
manchickenOkay, under 14.04 I now have kubuntu-debug-installer building again.00:53
manchickenThe qt5 changes messed up my local build environment slightly, but I think I'm good now.00:54
valoriehi ahoneybun01:04
valorieahoneybun: http://wstaw.org/m/2014/03/24/plasma-desktopwY2050.png01:15
valoriebutton isn't sliding down below the text in the header01:15
valorieand on pages like this, setting off Kubuntu with quotes is strange: 01:17
valorieLocal Teams01:17
valorieIf you want to meet other ”’Kubuntu”’ users in your area, look for a Local Ubuntu Community team (LoCo team for short) to join.01:17
valorieI have a feeling that is from the wiki page markup or something01:17
valoriedo we still ship wubi?07:13
valoriesomeone was just in #kubuntu fighting with it07:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about manifest07:14
jussidon't think so. at least it shouldnt be in 14.0407:14
valoriebummer, ubottu07:14
lordievadervalorie: He said he specifically chose Precise because it still had wubi.07:15
lordievader24-07:59 < markwelds> the reason i am using 12.04 is because wubi only has 12.0407:16
valorieok, but you said saucy07:16
valoriewhatever, as long as it's gone07:16
lordievaderYes, Ubuntu Saucy.07:17
valoriehttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/pending/trusty-desktop-amd64.manifest has no wubi07:17
valoriegot it07:18
lordievaderGood riddance.07:18
valorieI only tried it once, very long ago, and it was already a steaming pile then07:19
lordievaderI actually used it once, a cyclic boot chain stopped that quickly enough.07:20
valoriereally, that fellow needs guis, doncha think?07:21
valorienot much of a thinker07:21
lordievaderYeah, I was just poking fun.07:21
valoriebut we all start somewhere07:21
lordievaderVery true.07:22
lordievaderLet move this to #kubuntu-offtopic, btw.07:22
valoriethought I was there07:22
valoriegeez, sorry07:22
apacheloggeragateau: bug 296228 python hates its parents :'<08:39
ubottubug 296228 in Duo "duo gets stuck : "+4" cannot be played twice" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29622808:39
agateauapachelogger: how does this concern me?08:41
apacheloggeragateau: it doesn't just wanted to point that out :P08:41
agateauapachelogger: ah ok :)08:41
apacheloggeralso that is the wrong bug08:41
apacheloggerah bug 1296228 is the one agateau ^^08:42
ubottubug 1296228 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "manual install second partition BOOM" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129622808:42
agateauthat sounds more like my stuff08:42
apacheloggerd_ed: what would cause the google talk account creation stuff in ktp to be greyed out?08:48
agateauapachelogger: building qtwebkit atm, I don't dare opening firefox to read the bug report for now :)08:49
apacheloggeragateau: probably a smart thing, I'd also close the IRC client tho :P08:50
apacheloggerwebkit is the best thing to build in a constraint build envrionment (say PPA builders ...)08:50
apacheloggere.g. IIRC neon5's qtwebkit is actually built without debug symbols because they cause OOM abortion like 99% of the time 08:51
agateauyes, I might do this at some point08:51
agateauthought I noticed linking with gold helps08:51
apacheloggershadeslayer: "After clicking Apply to activate the newly selected driver, the process does not finish. I waited about five minutes then killed it. After opening Driver Management again, the new driver was selected."08:52
apacheloggershadeslayer: about driver manager, applying a driver change08:52
d_edapachelogger: lack of telepathy-gabble08:52
* apachelogger checks deps08:52
apacheloggerohohoh, wait, haven't I seen that issue too08:53
* apachelogger checks logs08:53
apacheloggerah yes08:53
apacheloggerd_ed: what if gabble definitely was installed ^^08:53
apacheloggerFWIW we might be talking about the actual configuration window rather than the button ... the test comment is not exactly clear on that08:55
d_edkillall mission-control-5 then open it again.08:55
d_edafter that I have no idea08:55
apacheloggermh, ok08:55
apacheloggerd_ed: thx :)08:55
apacheloggersomehow the discover test case is weirdly sorted08:56
* apachelogger wonders why08:56
apacheloggerRiddell: about the nepomuk disabled test case on google docs... shouldn't nepomuk be removed (will be removed)?08:59
apacheloggerinterestingly that test case also has weird order of question/comments08:59
apachelogger Warning: This image is oversized (which is a bug) and will not fit onto a 1GB USB stick. However, you may still test it using a DVD, a larger USB drive, or a virtual machine.09:02
apacheloggerwe now have openjdk on the ISO it seems09:02
apacheloggerbecause of ... wait for it... libreoffice09:04
jussioh I eagerly await the day when we can have Calligra09:04
apacheloggerah, nevermind,09:05
apacheloggerwe not only have jdk09:05
apacheloggerwe also have libgnome *2*09:05
apacheloggerbecause of openjdk09:05
apacheloggerTimeout error09:10
apacheloggerSorry, something just went wrong in Launchpad. 09:10
apacheloggerfun fact: the lo changelog on launchpad indicates no changes regarding java09:12
shadeslayeryofel: true, however, I've commented out the code that figures out where qdbus resides, so that will lead to startup issues09:13
shadeslayerapachelogger: how do I find out why a package is on the ISO?09:22
tsimpsonpackages are listed in the .manifest09:25
shadeslayermornings are definitely not my thing09:26
apacheloggershadeslayer: I look at the germs09:26
apacheloggermondays! mondays!09:26
shadeslayertsimpson: sure, but why?09:26
shadeslayertsimpson: I mean, that lists packages on the ISO, but sometimes I need to know why :)09:26
tsimpsonoh why, sorry :p09:26
apacheloggershadeslayer: because of the germs09:26
shadeslayerokie dokie09:26
apacheloggerhttp://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/germinate-output/kubuntu.trusty/desktop http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/germinate-output/kubuntu.trusty/desktop-common09:27
shadeslayerwe need to seed qtchooser explicitly09:27
shadeslayeror make kde-workspace depend on it09:27
shadeslayerah well, qdbus already pulls it in09:27
* apachelogger looks at his whiteboard and sighs in despair09:27
shadeslayerwhat's wrong? 09:28
apacheloggershadeslayer: all utils do/should as the /usr/bin/foo thing is nothing but a link/caller for qtchooser09:28
apacheloggerand qtchooser then calls the appropriate architecture binary09:28
shadeslayerapachelogger: was looking at 129583509:28
shadeslayerbug 129583509:28
ubottubug 1295835 in qtchooser (Ubuntu) "qtchooser should have a fallback mechanism" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129583509:28
shadeslayertrying to figure out why installing qt5-default fixes the issue09:29
apacheloggeriff some qt5 bit is installed the qtchooser config for qt5 likely will get installed and chosen over the qt4 one09:29
shadeslayeryes, but that doesn't matter if I explicitly set QT_SELECT=4 correct?09:30
shadeslayeror does that get overriden too :O09:30
apacheloggershadeslayer: nope, select should override anything09:31
apacheloggerUNLESS qdbus-qt4 is not installed09:31
apacheloggerso perhaps that needs to be explicitly seeded09:31
=== rdieter_ is now known as rdieter_work
shadeslayeralready seeded09:33
apacheloggerthen that should not happen09:33
shadeslayerit's puzzling yes09:35
apacheloggerhave the reporter strace it?09:35
apacheloggeruninstall qdbus-qt5, set qt_select, strace qdbus09:35
shadeslayerthis is interesting09:39
=== slacker_1l is now known as slacker_nl
shadeslayeropen driver manager kcm -> Select nvidia-331 -> hit apply -> install goes to 50% and then kcm reloads09:40
shadeslayerand keeps reloading09:40
shadeslayerapachelogger: yeah, driver manager is le broken09:50
shadeslayerneeds fixing ASAP09:50
* apachelogger adds to todo -.-09:51
Riddellapachelogger: nepomuk can't be removed because it needs to migrate, you might also want to turn it back on to e.g. get PMC to work09:54
* apachelogger squints09:54
apacheloggerI think that just gave me a stroke09:55
Riddellkubotu: nowversion akonadi 1.11.9009:55
apacheloggerRiddell: patch PMC to offer starting the KCM?09:55
apacheloggerit's multiple degrees of ugly to have both nepomuk and baloo in systemsettings09:55
yofelwell, we removed the kcm from kde-runtime, do you want it back?09:56
yofelhas the uglyness of having desktop search twice in ss09:56
yofelI tried to remove the nepmouk dep wherever else I could. nepomuk-widgets shouldn't be used by anything anymore, but nepomuk-core isn't so easy09:58
apacheloggerit's what I said should not happen, according to Riddell's test case that is however what happens when upgrading09:58
yofelremoving n-c from kactivites is rather scary09:58
yofelapachelogger: having two kcm's? Impossible if we don't ship the other one...09:59
Riddellapachelogger: yofel has some some nepomuk removal work since I wrote that test case10:00
apacheloggerRiddell: please adjust test case then :P10:01
shadeslayerapachelogger: know of anything else that's broken?10:21
apacheloggershadeslayer: everything10:35
apacheloggershadeslayer: where?10:35
shadeslayerno, known any other breakages apart from that10:37
* mzanetti would know a bunch :D10:38
apacheloggershadeslayer: everywhere, take a look at the bug tracker :P10:38
yofelshadeslayer: stuff that you broke specifically or other things? :P10:39
apacheloggershadeslayer: python3.4!!!@$!$!!10:42
apacheloggersee mailing list10:42
apacheloggerI thought you and yofel where on to that?10:42
yofelnot... particulary. When I see apport I usually run away10:43
shadeslayerah yes10:44
apacheloggerbug 125307110:44
ubottubug 1253071 in minidlna (Ubuntu) "FTBFS against libav9" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125307110:44
apacheloggerxnox: ^ the removal of gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg breaks kubuntu stuff10:46
apacheloggera lot10:46
BluesKaj'Morning folks10:55
* shadeslayer starts looking at apport11:02
jussiwe still use apport? 11:02
shadeslayerjussi: yeah, for non KDE apps11:02
=== rdieter_laptop is now known as rdieter
shadeslayerwtf it's 1?12:02
shadeslayerwhere did all the time go :O12:02
Riddell** beta freeze happening today, get your uploads in quick!12:51
Riddellmanchicken: is qapt and muon in the archive at good versions?12:52
manchickenRiddell: I believe qapt is, but Harald put those in.12:52
manchickenI'm still packaging-stupid.12:52
Riddellmanchicken: launchpad knows all :) https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libqapt12:53
Riddellmanchicken: upload happened on 18th, that all good?12:53
sgclarkRiddell: anything I can do? or quiet due to freeze?12:53
manchickenLet me look at the code12:53
Riddellsgclark: akonadi pacakaging will make tsdgeos happy12:53
manchickenI know (intimately) what the last change was.12:53
sgclarkRiddell: on it12:54
Riddellkubotu: newversion akonadi 1.11.9012:54
sgclarkRiddell: did you get calligra?12:54
Riddellsgclark: now you've got a bug for it too :) ↑12:54
manchickenRiddell: Yeah, this is golden.12:54
Riddellsgclark: yep thanks, e-mailed about some tidying I had to do12:55
* shadeslayer waves fist13:25
shadeslayercan't get apport to crash in pd13:25
sgclarkRiddell: akonadi ready13:31
Riddellsgclark: ubuntu one? any changes needed?13:33
Riddellnot in ubuntu one, in bzr?13:34
sgclarkbzr and no  changes13:35
Riddellsgclark: uploaded, thanks!13:35
Riddelltsdgeos: any idea where akonadi releases get announced? they just seem to quietly appear13:35
Riddellsgclark: two more needing done today, new homerun release and fiddling with phonon .pri files13:39
sgclarkRiddell: on it. what do you mean fiddling?13:40
Riddellsgclark: the .pri files in phonon are installed incorrectly in .install files "debian/tmp-phonon-qt5/usr/lib/*/qt5/mkspecs/modules/qt_phonon4qt5.pri usr/lib/*/qt5/mkspecs/modules/"13:42
Riddellwhich literally puts it into usr/lib/*/qt5/mkspecs/modules/13:42
Riddellneeds custom install commands added to debian/rules13:42
Riddellsgclark: which are you starting on?13:42
Riddellshould be easy I think13:43
sgclarkRiddell: should this be fixed while I am packaging? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/homerun/+bug/127524313:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1275243 in homerun (Ubuntu) "plasma-widget-homerun-kicker package should depend on plasma-widget-homerun" [Undecided,New]13:45
Riddellsgclark: hmm, something should be fixed13:46
Riddellsgclark: maybe it needs a common package for the shared files13:46
Riddellsgclark: ask Sho_ in #kde-devel to find the best way13:46
Riddellapachelogger, shadeslayer: given freeze is imminent someone should start on gstreamer 1.0 support now, any volunteers or shall I do it?13:49
shadeslayergo for it, I'm doing other stuff right now13:49
apacheloggerI am not going to do it, or I will have to shoot myself13:50
shadeslayerjust a overall crappy situation overall13:51
shadeslayerRiddell: might be worth investigating if there are other packages that use QtWebkit and gst13:51
shadeslayerbecause if they use QtWebkit + gst 0.10 things are going to crash13:51
sgclarkRiddell: They said they do not know ubuntu packaging but your solution for common package would be possible. Your call13:54
shadeslayersgclark: go for the common packaging approach13:57
shadeslayer*common package13:57
sgclarkok how do I determine what files are shared?13:58
tsdgeosRiddell: no clue, ask dan13:59
shadeslayersgclark: check what files are used by both apps ?14:00
shadeslayerhomerunviewer is probably one14:00
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://www.riverbankcomputing.com/pipermail/pyqt/2014-March/033929.html14:03
apacheloggeris it batman14:06
apacheloggeroh, it's not :/14:06
apacheloggershadeslayer: that's not the same thign is it?14:07
apacheloggerwe have code that did not change and is now going down in flames14:07
shadeslayerthat guy posted right after I did14:07
shadeslayeryeah :/14:07
apacheloggeroh, true, same backtrace14:08
apacheloggermight still have a different cause, as apparently that backtrace is iconic of stuff that is being destructed after being destructed or something ^^14:09
=== greyback is now known as greyback|lunch
Peace-hey guys someone has 13.10 ?14:41
Peace-because i can't get tthe video preview on that too 14:41
Peace-i mean on the info panel of dolphin 14:41
Peace-i click play but on mp4 it doesn't work 14:42
jussilink me to a demo file and Ill test14:42
Peace-jussi: youtube-dl -t https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OQuDUoTHEo #it should be very fast to download , and it should be MP414:45
Peace-i am thinkin that it's a bug of kde 4.1214:47
Peace-i have installed kubuntu-restricted-extra and ubuntu-restricted-extra phonon-backend-vlc too 14:49
jussiwhere the heck does the file disappear to ?14:54
Peace-jussi: ??14:54
jussioh, weirdly named14:54
jussianyway, works here14:54
jussiPlatform Version 4.12.314:55
Peace-jussi: damn why in my machine it doesn't work 14:55
Peace-i have both virtuabl box with 13.10 and new 14.0414:56
Peace-jussi: did you install something of special ?=15:04
shadeslayerapachelogger: did you figure out the k-d-m issue yet?15:05
apacheloggershadeslayer: haven't had a look15:05
apacheloggershadeslayer: but assuming my todo doesn't grow a 100% after mail reading tomorrow I probably can look into it and/or continue the refactor to get that out of the way15:06
shadeslayerapachelogger: needs fixing today :S15:06
apacheloggershadeslayer: why15:06
shadeslayeroh 15:06
apacheloggerare we freezing already15:06
shadeslayertoday IIRC15:07
apacheloggerI doubt I'll get it tracked down in 50 minutes15:07
=== greyback|lunch is now known as greyback
apacheloggerlemme try to reproduce it for starters15:07
shadeslayerjust try to install a driver :P15:07
shadeslayerthe entire day just slipped by :/15:08
apacheloggerI killed 4 todo items :P15:08
apacheloggerby outsourcing, muhahaha15:08
apacheloggershadeslayer: it's better if mondays go by fasterly15:09
shadeslayerall I did today was the plasma meeting, read why displays servers matter and fix some Neon 5 ISO bugs15:09
apacheloggerdisplay servers matter? what?15:09
apacheloggerdoes windows have a display server as well?15:10
apacheloggerteaparty nonesense15:10
apacheloggerwhat's the point of blogging about this at all15:10
apacheloggerand so much text15:11
apacheloggerbikeshed much15:11
* apachelogger watches a progressbar while the internet is being slow because ISO sync has just triggered -.-15:11
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://paste.kde.org/pkdusquh415:12
shadeslayerexpressions get evaluated outside chroot15:12
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://paste.kde.org/p1pgvtz9115:13
shadeslayercode inside neon-image15:13
shadeslayerline 6 gets evaluated when the config is written15:13
apacheloggernot necessarily15:14
apacheloggerdepends on how the thing is used TBH15:14
apacheloggerlooking at the output I reckon you need some fancy escaping15:15
apacheloggerbut even so, it really very much all depends on how this is used in the image15:15
apacheloggershadeslayer: I see the broken driver thing15:16
apacheloggerinterestingly the dbus thingum doesn't sned anything when queried again15:16
apacheloggerit also doesn't on refresh15:17
apacheloggermakes this loads more debuggable ^^15:17
apacheloggerah I know why15:18
apacheloggerthat's deliberate breakage15:18
apacheloggershadeslayer: will need fixing tomorrow15:18
apacheloggercan't do that today, the problem is that with the current structure you have no state control15:19
apacheloggeri.e. loading is dependent on qapt being inited15:19
apacheloggerbut initedness is not tracked etc.15:19
shadeslayerhalf the stuff you said went over my head15:19
apacheloggerso I suppose a hotfix, if you want to do one, is bool m_backendinitd; and check that in load() and xapianUpdateFinished() 15:19
apacheloggershadeslayer: look at function xapianUpdateFinished15:20
apacheloggeroh actually15:20
apacheloggershadeslayer: just call xapianUpdateFinished in load()15:20
apacheloggerI think I already partially restructured, just forgot to rewire load()15:20
shadeslayerapachelogger: fun http://wstaw.org/m/2014/03/24/plasma-desktopKA2152.png15:23
Riddellapachelogger: what's the branch to use for gstreamer 1.0 phonon support?15:27
shadeslayerRiddell: 1.0-for-merge15:32
shadeslayeror something like that15:33
apacheloggershadeslayer: after install?15:34
shadeslayerapachelogger: no, before15:34
apacheloggerah yes15:34
apacheloggershadeslayer: add a bool m_backendinit'd15:34
apacheloggerno wait, that will also not work15:34
apacheloggerit's the old mutual exlusion problem :P15:35
apacheloggershadeslayer: just let it be :P15:35
shadeslayerlet it be broken today?15:35
apacheloggeroh well15:35
apacheloggershadeslayer: it's not broken15:35
apacheloggerit just has display state problems :P15:35
shadeslayer'looks' pretty broken xD15:36
apacheloggershadeslayer: what you can do is bool m_initialloaddone15:36
apacheloggeralso crap :P15:36
apacheloggeror maybe15:36
apacheloggerah I dunno15:36
apacheloggershadeslayer: bool m_loading15:36
shadeslayerfix it tomorrow15:36
shadeslayerISO release is later15:36
shadeslayerwe can upload bug fixes I suppose15:37
apacheloggerset to true in xapianupdatefinished iff the qdbus wiring happens15:37
shadeslayerRiddell: ^^ we'll need exception for this15:37
apacheloggerset to false in gotDevices15:37
apacheloggerthat still has the timing issue15:37
apacheloggerbut if you want a hotfix today then you'll have to live with that :P15:37
Riddellshadeslayer: who what?15:37
shadeslayerRiddell: kubuntu-driver-manager is busted15:38
shadeslayercan't install drivers15:38
Riddellshadeslayer: seems like a problem, is someone fixing it?15:40
Riddellapachelogger: no like "Phonon::GStreamer::Backend: Failed to initialize GStreamer"15:40
shadeslayerRiddell: apachelogger 15:40
shadeslayerRiddell: make sure you have 1) QtWebkit built with gst1.015:40
shadeslayer2) various gstreamer 1.0 packages15:40
shadeslayerelse it's not going to work15:40
Riddellhmm, dragon says it's worked after installing gstreamer1.0-plugins-good but it's not actually playing anything15:41
ahoneybunhaving problems playing videos Riddell ?15:41
sgclarkRiddell: homerun ready in my ubuntu one. I tested both and they appear to function as expected now.15:42
shadeslayerRiddell: again, needs Qtwebkit built with gstreamer 1.015:42
shadeslayerI mean, it will NOT work without that15:42
Riddellahoneybun: I'm trying phonon-gstreamer1.0, I'm having problems playing anything15:42
Riddellshadeslayer: dragon needs qtwebkit?15:42
shadeslayerdragon needs kdeui which needs something which loads qtwebkit15:43
ahoneybunI could never get anything to play in dragon15:43
shadeslayerRiddell: pmap `pidof dragon'15:43
ahoneybuneven installed the restricted packages15:43
shadeslayerRiddell: pmap `pidof dragon`15:43
shadeslayerRiddell: pastebin that plz15:43
Riddellshadeslayer: http://starsky.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/pmap15:44
ahoneybunis there still that debate about the two different gstreamer packages but really the same15:44
Riddellahoneybun: there's still gstreamer0.10 and gstreamer1.015:45
apacheloggershadeslayer, Riddell: oh yeah, on-demand plugin install of qapt is only compatible with gst0.10 that might matter15:49
Riddellplaying music might matter too :(15:50
apacheloggerI mean saying you probably need more plugin packages15:51
* Riddell installs more15:53
Riddellapachelogger: ooh yay you're right15:56
* apachelogger wonders how one wants to write 'am' and ends up with 'mean'15:57
shadeslayerRiddell: have you installed plugins-base16:22
Quintasanapachelogger: drunk autocorrecT?16:22
shadeslayerRiddell: and gstreamer1.0-pulseaudio16:25
shadeslayerRiddell: gstreamer1.0-pulseaudio is usually the one missing which causes all sorts of sound issues16:26
Riddellyeah I think it was gstreamer1.0-pulseaudio which made it work16:29
sgclarkRiddell: fixed .pri but have this unrelated lintian error http://paste.ubuntu.com/7147028/16:30
shadeslayerRiddell: good to know it's working16:31
Riddellsgclark: does it mention phonon-dbg in debian/control ?16:43
Riddellsgclark: and does phonon-dbg exist?16:43
sgclarkRiddell: yes and phonon-dbg suggests libphonon4qt516:44
Riddellsgclark: oh it's libphonon4qt5 which doesn't exist16:48
sgclarkRiddell: oh it sshould be libphonon4qt5-416:49
shadeslayersounds about right16:49
Riddellsgclark: also libphonon4qt5-4-dev.install is unused16:50
sgclarkRiddell: it is? there is stuff in there16:50
Riddellsgclark: but there's no such package, the file is unused16:52
Riddelllibphonon4qt5-dev.install is used16:52
sgclarkoh right16:53
* shadeslayer looks at yofel's firefox bug16:53
shadeslayeryofel: okay that should be fixed upstream IMHI16:56
shadeslayerI have no clue if that'll break regular themes or not16:57
sgclarkRiddell: did you see that homerun is in my ubuntu one?16:57
shadeslayerI thought I uploaded homerun, huh16:58
shadeslayerRiddell: make sure the md5sum is correct for homerun btw16:58
shadeslayerEike switched out tars shortly after release16:58
shadeslayerlike a couple of minutes16:58
Riddellshadeslayer: you uploaded 1.2.1, that's old news, you're 0.0.1 behind the times17:01
shadeslayerRiddell: no, I'm talking about 1.2.217:01
shadeslayersince sgclark mentioned it17:01
Riddellno sign of it in launchpad17:01
shadeslayerno, sgclark mentioned she had 1.2.2 on ubuntu one17:02
sgclarkshadeslayer: I fixed https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/homerun/+bug/127524317:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1275243 in homerun (Ubuntu) "plasma-widget-homerun-kicker package should depend on plasma-widget-homerun" [Undecided,New]17:02
sgclarkcorrect I did, because it is ready :)17:02
shadeslayersgclark: can you show me what you did?17:02
shadeslayerlink to dsc17:02
Riddellsgclark: some fixes needed http://paste.kde.org/pandwhmev17:05
Riddellshadeslayer: starsky.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/homerun_1.2.2-0ubuntu1.dsc17:06
sgclarkRiddell: ok will fix those, phonon is ubuntu one17:06
sgclarkRiddell: # 3 is empty?17:08
Riddellsgclark: just a blank line, ignore17:09
Riddellsgclark: phonon all good but you didn't add a new changelog entry, dch -i is your friend, fixing and uploading17:09
sgclarkRiddell: ummm but I did. I thought I was suppose to dch -a since it was not a new release17:11
Riddellsgclark: it's a new upload to the ubuntu archive, each upload to the archive needs a new changelog17:11
Riddellsgclark: uploads to PPAs may not need a new changelog (depending on preferred development style)17:12
Riddellapachelogger: ah phonon-gstreamer1.0 doesn't compile with qt517:13
shadeslayerRiddell: FWIW we should get PAM integration working sometime this week17:20
Riddellshadeslayer: with kwallet?17:20
shadeslayerRiddell: do you think I can sneak it in this week then17:20
shadeslayeror do I have to wait till next week17:20
Riddellshadeslayer: will that get rid of the broken gpg integration?17:20
shadeslayerah yes17:20
shadeslayerthat's pretty broken :p17:21
shadeslayerbut for 99% of the users it won't matter17:21
shadeslayerbecause they don't use gpg17:21
Riddellshadeslayer: mm but gpg is prompted by default for new users currently17:21
Riddellshadeslayer: anyway, it depends when it's ready to go in17:21
shadeslayerRiddell: Alex says disable it since it does not have PAM integration17:22
shadeslayerand probably won't till Plasma Next17:23
shadeslayerI agree with him since it's utterly broken17:23
shadeslayerplus he mentions that the hash is as secure as gpg17:23
Riddellwhere can it be disabled?17:24
shadeslayeryeah was just looking at that17:24
Riddellprobably some build-dep we added to kdelibs or kde-runtime or the like17:24
shadeslayerRiddell: compile option17:25
Riddellshadeslayer: able to remove it?17:26
shadeslayerwat wat wat , kwallet is at 4.12.217:28
shadeslayermanager probably17:28
shadeslayerRiddell: yeah doing17:28
sgclarkRiddell: homerun ready17:29
ScottKyofel: What needs to be added to our packageset?17:40
shadeslayerRiddell: I've emailed valentin since I can't find an option to disable it 17:49
=== frecel_ is now known as frecel
shadeslayerI'm done for the day, cya tomorrow17:52
=== frecel_ is now known as frecel
yofelScottK: my uploads that were rejected with insufficient permission were: artikulate, baloo, baloo-widgets, kfilemetadata, kqtquickcharts, kwalletmanager, libkomparediff219:15
ScottKyofel: Thanks.19:15
yofelnot sure why baloo was rejected, that should be on the image, right?19:15
ScottKPackageset updates aren't automatic.19:16
yofelah right19:16
ScottKI'll try and fix it later today.19:16
yofelScottK: oh, and I just remembered something: zeroconf-ioslave (former kdnssd) wasn't uploaded I think19:16
yofelRiddell: could you look at that ^19:16
Riddellhmm, will do19:17
yofeluhm, changelog might need fixing, shadeslayer sed-ed that I think....19:18
Riddellanyone able to test gstreamer1.0 ?19:20
yofelif you mention something that uses it...?19:20
Riddellyofel: trusty, add  ppa:jr  install   phonon-backend-gstreamer1.019:21
Riddellyofel: play music in amarok and videos in dragon19:21
Riddellyay qtwebkit works with gstreamer1.019:24
Riddell!testers |phonon  gstreamer 1.0 ↑19:48
ubottuphonon  gstreamer 1.0 ↑: Help is needed in #kubuntu-devel. Please ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj, James147, smartboyhw, Quintasan, lordievader, shrini, tester56, parad1se, mamarley  for information19:48
yofeldragon worked fine for both video and audio19:49
yofelamarok just plain crashed19:50
yofellet me get a proper trace19:50
yofel#6  0x00007f854ba9c91c in ?? () from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgstreamer-0.10.so.019:51
yofelthat's not supposed to happen...19:51
Riddellyou might want to log out & in19:52
yofelI rebooted...19:52
Riddelldo you still have phonon gstreamer 0.10 installed?19:52
yofelnope, that got removed by the 1.0 backend19:53
yofelun  phonon-backend-gstreamer                        <none>                       <none>                       (no description available)19:53
yofelRiddell: qtwebkit maybe?19:54
Riddellaah, that's why shadeslayer was so insistant on it19:54
Riddellyofel: starsky.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/libqtwebkit4_2.3.2-0ubuntu5_amd64.deb19:55
yofelRiddell: much better :)19:57
yofelRiddell: seems to work fine19:58
Riddellbut no automatic install of codecs20:01
Riddellbut then libav will install if you tick the box at ubiquity20:01
Riddellyofel: makes sense to try it for this beta?20:01
yofelis anyone else affected by chaning the gestreamer version for qt4?20:01
kdeuser56when I change to a source directory I check out with apt-get source ... and run "dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -b"  the package is rebuilt isn't it?20:02
yofelkdeuser56: dpkg-buildpackage will build it, right20:02
RiddellI think only kde stuff uses phonon20:03
Riddellskype and spotify use their own thing20:03
yofellibgstreamer0.10-0 has a bunch of rdepends, qtwebkit and phonon being 2 of those. We might be fine, but I'm personally not an audio expert20:04
yofelapachelogger: your opinion? ^20:05
Riddellthere's nothing wrong with it having rdepends, you can have gstreamer 0.10 and 1.0 used that the same time20:08
Riddelljust not in the same application preferably :)20:08
Riddellyofel: I think I'll upload unless you have any major objections20:09
yofelnot really, but the plan should be to get rid of gstreamer0.10 from the image then, that way we can at least be sure our default install will be fine20:10
Riddelloh sure20:10
Riddelltelepathy-haze might be the only thing that keeps it on20:11
yofelhm, should be fine, libpurple doesn't use phonon20:15
Riddellkubotu: newversion calligra 2.8.120:21
shadeslayerRiddell: why does haze need 0.10?20:33
yofelshadeslayer: libpurple uses 0.10, haze uses libpurple20:33
shadeslayerand why does purple need 0.1020:34
Riddellshadeslayer: presumably it's not ported20:54
shadeslayera adventure beckons20:55
yofeltried building piding against gst1, just complains that audio/video support is missing and fails21:19
Quintasanshadeslayer: Databases in goddamn MS Access.23:04
Quintasanand on embedded systems we're coding Xlets for goddamn MHP23:05
Quintasanthe emulator doesnt work for half of the features and the devices are so old the manufacturer does not want to touch them23:06
Quintasan*rant mode off*23:06
=== ScottK changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - So Sweet. | Archive: Frozen for Beta 2 | https://trello.com/kubuntu | Reports http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ | Polo Shirts are available again!! https://holvi.com/shop/Kubuntu/ (Womens also)

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