
=== jono is now known as Guest43238
dholbachgood morning07:57
philipballewhey dholbach08:42
dholbachhi philipballew08:52
philipballewhope all is well in the world of dholbach these days.09:22
dholbachyep, all's good over here :-)09:22
dholbachhow are you?09:22
philipballewdholbach, life is good. Just always working. Should have a month off in a little while so I will go take a trip somewhere. How is that German winter?09:24
dholbachvery nice09:25
dholbachspring has started already09:25
elfyspring !!! woohoo09:25
dholbachyes - it's awesome09:25
philipballewdholbach, nice! Spring has hit here as well.09:29
elfyphilipballew: funny that given we are in the same hemisphere :p09:30
* philipballew avoids posting the temperature of where he lives.09:30
philipballewelfy, North Hemisphere is best hemisphere!09:31
elfyit is when I am in it :D09:31
elfyat least we get spring at the right time of the year :)09:31
philipballewthe toilet flushes the right way here elfy09:31
jussithe US have funny swirly toilets09:32
philipballewjussi, here in the us we use a lot of water in our toilets.09:32
philipballewmaybe because we flush the tp?09:33
philipballewnot sure why actually...09:33
jussiyeah, its not real nice when you are used to "normal" toilets09:33
philipballewjussi, where do you live? :)09:34
josedpm: hey, sent you an email09:34
* jose goes to bed09:34
josewhoops, completely forgot the Q&A was happening, sorry if I interrupted anyone in the middle09:37
jussiphilipballew: Finland09:38
philipballewjussi, oh nice. Never been there, but I bet it is a nice place.09:39
dholbachall right... I'll relocate - bbiab09:56
popeyjose: we need to move the app clinic to next week, so no clinic this week.12:27
czajkowskicatching up on irc on lunch12:39
czajkowskihows folks12:39
czajkowskijoys of risoto it reheats well12:39
czajkowskiwell may be subjective though12:39
jussimmm, risotto!12:40
jussihai czajkowski12:40
czajkowskibacon and butternut squash12:42
czajkowskijussi: alo12:42
jussiczajkowski: sounds excellent12:42
czajkowskijussi: where abouts are you based?12:43
jussiczajkowski: I currently reside near to helsinki12:43
czajkowskiah we have a MUG there12:48
czajkowskicurrently trying to find a venue for Oslo and also either Helsinki or Oslo for a larger event in the coming months.12:48
czajkowskisooooo expensive12:48
jussiczajkowski: pm me some requirements12:48
czajkowskion the plus side may mean a trip to there :)12:56
czajkowskianyone in Milan, Rome, Barcelona, will be invading next week in italy and only the 15th Barcelona12:56
jcastromarcoceppi, https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-0qCTsUqMuAs/UzI9Y8yH1XI/AAAAAAAAcR8/5ZHSFCP8LCM/w675-h472-no/photo.GIF13:49
marcoceppijcastro: hahaha13:49
josepopey: same time as usual re: app design clinics?15:19
josepopey: what's John's nick on iRC?15:29
joseon freenode?15:29
josewow, lucky15:29
popeyi was asking "john who"?15:29
joseoh, design team? John Lea15:29
joseok, all set for next week!15:30
joseif anyone wants some fun, I found this on G+ today: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/which-operating-system15:31
popeywonder what that returns on ubuntu phone15:45
czajkowskianyone on trustry noticed on chromium videos are not playing on youtube straight away, you need to hit refresh15:47
popeyworks here15:47
czajkowskiwondering is itmy machine15:50
czajkowskimost odd though15:50
dholbachall right - I call it a day - see you all tomorrow! hugs!17:22
josejcastro: hey, have a min to give me a hand with discourse?17:27
jcastrolike set up?17:27
josejcastro: like discourse.u.c17:27
jcastrosure, ask!17:28
josewell, I was trying to register with username jose, and says it's not available, but the user page doesn't exist17:28
joseso I'm not sure if it's marked private for some reason or there's a limitation I'm not aware of17:28
jcastrohow do you pick a username?17:29
jcastroit just uses ubuntu sso?17:29
josecorrect, I login via SSO and when creating an account it auto-fills in17:29
jcastrohmm, minimum length is 317:31
joseoh, says already registered17:32
jcastroI don't see any jose's17:32
josethat's why I was wondering17:32
jcastromarcoceppi, ^^^17:35
marcoceppijcastro: we're connected to the central discourse hub17:35
jcastrooh so it's a shared namespace?17:36
marcoceppijcastro: yes17:41
marcoceppijcastro: they didn't turn it on for the longest time though17:41
joseI'll use joseeantonior, then, thanks guys!17:42
czajkowskipleia2: sorry for the delay :)19:14
czajkowskiall sent19:14
pleia2and blogged! thanks :)19:18
chilicuilhi, does anyone knows how I could get a tablecloth with Ubuntu art?, I've been seen some ubuntu local teams use them when they attend to conferences or similar activities, I'm part of the Ubuntu-mx team and I would like to get one of those for our online public meetings =)22:17
josechilicuil: verified teams get them the first time they're verified ever22:20
chilicuiljose: that's kind of weird then, because we actually got verified two years ago, and we didn't receive a tablecloth, we've received dvds and other ubuntu marketing material, but not tablecloths22:28
josechilicuil: you have to request it, let me do a quick check for you...22:28
josechilicuil: looks like no one requested them22:29
chilicuiljose: awesome!22:30
josehttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuAtConferences/ApprovedTeamGift has info on how you can request it22:30
josethey'll get you a banner (it's huge, plan where you'll store it when not in use) and a tablecloth :)22:30
chilicuiljose: cool, I'll read it carefully =)!22:31
chilicuiljose: thanks for your help22:31
josenp, if you have any questions just let me know22:31
josechilicuil: btw, there's a typo on ubuntu-mx's LP Team description, says XUbuntu and KUbuntu instead of Xubuntu and Kubuntu22:36
chilicuiljose: thanks, I'll comment it to our core team so they can get it fixed =)22:37

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