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* sbeattie waves hello16:34
meetingologyMeeting started Mon Mar 24 16:35:28 2014 UTC.  The chair is jdstrand. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.16:35
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick16:35
jdstrandThe meeting agenda can be found at:16:35
jdstrand[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/Meeting16:35
jdstrand[TOPIC] Announcements16:35
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Announcements
jdstrandI'm happy to announce I just booted into the ipc kernel and apparmor userspace that is available in the dbus-dev ppa (it is in that ppa for historical reasons, there are no dbus changes)16:36
jdstrand[TOPIC] Weekly stand-up report16:36
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Weekly stand-up report
jdstrandI'll go first16:36
jdstrandso, as mentioned, I am running the ipc kernel and userspace. I plan to continue running it and report issues, feed information back to the team, etc16:37
jdstrandI have to look into golang a bit and comment in its MIR (related to juju-core)16:38
jdstrandoxide-qt will be uploaded to the archive soon, and I'll help with that as I can16:38
chrisccoulsonhi :)16:39
jdstrandI have a couple of action items related to webbrowser-app/webapp-container moving to oxide that I will work on16:39
jdstrandchrisccoulson: hi!16:39
jdstrandScopesConfinement discussions have continued. I'm not sure I'll have more this week on that, but will be thinking about it for a meeting with the scopes team next week16:40
jdstrandI have several embargoed items16:40
jdstrandI'm on triage and will do updates if I can16:41
jdstrandmdeslaur: you're up16:41
mdeslaurI'm on community this week16:42
mdeslaurI have a bunch of updates to test16:42
mdeslaurI'm about to push out ca-certificates updates for our stable releases16:42
mdeslaurand also an initramfs-tools update to fix /run being mounted without noexec16:42
mdeslaurand apache216:42
mdeslaurIf I have any time pending those, I'll be going down the CVE list, as usual16:43
mdeslaurthat's it for me, sbeattie?16:43
sbeattieI'm on apparmor this week16:43
sbeattieI too am focused on testing the ipc kernel and userspace16:44
mdeslauris the ipc userspace pretty much done now?16:44
mdeslaurI seem to recall discussion of syntax changes16:44
jjohansen1right, very limited discussion on that happened16:45
jjohansen1thats one of the things that needs to happen16:45
sbeattieyeah, I'll look at that as well16:45
sbeattieas part of testing16:45
jdstrandI will probably be able to respond too now that I am starting to profile some things16:45
mdeslaurjjohansen1: the userspace changes only affect userspace, right?16:45
jdstrandaiui, really just the discussion needs to happen. once it does, the changes are trivial16:46
jjohansen1mdeslaur: yes16:46
mdeslaurjjohansen1: ok, cool16:46
sbeattieanyway, I'm also monitoring fallout from the apparmor userspace upload from last week (though tyhicks got tagged with the lxc issue that was raised)16:48
sbeattieand that's pretty much it for me.16:48
sbeattietyhicks: you're up16:48
tyhicksI'm working on LXC regressions in AppArmor (LP: #1296459, LP: #1295774)16:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1296459 in apparmor (Ubuntu) "Upgrade from 2.8.0-0ubuntu38 to 2.8.95~2430-0ubuntu2 breaks LXC containers" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129645916:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1295774 in apparmor (Ubuntu) "ERROR processing policydb rules for profile lxc-container-default, failed to load" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129577416:48
mdeslaurtyhicks: any quick idea what could be the cause?16:48
tyhicksthe dfa generation for mount rules changed and it looks like some permissions are missing in the dfa16:49
tyhicksmdeslaur: ^16:49
tyhicksit also looks like the mount.sh regression test is busted and exits early16:49
tyhicksI'll fix that, too16:49
tyhicksafter that I'll help with AppArmor work items, as needed16:49
tyhicksthat's it for me16:49
tyhicksjjohansen1: you're up16:50
* jjohansen1 is working on apparmor again this week16:50
jdstrandtyhicks: fyi, that could be considered as a separate uploading depending on the timing of things. if so, we could roll in the aa.py fixes16:50
* tyhicks nods16:50
* jjohansen1 is working on more ipc revisions to apparmor16:51
jjohansen1and will be coordinating with sbeattie, tyhicks, ...16:51
mdeslaurjjohansen1: what's the current status...have you managed to wrangle some of the bugs you had last week?16:52
sbeattiejdstrand: there's other bits to pull in as well as aa.py fixes, some of the testsuite fixes address issues that show up on arm/ppc64el16:52
jjohansen1mdeslaur: they are a work in progress, so not done16:52
jjohansen1so I am still working on the bugs from last week, and turned up a few more and fixed those16:53
jjohansen1I think that is it from me sarnold, your up16:54
sarnoldI'm in the happy place this week, which means working on MIRs, which will make some people very happy indeed :)  I've got juju-core, glusterfs, schroot, and strongswan to review and I don't think they're all doable this week, but I aim to make progress on them :)16:55
sarnoldif there's a new apparmor upload in the works I may do that one again, to keep those neurons fresh and try to take work from jjohansen1 and sbeattie16:55
sarnoldit depends upon how much effort the brain-dumps would take, I guess16:56
jdstrandtyhicks may be able to help there. let's be flexible16:56
sarnoldoh okay16:56
tyhickswe'll decide on the fly16:56
jdstrandsarnold: (and thanks for offering, we might need it)16:56
sarnoldI think that's it for me, chrisccoulson, your turn :)16:56
chrisccoulsoni'm just about to upload oxide to the archive :)16:57
jdstrandhuge milestone-- great job :)16:57
chrisccoulsonand then i've got a bunch of reviews that i need to get through for webapps16:57
chrisccoulsonother than that, it's business as usual :)16:57
chrisccoulsondid everyone see the blog posts?16:57
mdeslaurchrisccoulson: congrats!16:57
jdstrandchrisccoulson: was there another recent one beyond http://www.chriscoulson.me.uk/blog/?p=242?16:58
jdstrandI know of that and http://www.chriscoulson.me.uk/blog/?p=19616:58
sarnoldchrisccoulson: heh, I saw the one about oxide running on raw egl, no display managers...16:58
chrisccoulsonjdstrand, http://www.chriscoulson.me.uk/blog/?p=25116:58
mdeslaurchrisccoulson: nice17:00
=== vladk is now known as vladk|offline
mdeslaurhi ScottK!17:02
ScottKYou might want to consider promoting clamav 0.98.1 from backports to updates or security/updates.  0.97.8 is not able to use all the current virus definitions and so there's a capability/security gap there if people aren't using backports.17:02
ScottKI think both upstream and the packaging are in a pretty stable place ATM.17:02
jdstrandchrisccoulson: ah, nice!17:03
mdeslaurScottK: oh, cool. Is there a bug open about this?17:03
ScottKI can open one if you want, I thought it was worth a discussion first.17:04
ScottKThere's no CVE's the force it, but I think we're at a point where it would be smart.17:04
mdeslaurScottK: I think it definitely makes sense if the engine can't parse all the signatures...is there a link somewhere upstream where that is mentioned17:05
ScottKI suspect it's in the changelog.17:05
ScottKLet me look.17:05
mdeslaurScottK: if you could please open a bug with a link, and assign it to me, I'll take care of it17:06
ScottKI don't immediately see it in the Changelog, it may take reading the code.17:06
ScottK(there's a variable that gets bumped.17:07
ScottKAlso there's on access scanning now that works with our kernel.17:07
ScottKOther goodness too.17:07
mdeslaurjdstrand: I think we're done?17:10
jdstrandcan this be taken to the bug or is there more discussin needed here?17:10
jdstrand[TOPIC] Highlighted packages17:10
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Highlighted packages
jdstrandThe Ubuntu Security team will highlight some community-supported packages that might be good candidates for updating and or triaging. If you would like to help Ubuntu and not sure where to start, this is a great way to do so.17:10
jdstrandSee https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/UpdateProcedures for details and if you have any questions, feel free to ask in #ubuntu-security. To find out other ways of helping out, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/GettingInvolved.17:10
jdstrand[TOPIC] Miscellaneous and Questions17:10
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Miscellaneous and Questions
jdstrandDoes anyone have any other questions or items to discuss?17:10
ScottKjdstrand: Working on the bug now.17:11
jdstrandmdeslaur, sbeattie, tyhicks, jjohansen1, sarnold, chrisccoulson, ScottK: thanks17:16
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Mon Mar 24 17:17:00 2014 UTC.17:16
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2014/ubuntu-meeting.2014-03-24-16.35.moin.txt17:16
mdeslaurthanks jdstrand!17:16
jjohansen1thanks jdstrand17:17
sarnoldthanks jdstrand!17:17
sbeattiejdstrand: thanks17:17
Noskcajmorning micahg-work19:06
NoskcajCan you give me a testimonial too, or are you only allowed to vote in +1 -1 ?19:07
ubottubdrung, ScottK, Laney, micahg, barry, tumbleweed, stgraber: DMB ping19:08
micahg-worktumbleweed, ignore19:09
micahg-workbdmurray, xnox:  DMB ping19:09
ScottKI may be off and on due to spotty wifi.19:09
bdrungwe are three. one more missing to be quorate.19:10
ScottKI may drop off at any time, so I probably shouldn't count anyway.19:12
bdrungLaney, stgraber, bdmurray, xnox: DMB ping19:17
* bdrung will wait some minutes for them to show up. Otherwise he has to cancel the DMB meeting today.19:17
NoskcajPlease may they turn up19:19
stgraberI'm around now19:21
stgraberI actually have to disappear for a sec (irssi problem)19:24
bdrungokay, then let's start the meeting (hoping that ScottK will stay with us)19:26
meetingologyMeeting started Mon Mar 24 19:27:06 2014 UTC.  The chair is bdrung. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.19:27
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick19:27
bdrung#topic Review of previous action items19:27
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Review of previous action items
bdrungstgraber: Did you add the new DMB members?19:28
bdrungstgraber: the dmb-ping doesn't seem to be update19:28
rwwI can correct that for you. Changes?19:29
stgraberrww: that'd be great. Remove barry and tumbleweed and add xnox and bdmurray19:29
stgraberbdrung: oops, yeah, forgot about that one.19:30
rww!dmb-ping =~ s/barry, tumbleweed,/xnox, bdmurray,/19:30
ubottuI'll remember that rww19:30
bdrungmoving on19:31
bdrung#topic Xubuntu packageset/MOTU application from Jackson Doak19:31
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Xubuntu packageset/MOTU application from Jackson Doak
bdrung#link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Noskcaj#MOTU19:32
bdrungNoskcaj: please introduce yourself19:32
NoskcajHello everyone, i'm Jackson Doak. I've been doing packaging work since mid 2013, and would like to gain upload rights.19:33
NoskcajIs there anything specific i should be saying?19:33
bdrungno. we will ask you questions.19:35
NoskcajA large portion of my work is keeping Xfce/Xubuntu up to date, as well as other, minor DEs19:35
* bdrung is still reading the application wiki (sorry for not having time to do that earlier)19:35
bdrungNoskcaj: so xfce you are using xfce?19:36
stgraberNoskcaj: so it's been exactly a month since your last application, what steps did you take to resolve some of the hilighted issues?19:38
NoskcajI've been making sure i test build everything i work on, and only taking patches that have been tested19:39
NoskcajAlso, reading debian and upstream changelogs more extensively19:40
NoskcajI believe my quality of work has improved in the last month, and since i first applied in january. Next month i should finally have my dev PC working too.19:40
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
micahg-workNoskcaj, so, you made a call for sponsoring shortly after the last meeting, but there was an issue with that, do you understand what that was and what steps would you take to prevent that from happening in the future19:44
Noskcajmicahg, yes. I made a call for sponsoring during a freeze which meant very few things could actually get sponsored, plus i said some changes were "release critical", but that was only for final release19:45
NoskcajIn future i won't call for sponsoring in freezes, and will check if a package is seeded before uploading19:46
bdrungNoskcaj: what steps do you do before uploading (or requesting an upload)?19:49
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
NoskcajCheck no one else is working on the package, test build it and make sure i'm not adding regressions, check if it's affected by any current freezes/transitions, upload19:50
bdrungNoskcaj: how do you test to not introduce regressions?19:51
Noskcajchangelog checking, testbuilding, automated checks like lintian and blhc, upstream bug trackers, not packaging unstable releases unless needed19:52
bdrungNoskcaj: do you install the packages and run them before uploading?19:54
Noskcajbdrung, When possible, but it's difficult for me to do due to hardware limitation. That will be fixed in a few weeks time19:54
Noskcaj(When i will have my VM server finished)19:55
bdrungNoskcaj: are you subscribed to the ubuntu-devel-announce mailing list?19:56
micahg-workNoskcaj, could you please explain the difference between CFLAGS, CPPFLAGS, and CXXFLAGS19:58
NoskcajThey are all makefile macros. Cflags is for C only, CXXflags is for C++, CPPflags for both20:00
bdrungNoskcaj: why is CPPFLAGS for both?20:02
NoskcajIt's where preprocessor flags go, which both c and C++ use20:03
micahg-workNoskcaj, where's your reference for that?20:06
NoskcajI don't know C or C++, but i do understand what the flags do20:06
micahg-workNoskcaj, did you notice the first comment on that response?20:07
Noskcaj1. I feel stupid now 2. Thanks for telling me to look there20:07
micahg-workNoskcaj, I certainly did not intend to make you feel stupid20:08
bdrungno questions are left. so let's vote.20:09
micahg-workwe don't have quorum20:09
bdrungScottK voted in private for this case. so we still have quorum.20:10
bdrung#vote Should Jackson Doak become MOTU?20:11
meetingologyPlease vote on: Should Jackson Doak become MOTU?20:11
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname)20:11
stgraber-1 [A month ago I said "I'd prefer to have you work for a few more months through sponsors", since it has only been a month, I'm sticking to my vote]20:14
meetingology-1 [A month ago I said "I'd prefer to have you work for a few more months through sponsors", since it has only been a month, I'm sticking to my vote] received from stgraber20:14
Noskcajstgraber, My reason for the only one month is i cannot apply again till the end of the year20:16
Noskcajjust FYI20:16
bdrungNoskcaj: why?20:16
micahg-work-1 same as stgraber, though I'm glad to see the sponsors say that some improvement has been made20:16
meetingology-1 same as stgraber, though I'm glad to see the sponsors say that some improvement has been made received from micahg-work20:16
Noskcajbdrung, 19UTC is currently 6am here, 6th of april, it becomes 5am20:17
NoskcajI struggled to make this meeting as it is20:17
bdrung+1 [ Noskcaj is a young and passionate developer. He made mistakes and probably will make mistakes, but he is learning and improving ]20:18
meetingology+1 [ Noskcaj is a young and passionate developer. He made mistakes and probably will make mistakes, but he is learning and improving ] received from bdrung20:18
micahg-workNoskcaj, we can either do a vote by email or something else, we'll work with you20:18
bdrungi got one -1 from ScottK20:18
meetingologyVoting ended on: Should Jackson Doak become MOTU?20:18
meetingologyVotes for:1 Votes against:2 Abstentions:020:18
meetingologyMotion denied20:18
Noskcaji'll try to apply by email then, but last time it took two months, two irc meetings, just to be told "-1 from everyone"20:19
bdrungNoskcaj: sorry for not granting you upload rights. you are on the right path (improving and learning).20:20
Noskcajand for xubuntu packageset?20:20
bdrung#vote Should Jackson Doak get upload rights to the Xubuntu packageset?20:20
meetingologyPlease vote on: Should Jackson Doak get upload rights to the Xubuntu packageset?20:20
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname)20:20
stgraber+0 [Same reason as previous vote, sticking to what I voted a month ago]20:21
meetingology+0 [Same reason as previous vote, sticking to what I voted a month ago] received from stgraber20:21
NoskcajI'd expected to not get MOTU this meeting, but had to try. Xubuntu packageset i think i deserve since i've not had any bad uploads there, and micahg's time to upload stuff is fairly limited20:21
meetingology+0 received from micahg-work20:24
bdrung+1 [ same reason as for MOTU application ]20:24
meetingology+1 [ same reason as for MOTU application ] received from bdrung20:24
bdrungI got one -1 from ScottK20:25
meetingologyVoting ended on: Should Jackson Doak get upload rights to the Xubuntu packageset?20:25
meetingologyVotes for:1 Votes against:0 Abstentions:220:25
meetingologyMotion carried20:25
NoskcajIs that actually motion carried or does scott's vote make is denied?20:25
bdrungNoskcaj: sorry. this isn't enough for upload rights.20:26
* Noskcaj flips table, leaves to get breakfast20:26
bdrungwe need +4 to carry a motion (with +0 and 3 absent member, you can't reach it any more)20:27
stgraberNoskcaj: if you are still around for a few minutes, we do have a PPU proposal for you though20:27
bdrungNoskcaj: your application is not denied, but deferred. Most of us think that you need more time until you get upload rights to learn and improve.20:28
Noskcajstgraber, I'll be around for another hour.20:33
Noskcajbdrung, ok. I should probably find time to learn a programming language in a meaningful way, but that does need a lot of time20:34
bdrungNoskcaj: Do you want to get upload rights for catfish, parole, and mugshot?20:35
Noskcajbdrung, If possible, although menulibre, whiskermenu, gthumb, and maybe all of xfce could be added to that list20:36
bdrungwe add gthumb to the PPU list.20:39
bdrung#vote Should Jackson Doak get upload rights for catfish, gthumb, parole, and mugshot?20:39
meetingologyPlease vote on: Should Jackson Doak get upload rights for catfish, gthumb, parole, and mugshot?20:39
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname)20:39
meetingology+1 received from bdrung20:40
meetingology+1 received from micahg-work20:40
meetingology+1 received from stgraber20:40
NoskcajThanks, it's something.20:40
stgraberso that's 3/4, ScottK proposed this (except for gthumb) so I believe he's likely to approve but final approval and granting of the rights will have to happen once he's back online20:43
meetingologyVoting ended on: Should Jackson Doak get upload rights for catfish, gthumb, parole, and mugshot?20:43
meetingologyVotes for:3 Votes against:0 Abstentions:020:43
meetingologyMotion carried20:43
bdrungNoskcaj: as previously said, we need +4 (out of seven). you got +3 from the three present members.20:45
bdrungNoskcaj: we will get the remaining vote(s) via IRC or mail later.20:46
NoskcajIf i may ask, why is the whole dmb so rarely present at meetings?20:47
bdrungNoskcaj: as stgraber already said, I assume you will get the missing vote and the PPU will be granted.20:47
bdrungNoskcaj: we are distributed around the globe and real live can make it hard to attend. For example, the early meeting is in my work time and I can only attend if I do not have an other meeting.20:48
stgraberNoskcaj: because most DMB members work, some have to travel (like ScottK today) and for some it's just too late or too early based on their repsective timezones20:49
bdrungNoskcaj: we will let you know about the outcome of the vote.20:49
bdrung#topic Any other business20:49
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Any other business
bdrungnext chair will be Brian (following the list)20:50
bdrunganything left?20:50
bdrungI guess not.20:51
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Mon Mar 24 20:51:20 2014 UTC.20:51
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2014/ubuntu-meeting.2014-03-24-19.27.moin.txt20:51
micahg-workthanks bdrung20:51
bdrungyou're welcome20:51
bdrungnow i have to leave -> RL asks for my presence20:52
NoskcajIs there a wiki page for how to upload stuff?21:01
=== ajmitch_ is now known as ajmitch
ScottKstgraber: I'm +1 for gthumb too.23:30
stgraberScottK: thanks, I'll take care of granting the PPU then23:37

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