
starratsGot a question for anyone that is available.00:43
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience00:43
ochosistarrats: ^00:43
starratsWhat is better to do the daily updates/ypgrades morning or night?  I did them this morning like aLways but should I do them tonight?00:44
starratsI like to stay currnet.00:44
starratsI do the three upgrades or should back off and do the two?00:45
starratsthree thing 00:45
starratsochosi I was being polite, can you help me?00:48
ochosisure, but !patience00:50
ochosianyway, i don't think it makes any difference, just check for updates whenever you can/want00:50
ochosii don't think there's a specific deploy-time for the buildbots00:50
starratsah okay and thank you00:51
starratspatience I do have but your 6 lines weren't patient ochosi00:53
ochosimy six lines?00:53
starratsok 4 lines and ubooto came on, sorry00:54
starratsubottu came in00:54
ganglereJust had apt crash after an update/reboot cycle, Bug #1296495 02:27
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 1296495 could not be found02:27
ganglereChanged to public, Bug #1296495 02:28
brainwashbug 129649502:29
ubottubug 1296495 in apt (Ubuntu) "apt-get crashed with SIGSEGV in pkgCache::DepIterator::IsSatisfied()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129649502:29
chrispage1980can I ask where the default wallpapers are stored?03:22
chrispage1980thankyou, I coldn't findit after I changed the wallpaper05:15
chrispage1980can't see it in defects summary but when I try installing .deb files with Software Center I get "The installation or removal of a software package failed."05:39
=== zequence_ is now known as zequence
=== soren_ is now known as soren
elfyknome:  I've been looking at the Settings Manager description bug, grabbed the relevant from http://git.xfce.org/xfce/xfce4-settings/ , then found where the subtitle string is and changed it - do I just attach the edited xfce-settings-manager dialog.c file to the xfce bug?09:19
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 10765 in Settings Manager "Setting manager description" [Normal,New]09:20
ochosielfy: not sure that this is really an improvement, "system settings" and "settings manager" just seem to be too similar to me09:24
elfyochosi: it's the subtitle which is all wrong - it's currently Customise your desktop - which is not what the settings manager does09:27
elfyit has those things in it - but it also gets populated with tools like gparted09:27
elfygparted doesn't customise your desktop - in fact you might use it to do something not at all related to the desktop :p09:28
ochosii know, but you can consider that a bug in gparted09:34
ochosinot sure it should show up there, there were discussions about that09:35
elfyit's not a bug ingparted - it used to land in system menu - it's a bug in whatever was changed to make it land in settings manager then :)09:39
elfywhichever it is :)09:39
elfydisks goes there as well, and software updates and updater a whole bunch of things which aren't anything to do with customising a desktop09:41
elfysettings manager now appears to actually be a settings manager area - which is fine, but either the description is wrong or we should stop dropping everything into it imo09:41
ochosigparted's desktop file decides about that09:42
ochosiand i guess it depends on what you see as "desktop"09:43
elfywell I don't see installing gparted to work with usb's desktop related at all :)09:43
elfyanyway - bbl - panicking about a job interview for an hour now 09:44
ochosiheh, ok, good luck with the interview!09:44
slickymasterWorkknome: you around?11:10
slickymasterWorkknome: downloaded today's po_xubuntu_ubiquity-slideshow-xubuntu-pt.po and it's still not showing ochosi's text to the "Make the desktop your own" slide. It's just still showing the word "Stuff" as we had before ochosi made the text11:15
knomeslickymasterWork, hum11:22
slickymasterWorkand a good morning knome :)11:23
knomedownloaded from launchpad?11:24
* starrats is waiting for brainwash to arrive11:24
slickymasterWorkknome: not sure if it relates but even though your https://code.launchpad.net/~knome/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/uife-bug-1294619/+merge/211707 has been merged it's still under 'Pending' status11:24
slickymasterWorkyes knome, downloaded a while ago from LP11:24
knomeslickymasterWork, we still need an upload11:25
knomeslickymasterWork, that's the reason11:25
knomeslickymasterWork, if you want to prepare the translation, you can update the .po file against the .pot11:25
knome(from the branch)11:26
slickymasterWorkknome, so it's just a matter of someone poking Ubiquity Slideshow to get on with it11:26
knomeyes, stgraber has promised to do an upload11:26
slickymasterWorkI've the translation all done11:26
slickymasterWorkto update the .po file against the .pot I'll have to make a MP, right11:27
slickymasterWorkor can I just upload it via LP?11:27
knomeyou should upload it via LP, but i don't know how it goes if you upload it before the pot file is uploaded11:28
slickymasterWorkhmm, so it's still better to hang on a few more days11:28
knomeuntil we have the new upload11:29
knomei hope we get it today11:29
slickymasterWorkokie dokie11:29
knomebecause that would also mean we'd get it in for beta211:29
slickymasterWorkthanks for the heads up ;)11:29
knomewon't get the *translations* to beta2 though...11:29
knomebut for final, sure11:29
slickymasterWorkthat's what's important anyway 11:29
knomescroll down11:29
knomeleft bottom part11:30
knomeonce the trusty package says version 80, we're good to go11:30
slickymasterWorkgood to know that11:32
starratsmay I ask what version is trusty at now?11:33
knomestarrats, what about looking at the link just posted? :)11:34
starratsokay knome saw where you folks are at the moment11:37
elfymorning knome 11:38
knomehey elfy 11:38
starratswill version 80 be the final package for the release next month or will there be more work?11:38
knomewe will need a new upload for the translations when that freeze lands, so at least 8111:39
knomebut the version number itself doesn't matter11:39
knomejust that we need two more uploads11:39
starratsah okay11:41
ochosibrainwash: can you reproduce the "greeter doesnt exit cleanly" bug?13:02
brainwashochosi: no13:02
elfyhi brainwash 13:03
brainwashhey elfy 13:03
ochosibrainwash: btw, i was only able to confirm this bug after my laptop crashed on suspending: https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1060513:42
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 10605 in General "Desktop icons/labels are not properly themed after login" [Normal,Reopened]13:42
ochosinow i get it consistently, before i didn't at lal13:42
ochosiso i'm starting to wonder whether it's solely xfdesktop's fault13:43
brainwashochosi: it's a race condition, my session start is rather slow on a fresh boot -> theme glitch, after a quick relog -> no glitch14:25
brainwashochosi: we could revert the "faulty" commit15:14
* starrats is waiting for brainwash to arriveand finally16:07
knomeslickymasterWork, ubiquity stuff should be in order now16:28
slickymasterWorkok, thanks knome 16:28
slickymasterWorkyeaps knome, Version 80 uploaded 1 hour ago16:29
slickymasterWorkknome: the problem subsists in the file :P16:42
slickymasterWorkin Version 80 file, that is16:43
knomehmm, right, i see16:48
knomewhat the...16:48
slickymasterWorkdamn connection16:52
knomeyeah, i see the issue.16:52
knomethat's weird.16:52
knomebecause both me and stgraber updated the templates16:53
slickymasterWorkit's as if your MP didn't get uploaded16:53
knomewell it did, i merged it..16:54
knomebut oh well16:54
knomei will have to look at it16:54
slickymasterWorkI'll keep waiting for good news ;)16:54
starratsbrainwash did yo get my private message?17:07
starratsbrainwash did not want to send a ubuntu-bug report but the same tings have happened to me today as yesterday.  Those things you gave me did nothing at all.  I'm baffled why i was having so much luck on getting thru start-up that the last two have just been anirritation to me.17:46
brainwashstarrats: please add all information to your bug report18:16
starratshavent'filed it yet brainwash18:17
starratsif you want me to file, it will be like the other one, ther was nothing from the term, this is way prior to term18:18
brainwashit seems to be a general hardware and/or driver issue18:18
starratsthen should file this new report18:19
brainwashI suggest that you try asking in #ubuntu+1, maybe someone there could help you with debugging the bug/crash18:22
starratsah ok will do18:22
NoskcajAnyone who'se not given me a motu testimonial, you have 5 minutes, and it's fairly important you do18:55
elfyNoskcaj: might have been better to tell people earlier19:08
Noskcajelfy, I woke up 5 minutes ago19:08
NoskcajAnd i did19:08
elfyI meant like yesterday - though if you did you can't do more than that :)19:08
elfygood luck anyway :)19:09
* elfy did do one for what it's worth a while back19:10
elfyNoskcaj: at a guess I would suggest what you've been doing package wise and what you've done to deal with their previous comments19:34
micahg-workochosi, knome: -default-settings uplaoded19:54
* elfy saw thanks micahg-work :)19:57
micahg-workwoohoo, default settings update  in release pocket20:32
NoskcajSo i know can upload catfish, gthumb, parole, and mugshot20:41
micahg-worknot yet20:42
micahg-workvote needs to be finished by email20:42
Noskcajs/know can/should be able to20:44
starratsthose folks over in #ubuntu+1 were as helpful as an umbrella with holes in a down pour, lol20:46
elfystarrats: nature of IRC - if the people who can help aren't there then it get's lost20:46
elfyyou just have to try again ... and again sometimes :)20:47
starratsah ok20:47
elfyand sometimes you get idiots 20:50
starratsI got some idiot over there and told me to use gentoo instead od a pre-release20:55
elfyI know I'm in the channel20:55
starratsah okay20:56
ochosimicahg-work: thanks!20:56
ochosicongrats Noskcaj 20:57
micahg-workochosi, sorry that took so long, but it's in20:58
elfyyea - sorry Noskcaj - congrats20:58
ochosimicahg-work: well the most important thing is that it's in ;)20:59
Noskcajthanks, although i feel letdown for only getting that20:59
ochosimicahg-work: and anyway, might not have been the last update/upload for this cycle20:59
micahg-workthat's fine20:59
ochosiNoskcaj: why's that? i think it's actually pretty good, these are core apps for xubuntu20:59
elfyNoskcaj: you can do more than I can :)20:59
micahg-workwe can do more post beta 2 (for a week or so)20:59
elfymicahg-work: did you have any thoughts about this ibus/keyboard issue at all?21:00
Noskcajochosi, yeah, but i didn't even get PPU for all of my packages from debian, let alone all of xubuntu or all of universe21:00
ochosiNoskcaj: also, that motivates me to fix bugs in parole cause i know it'll get uploaded21:00
ochosiand there are actually a few outstanding ones...21:01
ochosimicahg-work: yeah, what elfy mentions is actually one more thing we might have to do in default-settings too (disable ibus startup by default)21:01
ochosii presume you guys have talked about this already?21:01
micahg-workelfy, I found a commit I thought might have been responsible, knome was doing some tests21:01
elfyoh d'oh - sorry - yea I saw that on thursday ... 21:02
brainwashNoskcaj: gz21:02
ochosii'm wondering though whether we really want ibus in the tray by default21:02
elfyochosi: it did take up a chunk of the last meeting - I just forgot ... 21:02
ochosithat was never the case in any previous release21:03
elfyochosi: yea +1 to that21:03
ochosiso personally i'd go for disabling at least the trayicon, even if ibus gets fixed21:03
micahg-workochosi, I don't like the idea of disabling ibus by default, how does that affect xubuntu in other languages21:03
brainwashhow does one even disable the ibus autostart?21:03
micahg-workalso, maybe there's someone who can help us with this that's more familiar with this21:04
ochosifrom what i gather, ibus is needed when you have >1 input language/keyboard-layout21:04
ochosiso it doesnt affect xubuntu on other languages per se21:04
ochosibut i'm +1 on getting folks in that know more about this21:06
ochosibtw, ubuntu doesnt use ibus anymore21:06
ochosithey switched to indicator-keyboard21:06
ochosi(which we could still do)21:06
elfymicahg-work: also - we never had it in the panel previously, so why would it be an issue for anyone that it wasn't previously21:06
elfyat the moment it IS an issue when keyboard layout is fubar once you've logged in21:06
* elfy just looks at this logically rather than from a packaging pov21:07
ochosiyup, i also agree with that logic21:07
brainwashmaybe it was there, but the tray icon was hidden21:07
ochosithat's not impossible21:07
elfybrainwash: maybe so - but unhiding it has caused an issue :)21:07
micahg-workelfy, right, I just know it was seeded before, not sure how it was working in previous ISOs21:08
ochosimicahg-work: i think part of the problem might be that unity doesnt use it anymore, i.e. less maintenance/care about the package...21:08
brainwashibus isn't even working for my main user account, it shows 1x de and 4x en_US21:08
ochosione could ask around on #ubuntu-devel tomorrow about how it worked in unity and how indicator-keyboard works now21:09
elfyI'd ask but would get lost in the explanations probably lol 21:10
micahg-workochosi, that could be21:12
ochosimicahg-work: if you want i can ask, but the outcome might be that we might want to do s/ibus/indicator-keyboard/21:13
ochosimicahg-work: and i don't wanna be the one who is stuck with that change and then there's no uploader... (i guess you see where i'm going with this ;))21:13
brainwashibus is still present on the daily ubuntu iso21:14
elfyochosi: guy on the forum has added logs to the greeter bug he says21:16
micahg-workochosi, if that's what we need to do, let's decide, it's getting late to make major changes, but I don'21:18
micahg-workt want to be supporting a broken package for 3 years21:18
micahg-workibus is seeded across the board as well21:19
knomemicahg-work, testing didn't really turn up as well as it could have, downgrading didn't work as expected so couldn't really do much more than confirm the bug...21:20
ochosimicahg-work: ok, i'll ask seb128 about it tomorrow, i think he'll know (and if not, he can at least point me somewhere)21:21
elfywe should put a cap on how long we try and sort this I guess - ie not too long21:22
elfysaid the man ulikely to be able to help sort it ... 21:22
ochosii also want to know why unity doesnt use it anymore21:22
ochosiseeding it is one thing, activating it by default is another21:22
micahg-workit's still seeded on the Ubuntu ISO21:22
ochosiwe can also seed it but don't let it autostart21:23
micahg-workis that what they do?21:23
elfymicahg-work: when I was looking at this it affected us, studio obviously and lubuntu 21:23
elfyI didn;t check all of those other ones 21:24
ochosimicahg-work: well they certainly don't use the ibus trayicon anymore because i fixed a bug for them in their icon-theme today and they wanted to drop the icon for ibus(!)21:24
ochosi(i actually saved them from doing so)21:25
knomei don't mind about not autostarting ibus.21:25
knometo be exact, i don't mind about not seeding it21:25
knomehowever, it would need to be evaluated if there are some downsides to either21:25
elfyI suppose what we want - is to be back where we were before it landed in the panle21:25
ochosiand for that, we ideally ask "someone who knows" :)21:25
micahg-workwell, everyone else is using it, so unless there's a major reason not to, I'd not like to be different in this case21:25
brainwashochosi: maybe they just integrated ibus into indicator-keyboard21:26
micahg-workas it's in main, we're not directly on the hook for its maintenance either21:26
knomemicahg-work, agreed.21:27
knomemicahg-work, you happen to know any reason why we should keep https://launchpad.net/xubuntu-desktop/ ?21:27
micahg-workwell, I think it was used before to track tasks related to the project per Ubuntu release21:28
micahg-workI think we're using blueprints for that now21:29
knomethe last release that it had was natty21:29
knomei went and cleaned those up the other day21:29
knomei think that page is just confusing for a user if they happen to land on it21:29
knomeand if it has no technical or social meaning for the developers either, we should remove it21:30
elfymicahg-work: so how soon do we need to actually make a decision on ibus by?21:32
micahg-workdefinitely before apr 10, the sooner the better21:33
knomeochosi, micahg-work: can you elaborate21:33
knomewhat's left to do in https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/xubuntu-t-features ?21:34
knomeor is the last thing left to do to mark the rest DONE ?21:34
elfymicahg-work: so assuming we have weekly meetings - by next weeks? 3rd? 21:34
knomeelfy, that sounds fair21:34
knome"just dropping it from the seed/autorun" is pretty simple21:35
ochosiknome: what should i elaborate?21:35
knomeochosi, see the next comment21:35
micahg-workI have no idea about the gtk2 indicators, I'd have to look21:35
knomein that case, ochosi, can you elaborate on *that* with micah :)21:36
knomeas you probably understand, i'd like to get all of that blueprint done ASAP21:36
elfyknome: ok - I've made a note to make sure to add it agenda if it's not decided by then 21:36
knomeelfy, ok, thanks21:36
ochosimicahg-work: we have to make sure that they get removed for upgraders21:36
ochosimicahg-work: otherwise the gtk3 indicators don't work21:36
ochosibecause they conflict21:37
ochosi(at least they did before upstart)21:37
knomeelfy, i've added that to the team calendar21:37
elfyok - even better21:37
micahg-workochosi, ok, can you file add notes about what specifically conflicts somewhere and make sure I'm subscribed (was thinking a bug against xubuntu-meta)21:38
micahg-workmaybe just the whiteboard would be enough21:38
ochosimicahg-work: ok, however you prefer. i mostly noted it on the whiteboard in the first place in order not to forget it21:39
ochosiand that was weeks ago21:39
brainwashochosi: I have them all installed (gtk2 and gtk3)21:39
ochosibrainwash: that must be the upstart transition then, it really didn't work before21:40
brainwashgtk2 due to ubuntu-studio I think21:40
ochosimicahg-work: in that ^ case, we can also skip it21:40
micahg-worklet me know21:40
ochosiand xscreensaver conflicting with light-locker is also not a problem anymore21:40
ochosibecause light-locker comes first in xflock21:40
ochosi(although it sucks a bit to have all those useless things installed, but hey...)21:41
micahg-workyeah, those shouldn't conflict21:41
ochosi(the price for LTS->LTS upgrading)21:41
micahg-workit would be nice if xflock can be taught with a setting which to use21:41
brainwashwhat about the double power indicator problem (upgraders)?21:41
ochosimicahg-work: yeah, xflock could really use an improvement (many patches in bugzilla), somehow nobody wants to touch it...21:42
knomemaybe for .121:42
ochosibrainwash: not sure what to do about that21:42
knomeochosi, describe it to micah who might21:42
brainwashochosi: a faq entry to explain it?21:43
knome(be sure)21:43
ochosibrainwash: we can't mess with user's config, and we can't conditionally *not* install  indicator-power21:43
ochosiknome: ^21:43
knomeFAQ item seems the last effort21:43
ochosiyeah, we can do that21:43
ochosiit's also not a given problem21:43
knomearen't there some packages which as if you want to keep the current config or replace it with the newest?21:43
micahg-workwhat's causing the old indicator21:44
ochosimicahg-work: trayicon from xfce4-powermanager21:44
ochosii disabled it in xubuntu-default-settings to resolve that for new installs21:44
ochosibut we cant do much about existing configs21:44
micahg-workthe new indicator uses the power-manager?21:44
ochosii patched it21:44
ochosithe "new indicator" is indicator-power21:44
ochosiso we don't (have to) maintain it21:45
ochosiwe can just use it like indicator-sound21:45
micahg-workI supposed we still want users to have a trayicon for xfce4-powermanager even if they don't have indicator-power21:45
knomebrainwash, was bug 1271871 fixed by you or jackson?21:49
ubottubug 1271871 in xfdesktop "Desktop background solid color set to #7F0000 after restart despite being set to something else prior to restart" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/127187121:49
knomebrainwash, same for bug 128492321:49
ubottubug 1284923 in xfdesktop4 (Ubuntu) "xfdesktop settings dialog opens in own window" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128492321:49
brainwashit was fixed by the upstream people21:50
knomeand jackson did the packaging work?21:50
brainwashI guess so21:50
ochosimicahg-work: why wouldn't they have indicator-power?21:51
brainwashhe just did not add the bug reports numbers to the changelog21:51
knomebrainwash, ok, thanks21:51
micahg-workif someone chooses to remove it21:51
brainwashmicahg-work: the problem is, that some upgraders might see both icons after upgrading to 14.0421:52
micahg-workstudio and mythbuntu don't have indicator-power21:52
micahg-workbrainwash, right, one of the options is to remove the trayicon, but I don't see it as viable21:52
brainwashwe hide the power-manager via global config file provided by xubuntu-default-settings21:53
ochosimicahg-work: yeah, it's still there, it's just hidden (the trayicon)21:53
knomeslickymaster, the .pot file seems to be okay...21:55
knomeslickymaster, i wonder if the launchpad automatic translation stuff will notice that change at some point21:56
knomeslickymaster, for the .po files, i guess you just need to update the catalog manually21:56
knomeslickymaster, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubiquity-slideshow/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/html/view/head:/po/xubuntu/slideshow-xubuntu.pot21:56
micahg-workthere should be a script to do that I would think22:00
knomeyeah, i'm not worrying about it since everything looks okay in the branch22:01
knomeslickymaster has just been asking about it and why old stuff appear22:01
knomeand sure, would be nice to get that stuff updated to be able to run the call for translators22:01
ochosiarrr, and there i just missed elfy...22:36
ochosianyway, commented on another t-bug that should be wontfix imo22:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1271883 in xfwm4 (Ubuntu) "Workspace Settings number keys do not work" [Medium,Confirmed]22:40
ochosicommented upstream though22:40
ochosias that's where it's really tracked22:40
brainwashochosi: 100 is max for workspaces22:43
ochosiyeah, but that's still a lot22:43
ochosidoesn't really change my point22:44
brainwashbut what is the drawback of enabling it?22:44
ochosii explained that in my comment22:44
ochosipotentially lots of cpu usage, what's the benefit of enabling it?22:44
brainwashtry it22:45
brainwashworked flawless for me22:45
ochosiwhat's the benefit of enabling it?22:45
brainwasha happy elfy22:46
ochosisorry, uppercase wasn't intended22:46
brainwashit works, so I've attached the diff22:47
brainwashand upstream won't answer anytime soon22:47
ochosiprobably not22:47
ochosibut gtkspinbuttons are editable by default22:47
ochosiso this was a conscious decision22:48
brainwashI know, it has been like this for years22:48
brainwashso it's not a regression or so22:48
ochosithat's not a reason for changing anything though22:48
knomeif i could assign any (non-existing) bug importance field for that bug, it would be... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rX7wtNOkuHo22:49
brainwashno, but it works if editable22:49
ochosiprobably not always. anyway, i'm tired of arguing about that dialog's spinbutton. i added my argument and upstream most likely won't change this22:50
ochosior if they do, they hopefully have a good reason to do so22:50
brainwashwhy didn't you just ignore the report? :)22:50
ochosi(with that i mean, a better reason than just "make elfy happy" – no offense, elfy)22:51
ochosiit's part of xubuntu-t-bugs22:51
ochosii went through that list right now22:51
brainwashit shouldn't be22:51
ochosiyup, i wholeheartedly agree22:51
brainwashall this minor stuff should be removed22:51
ochosiit's not even a bug22:51
ochosii'll set it to wishlist if i can and remove it from the bp22:51
brainwashor bug 127186122:52
ubottubug 1271861 in thunar (Ubuntu) ""Open with 'default app'" in right click context menu with wrong icon" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/127186122:52
brainwasheasy fixable, but meh22:52
brainwashwhat is right and what is wrong22:52
ochosiknome: mind to set this to wishlist? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfwm4/+bug/127188322:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1271883 in xfwm4 (Ubuntu) "Workspace Settings number keys do not work" [Medium,Confirmed]22:53
brainwashochosi: new comment https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1060522:54
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 10605 in General "Desktop icons/labels are not properly themed after login" [Normal,Reopened]22:54
ochosiyup, i saw, have you tried it?22:55
brainwashno change22:55
brainwashmy session start is damn slow22:56
brainwashthe first on after boot22:56
brainwashslow session start -> race condition22:57
ochosii'm seeing it after i had a bug with suspend22:59
ochosiso apport comes up at session start and that is seemingly enough22:59
brainwashapport pops up every time?22:59
ochosifun, eh?23:00
brainwashreport the bug then :D23:00
ochosiyeah, appart never finishes collecting the data23:00
ochosiso eh23:00
ochosibrb, testing that suggestion from the bugreport now23:01
ochosiyup, also doesnt work for me23:02
ochosihuhu, now apport finished with one of the bugs23:02
ochosiand tada! it was a bug in apport23:03
brainwasheric likes the new way of handling style changes... but we want to release something that works 100%23:04
ochosii'd really like to get to the bottom of thise23:05
ochosiit's not very nice to just revert to *some* solution23:05
ochosibrainwash: can you confirm https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfdesktop4/+bug/1295614 ?23:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1295614 in xfdesktop "xfdesktop leaking memory on wallpaper change (ubuntu 14.04 with xfce)" [Medium,Confirmed]23:09
ochosicause i can't23:09
fibz_i have a fresh install i can let sit for a while and see what happens23:11
brainwashoh, forgot to monitor the mem usage23:11
ochosii did that23:12
ochosii set the change to 2secs and waited a while23:12
ochosiactually the first time i read it, i entirely overread how he changes the bg23:12
ochosiwith "variety"23:12
ochosiobviously not knowing that there is a builtin wallpaper-changer23:13
ochosior somehow not being happy about that one23:13
brainwashbut still, it's xfdesktop changing the wallpaper in the end23:15
fibz_if not already, that should be a trigger for the bot23:52

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