is building now on the ppa07:26
sgo11darkxst, when you say undo those changes, do you mean removing two lines "xrandr --output VGA-0 --off" and "xrandr --output LVDS-1-0 --primary" in /sbin/prime-offload ? thanks.07:28
darkxstsgo11, perhaps try just remove the '--primary' first07:28
darkxstbut if that still doesnt work, then remove the other one07:28
sgo11darkxst, ok. got it. when the building is complete, please let me know. I will do update. thanks.07:29
darkxstI suspect you can't actually make an offloaded display primary07:29
darkxstsgo11, I'm off to cook dinner, it should take 20mins or so07:29
sgo11darkxst, got it. thanks a lot. I will try that.07:29
darkxstsgo11, if the ppa is still enabled, then just run an update in half, it should pick it up by then07:30
sgo11darkxst, ok. cheers. :) enjoy your dinner.07:30
sgo11darkxst, I tried ubuntu-drivers-common 1: with and without "xrandr --output VGA-0 --off" in /sbin/prime-offload. The problem still remains the same. gdm is flickering.08:15
darkxstsgo11, is xrandr -q/--listproviders correct now?08:46
sgo11darkxst, hi, I was about to update the bug. I found a workaround.08:51
sgo11darkxst, I removed all the changes from /sbin/prime-offload. added Section "Monitor" Identifier "VGA-0" Option "Ignore" "True" EndSection in xorg.conf. both gdm and gnome-shell works. I still can see problem detected once gnome-shell logged in. but that is harmless. I don't see any problems at all.08:52
sgo11added a comment to the bug for reference.08:58
sgo11darkxst, sorry, I haven't tried "xrandr -q" without the modification of xorg.conf. I don't think that is correct, because turnning off VGA-0 in xorg.conf solve all the problems.09:01
sgo11do you want me to try "xrandr -q" without xorg.conf manual modification?09:02
sgo11PS: I removed all files in /var/crash/* and reboot the system. No "problem detected" popup window anymore.09:09
sgo11in current workaround, nvidia-settings become useless because it can only detect CRT-0 (VGA-0) which is disabled by xorg.conf.09:10
darkxstsgo11, sorry this is way out of my realm!09:24
darkxstI think you workaround does confirm that the 'non-existent' display is what causing the issues09:25
darkxstbut I really I have no idea where it is coming from09:25
sgo11darkxst, yeah, "non-existent" does cause the issue. that is what I think too.09:25
darkxstmy guess was the updated ubuntu-drivers-common would remove the issue, but it didn't so its a regression somewhere else09:26
sgo11darkxst, since I can use gdm and gnome-shell with nvidia-driver now, there is another small problem. gnome-tweak-tool shows workspaces are dynamics. but I can only see one workspace. the second workspace is never created.09:26
darkxstsgo11, in tweak tool? or gnome-shell09:27
sgo11darkxst, in gnome-shell, the second workspace is never created. I always have one workspace.09:28
darkxstsgo11, that is probably fallout from not having a primary monitor, you should file an upstream bug for that09:29
sgo11darkxst, in bug #1296020, there is a new comment or status which says "no longer affects: ubuntu-drivers-common". I don't know what it means. maybe it means this issue is from somewhere else.09:29
ubot5bug 1296020 in xorg (Ubuntu) "[Asus U36JC] Non-existent display detected in both intel driver and nvidia driver (Optimus Laptop) (ubuntu trusty 14.04)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129602009:29
darkxstsgo11, probably just means the triager had not much clue, but given your recent findings he got lucky and was right!09:30
sgo11I don't know how to fire an upstream bug. from what you say, that means the workspace issue should be fixed if "non-existent display" gets fixed by ubuntu.09:31
darkxstsgo11, https://bugzilla.gnome.org/, and not exactly I suspect workspace creation is tied in with the primary display09:32
darkxstif you don't have a primary you might not be able to get a new workspace09:33
darkxst(although it has been sometime since I looked at that code, so could be off here)09:33
sgo11darkxst, oh. I figured it out. there is an option in gnome-tweak-tool. Workspaces --> "Workspaces only on primary display". that is set to ON by default. After setting it to OFF, I can see the second workspace.09:34
darkxstsgo11, still a bug!09:34
darkxstall the logic in that stuff assumes you actually have a primary display09:35
darkxstand apparently that doesnt happen with off-loaded displays09:35
sgo11ok. anyway. I am very happy today. I found a workaround solution, and I can use gdm and gnome-shell in my laptop now. Hopefully, the "non-existent" display issue can be fixed later.09:37
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* darkxst has to disappear for the night, please do file an upstream bug about this (against gnome-shell)09:37
sgo11darkxst, ok. I will try to fire one. never did this. let me see. thank you very much for your help!09:38
sgo11darkxst, sorry to interrupt. I am a newbie and bad in English. if possible, can you tell me what should be the title of this bug? "Workspaces can not be dynamically added when there is no primary display." ?09:41
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sgo11darkxst, anyway, I fired the bug: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=72691410:11
ubot5Gnome bug 726914 in overview "Workspaces can not be dynamically added when there is no primary display (ubuntu trusty)" [Normal,Unconfirmed]10:11
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ljunggrenThanks, 1 question since google could not help me : i have found numerous guides to install gnome 3.10 on ubuntu 13.10 but that just sounds like problems. Would following that guide but in Ubuntu-gnome be more error free? since it does not come packed with unity etc?18:05
ljunggrenhave someone tried it?18:05
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=== Guest99380 is now known as Noskcaj
junkanooanyone here22:26
ubot5Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience22:46

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