
charlgood morning10:35
charlMaaz: coffee on10:35
* Maaz puts the kettle on10:35
MaazCoffee's ready for charl!10:39
charlMaaz: thanks10:39
Maazcharl: Sure10:39
charlhi Vince-0 10:40
charlhow's it going10:40
Kilosafternoon all11:56
Kilossjoe we min here hey?11:57
Vince-0yaar nee11:57
Kilosmaacoffee on11:57
Kilosoh my the bot is gone too11:57
charlnetsplit Kilos 11:59
charlprobably ddos'ing again11:59
Kiloshi charl 11:59
charlhi Kilos 11:59
charlhow's it going11:59
Kilosand i forgot how to start stop my bot via ssh12:00
charlisn't it in your .bash_history ?12:00
Kilosbeen digging for water pipes so bitjie moeg12:00
charldigging water pipes12:00
Kilosnew install so dunno whats where12:00
charlyou laying pipe?12:00
Kilosreplacing some water piping from baths etc where the trees have crunched them12:01
charlah yeah that's a problem12:01
charlwe had that at my old house too12:01
Kilosgonna take a week or 2 just digging12:01
charlbut roots are a problem12:01
charlthey are hard to break12:01
Kilosyeah they crunch the pipes till they can get in after the water12:02
charlare the trees dead  already ?12:02
Kilosnope mulberry trees and a camphor tree12:02
charlthat's a serious problem that and a lot of work12:02
Kilosi just cut the roots that are in the way12:03
charlwell at least then you get to preserve the trees ...12:03
Kilosoh yeah i love mulberries and they make lekker jam12:03
Kilosim just gonna run the new pipes further from the trees12:04
Kilostheyve actually declared mulberries as obnoxious weeds and banned them12:04
Kilosalien plants12:05
charlthey come from outer space ?!12:05
Kilosonly old tress allowed they say12:05
charlthat explains everything... :D12:05
Kilostheyve banned lotsa stuff that grows everywhere that came in 100 years ago or so12:06
KilosSquirm, you here ??12:07
Kiloshi nlsthzn 12:19
nlsthznhi uncle Kilos12:19
nlsthznhow are you today?12:23
Kilosim ok ty nlsthzn and you12:24
nlsthzngood thanks12:24
Kilosim cross with gutenburg.org12:25
nlsthznbook problems?12:25
Kilosi used to download scifi books in qioo format for my old nokia now i dont see any more there12:25
Kiloseach book came with the loader inbuilt\12:26
Kilosand they they smallest data users12:26
Kilosi dunno if its something i have done wrong12:27
nlsthznI have never used them so I can12:28
nlsthzncan't say12:28
Kiloslooks like they stopped the qioo format completely12:28
nlsthznsorry to hear12:28
Kilosty. i dunno if its maybe because i gone 64bit12:30
nlsthzndoubt that12:32
Kiloshi Golynx 15:56
Golynxhi Kilos16:01
Kilossigh==no coffee16:04
Golynxis Maaz on stike , or visiting his gf lol16:11
Kiloshe crashed and needs rebooting16:12
Kilosmaybe the server giving probs16:12
Golynxyeah maybe16:12
Golynxhe needs some rest too though16:13
Kiloshi cocooncrash can you boot maaz for us please? or is there a server prob?17:00
charlwhow i grabbed coffee just before he disappeared17:09
charli got lucky :)17:09
Golynxhi charl17:10
charlhi Golynx :)17:23

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