
RiddellScottK: quassel uploaded, please approve00:08
=== jono is now known as Guest43238
ScottKRiddell: Looking01:59
ScottKRiddell: Done02:02
ahoneybun_hey valorie 06:11
valoriehi ahoneybun_06:11
ahoneybun_how goes the house?06:11
valoriesporty with a little tail there, aaron06:11
valoriethe end is in sight!06:12
valoriehow's life with you?06:12
ahoneybun_I'm wondering where I should work now06:12
ahoneybun_(docs wise)06:13
ahoneybun_or maybe else wise06:13
valoriewhat else are you interested in?06:13
valorieI mean, you know what's needed06:14
ahoneybun_at the moment we need more translations06:14
ahoneybun_but the current docs package does not work in khelpcenter in other langs06:15
ahoneybun_as far as I can tell06:15
valorieI can write to the list again, but I assume people work as they have time06:15
* valorie is rather busy with GSoC stuff06:15
valoriebut that will slack off after we make the choices06:15
valoriemaybe I'll have time to test some more06:16
ahoneybun_and the new site is nice in everyone's opinons 06:16
ahoneybun_can never spell that word right06:16
ahoneybun_valorie, http://test.kubuntu.co.uk/06:16
valorieright, I gave you some feedback the other day06:17
valorieI try to do things immediately, before I forget06:19
ahoneybun_when I tried packaging I always picked packages that were hard for anyone06:23
ahoneybun_because of licenses06:24
valorielicensing can be a bear, I hear06:25
ahoneybun_it is true06:25
ahoneybun_I should be sleeping soon lol06:32
ahoneybun_2:30 am06:32
ahoneybun_valorie, omgubuntu http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/tile1.jpg06:32
valoriemuch bearded06:35
valorieI like how that makes a heart shape06:35
ahoneybun_wonder where they found that06:36
ahoneybun_I think I found it06:37
valoriesomebody made it06:37
* ahoneybun_ begins updating his banner with it06:38
valorieit does have a good resemblance to yours, indeed06:39
ahoneybun_better though 06:42
valoriethey have a whole art department to work on stuff06:46
ahoneybun_wish I had a svg06:47
valorieperhaps you can find one on the ubuntu.com site somewhere06:47
ahoneybun_need to find the old one and the page url should be close to it06:48
ahoneybun_Ubuntu GNOME got LTS 06:55
ahoneybun_this is nice http://ubuntuportal.com/2014/03/ubuntu-14-04-lts-trusty-tahr-will-have-a-new-unity-lock-screen.html06:57
valoriemost of the flavors are, i think06:57
valorieugh, I hate the colors06:57
ahoneybun_but they did not have it till now06:57
ahoneybun_darn why is it hard to find a official logo06:59
jussiahoneybun_: official logo of ?06:59
ahoneybun_https://www.facebook.com/udface/posts/10152365481434374?stream_ref=10 but a svg06:59
ScottKmanchicken: I'm a bit (for a large value of a bit) concerned about KDE bug 332613 that I just filed.  Thoughts?07:02
ubottuKDE bug 332613 in libqapt "Libqapt/Muon Does Not Honor NotAutomatic Flag" [Major,Unconfirmed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=33261307:02
ScottKapachelogger: ^^^ I think this is concerning.07:02
* ahoneybun_ disappears in a netflix filled cloud 07:04
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=== vHanda_ is now known as vHanda
Riddellapachelogger: thank you for keeping everyone's sanity10:20
shadeslayeroh noes10:25
* Riddell rebuilds images for today10:26
Riddellshadeslayer: oh no?10:26
shadeslayeroh noes x 210:26
Riddelloh no oh no?10:26
shadeslayerRiddell: I just completed the full disk install :P10:26
shadeslayerand virtualbox does not reboot10:26
shadeslayereven if I press enter10:26
Riddellsucks to be virtualbox10:26
shadeslayersounds like a bug in you-boon-too to me10:27
apacheloggerRiddell: yeah, my guess is that it's because gst0.10 dropped off the ISO10:29
apacheloggerRiddell: on a related note... did you talk with dvratil about usign the porting branch?10:29
Riddellapachelogger: I did, he said we should say if we need any help10:29
Riddellapachelogger: I presumably we'll need to remove the qapt integration somewhere and reinstate the simpler kubuntu-notification helper stuff10:30
Riddelland work out what to do with ktp-call-ui10:30
apacheloggeror we could like port stuff10:30
Riddellmumble mumble mumble10:32
shadeslayerre call ui, you'd need to port qgst first10:32
shadeslayerwhich is done :)10:32
shadeslayeror well, I think nearly done10:33
apacheloggershadeslayer: are you still on the python3.4 crashery?10:34
apacheloggerah, you sent a mail10:34
apacheloggerI think we need a card10:34
shadeslayerapachelogger: yes, waiting for a reply from phil10:34
shadeslayersomeone mentioned it might be a issue with QScintilla, but apport doesn't use QScintilla , so ...10:34
* apachelogger is really far behind on deadline cards -.-10:35
apacheloggershadeslayer: I think qscintilla is somehow involved in pyqt10:35
apacheloggernever figured out how exactly the two related to one another10:35
* shadeslayer is very hungry10:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1297629 in calligra (Ubuntu) "package krita-data 1:2.7.91-0ubuntu5 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/kde4/services/kritasketchpaintop.desktop', which is also in package krita 1:2.7.91-0ubuntu5" [Undecided,New]10:37
apacheloggerwhy does a system get a 2 week old version as update10:37
Riddellapachelogger: assigned beastie to sgclark10:40
apacheloggerpfff, I just was done fixing :P10:40
Riddelllucky her10:41
Riddellanyone able to check this for sanity? http://starsky.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/commefont-1.0.0.tar.gz10:44
jussiRiddell: sorry, Im insane, sanity isnt an option here :D10:49
jussi(oh, and good morning :D)10:49
Riddelljussi: check it for insanity then? if it doesn't work for you then I must be doing it right10:49
jussiRiddell: what is it?10:51
jussioooh, fonts...10:51
jussiRiddell: how would one test it? 10:51
Riddelljussi: build and install and set your system to use it10:51
alleeshadeslayer: libkpeople3 mentions nepomuk in (short)/description.  But nepomuk was removed in 0.2.1 according to http://martys.typepad.com/blog/2014/03/kde-telepathy-08-is-out.html 10:52
shadeslayerallee: plz report a bug and assign it  to me10:53
shadeslayerwill fix after beta 210:53
jussiooh, I just got a baloo file extractor crash10:54
vHandanice. File a bug please10:54
vHandaactually show me the backtrace first10:54
jussivHanda: you have a hilight on baloo? :D10:55
jussibacktrace coming 10:55
Riddelljussi: he just can sense baloo crashes on the force10:58
jussivHanda: will be a moment, installing debug stuff10:59
jussivHanda: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7156101/11:05
vHandajussi: this does not have any baloo code11:06
vHandaApplication: Apport KDE (python3)11:06
jussivHanda: heh, wonder why it told me there was a crash of baloo then...11:07
jussivery strange11:07
* vHanda is happy there is no crash11:07
jussiI wonder if the baloo crash crashed apport...11:08
jussihttp://wstaw.org/m/2014/03/26/plasma-desktopwA3351.png vHanda11:10
shadeslayerjussi: known issue wrt the paste11:10
yofelis there something baloo related in /var/crash/ ?11:10
shadeslayerand that crash looks like the one I already sent vHanda11:10
=== skfin_ is now known as skfin
shadeslayerjussi: can you pastebin  /var/crash/_usr_bin_baloo_file*.crash somewhere11:13
jussishadeslayer: already happening, waiting on pastebinit11:14
jussishadeslayer: I assume it was same? 11:18
shadeslayervHanda: ^^11:18
Riddellshadeslayer: you going to test the new ISOs?11:21
shadeslayerI shall11:23
Riddellshadeslayer: lovely11:24
vHandayup same, ignore it11:33
jussivHanda: ok, thanks11:33
BluesKaj'Morning all11:35
shadeslayerRiddell: gst is still at 0.10?11:54
Riddellshadeslayer: um, shouldn't be, how do you see that?11:56
Riddellhmm yes phonon-backend-gstreamer is on http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/20140326/trusty-desktop-amd64.manifest11:57
Riddellbut I changed the recommended backend in phonon11:58
yofelthe seeds have a dep and recommend on it11:59
yofelactive: * phonon-backend-gstreamer11:59
yofelactive: * (gstreamer0.10-qapt)11:59
yofeldesktop: * (phonon-backend-gstreamer)11:59
yofeldesktop: * (gstreamer0.10-qapt)11:59
yofelsupported: * Extra-Exclude: gnome-panel-dbg gstreamer0.10-plugins-base-dbg11:59
Riddellyeah, just found that11:59
* Riddell fixes12:00
jussiis there anything we can do about not dimming screen when youtube videos are playing? 12:13
Riddelltell adobe to fix flash?12:13
jussiRiddell: html512:14
apacheloggerdid I ever mention that virtuoso crashes a lot?12:19
Riddellit's about to disappear I hope12:22
Riddellare you still using it?12:22
yofelit was like completely unusable on my notebook in trusty12:23
yofelglad that it's gone12:23
apacheloggerRiddell: still got whoopsie reports for it in the last 24h12:23
apacheloggerso I perhaps it is not being removed or people have not upgraded to the beta yet12:23
apacheloggerit is peculiar though12:23
apacheloggerRiddell: more reference for the krita thing https://errors.ubuntu.com/problem/d5a743e35fb4a8acb5d00212c06af413af6d51f212:24
apachelogger(just so I mentedion it ^^)12:24
Riddellapachelogger: did you push your fix?12:25
apacheloggerRiddell: no12:25
apacheloggerjust means I am reasponsible if the change breaks something, I can live without that :P12:26
Riddellapachelogger: harsh12:27
Riddellsgclark: awake yet?12:27
sgclarkRiddell: yep :0 working on that bug first :)12:27
sgclarkRiddell: :)12:27
Riddellsgclark: lovely, apachelogger is going mad over it and we like to keep him sane12:28
yofelthat's actually possible? :P12:29
Riddellyofel: sure, if sgclark doesn't fix it we'll get http://planetkde.org/hackergotchi/apachelogger.jpg if she does we'll get http://planet.ubuntu.com/heads/apachelogger.jpg12:32
sgclarkit is fixed, just a missed replace/break :)12:33
jussiand here I was thinking sgclark was of the male persuasion... sorry!12:33
sgclarklol no woories!12:33
jussishadeslayer: have you purchased a Polo yet? :D12:33
Riddellassumptions are dangerous young jussi 12:34
jussiRiddell: ass u me :D12:34
apacheloggersanity prevails, how dull12:42
* apachelogger fixes his bowtie12:42
jussiapachelogger: sanity, how absolutly boring12:43
apacheloggeryou know, by now we have so much data for quality to look at that it gets tedious12:43
apacheloggerRiddell, shadeslayer: in case I forget and you don't we'll need to reset the google docs test data and mention it in the announcement/wiki page12:45
apacheloggeryo Quintasan12:46
Quintasansup Harald?12:46
apacheloggerlooking at test data :P12:47
apacheloggershadeslayer: oh btw, I think the touchpad test is missing comment fields12:47
apacheloggerand for some reason 'Untick "Disable touchpad when typing" and click Apply' failed for one person, but 'Untick "Tap-and-Drag Gesture" , now try to tap and drag a window via the titlebar' did as well so it might be a bogus submission or something12:48
apacheloggerhard to say without comments :P12:48
apacheloggerI reset the amarok and dragon data due to the gst change12:49
apacheloggerprevious testing only indicated that plugin install is broken all around12:49
manchickenScottK: That sounds a bit more like a muon bug, no?12:56
manchickenScottK: Harald noted that he is unable to replicate the bug, too.12:57
Riddellmanchicken: fancy porting gstreamer0.10-qapt to gstreamer1.0-qapt ?12:58
apacheloggermanchicken: could be a bug in either, muon draws the initial set of upgradable things from the backend IIRC, so if the backend reports something as upgradable that it shouldn't it would cause the presented bug, or if muon then does silly things or interprets the package flags incorrectly that can probably also cause it12:59
apacheloggerRiddell: qapt uses qtgstreamer13:01
apacheloggerso just like ktp that is blocked on getting that ported 13:01
Riddellmeh, fontforge has defeated me, I can not compile it13:06
Riddellanyone able to compile it? http://fontforge.github.io/en-US/downloads/gnulinux/13:07
Riddellanyone want to try and confirm fix in bug 1290514  ?13:12
ubottubug 1290514 in qt4-x11 (Ubuntu Saucy) "LibreOffice KDE4 backend crashes in Qt4 recursive paint events" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129051413:12
manchickenRiddell: I can try, but I'm about to go on the road in a week for two weeks.13:19
manchickenapachelogger: qapt is just a proxy for apt-pkg at that point though, IIRC, so I'm surprised if qapt is the source of the problem.13:19
apacheloggerno idea :P13:21
apacheloggerRiddell: don't we have fontforge?13:21
apachelogger!find fontforge13:22
ubottuFound: fontforge, fontforge-common, fontforge-dbg, fontforge-nox, libfontforge-dev13:22
manchickenapachelogger: The super-fun folks at YAPC didn't accept my talk since they filled up before they got to mine, so that's one thing off my plate.13:23
manchickenIt means I have slightly more time between all the ladies and kids.13:25
manchickenAnd work.13:25
manchickenAnd running.13:25
Riddellapachelogger: got to be a version from the last few weeks, our package is years old and the daily builds are from last year13:28
* BluesKaj is thinking it's almost time for a kubuntu+1 channel since, ubuntu is drifting away with it's mir window system etc13:29
yofelwell, we won't be the only ones eventually on wayland, so I'm not sure (ubuntu-gnome at least)13:29
* apachelogger thinks ubuntu desktop doesn't use mir yet13:30
yofelit doesn't really, at least not for trusty13:30
* yofel wanted to fix up neon4 for trusty but isn't sure where to even start with fixing it -.-13:31
* apachelogger broke his wifi somehow13:33
apacheloggeroh, it's only all the networking13:36
ScottKmanchicken: No idea if it's Muon or qapt.  NotAutomatic is implemented in apt.  I'll see if I can replicate later.13:51
shadeslayerapachelogger: why do we need openjdk-7-jre on the iso 14:06
apacheloggershadeslayer: see email?14:07
Riddellmumble mumble libreoffice14:07
apacheloggerthose french :@14:10
Riddellanyone able to help me test google hangouts quickly?14:15
shadeslayerdesktop doesn't have a webcam14:16
Riddellshadeslayer: let's try and see if you can see me14:17
Riddellinvited you14:17
Riddellshadeslayer: see my ping?14:17
shadeslayeryeah, moment14:17
shadeslayerneed to install plugin14:17
apacheloggerRiddell: our existing fontforge packaging is shit very much14:25
apacheloggerand upstream's build system is even shittier14:28
Riddellapachelogger: thanks for trying14:28
apacheloggerRiddell: I might be able to get it to build14:31
apacheloggerRiddell: how urgent is this?14:31
Riddellapachelogger: it's for comme font (was oxygen font) which I can release as .ttf files but I'd much rather release as something that compiles14:32
Riddellapachelogger: what do you think can fix it?14:33
apacheloggermanually moving autotools files around14:33
apacheloggerwhich is pretty much what the existing packaging does, alas, in a very shitty way it appears14:33
Riddellalso needs libgc-dev14:34
manchickenRiddell: Do you actually need a port for qstreamer-qapt?14:45
apacheloggerRiddell: package the ttf14:56
apacheloggerRiddell: it's a time drain and nothing more14:56
Riddellapachelogger: ubuntu is mostly fine with that, fedora and maybe debian might have issues14:57
Riddellapachelogger: can you check this for sanity? http://starsky.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/commefont-1.0.0.tar.gz14:57
apacheloggerRiddell: then they can package fontforge if they want to14:57
apacheloggerit's not impossible14:57
apacheloggerit's just not worth it14:58
=== Darkwing_ is now known as Darkwing
Riddellfair enough14:58
* Darkwing waves14:58
apacheloggerRiddell: tar looks fine14:58
Riddellhi Darkwing14:59
DarkwingHey Riddell, How is everythign?14:59
RiddellDarkwing: the sun is out, life is good15:01
DarkwingRiddell: It's sorta warming up over over here.15:01
Darkwingonly one over.15:01
Darkwingapachelogger!!!! 15:01
apacheloggerhello there15:04
Darkwinglong time no see/talk15:04
apacheloggerI entirely blame you :P15:04
apacheloggerDarkwing: how's things15:05
apacheloggerRiddell: oh, btw, are you on top of the shirt-for-patch thing I sent to the council?15:05
yofeloh, Darkwing finally managed to shovel his way out of all the snow again ^^15:05
Riddellapachelogger: yes I bought one from jussi's shop, hopefully jussi posted it to the guy15:06
DarkwingLOL yofel, aye.15:06
DarkwingAlthough, it snowed again yesterday.15:06
apacheloggerRiddell: groovy, thx15:06
apacheloggersnow always reminds me of that movie with jack nicholson15:07
apacheloggerhere, what's that name again, ah can't remember15:07
apacheloggerthe shining15:07
apacheloggermuch scary that was15:08
DarkwingSo, looks like I'm gonna have a kid again.15:08
RiddellDarkwing: yay!15:09
Riddell(I assume it's yay)15:09
DarkwingYes LOL15:09
DarkwingThis will be her 1st kid and my 4th.15:09
DarkwingWe got married back in August.15:09
Riddellyou can join jussi in being competative dad15:09
DarkwingHow stable is 14.04? Been thinking about returning to KDE.15:10
RiddellDarkwing: stable as a rock, all the crazy stuff is happening in kde frameworks 515:10
RiddellDarkwing: and you're just in time for beta 2 testing http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/313/builds/65402/testcases15:10
apacheloggeryeah, very stable, unless shadeslayer breaks startkde :P15:10
yofelwell, he always breaks at least one thing every release, so lets hope this was it :P15:11
DarkwingWhen does beta2 drop?15:11
yofeltomorrow IIRC15:11
apacheloggerthe day after today15:11
Darkwingare we still blaming everything on shadeslayer15:11
yofelhe usually doesn't complain about it15:12
Riddellshadeslayer: I think I'll respin for this gstreamer seed change, seems important for the beta15:12
yofeland you didn't hear that from me :P15:12
shadeslayerI just shrug it off as usual15:12
Darkwingthere a daily live anymore or am I missing something?15:12
shadeslayerDarkwing: I forward the blame to apachelogger usually :P15:12
yofelthere should be one15:12
shadeslayeror get him to fix it15:12
RiddellDarkwing: yep, although I'll respin it shortly http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/20140326/15:13
Darkwingshadeslayer: can't do it on my or nix so someone has to.15:13
DarkwingRiddell: How shortly is shortly?15:13
RiddellDarkwing: an hour?15:13
shadeslayer*another* respin ? :(15:13
Riddellshadeslayer: well it was you who found out we were still using gstreamer 0.1015:13
Riddellshadeslayer: so your testing was not in vain15:13
DarkwingRiddell: I'll wait to DL.15:14
DarkwingSo, while I've been gone I've pretty much been doing webdev and python.,15:14
DarkwingMigrating everyting from PHP to python+django15:14
DarkwingBut I've missed you guys15:14
RiddellDarkwing: sounds like maco, she's into her django15:15
DarkwingI should have done this a long time ago.15:15
macodjango is awesome15:16
DarkwingSooooooooo much better than PHP15:16
Riddellbah, I bet it complains if you make a syntax error, PHP just keeps on working if you make syntax errors15:16
Riddellsurely that's a good thin?15:16
DarkwingSo deas PERL but, that's not advocating for that...15:17
apacheloggerit complains when you indent incorrectly15:17
Darkwingso use proper indent. :P15:17
apacheloggeror use a proper language15:17
* apachelogger takes the dog for a walk15:17
Darkwingpython is the future man.15:17
apacheloggerDarkwing: that's wha they said about java :P15:31
Darkwing*looks at Android* *looks at javascript and html5* *looks at apachelogger* Looks like they were close to right.15:32
apacheloggerwhat does javascript and html5 have to do with java?15:33
DarkwingMe being sarcastic....15:33
DarkwingSorry, sarcasm doesn't travel well.15:33
apacheloggerindeed :P15:33
DarkwingFor my uses Python works.15:34
DarkwingI'm cringing at the costs of macs though15:34
DarkwingLike, I really want to build iOS apps for my people but... damn.15:37
apacheloggerwrite in qml, deploy everywhere ;)15:38
DarkwingStill have to sign it with a mac.15:40
Darkwingdang propriatary *(&(*&15:40
apacheloggerwell, you don't need to own a mac to do that15:40
apacheloggerI hear shadeslayer has one such device for example ;)15:41
shadeslayereven has OS X installed at the moment15:41
Darkwingand sell in itunes?15:41
Darkwingahhh, OSx in a VM? isn't that agaist TOS?15:41
shadeslayerno no no15:41
shadeslayerI have OS X on my MBP at the moment15:41
shadeslayerI need to setup Kubuntu on it, but that doesn't look like a possibility for another 2-3 weeks15:42
apacheloggerDarkwing: my point is if you need to sign the store submission it does not matter if you sign it with a device that you own or someone else15:42
apacheloggertomorrow on phoronix "kubuntu developer unable to install own distribution"15:43
shadeslayerapachelogger: just really busy with stuff and things15:44
apacheloggershadeslayer: is it so much work to install kubuntu Oo15:58
Riddellsgclark: bounced you an e-mail, did you get the error it talks about?16:06
* sgclark looks16:08
sgclarkRiddell: ahh yeah, I patched it16:08
sgclarksimple BorDer should be Border16:09
Riddellsgclark: and you let someone else get the glory by not sending the patch upstream quick enough :)16:10
sgclarkRiddell: oh hmm, did not think of it, will send immediatly next time. alot to learn haha16:11
shadeslayerapachelogger: really just don't have the time, even after installing I need to setup a bunch of things16:14
Riddell"KDE Telepathy 0.8 is out"16:32
Riddellwho's onto that?16:32
Riddellshadeslayer? Quintasan?16:32
shadeslayerwe can't get it in this week16:33
shadeslayerI'd rather delay to next week16:33
shadeslayerubuntu has gst0.10 and gst1.0 on the ISO16:34
Riddellshadeslayer: after tomorrow we can16:36
shadeslayerah okay16:37
shadeslayertomorrow then16:37
Riddellkubotu: newversion ktp-common-internals 0.8.016:37
alleeshadeslayer: I can't assign the bug to you:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libkpeople/+bug/129794316:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1297943 in libkpeople (Ubuntu) "libkpeople: short & long description mention nepomuk, but nepomuk support was removed in 0.2.1" [Undecided,New]16:41
shadeslayerdone thx16:42
RiddellDarkwing: ↑16:45
Riddell!testers | new beta 2 candidates16:45
ubottunew beta 2 candidates: Help is needed in #kubuntu-devel. Please ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj, James147, smartboyhw, Quintasan, lordievader, shrini, tester56, parad1se, mamarley  for information16:45
PaulW2URiddell: downloading now. what's changed and needs testing?16:48
RiddellPaulW2U: gstreamer1.0, can you tick "install extra bits" during install and it'll play all your videos and music16:49
RiddellPaulW2U: also good idea to pick In Progress on the test case you're doing so we don't duplicate16:49
RiddellPaulW2U: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/313/builds16:49
Riddellhmm still got gstreamer0.10 on the image as well as 1.0, must investigate that17:03
RiddellDarkwing, PaulW2U: looks like another image rebuild will happen17:07
shadeslayerRiddell: probably purple17:08
shadeslayer % reverse-depends libgstreamer0.10-0 | grep -i purple17:09
shadeslayer* libpurple017:09
Riddellwhich we have because of telepathy-haze17:14
Riddellquestion is do we need telepathy-haze17:14
Riddelld_ed: ↑17:14
d_eddepends if you want yahoo, icq and some others out the box17:15
ahoneybun_as long as google chat works17:30
Riddellhi ahoneybun_ 17:31
ahoneybun_hi Riddell  lol17:31
* ahoneybun_ needs to file that bug on google chat17:32
ahoneybun_anyone have the official logo for 14.04 svg?17:32
Riddellahoneybun_: official logo?17:33
Riddellnew images!  Darkwing, PaulW2U, everyone go test!17:34
Riddellahoneybun_: probably internal to canonical17:34
Riddellahoneybun_: how are the docs looking for beta 2?17:35
ahoneybun_Riddell, I have seen about 2 new packages built I think since beta 117:36
BluesKajguess I'm there, nothing left to upgrade/dist-upgrade17:36
ahoneybun_but I cannot get it to be in other langs in khelpcenter17:36
Riddellahoneybun_: and we still need to update the website17:38
Riddelland speaking of website we need to decide if and when to switch to test.kubuntu.co.uk17:38
Riddellovidiu-florin_: are you planning to import the old stories or shall we drop them all?17:39
ahoneybun_he wants too17:39
ahoneybun_I don't see why not just have to look into a migrate tool17:39
ahoneybun_Riddell, I would update the site but I do not have access17:40
Riddellahoneybun_: the docs site?17:40
ahoneybun_if I do idk17:41
Riddellahoneybun_: I can give you whatever access you want but it's done by a script just now and I'd like it to be scripted if possible17:41
ahoneybun_we have a script pulling the docs out17:41
ahoneybun_from userbase17:42
Riddellwhere where?17:42
ahoneybun_Riddell, http://imgur.com/quxx2Wz17:42
* ahoneybun_ does not have the link saved17:42
Riddellahoneybun_: ooh nice :)17:43
ahoneybun_could be better17:43
ahoneybun_feel that the edges are too rough17:43
Riddelldoes look like it's missing and antialias setting17:43
ahoneybun_maybe not sure17:44
ahoneybun_I think this is the page http://imgur.com/quxx2Wz17:45
Riddellahoneybun_: let me know if you need access17:50
ahoneybun_not sure if we can script all this17:51
ahoneybun_or its just out of my domain17:51
Riddellpossibly we can't17:56
Riddelland it just need to be updated manually17:56
Riddellfeel free to do that too :)17:56
ahoneybun_I don't really mind as long as I know how to lol18:01
ahoneybun_guess I do need access then 18:01
Riddellahoneybun_: preferred username?18:03
ahoneybun_this one will work fine18:04
R33D3M33RHello, I'm using Kubuntu 14.04 with slovenian translation and current translations are badly incomplete. Since I know some of the apps are translated in trunk, I'm wondering if this will be fixed until LTS release? If not, what can I do to fix this problem.18:05
ahoneybun_R33D3M33R, we don't have that lang in the user docs http://userbase.kde.org/Kubuntu18:09
Riddellahoneybun_: I think he's talking about application strings18:10
RiddellR33D3M33R: you have kde-l10n-sl installed?18:10
R33D3M33Reverything is there, even the files18:10
ahoneybun_still need it in user docs as well :)18:11
R33D3M33Rjust the strings don't load in some apps18:11
R33D3M33Rfor example plasma-networkmanagement18:11
shadeslayerRiddell: anything left to do?18:11
Riddellshadeslayer: on what?18:11
shadeslayerfor Beta 218:11
Riddellshadeslayer: test isos!18:11
shadeslayerapart from ISO testing18:11
R33D3M33Rit's in english, but it has slovenian .mo files in locale18:11
Riddellshadeslayer: check over apachelogger's beta 2 page, check what bugs are highlighted18:12
R33D3M33Ralso the panel and so on, plasmoids mostly18:12
Riddellshadeslayer: I'm going out for a few hours then I'll do a late night testing sprint18:12
shadeslayerRiddell: okay18:12
shadeslayerI'll try and test a couple18:12
R33D3M33RAlso: I most surely did not force English on any of these apps ...18:14
RiddellR33D3M33R: testing translations is something we know we're not great at18:14
R33D3M33Rthat is why I want to help :)18:14
RiddellR33D3M33R: apachelogger (harald) did a test in febuary and found some issues but not the ones you are seeing https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kubuntu-devel/2014-February/008026.html18:14
RiddellR33D3M33R: I'd like to investigate more but I need to go out now and then test stuff for beta 2 so I can't just now18:15
RiddellR33D3M33R: but hang around or send an e-mail to kubuntu-devel and I'll get back to you18:15
R33D3M33Rthat is ok18:15
Riddellor maybe another friendly kubuntu person will pick it up18:15
R33D3M33RI will wait, if you don't come back, I will rejoin tomorrow18:16
Riddellplease do18:16
R33D3M33Rok, thanks18:17
ahoneybun_Riddell, not sure how to login18:19
PaulW2Ubug #129799618:29
ubottubug 1297996 in amarok (Ubuntu) "amarok fails to start in a kubuntu live session" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129799618:29
yofel^ libqtwebkit4 wasn't updated on the image18:33
apacheloggerR33D3M33R, Riddell: it appears there were some string changes in plasma in 4.13 that have not been translated in the kde-l10n packags we have right now18:34
apacheloggercs is also incomplete apparently18:34
R33D3M33Rok, so KDE team didn't package the release well?18:36
R33D3M33Ror ... the templates are wrong?18:36
yofelqtwebkit only built on amd64 and arm64, that's not good :S18:42
yofelerrrr, what? http://paste.ubuntu.com/7158351/18:44
Peace-yofel: could be usefull ? https://qt-project.org/forums/viewthread/2992618:46
shadeslayerthat's not good18:47
apacheloggerR33D3M33R: I couldn't possibly tell unless you give me a specific string that is not localized18:47
shadeslayeryofel: I've retried it18:47
shadeslayersometimes it just shits itself18:47
R33D3M33Rin plasma-applet-kickoff is for example "Favorites"18:48
Peace-hahah  One of the libraries updated was gstreamer which would be the culprit18:48
yofelok... though that usually doesn't help with symbol errors18:48
yofelPeace-: yeah, we switched gst versions18:48
R33D3M33Rit is translated + the plasma_applet_kickoff.mo is in /usr/share/locale/sl/LC_MESSAGES/ with this string translated18:49
Peace-yofel: seems there is a patch 18:49
R33D3M33Rmsgctxt "@title:column"18:49
R33D3M33Rmsgid "Favorites"18:49
R33D3M33Rmsgstr "Priljubljene"18:49
shadeslayerfyi https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtwebkit-source/+bug/129799618:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1297996 in qtwebkit-source (Ubuntu) "amarok fails to start in a kubuntu live session" [High,New]18:49
shadeslayerI'm off18:49
apacheloggerR33D3M33R: bummer, please tell #plasma18:49
Peace-shadeslayer: cya18:49
apacheloggerR33D3M33R: might be that someone broke template loading somewhere18:49
apacheloggerR33D3M33R: I guess this is isolated to plasma?18:50
apacheloggerthe cs issues I know about at least only appear in plasma stuff18:50
R33D3M33Rit all looks like it really is in plasma only18:50
apacheloggerok, please poke people in #plasma18:50
apacheloggerI'll follow up in detail tomorrow18:50
R33D3M33Rok, great, will do18:51
Peace-apachelogger: :D i know this wil bother you , but i will ask anyway, if you can play mp4 in dolphin smothly could try my patch ? i have done some test but i would like to be sure it works , unlucly here with phonon i have some problems and i can't get it work with mp4 18:52
Peace-if you say yes i will give you the stuff 18:53
apacheloggerPeace-: in 14.04?18:53
Peace-apachelogger: yep18:53
apacheloggerPeace-: see mail to kubuntu-devel about gstreamer-ffmpeg18:53
Peace-i have seen but maybe you got something that works :D18:54
Peace-i suppose you did not at this point18:54
apacheloggerPeace-: sure, install phonon-backend-vlc -> kcmshell4 phonon -> backends tab -> select vlc -> restart dolphin :P18:54
Peace-apachelogger: i have trouble with that too 18:54
Peace-i can't undestand why18:54
Peace-with original dolphin btw18:54
apacheloggervery peculiar18:55
apacheloggerPeace-: send me an email please18:55
Peace-ok 18:55
Peace-apachelogger: correct? apachelogger@kubuntu.org18:57
Sputapachelogger: would it be a good idea to use QMediaPlayer instead of Phonon on Qt5 (as apparently there's no Windows backend for Phonon5 yet)?21:21
SputI mean, just for playing an audio notification21:21
SputI have no idea if that properly plays in something like KDE21:21
Riddelloh kamoso also wants gstreamer0.10-x22:40
Riddellhmm and libqtwebkit4 isn't through yet fooey22:42
yofelthat's FTBFS22:43
Riddell"undefined reference to `WebCore::FullScreenVideoWindow::showFullScreen()'"22:44
Riddelllooks unrelated to the gstreamer patch I added22:44
yofelPeace pointed to a patch that might be useful22:44
yofel<Peace-> yofel: could be usefull ? https://qt-project.org/forums/viewthread/2992622:45
Riddellmm, probably worth me compiling that22:46
RiddellDarkwing: yes?23:01
Riddellkubotu: newversion akonadi 1.12.023:19
* valorie {{{{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}}}} Darkwing23:21
valoriecongratulations, daddy!23:21

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