
=== ph_afk is now known as ph
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sgo11darkxst, hi, sorry to interrupt you. did you see my last comment in bug #1288572 ? should I fire another bug for this issue? thanks.02:32
ubot5bug 1288572 in gnome-shell "Nvidia driver does not work in Ubuntu GNOME trusty "14.04" (Optimus laptop) " [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128857202:32
=== FJKong_afk is now known as FJKong
darkxstsgo11, gdm works fine with multiple monitors here03:51
=== ph_afk is now known as ph
darkxstsgo11, ocassionally when I do get flickering of second monitor it will go away after switching to a VT and back03:52
=== ph is now known as Guest74337
darkxstsgo11, and that is most likely a bug in the nvidia driver03:53
sgo11darkxst, I can always reproduce this flickering issue. 100%. It will not go away after switching to a VT and back here. Do I need to fire another bug for this? thanks.04:19
darkxstsgo11, yes file another bug05:26
sgo11darkxst, do I need to wait your fix released before opening another bug? Your gdm fix is not released yet and I am using your gdm now.05:27
darkxstdoes it happen with lightdm also?05:28
sgo11darkxst, no. lightdm is fine.05:29
darkxstand does it persist after you login to gnome-shell?05:32
sgo11darkxst, no. gnome-shell is working fine with multiple displays. I have to clarify this: I can not login to gnome-shell in gdm with multiple displays. since it's flickering btw grey and black background. I can not see user account etc.. What I did is: login to gnome-shell with one display setup and then plugged in another external VGA monitor after login. gnome-shell works fine with this.05:35
darkxstfile a bug05:36
sgo11darkxst, ok. I am using "" your ppa version. hopefully that is OK for opening a bug.05:37
darkxstapport will refuse to file it probably05:38
sgo11darkxst, I am running ubuntu-bug now. chose Xorg.05:38
sgo11darkxst, bug #129763005:48
ubot5bug 1297630 in gdm (Ubuntu) "GDM does not work in multiple displays in nvidia driver (nvidia-331) (trusty) (optimus laptop)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129763005:48
darkxstsgo11, do add details of the external monitor, DVI/HDMI etc? and xrandr -q output05:52
sgo11it's VGA. I will add it.05:52
sgo11darkxst, comment added. thanks.05:55
darkxstat a wild guess its trying to clone the 1920x1080 onto the laptop display05:58
darkxstwhich obviously your laptop wouldnt be able to display05:59
=== Guest74337 is now known as ph1
Noskcajdarkxst, Are there any 3.12 components you want?06:26
NoskcajI think gnome-backgrounds is worthwhile, since it's just translation fixes from our current version06:27
darkxstyeh that can be updated, but not right now06:27
darkxstgiven its beta freeze06:28
Noskcajyep. I'll just build up some sync bugs while the freeze is up06:28
x-Nadarkxst, steps to reproduce added to the bug07:28
x-Nadarkxst, I'll try to get the backtrace when I get back @ home from work.09:52
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Noskcajdarkxst, Should we package the new alacarte release? From what i understand, it's needed for the package to function20:58
darkxstNoskcaj, is there a bug report for that?20:59
Noskcajlp:1244087 lp:1259717 lp:1277868 lp:1235994 and lp:1249603 should all be related, i'm not sure if all are fixed21:00
Noskcajbut the 3.10 release was why xubuntu had to drop alacarte21:00
darkxstthose bugs are all from 13.10?21:02
Noskcajalacarte 3.10 was part of 13.1021:03
Noskcajalthough now the build is failing with http://paste.ubuntu.com/7159088/21:08
darkxstNoskcaj, if its really broken and you can confirm the update fixes it, then it will be fine21:10
darkxstthe main thing now is that all uploads have a clear bugwork trail21:10
Noskcajthen, um, Is anyone able to test the new alacarte release for me?21:11
darkxstNoskcaj, that looks like your internet being flaky?21:11
darkxstwhy don't you test it!21:11
NoskcajThe fact that this laptop is incredibly broken as it is, and would probably crash from installing it21:12
Noskcajand i'm not sure if it works on xfce4-whiskermenu21:13
NoskcajI'll try and test it when i get home from school if no one else has21:14
Noskcajalso, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7158954/ is my todo list for the next few days, if you can update any of them, it would be great21:20
Noskcajbut i have school now, bye21:20
=== makije is now known as makije|away
morschhi there23:30
morschI cross-installed ubuntu gnome desktop on my otherwise vanilla ubuntu 14.04 install23:30
morschand I'm now in a gnome session23:31
morschbut I'm getting trippy graphics artefacts23:31
morschknown issue?23:31
morschthis is what I'm talking about http://i.imgur.com/Ji3UPjg.png23:33

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