
* nitero sighs00:00
S[o]letfrom my ssh terminal outside of screen i get beeps just fine. but inside screen i get a flash instead of a beep. how can i make it beep inside screen?00:01
munzok is it possible to: hide folders inside a samba share but still allow access to them? of yes how? im stuck 12.04 thx :)00:02
glitchdmunz, i think you can just put  a dot in front of the name of the folder to make it hidden, then hide or show it with key combination crtl+h00:04
munzmhall119: yes, the server is sharing via samba to windows tho00:04
munzsorry glitchd ment to say that to you00:05
munzis hosting files for windows computers via samba00:05
glitchdmunz, right00:05
glitchdmunz, you and i both dont know if its gonna work until u try it..00:06
munzglitchd: i does not :(00:06
eatingthenightmunz looks like this works http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=104694800:06
glitchdmunz, dang.00:06
eatingthenightgetting windows and unix to play nice is the biggest pain00:06
munzeatingthenight: thankyou ill read... i kno *pounds head on desk*00:07
nicklashello, fresh and updated install on asus ultrabook, with nvidid geforce gt 740m, but cant find the drivers for the card in additional drivers tab. what can i do?00:09
OiCoryQuick question, is there a way to make a live USB of the image I am running, so all of my software is on there already? I have battled with making any USB persistant but it really isnt too reliable.00:09
BeldarOiCory, A ISO loaded usb is limted to what you add the iso never changes per-say, it's not the same as a full install.00:12
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eatingthenightnvidia is a huge pain and has horrible support you really just have to dig through some docs nicklas00:15
OiCoryBeldar, ok, I was just wondering if I could expand an ISO of Ubuntu, preload some libraries (like Irssi, Chromium, Vim, etc) already packaged into it. I understand it is a bit different from a full install, no docs, just some programs already installed.00:15
OiCoryLike how different 'buntu flavors have different base programs installed.00:16
daftykins!bumblebee | nicklas00:16
ubottunicklas: The Bumblebee Project aims to support NVIDIA Optimus technology under Linux. The Bumblebee website can be found at http://bumblebee-project.org/00:16
BeldarOiCory, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization00:16
daftykinsnicklas: however your best bet is to wait for 14.04 and try out nvidia-prime00:17
OiCoryAwesome Beldar, thanks! I'll read up.00:17
clue_hnvidia-prime is that what optimus has for visual processing?00:17
eatingthenightnicklas: http://askubuntu.com/questions/325037/installing-nvidia-drivers-on-ubuntu-12-0400:17
daftykinsclue_h: no00:18
=== Iota-Spencer` is now known as IotaSpencer
niterohey guys.  having a problem with my native volume control in xubuntu.  only levels 0-2 are working, and the other 30 or so are the same as volume level 2.  wondering if anyone could help?  or could maybe tell me where the issue is - such as Pulse Audio, or ALSA?  i don't really know how to install OSS to replace ALSA / or how I would switch back if I had to...00:24
niterowould *really* like to control volume with my keyboard lol00:24
=== jakew02 is now known as jakew02|away
WulframnNitero, also try #linux, #alsa, and #xubuntu00:31
niteroWulframn,  ah thanks good call; trying linux also already =)  i might just search "how to install OSS" or try apt-get install OSS and see if i can figure that out...00:33
WulframnWikis are your friend00:33
niteroah - which wikis?00:33
niteroor just searching00:33
GeoHello, I'm trying to setup snmpd soley for a local mrtg install. I have two interfaces on the system- eth0, and eth0:1. Among the other lines, I have agentAddress  udp:
Geoand  rocommunity public  default    -V systemonly00:35
WulframnGoogling and clicking on relevant wiki pages is how I do it00:35
Geoindexmaker gives me the error of "ERROR: did not find any matching data in cfg file" after runnign cfmaker... any thoughts as to how to alter my config to get this working?00:36
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bajan_dannii've tried debian mint and plain mint, i'm now on xubuntu...in each development, no matter the browser, my web pages fail to load/partially load or for the few that load they take 10 mins or more of numerous attempts00:47
fibz_is there anyone around who can help me configure a custom xorg.cong file for an Intel g31/g33? im currently stuck @ 1024x76800:52
bajan_dannii've tried debian mint and plain mint, i'm now on xubuntu...in each development, no matter the browser, my web pages fail to load/partially load or for the few that load they take 10 mins or more of numerous attempts00:53
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=== guy is now known as Guest64014
GeoI'm trying to set up snmp to get network load info to feed to mrtg, but the snmpd config has changed since I last did this a few years ago... what settings am I looking to add to get that to work? It currently is not populating mrtg.conf with any info01:00
fibz_might also ask in #ubuntu-server01:06
nixes^_^ @ everyone01:07
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bet0xjoin #SoyLent01:11
pcfreak30I am having an annoying issue. It seems for some reason a cron job refuses  to run. Theres no mail logs of it running, but I can run the command fine. Any ideas as to what I should check?01:16
niterohey guys.  having a problem with my native volume control in xubuntu.  only levels 0-2 are working, and the other 30 or so are the same as volume level 2.  wondering if anyone could help?  or could maybe tell me where the issue is - such as Pulse Audio, or ALSA?  i don't really know how to install OSS to replace ALSA / or how I would switch back if I had to...01:16
Guest46234Can anyone assist with enabling java in ubuntu 12.04? I've tried lots of help pages, but no success.01:17
Beldar!java | Guest46234 pretty straight forward01:18
ubottuGuest46234 pretty straight forward: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.01:18
fibz_have you installed java-sdk7 and icedtea?01:19
Guest46234Thanks for info. Yes, I've installed java-sdk7 and icedtea. Test on java.com just shows gray box.01:21
niterois it pulse audio?01:22
fibz_are the levels set correctly in alsamixer  nitero?01:23
niterofibz_,  i don't know...01:23
fibz_open a terminal window and type alsamixer01:23
carlos_ Hello Colord pack have some problems it can be remove?01:26
BeldarGuest46234, Same here in google chrome, but I have java installed, flash is problematic is linux, I would not use that as a variable to be honest.01:26
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niterofibz_,  then what...?01:28
Guest46234Beldar: Flash seems to work on my system. Just can't make the javascript pop-up work.01:28
fibz_is everything turned up nitero?01:29
fibz_what browser Guest46234?01:29
pfifoWhats the proper way to install nvidia drivers for geforce gts 250, I used to simply goto the command line and run 'apt-get install nvidia-current' but that no longer works, the program jockey-gtk and jockey-text are not seeing my card. I am using 12.04 32bit with lubuntu-desktop, I am also intrested in installing on my 13.10 64bit sometime in the future01:29
=== enchilado is now known as test
=== test is now known as enchilado
niterofibz_,  if i go to the "speaker" level, and change its level, it's the same thing as the volume being controled from my keyboard, and it has the same problem - but yeah - everything is up01:30
=== enchilado is now known as test
=== test is now known as enchilado
niterofibz_,  do you understand what i mean by only levels 0-2 are distinct, and the other 30 levels are the same as level 2?  it's kinda hard for me to explain it i guess01:31
Guest46234fibz: Chrome01:31
niteroi'm just gonna sudo apt-get install OSS01:33
niteroand see what happens01:33
pfifo[solved] I added the restricted repo, and now jockey works01:35
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pfifonitero: in programming we call that a clamp01:37
niteropfifo,  ah.  what though?  you mean when i just try something out to see what happens?01:38
pfifono a clamp is when a range of numbers outside of a given range, gets treated as though if it was the same as the maximum or minimum that the range permitted01:39
pfifoso what your trying to say is, my volume is clamped at 201:40
=== CarlFK is now known as featureman
=== featureman is now known as CarlFK
sydneywhat is the average time it takes to upgrade ubuntu from a cd?02:00
opakavicsydney: full upgrade ?02:01
sydneyyes a upgrade,not a clean intall.02:01
opakavicfrom which to which02:03
darkhaloHello when I was trying to update my packages with the package manager, I got an error that said I couldn't install software from unauthenticated locations. This was thunderbird02:03
sydneyopakavic: 12.04 to 13.10.02:04
xanguadarkhalo: did you add a repository recently¿02:04
opakavicit will takes less than 1 hr02:05
xanguasydney: to upgrade from 12.04 to 12.10-13.04-13.10 maybe all afternoon02:05
xanguabetter wait untill 14.04 is out02:06
sydneyxangua: ok,thanks!!02:06
opakavicxangua: maybe all afternoon, it takes ?02:07
opakavicupgrading from cd?02:08
xanguamaybe you/I need to explain better02:09
darkhaloxangua, No I didn't02:09
darkhaloxangua, but I updated from the terminal and it worked so I guess I'm just wondering if I should be concerned by that error?02:10
darkhaloI'm also having an issue with ssl haha. From the looks of it, almost all of my ssl certs are from an unknown author. Should I be worried?02:13
c2tarunwhy is title bar of some applications not mergin in Unity's top bar?02:26
=== jakew02|away is now known as jakew02
=== gerald is now known as Guest78267
Arnau_hi! I have a problem with the - volume button in my keyboard (Fn+F6). When I press the button the notebook fall in silence and I not can to increase the volume.02:36
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=== samhassell is now known as samh_afk
wikyTotem can't play .mkv, display 'Required plugin could not be found'. What package should I install?02:52
pitoowrhythmbox can't delete my mp3, it just show a red dot02:54
pitoowi have no sure if it is an error in my fstab file02:55
darkhalomy ssl certificates are showing they are from an unknown author in firefox but not in chrome. Should I be worried about this?02:58
chinkungDoes anyone know how to make dnsmasq working with dns  vpn on 12.04?, I can't access internal network via hostname after connect through VPN, it seems dns doesn't resolve03:02
clue_hdarkhalo, it might be that chrome is enforcing https everywhere and they have gotten a tighter grip on it03:05
darkhaloclue_h, this is on facebook, twitter, mega......pretty much everywhere but www.grc.com03:06
raubchinkung: can you see the dns?03:06
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clue_hdarkhalo, even on grc? which browser are you using03:06
darkhaloclue_h, NOT on grc03:06
darkhalothere are few sites that give me the green lock anymore with firefox03:07
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chinkungraub: I have to dig @dnsip hostname in order to see the real ip03:07
chinkungraub: I have to comment dns=dnsmasq line in /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf to make it works03:07
clue_hdarkhalo, some sites have mixed content, while your main connection for signing in may be encrypted other things like images pulled from elsewhere are not03:07
chinkungraub: it seems like dnsmasq is the problem03:08
darkhaloclue_h, that makes sense03:08
clue_hdarkhalo, do you have https everywhere installed as an addon?03:08
darkhaloclue_h, no, but I probably should03:09
darkhaloclue_h, didn't know it existed honestly03:09
clue_hdarkhalo, i would,03:09
darkhaloclue_h, available for firefox?03:09
darkhaloclue_h, I see it for chrome03:09
clue_hdarkhalo, yes it is, i think you can get it from the free software foundation site or firefox addons page03:10
darkhaloclue_h, thanks03:10
numbersmy wifi keeps dropping, im using version 12.04 lts ubuntu ,03:10
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest49456
darkhaloclue_h, odd that firefox doesn't have it on their web store.03:11
clue_hdarkhalo, the reason is small print about policies03:12
duoihow can i repack the ubuntu ISO so that it is permenantly live and the bootloader doesn't ask me whether or not I want to install?03:12
numberscan someone help me with my wifi problem?03:14
hj2007hi everyone, I'm getting "ssh: connect to host xxxxxxxxxxxx port 22: Connection refused". I've tried every possible move given on forums online but no success. Can anyone please help?03:15
somsiphj2007: ssh -vvv will give very verbose output which might help you03:16
hj2007somsip: thank you. do you know any such option for scp?03:17
somsiphj2007: just one -v is as far as it seems to go03:17
xar-how do I force the keyring to expire in ubuntu03:18
hj2007somsip: even in verbose mode I'm getting same messages. debug1: connect to address xxxxxxxxxxx port 22: Connection refused03:20
igzoltcan anyone help me with a boot problem. i have installed ubuntu 12.10 LTS 32 bit on a samsung laptop. it boot into ubuntu a few times no prob and now i cannot boot into it any longer. when i i have the bootinfoscript at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2210858&page=2&p=12966136#post1296613603:20
somsiphj2007: so is ssh server running and is the port open?03:20
wikyHow to make totem play .mkv files? It shows 'Plugin not found'. What package should I install03:20
en4hello #ubuntu, anyone have any ideas how to get my desktop back? login with Guest works fine, but my user shows totally black screen. thanks!03:21
xar-wiky: vlc :p03:21
hj2007somsip: also "debug1: /etc/ssh/ssh_config line 19: Applying options for *". think it is fine.03:21
=== megabitdragon is now known as megabit|away
hj2007somsip: yes, "service ssh status" gives "ssh start/running, process 8145"03:22
wikyxar-, But I don't want to use vlc03:22
somsiphj2007: and the port? Is it running on 22? Is that port open?03:22
=== Freejack is now known as Freejack_
SchrodingersScatwiky: mplayer, mpv, etc03:24
m00mbaanyone know any good xen tutorials?03:24
hj2007somsip: yes, "sudo netstat -anp | grep sshd" gives "tcp        0      0    *               LISTEN      8145/sshd" and "tcp6       0      0 :::22                   :::*                    LISTEN      8145/sshd"03:24
darkhalohj2007, I'd use pastebin03:25
xar-hj2007: what does the remote host's auth.log say? (assuming the remote host is debian based.)03:25
wikySchrodingersScat, Is it imposible to use totem to play .mkv?03:26
SchrodingersScatwiky: not sure, I don't have it installed.03:26
m00mbahj2007: have you connected in the past?03:27
xar-I can't justify using totem, when vlc exists and Just Works TM03:27
wikyxar-, I just like GUI of totem, it's simple03:28
=== raj` is now known as raj
hj2007darkhalo: sure, would take care next time03:28
rwwwiky: gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg might help03:28
hj2007xar: but I can't connect to remote host03:28
wikyrww, I think not, as I have tried it.03:29
xar-hj2007: do you have a IMPI? remote KVM? DRAC? some flavor of rescue? if not, contact your datacenter operations.03:29
kostkonwiky, mkv is just a container format, what you need is codecs. you could install the ubuntu-restricted-extras package03:29
hj2007m00mba: yes many times, but I'm seeing this issue lately. Also I can connect from Windows right now, but not through Ubuntu.03:29
rwwwiky: ah. no idea, then03:30
hj2007xar: I've no idea what you are saying. Can you give me few keywords to Google?03:31
m00mbahj2007: does your ubuntu have a new ip.  you may need to clear the host that you connected to in the known_hosts.03:31
xar-hj2007: where is the destination host located?03:31
BassVI_96I'm having some trouble getting a couple of Second Life viewers to work in 13.1003:31
SchrodingersScatBassVI_96: a couple?03:32
BassVI_96well, one03:32
BassVI_96when I double click or left click, it wants to open with gedit03:32
hj2007m00mba: no, I didn't change the IP. I already cleared known_hosts content.03:32
hj2007xar: It is in my university. I'm at my home with VPN connected.03:33
wikykostkon, it works, thanks.03:33
SchrodingersScat!details | BassVI_9603:33
ubottuBassVI_96: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)03:33
kostkonwiky, :)03:33
xar-hj2007: ruling out local issues with your workstation, then the next course of action is to rule out SSH server misconfiguration at the host, right?03:34
hj2007xar: Can there be any VPN specific issues?03:35
howtechwindows 7 and dell I hate you both03:37
en4hi again #ubuntu, apologies for being so pesky but i'm looking for new ideas to reset an all black desktop (unity, ccsm, lightdm, etc.). i can login with Guest and see a desktop, i cannot login with USER. thoughts, ideas, help?03:37
howtechtrying to install windows 7 on a partition with recovery discs but an error pops up saying that i need a 198 gb hard drive03:37
howtechI guess ill just use wine03:38
howtechI need help03:38
howtechsteam runs my games slower than windows03:38
en4ps, this is ubuntu 12.04 LTS03:38
howtechhow do I update my graphics card driver03:39
BassVI_96about the only detail I have is, I installed 13.10 on its own drive. once logged in, I went to the Singularity web site and d/l'd the 64-bit version of that, then went to the Phoenix-Firestorm web site and d/l'd the 64-bit beta version of that. in both cases, they were opened with Archive Editor, and extracted to Home03:39
=== Freejack_ is now known as Freejack
BassVI_96when I had 12.04 installed, both viewers worked via double clicking, and selecting Run, but I didn't have voice in either viewer03:40
kostkonen4, what you mean you cannot login03:43
BassVI_96? for me, kostkon?03:44
kostkonBassVI_96, no. in your case, you need to right click on the file, select properties, then permissions then enable the allow executing file as program option03:46
m00mbahj2007: are you using iptables?03:46
Tophi'm using chrome browser in Ubuntu 13.10 and it doesn't play videos , always asking for  the Flash Player or the latest version . I have installed the version from the Ubuntu software Centre03:47
BassVI_96allow executing is checked, when I look at permissions for the Firestorm shell03:47
en4kostkon, i can login as USER but i have a completely black screen03:48
BassVI_96is it possible I goofed something on extracting each of the two programs?03:51
en4kostkon, however, if i create a new user (new_USER), that user can login and see a perfectly working unity desktop. so how can i get my working unity desktop back for USER?03:52
kostkonen4, login into tty, try to reset unity/compiz03:52
kostkonen4, http://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/how-to-reset-unity-launcher-icons-or.html03:54
en4thanks, kostkon. after running unity --reset, i see "Setting Update "run_key"" followed by "Warn:" messages from compiz some of which say "this should never happen. you should probably file a bug about this."03:56
en4it then halts03:56
kostkonen4, ctrl+alt+f7 to go back to the desktop03:57
en4kostkon, still completely black whether i Ctrl+C that halted unity --reset process or not03:59
en4kostkon, this command halts at "Loading icons..."  (DISPLAY=:0.0 /usr/bin/ccsm)04:01
kostkonen4, reboot and see if anything has changed, sudo reboot04:01
en4kostkon, many thanks for your attention! rebooting..04:02
hj2007m00mba: not sure, but "sudo iptables -L | grep ssh" returns nothing.04:02
* BassVI_96 pretty noobish with anything 'NIX, only having used pine e-mail in college 10 years ago04:03
en4kostkon, looks the same completely black screen04:04
kostkonen4, ok :/04:04
m00mbahj2007:  probably not using it but it could return with numeric 22.04:04
BassVI_96I'm figuring out XChat quicker than Ubunto04:09
pvl1xchat is an app04:10
m00mbahj2007:  check your hosts.allow and hosts.deny.  You can still connect to the server via the windows connection, right?04:10
pvl1ubuntu is an os. apples and oranges BassVI_9604:10
BassVI_96I just can't get my two Second Life viewers to run04:11
pvl1why not04:11
BassVI_96when I double click, gedit opens instead04:12
BassVI_96when I right click, Open with gedit is the Open choice04:13
pvl1chmod +x file04:13
BassVI_96where do I do that?04:13
Bugbeari have been fiddling with a problem with my display resolution all day and i've tried everything. im ready to file a bug report on the issue but i dont know what to file the report against.  would it be xorg-server and xf86-video-intel ?04:13
rwwjaequery: fix your IRC client :(04:14
pvl1BassVI_96: in a terminal04:14
BassVI_96kostkon said to right click, and look at permissions. Allow executing file as program is checked in both04:14
BugbearBassVI_96, right click, choose open with other application and enable the checkmark for "Always use this application" ?04:14
rwwjaequery: because it keeps spamming the channels you're in with "Max SendQ exceeded" quit and rejoins04:15
pvl1BassVI_96: i prefer doing it by hand. because that way i know it works for sure. where did you get this viewer04:15
jaequeryoh interesting04:15
BassVI_96both viewers I downloaded from the web sites for the viewer04:15
rwwjaequery: hence someone else forwarding you from some other channel to ##fix_your_connection earlier, which I was about to do but it stopped (for a bit)04:16
pvl1BassVI_96: what do you see in gedit. the very first line04:16
pvl1BassVI_96: can you link me to that website04:16
BassVI_96this one is for the Singularity viewer, but I'm having the same problem with Firestorm as well04:17
BassVI_96and I need to look at that first line like you asked04:18
BassVI_96first line = #!/bin/bash04:18
pvl1ok good04:18
BassVI_96I was using both Firestorm and Singularity viewers just fine, when I was using 12.04, although I couldn't get voice to work in either viewer04:19
chamunksAnyone know what I would use to get output only a section of a text file.04:19
pvl1chamunks: sed or grep04:20
pvl1BassVI_96: you are double clicking in nautilus right04:20
BassVI_96not sure what nautilus is04:20
BassVI_96when I was using the viewers in 12.04, I could double click, a window would come up with launch options, and clicking Run started the program04:21
usr13!nautilus | BassVI_9604:21
usr13!info nautilus | BassVI_9604:22
ubottuBassVI_96: nautilus (source: nautilus): file manager and graphical shell for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 1:3.8.2-0ubuntu2.2 (saucy), package size 477 kB, installed size 4098 kB04:22
pvl1usr13: whats the default fm  in saucy04:22
* BassVI_96 has a LOT to learn about Ubuntu04:22
pvl1BassVI_96: do you want a quick solution to just get it working? run it in a terminal04:23
chamunksI've got a regex thing that would do it to some extent.04:23
pvl1but it sounds to me like permission errors04:23
BassVI_96I don't even have that option atm04:23
pvl1BassVI_96: what do you mean04:23
BassVI_96Run In Terminal was one of the choices, when I'd double click when I was in 12.0404:24
chamunkspvl1, Trying to just get the users section out of this file http://hastebin.com/mejururupu04:24
chamunksand jam it into a similar file on a different server.04:24
BassVI_96I installed 13.10 today, and that's where my problems started04:24
chamunkswe were attempting to use this regex /^(.*?users:\s)/is04:25
hj2007m00mba: everything is commented in those two files04:25
pvl1BassVI_96: i meant actually open a terminal, and run it from within said terminal04:25
pvl1BassVI_96: is that how you would run it in 12.04 btw?04:25
=== Guest91263 is now known as RyanKnack
hj2007m00ma: yes I can connect using Windows, it works perfectly there04:25
BassVI_96that's what I'm trying to figure out, pvl104:25
pvl1!file manager04:26
pvl1BassVI_96: hold on a sec04:26
pvl1chamunks: i think sed is the wy to go... id ask in #linux if i were u04:26
chamunksthanks pvl104:27
pvl1np chamunks04:27
m00mbahj2007:  strange.  you connect with the same user from windows as you do from ubuntu?  Are you sshing or sftp or scp?  Can you provide the command minus the ip that you are performing from ubuntu?04:28
pvl1BassVI_96: have you got a terminal open04:28
BassVI_96I've got the firestorm shell open in gedit04:29
hj2007m00ma: I don't understand how can users across two different OS be same? I'm using scp, even ssh doesn't work and gives the same error. I'm using "scp -v ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub username@xxxxxxxx:.ssh/temp.pub"04:29
pvl1BassVI_96: cd to the location of the file you are trying to run04:30
somsiphj2007: scp -v -i ~/.ssh/rsa_pub...etc04:30
somsiphj2007: you're missing the -i04:31
=== mumixam_ is now known as mumixam
somsiphj2007: oh, you're trying to copy the key? Maybe my mistake...04:31
* BassVI_96 don't know what cd is04:32
hj2007somsip: yes, there is no -i option04:32
somsiphj2007: I jumped in before I read to the end of the line. My bad04:32
pvl1!cd | BassVI_9604:33
pvl1BassVI_96: cd = change directory, its the universal command to change directory. when you open a terminal your in your home directory, you can cd to Downloads or whatever as though you are in a file manager04:34
pvl1except you must type04:34
pvl1BassVI_96: also do this: http://askubuntu.com/a/30577604:35
BassVI_96so I can type !cd here?04:35
pvl1nope i was just trying something04:36
pvl1here wait04:36
m00mbahj2007:  make sure when you do ssh you use ssh -l userid IP04:36
pvl1BassVI_96: is it ok if i Private message you04:36
m00mbahj2007: can you check your permissions on .ssh04:36
hj2007m00mba: drwx------04:39
m00mbahj2007:  I think it should be 60004:41
hj2007m00mba: done, same error04:42
somsipm00mba: hj2007 700 here and ssh is fine for me. files inside should be 60004:42
somsiphj2007: is the windows machine you can connect from on the same IP?04:42
hj2007spmsip: yes, same IP04:43
m00mbasomsip: thx and good question04:43
somsiphj2007: can you ssh to any other server from ubuntu?04:43
rodhashGuys, any idea where the iptables rules are stored in Ubuntu Saucy ?04:43
pvl1!terminal | BassVI_9604:43
ubottuBassVI_96: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal04:43
hj2007somsip: which other server can I try?04:44
somsiphj2007: do you have a spare? If not, I can spin on up for you04:44
aeon-ltdrodhash: /etc/ ?04:44
m00mbahj2007:  from windows are you using a gui like winscp?04:44
hj2007somsip: i dont have. please do.04:44
jak2013m00mba hi04:44
rodhashaeon-ltd, there is nothing under /etc ... at least nothing as "iptables"04:45
BassVI_96ugh...I don't have an Applications folder04:45
hj2007m00mba: putty04:45
aeon-ltdrodhash: been a while since i used, but they should be in /etc/iptables/ . why can't you just use the commands?04:47
rodhashaeon-ltd, actually I use the commands .. but I'm trying to find out where all these default rules are coming  from04:48
Es0tericwhats the grep command to kill a mysql.sock process?04:48
Neozonzsockit [pid]04:49
* Neozonz chuckles04:49
* SonikkuAmerica socks every process04:49
Solupushi guys, I have a windows 8 gaming PC right now04:50
SonikkuAmericaSolupus: And?04:50
Solupus16 GB RAM, 4.5 OCed CPU, 3 TB HDD, 250 GB SSD04:50
m00mbahj2007:  good.  just trying to narrow down the issue.  stupid q but you are connecting with the same user from both windows and ubuntu right?  And its a normal user and not root right?04:50
SolupusI was wondering if I switch to Xbuntu would my PC slow down drastically?04:50
SonikkuAmericaSolupus: If anything I would say it would speed up...04:50
SerajewelKSthe nouveau drivers in 13.10 have major issues with gnome 3, which the installer boots into (the desktop is severely distorted, such that windows don't appear where they actually are, and are stretched in weird ways)04:50
SolupusI run Xubuntu under virtualBox to learn and its a bit slow, I already allocated 4096 GB of RAM to it and 2 cores04:50
SerajewelKSis there a way to force the environment the 13.10 cd boots you into to use either the proprietary drivers, or something safe like vesa?04:51
Solupusof course, thats virtualbox, but im just wondering if XFCE would actually speed things up because of the other bloated software not there04:51
hj2007m00mba: yes it is normal user. but I don't understand how can we talk of same user across different OSes04:51
SolupusSonikkuAmerica, alright. Thanks. I guess live boot is the only way I can be sure04:51
SonikkuAmericaSolupus: You can always grab a !Live image -- oh, you're ahead of me04:51
SolupusSonikkuAmerica, also; I have 3 monitors do you know of any potential issues I might get from that?04:52
pvl1short attention span04:52
SonikkuAmericaSolupus: If you have an NVIDIA Optimus card and connect via HDMI...04:52
SolupusSonikkuAmerica, no, but I have nvidia geForce which is using 1 hdmi port04:53
Solupusis it an optimus issue or hdmi issue?04:53
m00mbahj2007:  The user you are connecting to will be the same on the server side.  userA will be the same whether you are connecting from win or ubuntu client to ubuntu server.  Unless I am misunderstanding your configuration.04:53
SonikkuAmericaSolupus: You could run into an issue with either one.04:54
hj2007m00ba: yes it is same. I didn't get you properly first time.04:54
m00mbahj2007: where I was going is that that the server config can block login.  like norootlogin, something like that.04:55
=== Jan11 is now known as ON1
hj2007m00mba: I cannot even connect to a sql server in my university (I'm on VPN right now) from Ubuntu, but I can connect from Windows.04:57
hj2007m00mba: So it looks like it is not a ssh specific issue, right?04:57
m00mbahj2007: ah if you're vpn into another network a fw could be blocking you.04:57
m00mbahj2007: is the server in the vpn network?04:58
hj2007m00mba: I already disable firewall using "ufw disable"04:58
hj2007m00mba: yes server is in the VPN network04:58
m00mbahj2007:  okay. yes it looks like the issue is more than just ssh.04:59
gan_21how to startup runlevel in ubuntu12.0404:59
hj2007m00mba: yes, I think I cannot connect to anything outside04:59
hj2007m00mba: how can I check connecting to any other server using ssh, like somsip was saying?05:00
somsiphj2007: check your private messages...05:00
somsiphj2007: and try pinging the problem host to see if it's a routing issue05:01
hj2007somsip: ping works perfectly05:01
m00mbahj2007:  I remember you saying sometimes it works and sometimes it does not.  the ubuntu client is it a virtual?05:02
hj2007m00mba: actually it used to work before, but not now. I have changed my desktop to Cinnamon from Unity. Does that matter?05:02
somsiphj2007: if it's VPN, I don't think I can help. We seem to have discounted ssh server (as win client can connect) and ubuntu ssh client (as can connect to other ssh servers)05:03
hj2007m00mba: no it is a full Ubuntu install05:03
hj2007somsip: But I also can't connect to a SQL DB server which is within VPN05:03
hj2007somsip: What do you think can be concluded from that?05:04
m00mbahj2007:  should not.  Is your windows box vpn in the network too?05:04
hj2007m00mba: yes, I'm connecting to same VPN05:05
xar-I know this is going to sound extremely lame, but how about you "call" your university help desk, and have them help you out?05:05
hj2007xar: yes I would do that tomorrow. I was stuck coz of spring break and right now it is 12:06 AM :)05:06
somsiphj2007: routing or VPM issues would be my guess. Neither of which I know anything about05:07
hj2007somsip: oh ok. thank you for your time anyway :)05:07
wiakhow can i grep out the version number of a program like LFTP | Version 4.4.15 | Copyright (c) 1996-2014 Alexander V. Lukyanov to only 4.4.1505:08
xar-wiak: easy: lftp -v | head -n1 | awk '{print $4}'05:08
wiaksomsip woot, did you open firewall ? :P05:08
wiakxar sweet thx05:08
m00mbahj2007:  sorry, it does sound like a vpn or routing issue, maybe concurrent connection issue.  But I need to get some sleep so I am signing off.05:10
NYAnyone here from NY?05:11
rwwNY: try #ubuntu-us-ny :)05:12
xar-god the six question marks are so offensive05:12
xar-try some irc etiquette please05:12
hj2007m00mba: thank you for your time, good night :)05:12
NYWhose    offwended?05:15
rahul_hi all05:17
nicklashello, fresh and updated install on asus ultrabook, with nvidid geforce gt 740m, but cant find the drivers for the card in additional drivers tab. what can i do?05:23
nicklas its a new ultrabook: http://cdon.se/hemelektronik/asus/asus-k551lb-xx227h-i7-4500u-8gb-24gb-ssd-750gb-gt740-2gb-w8-p2629988505:24
User1220bdoes anyone know how get firefox downloaded05:29
User1220bapt-get install firefox, ubuntu center aint working either.05:30
fibz_what error do you get?05:34
bray90820ow do i save VIM05:45
qinbray90820: w05:47
BassVI_96would a Linux for Dummies book do me any good, in the coming future?05:47
qinBassVI_96: Is ...for Dummies any good for you in any aspect?05:48
BassVI_96it could be, at least to have some reference handy05:48
BassVI_96or frequent the Ubuntu site05:49
bray90820I tried :w tto save hen :wq to quit but the changes arn't saved when i open it again05:50
qinBassVI_96: man man; you have it already, now go donate to Lunix Fundation for giving you free reference, also check Ubuntu Manual, Linux Documentation Project and some more Awesome and Free resources online...05:51
qin!manual | BassVI_9605:51
ubottuBassVI_96: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/05:51
qinbray90820: does file changes after: echo "test line" > file_name; ?05:52
bray90820Nevermind don't listen to me05:53
qin*Linux Fundation05:54
qinbray90820: ok.05:54
BassVI_96qin, I'll definitely donate, when I get paid, but I'd quit a job on the 13th and didn't get my direct deposit on Thursday05:58
=== xwalk is now known as Guest24154
qinBassVI_96: I rather ment that Linux offers amass of free and very well organised learning material giving you as much base knowledge as you need before taking a dip into complex issues, rather than mugging you. Buying any book with idea that it is anyway better that existing free resources seems to be incorrect, http://www.tldp.org/ is enough to make you good allrounder in Linux, add wikipedia and some google to it ;)06:04
pvl1!desktop BassVI_9606:17
pvl1!desktop | BassVI_9606:18
ubottuBassVI_96: A desktop environment is what "puts the pieces of a !GUI together". The available desktop environments in Ubuntu are !GNOME (ubuntu-desktop), !KDE (kubuntu-desktop), !Xfce (xubuntu-desktop), !LXDE (lubuntu-desktop), IceWM, !Fluxbox, WindowMaker (wmaker), FVWM and others - See also !Flavors06:18
pvl1qin I thought linus just does it out of bordem :p06:19
pvl1seriously though. where can I donate06:19
pvl1!apt | BassVI_9606:22
ubottuBassVI_96: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Muon (KDE) or !Apper (KDE)06:22
cryorusHello, question. I'm on xubuntu using xorg-edgers with an ATI video card. My monitor gets like a 2cm gap at the top of the screen. Anyone knows something about it?06:30
pvl1cryorus look into underscanning or overscanning06:33
cryoruspvl1, how do i look into that? im an amateur at this :/06:33
pvl1Cyrus do you have cccm or catalyst control center or anything06:34
pvl1what kind of monitor btw cryorus06:35
cryorussamsung syncmaster 733nw06:35
cryorusnope i dont have catalyst06:35
cryorusim afraid to install it, it screws my drivers everytime i do, pvl106:35
cryoruslast time i got to instal fglrx, i got a blackscreen before loginscreen06:36
cryorushad to remove and installed xorg-edgers06:36
pvl1cryorus I indeestand06:37
pvl1however I was a le to have a control panel for edgers at one point06:37
pvl1forgot what I did tbh06:38
pvl1cryorus ask in ##hardware06:38
pvl1theyll b able to help better06:38
cryorusthank you very much mate :)06:38
lickalottgents, is there a way to display the GPU temp within a terminal window?06:41
pvl1no problem06:41
pvl1cryorus sorry wish I could help more06:41
pvl1yes, and it depends on things06:41
pvl1lm-sensors package has something. official drivers have something06:42
lickalottthats it!06:42
pvl1!wine | BassVI_9606:42
ubottuBassVI_96: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu06:42
Hornetpossibly a daft question, but what does {a} mean after a deb package name?06:43
Hornetcan't google it due to the nature of the beast06:43
pvl1literally that06:43
Hornethalf of the packages in the list have that after them06:44
Hornetguessing it's a flag for archived or something06:44
pvl1I mean is that the literal string06:44
Hornetbut I can't confirm06:44
Hornetyes that06:44
pvl1thats weird I havent seen it... or noticed. what are you using06:45
HornetThe following NEW packages will be installed:06:45
Hornet  autoconf automake autotools-dev{a} binutils{a}06:45
Hornetubuntu lts06:45
pvl1I meant just apt-get?06:45
Hornetaptitude install asd06:45
Hornet+ sudo obv06:45
pvl1Hornet ^06:47
Hornethttp://algebraicthunk.net/~dburrows/blog/entry/aptitude-0.4.10-released/ explains it06:48
Hornetcheers, how'd you find that?06:48
Hornetpita to google things like this06:48
Horneteven quotes won't help06:48
pvl1I searched { and found out its called a bracket06:49
pvl1then I did aptitude debian bracket06:49
pvl1I go sleep now06:50
pvl1nighty night06:50
somsippvl1: braces http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bracket06:52
=== jakew02|away is now known as jakew02
budi_can linux/ubuntu remastered more than 4gb? ... aka can be burned onto dvd2L (sorry for my bad english)07:07
pi___budi_: hi, what do you mean, remastered?07:08
budi_ya ... I usually use remastersys07:08
pi___budi_: burning on DVD is usually no problem07:09
BassVI_96if I backup my firefox & thunderbird settings, using mozbackup in windows, I can import those settings to the linux versions installed with ubuntu?07:17
=== gac_ is now known as gac
=== cisconinja_ is now known as cisconinja
Adrenaline|2I am new to ubuntu07:19
=== onder`_ is now known as onder`
BassVI_96me too07:19
Adrenaline|2yea I am pretty much clueless starting from square one07:20
Adrenaline|2any tips?07:20
Adrenaline|2where to learn about it?07:20
BassVI_96probably through the web site07:20
=== AndChat|496496 is now known as monkwitdafunk
BassVI_96I've been getting my butt soundly kicked, except for some help I got here earlier07:21
fibz_through the website, the forum, launchpad, IRC and software center, you should be covered :)07:21
Adrenaline|2okay thanks...yea I basically just taught myself HTML and am learning all the basics on my own07:22
Adrenaline|2this is my frist time with IRC too07:22
Adrenaline|2probably shouldnt put that out there haha07:22
Adrenaline|2okay..off to the site i go07:22
Adrenaline|2take care07:22
BassVI_96it's actually good to know that much07:22
Adrenaline|2can you add people on this thing?07:23
BassVI_96I may be new to ubuntu, but I'm not new to IRC07:23
Adrenaline|2BassVI_96: oh yea? this might be a stupid question07:23
Adrenaline|2but what is IRC primarily good for07:23
Adrenaline|2any type of information?07:23
BassVI_96comminications/chat, basically07:23
Adrenaline|2yea..is it anonymous?07:24
fibz_Adrenaline|2, for chat see #ubuntu-offtopic or one of the many freenode chatrooms :)07:24
Adrenaline|2disregard that last07:24
Adrenaline|2okay thaks07:24
Adrenaline|2hey can you save people'07:25
Adrenaline|2s tags07:25
Adrenaline|2say i wanted to talk to one of you guys in the future07:25
somsipAdrenaline|2: in this channel, you just ask a question and if someone can help they will07:25
duoihow can i repack the ubuntu ISO so that it is permenantly live and the bootloader doesn't ask me whether or not I want to install?07:25
Adrenaline|2okay thanks07:26
somsipduoi: you install it07:26
duoisomsip, want to fit it onto a CD07:26
somsip!persistence | duoi (unless you mean this)07:26
ubottuduoi (unless you mean this): To have some persistent storage when using a Live CD, follow the instructions on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDPersistence07:26
* BassVI_96 peeking through the channels list07:26
somsip!alis | BassVI_9607:27
ubottuBassVI_96: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*07:27
duoiNope, no persistence. I just want an ISO that doesn't prompt for boot, and boots straight to desktop.07:27
duoiIs there any part of the ISO I could modify in order to make this happen?07:27
=== onlty is now known as The_Jews
=== The_Jews is now known as onlty
kallerdo people actually talkhere?07:32
onltyit is usually active07:33
somsipkaller: you ask quesitons and people answer if they can07:33
kallerwell.....i got a difficult question07:33
pi___kaller: put question07:34
duoianybody have a solution for me? :)07:34
pi___duoi: any iso can be modified07:34
duoipi___, do you know what part I need to modify? going through the ISO I couldn't find which part to modify07:35
pi___duoi: what you need?07:35
duoipi___, i want to remove the bootscreen prompt that asks whether or not i want to "try" or install. i want it to default to try.07:36
duoiwith 1 second timeout or whatever07:36
pi___duoi: try to configure boot.conf or somethink like that07:37
kallerwhat if you had a laptop, a toshiba qosmio g25-av513 and the original old biosd on it and couldn't get an OS install, installed ubuntu and had to install it to a sata drive on another computer and put it back in the mpc and have been running it but know it's not setup right cuz the install did it on another pc?07:37
pi___kaller: please, simplify07:38
kallerthat is simplified cuz it explains from start to now07:39
pi___kaller: yousually, for instalation is used install CD, USB07:39
g0tchakaller, so your asking if ubuntu might cause problems cuz its been installed on a different machine?07:39
g0tchapi___, apperantly he cant install it directly cuz his bios is damanaged... i think07:40
kallerno, how to install the stuff that it is missing cuz i installed it from another pc07:40
pi___g0tcha: aha07:40
g0tchakaller, why dont you try to fix the damaged bios so you can install ubuntu directly on your laptop?07:41
kallerthe bios is old and has no real options and uses raid for drives and creates a huge install issue if you try other OS's07:41
kallerintel has no update that i can find to add the custom bios07:41
pi___kaller: then floppy disk07:41
BassVI_96have you tried to go to the toshiba web site, to see if there's a bios for that model?07:42
kallerthe pc ins';t old enough for floppy and the usb's don't read cuz old bios07:42
BassVI_96forget what I asked...you already answered...oops07:43
pi___kaller: then, you can try to remove disk and try to install somewhere else07:43
kallerthere is an update but only disk and whatever....no matter what it reqiores a boot mgr and even creating a boot usb even if i could get it to read07:43
BassVI_96burn it to a CD/DVD?07:43
kallercd dvd was damaged07:44
kaller6- for repair and would rather not do that07:44
BassVI_96the drive still work?07:44
sgo11hi, when I run "sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=8192" where /dev/sdb is a usb disk, finally, i got "dd: error writing ‘/dev/sdb’: No space left on device". is this normal? I thought dd would stop/quit normally when the device is full.07:44
kallerlol....not an easy problem...i've been messing with it for 5 days07:45
pi___sgo11: its like that usb disk is smaller then source disk07:45
BassVI_96if the optical drive on the laptop still works, I'm thinking you could try, on another computer, to burn the bios for the laptop to a CD/DVD07:45
sgo11pi___, is that possible to let dd stop/quit automatically when the target device is full? if so, how? thanks.07:45
kalleri did sudo apt-get update and upgrade07:45
kallerbut i can tell it doesn't have the full driver install to have all the drivers of my system07:46
pi___sgo11: hmmm, that i dont know, i mean no, but there is somethink like join and split07:46
=== Squarism3 is now known as Squarism
kallerbesides no ifo on anything like that, but since that is the issue it doesn't read the usb drives07:48
sgo11pi___, ok. thanks.07:48
pi___sgo11: or maybe, simply, bigger usb disk07:48
kallerget a 32 for 20 at BB07:49
sgo11pi___, no. I just want dd quits automatically when the device is full. I want to write the zero to the entire device.07:49
BassVI_96using the optical drive is about the only thing I can think of, if it won't read USB07:49
kallertdo what i did07:50
kallertake the drive out and07:50
pi___sgo11: actually, dd will do it07:50
sgo11pi___, no, it keeps running after showing that error. I have to kill the command by ctrl+c.07:51
kallerwriote the live install iso to the drive in another pc....the differenc eis that you sohuld put the drive int he other pc and then boot it07:51
BassVI_96kaller: that's what I'm trying to suggest for the bios, as well07:52
pi___sgo11: and it is problem?07:53
BassVI_96if the laptop won't read USB, burning a bios to a CD or DVD may be the only solution07:53
BassVI_96if that works, the ubuntu install should07:53
kallercan't....bootmgr missing, usb not loading cuz crap bios, cd drive broke07:53
sgo11pi___, I don't know what dd does when that error raised. does it keep writing zero to somewhere else? or keep writing from the start of the device?07:54
pi___sgo11: no, certainly dont writing somewhere else07:55
BassVI_96almost sounds to me like it's time to put a fork in that laptop07:55
kallerexternal usb dvd not functioning cuz i believe the usb drives aren't fully installed07:55
kalleri can run a 14 bit 28607:56
pi___sgo11: its like, if you burn on 700MB CD 900MB, what is possible with force07:56
pi___sgo11: and it is nonsense, ofcourse07:56
sgo11pi___, if dd does not do anything when that error raises, I am fine with it. But I don't think that is the case. because ctrl+c can not kill the command very quickly. i have to type many ctrl+c to kill that command. that means dd is running busy with writes which I have no idea what it does.07:56
kallerjust that ubuntu has little usb support and seems to be handles by an app instead of the OS (like plug and play)07:57
pi___sgo11: for using dd, you must know, if dd can copy or not, right disk spaces07:57
BassVI_96I'm new to ubuntu, myself, but I'm fairly good on the hardware side07:58
kallerok...i have an easy queation07:58
pi___sgo11:  df, or df -h07:58
sgo11pi___, I just want to write zero to the entire device. that's all.07:58
kallerhow to install indows * in vertualbox07:58
kallerusing updated and upgraded 13.1007:58
prainworkergood morning07:59
* BassVI_96 leaves that one alone...out of his lane07:59
prainworkerkaller what could it be if i go in software sources07:59
pi___sgo11: you want somethink like format? :-)07:59
sgo11pi___, yeah. but unrecoverable. normal format will make the data unsafe and recoverable by some programs.07:59
kallerwhat prain?07:59
prainworkerto the additional driver tap an select the driver for my card it allways jumps back to the open source driver08:00
somsip!shred | sgo11 (if this helps)08:00
somsip!info shred | sgo11 (if this helps)08:00
ubottusgo11 (if this helps): Package shred does not exist in saucy08:00
pi___sgo11: ok, use fdisk, third times08:00
sgo11somsip, thanks. I have shred in my system.08:00
somsipsgo11: bot was not helpful there... http://www.howtoforge.com/how-to-securely-destroy-wipe-data-on-hard-drives-with-shred08:01
prainworkerhave nvidia gtx 560 ti and would like to use the nv driver for gaming08:01
BassVI_96it's 4 am where I'm at...need to grab some sleep08:01
BassVI_96night all08:01
prainworkerfresh out of the box install08:01
prainworker10 min ago08:01
sgo11somsip, thanks. :)08:01
somsipprainworker: any reason why you want to use nv and not the proprietary driver?08:01
pi___sgo11: or there are some utils on some different recovery CDs08:01
prainworkeri dont know is all the openGL stuff support under current driver08:02
pi___sgo11: liki Bart CD etc.08:02
kallerprain....update and upgrade08:02
somsipprainworker: last I heard, gaming performance was better under the prop driver.08:02
prainworkersudo apt-get update and dann the same with upgrade08:02
kallergoto terminal type sudo app-get update08:02
kallerthen type the samehing with upgrade08:03
kallerthen adain with update08:03
=== mudo_ is now known as mudo
kallerand again"08:03
sgo11pi___, ok. thanks. I think shred can do what I want. although my old method dd should be enough too. :)08:03
pi___sgo11: yes :-)08:04
kallersudo apt=get update08:04
kallersudo apt-get upgrade08:04
prainworkerhe is working08:04
kallerthen sudo apt-date update08:04
somsip!who | kaller08:05
ubottukaller: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)08:05
kallerupdate allows a few more upgrades to run08:05
kallerprain knows i'm talking to him08:05
geirhasgo11: if you only fill it with zeros, data may still be recoverable. shred will make it even harder.08:05
somsipkaller: it helps other people to follow the thread if you use their name08:06
kallerlame...people have been doing that...free information, we just want to regulate your words08:07
somsipkaller: oh grow up08:07
kallerdamn grown, not gonna cow tow to people that can't read right08:08
prainworkerstill the same kaller08:08
sgo11geirha, oh. so shred is actually doing "sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=8192" in the background. right?08:09
somsipprainworker: what is it you're trying to do?08:09
kallergotta reboot08:09
prainworkeror wait know it stays gray an not jumping back wait a sek08:09
somsipprainworker: all on one line helps :)08:09
kallerhze lost me08:10
geirhasomsip: no, it writes random bytes multiple times, then finally a pass filling it with zeros08:10
somsipgeirha: not me mate08:10
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geirhasgo11: ^08:10
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prainworkerunder software updates ill try to select 331.38  say apply changes but it jumps back to the opensource driver08:10
kallerdo it from the terminal08:11
sgo11geirha, I saw your message. :) ok. that means dd way is even safer than shred.08:11
somsipprainworker: so you're trying to install nvidia-current drivers? For what version of ubuntu?08:11
kallerthen try it from the power button menu in about system08:11
prainworkersomsip 14.0408:11
somsipprainworker: you really need to ask in #ubuntu+1 as 14.04 is still in beta and not supported here. I appreciate people will try to help you here. but it's not the bext place08:12
kallerit installs on the term update/upgrade and installs on the update button in about system08:12
geirhasgo11: it depends on whether you just want to wipe the partition table, or whether you want to make sure the data it contained is extremely hard to retrieve08:12
kalleri would bet that is the same as mine installing it yesterday and upgrading and updating today08:13
prainworkeryesterday they told me i should change to this version hat 12.04 running and know i am told that this is still a beta  wowww08:13
kalleryou don't have to wipe a second drive if you mount in term either08:13
somsipprainworker: if you've definitely installed 14.04, it is still beta for about another month.08:14
kaller13.10 is beta also08:14
sgo11geirha, I want my data is as unrecoverable as possible. I think dd is safer than shred.08:14
prainworkerok i only need a version where the new intuos wacom tables are support and in 12.04 that was not the case08:14
prainworker14.04 worked out of the box08:15
somsipsgo11: shred does multiple passes and finishes off with dd if=/dev/zero IIRC.08:15
kallerso did 13.1008:15
geirhasgo11: then shred is what you want08:15
prainworkeryesterday i downloaded the nvidia driver from the websit and manually installed it08:15
kallerididn't see 14.0408:15
prainworkerwas working fine08:15
sgo11geirha, somsip ok. got it. thanks a lot.08:15
prainworkerbut software center did not work anymore08:15
prainworkerbroken file cache08:16
kalleri isntalled nvidia when it asked on term upgrade08:16
somsipprainworker: so you're getting a bit messy already by installing from nvidia website. You *should* be using official packages to be as safe as possible, and the packages for 14.04 aren't finalised yet because it's still in beta...08:16
kallerworks greate...been playing fps's today08:16
kaller(i'm watching tv and typing)08:17
kallerwell, i had 2 questions and no one has had anything to say08:18
prainworkersomsip with channel i could ask for my stuff08:18
somsipprainworker: #ubuntu+1 but it may be quiet until the west wakes up.08:18
kallerthe west is awake08:18
kallerit's only 3:18am08:19
kallerso no one has any info on installing windows on the new virtualbox?08:20
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kallerbackl to google and messing around08:21
llutzkaller: new? 4.3 is out since a long time. you may ask in #vbox08:21
kalleri downl;oaded it earlier and seems to want to mess with me08:22
kallermore of what my problem with vbox is that abuntu won't let me copy my download outed ISO to the virtual drive cuz it errors08:25
kgeehi need some help08:25
kgeei can't seem to play a movie -How.to.Train.Your.Dragon.2.2014.DVDSCREENER.x264.XviD-zmK.avi08:25
kgeecodec problem08:26
kallerdownload the update patch that came with your install and you didn't click08:26
kgeesorry bit new to this08:27
kallerwatch 10 things to do on ubunto 13.40 on youtube08:27
kgeesorry still useing 12.0408:28
kallerno matter...he has one for that also08:28
kallerjust put 12.04 in08:28
kgeeok will check it out08:28
kaller10 Things to do After Installing Ubuntu 12.0408:29
kallerit's called exactly08:29
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kallerimagine that...a question and an answer, with a video tutorial to boot08:31
ksuhku"Unless you have opted out we will send your keystrokes to third parties including: Facebook, Twitter, BBC and Amazon." -- http://www.ubuntu.com/privacy-policy For the whole list of third parties, see http://www.ubuntu.com/privacy-policy/third-parties08:32
kalleri opt out08:33
ksuhkuI think shit like this should definitely be opt in08:34
ksuhkuthis is just abusing people who don't happen to read the privacy policy08:34
kallerwhatever, like most times people think they know what they are talking about but are commonly confused08:34
angel_hello. do someone here know about iftop?08:35
somsipangel_: just ask the question and someone will answer if they can08:35
prainworkerok i am pack ! can you please give me the install comand again08:35
prainworkerprainworker@prainworker-MS-7748:~$ sudo apt-get install nvidia33108:37
prainworker[sudo] password for prainworker:08:37
prainworkerReading package lists... Done08:37
prainworkerBuilding dependency tree08:37
prainworkerReading state information... Done08:37
prainworkerE: Unable to locate package nvidia33108:37
unopasteprainworker you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted08:37
sgo11prainworker, you forgot "-"08:39
sgo11prainworker, sudo apt-get install nvidia-33108:39
sgo11prainworker, you have to remove old nvidia packages first if you installed any.08:39
kgeekaller  there is a codec  .ex file and a note saying -Install the codecs from the /Codec/ Directory.08:40
prainworkersgo11 http://paste.ubuntu.com/7145251/08:40
somsipkgee: if that's from a torrent, beware! Sounds like an attempt to give you a virus, which should not work on linux anyway08:41
kgeeno its from newshosting08:42
angel_i've installed iftop on my ubuntu server and when open it i've found some strange thing. why my domain at the left is different here is the screenshot: http://www160.lunapic.com/do-not-link-here-use-hosting-instead/139565021664301?6014569113 it should not be live.orangesoft.by08:42
angel_it should be my domain08:42
somsipkgee: it's an illegal doanload, so same principle applies08:42
sgo11prainworker, are you sure "dpkg -l | grep nvidia" has no output?08:42
kgeenever had this prob before08:43
prainworkerbefor something was fish wish x08:43
prainworkeri will try again wait08:43
prainworkeryes know the same! no output08:44
sgo11prainworker, I don't know why you can't install "lib32gcc1". I have it in my system.08:45
alketHi, some fan in my lap top is going crazy, any solutions ?08:46
prainworkersgo11 to i need latest nv driver! or will the open source one work fine for openGL apps08:46
simon_Anybody here?08:47
somsipprainworker: told you already - nv driver is poor for gaming (no 3d support IIRC)08:47
simon_This is working08:47
fidel_simon_: there is always someone ;)08:47
simon_great :D08:47
prainworkersorry did not see the post08:47
simon_fidel_: Im getting educated in Linux so im just seeing if this works. Is this a support channel?08:48
prainworkerso i should stick with the driver i have running08:48
sgo11prainworker, for nvidia card, I think it's better use proprietary driver.08:48
DJonesprainworker: Are you using 14.04? Thats what you said in #ubuntu+1 before you left that channel, if you are, you need to ask in #ubuntu+1, there can be different versions of drivers in 14.04 that aren't present in 12.04 etc08:48
somsipprainworker: it is *best* to use the officially supported and provided driver. Doesn't mean it will be perfect, but it should have the least issues08:48
xar-simon_: IRC lesson #1; type /topic in your client.08:49
fidel_simon_: yes it is- most channels to mention its "topic" in the topic. usually a line in the top of your irc client or checkable using the /topic command08:49
gnumdkWill 14.04 released with a broken IM? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-messages/+bug/126106008:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1261060 in indicator-messages (Ubuntu) "opening an unread message via the indicator makes empathy open an empty window, forgetting the msg" [Undecided,Confirmed]08:49
simon_i see guys.08:49
somsipgnumdk: it's not released yet. Support and discussion in $ubuntu+108:49
simon_Thanks for responding08:49
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somsipgnumdk: sorry - #ubuntu+108:49
sgo11DJones, I am using 14.04. nvidia-331 is the latest nvidia driver here.08:50
sgo11I have no idea why he has unmet dependencies problem.08:50
prainworkersgo11 i am back08:52
prainworkeri did change my download location to the main server and reload pack tree08:52
prainworkerthe austrian server update server was allready puggy some time ago08:52
prainworkerreally funny it works08:53
prainworkercan you belive that08:53
sgo11prainworker, what works?08:53
prainworkersgo11  i changed my download location from austrian server to main server did update pkg tree08:54
sgo11prainworker, oh. after that, you can install nvidia-331. right?08:54
przemekHello , is it good idea to make a software raid on SSD disks ?08:54
prainworkerand now it install the nvidia-331 normal right now its building modules for generic08:55
sgo11prainworker, ok. cool. good luck.08:55
xar-przemek: "good idea" is relative; depends on your objectives.08:55
prainworkersgo11 after the install form the pkg to i need to to something more#08:56
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sgo11prainworker, no. you just need to reboot your system. and then, if you can run "nvidia-settings" command without any problems, that means you are using nvidia driver.08:56
prainworkerok will go for reboot08:57
przemekxar-: 4x128 GB server with ubuntu server onboard server created for vpn services08:57
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xar-przemek: who knows, you've provided no real data about application I/O requirements. You're not going to very good answers here.08:58
jbermudesDoes anyone know if I had a capture card, would multiple programs be able to read from the same card at the same time?08:58
xar-I recommend you "try and find out"08:58
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cisconinjawhats a good small mail server,easy to setup one can setup for sole purpose for sending alerts i.e log alerts etc on a Saucy Box please09:18
somsip!info sendEmail | cisconinja (not a server, but very simple)09:21
ubottucisconinja (not a server, but very simple): sendemail (source: sendemail): lightweight, command line SMTP email client. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.56-4 (saucy), package size 28 kB, installed size 122 kB09:21
czsI have to use kernel 2.6, can I do that with ubuntu 12.04?09:22
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root_hello all09:24
cisconinjasomsip: correct me if i am wrong , isn't sendEmail is the equivalent for xmail ? if so, then this is exactly what i am looking for09:25
tr0nircing as root isnt wise, add a user and irc from that09:25
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llutz!info activity-log-manager09:27
ubottuactivity-log-manager (source: activity-log-manager): blacklist configuration user interface for Zeitgeist. In component main, is optional. Version 0.9.7-0ubuntu4 (saucy), package size 145 kB, installed size 509 kB09:27
k1l_!rootirc | Guest2695509:28
ubottuGuest26955: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.09:28
cisconinjaam i expected to provide my username and password for gmail in a terminal like this !!! "sendEmail -f username@foo.com -t destination@foo.com -u "Message title" -m "The body of the message" -s smtp.gmail.com:25 -xu username -xp password"09:32
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CODE_any day ubuntu beta final 14.4 release?09:36
k1l_!trusty | CODE_09:36
ubottuCODE_: Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) will be the 20th release of Ubuntu.  See the announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1295 for more info. support in #ubuntu+109:36
vozzWhen mounting a ntfs usb drive, it tells me "mount: warning: /mnt/winusb seems to be mounted read-only." How do I fix this? ntfs-3g is installed09:37
Rick_Hi all! how can I change sda ti sdb and vice versa.. on gparted09:37
Rick_to sdb i meant09:37
dupingpingHi boys09:38
k1l_Rick_: you cant. you need to switch the cables because its set after the detection order from the mainboard09:38
dupingpingplease help me. please please09:38
Rick_ok, thanks09:39
dupingpingI take a bug about IBus.09:39
dupingpingI want to use IBus without it bug!09:39
HiDeHoHi all just wondering if there is a gnome version of ubuntu around.09:41
k1l_HiDeHo: there is, its called ubuntu gnome09:41
k1l_HiDeHo: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGNOME09:42
somsipcisconinja: not sure what xmail is so can't comment. Try this http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/karmic/man1/sendEmail.1.html09:48
thom__I figured out how to install Google Chrome in 14.04. The software center wouldn't install it. I downloaded the file from the terminal and noticed it saved it to the home folder. I then entered the same command I had tried several times and it said that I needed superuser privileges. So I entered sudo su, then I entered dpkg -i google-chrome-etc.deb and it installed fine. I then moved the other .deb files I had downloaded to the home folder and entered the dpk09:49
thom__g -i etc-etc.deb command and everything installed without any problems09:49
HiDeHothanks k1l_ is it using the same base as the ubuntu standard - unity09:49
arcimboldo Hi all, is there anyone using zmq instead of rabbitmq? I have trouble understanding exactly how to make it work.09:50
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k1l_HiDeHo: its the same base but with some changes in the gnome-base files that got changed for unity.09:50
HiDeHok1l_:  ok cool09:51
HiDeHoso all other ubuntu based versions such as kubuntu, xubuntu etc are all on the same base os09:51
HiDeHowhen is the next LTS due to come out09:52
k1l_!lts | HiDeHo09:52
ubottuHiDeHo: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; with the exception of 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), which will be supported for 5 years on the desktop. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04)09:52
k1l_HiDeHo: 14.04 will be released in april 201409:53
DJonesHiDeHo: 17th April09:53
HiDeHook cool09:54
HiDeHoso main ubuntu will be around 17th april and the other ubuntu based versions will be shortly after09:55
k1l_HiDeHo: no, all official ubuntus will be released on the same date09:55
DJonesHiDeHo: Normally all released at the same time & date09:55
Sveta_http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=871864  I have this problem. I had to use another OS to connect, with Ubuntu now being on a second partition.09:55
Sveta_I don't see its files from here, so I have to reboot to make every single change, I think. What can you recommend?09:56
HiDeHok1l_:  I thought there is only one official now which is the unity one. and all other ones are now run by other companies/people09:56
Guest11Hello all , how i can find sources.list & how to edit ? thanks09:57
k1l_HiDeHo: see http://www.ubuntu.com/about/about-ubuntu/derivatives09:57
k1l_Guest11: its in /etc/apt/09:57
Guest11k1l_, thans09:58
HiDeHok1l_:  ok thanks. i wonder why mint is not mentioned there. when like the other ones its derived from ubuntu too.10:00
DJonesHiDeHo: Mint isn't a release of ubuntu10:00
k1l_HiDeHo: mint is not a official ubuntu release10:01
khildinHiDeHo, you can already try 14.04: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/10:01
DJonesHiDeHo: The official Ubuntu releases include Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Lubuntu and Gnome-Ubuntu, thats all10:01
ActionParsnipHiDeHo: the mint community is entirely separate from Ubuntu's, just as Ubuntu's support is entirely separate from Debian's10:01
k1l_HiDeHo: there are nearly a abillion other ubuntu based releases. but only the mentioned are official10:01
HiDeHok1l_:  ok Derivatives10:01
HiDeHoUbuntu is a popular operating system and a popular starting point for people who want to create their own operating systems.10:01
HiDeHolinux mint is also built on a ubuntu base10:01
HiDeHojust saying10:01
HiDeHook i see so its not an official version got it10:02
DJonesHiDeHo: It may be based on ubuntu, but its not an official release, its not something that would be supported here10:02
k1l_HiDeHo: yes, but its seperated from ubuntu, like ubuntu is seperated from debian. ubuntu is based on debian10:02
ActionParsnipHiDeHo: we are aware, doesnt mean it is supported here10:02
jessica_hejsan :D10:03
jessica_där är du :D10:04
HiDeHoActionParsnip:  you forgot ubuntu studio, ubuntu kylin, and mythubuntu, and edubuntu10:04
ann-louisehär är jag Jessica :)10:04
HiDeHoi understand about mint not supported here.10:04
k1l_HiDeHo: did you read the link i gave you?10:05
cisconinjasomsip: yeah the fact i have to provide my password in a plain text in the terminal , automatically triggers me to not use sendEmail10:05
jessica_Så ann-louise vad skulle vi göra här?  :P japp, det är fler här.10:05
HiDeHoso this channel is for ubuntu and official Derivatives10:05
fidel_jessica_: this channel is english - maybe use the lrealted language channel for whatever nordern-language you speak or consider keeping it english here ;)10:06
k1l_HiDeHo: yes10:06
HiDeHook thanks noted for future reference.10:07
* cisconinja not sure , if it says "ubuntu" and the title says "official Ubuntu support" i am freaking sure it is not a porn channel then!10:09
* cisconinja shake his head10:10
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as_btcpersonal package archives are cool :)10:16
as_btcI just installed the hexchat ppa :)10:16
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andryquick question .. i installed a new version of libimobiledevice to /usr/local .. an older version that came with debian is installed in /usr .. i didnt want to remove it via apt-get because of its dependencies (it would remove a lot of important packages) .. so. how do i know that the libs i installed in /usr/local are preferred?10:20
andry(copied from debian, because i think you can help me, too ;P)10:20
khildinikonia: banning someone from channel for asking questions? realy?....10:20
k1l_khildin: the user got a longtime ban for his history for making trouble.10:21
ikoniakhildin: you're unaware of the reason10:21
k1l_andry: please dont mix ubuntu and debian support, thanks10:22
andryit is ubuntu related, too. if you dont have an answer, dont reply, thanks10:22
Guest36465sometimes in ubuntu it automatically restart10:23
ikoniaandry: the channel supports ubuntu - not debian10:23
Guest36465what's the problem?10:23
ikoniaandry: please keep your debian issues in #debian (please)10:23
andryread my answer, thanks10:23
DJonesandry: BUt you're not using Ubuntu, you're using Debian, they have their own support channel10:23
CapitalSigmahey all10:23
CapitalSigmais there any tol that would allow me to manage all of my dotfiles?10:23
k1l_Guest36465: see in the logs (dmesg,syslog) what happend before the reboot10:24
Guest36465sometimes my computer freezes10:25
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mtnbkrHey guys, I have been tasked with upgrading a client's 8.04 LTS server to 10.04 LTS and then to 12.04 LTS... Seems that (obviously) 8.04 LTS) is no longer suppored and the paths that apt-get update is trying to fetch from:  http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/hardy-*   do not exist.... Any help?10:31
as_btcuse a cd?]10:32
as_btcmtnbkr, use a cd?10:32
k1l_!eol | mtnbkr10:32
mtnbkrThis page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades/Hardy  is pointing me to use http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu  and security.  but those no longer exists either.10:32
ubottumtnbkr: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades10:32
k1l_mtnbkr: you need the old-releases10:33
mtnbkrubottu: that is the URL I am using10:33
k1l_mtnbkr: see the section: "requirements"10:34
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ActionParsnipmtnbkr: you can use the Precise CD and upgrade the standing install10:34
ActionParsnipmtnbkr: try:   sudo do-release-upgrade   to change to Lucid10:34
ActionParsnipmtnbkr: sorry, lucid CD in the first reply I gave10:34
sexyboyhey, is there stil a chance to get free ubuntu cds from canonical>? i'd liek to give some away on a charity event10:34
Guest45657guys my son accidental ran "mysqladmin -u root -p'password' password newpassword" and now i cant access mysql database to change it back please let10:35
mtnbkras_btc: Ahhh I see that page now. THanks10:35
robotti^sexyboy: no10:35
Guest45657i keep getting the access denied10:35
ActionParsnipGuest45657: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MysqlPasswordReset10:35
OerHekssexyboy, no, shitit has stopped10:35
ActionParsnipOerHeks: ha!10:36
sexyboyokay, too bad10:36
k1l_mtnbkr: did you change the sources.list like its told in the wiki page?10:36
robotti^sexyboy: http://blog.canonical.com/2011/04/05/shipit-comes-to-an-end/10:36
jpdsOerHeks: Oh, well done.10:36
Guest45657ActionParsnip i tried that but when i got to "mysql -u root" i get the access denied error10:36
ActionParsnipGuest45657: have you asked in #mysql10:36
sexyboythx for the info10:36
mtnbkrActionParsnip: OK... But, from previous reading, I think Isaw that before a release upgrade I need to be fully pathed/updated on the version I am at. - getoo user here, so this is not my typical system.10:36
ActionParsnipmtnbkr: as far as I am aware, you don't need to fully patched OS10:36
mtnbkrk1l_: Am reading that page now.10:37
MrT-RSAHi im quite new to linux. For some reason 12.04 works perfectly on my university wifi network but 13.10 cant connect.  Im about to try 12.04 on my laptop. Before I do that is there something else im missing?10:38
as_btcmtnbkr, yup, download your ubuntu version, boot from it and upgrade :)10:40
mtnbkrActionParsnip: really?   So I can (safely) do the upgrade using  either    sudo do-release-upgrade    to Lucid  or use the Lucid CD without fully patching as I had read somewhere a while back?10:40
as_btcthat's what I meant when I said "with the cd"10:40
ActionParsnipMrT-RSA: 13.10 support is about to expire but 12.04 is supported til April 2017...why would you wnat to use 13.10?10:40
mtnbkrP.S. This is a server that a client has not let us update/patch is a while... Do to IT dept changes, and exec changes so I am kind of in a bind and do appreciate the help10:41
k1l_or just changing the sources.list as mentioned in the wiki page he said he knows already and do all a regular upgrade.10:41
ActionParsnipmtnbkr: its how it is done. I dont upgrade releases I always clean install so I am not sure about 'safely' but the commad you gave is the method10:41
ActionParsnipmtnbkr: as long as you have backups, you can go crazy. If it is a VM and you have space, take a snapshot10:41
maedoxmtnbkr: do-release-upgrade is not safe at all, but it usually works fine.10:42
as_btcMrT-RSA, I downgraded from 13.10 to 12.04 LTS as I found 13.10 very buggy10:42
as_btclots of error notifications10:42
k1l_as_btc: downgrades are not supported at all10:42
as_btcas in10:42
mtnbkrActionParsnip: this is a Zimbra server and from those docs, 10.0.4 LTS is required (prolly minimum) which I will check before going too far. :)10:42
as_btcfresh install10:42
as_btcof 12.0410:42
as_btcnot in place10:42
mtnbkrmaedox:   not safe?  arg...10:43
MrT-RSANo particular reason Im using 13.10.   Tried ubuntu for the first time due to Windows 8 ticking me off.10:43
MrT-RSAIll install 12.04 and see if that works.10:43
mtnbkrActionParsnip: yeah, the ONLY reason I agreed to do this is because it is on a VMware ESXi server and I should be able to do snapshots along the way10:43
hemangpatelIs there any way to install http://packages.ubuntu.com/saucy/php/php5-cli  in my old version of ubuntu10:44
ActionParsniphemangpatel: what is the output of: cat /etc/issue10:44
mtnbkras_btc: ActionParsnip   also I read that I need to go to 10.0.4 LTS from 8.0.4 before jumping to 12.0.4 LTS... so...10:45
maedoxmtnbkr: Basically what it does is change your package sources to the new version and running apt-get dist-upgrade. There is probably more magic behind the scenes, but what I meant by not safe is that I've seen upgrade issues a few times myself when upgrading server installations. What I do is create a replica server and upgrade that one, so that I don't have10:45
maedoxto change the master if something goes awry.10:45
hemangpatelActionParsnip, Ubuntu 11.1010:46
mtnbkrmaedox: my only issue is that I have  2.8TB SAN volume mounted (which should not matter 'cause it is not "part of the VM", but the 250GB volume is so cloning it is not gonna be very fast, but a snapshot should be OK (after dismounting the SAN)10:47
k1l_maedox: mtnbkr yes, it does some more than just change sources and run dist-upgrade. but it is quite safe. but of course there is always a risk that something can go wrong, so backups are suggested10:47
mtnbkrOK, so guys... if I need to go to 10.04 first, how do I instruct the do-upgrade to limit to that verison?10:48
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klanderhey guys, i'm in a bit of a fix and could use some help. My rackspace server throws errors while trying to install anything using apt-get, saying the device is full10:49
k1l_mtnbkr: again: do as suggested in the wiki page10:49
chemist^Hello everyone. I'm running Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS with unity - How do i turn off the annoying "Blank screen" a.k.a. "Turn off monitor" after a specific period of time? I've tried the power settings, screensaver, gnome-tweak-tool with no success, every time i use Unity as my DE the screen goes blank after 10 minutes or so. How do i turn this off, so it never turns the screen off?10:50
as_btcchemist^, that could be your monitor itself10:51
chemist^as_btc, no it's not10:51
chemist^as_btc, when i use a different DE it does not happen...only with unity... and i am switching from time to time from my computer monitor to a LCD tv via HDMI, the same happens there.10:52
as_btcchemist^, that would be your screen lock10:52
chemist^So it's not the monitor, it's the settings somewhere.10:52
as_btctry all settings brightness and lock lock off10:52
chemist^where is screen lock?10:53
chemist^oh...wait a sec10:53
as_btcBrightness and Lock10:53
festaansHi, I want to add and set a screen resolution on start-up. I manage to set the resolution manually using https://gist.github.com/anonymous/9738128. How can I set this permanently?10:53
chemist^as_btc, lock is OFF and turn off monitor after....is also off10:53
xar-klander: what's up?10:53
as_btcchemist^, ok10:53
Walexchemist^: there are as you discovered half a dozen places where monitor power settings can be changed... Including the monitor itself.10:54
as_btcthen wait 10 minutes and see10:54
as_btcchemist^, your screen shouldn't turn off now10:54
chemist^i did not change any settings, it was already set to OFF, but it still turns it off10:54
as_btcyou just changed lock to off?10:54
mtnbkrk1l_: re: wiki page. OK will do.  Thanks10:55
as_btcchemist^, you should post your gnome log10:55
chemist^Walex, but if i switch to my TV via HDMI the same happens....only in Unity10:56
as_btcor unity log10:56
as_btcor whatever ubuntu's DE is called10:56
Guest45657I am trying to change mysql password after this command was ran by mistake  mysqladmin -u root -p'password' password newpassword"10:56
chemist^i have KDE, xFce also installed10:56
as_btcthat's ok10:56
chemist^and it does not go off while using them10:56
chemist^only in unity10:56
as_btcas I said10:56
as_btcpost your unity log10:57
Guest45657i got to step 3 "mysql -u root mysql" on here http://ubuntu.flowconsult.at/en/mysql-set-change-reset-root-password/10:57
as_btcI'm not a mind reader :)10:57
Guest45657i keep got access denied for user root@localhost10:57
Guest45657please help10:57
chemist^as_btc, i'll try checking out with dconf-editor10:58
chemist^to be sure10:58
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as_btcno need10:58
as_btcuse gsettings10:58
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as_btcdconf-editor doesn't come with ubuntu10:58
as_btcgsettings comes stock10:59
as_btcthey manipulate the same schemas10:59
klanderxar-: cant seem to install mysql-server, i get an error saying my disk space is full10:59
klanderbut dh -h does not show anything too large11:00
xar-klander: pastebin the result of df -m11:00
chemist^as_btc, i don't have gsettings installed, so i believe it does not come stock...anywayz i found in dconf-editor under xorg -> gnome -> desktop -> screensaver  i had a tick at "idle-activation-enabled"11:00
chemist^so i've disabled that now11:01
as_btcchemist^, gsettings is stock here on ubuntu 12.04 lts11:01
klanderxar-: http://pastebin.com/wK33V9z711:01
as_btcI installed this about 30 mins ago11:01
klanderthats df -m11:01
as_btcchemist^, it's a console command11:01
as_btcyou can't see it in the finder11:01
chemist^in the description it says: Set this to TRUE to activate the screensaver when the session is idle.11:01
ak5hi, I am trying to create my own ppa with this guide: http://www.plankandwhittle.com/a-debianor-ubuntu-mirror-to-call-your-own/11:01
ak5however, I can't seem to get the PPA part to work11:02
as_btcchemist^, which schema11:02
ak5(my ubuntu mirror works fine)11:02
chemist^i've disabled that, i believe i've solved the issue now11:02
xar-klander: so you've definitely run out of space, you're not able to identify files to remove?11:02
klanderxar-: and this is find / -size +1000M -ls :http://pastebin.com/SE9UVV1V11:02
as_btcchemist^, I need context11:02
klanderxar-: i dont know where they are11:02
as_btcchemist^, what was the schema?11:02
xar-klander: cd to /; then pastebin results of `du -hsc *`11:03
chemist^as_btc, what schema? i don't understand what info you need11:03
techie123hello chemist11:04
klanderxar-: http://pastebin.com/N7ycMSMn11:04
as_btcchemist^, you manipulated a key in a schema11:04
as_btcwhat key and what schema?11:04
as_btcgsettings list-scemas11:04
chemist^as_btc,  in dconf-editor i opened up the settings for: xorg -> gnome -> desktop -> screensaver -> idle-activation-enabled11:04
chemist^i did not use gsettings11:04
xar-klander: how long has the server been running? can you pastebin `df -i` please11:05
as_btcchemist^, then you used the org.gnome.desktop.screensaver schema11:05
chemist^as_btc, i'll just idle for 10 or 15 minutes now and see if it works11:06
klanderxar-: df-i: http://pastebin.com/aHhKnyDj11:06
klanderi restarted it yesterday11:06
tenleftfingers_I have Ubuntu 14.04 running in VirtualBox on a Win7 host and the bi-directional clipboard is only working from guest to host. The VirtualBox docs say that there are more than one clipboard and that they only suppotr the X11 one. Which one is Ubuntu using?11:07
xar-extremely odd, the total disk usage is inconsistent with the disk utilization data11:07
xar-inode usage looks fine11:07
xar-what was the disk usage at yesterday?11:08
klanderhadn't checked11:08
klanderbut this seems to have happened suddenly, i use very little of my disk capacity11:09
as_btcwow compiz just crashed on me11:09
xar-do you have an image you can restore to?11:09
xar-for comparison/11:09
as_btcgod damn compiz11:09
as_btcI'm using precise11:09
as_btcclean install11:09
usr13that's not his last name11:10
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klanderxar-: no..11:10
mtnbkrActionParsnip: ,  k1l_: seems to me that  "boot 8.04 LTS VM from 10.04 LTS CD and run upgrade" then repeat for the 10.04 LTS to 12.04 LTS would be the simplest path   Which is what I thin k1l_  may have stateed from the start. :)11:11
k1l_mtnbkr: no, i said: just change the sources.list like mentioned in the wiki and do a regular upgrade. but its your chaoice11:11
Touhou11as_btc: I'd avoid using compiz if you can, it's no longer being developed or supported11:11
usr13as_btc: I don't see much need for compiz, (my PC runs more effeciently without it).  (I use xfce anyway.)11:12
xar-klander: you should in the future take advantage of that feature of the RS cloud; perform monthly imaging. the cost is pretty low ;)11:12
k1l_mtnbkr: make sure you have backups no matter what you choose11:12
as_btccompiz just sigsegv in g_type_check_is_value_type()11:12
dustypandaHi, I use ecryptfs home folder. When booted in recovery mode as root I can't access user home using ecryptfs-mount-private. Any help appreciated.11:12
as_btcsegfault :(((11:12
mtnbkrk1l_: Ah OK.  right, will have backups and VM snapshots for sure11:12
klanderxar-: yeah :/11:12
chemist^i like compiz :)11:12
chemist^fancy effects11:12
xar-klander: on the issue at hand, I really can't tell what's going on with the data provided, it's extremely unusual11:12
chemist^makes everyday use of computer more fun :P11:12
klanderxar-: i will. Just worried about my mysql db right now. Don't have a backup11:12
usr13as_btc: *(I traded eye-candy for effeciency.)*11:13
klanderxar-: cant seem to connect to it11:13
xar-klander: you can't connect to the local mysql server instance?11:13
klanderxar-: yeah11:13
xar-xar-: any errors?11:13
klanderxar-: ERROR 2002 (HY000): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2)11:13
chemist^usr13, efficiency? .. i have no problem with that whatsoever while using compiz effects11:14
as_btcsource "(%rdx)" (0x0ceeb6c0) not located in a known VMA region (needed readable region)!11:14
xar-klander: ok so it looks like it's not running; `service mysqld start`11:14
chemist^usr13, unless your computer specs are bad(old)11:14
as_btcso compiz was trying to write video memory but tried to write somewhere it shouldn't11:14
klanderxar-: i uninstalled mysql-server and tried to reinstall11:16
klanderxar: but thats where i get the disk space error message11:16
klanderxar-: same when i try to install any package using apt-get11:16
as_btcoops VMA11:16
as_btcvirtual memory area11:16
as_btcI have no swap file, so that would explain it :)11:17
xar-klander: what kind of database schema are you using11:18
usr13chemist^: The state of being efficient is achieving maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort or expense. "greater energy efficiency" (I use less resources for what I do.)11:18
klanderxar-: not sure?11:18
as_btcusr13, I've been using gentoo the last few days11:18
chemist^usr13, so you were refering to your battery life?11:18
as_btcusr13, got everything up and running all apps etc11:18
as_btcusr13, but so many breakages11:19
xar-klander: if you're using myisam, you can do a 'hackish' rsync of the contents of /var/lib/mysql to a new server11:19
as_btcthe stabe is literally broken11:19
xar-klander: if you're using innodb, not really viable due to corruption concerns, although still technically possible11:19
as_btca lot of effort for not much gains11:19
usr13chemist^: No, I am refering to system resources, but yes it would also relate to battery life when applied to the laptop. (I also use xfce on the laptop as well.)11:19
klanderxar-: worth a shot11:19
xar-klander: in the interest of time, i would spin up a new server and copy your database over11:19
xar-klander: depending on the urgency of your database access11:20
chemist^usr13, if compiz has that much effect on your resources, then you DO have an old pc :)11:20
usr13as_btc: Very good!11:20
chemist^usr13, when it comes to laptop, i use xfce as well11:20
Touhou11xmonad is an efficient alternative to compiz11:20
chemist^although my battery has a 5 minutes lifetime :)11:21
klanderxar-: if i do that, it should work fine right? just copy the files into the right directories?11:21
ActionParsnipas_btc: how can something be figuratively broken?11:21
usr13chemist^: Good for you!, (Yea, I just boot to console mode, login and run xfce.)11:21
klanderxar-: which directories do i need to copy over?11:21
__raven_ubuntu 13.10: random system freezes with wlan chipset zd1211b on 3.11.0-12-generic - any modules missing?/how to debug?11:22
ActionParsnip__raven_: Saucy has less than a month of support left, I sugget you upgrade11:22
Touhou11__raven_: dmesg show anything?11:23
xar-klander: if very hackish, no guarantee of success, you want /var/lib/mysql11:23
chemist^usr13, i was just trying to say that if you have a fast cpu with good graphics card and a lot of ram, using compiz should not affect anything you're doing on the computer. (Maybe some issues with animations while using an application with wine, but that's rare) :)11:23
xar-klander: it's*, -if11:23
__raven_Touhou11: last kernel log only shows a lot of ^@ at freeze time11:23
rstefanovhow to disable filesystem cache on ubuntu ?11:25
rstefanova need to do a few hdd tests11:25
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xar-klander: something like this: `rsync -av --progress /var/lib/mysql root@NEW_SERVER_IP_GOES_HERE:/var/lib/mysql-new`11:25
ActionParsniprstefanov: http://geteventstore.com/blog/20131218/disabling-disk-caching-in-ubuntu/11:26
xar-ActionParsnip is a google baws11:26
ActionParsnipxar-: its all I did.... seems hard for some11:26
xar-i know rite?11:26
xar-klander: how we doing over there, im falling asleep11:27
ActionParsnipxar-: although I prefer to quack ;)11:27
usr13chemist^: Agreed.11:28
klandersetting up the new instance11:29
__raven_ubuntu 13.10: random system freezes with wlan chipset zd1211b on 3.11.0-12-generic - any modules missing?/how to debug?11:29
klanderwill take a while11:29
klanderi have another server but it has its own mysql running and i dont want to screw up those db's11:29
streulmahello, sometimes my Shift of Acer Aspire E1-771 doesn't work or register it, is it good to replace shiftlock with shift ?11:30
xar-klander: you should choose the performance flavor, spin up in seconds, and your database disk i/o will thank you11:31
ActionParsnip__raven_: is it ok in an older kernel?11:35
__raven_ActionParsnip: on this machine it has problems since - i guess 2.6*11:36
ActionParsnip__raven_: does the system have a make and model?11:38
__raven_ActionParsnip: its a "medion md9800"11:38
ActionParsnip__raven_: is the wireless a USB stick, or is it internal?11:39
rstefanovActionParsnip that didnt help. i tried googling. still getting unreal results11:39
ActionParsniprstefanov: try using liveCD, much easier11:40
mtnbkrhey guys, can you help clear up some confusion re: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades/Hardy   that page is titled as "8.04 to 10.04 (Hardy LTS to Lucid LTS)"   but in the first paragraph it states:  "This page is purely here to go to Intrepid, which became unsupported in April 2010. "     Intrepid is 8.10..  so what version will  "sudo do-release-upgrade" bring me to from there?11:40
__raven_ActionParsnip: i have a similar freeze on a asus 1225c, since i disabled the card its working fine. on both its the internal pci card11:40
rstefanovActionParsnip not possible11:40
ActionParsniprstefanov: why not?11:40
rstefanovbecause it is a working box that cant be rebooted11:40
ActionParsnip__raven_: is the RAM healthy (you can test with Memtest86+ from Grub)11:40
__raven_ActionParsnip: yes its ok11:41
xar-mtnbkr: if you're running a super old version, it's probably best to make some good backups, then do a fresh install of the latest stable version11:41
ObsdarkHey ya people11:41
mtnbkrxar-:   can't do that - it's a production email server which the client has not allowed to be updated for a while.   But now, since there email software (Zimbra) requires Ubuntu 12.04... here we are. upgrading. :(11:42
Obsdarka simple question, how to use wget --content-disposition? and, is it now stable? i ask this because i love download some files without the need of rename them, thanks in advance11:42
ActionParsniprstefanov: did you then flush the disk cache after running the hdparm command?11:42
mtnbkrs/there/their/  :)11:43
ActionParsniprstefanov: also try sdparm11:43
__raven_ActionParsnip: last kernel log only shows a lot of ^@ at freeze time11:43
Obsdarka simple question, how to use wget --content-disposition? and, is it now stable? i ask this because i love download some files without the need of rename them, i already check the documentation but i also know than the documentation is outdated, so i preffer come here and ask about it to you, thanks in advance11:44
ActionParsnipObsdark: you can use:  wget -O newname.ext http://domain.com/folder/filename.ext11:45
ActionParsnipObsdark: it will rename the file, you can also use:  sudo wget   to write outside the user's $HOME11:45
ActionParsnipObsdark: eg:  sudo wget -O /usr/bin/script http://whatever.....11:46
xar-mtnbkr: performing the do-release-upgrade will probably cause downtime; also, it has been known to not work in some cases. Be prepared with good backups.11:47
Obsdarkthanks a lot11:47
k1l_mtnbkr: ok, once again: rename the sources.list entries to old-release.... then run the regular do-release-upgrade11:48
mtnbkrxar-: well, downtime is expected. Will be stopping mail services, backing up, shutting down server snapshot the VM, then bring server back up with no email sevices running then doing Ubuntu upgrades, followed by Zimbra upgrades. snapshotting along the way11:48
k1l_mtnbkr: i really dont get what the problem is in that case?11:48
xar-mtnbkr: how much mail are we talking about here?11:48
mtnbkrk1l_: I get that, and is in my to-do list :)  my question is, everything I read about the do-release-upgrade always says "will upgrade to the latest release"  and I (supposedly) need to go to 10.04 first from all the docs I have read. so, I think my question is: will do-release.... bring me to 10.04 LTS, or is it going to try to bring me to 12 or 13?   sorry if I am being dense. Again, I generally maintain gentoo servers and only use Ubuntu when requi11:51
mtnbkrred by a program (like Zimbra)11:51
k1l_it will bring you one step at a time11:51
xar-mtnbkr: the more future-proof solution would be to drop your TTL's for your zones to 300, drag down the 12.04.4 lts, install, rsync over your MTA configs and the mailboxes, update DNS, at least you can rest easy knowing it's a clean deployment with no straggler packages11:52
k1l_if you dont wait years after the support is gone there is no confusion :)11:52
mtnbkrk1l_: excellent. Thank you.  A lot of stress has just been lifted from my back11:52
k1l_mtnbkr: so it will bring you to 10.04. then you need to upgrade to 12.04 if needed11:52
mtnbkrk1l_: re: waiting years.    Customer's fault, and I am NOT happy about being in this position one single bit. :(  Been telling, warning, yelling at them for years now..11:53
k1l_and tell them 10.04 server only got support to april 2015, so they need to think about that to not get in the same situation next year11:53
mtnbkrk1l_: right, Zimbra 8.06 currently supports 10.04, but it is deprecated, so I will be going right to 12.04 as soon as 10.04 upgrade is verified as functional and a snapshot of it has been taken11:53
Touhou11If a customer doesn't listen to you, drop them as a customer. You're not obliged to work for idiots11:54
mtnbkrxar-: got about 500GB emails... so going to need to do in-place upgrades of Ubuntu rather than a migration to newly built 12.04 LTS server VM.11:55
mablaeHi there!11:56
xar-mtnbkr: that's... a lot of mail; i mean maybe not for a gigE network, but yea, a lot of mail ha11:57
mtnbkrTouhou11:   yeah, well... I agree, but it is easier said than done.   THis customer just went through the loss of CFO, and IT director, and several helpdesk people in the course of about 8 months... So it is pretty chaotic and has been for a while.  Other than that, the last 14 years supporting them has been pretty reasonable.11:57
xar-mtnbkr: while you're doing the spring cleaning, you should notify your customer that mail older than X years is going to be purged; cuz 99% of people don't look at mail that old.11:58
mablaeWe are discussing the migration from windows to ubuntu for our workstation client PCs: Is there anything like WSUS in the linux world?! Like installing updates from one central location?!11:58
xar-mablae: google linux orchestration; there's chef, puppet, ansable, etc.11:59
__raven_ActionParsnip: ?11:59
mablaeI know puppet for server environments but is that usable in a desktop environment also?!11:59
mtnbkrxar-: hahah  apparently you do not have any private boarding schools as clients.    This is not "the real world"11:59
mablaexar-, So there is no difference between server ubuntu and xubuntu in this case at all?!11:59
LatrinaHello everyone11:59
Latrinaanyone here uses dnsmasq ??12:00
xar-I work in hosting, I know pretty much every kind of client imaginable :P12:00
mablaeYeah hosting servers... But what about a 12.04 xubuntu installation?! Is it manageble with chef or puppet?!12:00
mtnbkrxar-:   So how do your customers like you telling them your gonna delete their stuff?   Prolly not too much I suspect. :)12:00
Latrinais there a wat to let clients connected in the lan resolve other machine through their domains which I would set up on the dnsmasq DNS server ?12:01
mablaeWe want to use some kind of Ldap Auth also12:01
mablae@ xar-12:01
LatrinaI want them to be able to resolve the local domains without having to add the domains manually to each clients connected12:01
Latrinais it possible to do so??12:01
xar-mtnbkr: sometimes being able to offer timely and robust support means bringing down the guantlet on them; you need to be strategic in how you approach those battles; I'd probably come at them with hard data about their old mail access heuristics. Justify your decisions with fact.12:02
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skylinewhyHi, when I boot the ubuntu 13.10 on my macbook, the splash screen of boot is totaly garbled, can you help please?12:07
clue_hskylinewhy, try adding nomodeset to grub in /etc/default/grub under cmd line linux default at the end then sudo update-grub.12:10
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clue_hskylinewhy, basically the second answer that has 27 votes here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/38780/how-do-i-set-nomodeset-after-ive-already-installed-ubuntu12:11
sandmani have a laptop with specs as: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7146006/ which distro would be best choice? Lubuntu or Kubuntu12:11
skylinewhyclue_h: with nomodeset, I can't see a graphical splash screen, how can I use a graphical splash ?12:12
zakariahelle how i can instale tor browser here ?12:12
mtnbkrxar-: hehe  I have been doing this for quite some time. I can assure you that using facts simply does not work in some environments. For example, I have been telling this client since december that there is a 'full exploit' in the wild that can take them down, including links to the vendor's page and warning them that we MUST upgrade their ${software} ASAP...  still they are in a holding pattern. I tell ya, Touhou11 may be on to something. :)12:13
Alarmhello. i want to download a spefic jdk version . i saw that i can get oracle jdk from this repo : ppa:webupd8team/java12:14
Alarmmy question is then how do i select the version 64-bit JDK 1.7u51 that i need12:14
ubixs2Hello ,  is there any way to install package on maverick ubuntu from repositories ?12:15
ActionPa1snipubixs2: maverick is eol and no longer supported12:15
chemist^as_btc, the setting i changed in dconf-editor worked12:16
ak5hi everyone, how do I go about adding authentication to a private ppa? I need to add a pgp key or soemthing?12:16
ubixs2ActionPa1snip: yes i know so there is no way ?i want to upgrade it , before it i want to backup my files via samba and i need to install samba package12:17
ActionPa1snipubixs2: the release is no longer supported in this channel12:18
ubixs2you told me one time i heard it , ActionPa1snip  don't repeate ,if i want to upgrade to new ubuntu  i should have backup , so how do you want me share files into other system without samba ...12:20
ActionPa1snipubixs2: do you have openssh-server installed?12:20
ubixs2ActionPa1snip: yes12:21
ActionPa1snipubixs2: then you have an SFTP server running, connect to that12:21
skylinewhyHi, when I use hfsplus for mounting my HFS+ file system, when I try to open all files localized in /etc, they are totaly empty. Can you help please?12:22
ActionPa1snipskylinewhy: what is the output of:  cat /etc/issue12:22
ubixs2ActionPa1snip: can i share files between it and windows over wifi via sftp ?12:22
skylinewhyActionPa1snip: nothing12:22
ActionPa1snipubixs2: yes, you can use filezilla to connect to SFTP from Windows (as the default Windows fil manager is garbage)12:22
yiwanwhy mdadm can not grow a RAID-10 but btrfs can?12:22
ActionPa1snipskylinewhy: ok, the output of:  lsb_release -sc12:23
skylinewhyActionPa1snip: for example, du -h /etc/networks is 0 byte. My ubuntu is 13.10 with last 3.11.x kernel version12:23
ActionPa1snipskylinewhy: i'd check mount options then12:23
ubixs2ActionPa1snip: but how to set a network between windows and maverick , they should have ip , yes ?12:23
ActionPa1snipskylinewhy: tried with sudo?12:23
ActionPa1snipubixs2: yes or it wont communicate on the network12:24
skylinewhyActionPa1snip: sudo? I try to mounting with root user12:24
ActionPa1snipubixs2: you can connect to port 22 on the ubuntu side via sftp and get the data.12:24
ActionPa1snipskylinewhy: yes but your user may not have access to read the data, hence 0 bytes....12:24
ActionPa1snipubixs2: I suggest you look into a backup regime.12:25
skylinewhyActionPa1snip: I used the correct UID and GID in the mount command, but the files are empty12:25
ActionPa1snipskylinewhy: try:  sudo du -h /etc/networks12:25
ubixs2ActionPa1snip: two systems are connected to a wifi adsl modem ...and how two systems detect each other ? ip should be set yes ?12:25
ActionPa1snipubixs2: yes12:25
ActionPa1snipubixs2: run:  ifconfig   on ubuntu and you will see the address12:26
ActionPa1snipubixs2: having your data in a single location is not wise12:26
skylinewhyActionPa1snip: please wait 2 minuts12:26
ubixs2ActionPa1snip: yes i want to copy them into windows hard12:27
ActionPa1snipubixs2: then use filezilla, it is an sftp client for Windows, use the Ubuntu IP and your Ubuntu username and password to authenticate12:27
yiwanHello?why mdadm can not grow a RAID-10 but btrfs can?12:27
ActionPa1snipubixs2: lots of guides online on how to use filezilla12:27
ActionPa1snipyiwan: are there any bugs reported?12:28
ubixs2ActionPa1snip: i have used it before thanks will try now12:28
ActionPa1snipubixs2: why do you not already have a backup?12:28
ubixs2ActionPa1snip: lack of time :P12:29
ActionPa1snipubixs2: how long have you had the system?12:29
ubixs2ActionPa1snip: maverick ...and before12:29
skylinewhyActionPa1snip: sudo du -h /etc/networks is 0 byte, but is not true :\12:29
ActionPa1snipubixs2: so in 4 years you havent had 10 - 15 mins to copy some data to a USB HDD?12:29
ActionPa1snip!hfs | skylinewhy12:30
ubottuskylinewhy: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE12:30
ActionPa1snipskylinewhy: may be worth reviewing your mounting12:30
ActionPa1snipubixs2: you can run the copy overnight once it's started. Taks no time at all12:31
ubixs2ActionPa1snip: of course i had not an external hard  , in fact i don't believe backup , now i just want to install new ubuntu ,this is why i want remove/manage all , a question what's the latest LTS ubuntu now ?12:31
ghartmannis there a better way to tell which partitions should be mounted automatically12:31
ActionPa1snipubixs2: latest stable LTS is Precise (12.04), there is Trusty (14.04) due out next month but is in prerelease now12:32
skylinewhyActionPa1snip: for example?12:33
ActionPa1snipubixs2: if the IDE on the drive fails on the drive, or the motor fails, where is your data? A cheap USB drive costs peanuts compared to professional data recovery which is ungarunteed. It's your data you are risking, I can only advise12:33
ActionPa1snipskylinewhy: the stuff in that link is all I know. I dont use Apple garbage, so don't have this issue :)12:34
=== RickyB98 is now known as rickyb98
Obsdarktake care!12:36
ubixs2ActionPa1snip: so 14.04 is going be the last LTS , yes ? and security buges are fixed and so ... does ubuntu have security updates repostiries now ?12:36
k1l_ubixs2: yes, it will be a lts12:36
ActionPa1snipubixs2: yes 14.04 will be LTS12:38
ActionPa1snipubixs2: it always has had security updates...12:38
ubixs2ActionPa1snip: so it's better to wait for 14.04 ...and will it be stable as 13.04 and 12.04 ?12:39
linuxlite1969hey guys..anyone using arpspoof here ?12:40
clue_hyeah every day lolz12:40
ActionPa1snipubixs2: you can install 14.04 now, its in prerelease. You can upgrade seamlessly to the release candidate next month. Its officially 'unstable'12:40
ActionPa1snipubixs2: 13.04 is EOL, it was also godawful imho :)12:41
ubixs2ActionPa1snip: i don't have such internet to upgrade whole os ...it will get all os again yes ?12:42
ActionPa1snipubixs2: yes, you will have to upgrade a lot more than a clean install to get from Maverick to Trusty12:43
ActionPa1snipubixs2: also, a clean install will remove the old fluff from the old installs, feels like new and with fewer issues12:43
ubixs2ActionPa1snip: which one do you advice ? a clean install and then installing new softwares ?12:44
pui had install g++ ,but it g++ Depends: cpp (>= 4:4.8.1-2ubuntu3) but 4:4.8.1-2ubuntu3 is to be installed,how can solve it12:45
ActionPa1snipubixs2: yes a clean install of 14.04 is what I would go for, but 12.04 is deent too and supported til April 201712:45
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ubixs2 ActionPa1snip deent?12:47
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ActionPa1snipubixs2: decent12:47
ubixs2ActionPa1snip: 12.04 is for 2012 ?2 years before yes ?12:48
ubixs2ActionPa1snip: before , LTS was supported for 3 years yes ? now for 5 yearS?12:48
ActionPa1snipubixs2: yes 5 years on desktop and server for Gnome based Ubuntu (with Unity)12:49
Waldo_Geraldoi got a problem12:52
ActionPa1snip!details | Waldo_Geraldo12:52
ubottuWaldo_Geraldo: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)12:52
Waldo_Geraldoi installed Ubuntu non EFI and now my computer needs some EFI12:52
ubixs2ActionPa1snip: thanks but if i install new ubuntu 14.04 i should reinstall all applications ..and it gets more time  than upgrading from maverick to trusty12:53
=== onder`_ is now known as onder`
ActionPa1snipubixs2: upgrading from Maverick to Trusty will take a lot longer than a clean install12:53
ubixs2ActionPa1snip: why ? it needs jst replacing repostiories and then one clieck :P12:54
ActionPa1snipubixs2: no12:54
ActionPa1snipubixs2: you will need to upgrade to Oneiric12:55
ActionPa1snipubixs2: then to Precise12:55
ActionPa1snipubixs2: then to Trusty (LTS to LTS)12:55
ActionPa1snipubixs2: 3 lots of upgrades, with the full package set from each release being downloaded each time12:55
ActionPa1snipubixs2: so its not one click in any way, shape or form12:55
ubixs2:d oh yes12:56
ActionPa1snipubixs2: oh and Natty before Oneiric12:56
ActionPa1snipubixs2: so a clean install is one lot of downloading and updating of packages. Less time and less data12:56
=== gurra72 is now known as gurrot72_
ubixs2ActionPa1snip: about your question , i don't believe backup yet , becuase if you believe god , he controls everything , and don't get you data anytime :P , thanks12:59
ActionPa1snipubottu: religion is not a factor here13:00
ActionPa1snipubottu: this is pure science13:00
ActionPa1snipubottu: ^13:00
ActionPa1snipubottu: if your drive fails, your data is gone.13:00
ActionPa1snipahhh nice how he throws in the god nonesense then splits13:01
ActionPa1snipreal classy13:01
tableshow do i check for all dependencies of a package?13:02
ActionPa1sniptables: packages.ubuntu.com will tell you13:03
Picitables: apt-cache depends packagename  or  apt-cache show packagename13:04
JoelI accidentally dragged and dropped some icon into the top bar, how the heck do I delete it? no option if I right click.13:07
yonkoCan i install ubuntu mini iso in virtualbox ??13:08
ActionPa1snipyonko: yes13:09
brokensteinyonko: i don't see why not ?..13:09
fd__hello guys i'm having trouble with my usb cam not detected on my machine..any idea guys13:09
YamakasYis it possible to see the gw in a traceroute when both machines are connected to this same gw ?13:09
ActionPa1snipfd__: does it show an image in cheese?13:09
fd__when i'm using skype not detected..13:10
ActionPa1snipfd__: skype is a REALLY bad test, use cheese13:10
fd__what is cheese?13:11
ActionPa1snip!info cheese | fd__13:11
ubottufd__: cheese (source: cheese): tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.8.3-0ubuntu1 (saucy), package size 51 kB, installed size 388 kB13:11
=== cmagina-away is now known as cmagina
ActionPa1snipfd__: its an open source application which will adhere better to the settings and config in your OS rather than proprietary blob which is rife with issues13:11
interwebIs it safe to install this ? https://github.com/vysheng/tg#installation13:12
=== Haven|Weekend is now known as Havenstance
fd__do i need to download?13:12
ActionPa1snipfd__: its in a default install13:12
ActionPa1snipfd__: search dash13:13
Piciinterweb: You want to know if it is safe to install something you found on github? or are you asking about those Ubuntu packages that the instructions ask you to install?13:13
clue_hInternet13, no13:13
yonko<brokenstein>  I only need to use internet will ubuntu mini iso  suffice ??13:14
fd__thanks guys...13:14
ActionPa1snipyonko: do you mean to web browse?13:14
yonko <ActionPa1snip> yes13:14
ActionPa1snipyonko: then I suggest xpud :)13:14
Touhou11yonko: If you just want to web browser, I suggest a minimal build using gentoo or Arch Linux13:15
ActionPa1snipTouhou11: look into xpud dude, much quicker13:15
yonko<Touhou11> thanks for info guys i will google that and see?13:16
ActionPa1snipfd__: is it ok in cheese?13:16
Touhou11ActionPa1snip: That's quite neat :)13:16
ActionPa1snipTouhou11: very, boots in under 3 seconds here on PATA HDD13:17
=== Seshmaru is now known as Seshmaru1
ActionPa1snipTouhou11: with 1.6Ghz CPU and 2Gb RAM13:17
=== Thorium220 is now known as Thor|Away
Seshmaru1i'm in need of great help13:17
ActionPa1snipSeshmaru1: ask away.13:17
Seshmaru1i need to transfer ISPConfig3 to a vesta server13:18
Seshmaru1i only need my clients emails with their accounts13:18
Seshmaru1i dont know how much does vmail and mail differ from eachother13:18
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Seshmaru1soo.. yeah..13:21
=== cmagina is now known as cmagina-away
yorghttp://www.marketglory.com/strategygame/galahad1st for all you online gamers out there, if you didn't already, use this link to register on MerkatGlory a free2play financial strategy game where virtual currency can be converted into real money. It starts out slow but in time you can turn a good profit13:22
krepkeI have a 2TB drive sitting at /dev/sdb. Haven't touched it yet. How do I set it up to use as an encrypted disk?13:24
threshwith ubuntu 12.10 hitting EOL in "April 2014", which is the exact day?13:26
ubottuIBus is used to allow multilingual input such as Chinese, Japanese, Korean (CJK), Devanagari and Dravidian characters in !GUI applications - see also: !SCIM. For more info on Ibus see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ibus13:26
Seshmaru1so noone has any idea of how to move my users db and mail db from isponfig3 to vesta13:27
=== cmagina-away is now known as cmagina
ActionPa1snipthresh: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases13:28
FjorgynnHi sir13:29
threshActionPa1snip: how exactly does that answer my question?13:30
Fjorgynnwhat's the best pdf printer for Ubunto?13:31
ActionPa1snipthresh: thats all we know, there is no exact date13:31
threshActionPa1snip: :-(13:31
ActionPa1snipFjorgynn: there is no single best13:31
ActionPa1snipthresh: as we get closer, it will be revealed but presently we know as much as you13:31
ActionPa1snipthresh: answers it as exactly as we can, wouldnt you say?13:32
Fjorgynncups-pdf seems ok13:32
ActionPa1snipFjorgynn: its like asking what the best web browser is? There isn't one13:32
FjorgynnActionPa1snip: lynx13:32
ActionPa1snipFjorgynn: cups-pdf is one option. If you like it, use it13:32
Fjorgynnwhy does the guy in this tutorial print openoffice.org to pdf with cups? :P13:33
k1l_Fjorgynn: dont ask us what people in tutorials do.13:34
ActionPa1snipFjorgynn: becaause he can....13:34
Fjorgynnbut what pdf printer do you uses?13:34
k1l_ubuntu ships one already13:35
Fjorgynnwhich one is that?13:35
k1l_i bet its cups-pdf13:36
FjorgynnI see13:36
ActionPa1snipFjorgynn: libreoffice has an export to pdf button. I use that13:36
FjorgynnActionPa1snip: not good for chromium13:37
ActionPa1snipFjorgynn: then use cups-pdf if it works in chromium....13:37
k1l_Fjorgynn: chromium got that already. select print dialogue and choose print to file13:37
Organizedhi guys, im having a problem using the chroot-method to reinstall my grub2. im using ubuntu 12.04 lts (well, its elementaryOS but it's pretty much the same). when do the method everythings fine, no errors, but when i reboot it automatically boots into win8.1 -.-13:38
eizowhere can i get the latest version of VLC? on https://launchpad.net/~videolan/+archive/stable-daily there is only 2.0.10 whereas there is 2.1.3 in the website13:38
Fjorgynneizo: http://www.videolan.org/vlc/13:39
eizoFjorgynn: yes but i want to install it using the package manager, so that there is no conflict13:39
k1l_eizo: if you really _need_ the newer version see if there is a PPA13:39
k1l_but be aware PPAs are not supported by this channel. ask the PPA maintainer for support13:40
eizok1l_: there is this PPA https://launchpad.net/~videolan/+archive/stable-daily, but the version is pretty old (2.0.10)13:40
red__dc++ hub for college need help ..13:40
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=== duoi is now known as duoi_afk
Waldo_Geraldogood morning faldo13:43
Waldo_Geraldofraggle rock red?13:44
Waldo_Geraldo!ot | Waldo_Geraldo13:44
ubottuWaldo_Geraldo, please see my private message13:44
k1l_Waldo_Geraldo: aka alteregoa aka fnordistus. please stop that nonsense and stick to ubuntu support in here13:44
red__ha ha13:45
red__someone has joined channel notifications how turn it off?13:46
LucidGuyDoes anyone see any value in these Linux certs: CompTIA Linux+, LPIC-1, Suse CLA ?13:46
k1l_LucidGuy: that topic suits better into the offtopic discussion channel: #ubuntu-offtopic13:46
k1l_red__: depends on your client13:46
tmmunqlook on linkedin for people with it. see if you want their job13:47
DJonesred__: http://wiki.xkcd.com/irc/hide_join_part_messages Have a look through this, it details quite a few IRC clients13:53
granyoularI'm trying to run cryptsetup, but always fail with "code 5: Cannot wipe header on device /dev/sdb". Anyone have this problem?13:54
=== rickyb98 is now known as RickyB98
glamberthow do you generate a new random-seed file?13:56
tmmunqgranyoular: are you root? is that the right device, not sdb1?13:58
logikosI'm using ubuntu LAMP server and i installed lpr and want to print to a printer by its ip address without installing it with cups, i'm told the printer itself can act as the print server (LPD?)13:59
logikoscan someone help me, how would use lpr and specify the ip of the print server14:00
logikosrather than a printer name14:00
JoelWhat big detail did you just leave out?14:00
Sven_vBwhich tool do i use to transpose the tab-separated matrix in my text file?14:00
Sven_vBor in other words, swap the rows and columns of my table, like mirroring on a top-left to bottom-right axis14:02
somsipSven_vB: lots of search results for 'bash switch rows columns', eg: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1729824/transpose-a-file-in-bash Should give you a starting point14:06
Sven_vBwith that, i even found some awk script already. then again, i wonder why i can't find some packaged tool to do it... should i publish one?14:07
brothersomeHi vires114:08
Seshmaru1i need to transfer ISPConfig3 to a vesta server, i only need my clients emails with their accounts, i dont know how much does vmail and mail differ from eachother14:08
sydneyvires1: hello14:08
AlanBellSven_vB: sc is a tool that does that14:08
Sven_vBAlanBell, thanks!14:08
vires1after installing aircrack-ng runing airmon-ng it asks me to run as root when i enter my password it says authentication failure14:09
vires1i need solution to it14:10
Sven_vBAlanBell, do you further know how to invoke it for the purpose? i found a mention of "transpose" in its man page in pr/pc/pp, but fail to imagine a workflow for it and my fav search engine has too many off-topic "sc"s near "matrix transpose"14:13
=== david is now known as Guest25626
AlanBellSven_vB: I just know it works on that kind of file for all kinds of things, use psc to get stuff in the right format then there are loads of things to process it, anything you could do with a graphical spreadsheet14:14
AlanBellSven_vB: psc -r < inputfile | sc -W% - > outputfile14:15
Sven_vBthanks, i'll try that14:15
AlanBellSven_vB: I haven't tried that specifically, I was doing other stuff with it14:15
koplotiHi guys. Advice needed. Friend thinking of switching, i have to choose the right distro. He's a journalist, so most of the time he writes stuff in a word processor, listens to music and browses. Laptop is about three years old- intel integr.graphics card, 2.1 dual core intel and 4gb ram. Which distro do you think would be best for such a person. So: a journalist, writing professional + casual music + movies + browsing...is ubuntu for such14:17
jhutchinskoploti: Why would people in the ubuntu support channel even know what the features of other distributions might be?14:19
raj__could I use logrotate to rotate bash history of users, so I can keep bash history logs for long ?14:19
Aman21koploti ubuntu is good go for it14:19
koplotiNoone wanted to answer on #linux, so i basically go around and ask, maybe i get a glimpse. Kinda think when i install it the first time, it has to work :)14:20
somsipkoploti: try the live CDs/DVDs for the different flavours and let your friend try them and decide for himself14:20
AlanBellkoploti: Ubuntu would work fine for that14:20
glamberthow do you generate a new random-seed file?14:20
somsipglambert: what is it you're wanting to do exactly?14:20
Sven_vBAlanBell, it works quite far already, seems like i just have to convince it to output tsv instead of fixed width columns. would you know a switch for that? what i have already: echo -e 'a\tb\tc\n1\t2\t3\n4\t5\t6' | psc -r | sc -W% - | tr '\t' '_'14:20
glambertsomsip, provisioning new virtual machine14:21
koplotiand for which distro would you say it's easiest to get support?14:21
glambertkoploti, Ubuntu, for sure14:21
somsipglambert: specifically, in relation to the 'new random-seed file'?14:21
koplotiOk. Thanks guys :)14:22
koplotiall the best :)14:22
glambertsomsip, I'm porting the virt-sysprep from libguestfs into something I can run on the guest rather than on the host14:22
glambertbut with some minor alterations to support provisioning I need too14:22
jhutchins!why ubuntu14:23
somsipglambert: sounds like you're at development level rather than user level. This might not be the best place, unless you are lucky14:23
jhutchinsSigh.  Really need to work on that bot.14:23
glambertsomsip, fair enough14:23
somsip!brain | jhutchins14:23
ubottujhutchins: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots14:23
glambertsomsip, recommend a chan?14:23
somsipglambert: possible #ubuntu-devs but that is a guess. or !alis will help you to search14:24
skryptchahow do I log ?14:24
Guest78723223off channel question.14:25
Guest78723223can someone recommend me a good sql client. I tried heidiSQL but its not working(connection) to my cloud server14:25
somsipGuest78723223: dbeaver14:25
ObsdarkBoys, hey oh, i have a problem than is kinda, confusing..., you see.. i'm trying to steam music through icecast with and it s working, but i also manage to install a music player in one html page connected to the main icecast web page, however..., in centOS and windows this works perfectly but here the same program returns me "its not possible to found index.html" (the page i wanna read, ¿any idea what can be missing?14:25
Obsdarki guess is a package but i'm not sure which one can be14:25
HedgeworkHey, all.  I've got an Xubuntu machine whereon I use i3 as my wm.  I'm not finding what I need via #xubuntu or web searches, so I'm hoping you all can point me to relevant docs...14:25
koplotiOh. just one more. Is there any word on tiheum's new icons? Are they arriving on time for 14.04?14:26
Hedgework...I'm seeking a not-annoying (CLI preferred, light GUI tolerated) way to manage my network connectivity from i3.  ifconfig and iwconfig seem to have changed since I last used them, and I'm not finding docs for preferred methods that don't assume I have Xfce4's network widget running.14:26
Seshmaru1i need to transfer ISPConfig3 to a vesta server, i only need my clients emails with their accounts, i dont know how much does vmail and mail differ from eachother14:27
glambertsomsip, #ubuntu-devel :)14:27
somsipkoploti: This might lead you to something with information. No idea myself. https://code.launchpad.net/~tiheum/ubuntu-themes/suru-icons14:27
nothing_elseifconfig ?14:27
somsipglambert: ah - my mistake14:27
nothing_elseor nmcli ?14:27
nothing_elseEx. [start a vpn connection named foo] nmcli con up id foo14:28
ActionParsnipHedgework: if you dont use vpn, then wicd-curses is decent14:29
nothing_elseAlso...for wireless...wavemon14:30
HedgeworkActionParsnip: I'm not VPNing most of the time, so that should be fine...I didn't think *buntu even ran wicd...at least it's not in /etc/init.d/14:30
Hedgework(wicd is actually what I'm used to)14:31
ActionParsnip!info wicd | Hedgework14:31
Sven_vBAlanBell, i've decided to, for now, solve the tsv convert with sed. thanks for showing me the way this far!14:31
ubottuHedgework: wicd (source: wicd): wired and wireless network manager - metapackage. In component universe, is optional. Version (saucy), package size 4 kB, installed size 46 kB14:31
HedgeworkActionParsnip: nifty...I'd (apparently falsely) assumed that installing wicd would require lots of work to get around ubuntu-isms/assumptions.14:31
HedgeworkActionParsnip: I'll just do that then.14:32
ActionParsnipHedgework: i believe you will need to remove network manager then reboot14:34
evilbughow is it possible to control what versions of mysql and php get installed on ubuntu?14:34
s466531257bosshi : i have successfully run the latest trusty tahr daily by tainting kernel with boot option 'forcepae' on a Pentium Mobile (G6F22) - live-system runs flawlessly on that 12year old ; installation was successful from live-system without any implications , but after 2nd reboot right after grub it states cpu#0 hung for approx 20 to 23 secs ; the forcepae option is set in grub , but even the recovery mode ( which i thought was r14:34
ActionParsnips466531257boss: trusty isnt supporrted here til release day14:34
HedgeworkActionParsnip: thanks, I'll play with it :)14:35
s466531257bossoh okay i am sorry for that , can you point me into any direction ?14:35
ActionParsnips466531257boss: #ubuntu+114:35
ActionParsnips466531257boss: just as the topic says14:35
=== mist__ is now known as mist
s466531257bossanother question : in my precise install ( latest updates - no proposed ) i can't reactivate the Qualcomm Gobi 1000 anymore ; even after (only for that booting into windows ) use the HP Connection Manager to activate the full set . The only way to activate it is establish a connection and kill the machine while running win , then boot straight into precise. Then i get my ttyUSB0 visible , but only active as root via sudo su .14:42
s466531257bossmeans spending life at boot to the gobi14:43
s466531257bossin hope to get win vanished14:43
jmaderomorning all - anyone ever see where Unity background is completely gray? inability to change wallpaper14:47
jmaderolooks quite unappealing14:47
Neozonzis it okay to install a percise package on saucy?14:49
s466531257boss@jmadero - no idea from my side , but maybe you know if there are kernels | modules that give access to Qualcomm Gobi 1000 HSDPA Internal USB ?14:49
jmaderos466531257boss: I do not - sorry14:50
s466531257boss@jmadero - can you describe your problem in detail ? maybe we can find out together14:50
=== makije|away is now known as makije
somsipNeozonz: No. Which package?14:52
somsipNeozonz: different version of apache since 13.04 (or 13.10) anyway.14:53
Neozonz(using nginx)14:53
somsipNeozonz: Still 'No'. Highly unrecommended that you try to make it work. Maybe best to contact the package maintainer.14:54
compAHsitewhat's the safest way to "zero" out a microSD card with ubuntu? (selling my old phone..)14:54
jmaderocompAHsite: if you can plug it into a computer just use the dd command and zero it out14:55
mtnbkrcompAHsite: dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/path/toSD14:55
jmaderowhy urandom14:55
jmaderojust 0 it out14:55
jmaderoif you don't care that it's obvious that you zero'd it out - else randomize14:55
mtnbkrasked and answered :)14:56
compAHsitejmadero: mtnbkr: easy, enough. thanks. if I just wanted to 0 it out, what would I use as if=?14:56
mtnbkr /dev/zero14:56
compAHsiteperfect. thanks guys!14:56
jmaderodd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdX14:56
jmaderosorry I was slow14:57
mtnbkr\0/ I win!   lol14:57
* jmadero hands mtnbkr a beer14:57
* mtnbkr puts it in fridge - starting a 8.04 to 10.04 to 12.04 Ubuntu upgrade fo client in 33 mins - followed by a Zimbra 7.2.5 to 8.0.6 upgrade14:58
s466531257boss@jmadero : that could kill without proper alignment as given by manufacturer14:58
mtnbkrjmadero: I need to be alert for a while here. :)14:58
jmaderomtnbkr: why in the world would you do that upgrade14:58
jmaderoI prefer clean install every time14:59
jmaderoseparate /home and other important partitions14:59
ActionParsnipjmadero: people need excitment in their lives14:59
jmaderoso you don't lose crap14:59
sydneyWhen I upgrade ubuntu pangolin  to lubuntu saucy will it keep both desktop enviroments,or will it keep only lubuntu's?14:59
mtnbkrjmadero:  Kind of have no choice - client has ~500GM email14:59
jmaderomtnbkr: no separate partition?14:59
ActionParsnipsydney: you'll more than likely get both14:59
jmaderothat sounds rough ;)14:59
jmaderoand Ubuntu 8.04 hasn't been supported for.....14:59
jmaderothis client needs a reminder of good sound upgrade policies lol15:00
ActionParsnipjmadero: ...ever15:00
mtnbkrjmadero: yeah, they have not allowed us to update Ubuntu for a while but they want Zimbra 8.06 and that requires Ubuntu 12.04 so Ubuntu upgrades have been approved   sigh15:00
OsmodivsWhen is 14.04 comming out?15:00
jmaderomtnbkr: and the awesome thing is 14.04 is being releaesd in a month15:00
jmaderoso they'll still be out of date15:00
OsmodivsI really need new packages...15:00
ActionParsnipOsmodivs: next month, hence the version number15:01
mtnbkr8.0.4 LTS was supported until mid 201315:01
jmaderoOsmodivs: and what new packages15:01
jmaderoyou can still install packages on 13.1015:01
jmaderoor even 12.0415:01
jmaderoyou'll just have to either (a) find a ppa, or (b) manually install15:01
Osmodivsjmadero, libogg, I need version 1.3 and 12.04 gives me 1.215:01
Osmodivsjmadero, and others15:01
jmaderoOsmodivs: so google it and install :)15:01
jmaderoif you just download the debian packages15:02
jmaderoyou can install easy enough15:02
mtnbkrjmadero: re: 14.04  Yeah, I know... hopefully, we can convince them to get back to being proactive, but somehow I doubt it.15:02
jmaderomtnbkr: you should just install the beta release now ;)15:02
jmaderosave the hassle in a month15:02
mtnbkrjmadero: Sticking with what Zimbra "supports" and that is 8.0.6 on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS15:02
sydneyhow long does it take to upgrade from ubuntu pangolin to lubuntu saucy?15:02
jmaderookular is so bad . . . :( it freezes all the damnt ime15:02
compAHsitequick question. How do I know which device in /dev is my sd card? I see it in /media15:02
ActionParsnipcompAHsite: mount | grep media15:03
jmaderocompAHsite: sudo fdisk -l15:03
mtnbkrI use and like okular all the time.15:03
jmaderoor that15:03
jmaderoif you do sudo fdisk -l with and without it put in15:03
jmaderoyou'll see what dev it is15:03
mtnbkrcompAHsite: oh right, SD card  will be /dev/mmc (something...)15:03
OsmodivsHas anyone here ever installed the Phoronix Test suite? Like ALL tests without any errors?15:03
compAHsiteActionParsnip: jmadero: mtnbkr: awesome /dev/mmcblk0. thanks!15:04
jmaderocompAHsite: there are always 1000 ways to accomplish the same thing in Linux ;) everyone has a preference lol15:05
jmaderoand most will fight saying their own preference is best15:05
mtnbkrjmadero: all I know is my way is best  lol15:05
* mtnbkr ducks15:05
jmaderomtnbkr: so let's hear it, what is the "best" de?15:05
jmaderoround 1 - fight15:05
jmaderosydney: sorry I have no clue the answer to your question15:06
jmaderoit would depend on your internet speed15:06
jmaderoand your computer specs15:06
OsmodivsThe best way is to let the distro install the Libs, otherwise, youll end up with a broken system.15:06
jmaderoI always do fresh installs15:06
Tophadobe flash player 11.2 seems the latest version for Chrome in Linux but my videos always call for a later version.. How can I correct this? I know version 12 is out there15:06
jmaderoToph: I believe flash for linux was discontinued15:06
jmaderolet me see what I have installed15:06
ActionParsnipjmadero: why use a DE, just use a standalone WM :)15:07
Tophjmadero,,, so how do I go about enabling videos?15:07
ActionParsnipjmadero: so my offering is 'none'15:07
jmaderolol oh and the first swing from ActionParsnip15:07
jmaderoToph: they should be "enabled"15:07
jmaderoI'm not sure what site you're trying to use15:07
jmaderobut I can watch flash no problem15:07
jmaderowith 11.215:07
mtnbkrjmadero: flash support for linux ceased at 10.2 (or something point 2)  but google seems to have put a wrapper around newer flash versions and included them in chrome15:07
jmaderowhy keep feeding the Adobe bs15:08
jmaderoflash is dead - let it die15:08
mtnbkrwhat next? People still using IE, and Outlook?  lol15:08
jmaderolol hey now - I use IE in Linux - it's my favorite browser15:08
* jmadero ducks15:08
jmaderookular has been frozen for 10 minutes15:09
Tophjmadero,,, for example, on am aljazeer news site I have open right now  http://www.aljazeera.com/programmes/insidesyria/2014/03/syria-human-tragedy-201438153157493734.html   the video doesn't play,, it calls for an updated version of Flash Player15:09
jmaderoToph: hm - I can't do video on train (they block it)15:09
jmaderoToph: do other sites work?15:10
jmaderosuch as cnn international15:10
jmaderoor any of the other list15:10
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Tophjmadero,,, let me check15:10
ActionParsnipjmadero: what browsers have you tried?15:10
jmaderoActionParsnip: I actually prefer firefox BUT fullscreen flash is broken (known bug with some lame workaround) so I've been using Chromium more15:10
jmaderoI used to use Seamonkey or w/e15:10
jmaderoActionParsnip: I like the bells and whistles15:11
ActionParsnipjmadero: try Chrome, the Pepper Flash may be ok15:11
jmaderoActionParsnip: flash works fine for me15:11
jmaderoit doesn't for Toph15:11
ActionParsnipToph: try Chrome15:12
Tophjmadero,,, utube works fine,, the cnn site asks for a Flash player like as if it isn't even installed, yet I have gone through th einstallation several times15:12
TophActionParsnip,,, i am using Chrome15:12
jmaderoToph: how did you install flash?15:12
slimjimflimToph: you know you can watch flv videos with vlc15:13
Tophjmadero,,, software centre15:13
jmaderoToph: purge it and try with try with sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras15:13
Tophjmadero,,, i'm a bit new at this,, how do I purge?15:14
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Guest2430how r u guys15:14
Guest2430know of any other populated IRC chats?15:14
slimjimflimand you can get links to the flv with the ff plugin 'video download helper'15:15
sydneyGuest2430:  hello15:15
jmaderoToph: just go into package manager and remove15:16
Guest2430how i change my name\15:17
jmaderothere is a better way but that will do I think15:17
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jmaderothat's better than Guest15:17
zambahow do i completely clone a SD card?15:18
SunilJoshiHello, can someone please help me to configure and use e4rat?15:19
jmaderozamba: dd it15:19
Tophjmadero,,, ok,, Flash Player removed and  'ubuntu-restricted-extras is already the newest version.'15:19
SunilJoshii have dual boot and installed ubuntu via wubi15:19
jmaderozamba: you can look for dd tutorials all over the place15:19
jmaderoToph: crap15:19
jmaderoToph: sudo apt-get purge ubuntu-restricted-extras15:19
llutzzamba: to another one, same size? cat /dev/sdX >/dev/sdY15:19
SunilJoshiand i have windows boot manager in place instead of grub15:19
zamballutz: should be the same size, yeah15:19
jmaderothen install it again15:19
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Tophjmadero,,, ok,, done15:20
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal15:20
jmaderoToph: so you installed it again?15:20
jmaderosudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras15:20
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jmaderoToph: okay try now15:21
jmaderoif that doesn't work - see if flashaid is still working15:21
jmaderofirefox extension - was very powerful at one time15:21
jmaderonot sure if it's still working now that flash went down the toilet15:21
Tophjmadero,,, nope,, still doesn't work15:22
jmaderoToph: try the flashaid extension in firefox15:23
jmaderoToph: if that fails - honestly not sure15:23
jmaderoflash works 100% for me15:23
Tophjmadero,,, strange,, it used to work for me as well, this is a new problem,,, thanks for the help15:23
jmaderoToph: does it work in other browsers15:24
jmaderoor every browser is the same?15:24
Tophjmadero,,, i just tried firefox,, same problem15:26
jmaderoToph: I'm fresh out of ideas :(15:27
Tophjmadero,,, hehe,, np,, i'll keep fooling around with it15:27
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vector67is this the place to get help for a rather complex issue i'm having with ubuntu?15:30
jpdsvector67: Yes.15:31
jmaderovector67: just ask the question ;)15:31
vector67ok so my hard drive is filling up completely15:31
vector67and i've nailed it down to /home/<username>/.cache/upstart/dbus.log15:32
vector67going crazy with messages like "(unity-scope-home:4137): dee-CRITICAL **: Unable to get uint32. Column 2 in DeeSequenceModel@0x232f070 holds a NULL value in row 61"15:32
Cigritsanyone know how to background a process (firefox) from a shell script but contiunue to the next line in the script? If i do 'firefox &' firefox runs in the background but the script ends15:33
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Walexvector67: that's pretty annoying15:34
vector67yup, it is15:34
Walexvector67: usually it is some of the trillion Unity/GNOME3 daemons has bug that gets triggered by some timing issue. Restarting the daemon usually stops it.15:35
vector67oh ok thanks lemme try quickly15:35
AlanBellSven_vB: glad it is working, I only used sc a little bit, mostly as a fun text mode spreadsheet15:35
Walexvector67: the question is which daemon is writing that.,15:36
brothersomeCigrits: exec firefox &    ???15:36
WalexCigrits: that's more for #bash but for example '(firefox&)' should not have that particular issue.15:36
Spr1ngAnybody used sshguard?  Thoughts?15:36
Cigritswalex, that totally works thank you15:37
jpdsSpr1ng: I use ssh keys and use iptables to rate-limit connections.15:38
vector67_ok, so i restarted dbus, and i think that works15:38
vector67_thank you so much.15:38
jpdsvector67: But I did see a bug report about this.15:39
vector67_oh... should I file one?15:39
vector67_i might file a bug report later, bye15:41
oriz^hi all - does anyone know of a good way to determine whether or not I am in an ssh session? e.g. i'm trying to write a script that will do one thing if the user is logged in via ssh and something else if logged on locally15:41
skinuxOn my laptop, touchpad is sometimes smooth...sometimes shaky. It seems to help having a USB mouse connected. I'd like some help diagnosing the problem, but I'm not sure what log to open or just what to look for.15:41
sydneyskinux: What do you mean by shaky?15:45
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Spr1ngjpds: I'm also thinking of just going with ssh keys but always good to look into alternatives too15:48
raj__Is plymouth  anyway useful on server ? i see several plymouth entries in the processes listing ..15:53
ActionParsnipraj__: its a boot splash, not really necessary15:55
ActionParsnipraj__: if you edit /etc/default/grub  you can make it not run at boot15:55
SunilJoshihow can i cofigure  e4rat when i have windws boot manager on startup?15:56
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ActionParsnip!info e4rat15:58
ubottuPackage e4rat does not exist in saucy15:58
SunilJoshiActionParsnip: But i have installed it..15:59
ActionParsnipSunilJoshi: http://www.howtogeek.com/69753/how-to-cut-your-linux-pcs-boot-time-in-half-with-e4rat/15:59
ActionParsnipSunilJoshi: we cannot support random debs you find online15:59
SunilJoshiActionParsnip: i am on the same link but that needs Grub as boot loader when editing15:59
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llutzSunilJoshi: how often do you boot your *buntu a day?16:03
SunilJoshione, but that is real slow..16:03
llutzSunilJoshi: i'd check _why_ it is slow (btw slow is very subjective) instead of using obscure 3rd party stuff16:07
ActionParsnipSunilJoshi: its16:10
ActionParsnipSunilJoshi: is the drive healthy? Have you ran an fsck in live cd16:10
llutzSunilJoshi: network via dhcp?16:12
techie123can anybody tell me where to get the latest non-desktop ubuntu. I think is 13.1.016:13
llutztechie123: non-desktop = server?16:13
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD16:13
MonkeyDustSunilJoshi  https://dl-web.dropbox.com/get/Public/ubuntu_speed.txt?_subject_uid=4653463&w=AAC44HKxWRgcbY2FfFwVGJM9TkHmHVgfH5Ep1pUPD4L9OA16:14
techie123no server, but the ubuntu system. I heard that servers will slow me down, already using vmware with a Mac16:14
techie123<llutz> no server16:15
ubottutechie123,: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server16:15
llutztechie123: use the mini.iso then16:15
railsraiderHi im trying to make upstart pre-stop stanza to sleep for x seconds before sending the sigkill but it seems that upstart doesnt accept it and kill imiddiately16:15
railsraiderhow can i sleep before the process kill16:16
techie123is the mini.iso at the same ubuntu.org page?16:16
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD16:16
techie123Thanks, <MonkeyDust>16:16
techie123must run but always enjoy this channel lots. Thanks a million .16:17
railsraiderheres my upstart conf file http://pastebin.com/2ruUqdav16:17
raj__is there any way to reduce memory consumption by chromium/chrome on ubuntu ? it eats up all my 4GB RAM..16:18
ActionParsnipraj__: use fewer extensions16:22
raj__ActionParsnip: do extensions use memory on per tab basis or is it just single instance for all tabs ?16:23
mar_dancan anyone tell if btrfs is faster then ext4? I read that test on phoronix.com are not so good..... I am thinking about change but do not know if it is worth16:23
ActionParsnipraj__: not sure on that but lots of extensions means more RAM16:23
raj__my system really slows down when too many tabs16:23
ActionParsnipmar_dan: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=linux_310fs_fourway&num=116:24
raj__thanks.. i already try to do this as much as possible ..16:24
mar_danActionParsnip: thank you, but can someone tell from ?experience16:26
SunilJoshillutz: yes network via dhcp16:27
SunilJoshiMonkeyDust: whats that link is al about?16:27
MonkeyDustSunilJoshi  remind me?16:29
MonkeyDustSunilJoshi  a few lines to speed up your ubuntu16:30
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Guest41130I'm trying to install mysql 5.5 from apt-get source mysql-server and i keep getting the same error at make install: file INSTALL cannot find "/usr/src/mysql/mysql-5.5/Docs/INSTALL-BINARY".16:30
Guest41130it looks like the Docs folder is missing a few files actually, anyone run into this before?16:31
SunilJoshiMonkeyDust: link is not working16:32
SunilJoshiError 40316:32
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MonkeyDustSunilJoshi  try this http://ubuntuone.com/4mrpWg8P6GtxxqeYeHTn6w16:56
SunilJoshiMonkeyDust: thanks! looks cool :) !16:59
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red234324MonkeyDust, are they in order of effect, top to bottom ?17:04
lost_and_unfoundgreetings, I have a andriod device. On my 12.04 ubuntu i can see the device being picked up in syslog, in 13.10 there is no syslog activity. I want to make use of the mass storage device option. Any suggestions where to see why it is not even picking up in /var/log/syslog ? Thanks17:05
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drodriguezpadillHas anyone where had success with scaling their aspect ratio on their HDTV?17:08
drodriguezpadillI have my laptop hooked up to my TV, but the tv is overscanning and there is not an option for overscan on the TV17:08
drodriguezpadillover HDMI.17:08
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ActionParsnipdrodriguezpadill: what is the output of:  cat /etc/issue17:10
ActionParsniplost_and_unfound: if you install openssh-server you can use the server as an SFTP server over wifi17:11
ActionParsniplost_and_unfound: andftp can connect to it :)17:11
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lost_and_unfoundActionParsnip: thanks, will keep that as last resort... from what I read it seems to might be a USB2 thing causing the issue.. still investigating17:14
MonkeyDustred234324  no17:15
drodriguezpadillUbuntu 13.10 \n \l17:18
drodriguezpadillActionParsnip: Ubuntu 13.10 \n \l17:19
vlad_starkovQUESTION (cross-post): Can't boot on freshly installed 12.04.4 64bit. Got multiple CPU soft lockup messages. Could someone point me how to boot in verbose/debug mode to figure out what's going on?17:19
alex_vlad_starko: You can boot from CD and the check the /var/log/syslog of your installed system17:21
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ActionParsnipdrodriguezpadill: and what GPU do you use?17:22
Alpeenyone know if it is possible to set up multitouch gestures for ubuntu 13.10?17:22
vlad_starkovalex_: I does not boot with Live CD, throw the same messages...17:23
drodriguezpadillIntel Ironlake Mobile17:23
ActionParsnipdrodriguezpadill: have you tried the Intel Driver Installer? OmgUbuntu has a nice guide17:24
drodriguezpadillCould you provide a link?17:24
cojackhello, Im testing new kubuntu 14.04 beta, and I would like to test it on laptop with efi and ssd + hdd17:24
alex_Alpe: Check this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/344835/why-were-multi-touch-trackpad-gestures-removed-from-13-0417:24
ubottucojack,: Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) will be the 20th release of Ubuntu.  See the announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1295 for more info. support in #ubuntu+117:24
MonkeyDustcojack  ask in #ubuntu+117:25
cojackMonkeyDust: thx17:25
MonkeyDustcfhowlett  was faster :)17:25
ljsoftneti have amd a4 3400 cpu where can i see my 2 cores and 2 threads?17:25
Alpealex_: Thx :)17:25
compdocljsoftnet, system monitor17:25
llutzljsoftnet: grep cores /proc/cpuinfo17:26
alex_vlad_starkov: try to boot with different boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions17:26
ljsoftnetllutz where can i find my 2 threads?17:26
MonkeyDustljsoftnet  or try     sudo dmidecode -t 417:26
Te3-BloodyIronDolphin prompts for a user when connecting to a samba share17:27
Te3-BloodyIronbut Nautilus doesn't17:27
alex_vlad_starkov: try the first three on the list17:27
Te3-BloodyIronNautilus used to on earlier versions, but I'm not sure why it isn't now17:27
Te3-BloodyIronthis is 13.1017:27
vlad_starkovalex_: thanks17:27
Te3-BloodyIronI've tried rebooting and changing my local samba config, but nothing seems to get it to trigger a login prompt17:28
alex_vlad_starkov: I mean with [F6] Options17:28
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vlad_starkovalex_: got it17:29
Alex_vlad_starkov: ok, good lock, ast me this helps when I get in some trouble ;)17:30
Alex_vlad_starkov: ok, good luck, ast me this helps when I get in some trouble ;)17:30
ljsoftnetwhere can i see the number of threads i have17:31
llutzljsoftnet: what did the grep say? "Cores 4"?17:32
skypcehello people17:34
ljsoftnetllutz only 217:34
skypcei need help for compile a package17:34
MonkeyDustljsoftnet  did you try the command I suggested?17:34
ljsoftnetMonkeyDust not yet17:35
skypcei used edit-patch 33-patch but my problem is i have files that not need patched they are new files17:35
MonkeyDustljsoftnet  sudo dmidecode -t 417:35
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tgm4883llutz, wouldn't "grep cores /proc/cpuinfo", but not count the number of threads (in the event there is 2 threads per core)17:37
llutztgm4883: it should show 4, 2 cores + 2 threads17:37
tgm4883llutz, I just did it on mine, which lists 4 cores, although it listed 4 cores 8 times17:37
tgm4883llutz, I have a i7 260017:37
MonkeyDustskypce if you don't get an answer here, try #ubuntu-app-devel17:38
ljsoftnetMonkeyDust it says i have 2 cores and 2 threads17:38
skypcethank you MonkeyDust17:38
MonkeyDustljsoftnet  great17:38
BassVI_96is it possible to migrate firefox and thunderbird settings from windows to linux?17:38
ljsoftnetMonkeyDust why does my xfce task manager only show 2 cores17:39
ActionParsnipBassVI_96: shouldnt be too hard17:39
ActionParsnipBassVI_96: doesnt it have a cloud storage thing like Chrome?17:40
MonkeyDustljsoftnet  i'm not familiar with all that, maybe someone else can help better17:40
BassVI_96I'd have to look17:40
BassVI_96I tried putting the backup files on my C drive, but I don't see them when booted to my D drive (Ubuntu)17:40
ljsoftnetMonkeyDust ok thanks17:41
tgm4883ljsoftnet, that sounds like a question for #xubuntu17:41
SunilJoshiBassVI_96: http://kb.mozillazine.org/Moving_from_Windows_to_Linux, try this17:41
ljsoftnetMonkeyDust tgm4883 does gnome system monitor display threads?17:41
tgm4883ljsoftnet, IDK, I use KDE17:41
ljsoftnettgm4883 does it display threads17:42
tgm4883ljsoftnet, yes17:42
tgm4883ljsoftnet, as does htop17:42
MonkeyDustljsoftnet  if you want to deal with cpu cores and threads, i suggest you get more familiar with the terminal17:43
ljsoftnetMonkeyDust i wanted to see live usage of cpu cores and threads17:44
MonkeyDustljsoftnet  yes, it's beyond the basics17:44
tgm4883ljsoftnet, are you sure you should see 4 threads?17:45
BassVI_96I'll have to give that a try Suni117:45
ljsoftnettgm4883 im only seeing 217:45
tgm4883ljsoftnet, I'm doing some quick googling, but I don't think that processor has 2 threads per core17:45
SunilJoshiBassVI_96: Go Go Go !! :)17:45
ljsoftnettgm4883 ah ok, whats ur processor man?17:46
tgm4883ljsoftnet, I have an i7 260017:46
tgm4883ljsoftnet, I also have a q6600, which I happened to find a comparison between the q6600 and your processor17:47
tgm4883ljsoftnet, http://cpuboss.com/cpus/Intel-Core2-Quad-Q6600-vs-AMD-A4-340017:47
tgm4883ljsoftnet, which indicates they may both have a single thread per core. I can run the same commands on that system that you ran to compare results if you want17:48
yonkoI want to download Gentoo linux but i don't know which architacture to choose x86 or ppc ?? My system is 32-bit .17:49
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tgm4883yonko, not a ubuntu question, but x8617:49
ljsoftnettgm4883 if i have 2 cores and each core has 2 threads, there would be 4 cores on my system monitor17:49
BassVI_96yonko, PPC would be Macintosh17:49
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yonko<BassVI_96> i have IBM17:50
tgm4883ljsoftnet, most likely yes, I don't see why xfce system monitor would differ in that regard to others17:50
BassVI_96forgot about that17:50
yonko <tgm4883> ok thanks17:50
ActionParsnipyonko: #gentoo for gentoo support17:51
yonko<ActionParsnip>  thanks17:52
Zoidberg2hello, does anyone know where the archey config file is?17:52
Zoidberg2on arch its in the home folder17:52
Zoidberg2cant seem to find it in ubuntu though17:52
tgm4883Zoidberg2, IDK what archey is, but have you looked in /etc ?17:54
Zoidberg2yeah i checked /etc17:54
tgm4883Zoidberg2, I dont' see that in the repos, where did you install it from17:55
Zoidberg2archey is just a ASCII art / system information addon17:55
Zoidberg2it shows ascii art when you start the terminal17:55
Zoidberg2let me find you a link...17:55
tgm4883Zoidberg2, I would guess that it still looks in the same spot in the home directory, and has defaults in case one doesn't exist17:57
MonkeyDustfind archey17:57
MonkeyDust!find archey17:57
ubottuPackage/file archey does not exist in saucy17:57
tgm4883Zoidberg2, you might be able to do a 'dpkg -L archey' and see what files it installed17:57
tgm4883Zoidberg2, that might show you where the file is17:58
Zoidberg2that's an interesting command17:59
Zoidberg2i'll save that one17:59
Zoidberg2thanks tgm488317:59
Zoidberg2still didnt find the config file though17:59
tgm4883Zoidberg2, yw17:59
tgm4883Zoidberg2, have you tried puting a config file in your home directory where it would exist on arch?18:00
rickcI'm trying to install on a SCSI drive but get stuck at the step when ubuntu detects the hard disk. The correct SCSI drivers are listed in lshw but the drive itself reads as UNCLAIMED and I can't partition it. Does anyone have an idea what the problem might be?18:03
jhutchinsrickc: Check the cables?18:03
rickcWindows sees the drive just fine; the cables are not the issue18:04
kyle__rickc: Where does it show unclaimed?18:05
Zoidberg2tgm4883 i found it! you have to edit the archey python script in /usr/bin18:05
Zoidberg2that command is awesome18:05
tgm4883Zoidberg2, sweet, glad you found it. Although that seems like a bad place to have to edit something18:05
rickcfor scsi:1 logicial name scsi 018:05
kyle__rickc: Because usually, that means no driver claimed that device.  So either you do NOT actually have the rigth scsi driver loaded, or you didn't load the driver for scsi-discs scsi-generic scsi-whatervertypeofdevice18:06
rickcso do i need the correct driver for the hard disk itself as opposed to the scsi controller?18:06
kyle__rickc: Not exactly.  For systems with modules, the scsi-disk driver is a module, and that's what the card-specific driver uses to talk to the disk.18:07
kyle__rickc: But there is just one scsi-disk driver hard drives, and just one for optical drives, etc.  Does that make sense?18:07
rickcoh so its not vendor specific?18:08
BassVI_96is Pidgin any better than XChat for IRC?18:08
ActionParsnipBassVI_96: thats just an opinion, try both and see what you think18:09
rickci guess i don't understand what i'm missing or where to get it18:09
kyle__rickc: Right.  Pastebin the output of lsmod, and the output of lshw18:09
ActionParsnipBassVI_96: you are using an OS that champions freedom and choice, but you ask in a room of strangers what o think?18:09
ActionParsnipBassVI_96: smacks of Microsoft, don't you think?18:09
* BassVI_96 trying to migrate from that :D18:10
ActionParsnipBassVI_96: try a few clients for a while, see which you like..then use taht18:10
BassVI_96the more I "play around" in Ubuntu, the less I want to boot to my Vista drive18:11
BassVI_96eventually, my current computer will only have Ubuntu, but I need to finish my AMD computer first18:12
Zoidberg2i love this distro18:12
Zoidberg2i've tried many others and i keep coming back to ubuntu18:12
compdocit loves you too18:12
BassVI_96several in Second Life told me to go to Ubuntu18:13
Zoidberg2its the easiest to deal with18:13
Zoidberg2archey is awesome but it needs a lot of work18:13
BassVI_96I'm liking it. 64-bit for Ubuntu vs 32-bit for Vista18:14
ActionParsnipim using xpud more these days18:14
BassVI_96my AMD project will get Win7 Home Premium...more to support the games I play18:15
rickcThanks Kyle, here is the pastebin link: http://pastebin.com/KxjbuC2g18:15
BassVI_96my 7 year old eMachines will get one more hardware upgrade, once the AMD pc is going18:15
daftykinsBassVI_96: that's wonderful, but this channel is not for random discussion, it is for support queries only.18:17
kyle__Hu.  OK.  sd_mod is there, that's the one for scsi disks.  Stillr eading.18:17
BassVI_96need to head out, and get some other things taken care of anyway18:19
BassVI_96tc all18:19
rickcThe error I'm getting is Libparted Bug Found! Error opening /dev/sdb: No such device or address18:19
kyle__rickc: Is this a straight scsi card, or is this a scsi-raid card, have you gone into the settings on the scsi bios and checked everything, and is there a terminator on your scsi chain?18:20
rickcyes i ran the SCSI utility in the BIOS to format the drive and then I formatted again in Windows to make an NTFS partition when that didnt' seem to work. The cable is terminated and it's a single drive, not a raid18:21
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kyle__rickc: I'm rather confused then.18:23
kyle__rickc: Is this one of the systems where there's a connector on the mobo, but you have to add a scsi card into a backplane to use it?18:24
rickcyeah it's like a mini-itx board with the scsi card in the pci slot: Adaptec 2930LPE18:25
daftykinssome RAID controllers still need a RAID driver to access the disk as JBOD18:25
kyle__daftykins: This is a strange one isn't it?18:26
daftykinsi haven't really followed if i'm honest18:26
jhutchinskyle__: Try a different live CD that uses a different kernel.18:27
rickcwell i was hoping to avoid installing a sata drive and wasting a terabyte disk on a server18:27
kyle__jhutchins: Not me, I'm trying to help rickc.18:27
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br1337kek even18:27
jhutchinsrickc: Try a different live CD that uses a different kernel.18:27
jhutchinskyle__: sry.18:27
kyle__jhutchins: NP.18:28
rickcyou mean an older version of ubuntu?18:28
rickcthanks guys i'm gonna break for lunch and try again later. peace18:37
Zoidberg2look at this sexy setup: http://pbrd.co/1jnpzYm18:37
Zoidberg2it makes me so giddy18:37
ActionParsnipZoidberg2: bit basic18:39
Zoidberg2i love it18:39
ActionParsnipZoidberg2: window controls on the right too, weird18:39
Zoidberg2yeah im just so used to it already18:39
Zoidberg2having them on the left is strange for me18:39
Zoidberg2plus i switch between linux and windows all the time18:39
ActionParsnipZoidberg2: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/8850924/7thJan2014.png18:40
puffI'm on 13.10, does ubuntu TRIM ssd drives automatically or do I need to set options to do so?18:40
ActionParsnippuff: you'll need some options18:40
ActionParsnippuff: http://www.webupd8.org/2013/01/enable-trim-on-ssd-solid-state-drives.html18:40
ActionParsnipZoidberg2: lxde, does it all :)18:40
puffActionParsnip: I was actually about to past that URL to ask if it was up to date :-)18:41
iatiaHi there all, so I have been googling around trying to figure out how to globaly stop ubuntu from auto joining any and all wifi networks and not finding anything. Any ideas?18:41
puffActionParsnip: Thanks.18:41
MonkeyDust!wifi | iatia start here18:42
ubottuiatia start here: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs18:42
ActionParsnippuff: it'll work, trim is trim18:43
iatiaOkay ubottu thanks18:43
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iatiaA bit suprised this is not a commonly known thing18:43
puffiatia: This is a problem with networkmanager, AFAIK.  If you find a solution, let me know.18:44
puffiatia: I have a network manager patch that somebody gave me that prevents nm from scanning if you're actively connected.  That seemed to help somewhat, but I still havfe problems with wifi dying.18:44
iatiaOkay puff, crazy!18:44
puffiatia: http://linux-thinkpad.10952.n7.nabble.com/spotty-wireless-with-t520-w-Intel-wifi-and-xubuntu-13-04-td20784.html18:45
puffiatia: Note, to use that you have to download the source package for network-manager (and also download the relevant dev tool packages), patch the source, build it with make, package into acustom .deb, and use that .deb.18:46
puffiatia: I logged all of the steps to do this a couple weeks ago, if you want a copy.18:47
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iatiaJust sounds like a rogue piece of software to me18:47
puffiatia: http://darksleep.com/ubuntu/networkmanager_log.txt18:47
=== Looney_Asylum is now known as okijuhgfvghj
irskohHello, i have an annoying package i installed, and i want to remove it - the thing is i stopped the installation in the middle because the installation always stuck but when i do "sudo apt-get remove" it says "run dpkg --configure -a" but then it'll be stuck again18:53
irskohhow do i force remove18:53
puffActionParsnip: Just to check, so this tutorial does NOT recommend setting any TRIM options in /etc/fstab... is that not a good idea?18:54
iancurtisirskoh: have you tried forcing the dpkg --configure -a command?18:54
irskohiancurtis: yeah.. when it goes into the evil package configuration its stuck again18:54
irskohiancurtis: not becuase of dpkg itself18:55
irskohiancurtis: the package is trying to download something and its impossible18:55
irskohiancurtis: because the download link doesnt exist anymore18:55
ActionParsnippuff: YOu can, you will also need to cron the task to cleanup the drive etc18:55
puffActionParsnip: Thanks.18:56
iancurtisYou might have the option to skip broken packages/links with dpkg. I would check the man page for you but I run Fedora. Check man dpkg.18:57
Zoidberg2i dont understand the reasoning behind having restrictive permissions on /usr/share/themes and usr/share/icons18:58
Zoidberg2its such a hassle to get themes working properly18:58
Zoidberg2you have to changer permissions to two folders, and use two different configuration utilities to set up your theme19:00
iancurtisZiodberg2: just use sudo to mv whatever files you want. The permissions system is necessary.19:00
iancurtisAlso, you can use chmod to change whatever permissions you need to19:00
tgm4883Zoidberg2, some (most?) apps also look in ~/ for stuff19:01
Zoidberg2iancurtis: well i got the themes to work but for a newbie it would be such a frustrating hassle19:01
Zoidberg2why not just default the permissions to 777 for those two folders?19:01
Zoidberg2icons and themes19:01
Zoidberg2in other words...19:01
Zoidberg2im wondering what security risk there is by changing those permissions19:02
puffI'm editing /etc/fstab to mount a bunch of secondary partitions (mainly data partitions or other linux partitions that I want to be able to copy data to/from when booted into ubuntu).  What fstab options are recommended?19:02
puffZoidberg2: Security is a matter of defense in depth.19:02
Zoidberg2puff take a look at/etc/mtab19:03
puffZoidberg2: You're falling victim to one of the most classic blunders.  The most famous of which is, "never count on security through obscurity."  But only slightly less well-known is this:  "never rely solely on perimeter security".19:04
puffZoidberg2: Thanks.19:04
jhutchinspuff: Kinda depends on the filesystem.19:05
DoctorMo_hey everyone19:05
jhutchinspuff: Also hardware.19:05
eduardo__hello i need help  with gub... i have two kernels and it always uses the old one ( i like to have two kernels just in case... one i know it works and the last one...19:06
jhutchinspuff: I notice you asked about trim, I believe that is mostly for older SSDs, more modern ones handle those functions internally.19:06
eduardo__it enters directly in the older kernel and i cant choose...it enters directly in login window...19:07
DoctorMo_I'm having a hell of a time getting mysql installed and running correctly. I've been googling for 2 days, and I'm at a loss. Mysql was running, then the process randomly stopped, and now I can't start it. I tried 'sudo service mysql start' and got this output: https://gist.github.com/PeteMichaud/3e64444889e41cd50e0f19:09
DoctorMo_so then I checked to make sure apparmor had a usr.sbin.mysqld file in the right place, and it does19:09
theperfectpunki just created a hardlink to java sdk 1.6.019:09
theperfectpunkin /etc/alternatives19:09
theperfectpunkit gives me error19:10
theperfectpunkjava: error while loading shared libraries: libjli.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory19:10
puffjhutchins: My SSD is a Samsung 256GB Mini mSATA MZ-MPC256D SSD HARD DRIVE DELL P/N 0MTT20 PM830 PCI-E19:10
Zoidberg2SSD - fancy!19:10
eduardo__any ideas ?19:11
puffZoidberg2: Yeah, really happy with it.19:11
DoctorMo_I've also read that it could be a problem with my my.conf file, but I've checked for all the potential "wrong" entries, and none of them are in mine19:11
theperfectpunkanyone plz?19:11
DoctorMo_this is crazy just to get wordpress working on a VPS 8/19:11
pufftheperfectpunk: Have you googled on the error?19:11
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Zoidberg2theperfectpunk: sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jre19:12
puffDoctorMo_: It shouldn't be that hard... what tutorial did you follow to install mysql?19:12
pecanhaHello, anyone could me on LVS-DR? I 've paste on http://pastebin.com/v72QugKF my issues19:12
Zoidberg2you wont have to create a link to java19:12
jhutchinstheperfectpunk: I believe your problem is unrelated to Ubuntu or the way it packages java.19:12
Zoidberg2it will work automatically19:12
DoctorMo_puff: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/articles/how-to-install-linux-apache-mysql-php-lamp-stack-on-ubuntu19:12
puffDoctorMo_: Also, be warned, with wordpress you *must* keep on top of updating it, security holes are frequently found.19:13
theperfectpunkjhutchins: i googled it19:13
DoctorMo_yeah, don't I know it. But this is a brand new installation19:13
puffjhutchins: How can I figure out if my SSD needs trim or not?19:13
DoctorMo_and it was working for about half a day before this mysql issue came up puff19:13
theperfectpunkjhutchins: it's somewhat related to path set for the object file19:13
puffDoctorMo_: Yeah, I'm just telling you, you're getting on the wordpress security fix treadmill, start running.19:13
theperfectpunkbut dunno what path to set19:13
puffDoctorMo_: Let me take a look at the error.19:13
puffjhutchins: It can be... sometimes JDK/JRE installations don't set up /etc/alternatives properly.19:14
DoctorMo_you mean the logs or do you want me to give you something else puff?19:14
puffDoctorMo_: I'm looking at your pastebin, or I would be if I weren't here chatting :-).19:14
jhutchinspuff: They should if they're official Ubuntu packages.19:14
puffjhutchins: Shoulda woulda coulda... in my experience, not always.19:15
jhutchinspuff: If not, then the user needs to get help from the source.19:15
puffI'm finished editing my /etc/fstab, is there a way to get them to reload?  Or better yet, to syntax-check them before actually loading them...?19:15
jhutchinspuff: mount -a19:16
puffjhutchins: Thanks.19:16
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jhutchinspuff: Probably want to throw sudo in there.19:16
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eduardo__any ideas ? please19:18
puffjhutchins: thanks.19:18
puffeduardo__: Sounds like nobody knows the answer.  I haven't really messed with kernel versions and etc.19:20
DoctorMo_puff the strange thing for me is that when I've been googling it, and apparmor has been an issue for other people, there is a line in there are terminating the process or something, but there doesn't seem to be anything like that in mine, I don't know what to make of it19:20
puffeduardo__: But be patient, maybe somebody's away from their keyboard and will come back and give you an answer.19:20
madrobhello. i think i've run into gnome-panel bug 57481519:21
ubottubug 574815 in gnome-panel (Ubuntu) "clock 2.30.0 on ubuntu 10.04 amd64 does not update; times on locations do." [Low,Opinion] https://launchpad.net/bugs/57481519:21
puffDoctorMo_: I don't see anything in your pastebin that indicates apparmor is actually the problem.19:21
madrobbut that one is really old - should i comment on it or open a new one?19:22
puffmadrob: Is it closed?19:22
puffmadrob: I'm only guessing here, but probably you should add it to that bug.19:23
madrobpuff: still open19:23
puffmadrob: Hm, then again, if oyu're seeing it on a newer version...19:23
DoctorMo_puff, yeah. That is literally all of the output though, there's nothing else, not even in the mysql.err or mysql.log files, it just says "start: Job failed to start" and then syslog ha what I pasted19:23
madroband also, i'm not sure it's still gnome-panel as that bug suggests. it's probably something in unity by now...19:24
puffmadrob: I'm not super-familair iwth ubuntu bug-tracking.  Standard bug-tracking etiquette would be to add it to the existing bug if open, but since it's on a newer version of ubuntu...19:24
llutzeduardo__: what is the output of "grep GRUB_DEFAULT /etc/default/grub"19:24
puffmadrob: Good point.19:24
jhutchinseduardo__: grub or grub2?19:24
llutzeduardo__: can you please pastebin the output of "grep ^menuen -A5 /boot/grub/grub.cfg ; ls -l /boot/vmli*"19:24
puffDoctorMo_: checking your tutorial to see if there's anything obviouisly wrong.19:24
eduardo__jhutchins GRUB_DEFAULT="0"... i think grub but not sure19:24
puffDoctorMo_: Generally speaking, I like to log *everything* when I do something like this, so I can easily  track what I did, etc.19:25
llutzeduardo__: and "uname -r"19:25
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DoctorMo_well, I don't know enough to do anything except exactly what the tutorial said, and it WAS all working for half a day, like I mentioned19:26
puffDoctorMo_:  I usually use an emacs shell, though there's also the unix script command.  Script will essentially start a shell that will log ALL input and output (including control characters) into a file.19:26
eduardo__llutz  http://pastebin.com/s2nAUwyM19:26
puffDoctorMo_: So this is a VPS, and it's brand new, so you won't lose much by starting over?19:26
puffDoctorMo_: Is your VPS *on* digital ocean, or is it another vps provider?19:26
puffDoctorMo_: Always best to minimize incompatibilities...19:26
eduardo__llutz uname -r gives 3.8.0-32-generic19:27
eduardo__thanks for your help19:27
DoctorMo_puff, well the issue is that I did like 6 hours of work on the wordpress installation so I would lose that UNLESS I could somehow get a dump of the mysql tables -- is that possible without being able to run the mysql process?19:27
DoctorMo_puff, it's a DO VPS, yeah19:27
puffDoctorMo_: It's possbile to back up the actual table files, yeah.  Not a great idea, but possible.19:27
DoctorMo_would I be able to restore the data from that? I don't knowwhat format they are stored in natively19:28
llutzeduardo__: my bad, i had a wrong grub.cfg as template, paste missing the important part. can you please just pastebin your whole /boot/grub/grub.cfg19:28
maujhsnCan a 16GB usb flash drive be created to have a persistence of 8192 MB using unetbootin?19:29
jhutchinsDoctorMo_: You might try increasing the logging level in mysql.  It's pretty low by defualt.19:29
puffDoctorMo_: They're stored in mysql's binary database format, which is theoretically recoverable, but not nearly as safe as mysqldump output.19:29
puffjhutchins: Good idea.19:29
DoctorMo_yeah jhutchins, is that in my.conf ?19:29
jhutchinsDoctorMo_: Yes.19:29
puffDoctorMo_: Also, might be a good idea to ask digital ocean for help, they might have something wonky in their VPS setup.19:30
DoctorMo_ok, I can do that19:30
eduardo__llutz http://pastebin.com/fHLspzVt19:30
yebyenHave there been any reports of booting Ubuntu by EFI on an Lenovo Ideapad Yoga 2 is going to permanently and irreversibly clobber the wireless and make it hard disabled?19:31
DoctorMo_so in my.conf, I see a commented general_log_file setting, what else should I be looking for?19:31
yebyenI don't have the rtl wireless, it's an iwl chipset19:31
yebyenand now it doesn't even work in Windows.  all I did was boot Ubuntu once from a live USB19:31
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llutzeduardo__:  "sudo update-grub"19:32
puffDoctorMo_: There should be a section titled Logging and Replication19:32
yebyenrfkill shows the Airplane button will enable/disable the soft block, nothing seems to change the hard block, and the bios says the wireless is not disabled19:32
llutzeduardo__: then "grep 3.11.0 /boot/grub/grub.cfg"19:32
yebyenso I'm really mystified19:32
maujhsnCan a 16GB usb flash drive be created to have a persistence of 8192 MB using unetbootin?19:33
eduardo__llutz done updat-grub .... grep gives nothing19:34
puffDoctorMo_: You didn't change *anything* in the mysql setup?>19:34
llutzeduardo__: dpkg -l linux-image*                does it list the 3.11.0....?19:34
puffDoctorMo_: What you described sounds like a classic changed-something-and-forgot-to-restart issue, three days later you restart and mystery bug!19:35
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DoctorMo_puff, no I was just working in my wordpress installation when all of a sudden I clicked from one page to another and got a DB connection error19:35
eduardo__llutz i think so.... http://pastebin.com/90T4vNmc19:35
puffDoctorMo_: Also, perhaps try running itmanaully, "sudo -u mysql mysqld" and see what happens.19:35
puffDoctorMo_: Also, "sudo cp -a /var/lib/mysql /home/doctormo/mysqltablesbackup"19:36
DoctorMo_I changed one thing today though, I was seeing a deprecation warning about a setting in my.conf -- key_buffer should now be key_buffer_size Ithink it was, so I changed that, but that was after it stopped working19:36
llutzeduardo__: sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-3.11.0-18.3219:36
Guest52067sometimes you have to deactivate the mysqld service19:36
puffDoctorMo_: In fact, do the backup first.19:36
Guest52067I had a similar problem with mediawiki19:36
eduardo__llutz: thats the problem i think...the changes installing kernel doesnf affect grub....19:38
puffDoctorMo_: Hm, problems with bind address seem to come up frequently in googling on this, check the bind address in my.cnf.19:38
eduardo__llutz: E: No se ha podido localizar el paquete linux-image-3.11.0-18.3219:38
llutzeduardo__: apt-cache search linux-image-3.11.0-1819:38
balorDo I *have* to sign packages before uploading them to my PPA?19:39
puffDoctorMo_: Also, "ls -l /var/log/mysql" and make sure it's owned by root.19:39
eduardo__llutz: linux-image-3.11.0-18-generic - Linux kernel image for version 3.11.0 on 64 bit x86 SMP linux-image-3.11.0-18-lowlatency - Linux kernel image for version 3.11.0 on x86/x86_6419:39
puffDoctorMo_: Er, make sure it's owned by the mysql user.19:39
llutzeduardo__: sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-3.11.0-18-generic19:39
Zoidberg2is there anything like visual studio for linux?19:39
balorZoidberg2, Eclipse, IntelliJ, MonoDevelop, Emacs...depends on what you want19:40
rwwbalor: (if you don't get an answer here, #launchpad might be helpful)19:40
Zoidberg2i want to make simple applications with an easy langauge19:40
eduardo__llutz done19:40
balorrww, thanks19:40
Zoidberg2preferrably basic19:40
Zoidberg2something like visual basic19:40
Alex011rypervenche how are you?19:40
llutzeduardo__: then "grep 3.11.0 /boot/grub/grub.cfg"19:40
yebyenanyone have a lenovo ideapad / yoga 2?19:40
Zoidberg2where i can build forms visually19:40
balorZoidberg2, For visual basic .net?  Or for C++?19:40
Zoidberg2basic or python19:41
puffDoctorMo_: And same for the mysqld binary.  use "sudo dpkg -L" on your mysql package to list the files and see wehre it put mysqld, ls -l on that to see who owns it.19:41
DoctorMo_puff, er ok. So, I run mysqld and no output comes out (like it ran without errors I guess), and I see a bunch of apparmor entries like before, and no mysql process is running19:41
puffZoidberg2: eclipse and intellij have python support.19:41
eduardo__llutz nothing again19:41
Zoidberg2im looking for a visual form building software where i can use a simple language like python or basic19:41
balorZoidberg2, ah.  Try MonoDevelop.  Though there are other ways to do these things on Linux.  You can load Glade files in Python....but you'll get to that eventually. Look at MonoDevelop first :)19:41
Zoidberg2eclipse huh?19:42
puffDoctorMo_: How did you run mysqld?19:42
Zoidberg2okay let me google these19:42
Zoidberg2thanks guys19:42
puffZoidberg2: Eclipse is like oracle... it's the 800 pound gorilla, but not as usable :-).19:42
puffZoidberg2: Intellij doesn't have the massive support base, and it's closed source, but they have a free community edition and it's incredily usable.19:43
llutzeduardo__: did apt-get download the package or was the one from disk (archives) used?19:43
puffZoidberg2: Eclipse has twice as many plugins and support for all kinds of crazy stuff.19:43
balorZoidberg2, just "sudo apt-get install monodevelop" and you'll get it from the Ubuntu "app store".  Someone here might be able to tell you the graphical way to do the same.19:44
llutzeduardo__: sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-3.11.0-18-generic                  to make sure it download the package again19:44
mtnbkrHey guys, got this error after a do-release-upgrade from 10.04.4LTS to 12.04 LTS   http://pastebin.ca/267884919:45
kostkonZoidberg2, try gambas19:45
DoctorMo_puff looks like root owns it? but actually the only thing I see is "mysqld_safe" and "mysqld_multi" and I remember from the syslog that mysqld_safe was the thing apparmor was auditing19:45
yebyenif you have to blacklist a module such as 'ideapad_laptop.ko' at boot time with grub... should you add ideapad-laptop.blacklist=yes or ideapad_laptop.blacklist=yes ?19:46
yebyenneither seems to have any effect for me19:46
mtnbkrAnd now when I try to apt-get install libperl5.14 I get: http://pastebin.ca/267885219:46
balorZoidberg2, kostkon: gambas is a Visual Basic classic style language.  It may not be what you want19:46
mtnbkrAny help on the upgrade failure or steps to attempt to repair?19:46
eduardo__llutz done19:46
eduardo__agian grep ?19:46
llutzeduardo__: yes pls19:46
eduardo__llutz still nothing19:47
llutzeduardo__:  ls -l /boot/grub/grub.cfg19:48
=== Adie is now known as IntersexedAdie
eduardo__-r--r--r-- 1 root root 7097 oct 26 12:33 /boot/grub/grub.cfg19:48
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llutzeduardo__: woops, your update-grub doesn't work. the file is old, really old. it should have date/time 1 minute ago19:49
puffDoctorMo_: Root owns what?19:49
rcw2sometimes ctrl-c doesn't copy things in Geany in Kubuntu.  Why would that be19:49
eduardo__llutz: thats the problem.... i install kernels but it doesnt update in grub menus ....19:49
puffDoctorMo_: And /var/lib/mysql?19:50
eduardo__llutz: perhaps permission problems ? only read is grub ?19:50
DoctorMo_puff: owned by mysql19:50
llutzeduardo__: ls -ld /boot/grub19:50
llutzeduardo__: but on sudo update-grub, you haven't got any error, have you?19:51
=== sins-_y is now known as sins-
puffDoctorMo_: Try "dmesg | fgrep -i mysql"19:51
eduardo__drwxr-xr-x 5 root root 7168 mar 24 20:46 /boot/grub19:51
puffDoctorMo_: Okay, so that might be the problem... not sure yet.19:51
puffDoctorMo_:  But I'd tend to think that both mysqld and /var/lib/mysql should be owned by the same user.19:51
eduardo__no error... not found splash image...skipping19:52
DoctorMo_wow, ok, that gives me something -- what exactly did that do? looks like a log dump with mysql highlighted19:52
puffDoctorMo_: dmesg is sort of like syslog, what that did was pipe dmesg output through the fgrep (fast grep) command and look for any lines with "mysql" in them.  -i for case-insensitive.19:52
llutzeduardo__: ls -lt /boot/grub/ |head -219:52
DoctorMo_got it, so I do see something new and interesting here19:53
Jordan_Ueduardo__: Please pastebin the complete output of "sudo LANG=C update-grub".19:53
DoctorMo_that I saw in my googling in the past day19:53
eduardo__total 2204 -rw-r--r-- 1 root root    4974 mar 24 20:51 menu.lst19:53
puffDoctorMo_: Did you back up /var/lib/mysql like I said?19:53
llutzeduardo__: arghh... grub119:53
DoctorMo_puff yes, I did19:53
puffDoctorMo_: One option, but let's save that as a last resort, is to reinstall the mysql package.  Normally that should not disturb the config files and data files, but I'm not going to guarantee that, so make sure they're backed up, and let's try some other things first.19:53
Jordan_Ueduardo__: You probably at some point installed the "grub" package, which installs grub legacy and removes grub2. Is this a BIOS based or UEFI based machine?19:54
puffDoctorMo_: okay, pastebin the dmesg output, and what was the line you saw elsewehre?19:54
=== sarsaeol_ is now known as sarsaeol
llutzeduardo__: your grub-installation seem to be mixing grub1 and grub2. "update-grub" is grub1 generating menu.lst, but bootmenu is grub2 grub.cfg19:54
DoctorMo_the line is "mysql respawning too fast, stopped"19:54
eduardo__Jordan_U http://pastebin.com/AR6WwzD319:54
DoctorMo_that hit on google suggests changing the my.conf file, updating it basically. Seems weird to have to update a my.conf that was just installed with the package, but it's certainly possible19:55
eduardo__Jordan_U dont know... normal desktop pc....it always went ok.. but one day it doesnt upgrade the kernel... i have the package but not in grub...19:56
DoctorMo_puff, maybe if I paste my my.conf file you can see if it looks wrong or weird19:56
puffDoctorMo_: Yeah, pastebin that. But tell me, did you change *anything* other than through wordpress?19:56
Jordan_Ueduardo__: Please pastebin the output of "sudo blkid" and "ls /sys/firmware/efi/".19:56
eduardo__Jordan_U http://pastebin.com/vbdKTrLP19:58
puffDoctorMo_: Hm, I'm reading this:  http://askubuntu.com/questions/127264/cant-start-mysql-mysql-respawning-too-fast-stopped19:58
puffDoctorMo_: Which sounds kind of familiar actually.19:58
eduardo__Jorean_U ls: no se puede acceder a /sys/firmware/efi/: No existe el archivo o el directorio19:58
llutzeduardo__:i'd do:  sudo apt-get install --reinstall grub2 && sudo apt-get purge grub-legacy19:58
puffDoctorMo_: Also this might be relevant, since oyu're on a VPS:  http://www.mlynn.org/2012/07/mysql-5-5-on-ubuntu-12-04-job-failed-to-start/19:59
puffDoctorMo_: The guy found that mysql's default innodb buffer size was 128M and that was too big on his VPS.19:59
DoctorMo_yeah I think that's one of the first things I looked at19:59
TechSmurfhaving a bit of an issue with dovecot master user20:00
Jordan_Ueduardo__: You're booting via BIOS, so "sudo apt-get install grub-pc".20:00
TechSmurfafter authenticating the master it continues on and attempts to authenticate the target user using the supplied master password20:00
puffDoctorMo_: And check on whether this file exists:  /etc/apparmor.d/local/usr.sbin.mysqld20:00
TechSmurfwhich fails20:00
DoctorMo_hang on, I'm having trouble trying to figure out how to paste my.conf to gist, haha20:00
=== okijuhgfvghj is now known as Looney_Asylum
TechSmurfand even though the master portion of the login was fine, the login fails on the master password not working for the user20:00
DoctorMo_puff, it exists for sure, I checked like an hour ago (right beofre I came here asking for help)20:01
TechSmurfany ideas?20:01
puffDoctorMo_: And also check sudo tail -f /var/log/upstart/mysql.log20:01
DoctorMo_ok my.conf here: https://gist.github.com/PeteMichaud/2ac83632ba6ddca268ed20:01
puffTechSmurf: Sorry, I don't even know what dovecot is.20:01
eduardo__Jordan_U done20:02
TechSmurfpuff: mail daemon, but no worries :)20:02
Jordan_Ueduardo__: Please pastebin the output of "debconf-show grub-pc".20:02
DoctorMo_puff mysql.log is potentially interesting: https://gist.github.com/PeteMichaud/008a4c52a0b877dbb47e20:02
eduardo__Jordan-U and llutz... now grep gives me something...20:02
puff DoctorMo_: As far as I can tell you have never answered my question on what you changed in mysql.20:03
puffDoctorMo_: You did the install as per the tutorial, typed "yes" to all the mysql_install prompts, and then...?20:03
eduardo__Jordan-U http://pastebin.com/Q9rz7zJr20:03
TechSmurfpuff: dovecot has largely replaced all other imap/pop daemons20:03
puffTechSmurf: Oh, cool.  I should learn about that, I've been very interested in email protocols & serversin the past.20:04
DoctorMo_I actually did way up there, but: the only thing I've changed in my.conf is after the server stopped working, and I was googling, one thing that was in my logs over and over was that "key_buffer" was deprecated and I should change it to "key_buffer_size" which I did, and the warning went away in the logs, but the problem was not fixed20:04
ilhamiany networking guy here?20:04
DoctorMo_other than that, I followed the tutorial to the letter, and changed nothing after the fact20:04
puffTechSmurf: In the distant past, when people still used mailing lists, I wanted to set up an annotatable, searchable mailinglist database.20:04
TechSmurfpuff: today's most sane practices appear to be postfix+dovecot20:04
puffTechSmurf: Cool.20:05
puffDoctorMo_: Okay, the upstart errors just mean mysql isn't running so upstart can't connect to the server.20:05
TechSmurfbut it gets a little more interesting than I'm used to when it involves ldap backends, vhosts, etc ;)20:06
puffDoctorMo_: That is, it means the mysql server (mysqld) is not listening on a socket, so upstart or whatever isn't getting an answer on that socket.20:06
puffTechSmurf: Oh yeah.20:06
DoctorMo_puff yeah makes sense20:06
puffTechSmurf: It can get hairy, yeah.  Just be glad you're dealing with LDAP and not, hm, what was it, X.25?20:07
TechSmurfI'm swimming upstream in search of someone who knows wtf might be going on... I can find my problem on google, but everyone appears to have been left hanging without an answer..20:07
puffTechSmurf: X.500.20:07
puffTechSmurf: X.500 is to LDAP as SGML is to XML.20:07
TechSmurf#zentyal is coming up blank... #dovecot is coming up blank...20:08
Jordan_Ueduardo__: sudo upgrade-from-grub-legacy20:08
eduardo__where do i install grub ? in /boot no ?20:09
TechSmurfI just had to hop into a bleeding edge distro :\20:10
usr13eduardo__: mbr20:10
usr13eduardo__: The master boot record of the primary drive, the one your computer boots to.20:11
puffDoctorMo_: Hm, I'm checking the various problems in that URL and not seeing them inyour my.conf.  http://askubuntu.com/questions/127264/cant-start-mysql-mysql-respawning-too-fast-stopped20:11
eduardo__usr13 /boot isnt it ?20:11
puffYou could try dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server-5.520:11
puffDoctorMo_: You could try dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server-5.520:11
eduardo__i have /boot in a partition20:11
usr13eduardo__: No20:11
puffTechSmurf: I know the feeling.20:11
DoctorMo_I did that, and it failed because the "Job failed to run" hah20:11
TechSmurfeduardo__: the mbr exists separate from the partitions20:12
DoctorMo_puff and yeah, I saw that url and saw the same thing, none of those settings seem to affect me20:12
puffDoctorMo_: What about memory size?  what's the memory on your VPS?20:13
usr13!mbr | eduardo__20:13
ubottueduardo__: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub220:13
DoctorMo_and I have like 18gigs of space free20:13
DoctorMo_a little more, like 18.420:13
TechSmurfeduardo__: the mbr is, for current intents and purposes, this mystical isolated area of the hard drive that exists on its own, separate from every other part of the hard drive, very much like the drive's partition table20:13
Jordan_Ueduardo__: Select the drive your computer will boot from, like "sda", *not* any partition like "sda1".20:13
DoctorMo_puff maybe I should try adding the innodb_buffer_pool_size setting into my conf?20:14
eduardo__Jordan i have sda1 sda6 and sda20:14
eduardo__then i choose sda right ??20:14
usr13eduardo__: sda20:14
eduardo__what else ??20:15
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usr13eduardo__: You tell us?  (What other question(s) do you have?)20:16
puffDoctorMo_: Hm, this page suggests that there might be a looping script causing it:  http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19299950/mysql-terminated-with-status-120:16
TechSmurfpuff: zentyal appears to be the first distro with a really well integrated samba4/openchange setup... but I'm starting to think they spent more time polishing it than debugging it ;)20:17
puffDoctorMo_: I point that out mainly because you were customzing wordpress, so maybe...20:17
DoctorMo_lemme read it20:17
puffDoctorMo_: I'm out of ideas here... you might want to try apt-get remove and then apt-get install.20:17
eduardo__usr13 what else do i have to do to test the latest kernel ? I have two kernels.. one older which i know it works and usually the last one..20:17
puffDoctorMo_: Or perhaps dpkg-reconfigure first.20:17
TechSmurfwe won't even touch on the part where samba4 panics when I try to connect using outlook mapi20:17
Jordan_Ueduardo__: Please pastebin the output of "debconf-show grub-pc".20:17
llutzeduardo__: it should be booted at next reboot, if you wrote grub into MBR20:18
TechSmurf(thus kinda making the whole purpose entirely moot)20:18
eduardo__if the last one gives me errors i go back to the older... when one new kernel gets out i like to change to the newer kernel20:18
eduardo__Jordan_U http://pastebin.com/cY2tyZEe20:19
puffDoctorMo_: It could be that the respawning messages are a red herring, e.g. that something else is actually causing it and that the respawning log lines are caused by whatever is trying to get mysqld to start.20:19
eduardo__llutz: any chances to assure it ? If not i couldnt reboot.. id get stuck as anything went wrong...20:20
=== FreezingAlt is now known as FreezingCold
DoctorMo_puff, this post is a little over my head, but one thing that sticks out is that his symptoms were that running mysql hung, not that it was failed. But lemme try this, and I'll let you know if I get stuck20:21
puffDoctorMo_: dpkg-reconfigure will reset the mysql configureation to the default out of the box.20:22
puffDoctorMo_: So try that first.20:22
puffDoctorMo_: If it doesn't work, then try apt-get remove and apt-get install.20:22
MadLambi aciddentaly exported some path to my path. How can i revert that?20:22
DoctorMo_puff -- the instructions here (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1475798) don't work because they require that I start mysql, so it's chicken/egg, but lemme run reconfigure20:23
Jordan_Ueduardo__: Please pastebin the output of "sudo grub-install /dev/sda".20:24
yorghttp://www.marketglory.com/strategygame/galahad1st for all you online gamers out there, if you didn't already, use this link to register on MerkatGlory a free2play financial strategy game where virtual currency can be converted into real money. It starts out slow but in time you can turn a good profit20:24
=== TheFuzzb_ is now known as TheFuzzball
eduardo__Instalación terminada. Ningún error encontrado.20:25
puffDoctorMo_: I have to go elsewwhere for a while, good luck with this.20:25
DoctorMo_thanks for your help!20:26
MadLambi aciddentaly exported some path to my path. How can i revert that?20:26
KyouReeUs4nfoMadLamb: This may help. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/11650840/linux-remove-path-from-path-variable20:26
puffDoctorMo_: If you do the remove & install, then do "ls -l /var/lib/mysql" and compare that to "ls -l /home/doctormo/mysql" to see if they're the same.  If not, then "sudo mv /var/lib/mysql /var/lib/mysql_new" and then "sudo cp -a /home/doctormo/mysql /var/lib/mysql"20:26
waxwingif i buy a new laptop with Win8, will it definitely be possible to delete Win8 and replace with Ubuntu? Info on net is not 100% clear.20:27
Zoidberg2waxwing, yes it will be possible to delete windows 8 and install ubuntu20:28
waxwingthanks Zoidberg2 , so this UEFI is always get-round-able?20:28
Zoidberg2my motherboard supports UEFI but i dont use it20:28
puffDoctorMo_: If *that* doesn't work you might have to repeat all of the above plus purge.  Essentially: 1) "sudo cp -a /etc/mysql/my.conf /home/doctormo/my.conf_backup", 2) "sudo apt-get purge mysqlpackagename", 3) "sudo apt-get install mysqlpackagename", 4) "sudo mv /var/lib/mysql /var/lib/mysql_backup 5) "cp -a /home/doctormo/mysql /var/lib/mysql"20:29
willwhI have a laptop that came with win8 preinstalled, am also dual botting 3 other linux distros20:29
puffDoctorMo_: Purge deletes any associated configuration files and changes, etc.20:29
puffDoctorMo_: Good luck!20:29
Zoidberg2waxwing the installation should be easy enough either way20:29
DoctorMo_thanks man, have a great one20:29
waxwingwillwh, thanks, did you have to do some kind of 'disable secure boot' in BIOS?20:29
willwhit was pretty well hidden, in that, I had to set a supervisor password for bios first20:30
waxwingah yes i read that somewhere willw20:30
waxwingwhat worries me is it might not be the same for all hardware20:31
Jordan_Ueduardo__: Ok, please run "sudo LANG=C upgrade-from-grub-legacy" again and pastebin any output displayed after going through all of the screens. Please also mention any screens that give you error messages.20:31
waxwingdo you think it would be easier to delete than to dual boot, or is that hard? I never tried to completely delete an OS before.20:32
eduardo__again i install it in sda no ?20:32
Jordan_Ueduardo__: Correct, install to sda.20:34
eduardo__jordan no error....20:35
eduardo__http://pastebin.com/1M8ntgSp like the other time20:36
briscolaciao a tutti20:36
MonkeyDustbriscola  if you list, i'll eat my pants20:37
MonkeyDustif you say !list*20:37
llutzMonkeyDust: be careful ...20:37
Jordan_Ueduardo__: Please pastebin the output of "debconf-show grub-pc" again.20:38
eduardo__are we stuck ?20:39
Jordan_Ueduardo__: It still looks a little odd, but when you boot your new kernel should be used.20:41
eduardo__well i wanted to use the older kernel as default.... perhaps holding shift i could enter in menu and change the kernel....20:42
Jordan_Ueduardo__: Why do you want to use the older kernel?20:43
eduardo__jordan_u because before i had only one kernel... and when a newer kernel got released.. i updated quickly...i have found trouble wiht xorg and drivers and many problems to boot20:44
eduardo__now im save because if something goes wrong i have a lifeguard... the old kernel ;)20:45
Jordan_Ueduardo__: You can hold shift at boot to select an older kernel, but for security reasons staying with an old kernel is not really a solution.20:45
Jordan_Ueduardo__: It's possible to do, and not very difficult, but highly inadvisable.20:46
eduardo__i dont want to have only one kernel...20:46
eduardo__when im sure the newer kernel works fine.. i use it as default... and wait till new kernel comes out.. and so on... i always have a lifeguard kernel ejjjje20:47
Jordan_Ueduardo__: Ok, that's fine. That's how Ubuntu works by defualt.20:49
eduardo__not for me lately jejejejej20:49
eduardo__thats what i need help20:49
Jordan_Ueduardo__: I have no idea what "jejejejej" means.20:49
eduardo__in english i think .... laughs20:50
Jordan_Ueduardo__: So you hold shift during boot and you don't see the older kernel listed in the "Advanced options for Ubuntu" submenu?20:51
eduardo__not til today... i havent reboot yet since all the things we made....20:51
eduardo__i only had the old kernel....20:52
TechSmurfJordan_U: 'jejejejeje' roughly translates into "btw, in case you haven't noticed, I'm probably from scandanavia"20:54
KyouReeUs4nfoAnyone using 3.13.7?20:56
eduardo__jordan:U are you sure i could reboot safely? thanks.....20:56
scrapcodeI made what was obviously a mistake of trying to install Gnome on Ubuntu. I've read countless instructions on how to uninstall it, reinstall unity, and I've finally got things operating somewhat usable. However, in some applications the menus just don't work whatsoever. Sublime Text is my main complaint. I have reason to believe it is not the application because I've completely removed it, and reinstalled it multiple times. I've even tried sublime text 320:59
jhutchinsscrapcode: Try it as a different user (add a new user if necessary).21:01
kerdeloops w/c21:02
jhutchinskerdel: Cloudy, light snow.21:02
TechSmurfJordan_U: google tells me 'jejeje' is actually more spain than scandanavia.21:02
* TechSmurf wonders where that wire got crossed21:03
scrapcode`I just logged into another account, and I don't even have a cursor.21:07
=== pat_ is now known as Guest51964
scrapcode`It also did not fix my issue with the menu21:09
scrapcodejhutchins, sorry about that. I'm back on my normal account. I didn't have a cursor at all, but I was able to run sublime text 2, and the menus were still disabled. I can even see the options, just completed non functional and greyed out21:10
imdatselam arkadaşlar21:12
scrapcodeI just found someone with the same issue as me (the menu portion, anyhow): http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2191978&p=12868574#post12868574 - He said uninstalling appmenu makes the menus work, but the global menu they do not21:14
=== Thor|Away is now known as Thorium220
gccsterguys when i run my laptop on battery (ubuntu 13.10) cpu scaling gets disabled and frequency gets stucked @ 800mhz anybody can help?21:16
BassVI_96I'm starting to very much dislike 13.1021:17
kerdelgccster, does scaling work when you aren't using your battery?21:18
BassVI_96should I format the drive again, and go back to 12.04?21:18
gccsterkerdel, yes it does21:18
kerdelWhat cpu scaling program do you use?21:19
gccsterkerdel, indicator-cpufreq21:20
kerdelgccster, I've got some trouble with that one too, but does the clock go up with higher cpu usage?21:21
gccsterkerdel, when i unplug the power cable i get this output from cpufreq-info current policy: frequency should be within 800 MHz and 800 MHz.21:21
gccster                  The governor "performance" may decide which speed to use21:21
gccster                  within this range.21:21
gccster  current CPU frequency is 800 MHz.21:21
gccsterkerdel, as you the cpu scaling max gets limited21:22
kerdelgccster, did you try switching the scales?21:22
gccsterkerdel, indicator-cpufreq does not actually change the frequency21:23
gccsteron battery21:23
kerdelgccster, is this maybe something you are looking for? http://askubuntu.com/questions/303882/maximum-cpu-frequency-stuck-at-low-value21:24
=== demophobia is now known as asandwitch
=== kerdel is now known as Kerdel
gccsterkerdel, that might be the thing i'll try see the bios settings before changing that21:25
Kerdelgccster, sure; I hope that helps you out :)21:26
=== Kerdel is now known as kerdel
gccsterkerdel, thank you for your help if i dont make it i might disturb you agai :P21:27
kerdelgccster, haha np ;) your welcome21:27
=== cmagina is now known as cmagina-away
=== King is now known as Guest74033
Guest74033Anybody know how well Ubuntu runs on an Acer Aspire 5610?21:30
daftykinsyou'd need to give us the full spec of that model21:31
kerdelI'll lookup the model if you want21:31
=== cmagina-away is now known as cmagina
kerdelGuest74033, your specs are: http://www.bixnet.com/acas56sp.html21:32
kerdelIt might run slow (my opinion)21:33
daftykinsGuest74033: can you confirm what RAM it has?21:33
Guest74033Alright, it's just all that, except only 512 MB ram.21:33
daftykinsoh dear, even worse21:33
daftykinsi would say that'd need an upgrade to be sure, but you could give lubuntu a go21:33
daftykinsfor such an age system though, the money on RAM would be money for old rope = a waste21:33
kerdelGuest74033, I shouldn't try ubuntu, but you could try other distros for sure21:34
Guest74033Alright. This is just an old computer I'm messing with. Thanks.21:34
kerdelOlder computer parts are expensiver then parts you use nowadays lol21:34
daftykinsnot always true21:34
kerdelok, true; it depends21:35
kerdelBtw, is it possible to add people as friend in irssi?21:35
daftykinsnot that i know of21:35
kerdelI've just found this program, and I really like it21:36
=== Consuela is now known as Jasper_Dang
kerdelthis is gone be open 24/7 lol21:36
kerdeldaftykins, as I expect you do use ubuntu?21:36
daftykinskerdel: just on servers21:37
kerdeldaftykins: me too, I'm using mint at the moment (mostly mint or arch linux)21:38
kerdeldaftykins: what distro do you use?21:38
daftykinsD: don't let anyone else hear you say that.21:38
daftykinswell i'm afraid this channel frowns upon general chat, as it's support only - so i'd like to answer you but i'd get growled at21:38
kerdeldaftykins: I think i'm going to search if it's possible to make a own irc channel21:39
daftykinsit is! just type /j #channelnamehere21:40
kerdelreally? cool :D21:40
kerdelcould you join #test0626833 ?21:41
kerdeldaftykins: anyway, I think I go to bed, it was nice to talk with you ;)21:44
daftykinskerdel: night night o/21:46
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:46
=== kerdel is now known as i7-xeon
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience21:49
=== giuseppe is now known as Guest58593
Guest58593ciao a tutti21:54
Guest58593è la prima volta che utilizzo ubuntu21:54
tgm4883!it | Guest5859321:54
ubottuGuest58593: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)21:54
TechSmurfI would like to reiterate how much I hate killer bleeding edge features.21:54
Guest58593ok no problem21:54
tgm4883Guest58593, no worries, I just don't know if you would get many people in this channel that understand what you are asking21:55
Guest58593ok, thanks21:55
rypervencheAlex011: Hello?22:06
Zoidberg2does anyone know if there is a way to emulate an xbox360 controller with a dualshock 3?22:07
Zoidberg2i just want my DS3 to work with steam and steamgames22:07
tgm4883Zoidberg2, did you try going into big picture mode and mapping your controls?22:10
Zoidberg2i didnt know it would even work with a ds3, lets see...22:11
tgm4883Zoidberg2, oh I have no idea. I just know there is a controller mapping program in BPM22:11
lickalottgents,  I am trying to accomplish something that I haven't done in the past and i don't want to screw it up....  How can one clone a github repo?22:12
lickalottis it as simple as git clone 'URL'22:12
trismlickalott: yep22:12
=== RickyB98 is now known as rickyb98
=== james_ is now known as Guest26017
=== cmagina is now known as cmagina-away
=== cmagina-away is now known as cmagina
otayHi! I need to find out if/when Qt5 wil be available in Ubuntu12? I know it is found in ppa but need to know if it will ever be in the main repos? Please advise! :)22:28
Jordan_Ueduardo__: Yes, you can reboot safely.22:31
otayUbuntu 1222:34
otayand Qt522:34
xanguaotay: probably never unles you use a third party repository as you pointed22:35
otay__aww man! kicked at the critical moment. Last message I saw was, "[15:35] <xangua> otay: probably never unles you use a third party repository as you pointed"22:36
hankkywhen i try copy/past iso file in my PSP i get this error "  Error splicing file: Input/output error" please HELP!!22:37
* otay__ doesn't know about his flaky connection22:37
otay__xangua how do you make that conclusion? (It's a big deal for us because mangment wants us to ship to Ubuntu12 but the developers have already coded.. so I'm screwed22:38
hankkyany help ??22:39
sasha-Hiya, I have an issue with my wireless - every few minutes it hangs and I either have to wait an inordinate amount of time, or cycle the wifi; for it to work again22:40
sasha-By 'hangs', I mean, it stops loading pages, the ping doesn't time out but stops updating (?), and chrome tells me there is no internet22:41
hankky when i try copy/past iso file in my PSP i get this error "  Error splicing file: Input/output error" please HELP!!22:41
fraqsasha-: is this happening on any other device?22:41
sasha-hankky: I don't think this is the right channel for your problem22:41
sasha-fraq: nope, my phone/etc works just fine, OS X on the same computer works fine too22:41
fraqwhat kind of nic is it?22:42
sasha-I had this problem last year but it sort of dissapeared, it has been gradually getting worse and worse to a point where it's not bearable this week22:42
hankky<sasha-> why I am using ubuntu ?!!!22:42
sasha-Network controller [0280]: Broadcom Corporation BCM43224 802.11a/b/g/n [14e4:4353] (rev 01)22:42
fraqand driver?22:42
sasha-fraq: wl22:43
hankky<sasha-> it accurs in my ubuntyu desktop while copying iso to my psp22:43
sasha-hankky: are you sure the file isn't corrupt?22:45
hankky<sasha-> why it's not the right chennel  ??22:45
fraqSomeone on ubuntuforums had an odd fix22:45
fraqhankky: check this, see if it works for you: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=150038422:45
=== ChibaPet1 is now known as ChibaPet
hankkyhey people !! can any one help ?22:47
hankky<sasha-> NO its not corrupt .22:47
fraqhankky: I just sent you something to look at.22:47
sasha-how are you sure? maybe the PSP's filesystem has an issue?22:47
hankky<fraq> ok22:48
ePaxI have one 12.04 server with gui and whe i connect to it with remote desktop the session is extremly slow. Any idea how to fix it?22:48
fraqthis this first: mount the PSP's file system and check that for integrity, follow the solutions in that thread.22:48
sasha-hankky: I think you'll have a bit more luck in #psp on efnet (http://irc2go.com/webchat/?net=EFnet&room=psp)22:49
fraqsasha-: have you had the opportunity to try another wireless card?22:50
linuxthefishwhy lots bug? :S22:50
sasha-fraq: no this is built in. Also I should note that I don't have an ethernet port or a USB-Ethernet bridge22:51
linuxthefishwhen i unplug my charger my screen dims...22:51
fraqlinuxthefish: feature, not bug :)22:51
linuxthefishyeah but when i plug charger back in the brightness dosn't go back to full and i have to manually change it :S22:52
sasha-fraq: I'm thinking of trying the b43 driver, however I dunno if this is something on the driver side or config side22:52
fraqsasha-: I'm curious to find out how another nic might perform, like a USB wireless card22:52
sasha-ok lemme check if I can find one fraq22:52
=== cmagina is now known as cmagina-away
sasha-fraq I've connected an old D-Link System AirPlus G DWL-G122 Wireless Adapter(rev.C1) [Ralink RT2571W] thingie, I'll let you know if something happens22:55
linuxthefishwhat script runs when the charger is plugged in???22:55
fraqlinuxthefish: you using a GUI?22:56
sasha-but the change in ping.... wow22:56
fraqsasha-: better? worse?22:57
linuxthefishnvm i fixed :D22:58
linuxthefishsilly echo 4296322 | sudo tee /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness22:58
sasha-fraq: went from 1~2ms to 13~15ms to my router22:59
linuxthefishwhy does ubuntu feel so unrefined and buggy though?22:59
daftykinslinuxthefish: that's a bold claim.22:59
linuxthefishsometimes after suspend i get blank screen, and sometimes after suspend the fans go 100%...22:59
daftykinsi'd imagine your buying an unsupported laptop doesn't help22:59
ezcape68does anybody here use xbmc?22:59
iancurtislinuxthefish: because it is22:59
linuxthefishwhat's suported laptop?23:00
fraqdaftykins: is there a compatibility matrix or list of supported hardware?23:00
iancurtisdisclaimer: I'm a Fedora user23:00
fraqI would imagine at the very least the devs have one :)23:00
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daftykinsfraq: not that i know of off hand23:02
tazz what flags do i provide to make to build a 32 bit binary on a 64 bit system?23:03
ezcape68im using a dual monitor, every time i close xbmc the 2nd monitor will stay blank. Is there an easy way to reactivate it, or to add something to xbmc so it auto-reactivates???23:04
h9xguys i want do this in my terminal how i can do it http://www.haggistech.co.uk/ss/sept.png23:06
h9xon Xubuntu23:06
ezcape68h9x isnt it just a background23:08
ldleworkits just a background23:09
ezcape68with a terminal open23:09
somsiph9x: http://linoxide.com/ubuntu-how-to/install-archey-ubuntu/23:09
h9xa background23:09
h9xi think it's a script23:10
h9xthank you somsip23:10
ezcape68thats cool23:10
somsiph9x: np23:10
=== DoctorMo_ is now known as DoctorMonocular
ezcape68im using a dual monitor, every time i close xbmc the 2nd monitor will stay blank. Is there an easy way to reactivate it, or to add something to xbmc so it auto-reactivates???23:18
=== Su7 is now known as quba
fraqdidn't someone just ask that?23:20
fraqor was that you?23:20
ezcape68that was me23:21
fraqI thought that we could line up a twofer lol23:21
ezcape68i have no idea23:21
ezcape68<-- ubuntu newbie23:22
invinceablei am trying to run a shell script from the command line, when using sudo ./script.sh i get a "command not found", when running ./script.sh i get a permission denied.23:23
invinceablei want to be able to run this from crontab, so i will need some way to execute the script directly23:23
OerHeksinvinceable, use full path23:24
invinceableOerHeks: thank you.23:24
invinceableOerHeks: same issue :23:25
fraqpaste in an ls -l of that directory23:25
sasha-invinceable: you can try to type 'su sudo' and then run the command again23:25
fraqyou might need to chown that file23:25
invinceablesasha-: crontab doesn't execute as a su though, does it?23:26
OerHeksinvinceable, chown will make it easier too indeed23:26
Piciinvinceable: add it to root's crontab. sudo crontab -e23:26
sasha-oh, nope, nvm didn't see that23:26
jpjacobsIs there anyone wanting to help recover files from a failing NTFS partition?23:28
invinceablePici: great, root's crontab is automatically run right? so i just add the cron job (say to run every 5 minutes) and it will run every 5 minutes, right?23:28
Piciinvinceable: it is not different than any other user's crontab, so yes.23:28
sasha-ok well this is interesting fraq, it has done the same thing on the external adapter... but my websockets based irc client is still working...23:29
fraqhmm... different hardware, different driver, I'm assuming?23:30
sasha-yup, yup23:30
sasha-how do I check for driver though?23:30
fraqls /sys/class/net/[interface]/device/driver/module/drivers23:31
sasha-usb:rt73usb for the external one, pci:wl for internal one23:32
sasha-but what is insane is that irccloud works, nothing else does.......23:33
sasha-the pings don't time out, they just hang.. I've never seen this before23:33
fraqwhat does a tracert (or maybe traceroute in ubuntu) give you? try hitting
fraqthat'll tell you your time to each hop23:35
sasha-wouldn't mtr be better?23:35
zubuntui was installing ubuntu 12.04 lts to my other partition23:35
zubuntuand it gave fatal error23:36
fraqI'm an old man, apparently, lol23:36
fraqI've never used MTR23:36
zubuntusaid " failed to install GRUB bootloader "23:36
zubuntui have 2 partitions23:36
zubuntu1 for win 723:36
zubuntuother would be for ubuntu23:36
RallyballAnybody know why my pc won't recognize any usb devices?23:36
zubuntunow i cannot boot to ubuntu23:36
Rallyballubuntu 11.123:36
zubuntucan anybody help me pls ?23:36
zubuntuhello ?23:37
sasha-fraq: well nothing particular23:37
sasha-at least not on my neighbourhood or local network23:37
fraqyeah, I figured any weirdness would happen between you and your gateway23:37
Rallyballzubuntu, can you see the partitions in your system?23:38
xguruWhats the channel for beta (kubuntu)?23:38
zubuntuRallyball:  yes i saw the partitions while installing ubuntu23:38
fraqThis is getting down into the nuts and bolts, but if you have the time to burn, I'd just do a wireshark cap and look for L2 issues23:38
RallyballWhat about now?23:38
zubuntui am on windows 7 now23:38
daftykinsxguru: #ubuntu+123:38
zubuntunow i cannot see other partition23:39
fraqSounds like ubuntu isn't handling 802.11 frames right on any hardware/driver combo23:39
zubuntuwhen i restart it boots directly to windows 723:39
fraqand that's been an issue as long as I can remember23:39
zubuntuwhen i pressed f5 or f8  it shows only windows 7 to boot not ubuntu23:39
RallyballSo, it doesn't give you the option to boot to unbuntu23:39
zubuntuit gave error23:39
zubuntucant install grub23:39
zubuntuand then it restarted23:40
zubuntubut it doesnt let me open ubuntu23:40
RallyballMay have to re-iinstall but I'm not sure.23:40
zubuntuit looks like it didnt install ubuntu23:40
RallyballI'm not an expert on this.23:40
zubuntuwell everything was going good23:40
RallyballDid you install 7 first?23:40
zubuntuat final step it gave error i dont know why :S23:40
zubuntuyes i installed 7 first23:40
zubuntui ve never faced problem before23:41
RallyballSounds like windows deleted your ubuntu partition.23:41
zubuntubut after this unity crap everything ruined :S23:41
RallyballYeah, well that's the way it goes.23:41
zubuntucan anybody help me pls ?23:41
sasha-fraq: what are L2 issues?23:41
zubuntuwell while installing23:42
fraqLayer 2 ethernet stuff, like dropped frames23:42
zubuntuit shows me some options23:42
xar-dual booting is extremely well documented, have you tried googling?23:42
zubuntuex2 filesystem right ?23:42
zubuntuand mount /  or /boot or /home  ?23:42
sasha-oh speaking of ethernet, my internal adapter shows up as "eth0" fraq23:42
fraqand not wlan0?23:42
invinceableso i am trying to make sure my cron job is running and it does not appear to be doing so. i have a simple script executing every single minute and have added it to the crontab file via "sudo crontab -e"23:42
zubuntuxar-:  i am googling now but i hoped somebody could help me better here23:43
fraqthat's strange, but not unheard of23:43
invinceablehowever when i edit that, i notice i am editing a23:43
invinceabletemporary file.23:43
fraqmy mac names things really weird, too.23:43
sasha-tested both the internal and external card btw23:43
invinceable***** /growth/growth/testscript.sh23:43
sasha-*yup it's a macbook23:43
RallyballAnybody know usb access?23:43
bekksinvinceable: thats intended. the temp file is checked for syntx errors before it get copied to the "real" crontab file.23:43
bekksinvinceable: Does you script use full paths?23:43
invinceablebekks: how often is it copied to the "real" crontab?23:44
bekksinvinceable: if it doesnt, it will not work as expected.23:44
bekksinvinceable: It will be checked and copied (or not copied) whenever you call crontab -e23:44
Beldarzubuntu, You have a live cd/usb to run?23:44
invinceablebekks: no, the script looks like "ruby test.rb"23:44
bekksinvinceable: Then your script will not perform as expected. using cron, there is no user environment, not PATH defined, nothing.23:44
invinceablebekks: so i call "crontab -e" and it is empty. i presume this means that it was not copied properly?23:45
zubuntuyes Beldar23:45
zubuntui ve23:45
invinceablebekks: ok, so fully define ruby's path as well then? gotcha23:45
bekksinvinceable: Your attempt contained errors so it was not copied.23:45
bekksinvinceable: "* * * * * /growth/growth/testscript.sh" would be correct.23:45
Beldar!bootinfo | zubuntu post the text from in a pastebin23:45
ubottuzubuntu post the text from in a pastebin: Boot info script is a usefull script for diagnosing boot problems. Run the script following the directions here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at).23:45
invinceablebekks: that is what i have, i meant my testscript.sh file does not use full paths.23:46
bekksinvinceable: Define _every_ path fully. _never_ use relative paths.23:46
RallyballAny other chats for ubuntu?23:46
bekksinvinceable: Yeah, that applies for every script called by crontab, too.23:46
fraqRallyball: #ubuntu-server23:47
RallyballThanks fraq.23:47
fraqbut that's all that I can provide with my limited knowledge :)23:47
fraqI'm a network engineer who just hangs out in here to try to get some knowledge by osmosis23:47
BeldarRallyball, For chat #ubuntu-offtopic23:47
zubuntuhere is results.txt23:48
invinceablebekks: ok so i have ***** /growth/growth/testscript.sh that i wrote after calling sudo crontab -e,23:48
bekksinvinceable: ***** is wrong. there have to be whitespace in between.23:49
zubuntuBeldar:  i better re-install it23:49
zubuntuit asks me u didnt chose to swap partition..23:49
zubuntuhow will i choose to swap ?23:49
invinceablebekks: that is what i meant. there is whitespace in between. and there is whitespace between the permissions and the filename.23:49
zubuntuthere was no option about that23:49
Beldarzubuntu, You installed Jaunty?23:49
bekksinvinceable: Permissions?23:49
bekksinvinceable: in crontab, you do not define any permissions.23:50
invinceablebekks: sorry, schedule.23:50
zubuntuBeldar:  newly i was installing and there was option " install 3rd party softwares " ..etc23:50
zubuntui chose that one23:50
invinceablebekks: my mistake.23:50
zubuntumaybe it tried to install something ?23:50
bekksinvinceable: Yeah, and every path in your script has to be a full path. Literally every path.23:50
invinceablebekks: i have updated all the scripts to use the full path.23:50
invinceablebekks: so in ruby there is a function called require_relative that grabs the full path and prepends it to the file name... no idea why i would have to change that as it is embedded in the ruby files.23:51
zubuntuBeldar:  i am on windows 7 at the moment23:51
bekksinvinceable: thats out of interest :)23:51
zubuntubefore windows use to show me menu in boot section to choose which to boot but now it doesnt show :S23:52
sasha-fraq: ok I'm at a loss at how to filter these L2 issues23:52
bekksinvinceable: but "ruby file.rb" should be "/full/path/to/ruby /full/path/to/file.rb" - the ruby code itself, unless you specify filenames, can be left unchanged.23:52
zubuntuwhy cant i use windows bootloader menu instead of ubuntu's menu ?23:52
invinceablebekks: i guess my main concern right now is why when i run crontab -e the initial command is not even showing up (regardless if the full paths of the ruby files are being included or not). like i said the only line in my testscript.sh is "/home/ubuntu/.rvm/rubies/ruby-2.1.1/bin/ruby /growth/growth/main.rb" which is a full path. so i am not sure why after writing out that with nano it would not copy to crontab23:53
Beldarzubuntu, I see no 12.04 install. Just jaunty, XP, W7.23:53
bekksinvinceable: do you quit nano like ctrl-o ctrl-x ?23:53
invinceablebekks: yep, i have the full file path which is why i am confused as to why it is not copying to the cronjob23:53
invinceablebekks: yes.23:53
invinceablebekks: ctrl-o to write out, ctrl-x to save, is that the problem?23:53
bekksinvinceable: Is the filesystem (/) writeable?23:54
zubuntuBeldar: what ?23:54
zubunturesults.txt was not mine23:54
invinceablebekks: how do i check that? do you mean is the crontab file writable? the answer to that i presume would be yes as it tells me i have written lines to the file when called via sudo crontab -e23:54
fraqsasha-: wireshark is an art and filtering ethernet even more so, unfortunately23:54
invinceablebekks: so it is writing to that file at least23:54
bekksinvinceable: run "mount" as roor.23:54
zubuntulet me boot from live usb23:55
fraqsasha-: use this guide to help you filter wifi traffic down to something more manageable http://wiki.wireshark.org/Wi-Fi23:55
invinceablebekks: several lines come up, what am i looking for?23:55
fraqwireshark sees 802.11 as something different from ethernet, which threw me the first time I tried it23:56
bekksinvinceable: Can you pastebin the output?23:56
invinceablebekks: http://pastie.org/896589023:56
bekksinvinceable: line 2 indicates that / is writeable. BUT: as can be seen in line 2, you are on a virtual server. Maybe you do not have the priviledges to use crontab.23:57
invinceablebekks: darn, that is not good.23:58
bekksinvinceable: It is just a "maybe", you should investigate that before proceeding.23:58
invinceablebekks: will do, thank you for your help. provided i do have privileges to use crontab, and there are no mistakes with my shell script, it should automatically copy over right?23:59
bekksinvinceable: yes.23:59

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