
hyperairis indicator-application meant to be started via dbus or upstart?02:11
hyperairi see an upstart job and no dbus job, but if you start indicator-application after it's crashed out via upstart, it refuses to stay alive02:12
hyperairit just says (process:1679): libindicator-WARNING **: No watchers, service timing out.02:12
hyperairand then it dies and gets restarted02:12
infinityhyperair: Maybe restart unity-panel-service?02:16
infinity(shot in the dark, based on event deps)02:17
hyperairinfinity: this is exactly what caused the problem in the first place02:17
infinityOh. :)02:17
hyperairyou restart unity-panel-service, and indicator-application goes down and refuses to come back up02:17
* hyperair is affected by a compiz bug where it hangs when you change your screen configuration02:18
hyperairplug in external monitor -> hang02:18
hyperairunplug external monitor -> hang02:18
* hyperair has a hotkey defined in compiz that allows me to kill compiz, so it's not like compiz itself is hung, just the displaying portion of it02:18
hyperairbut it doesn't work if unity's running the lock screen02:19
hyperairoh wait a second...02:19
=== FJKong_afk is now known as FJKong
pittiGood morning06:02
RAOFpitti: Good morning!06:51
pittihey RAOF, how are you?06:52
RAOFSurprisingly well, given Zoe's sleeping patterns of late :/06:52
pittiRAOF: heh, you are learning to sleep really fast?06:53
RAOFSo, I've got two fun things for you! Firstly, I don't know why http://paste.ubuntu.com/7144964/ hangs in the read() of errfd.06:54
RAOFSecondly, if you comment out that read (and the associated check), you find that umockdev's evemu playback doesn't round-trip.06:55
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pittiRAOF: the delays in the events are almost zero; could it be that the startup of evemu-record takes longer than 0.07 seconds, so it doesn't see any event any more?07:00
pittiRAOF: can you try replacing teh "0." with "1.", does it work then?07:00
RAOFpitti: I don't think so, because the first event matches up. I'll give that a whirl, though.07:00
pittiRAOF: instead of starting to replay events immediately it probably should wait some time before it starts the playback07:00
pittiRAOF: ah, nevermind, that was bogus07:01
pittiRAOF: playback starts when the client program open()s the device07:01
pittiRAOF: do you actually expect any stderr output?07:01
pittiRAOF: I mean, SIGINT doesn't actually terminate the program, does it? that's like Ctrl+Z, or is that still Monday morning?07:02
UserErrorHas anyone ever looked at how insane the new deps for bamfdaemon and libunity-webapps0 are?07:02
pittiah it is, that's SIGSTOP07:02
RAOFSIGINT is ctrl-C; it generally does terminate the program.07:03
RAOF(It terminates evemu-record)07:03
UserErrorPulling in hundreds of megs of packages for no reason on non-Qt platforms sounds like a wonderful idea.07:03
pittiRAOF: do you have the output of evemu-record (i. e. "sout") when disabling the stderr read()?07:04
pittiRAOF: i. e. in what way it doesn't match up? (other than slightly different timestamps)07:04
RAOFpitti: I'll grab it again from gdb, but when I inspected it it terminated early.07:05
pittiRAOF: but that's a nice test, thanks for that07:05
RAOFpitti: Output is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7145011/07:07
dokolool, gstreamer ping07:07
RAOFpitti: ie: we get the first 3 packets fine, and then stop for some reason.07:08
pittiRAOF: ok; I have no off-hand idea about that, that needs some in-depth debugging07:09
infinityUserError: Which Qt libs would those be?07:11
UserErrorAll of them (Only half kidding)07:12
UserErrordo the chain of deps07:12
UserErrorlibunity should be a recommends to begin with, or hell even a suggests07:12
UserErrorbut the service on libunity-webapps0 should be a recommends07:13
UserErrorhaving a library != wanting a service07:15
infinityUserError: unity-webapps-service links with libunity, you can't just magically make a linked library not necessary by changing the packaging.07:16
infinityUserError: And I'm still not seeing the Qt-related complaint...07:17
RAOFpitti: (a) Do you want this formalised somewhere (github issue, merge request?) and (b) are you in the mood for debugging it? :)07:17
UserErrorinfinity because you failed to follow the dep chain07:18
UserErrorall the way down07:18
pittiinfinity: would you have a minute to accept the postgresql-8.4 lucid/precise SRUs for bug 1294006, or tell me that I can/should self-review them? (bdmurray already accepted the corresponding -9.1 uploads)07:18
ubottubug 1294006 in postgresql-8.4 (Ubuntu Precise) "New upstream microreleases 9.3.4, 9.1.13, 8.4.21" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129400607:18
UserErrori followed every fork in the road until i saw the insanity07:18
pittiRAOF: (a) can't hurt, git pull request sounds nice, then I have the new test ready for examination; (b) later today, yes; not right away I'm afraid07:19
infinityUserError: That's nice.  How about a hint, then.07:19
UserErrorbamfdaemon -> libunity-webapps0 -> unity-webapps-service -> webapp-container =07:19
UserError    libqt5core5a , libqt5gui5 , libqt5network5 , libqt5qml5 , libqt5quick5 , libqt5widgets5 , unity-webapps-qml.07:19
infinitypitti: If they match the ones bdmurray did, just self-accept.07:19
UserErrorand because ubuntu and debian now pull in recommends by default, just imagine07:19
RAOFpitti: Ok. I'll do (a) and then EOD; (b) is therefore not important :)07:19
UserErrorandddddd the library does indeed work without the service07:20
infinityUserError: So, perhaps you could have started with "does webapp-container really need to be installed" instead of where you did? :P07:20
UserError0 for 207:20
UserErrorjust like bamfdaemon works without the webapp stuff they added in some 13.xx version07:22
UserErrorAre you people still depends-ing xprint6 too?07:22
infinityThough, it only seems to be installed by default on ubuntu-desktop anyway.07:22
UserErrorRight however sane package structure is the norm for a distribution with official and community spins07:23
infinityFine.  File a bug.07:23
UserErrorIt looks like it probably came in like that on some ubuntu-touch stuff because I recall it from around that time period07:23
infinityYeah, it would have come from touch/unity8 integration.  Qt is sort of here to stay for Ubuntu.07:24
UserErrorSo by default, 14.04 is using three frameworks?07:25
RAOFpitti: Enjoy your shiny new pull request!07:27
* RAOF EOD07:28
pittiRAOF: thanks, good night!07:31
dholbachgood morning07:39
pittiinfinity: ack, done (postgresql SRU)07:40
=== zequence_ is now known as zequence
NoskcajDoes anyone want to update clutter-gst-2.0 to 2.0.10? It fixes a memory leak and adds a few new interfaces08:07
darkxstNoskcaj, we are past feature freeze, and that doesn't look like a bug fix only reales08:11
Noskcajdarkxst, My thoughts too. I'll see how hard it would be to cherry pick the memory leak fix08:11
darkxstthat said, it might be ok08:15
infinitypitti: Oh, Merry Christmas, BTW.  You have an autopkgtest flood.08:20
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looldoko: pong08:51
dokolool, solved, problem introduced by siretart08:52
Noskcajdholbach, Is there anything i should be doing to try and improve my chance of getting MOTU tomorrow morning?08:56
NoskcajOr at least xubuntu packageset, since all my uploads there have been high quality08:56
dholbachNoskcaj, you could ask your sponsors to see if they update their testimonials?08:58
dholbachNoskcaj, I could have a look at updating mine if you give me the link to your application again08:58
pittiinfinity: eglibc o'clock? :-)09:00
dokopitti, is the autopkgtest for mysql-5.6 5.6.16-1~exp1: RUNNING? blocks ncurses09:00
seb128crazy the number of uploads we get on freeze days :p09:00
dokopitti: python-flake8 autopkgtest always fails09:01
pittidoko: yep, that's a new test which is broken09:01
pittidoko: mysql-5.6 is actually running, yes; but for quite a while already09:02
pittidoko: eek, started two days ago; I suppose something in the test hangs and also kills the timeout timer, I kill it09:02
dokozul, python-taskflow autopkg test fails09:04
Noskcajdholbach, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Noskcaj#MOTU09:04
NoskcajAlthough you testimonial is pretty good, maybe mention that there's around 100 sponsorings from you09:05
NoskcajI've batch pinged a fair few other sponsors, no one replied, except logan, who said he wasn't ready to leave a testimonial09:06
seb128Noskcaj, one note from me is that you should be more selective in your updates after ff, you tend to merge on Debian when there are not so many useful changes that we need/the changes don't bring any real value (that adds reviews etc load which is not spent on bugfixes)09:07
Noskcajseb128, That's actually something that's been making me think recently, just what level of fixes are worth uploads for09:08
dokoNoskcaj, cherrypy3 autopkg test is failing09:08
* Noskcaj looks09:08
NoskcajI'm going to guess it's not from my change though09:09
Noskcajum. link to tests plz09:10
dokoNoskcaj, you should know about http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html ...09:12
Noskcajdoko, I've seen it before, just didn't know the location09:13
apacheloggerSweetshark: ping, when/why/how did the libreoffice package start recommending default-jre?09:16
pittiNoskcaj: what was the intention of the "make basic autopkgtest" in python-flake8?09:18
pittiNoskcaj: it just calls "flake8" without any arguments, but it should ceratinly be called on some python tree?09:18
NoskcajSounds like something i shouldn't have done, but i'm not allowed to be on the computer at the moment09:19
Noskcajsame applies to the cheerypy3 test failure09:20
pittiNoskcaj: I'll create some test files and run flake8 on that, and send it to Debian09:20
Sweetsharkapachelogger: http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=pkg-openoffice/libreoffice.git;a=commitdiff;h=06cc27ab781946cf92bc45dbf48fdd2ff8a46b0f;hp=ba56ec3d266f5f232304b13a80bb19b86e02c17209:30
apacheloggerSweetshark: is that absolutely necessary to be recommends? it made kubuntu amd64 go oversized quite a bit09:30
Laneydoko: are you planning on fixing plainbox for 3.4?09:32
pittidoko: python-flake8 autopkgtest fix uploaded, and bug/patch sent to debian09:33
dokoLaney, ugh, wasn't aware that it is broken ...09:33
LaneyI don't know if the code is, but X-Python3-Version << 3.409:33
Laneyzyga: ^?09:33
zygaLaney: we're uploading 0.5 without that today09:34
zygaLaney: which is okay on 3.409:34
zygaLaney, doko: so please hold on and approve the sync request from debian instead09:34
dokozyga, debian only has beta209:34
dokozyga, do you want to have a look at the bzr test failures?09:35
zygadoko: yes, we've fixed the final i18n bug on Sunday09:35
zygadoko: gladly but I need to upload 0.5 first, give me one hour please09:35
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pittizul: python-taskflow autopkgtest failure shows the missing new dependency on -kazoo; I filed bug 129660709:42
ubottubug 1296607 in python-taskflow (Ubuntu) "MIR: python-kazoo; new taskflow version needs python-kazoo from universe" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129660709:42
dokoLaney, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1282837 is this approved by you?09:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1282837 in Ubuntu Trusty "FFe: new package cloud-install" [High,Confirmed]09:44
Laneydoko: yes, but why has it lingered for a month?09:46
dokoask ubuntu-archive?09:46
Laneydoesn't seem to be in their queue09:47
Laneyalso you ∈ ubuntu-archive :P09:48
dokono, just for test rebuilds and mir09:48
dokowe really need to revisit all these teams, and who is working when on things ...09:49
Laneymaybe I should have subscribed the sponsors09:50
Laneyhow did you come across it?09:50
ogra_xnox, it looks like your autopilot change causes some havoc ...09:55
ogra_xnox, if you look at the .crash files on all these failed tests on http://ci.ubuntu.com/smokeng/trusty/touch/mako/255:20140323:20140304/7336/09:56
ogra_the error is always: apparmor.click.AppArmorException: "Could not find '/usr/share/autopilot-touch/apparmor/click.rules'"09:56
rbasakstokachu: ^^ who are you expecting to land bug 1282837?10:11
ubottubug 1282837 in Ubuntu Trusty "FFe: new package cloud-install" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128283710:11
zequenceany archive admins around?10:17
zequenceubuntustudio-live needs approval, getting close to release time and it would be nice to have it on our ISO ASAP :)10:18
Laneyzequence: it is already in10:19
Laneylaney@iota> rmadison -S trusty ubuntustudio-live                                                                                           ~ ubuntustudio-live | 1 | trusty/universe | source, all10:19
zequenceLaney: Ah, great. Missed it. Thanks!10:19
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zulpitti:  i saw thanks11:42
ogra_do we have any bootchart specialists ? i'm wondering why --crop-after is racy for me ... i sometimes get http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-bootcharts/ubuntu-phablet-trusty-255.png ... which is properly cropped after unity8 ... but http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-bootcharts/ubuntu-phablet-trusty-256.png then again doesnt crop at all12:10
margaHey all, we are seeing trusty installs failing due to python 3.4 change.12:19
margaI'm about to report a bug, but wanted to know if this was a known issue already.12:19
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seb128doko, ^12:22
seb128marga, hey, I noticed the daily iso failed on some python error as well, so I guess it's somewhat known12:23
margaYes, pkern had already pinged doko privately.  In any case, I'll just file the bug :)12:23
margaseb128, known but not reported?12:23
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seb128marga, there is at least one reported against plainbox it seems12:25
margaYeah, I'm looking at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/plainbox/+bug/1289334, but it's older12:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1289334 in plainbox (Ubuntu) "package python3-plainbox 0.4-4 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: le sous-processus script post-installation installé a retourné une erreur de sortie d'état 3" [High,Confirmed]12:26
margaThis one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/plainbox/+bug/129658812:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1296588 in plainbox (Ubuntu) "Precise -> Trusty upgrade fails: plainbox fails to configure with E: py3compile:243: Requested versions are not installed" [Critical,Triaged]12:26
jibelmarga, could you file a bug and we'll duplicate if it is already known.12:27
margajibel, it's this second one.12:27
jibelmarga, okay. zyga will upload plainbox .5 to fix this.12:28
margaOk, good12:28
zygaI'm seeing strange failures on precise that weren't there before12:30
dokozyga, please can we fox this now?12:30
zygadoko: trying to12:30
zygadoko: but this prevents us landing stuff to trunk12:30
zygasphinx fails to build correct documentation with nothing but 'error: None' and return code112:30
zyganothing in sphinx changelog seems to explain why12:30
dokozyga: do you have a candidate package?12:31
zygadoko: in debian svn, the only thing I need is the documentation update and the final tarball that cannot generate because of that sphinx failure12:32
zygaohhh, I think i found it12:33
dokozyga, I don't care, I would rather upload an interim package to fix the installation failure first12:33
maxiaojunany news for usb-creator?12:33
zygadoko: sync 0.5b2 from unstable12:34
zygadoko: I fixed the issue12:34
zygadoko: give me 3 minutes and everything will be ready12:35
maxiaojunxnox: ping12:40
zygadoko: plainbox-0.5 upstream released, debian packaging updated, request for sync sent, looking at the ubuntu package now12:43
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zygadoko: so how should we release plainbox-0.5 into ubuntu now? can you somehow sponsor it to debian? or would you rather sync 0.5b2 which is in unstable already?12:52
dokozyga, already synced12:52
zygadoko: thanks12:52
zygadoko: will you fix 0.5 once it lands, it fixes i18n bugs that we'd like to see in 14.0412:52
dokozyga, sure I can do that, just put a signed dsc somewhere12:52
zygadoko: I never uploaded plainbox to debian myself, I always requested sponsorship, not sure what I need to do to give you the final .dsc12:53
dokozyga, who did in the past?12:54
zygadoko: p1otr (Piotr Ożarowski)12:54
zygadoko: I sent him RFS a few minutes ago12:54
cjwatsoninfinity: thanks for sorting out the coreutils build failure, I'd been stuck on that13:06
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sforsheepitti: I'm trying to work out how to trigger a bug report for a certain condition from the kernel. One possible trigger would be the appearance of a certain file in /var/log - does apport support anything like that?13:35
stokachurbasak: smoser was handling it i thought13:45
dokostokachu, rbasak: cloud-installer (- to 0.1+bzr111-0ubuntu1)13:46
doko    Maintainer: Ubuntu Developers13:46
doko    Section: universe/admin13:46
doko    0 days old13:46
doko    cloud-install-landscape/amd64 unsatisfiable Depends: cloud-installer13:46
doko    cloud-install-multi/amd64 unsatisfiable Depends: cloud-installer13:46
doko    cloud-install-single/amd64 unsatisfiable Depends: cloud-installer13:46
doko    cloud-install-landscape/arm64 unsatisfiable Depends: cloud-installer13:46
doko    cloud-install-multi/arm64 unsatisfiable Depends: cloud-installer13:46
doko    cloud-install-single/arm64 unsatisfiable Depends: cloud-installer13:46
doko    cloud-install-landscape/ppc64el unsatisfiable Depends: cloud-installer13:46
doko    cloud-install-multi/ppc64el unsatisfiable Depends: cloud-installer13:47
doko    cloud-install-single/ppc64el unsatisfiable Depends: cloud-installer13:47
doko    Not considered13:47
stokachudoko: nice13:47
dokostokachu, well, only nice if you fix it ;p13:51
stokachudoko: yea i think its b/c of the architecture set in it13:51
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pittisforshee: we'd need to wire that through an upstart job14:04
pittisforshee: that's fairly similar to what we are already doing with pretty much all other crashes14:04
pittisforshee: e. g. /usr/share/upstart/sessions/update-notifier-crash.conf14:05
pittisforshee: we also used to have (not sure if it still works) integration with kerneloops which calls /usr/share/apport/kernel_crashdump on an oops14:06
sforsheepitti: I'm looking at kerneloops too but the spewage in dmesg would need to be changed to be more consistent14:08
sforsheepitti: but the upstart job might work, I'll play with that. Thanks.14:08
pittisforshee: another option might be to send an uevent, if you can do that in that situation14:09
sforsheepitti: there is a uevent, another option I'm considering :-)14:09
pittisforshee: wiring through an udev rules avoids assuming a particular init system, if you want to use this for other distros (e. g. upstreaming to linux), and in ubuntu's future14:09
sforsheepitti: do you know of an example of doing it that way from a udev rule?14:10
pittisforshee: in the past we used to have that for missing firmware14:11
pittisforshee: e. g. the hplip bits listened for that, and we also plumbed it into jockey14:11
pittisforshee: but no existing example for something crash-y14:11
sforsheepitti: okay, thanks. I'll look into doing it that way too.14:12
=== greyback is now known as greyback|lunch
dholbachseb128, not sure if I read the excuses list correctly, but python3-defaults not moving out of -proposed is because of dh-python tests failing somehow? seb128, looks like dh-python failed somehow? https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Trusty/view/AutoPkgTest/job/trusty-adt-dh-python/ARCH=amd64,label=adt/ - not sure if I read the excuses list properly14:20
dokodholbach, correct, apparently I'm still missing some tests. but maybe barry can help ;p14:21
dholbachdoko, great - I was just looking at why this was one failing https://launchpadlibrarian.net/170552764/buildlog_ubuntu-trusty-i386.click-reviewers-tools_0.6-0~181~ubuntu14.04.1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz - but I guess the two are related :)14:22
dokodholbach, it did succeed here: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/click-reviewers-tools/0.5build114:24
barrydoko: hi14:24
seb128doko, dholbach: the ppa doesn't use trust-proposed so it still tries to build for the old python version14:24
dokoahh, ok14:24
dholbachah, that makes sense then14:24
dholbachthanks guys :)14:24
dokowhich ppa?14:24
dholbachdoko, https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/+archive/staging14:25
seb128it probably makes sense for a ppa you recommend to users14:25
seb128you don't want the to get proposed updates with it14:25
glamberthi, how do you generate a new random-seed file?14:27
cjwatsonglambert: it's done at every shutdown by /etc/init.d/urandom14:30
cjwatsonsudo dd if=/dev/urandom of=/var/lib/urandom/random-seed bs="$(( ($(cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/poolsize) + 7) / 8 ))" count=114:31
cjwatsonshould do it manually14:31
cjwatsonI don't see why you would need to do it manually though, given that it's only read on startup14:32
cjwatsonAnd all that's done at startup is to shove it back into /dev/urandom14:32
glambertcjwatson, I'm writing a version of the virt-sysprep tool from libguestfs that I'm tweaking to suit my needs but also trying to port all of the tools they have14:32
glambertgenerating a new random-seed file is one of the things on there14:33
cjwatsonAh, makes sense14:33
glambertbut given that I'm going to be running my version on the guest rather than on the host14:33
glambertif it's all done at startup I don't suppose I need to do anything14:33
cjwatsonI think you need to run it on the host - until you've seeded the RNG you don't have meaningful entropy in the guest, surely14:33
cjwatsonWell, it's done at startup/shutdown, but you might well end up with a weak RNG in the guest if you don't do anything14:34
cjwatsonIt's good practice to give it some entropy from an environment that actually has some14:34
glambertcjwatson, I can't run it on the host, the virtual machines are running in network storage and the virt-sysprep tool can't connect to them14:35
glamberthence the reason for going it alone so to speak14:35
cjwatsonYou might consider installing something like haveged in the guest to assist14:35
cjwatson(Though IANA cryptographer)14:35
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shadeslayerseb128: seems that protocol handling is semi working now14:54
shadeslayerfor firefox14:54
shadeslayerseb128: however firefox is still not reading /etc/firefox/pref/apturl.js14:54
shadeslayersymlinking it to /usr/lib/firefox/browser/defaults/preferences/apturl.js makes stuff work14:54
seb128shadeslayer, it's not supposed to14:54
shadeslayerbut as noted before, that's wrong :P14:55
seb128chrisccoulson said that firefox needs to be fixed14:55
shadeslayerchrisccoulson: ^^ when you fix apturl , please poke me too, I'd like to register some extra protocols for KDE like magnet link handling and such14:56
seb128shadeslayer, I don't think apturl needs fixing, it's firefox which does, nothing prevents you do add handlers to KDE meanwhile14:58
shadeslayerseb128: sure, but how do I do that?14:58
shadeslayerI mean, I can do them via browser/defaults/preferences14:58
chrisccoulsonapplication/x-scheme-handler, like every other handler ;)14:59
chrisccoulsonyou don't add them in firefox14:59
shadeslayerokay, ktorrent for eg doe register magnet links in application/x-scheme-handler14:59
seb128shadeslayer, you add e.g "x-scheme-handler/apt" to the MimeType of the .desktop14:59
shadeslayerbut firefox doesn't open it14:59
seb128right, firefox needs to be fixed15:00
seb128the url handler code is buggy15:00
seb128that's what chrisccoulson said at least15:00
chrisccoulsonit used to work, and then regressed over a year ago15:00
chrisccoulsonit's only the last few weeks that people have been mentioning it ;)15:00
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stgrabercjwatson: just sent an e-mail to u-d-a if you have a sec to approve15:11
cjwatsonstgraber: done15:13
pittihallyn: congratulations to your shiny new core-dev badge!15:17
ogra_pitti, i know you are familiar how bootchart works, do you know whats the condition for the --crop-after arg ? i suddenly got a bootchart like http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-bootcharts/ubuntu-phablet-trusty-255.png (properly cropped) while they usually look like http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-bootcharts/ubuntu-phablet-trusty-25&.png15:18
ogra_while they usually look like http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-bootcharts/ubuntu-phablet-trusty-256.png15:19
pittiogra_: it's a list of process names at whose appearance (any, not all) the boot is considered "done"15:22
ogra_pitti, right, i added unity8 to that15:22
pittiogra_: e. g. the cron job does --crop-after=compiz,metacity,mutter,kwin,xfwm4,unity815:22
pittiand all CPU usage after that is attributed to user action15:22
ogra_(and i'm actually creating the png locally with pybootchartgui with that arg)15:22
pittiogra_: but I'm actually not entirely sure how that works entirely, as normally cropping should happen once the CPU goes idle15:23
ogra_thats what the documentation says15:23
pittioh right, the documentation even says that15:23
pittithat process runs AND CPU is idle15:23
ogra_and there is no CPU use ...15:23
pittias it can be idle in between (like, waiting for a driver to load or so)15:23
pittiogra_: so I do see unity8 on the second chart; was that done with the same parameters?15:24
ogra_pitti, yes, its a script i run locally on a N4 with broken screen (great use for the broken phones)15:25
ogra_all bootcharts in that dir are created by the same script15:25
ogra_thats the script15:26
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ogra_hallyn, OOOH !congrats !15:38
highvoltagehallyn: congrats!15:38
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cjwatsondoko: dh-python autopkgtest still fails - maybe try http://paste.ubuntu.com/7146925/ ?15:58
cjwatsondoko: t204 looks a bit dodgy too15:59
hallynthanks :)16:00
dokocjwatson, hmm, but it's strange that it did succeed earlier this release cycle ...16:01
barrycjwatson, doko yeah, they do.  i need to finish up something in progress, and get lunch, but i can start to look afterward16:02
dokothanks, afk now for some hours16:03
cjwatsondoko: well there was a non-trivial merge in there IIRC16:05
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cjwatsonbarry: ok, soon would be good since it's making click tests fail16:17
barrycjwatson: ack16:17
asacawe_: cyphermox: do you know if NM is going to ofono or16:38
asacis MM still the focus for dan?16:38
awe_asac, not sure...16:39
pittidoko: dh-python autopkgtest fixed, FTR16:39
asacawe_: got pinged by debian about updating MM package to 1.0+16:39
awe_I know he was interested in our ofono support, but not sure if he has plans to merge any of it soon?16:39
asacso wondered if we rather want to drop it and go ofono.. but seems not16:39
asacok so surely not yet superseded upstream. thats enough info16:40
cyphermoxno, it's MM16:40
awe_yea, that might be too premature16:40
asaccyphermox: would the 1.0 package we have in trusty be good for debian?16:40
cyphermoxasac: it's already in experimental16:40
awe_also there's always going to a be a set of modems that MM will support better than ofono16:40
asaccyphermox: i know. but people want it in sid i guess16:40
cyphermoxand we'll upload 1.2 to experimental or unstable soon too16:40
asacwhat is holding that back?16:40
asacah good16:40
cyphermoxas I recall it was breaking parts of KDE16:40
cyphermoxmaybe this week?16:40
cyphermoxdepends how much time I can spend on that16:40
asaccyphermox: you work with mbiebl on this in debian?16:40
asacwill forwar that info to richi then16:41
cyphermoxI already told him16:41
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vlad_starkovQUESTION (cross-post): Can't boot on freshly installed 12.04.4 64bit. Got multiple CPU soft lockup messages. Could someone point me how to boot in verbose/debug mode to figure out what's going on?17:19
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barrycjwatson, doko dh-python 1.20140128-1ubuntu8 passed dep8 and is being propomted17:46
cjwatsonyay, thanks17:46
barrycjwatson: i can't take any credit.  looks like pitti fixed the 2.6 bits17:46
cjwatsontransfer as appropriate :)17:46
pittithat should also make python-defaults go in finally17:47
ScottKbarry: It fails in Debian CI too, so please fix there as well.17:47
barryScottK: ah17:47
pittibarry: well, it rather just disables three explicit "2.6" checks; I'm not entirely sure how that's supposed to work in dh-python (e. g. if you have an explicit python2.6 shebang, but 2.6 isn't supported)17:48
pittibut as ScottK says, it's failing in Debian as well, so I hope Piotr will fix it properly17:48
infinitymwhudson: I assume you're keeping an eye on https://sourceware.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=16629 for me so I don't have to, and you'll let me know when Will has a patch that actually works for you? :P17:55
ubottusourceware.org bug 16629 in libc "[aarch64] setcontext clobbers alternate signal stack" [Normal,New]17:55
cjwatsondoko: did you notice the arm64 build failure in your gluegen2 sync?18:11
kirklandglambert: cjwatson: is someone in need of an RNG seed at first boot?  :-)18:58
kirklandthere's an app for that :-)18:58
kdeuser56somehow I get the impression apport is buggy as hell:  it overwrites existing reports in /var/crash if the same binary crahes again18:59
kdeuser56that way I cannot keep record of crashes happened on my system ...19:00
kdeuser56pitti: any idea?19:04
dokocjwatson, yes, known. regression when we switch from zero to hotspot. will need to fix this next week with an openjdk-7 update19:09
dokocjwatson, can you give me a hint why python3-stdlib-extensions won't migrate?19:17
kdeuser56how does the naming scheme of apport work? what means 1000.crash?19:19
ogra_kdeuser56, thats the UID19:20
kdeuser56ogra: always the same here ...19:21
ogra_always the same user then19:21
kdeuser56ogra_: okay ... but what happens if the same program crashes again?19:21
kdeuser56ogra_: I suppose the file gets overwritten?19:21
ogra_might be, ask the author :)19:22
ogra_i would guess they are though19:22
kdeuser56ogra_: it is certainly like that... now I am asking myself whether apport is that sophisticated that it automatically tries to detect if a backtrace is similar and if not ... write a new file ...19:23
kdeuser56ogra_: but I can't imagine that ...19:23
kdeuser56ogra_: there would be a very simple solution to that: simply add a time stamp in the filename ...19:23
ogra_apport surely knows if a backtrace is identical ... well, at least the launchpad side of it does (so i guess the local one does too)19:24
kdeuser56ogra_: do you have any idea how I could simulate crashes?19:25
ogra_easiest is to kill a python app that creates a traceback i think19:26
ogra_(also wont make the backtras so big)19:26
kdeuser56ogra_: will the trace always be identical if I kill the same application?19:26
ogra_if you kill it at the same point19:27
kdeuser56ogra_: do you know some example python app from the repos that is not that big?19:27
ogra_not of the top of my head ... juust take something installed19:28
dobeyi think apport auto-increments19:29
dobeyor maybe not19:30
kdeuser56dobey: then why is there only one timestamp in one file?19:31
dobeybut you shouldn't be crashing the same app in 10 different ways so often anyway19:31
kdeuser56dobey: that should not matter19:31
dobeythen file a bug against apport if it doesn't handle some case as well as it should19:31
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kdeuser56dobey: could the file ./usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/apport_python_hook.py19:37
kdeuser56be responsible for writing the files?19:37
kdeuser56./usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/apport_python_hook.py is the same ...19:37
cjwatsondoko: it makes idle-python3.3 uninstallable, and proposed-migration doesn't know that you're intending to get rid of python3.319:38
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cjwatsondoko: (can't look further now)19:39
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dokocjwatson, well, ok to remove python3.3? will make pystache uninstallble. nothing else19:40
dobeykdeuser56: i don't know what code exactly is responsible for generating the file names. it should be obvious. and you should work against a bzr branch of apport, not against the installed files19:40
cjwatsondoko: ask me tomorrow19:40
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kdeuser56dobey: yeah, but this looks like it is what I am looking for:  pr_filename = '%s/%s.%i.crash' % (os.environ.get(19:41
kdeuser56            'APPORT_REPORT_DIR', '/var/crash'), mangled_program, user)19:41
dobeythen file a bug and make a branch19:42
kdeuser56dobey: okay I have the bzr branch ... it is in the file apport_python_hook.py19:42
kdeuser56dobey: how can I regenerate the package and install to test my changes?19:43
Noskcajpitti, From yesterday, the flake8 autopkgtest was taken from somewhere, i forget where19:43
dobeykdeuser56: many ways. i don't know how apport is built exactly though19:43
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smoserstupid question. is there an easy way to ask dpkg "is package foo installed with 'ii'" ?20:07
rbasaksmoser: I looked at dpkg-query -W --showformat. Something like dpkg-query -W --showformat '${Status}\n' foo or dpkg-query -W --showformat '${db:Status-Abbrev}\n' foo seems cleaner.20:12
rbasaksmoser: (but I'm not sure that's really any better)20:12
dakiraHi. I found a bug in a totem plugin (subtitle downloader) and fixed it. I added a patch to the package and proposed it for merging. Whats the next step?20:40
Noskcajdakira, Wait20:41
NoskcajSomeone will eventually upload it20:41
dakiraNoskcaj: you mean if it's any good ;)20:42
NoskcajI'll do a quick review, but i can't upload20:42
dakiraNoskcaj: okay.. but that answers my question. I don't need to subscribe anyone.20:42
NoskcajUbuntu-branches autosubscribes to it20:42
NoskcajBut you need to make "trusty" the target release, and if possible, fill out the dep-3 header20:44
NoskcajAlso the patch should be forwarded to debian and gnome20:44
dakiraNoskcaj: the bug was fixed in gnome. but only in 3.12. So I just took the fix to 3.10.20:47
Noskcajdakira, ok. Make sure you mention that in the patch dep3 header20:48
dakiraNoskcaj: I'm reading up on dep3 right now. That header goes at the beginning of the patch file?20:53
NoskcajThe header isn't really needed, but it makes your work better and others can understand the patch20:53
NoskcajPlus it's good to practise20:53
dakiraNoskcaj: okay. So after I pushed my changes, do I need to resubmit the merge proposal?20:55
Noskcajyou shouldn't have to20:55
* hallyn feeling no love for whoever decided a terminal shouldn't be a default icon in unity20:57
dakiraNoskcaj: if the description gets longer, can I just split lines or does it all have to be in one line?21:01
Noskcajdakira, use http://paste.ubuntu.com/7148240/ as a template for that bit21:03
Noskcajand http://dep.debian.net/deps/dep3/ is the page about dep321:03
Noskcajthanks for your work21:03
dakiraNoskcaj: thanks for the pointers. I pushed the changes.21:12
Noskcajlooks all good. It should get sponsored this week. thanks21:14
dakiraSo how do I forward this to Debian? The Gnome folks only fixed this in 3.1221:15
Noskcajdakira, debian's in the process of packaging 3.12, i don't think you need to21:16
dakiraokay ;)21:16
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=== infinity changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Trusty Beta 1 released! | Archive: Beta Freeze | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> saucy | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
sarnoldinfinity: is the archive supposed to still be frozen after the beta 1 has been released?23:51
infinitysarnold: It will be, yes.  Same as we did last cycle.23:52
infinitysarnold: As my email reads, unseeded stuff will auto-accept, but we'll be reviewing seeded uploads.23:52
sarnoldah and there's the explanatory mail :)23:52
sarnoldthanks infinity23:53

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