[06:33] morning superfly and others [06:33] hi Trixar_za [06:35] hi jabberwocky93 Spekko [06:37] Squirm, you here? [06:38] morning Kilos [06:38] hey [06:39] i need some info please Squirm , i lost QA and dunno how to restart her if i cant see her [06:40] when you have time is fine [06:41] she is running but forgot to join my channel [06:41] stupid cow [06:41] Hi Kilos [06:44] hi Kilos [06:52] QA, wb [06:52] Ya ya man I'm not the one disconnecting or crashing the pc [06:58] morning Kilos [06:59] o/ all [07:05] QA, coffee on [07:05] * QA puts the kettle on [07:09] Coffee's ready for Kilos! [07:10] QA, ty [07:10] You're welcome Kilos [07:23] hi georgl your bot is missing [08:01] hi ThatGraemeGuy [08:05] 'lo [09:21] good day [09:21] hi there magespawn [09:23] hey Kilos, whats up/ [09:23] smae old. just different day [09:23] and you? [09:23] s/smae/same [09:25] oh and no maaz and meeting tomorrow night [09:25] inetpro, fix it [09:26] * Kilos waits for ai! [09:26] superfly, have you any follow up to your internet quiz thing? [09:29] same old, same old here too [09:41] no [09:41] I just wanted to see what everyone thought [09:41] ok [09:42] have you no ideas about what we can do to improve the situation? [10:09] QA: coffee please [10:09] Squirm: There isn't a pot on [10:09] QA: coffee on [10:09] * QA puts the kettle on [10:09] QA: coffee please [10:09] Squirm: Now now, we don't want anyone getting caffeine overdoses [10:09] QA: coffee please [10:09] Squirm: Now now, we don't want anyone getting caffeine overdoses [10:09] QA: largest [10:09] Squirm: Excuse me? [10:09] QA: larger [10:09] Squirm: *blink* [10:09] QA: large [10:09] I'll make a jug full Squirm and you can topup at will, how's that? [10:09] ^^ [10:13] Coffee's ready for Squirm! [10:35] hmm... [10:35] lol she hasnt been taught yet [10:37] hi Vince-0 [10:39] Hi Kilos hows life treating you today [10:39] skaaps being good?? [10:39] flippen power outages at the office here making my life nice [10:39] yeah digging trenches on and off [10:39] power is a prob in za [10:54] i ssh into two different hosts, on two different networks, but they have the same local ip address which creates a problem with the rsa key in the known hosts file [10:54] what is the best way to solve this problem? [10:55] change one hosts ip [10:55] hehe [10:55] and then redo the entire phone setup, not if it can avoided [10:55] uoch [10:55] ouch as well [10:57] and to make things more interesting it is a virtual centos system on a windows 7 computer [10:57] sjoe [10:57] what happens if you add /24 i think it was to one of the ip's [10:58] and there is a Grandstream GXP4104 on the network too [10:58] what is that? [11:02] IP analog gateway [11:03] doesnt adding /24 make it use the whole range [11:03] a device that takes the physical connection from telom/phone company and put it onto your VoIP network. [11:03] been a while since i worried about ip's [11:04] s/telom/telkom [11:08] i can just remove the old key and then ssh and the new key is added automagically, but since i use both machines regularly i would need to this constantly [11:13] what would happen if i ssh into them using the host name defined in /etc/hosts? i would have to manually define them and i would end up with two host name using the same address [11:14] time for coffee [11:14] QA coffee please [11:14] magespawn: There isn't a pot on [11:14] QA coffee on [11:14] * QA washes some mugs [11:14] QA large [11:14] I'll make a jug full magespawn and you can topup at will, how's that? [11:14] QA fine thank you [11:14] sure thing, magespawn [11:14] * magespawn goes to get non digital coffee [11:18] Coffee's ready for magespawn! [11:24] ty QA [11:24] QA ty [11:24] You're welcome magespawn [11:32] hehe [11:32] you need to get more clever magespawn so we can teach her to braai for us as well [11:33] indeed [11:34] greetings everyone [11:34] hi liamT [11:35] hi liamT [11:36] no maaz and meeting tonight at 20.30 [11:36] sorry tomorrow night [11:40] maybe he will be back by then [11:40] he/she/it [11:40] we gotta rev the pro to rev the crash kid [11:51] eish magespawn no one even gives you a clue what to do there [11:51] i wonder what happens if you add A or B to and ip [11:53] ipv4 only work with numbers 4 sets of 3 [11:53] like so xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx where x = 0-9 [11:54] \24 specifies the subnet which also works in the same number scheme [11:55] \24 shows the number of bits used for the subnet mask [11:57] so for example\24 is ip subnet mask [11:58] sorry supposed to use / not \ [11:58] too much time on windows that \ habbit [11:58] habit [11:59] brain exercise switching from one os to another, did a network wireless ap from a mac the other day [12:00] ive never seen a mac so dunno what they are all about [12:00] this also determines how many network points you can have on the network [12:01] mac os is based on bsd a unix/linux varient [12:01] variant [12:01] cant be too bad then [12:02] no relatively straight forward, different keys to do similar actions [12:02] ah [12:04] hi psydroid_ [12:06] hi Kilos [12:19] ! [12:28] wb liamT [12:33] ah tnx [12:33] hi Vince-0 [12:33] hi liamT [12:34] hi psydroid_ [12:34] Kilos, mac has command key [12:35] oh [12:35] hi magespawn [12:38] used for keyboard shortcuts [12:38] like when we use compose key? [13:17] Righto - that fixed the one issue I was having with Lubuntu [13:46] Kilos similar, like alt and ctrl in win [13:46] home time later all [13:51] ! [13:51] o/ [14:50] wassup Trixar_za [14:50] hi Golynx [14:56] Just getting annoyed - how about you Kilos? [14:58] im ok ty [14:58] i didnt enjoy lubuntu or xubuntu [14:58] wbb.. reboot time [15:19] oh hi Kilos :) === miles_ is now known as Kilos [15:28] i can understand i dont like Lubuntu, but xubuntu ? hmm [15:29] but technically i havn't used Xubuntu lol , only ubuntu with Xfce :) [15:30] Yeah - trying to compile the latest usb_modeswitch [15:30] but because of some stupid ass things in lubuntu, I can't seem to get it to work [15:31] This has been reported to compile fine on Ubuntu 13.10 though, so it's probably something Lubuntu's dev broke [15:35] hello [15:37] Lubuntu is good for schools with old donated pc's [15:38] hi kbmonkey [15:42] hi kbmonkey [15:42] meeting tonight folks! [15:44] tomorrow night kbmonkey [15:45] Eh, I might just go back to SliTaz [15:45] This is a pain in the ass to fix [15:45] gotcha Kilos, I see the google calendar reminder says it is tonight. [15:46] aint the meeting always on a Tuesday night [15:46] hmm... sue inetpro [15:48] nah, the pro did not create this event, I will contact the creator [15:48] Also: Lubuntu - takes about 1 hour to install [15:48] dont you get the email from g+ [15:48] SliTaz: 5 minutes [15:48] i mean on the last Tuesday of every month [15:48] i got one 2 days ago announcing the meet but didnt check what day [15:49] Trixar_za why you using lubuntu anyway you were always a slitaz peep [15:50] Wanted to create a build enviroment for sakis3g [15:50] hmm you know there will be a meeting but dont know when lol [15:50] Total fail with Lubuntu though >.> [15:50] On the upside - Lubutu did come with most of the codecs you can ever need pre-installed [15:51] Kilos: what did you not like about xubuntu [15:52] a little screenshot of my xubuntu http://picpaste.com/scr-10bwtrfN.jpg [15:52] i coundnt get sound working for starters [15:52] and there were other little things [15:52] i'm satisfied :) [15:53] sound works perfect on mine though [15:53] ya ive always had sound hassles [15:53] i can even make complex sound effects and tone generations [15:54] but with this new pc i expected everything to just work [15:54] but now xchat hasnt got sound [15:54] oh i see [15:54] Kilos: Yeah like the scanlines resolution it kept defaulting to - it still does so if I press ctrl+alt+f1. Then there is the compiling issue and how a whole 3GB just disappeared into the ether. [15:54] that sounds like a sound card software issue maybe [15:55] eeeek [15:55] While I like the interface - there is minor issues that make me hate it - the hexchat thing on the taskbar is also annoying [15:56] ami Trixar_za i have the d-link working on three drives [15:57] disable network in nm then use sakis3g to only switch modem then enable networking again and nm sees the dwm-156 [15:57] but draisburgerfof okes say it works and dont answer posts [15:58] Actually I like network manager [15:59] so when is the new sakis available [15:59] ya nm rocks [15:59] works great with my cellphone when I plug it in with the usb cable [15:59] Just click 8ta.default and it connects me [15:59] Slight bitch with the 3g modem though, but sakis3g seems to still work for me [15:59] ya but not with the new telkom modem [16:00] sakis works here still but then evo and pidgin dont connect [16:00] That's weird [16:00] Oh right [16:00] i want a sakis3g that dont go the APN_PASS stuff [16:01] if I use sakis3g I can't use firefox until I turn off offline mode [16:01] I disabled the 'helpful' lubuntu extension and that solved the problem... [16:01] but anyway it looks to me like the telkom modem is missing something that triggers modeswitch [16:02] i also tried using 2 modems and the old one trigger modeswitch then nm could see and connect with bot [16:02] both [16:04] I wonder if I'm missing a setting in sakis3g for telkom mobile [16:05] Like the network code or something [16:06] i got it connected with sakis [16:06] sakis works [16:07] only evo and pidgin and having to enter the APN_PASS and the other command is painful [16:07] APN_USER [16:10] Nope - they use the same code [16:12] What happens if you change the proxy setting in pidgin from noproxy to system default? [16:12] still dont connect [16:12] Weird [16:13] but nm works lekker so sakis is my backup like for a new install i can still get online for updating upgrading [16:18] hi not_found [16:19] the sound works on other things Golynx [16:19] pidgin sound works fine but xchat dont [16:20] install mplayer and use that to play xchat sounds [16:20] hi uncle Kilos [16:20] i have not_found [16:20] sill no sound [16:20] oh okay Kilos [16:21] hi not_found [16:21] that is strange then [16:21] hi Golynx [16:21] unless i use mplayer and point it too /usr/share/sounds/bell.ogg but them no bell.ogg just a heavy static noise like when tv signal dies [16:22] but konversation sound works lekker [16:23] hmm xchat sound not working in mine either [16:24] you gotta go to settings alerts an tick the top 2 rows and next 2 rows the last 2 blocks [16:25] preferences i think it be called [16:25] mine only plays the custom sounds , not the default list [16:25] you hear a bloep? [16:26] bell.ogg [16:26] Golynx [16:26] nope, none of the default sounds play, only when i load custom sounds it works [16:27] ai! it used to work so lekker [16:27] I have seen a number of people start to use hexchat instead of xchat [16:28] i have same probs with hexchat [16:28] but i never use xchat though [16:29] xchat very lekker [16:29] there may be other irc clients that will work [16:29] still think its the best irc client when you get sound working [16:31] Did you try the option - External sound playing program : ? [16:31] yeah konversation works here but its an extra 230 meg space used on drive and takes long to show who is online [16:31] yip [16:31] that when i get the static noise instead of sound [16:32] oh , maybe there is a player out there that will work [16:32] I always get static until I specify mplayer to be used as an external player [16:32] I would imagine one could even specify something like vlc [16:33] only thing i dont like about konversation is that after disconnecting scroll backs go kinda gray [16:34] so no highlighted nicks and so on. makes it hard to find things in scrollback [16:35] how about quassel? it is the default irc for kubuntu? [16:37] i dont get sound with quassel running on unity [16:39] hmmm, perhaps install pavucontrol or run alsa-mixer and make sure all the relevant sound sliders are up [16:39] ill try quassel on kde when i get to that drive again [16:40] konversation lekker here atm [16:40] and ctrl+r underlines [16:40] so you know where you left off [16:43] most clients does that automatically if you aren't reading the specific channel it underlines (I know #ubuntu-za often doesn't which is strange however) [16:45] ya but thats if you in some other app or channel here i can underline and leave this channel open [16:49] I guess [16:49] everyone has a work flow that works for them :) [16:50] lol ya when im digging outside sometimes there is lots to catch up on [16:58] good evening [16:59] o/ [16:59] hi magespawn [17:08] Maaz how was the holiday [17:08] Golynx: I already know stuff about how [17:08] hmm i guess not so good :/ [17:11] ty cocooncrash [17:11] Kilos: np [17:11] all well cocooncrash ? [17:12] you super busy there hey? [17:12] Kilos: Well, but busy, yeah [17:14] tea time [17:14] Maaz wb [17:14] Thank you so much Kilos my good good friend [17:15] * Golynx wants coffee [17:15] hi cocooncrash [17:16] Hi Golynx [17:45] hi smile [17:45] wb [17:45] hey smile [17:46] hi, thanks :D [17:46] I'm feeling better now (36.5 degrees inside, much better ;) ) [17:47] wow you in arabia? [17:48] 36.5°c or f [17:48] no, lol :p celsius [17:48] thats hot [17:48] inside => inside myself ;) [17:48] oh you had some hot coffee [17:49] lol [17:50] i always heard 37° was a normal human temp [17:50] 36.8 to 37.2 is normal [17:50] thats it Kilos [17:51] so the body core should always hover in that ranges [17:51] yeah [17:52] my toes are aching of the cold , so they wont need those kinda temps :) [17:54] big cold front hitting the cape tonight and tomorrow [18:01] thanks Kilos, i never watch the weather anymore, climate change mess up everything lol [18:02] lol [18:02] shepherds always watch the weather [18:02] and farmers [18:03] yeah thats true [18:04] also weathermen... they tend to also watch the weather... and talk about it... [18:08] rofl [18:17] good night all [18:17] night [18:34] I had 37.5, but since the temperature measure was incorrect (wikipedia NL states that you under-measure with the method I did) i had to do +1 :p [18:34] so actually I was at 38.5 degrees C :p [18:42] ah running a fever [18:43] you sick?? [18:51] Maaz announce Don't forget tomorrow nights meeting here at 20.30 everyone [18:51] Hear ye, hear ye! Don't forget tomorrow nights meeting here at 20.30 everyone [18:54] night shift ThatGraemeGuy ? [18:55] hi Private_User [18:55] yeah, i have to push a few buttons at 9, confirm with client nothing broke and then go sleep off this cold i got :-/ [18:56] eish [18:56] hey Kilos [19:27] night guys. sleep tight. dont forget tomorrow nights meeting please [19:47] :) [22:27] evening all [22:27] or should I say morning :) [22:28] morning sounds about right Private_User :) [22:29] hey not_found, hows it going [22:29] fine thanks and yourself? [22:29] not too bad [22:29] good to hear :) [22:31] still trying to figure out what else could be causing my internet connectivity issues on my vista machine and my lubuntu machine is still in pieces since I need to get some thermal paste to put it back together [22:31] sucks [22:32] tried everything so far using anti spyware and malware software which they seem to have found an cleared. Connectivity seems to be better but still not 100% [22:32] if it was me I would nuke the windows install and re-install [22:32] and its very random so not sure what else to check cause the service provider says all issues on their side resolved [22:33] wish I could but I do not have a copy of it [22:33] oops [22:35] I was thinking of just cleaning and installing ubuntu on this machine as well but not sure since I might need to work on windows in case I gets some work where a client requires it [22:36] do you know if I install ubuntu on a Virtual PC will what ever is causing the internet issue on the host affect the virtual PC? [22:36] yup, the virtual machine is fully at the mercy of the host... [22:36] :( [22:37] except if there was a specific application or something causing the issue on Windows, and if you then didn't run it obviously you won't have the issue [22:38] ok let me try that and it also gives me another idea... [22:38] if I boot the laptop using the live ubuntu image can I test using that? [22:39] then I probably will be able to determine if it is my machine or the ISP [22:39] yes that can work [22:41] great let me start with install the Virtual machine first, would you say ubuntu will work fine on this machine (Intel Pentium Dual Core 2.17GHz, 2GB RAM) or should I use Lubuntu? [22:42] ubuntu will work... give at least 1gb to the virtual machine [22:43] ok cool thanks [22:57] what about video memory? [22:58] the default should be fine... [22:58] I always bump it up to 128 [22:59] thanks but the max I get is 128 [23:00] and the default is currently 12MB [23:00] that is the max yes [23:00] so if I change it will it affect the host? [23:00] default will work, 128 will also work ... and I can vouch for 128 :p [23:00] not really [23:00] ok then I change it to 128 [23:00] :D [23:00] afaik it uses conventional ram and not video ram [23:01] that is one of the reasons virtual machines suck for gaming [23:02] ok then I will leave as defaukt for now and will change it later if need be [23:02] *default