
tgm4883Is there a screen magnification app?00:46
tgm4883in xubuntu 13.1000:46
tgm4883hmm, xzoom seems to work00:48
holsteintgm4883: uyes03:11
holsteinyes*.. not by default03:11
holsteinyou'd have to add some sort of compositing03:11
holsteinand, have 3d support03:12
tgm4883holstein, I j ust used xzoom. didn't have to install any other dependencies04:35
Unit193tgm4883: FWIW, the next release, Trusty Thar, will have zoom built in to xfwm itself.05:22
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DSMOSDSMOS has arrived.05:25
JJJ__I have a question about opening camera with xubuntu ...05:42
JJJ__it does not show camera disk (removable media) anywhere apart from a hidden corner of gthumb.05:43
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JJJ__would somebody know where can I locate the images hosted on that camera otherwise?05:43
NoskcajJJJ__, There are other camera veiwers, but gthumb is the only way by default on some05:48
NoskcajIf it's not showing up in thunar, you will need gthumb or something similar05:48
JJJ__hmmm.. now the issue is, from gthumb opened up the camera with file manager (opened in thunar ONLY) and then started copying 7gb files. when done with 60 percent, it hung and then had to kill it. now when I restart coyping the files, thunar does not have skip all option.05:53
Noskcajstrange. you can normally skip all05:54
NoskcajWhat version of xubuntu is this?05:54
JJJ__12.04 lts05:55
JJJ__ha, changed default file manager to nautilus.. let's see if that has skip all for me05:55
JJJ__Got it going with nautilus...05:57
JJJ__Thunar version on this xfce 12.04 is 1.2.305:57
JJJ__No luck again.. Nautilus says: Error getting file: -1: Unspecified error06:06
JJJ__this time it worked.. changed default file manager to Dolphin and opened camera from gthumb to Dolphin.. got skip all working. thanks!06:10
NoskcajIt's worrying that you needed a Qt based file manager for it to work though06:11
JJJ__well, m not good with commands and as of now bit reluctant to start learning it.. otherwise, terminal would have worked, right?06:17
bullgard4Unit193: "[06:22]Unit193tgm4883: FWIW, the next release, Trusty Thar, will have zoom built in to xfwm itself." <- Where is that feature described more fully?07:45
bekksIn #ubuntu+110:03
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doylehow do I make a shortcut to a program that has no shortcuts?11:01
vincentduckhello. There is a french guy to help me ?11:37
ubottuvincentduck,: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.11:37
xubuntu805bonjour ?11:44
xubuntu805un français pour m'aider ?11:45
bekks!fr | xubuntu80511:46
ubottuxubuntu805: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.11:46
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xubuntu805I need help please11:47
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mappshey anyone able to help with centerim?16:34
bekks!anyone | mapps16:55
bekksmapps: Just ask your real question please :)16:55
cfhowlettbekks, that !factoid has been retired ...16:55
bekkscfhowlett: Too bad. It was one of the most important ones.16:55
cfhowlettbekks, 100% agreement16:55
mappsjust having trouble with centerim cant get it to connect17:05
bekksmapps: Can you pastebin "lsb_release -a" and "dpkg -l | grep centerim" please?17:07
=== TheMaster is now known as Unit193
mappsyes sir17:11
mappsinstalled off the git though and compiled..no centerim 5 in repos17:13
Unit193bullgard4: No idea, just alt+scroll.17:14
mappshmm once cifs-utils is installed is it really as simple as ; //servername/sharename  /media/windowsshare  cifs  username=msusername,password=mspassword,iocharset=utf8,sec=ntlm  0  017:17
mapps to access a windows share?17:17
bekksmapps: BEsides the fact that you should not use /media for manual mounts - yes, it is that easy.17:20
mappsalso why shouldn't you use /media for manual mounts just prefered practice?17:22
bekksBecause /media is used by the automounter, and /mnt should be used for manual mounts.17:23
mappsok:) thank you17:24
bullgard4Unit193: Thank you.17:43
mappshey how can i mount a cifs drive manually without editing fstab ..so just say wanted to mount now and not again17:53
mappscant see how to specify the use/pass17:53
bekksmapps: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently17:54
mappsyea i saw there but thats for perm17:54
mappsil look again incase i missed717:54
bekksYes, you missed that.17:54
mappsi still cant see it :|17:56
mappsit doesnt say how to mount manually at the command line though18:02
mappsstill talking about fstab18:02
bekksIt does tell you how to specify username and password.18:04
mappsyea but its talking about fstab18:04
mappsi was wondering if i could mount from the command line as a one off18:04
mappsah sweet18:05
mappsusing the -o user= cool thanks18:06
KekaiThere is a guest login on my System and its blocked by a password18:55
Kekaihow can I get in?18:55
holsteinits not blocked..18:55
Kekaiit wont let me in for my mom to use the PC when she needs to look up stuff18:56
holsteinKekai: you can logout, and select it.. the session is "safe" in some ways, nothing is saved.. its for what it implies.. a guest to use your machine and leave no imprint18:56
holsteinKekai: it?18:56
KekaiIt shows up with a password box and wont let me in18:56
holsteinKekai: are you using xubuntu?18:56
Kekaiit used to be Lubuntu18:57
Kekaithen I got rid of lubuntu18:57
holsteinKekai: the guest account works like that.. but, you can always just create an account for your mother18:57
holsteinthats what i would prefer, so it will remember her settings18:57
Kekaishe doesnt download or anything18:57
Kekaijust to look up stuff18:57
holsteinKekai: ok.. it will remember the "stuff" she looks up.. its preffered for a user that is returning18:58
mappsquestion - is there any easy way to deal with all the garbage attacks on my apache httpd that i see in error.log the %20"!" massive stringes18:58
mappsstrings even18:58
holsteinmapps: i would ask in a server specific channel.. i use the usual tools on ssh, but, im sure there are such tools for apache as well18:59
holsteinmapps: whats it for? you could block access to specific ip addresses18:59
HoNgOuRuhi, any changes I make to "/etc/X11/xorg.conf" seems to have no effect after a reboot... Im using an nvidia card with two monitors plugged.... I'm using "sudo nvidia-settings" also did a "sudo nvidia-xconfig" first... runnint xubuntu 13.1018:59
mappsthe server? nothing really just my own work and testing..but i mean like stuff like this19:00
mapps90.20.170.48:60545] AH00126: Invalid URI in request o\xe0\xa0E\xbd\x8e:I\xaf\xf7\x8af\xc1\xe1\x8e?Jhq\xc1\xf6\xdb\v\xd1\xd8\xefx\xcev\x93\x8c*K\xfd2I")m19:00
mapps[Sun Mar 23 00:26:25.694318 2014]19:00
mappsi mean someone else said just to ignore them and leave them? and not bother looking for a way to prevent this or block them19:00
holsteinmapps: then, just dont put it out on the internet.. make it only accessible to your LAN19:00
mappsi guess there's no way to stop someone doing it anyway? could only block their IP after they tried once19:00
xubuntu693Hi all I have a problem in using canon printer here19:00
holsteinHoNgOuRu: where did you get the xorg.conf?19:00
xubuntu693can some one help? thanks19:01
holsteinxubuntu693: it may not support linux.. but, i typically just add the printer with the wizard, and try different drivers19:01
HoNgOuRuholstein, It gets created when running nvidia-xconfig as root19:01
holsteinHoNgOuRu: you may have to edit those a bit by hand19:01
HoNgOuRuholstein, then I run nvidia-settings (as root) and activate the second monitor... that change is not persistant I don't know why19:02
xubuntu693the problem that i don't know how19:02
HoNgOuRummm.... maybe it is not loading the correct module at xorg.conf19:02
HoNgOuRuholstein, can I have more than one section "screen" in xorg.conf ?19:03
HoNgOuRucause I only see one19:04
holsteinHoNgOuRu: when i troubleshoot that *exact* issue, i remove the entire config.. i set the settings as i want *before* creating the xorg.conf.. then, i have the proprietary nvidia tool create the file.. i review it and see that it looks as expected, then i reboot19:04
holsteinHoNgOuRu: the "module" or driver is referred to by a line in the file..19:04
mappsholstein can you have a look at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2205242&p=12934158#post12934158 ? I posted ages ago never got a reply..asked in loads of chans ..wondered if you've got any suggestions or could tell me what to read up on  or something..thanks !!19:04
holsteinmapps: i use tools like that for ssh.. fail2ban19:05
HoNgOuRuholstein,  ok... Ill try Ill come back19:05
mappsive got fail2ban on ..tried to set that up for apache too, had no jopy:D19:05
mappsbut if you see that apache forum post holstein where im getting some socks error any ideas on how to fix it?19:06
holsteinmapps: sure.. thats why you need an apache channel to offer something similar for apache19:06
mappser ubuntu forum post not apache19:06
holsteinmapps: you are likely just asking in channels where the majority of support is for desktop use19:06
mappsil go back to that after, but the UNIX socket error?? i dont even know where to begin;/19:07
holsteinmapps: i wouldnt "fix it", if i didnt need it on the internet.. i would just keep it on my lan19:07
holsteinmapps: ill run the turnkey linux appliances in virtualbox..19:07
holsteinor a seperate server only install19:07
mappsthis wasnt about apache the last q, its ufdbguard for squid causing me problems19:07
holsteinmapps: i would be on a server mailing list, or upstream19:08
HoNgOuRuholstein, could you take a look at my xorg.conf ???? http://pastebin.com/utQQ4Tzt19:09
RhubarbSinDo the folks on #ubuntu typically ignore serious, well-detailed questions?19:18
HoNgOuRuholstein, could you take a look at my xorg.conf ???? http://pastebin.com/utQQ4Tzt19:21
holsteinHoNgOuRu: i can, but, id really need the hardware in front of me19:25
holsteinHoNgOuRu: i just do whatever it takes, since, the hardware never promised me linux support.. i just try all possibilities19:25
holsteinHoNgOuRu: what is the issue? are you able to make the settings that you want?19:26
HoNgOuRuwhen I apply changes It works... when I restart everything goes to the basjet19:26
holsteinHoNgOuRu: you do more that apply the changes, though19:27
holsteinHoNgOuRu: you'll have to have the settings exported out from that tool that we dont maintain19:27
holsteinHoNgOuRu: i forget exactly what it looks like in there, and i dont have the tool in front of me, but, what it seems is happening is, you are not geting the file updated19:27
holsteinHoNgOuRu: have the tool export or save the settings to a file at a different location.. again, confirm the contents.. then, copy that file over, after backing up your current xorg.conf19:29
HoNgOuRuholstein, ok, thank you19:34
mappshm how can i use ps -C process -o pid --no-headers with kill -919:39
mappskill -9 'ps -C process -o pid --no-headers' doesnt work19:39
mappsah silly me19:41
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apb1963Does xubuntu have a way to group windows on the taskbar?21:28
fibz_having a brain fart and cant remember what to google for troubleshooting screen resolution issues. any suggestions?22:20
knomescreen resolution xubuntu22:23
knome(+your GPU model)22:24
knomeor you could ask on this channel, but whatever suits you best22:24
fibz_google is being really dumb right now  >_<22:25
holsteinapb1963: its called "group similar tasks", in most any panel, tray, or OS i have seen22:31
apuHi. Please assist. After installing Xubunty 12.4 in as a dual boot getting error: no such partition grub rescue.22:59

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