
cwaynethomi, so something like this? https://code.launchpad.net/~cwayne18/address-book-app/autopilot-upstart/+merge/21274700:18
thomicwayne: yup, that looks good. Not sure what else was in 'self.ARGS', and if you need that in upstart-land00:20
thomibut that's the right idea00:20
thomiI gotta go to lunch, but ping me if you need anything else00:20
cwayneall that was in there was --desktop-file-hint00:20
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lotuspsychjewhats the progress of ubuntu touch on tablets? any stable yet?02:06
lotuspsychjeoh nvm i found this: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/03/ubuntu-tablets-coming-year02:09
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adh0cHey, does anyone know why the Nexus 7 (WIFI 2012 - grouper) has been deprecated?03:20
adh0cAt the time, Ubuntu touch was about half the reason I got the tablet in the first place. :-(03:21
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nhainesadh0c: Because it's a different chipset, whereas the 2013 Nexus 7 has the same chipset as Nexus 4, I believe.04:01
nhainesadh0c: the goal is just to get the OS ready so that devices can ship and OEMs can pay for hardware enablement.  Nexus support is only around until devices are out.04:02
adh0cnhaines: That would make sense.  Guess I'm stuck with boring old android.04:13
nhainesadh0c: afraid so. :(04:27
Mirvdavmor2: nope05:14
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tvossw00t, good morning07:34
w00tthe only good morning is a dead one ;)07:35
tvossthat sets the stage ;)07:36
zenpitanyone on?08:05
zenpitI have a quick ? on how to set up mobile networks. Very new to ubuntu, and only dabbled with linux for 3 years (Mint 12 to Fedora 17-19)08:06
zenpithey guys08:10
zenpityall manage to get the network running for carriers on touch?08:10
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dholbachgood morning08:58
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JamesTaitGood morning all!  Happy Purple Day! :-D09:07
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davmor2Saviq: I have a general bug against scopes what package do I target?10:05
Saviqdavmor2, what do you mean "general"? :)10:06
Saviqdavmor2, probably unity8, and we'll reassign as needed10:06
davmor2Saviq: it effect all scopes10:07
Saviqdavmor2, could mean you want unity-scopes-api, too10:07
Saviqdavmor2, that's the scope-facing API10:07
davmor2Saviq: with the new scopes scroll up the page till the header disappears, then pull it back down, then on the header select a new scope10:08
davmor2Saviq: when the header says you are on the new scope scroll back up and the icons run into the header as a secondary bug10:08
Saviqdavmor2, that's UI - unity810:10
Saviqdavmor2, all UI bugs are unity810:10
davmor2Saviq: great thanks10:10
Saviqdavmor2, see comment on bug #129777010:36
ubot5bug 1297770 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Scopes scroll down till header goes seems to lock the scope in place" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129777010:36
Saviqdavmor2, we really don't want to touch the header unless the issue is really bad10:37
Saviqsince we'll be replacing the header whole10:37
davmor2Saviq: do you know when that work is likely to land?11:04
Saviqdavmor2, hopefully within a few weeks - if not, we'll spend some time fixing them with the old header then11:09
davmor2didrocks: ^  so scope swipe side to side still works just the header that is broken.  Hence saying I wouldn't block on it.  Also it seems pretty pointless work if it is going away anyway  but I'm not sure how to address it.  We can make a comment on the bug I guess11:11
didrocksdavmor2: needs to be discussed and approved by QA + management11:13
didrocksdavmor2: I won't give advice on promotion or not seeing the latest feedback :)11:13
davmor2didrocks: that's fine I'll pass it up my line then11:13
sergiusensMirv, can you take a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/phablet-extras/qtbase-opensource-src-gles/+merge/211808 ?11:24
davmor2Saviq: So I'll let jfunk know in a bit and comment on the bug.11:32
Saviqdavmor2, ok11:36
dpmhi ogra_, we're adding a scopes template project to the SDK, which will require new dependencies to be installed: libunity-scopes-dev unity-scope-tool - after a discussion with bzoltan it seems we could add them to the seeds or to the qt creator plugin, but you'd be the best person to ask for advice. So what do you recommend we should do to ensure these dependencies are installed for Qt Creator to work properly with the new scopes template?11:48
ogra_dpm, is it needed at runtime ?11:49
dpmogra_, libunity-scopes-dev is needed at build time to actually build the scope, and unity-scope-tool is needed at run time to run the scope from Qt Creator11:50
ogra_dpm, libunity-scopes-dev should go into sdk-libs-dev in the seed then (and if it has a runtime equivalent this needs to go to sdk-libs), unity-scope-tool sounds like it should be a dep of the SDK itself11:51
dpmthanks ogra_11:52
dpmpstolowski, bzoltan ^11:53
ogra_(runtime would likely be libunity-scopes0 by the looks of it)11:53
dpmI'm guessing libunity-scopes0 is already installed so that scopes can work at all11:54
ogra_though a dep perhaps ... it is not seeded atm11:55
ogra_yeah, comes in via unity-scope-scopes11:55
dpmok, cool11:56
ogra_so only the -dev side needs seeding11:56
dpmsounds good11:56
ogra_dpm, seeds changed, i'll take care for the meta upload11:58
pstolowskidpm, ogra_ looks sensible, thanks11:59
dpmogra_, to make sure I get it right: you're adding it to the desktop seeds so that Qt Creator has those dependencies installed, but not to the touch image, correct?12:02
ogra_dpm, i'm adding it to ubuntu-touch-sdk-dev12:03
ogra_(which i assume the SDK depends on) ... i.e. to our API framework12:03
dpmthanks ogra_. pstolowski, bzoltan, could you comment on that, to make sure we've got them in the right place? ^12:04
ogra_ah, sorry, the binary is only called: ubuntu-sdk-libs-dev12:05
ogra_no touch in the name :)12:05
dpmah, ok12:05
ogra_on any case the meta package is ready for upload here ... i'll upload once i get confirmation12:06
dpmthanks ogra_, we'll come back to you as soon as I can get hold of the sdk guys12:10
ogra_no hurry12:11
t1mpdpm: the sdk guys are now all in a meeting12:11
dpmok, thanks t1mp :)12:11
dpmI'll bug you when you're done :)12:11
dpmmarcustomlinson, re: bug 1297397 I was helping kyleN trying to reproduce it, but to answer the questions in the comments, it seems that he had up-to-date packages. I'm not sure if the Author= think would be the cause for the missing symbol error. Do you have any ideas?12:18
ubot5bug 1297397 in unity-scopes-api "missing symbol" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129739712:18
tonikaschhi, any help with porting guide?12:21
marcustomlinsondpm: the author field is not the only problem but it is one of them. The missing symbol I'm pretty sure is due to linking against an older lib.12:22
dpmmarcustomlinson, yeah, it seems the symbol comes from libzmq3, but he had the latest version installed12:24
tonikaschhi! using https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/AndroidDevel   "Removals"... do you know how to make this error go away? *** ubuntu/libhybris/compat/media: MODULE.TARGET.EXECUTABLES.codec already defined by frameworks/av/cmds/stagefright.12:28
marcustomlinsondpm: you mean libzmqpp3?12:30
dpmmarcustomlinson, yes, sorry, the C++ bindings, so libzmqpp312:33
* ogra_ wonders if people that name libs *ever* try to promounce what they name their libs :P12:34
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seb128Mirv, seems like https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtdeclarative-opensource-src/5.2.1-3ubuntu11 has regressions12:51
seb128Mirv, e.u.c has reports starting with that version, see https://errors.ubuntu.com/problem/85c403c4a05cd32a48a73b226340850faa45e78512:52
seb128in fact those seem to hit an abort in libqubuntumirclient.so12:52
seb128so maybe it's qtubuntu that has a regression ... but that didn't change recently12:53
Mirvtsdgeos: Saviq: ^ were there some new crashes recently? can you think if those patches in ubuntu11 could cause some problems? there are the V4 patches that replaced the abandoned x86 register fix, and then Don-t-crash-on-Runtime-getQmlImportedScripts.patch and Fix-global-object-handling-in-worker-script-JS-files.patch12:57
Mirvseb128: in the image results there doesn't seem to be a bump in crashes when that qtdeclarative went in12:58
Mirvbut there are some untraced crashes otherwise with qt 5.212:58
seb128Mirv, well look at the non debug bt in e.g https://errors.ubuntu.com/oops/3f8e7c0c-b4d3-11e3-90de-fa163e707a7212:58
seb128#4 0xb3e0d94c in ?? () from /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/qt5/plugins/platforms/libqubuntumirclient.so12:58
seb128that hits an abort()12:59
seb128so maybe a change in qtubuntu or mir (though those didn't change recently)12:59
seb128issues started yesterday12:59
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Mirvnone of the 5 images with the ubuntu11 have a qmlscene .crash file in the image dashboard, just unity8 etc crashes. it would be useful to get a traceable crash.13:05
seb128it would13:05
seb128those might come from a silo somebody is tested13:05
seb128e.u.c could be better at providing those infos13:05
seb128is qtubuntu or mir in a silo?13:05
MirvI guess the 3 V4 patches all should only affect x86, and the other two patches were fixes for bug #1294181 and bug #129401913:06
ubot5bug 1294181 in Ubuntu Calendar App "Autopilot tests crashing in switch_to_tab helper" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129418113:06
ubot5bug 1294019 in qtdeclarative-opensource-src (Ubuntu) "WorkerScript loaded script cannot define functions or variables" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129401913:06
Mirvqtubuntu is in the right edge preparation silo13:06
seb128well, it's unsure it's qtdeclarative, reports goes there because it's qmlscene which hits the bug13:06
Mirvand mir in the greeter silo13:06
seb128so my bet would be that it's a bug in one of those silos13:06
Mirvthat would explain not seeing it in the image results13:07
seb128is the right edge silo owned by Saviq?13:08
seb128Saviq, ^13:08
Mirvyes, as is the greeter one13:09
hedz09ogra_: I built the 3.2 kernel with sgx, it seems to boot fine but the kernel doesn't support the LCD :(. Is there any other way to display the UI to see if it is working?13:13
ogra_hedz09, i dont know of any other than actually having a screen13:13
cwaynezsombi, hiya, any idea why the ubuntuuitoolkit autopilot tests are getting stuck at: 08:29:48.917 DEBUG dbus:432 - Selecting objects of any type with attributes: {'objectName': 'testListElement5'}13:16
cwayne08:29:49.482 INFO logging:45 - QQuickListView: _show_more_elements_below. Arguments (). Keyword arguments: {}.13:16
cwayne08:29:49.639 DEBUG _uinput:546 - Dragging from 432,413 to 432,10013:16
cwaynefor 5 hours?13:16
ogra_must be many objects :)13:17
cwaynebut it also only happens on the touch_custom suite, which shows up as never finishing :(13:18
zsombicwayne: no idea....13:23
cwaynezsombi, damn.  i logged a bug here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/1297846 for it, this is kinda blocking the customized image testing13:25
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1297846 in ubuntu-ui-toolkit (Ubuntu) "ubuntuuitoolkit tests hang on touch_custom suite" [Undecided,New]13:25
SaviqMirv, seb128, still not sure you need me for anything :)13:26
seb128Saviq, those reports might be an abort in the edge ppa, so it's a fyi13:26
zsombicwayne: if it only happens with the customized image, I'd need more input to reproduce it13:26
Saviqseb128, which reports?13:26
seb128Saviq, it's an issue with qtubuntu that started somewhere yesterday, we didn't have archive uploads13:26
seb128Saviq, read backlog?13:27
Saviqseb128, yeah, but didn't see what this related to...13:27
seb128Saviq, the urls I gave to Mirv 35 minutes ago13:27
cwaynezsombi, sure, what input would be helpful?13:27
Saviqseb128, /me reads further up13:27
seb128Saviq, https://errors.ubuntu.com/problem/85c403c4a05cd32a48a73b226340850faa45e78513:27
cwaynejust steps to reproduce? it's been hard for me to repro locally, but happens in the dashboard 100% of the time13:27
SaviqMirv, no, no new crashes that could be caused by v4 afaict, we have three distinct ones we're looking into, one we can't reproduce, another is fixed by thumbnailer going into UITK, one more on exit, so not critical13:27
zsombicwayne: like what is the custom stuff you are using, so I can set teh same env13:27
seb128Saviq, click on individual reports are the bottom of the page, those have non debug bts but they hit an abort in libqubuntumirclient.so13:27
cwaynezsombi, ubuntu-device-flash --channel devel-proposed-customized has it all13:28
zsombicwayne: would you mind to add this to the bug?13:28
Saviqseb128, mhm13:28
cwaynenot at all, i'll add as much info as i can get13:28
seb128Saviq, since that started yesterday and neither qtubuntu or mir changed in the archive, I guess it might be reports from testers of a silo13:28
Saviqseb128, could be, yeah13:28
zsombicwayne: also, would be nice to know what this image contain that is custom: theme? where's that located? what else?13:29
Saviqshame we don't get that info in errors :|13:29
seb128indeed :/13:29
seb128it's qmlscene which hits the error13:29
seb128so we get depends info from that one13:29
seb128but it's not very useful there13:29
seb128we might want to add some apport hook to collect more infos for qmlscene issues13:29
seb128like we could always include ppa in use versions, or versions of other things in the stack13:30
seb128like qtubuntu or mir13:30
cwaynezsombi, the theme AIUI should be the only thing that would affect this.. just added a bunch of info to the bug13:30
hedz09ogra_: hmm, no vnc server I guess?13:32
zsombicwayne: awesome! thx!13:32
ogra_hedz09, heh, nope, Mir is still pretty young, no fancy third party apps that support it yet13:32
cwaynezsombi, np, please let me know if there's anything else I could add, i've been trying to figure this guy out for awhile now :)13:33
ogra_hedz09, we just only got screenshooting support :)13:33
zsombicwayne: I hope I'll be able to repro on the device :)13:33
zsombicwayne: it could be that there was some style element the AP is trying to look after...13:33
cwaynezsombi, i hope you're able to reproduce too :)13:35
kyleNhey marcustomlinson. Thanks for looking at bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity-scopes-api/+bug/1297397. As you can see the undefined symbol happens when running unity-scope-tool even without a scope (no .ini file as arg).13:42
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1297397 in unity-scopes-api "missing symbol" [Undecided,In progress]13:42
hedz09ogra_: ahh :).13:42
tsdgeosMirv: can't really say tbh13:52
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cwaynezsombi, i think i reproduced here14:02
cwayneim not seeing the same output though, but it appears hung14:02
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cwayneyep, definitely got it frozen here14:09
sergiusensslangasek, can you take a look at https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/phablet-extras/qtbase-opensource-src-gles/+merge/211808 when you have a minute? Need to know if this is the right direction14:11
cwaynezsombi, ^ any logs, debugging I can add to the bug since i've got it int his state14:11
tsdgeosMirv: i ran crypto.js in the phone that is the problem that was because of the register thing and works fine14:11
tsdgeosso may be or may not, but at least is not the exact problem we had14:12
Mirvtsdgeos: sounds good14:16
zsombicwayne: add whatever you get14:16
cwaynezsombi, nothing useful that i can see.. just dpkg-architecture: warning: couldn't determine gcc system type, falling back to default (native compilation) a bunch14:20
zsombicwayne: that's irrelevant14:20
cwayneyeah, that's what i figured14:20
cwaynebut that's all that i see in stdout14:20
cwayneunless there's some logfile it dumps somewhere14:20
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rickspencer3hey all, is there a way for me to take a screenshot using adb these days?14:36
seb128rickspencer3, https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntu-phone/msg06853.html14:36
rickspencer3thanks seb12814:36
rickspencer3that looks complicated lol14:37
ogra_time to get that merged into phablet-screenshot i guess14:37
nijois there any way i can be a part of ubuntu touch dev team??14:37
* ogra_ saw seb128 pasting this twiice already today14:37
rickspencer3thanks to ogra_ for making it simple :)14:37
rickspencer3I was wondering why seb128 had it so easy at hand14:37
seb128ogra_, yeah, people keep asking about it :p14:38
rickspencer3nice one ogra, works great14:40
ogra_next stop ... videos :)14:40
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sergiusensrickspencer3, there's an MR from someone which I acked and ogra_ seems to as well; but not sure about the contributor agreement and all that stuff14:46
ogra_sergiusens, nope, i set it to "needs work"14:46
sergiusensI think we decided phablet-tools was free for all, but need to confirm14:46
ogra_asking to get the hardcoded resolutions ripped out first14:46
sergiusensogra_, oh, did you see the updates though? it has14:46
ogra_but i think i'll just prepare another MP that does this14:46
rickspencer3sergiusens, ogra_ you are asking if phablet tools falls under the contributor agreement?14:46
sergiusensrickspencer3, yes14:46
ogra_sergiusens, ah, no, i didnt see code updates :)14:47
* ogra_ goes checking14:47
rickspencer3sergiusens, I don't think it does, pmcgowan ^ do you know? is it listed on the wiki?14:47
ogra_it is a bunch of scripts ... i wouldnt put it under the agreement ... but IANAL :)14:48
ogra_sergiusens, ok, one issue with manta in that code change ...14:49
sergiusensogra_, put that in the MR :-)14:49
pmcgowanrickspencer3, we do not have it listed, but that was not an explicit decision afaik14:50
rickspencer3pmcgowan okay14:51
rickspencer3I think that we probably won't list it, but let me follow up14:51
pmcgowanseems fine either way14:52
pmcgowanjust scripts as ogra says, and a little Go?14:52
ogra_i dont think there is go in phablet-tools14:52
ogra_shell and python14:52
pmcgowansergiusens, when I do adb devices -l on a Flo it tells me the following:14:56
pmcgowan05f10a69               device usb:2-1.2 product:occam model:Nexus_4 device:mako14:56
pmcgowanis that expected?14:56
ogra_pmcgowan, totally not14:57
ogra_is that fully booted into a working system ?14:57
sergiusensogra_, didn't you already log a bug for that?14:57
ogra_and there is definitely nowhere a mako attached to that machine14:57
pmcgowanand nope14:57
pmcgowanyes its fully booted and there is no mako attached14:58
ogra_sergiusens, no, it should not happen anymore except from initrd where we have it hardcoded14:58
pmcgowanrick saw the same14:58
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pmcgowanI have build 237 here14:58
pmcgowanshould update this thing14:58
ogra_the gadget setup happens completely from the android side now14:58
ogra_which means it should use the values from there14:58
sergiusenspmcgowan, you are missing out on the new scopes; they look really nice.... and useful!14:58
ogra_so on flo it should also say flo14:59
pmcgowanogra_, but rickspencer3 saw it with latest promoted14:59
quebrehello all14:59
quebrei have question14:59
ogra_pmcgowan, yeah14:59
ogra_ogra@styx:~$ adb devices -l14:59
ogra_List of devices attached14:59
ogra_07b2f660               device usb:3-1 product:occam model:Nexus_4 device:mako14:59
ogra_me too14:59
quebredo i need to have bootloader unlocked in order to start building ?14:59
sergiusensquebre, not for building; just for installing15:01
quebresergiusens: i have Samsung tab 3 SM-T210 - i think it have locked bootloader - if it is locked, can i unlock it ?15:01
sergiusensquebre, not sure how that one works, if it uses fastboot, yes; don't think there's a concept of locks for other devices15:02
quebresergiusens: hmm, how can i check if the bootloader is locked ? and how to check if it uses fastboot ? sorry if questions are lame but i'm complete noob, just started learning this stuff..15:03
sergiusensquebre, I really don't now the specs of your device; can you google around a bit?15:03
quebresergiusens: in specification it should say whether it uses fastboot right ?15:04
sergiusenswell, not sure15:04
sergiusensquebre, just figure out how to get a custom recovery15:04
pmcgowanogra_, any idea what the issue is?15:05
ogra_pmcgowan, not without digging15:05
ogra_we dont set anything for the device on the ubuntu side anymore ... at least we shouldnt, i have to check if i have overseen anything15:05
quebresergiusens: you meant recovery from the TWRP program ?15:06
quebresergiusens: i have TWRP installed on that rooted tablet..15:06
ogra_on the ubuntu side we only start adbd now when the property is set in android, we dont put any additional configuration in15:06
sergiusensquebre, yeah; then you should be fine, we use a different recovery, but if you can install the built recovery, you should be fine15:07
quebresergiusens: built in recovery ?...15:07
ogra_pmcgowan, i assume it properly says Nexus7 in nautilus and other places ?15:07
pmcgowanogra_, yes15:08
sergiusensquebre, after you do the portig, you will have a recovery.img15:08
* ogra_ will check after the meeting he is in ... had to move to another machine15:08
slangaseksergiusens: https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/phablet-extras/qtbase-opensource-src-gles/+merge/211808> I'm surprised you need to build separate gles versions of the database packages (libqt5-sql5-{mysql,odbc,sqlite,...}) ?  Surely these binaries are unaffected by the GL/GLES ABI, and we should have only one version of these in the archive15:12
slangaseksergiusens: likewise a number of the other binaries listed there15:13
sergiusensslangasek, I'm just building them, but don't plan to use them to avoid to a big delta in the packaging; should be easy to remove though15:15
slangaseksergiusens: I don't want them in the archive at all :)15:15
sergiusensslangasek, I'll remove that then ;) is the rest ok though?15:16
slangaseksergiusens: as far as I can see15:16
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rickspencer3mhall119, is that click package validator available in QtCreator today?15:29
popeyrickspencer3: been in there for a while15:30
rickspencer3popey, how do I get to it?15:30
popeypackaging button on left15:30
rickspencer3popey, right, so I get hte packaging form, but I don't see the validation15:30
popeysorry, publish button15:30
ogra_slangasek, probably the databases work faster if they have hardware acceleration support :)15:30
popeyrickspencer3: qtc 3.0.1?15:31
rickspencer3popey, I did a dist-upgrade this morning, so should have the latest, right?15:31
rickspencer3fwiw, the plugins dialog says the plugin is 3.0.115:32
popeyrickspencer3: hmm, i last tested it some weeks back..15:32
popeyrickspencer3: do you have click-reviewers-tools installed?15:32
rickspencer3popey, nope15:33
rickspencer3shall install that package?15:33
popeyyou need that15:33
slangasekogra_: I'm sure it's possible to write stored procedures in GL15:33
rickspencer3now restart QtCreator, I guess?15:33
ogra_mterry, nice new animation for the bootsplash !15:34
mterryogra_, you like it?  Nice.  MacSlow is working on a tweak that makes it a spinning logo instead of just a busy spinner  :)15:34
mhall119bzoltan: click-reviewers-tools really should be a recommends on the ubuntu sdk metapackage15:35
ogra_i like the current one though ... but yeah, spinning logo will be nice as well15:35
popeyrickspencer3: ya15:35
bzoltanmhall119:  it is afaik15:35
MacSlowogra_, newer bling soon :)15:35
rickspencer3now time to try the new scanner, etc... :)15:35
ogra_MacSlow, cant wait !"15:35
popeyits very neat15:35
MacSlowmaybe I can manage to sneak in cloth anim ;)15:36
mhall119bzoltan: ah, so probably just rickspencer3 needed to apt-get install --fix-policy to make it add that15:37
popeymhall119: heh, just ran that and pulled in a bunch more packages15:39
ogra_mterry, hrm, looking at a bootchart of the split greeter atm, is iot really necessary to start *all* indicators in the lightdm session ?15:39
mterryogra_, which ones aren't used?15:39
ogra_even multiple times15:39
mterrymultiple times?  that sounds like a bug15:40
ogra_mterry, yeah, its only three indicators, but they start 6 times each ... i mistook that for 18 indicators :P15:40
mterryogra_, start 6 times!?15:41
mterryogra_, I did not notice that15:41
mterryogra_, hmm I bet they are starting before unity8 is up.  I'll play with that15:42
ogra_mterry, http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/greeter-bootchart.png15:42
mterryogra_, neat thanks15:43
ogra_-datetime only starts twice15:43
mterrygood ol' datetime15:44
ogra_but -power and -location seems to be in a loop15:44
ogra_maliit-server starts twice too15:44
ogra_hmm ... and the greeter itself seems to also start several times15:45
ogra_ah no the first two seem to be some script the text is cropped after greeter-15:48
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seb128dbarth, oSoMoN: seems like the 03-19 webbrowser-app updated started hitting errors, see https://errors.ubuntu.com/problem/3b4bb118a9479a6dd49d5fe57af9934f7f331ee415:52
seb128hum, those are issues from qtubuntumir.so as well though15:52
seb128could be the same issue I pointed Saviq at earlier15:53
seb128Saviq, ^15:53
ogra_pmcgowan, aha .... ! i think that wrong naming is  PC side, the udev rules for adb dont know about flo15:58
pmcgowanI wondered15:58
Saviqseb128, it's unlikely that silo 015 has anything to do with that, though...15:58
davmor2popey: pffff rickspencer3 had my hopes raised then I thought that app was call dbiscuit :D15:59
popeygets me every time too15:59
seb128Saviq, right...15:59
Saviqseb128, there's only removal of sflinger support in that silo15:59
Saviqseb128, doesn't actually touch any existing code15:59
seb128Saviq, yeah, likely something else then...16:00
pmcgowanogra_, which files is that?16:00
seb128Saviq, shame we don't have a debug bt and versions info16:00
ogra_pmcgowan, /lib/udev/rules.d/70-android-tools-fastboot.rules ... but adding 4ee2 there doesnt change it16:00
Saviqseb128, yeah, that weird :|16:00
ogra_pmcgowan, i think there is code involved in adbd too16:01
ogra_    static const char *values[] = {16:02
ogra_        "occam",16:02
ogra_        "Nexus 4",16:02
ogra_        "mako",16:02
ogra_    };16:02
ogra_there we go16:02
dbarthseb128: what's that?16:02
ogra_pmcgowan, so the bug is in android-tools, adbd has the values hardcode16:03
pmcgowanogra_, I see16:03
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ogra_pmcgowan, rickspencer3, bug 1297927 for reference16:09
ubot5bug 1297927 in android-tools (Ubuntu) "adbd should not hardcode mako " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129792716:09
rickspencer3thanks ogra_16:09
pmcgowanogra_, you wrote "we hardcode" is that code we modified?16:16
ogra_when we didnt have properties available on the devices we needed to use a hardcoded value else adbd wouldnt start16:17
ogra_it is one of these duct tape and string interim hacks that worked so well that it was forgotten :)16:18
dobeyis unity freezing hard for anyone else on image 262? i've as of yet been unable to unlock the screen at boot up, after 4 reboots16:19
ogra_the prob here is that we still want to be able to start adbd in situations where the property system isnt there ... for porters16:19
ogra_dobey, works fine here apart from some bugs16:19
ogra_(teh shell can go unresponsive but the edges still work for example ... thats a known one)16:20
dobeyno, the edges aren't working at all for me16:20
ogra_right, that sounds like a new one then16:21
dobeythis time for example, the lock screen froze halfway across the screen16:21
dobeyand i can't do anything16:21
ogra_no issues here16:21
ogra_do you have a lot of music on the phone or some such ?16:22
dobeyno, and it's not a phone16:22
dobeyit's 2012 n716:22
dobeyi have nothing on it16:22
ogra_ah, unsupported HW16:22
dobeyjust ubuntu touch and a couple apps i installed16:22
davmor2dobey: I have 99 issues but that ain't one16:23
ogra_yeah, thats most likely tegra related16:23
ogra_we had our reasons to drop it :)16:23
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dobeythat's great, but not helping me16:26
ogra_well, you could file a bug, but i doubt it will be worked on soon16:29
ogra_most likely Mir16:29
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ogra_dpm, so i still have that meta upload sitting on my desktop ... did bzoltan1 answer your question at some point ?16:32
dpmogra_, not yet, just re-pinged him again16:33
bzoltan1ogra_: dpm: sorry, i am commuting right now :) I think it is fine to add that tool to the sdk-dev16:40
dpmthanks bzoltan116:41
bzoltan1dpm: thanks to you :)16:42
ogra_bzoltan1, great, thanks !16:44
daniele_HI, I have read info on ubuntutouch here "https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install" , I'd like to buy a "Nexus 10   manta   mantaray   Active development " .  anyway I don't know how to be sure to recognize the right model, may it be a "samsung"?? may I search a particular "model name" "model number or code"?? thanks16:47
ogra_daniele_, there is only one nexus1016:50
daniele_is it made by samsung?? I found this on amazon http://www.amazon.it/Samsung-Nexus-32GB-Tablet-Computer/dp/B00GZNHHZC/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1395850593&sr=8-8&keywords=Nexus+10#productDetails16:51
daniele_there are also these models anyway ,are all of them to be considered as "nexus 10" ??  http://www.amazon.it/Samsung-Google-Nexus-10/dp/B00ABYXNC2/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1395850593&sr=8-2&keywords=Nexus+10#productDetails   AND http://www.amazon.it/Samsung-Galaxy-Google-Nexus-16GB/dp/B00AGHO3LO/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1395850593&sr=8-1&keywords=Nexus+10#productDetails16:55
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davmor2dobey: I blame you entirely for this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-scope-click/+bug/1297965 ;) feel free to spread the blame though :)17:17
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1297965 in unity-scope-click (Ubuntu) "If I install an app it still shows in Available section" [Undecided,New]17:17
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popeydavmor2: confirmed17:21
davmor2popey: \o/ thanks17:21
dobeydavmor2: does it have a different title on the icon, after you install it?17:24
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davmor2dobey: looks like the space has been removed on the installed version17:26
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dobeydavmor2: ok, it's a dup17:27
dobeyand totally not my fault :)17:27
cwaynepopey, hey, any idea where shorts app gets it's feeds list from?17:28
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davmor2dobey: I didn't say it was your fault I said I blamed you ;)  But then did add to feel free to spread the blame17:30
davmor2sil2100: ^17:31
popeycwayne: how do you mean, the two it gets by default or how it searches for new ones?17:32
cwaynepopey, well, either really17:32
cwaynemostly the two default though17:32
sil2100dobey: hi, so you have any idea what is causing the problem?17:33
popeyshorts-app.qml:            DB.addFeed("" , "http://design.canonical.com/feed/")17:33
popeyshorts-app.qml:            DB.addFeed("" , "http://voices.canonical.com/feed/atom/")17:33
popeyshorts-app.qml:            DB.addFeed("" , "http://blog.canonical.com/feed/")17:33
popeycwayne: it seeds the database on start if empty17:33
dobeysil2100: the app showing in installed and available both?17:34
cwayneah, which db is that?17:34
popeycwayne: alan@deep-thought:~/.local/share/com.ubuntu.shorts$ ls17:34
popeyDatabases  ShortsSettings17:34
davmor2cwayne: the one you never are allowed access too :P17:34
popey/.local/share/com.ubuntu.shorts/Databases is where it is for me17:34
cwayneah, cool17:35
cwayneso we could pre-seed that in the custom image then :D17:35
popeyyou could17:35
davmor2cwayne: other people could but you break things so you can't :P17:35
cwaynedavmor2, hah, its not my fault i break things, it's part of my job :)17:38
pmcgowanhey popey I am still getting errors on OSMtouch app, even with the package seeded17:50
pmcgowanat least it tries to start now17:50
popeypmcgowan: interesting.. lemme test here17:50
popeypmcgowan: which image?17:50
popeypmcgowan: 262 here17:50
popeydavmor2: did you file a bug about the scopes and headers being out of sync?17:51
popeypmcgowan: works here17:51
popeypmcgowan: http://popey.com/~alan/phablet/device-2014-03-26-175131.png17:51
popeymove to Europe. That'll sort it17:51
pmcgowanpopey, I get this in the log http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7158076/17:52
popeypmcgowan: I'm on osmtouch 0.1.3, you're on 0.1.217:53
pmcgowanpopey, aha!17:53
pmcgowanI just installed it yesterday though17:53
popeylatest version in the store is 0.1.2 - ybon you probably want to push 0.1.3 to the store ☻17:54
* popey goes to do fatherly duties, back later17:54
ybonpopey: sure, I was waiting to a confirm that it works for you17:55
ybonbut now I've updated my phone to 5.2 too, so I will be able to test it myself17:55
popeyybon: works for me.. http://popey.com/~alan/phablet/device-2014-03-26-175131.png18:01
popeyand http://popey.com/~alan/phablet/device-2014-03-26-175235.png18:01
kalikianaI'm getting "Failed to locate image 262" with "ubuntu-device-flash --revision r262 --wipe" - does anyone spot the problem?18:02
sergiusenskalikiana, maybe 262 is not on the server anymore18:03
sergiusensor wrong channel18:03
sergiusens--channel devel-proposed18:03
sergiusensor devel18:03
kalikianahmm lemme add that18:03
ybonpopey: thanks18:03
kalikianayay that's it, thanks!18:03
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ybonpopey: pushed a click18:10
* ybon afk for diner18:10
jdstrandrsalveti: hey, you had a question for me regarding powerd?18:11
rsalvetijdstrand: yeah, solved already, no worries :-)18:15
rsalvetibut thanks for pinging me back18:16
jdstrandoh, now that is what I like to hear :)18:16
jdstrandrsalveti: curious what you implemented18:16
rsalvetijdstrand: just changed the dbus config file for powerd to export just a few methods and properties for the normal user http://paste.ubuntu.com/7154678/18:20
rsalvetihad to add a separated 'allow' for each interface, as we don't want the user to be able to request a suspend blocker18:21
davmor2popey: I did18:21
davmor2popey: however it isn't going to be a blocker as the header is going to change soon18:21
jdstrandrsalveti: cool18:21
jdstrandrsalveti: there was some talk last week about really tightening it down. I think what is here is reasonable, but if we want to go farther, we can18:22
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rsalvetijdstrand: yeah, we might want to tune it later on indeed18:29
rsalvetibut as we're moving quite a bit of that to unity8 itself (screen on/off, etc), we can revisit this later18:29
quebresergiusens: hi are you still online maybe ?18:34
popeyybon: thanks, approved18:34
quebresergiusens: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Building - you said i don't need to have the device in order to build Ubuntu Touch.. but on the site i see the build process is using the device to build..18:35
quebreit's confusing18:35
quebrecan someone tell me whether it is possible to build the Ubuntu Touch without having the smartphone/tablet whatever the target is ?18:37
* jdstrand nods18:37
mhall119quebre: yes18:39
mhall119quebre: specifically are you interested in building the shell (unity8) or a device image?18:40
kenvandineis anyone else having ofono problems on mako?18:42
kenvandinei just noticed my phone isn't connecting to cellular... image 26218:43
kenvandineawe_, ^^18:44
awe_kenvandine, that's the first report I've seen18:45
awe_the NM warnings are harmless ( although I'd love to see that code removed from NM )18:45
awe_however the SIM status too small, doesn't look very good18:45
kenvandinei tried the sim in my android phone, worked fine18:45
awe_kenvandine, we haven't landed anything new at the ofono layer that would cause this18:46
awe_do you see the problem with the last stable image?18:46
cyphermoxawe_: that code won't get removed; the best I am willing to do is drop the severity to debug18:46
kenvandinei haven't tried flashing to the stable image18:46
awe_cyphermox, you can't ifdef it???18:47
kenvandinei'm also not sure when it last worked...18:47
cyphermoxawe_: that code is required for non-ril modems.18:47
kenvandinei probably haven't made any calls on it in a couple days18:47
Stskeepsawe_: totally random question, have you guys ever seen a qcom device just shut down or reboot due to bad RIL interaction?18:47
kenvandineawe_, any chance it could have anything to do with the multi modem code that landed?18:47
awe_Stskeeps, I haven't although I know some rilds do behave in that manner18:48
awe_we've seen the Mtk rild drop it's connection when the radio is powered on for instance18:48
awe_Stskeeps, but I haven't seen that with any of the qcom rilds18:48
awe_which is what mako includes18:48
awe_kenvandine, possibly18:48
Stskeepsi made a xperia z reboot at least, we're seeing this in production so idly wondering if modem is to blame18:49
kenvandinelist-modems only lists the one modem though18:49
awe_kenvandine, however AFAIK, we only landed the telepathy-ofono bits18:49
kenvandineoutput of list-modems18:49
kenvandinei assume powered = 1 is powered on?18:49
awe_kenvandine, the changes made were infrastructure changes in tp-ofono to support multiple accounts ( which each represent a modem )18:49
awe_kenvandine, yes18:49
awe_kenvandine, the we essentially auto-power on ( hence the NM messages ), and the radio power is controlled via the Online property18:50
kenvandineoh... so i ran online-modem and it brought it online18:50
awe_ah, and you're not Online18:50
kenvandineno idea :)18:50
awe_and it works?18:50
kenvandinewhat could put it offline?18:50
* kenvandine tries18:50
awe_nothing should right now...18:51
ChickenCutlasskenvandine: awe_ I think there might be a race with the new multiple account code.18:51
ChickenCutlasskenvandine: awe_ I know bfiller was seeing something18:51
awe_boiko, you guys didn't land the tp-onfono code with the auto-online code removed did you?18:51
awe_ChickenCutlass, there's only one modem on a mako!18:51
ChickenCutlassI know18:51
davmor2kenvandine: you know that power switch on the side if you press and hold that long enough it will be offline18:51
kenvandinedavmor2, oh?18:52
boikoawe_: nope, but our latest changes uncovered a bug in ofono-qt that salem_ already has a fix for18:52
awe_ChickenCutlass, so how could there be a race?18:52
kenvandinethat's annoying18:52
ChickenCutlassawe_: I am just repeating what I was told18:52
awe_davmor2, what??18:52
davmor2kenvandine: I'm teasing it'll turn the phone/tablet/etc off18:52
mhall119davmor2: too subtle18:52
awe_davmor2, ;D18:52
kenvandinehaha :)18:52
bfillerawe_, kenvandine: this is a bug in ofono-qt, salem_ has a fix for it: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/129758618:52
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1297586 in touch-preview-images "Calls and messaging stopped working again" [Critical,In progress]18:52
davmor2awe_: you have to it would power down the modems18:53
Stskeepsawe_: also, if you guys didn't see yet: https://github.com/nemomobile/mms-engine (i don't recall your mms approach)18:53
kenvandineand the dialer won't let me place calls...18:53
kenvandinebfiller, ah18:53
bfillerkenvandine: same bug18:53
boikokenvandine: mc-tool reconnect ofono/ofono/account0 should do the trick18:53
awe_kenvandine, mystery solved18:53
awe_Stskeeps, no I hadn't seen that18:53
bfillerkenvandine: or pkill telepathy-ofono I think works too18:53
awe_Stskeeps, guess they decided against using mmsd too18:53
mhall119popey: have we figured out why Terminal won't launch in the latest stable images?18:54
awe_Stskeeps, we're using a slightly different architecture that includes DownloadManager, and a new component called Nuntium18:54
Stskeepsawe_: alright18:54
popeynews to me mhall11918:54
kenvandineok, working again :)18:54
mhall119popey: r250, Terminal won't run18:54
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popeymhall119: launches here18:58
mhall119popey: on r250?18:58
popeymhall119: oh, on the stable image..18:58
popeymhall119: i seem to be able to reliably crash unity by search for "ter"18:59
popeymhall119: terminal loads fine here18:59
mhall119aa-exec: ERROR: profile 'com.ubuntu.terminal_terminal_0.5.44' does not exist19:00
mhall119trying to run it manually19:00
popeyto debug?19:00
mhall119I just wnat my terminal back19:00
popeylook at the debug log in /home/phablet/.cache/upstart ?19:00
mhall119jdstrand: mdeslaur: any idea what might be wrong?19:00
mhall119popey: which one?19:01
popeythe terminal one19:01
popeylook for the most recent log, usually holds clues19:01
jdstrandmhall119: the aa-exec command is clear, the question is why19:01
mhall119popey: no terminal log there19:02
jdstrandmhall119: what do 'click list | grep term' tell you as the phablet user?19:02
bfillerpopey: are you still seeing https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mediaplayer-app/+bug/1297395? testing it with your artic monkeys vid on image 261 and working fine19:02
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1297395 in mediaplayer-app (Ubuntu) "mediaplayer-app crashed with SIGABRT in __libc_do_syscall()" [Medium,Confirmed]19:02
mhall119phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ click list |grep term19:02
jdstrandmhall119: what does 'sudo aa-status | grep term' give you?19:02
mhall119phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ sudo aa-status |grep term19:03
mhall119[sudo] password for phablet:  com.ubuntu.terminal_terminal_0.5.4119:03
mhall119so...wrong version in the apparmor19:03
jdstrandok, I think this is the bug cjwatson has been working on19:03
popeybfiller: lemme see19:03
mhall119jdstrand: any way for me to correct it manually so I can use the terminal again?19:03
jdstrandmhall119: see https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/click/0.4.2019:04
jdstrandmhall119: I suggest installing that package. I haven't seen the issue myself19:04
mhall119installing click 0.4.20 or installing the terminal package?19:05
jdstrandmhall119: I bet you could 'click unregister ...' then 'click register ...' to correct it19:05
mhall119would click unregister remove it completely if only phablet user has it?19:06
popeybfiller: not seeing the issue on #26219:07
t1mpplars: I think I'm calling it wrong tim@ideapad:~/dev/ubuntu-test-cases/touch/scripts$ TESTS=all APPS=all ./run-smoke --no-provision19:07
popeybfiller: updated bug19:07
bfillerpopey: great, thanks19:07
jdstrandmhall119: not if it is preinstalled19:07
jdstrandmhall119: I was saying install click 0.4.2019:08
quebremhall119: device image..19:08
mhall119jdstrand: installed click 0.4.20, unregistered terminal from phablet user and re-registered with 0.5.44, but aa-status still show 0.5.4119:13
mhall119jdstrand: is there a way for me to tell apparmor to update itself to use 0.5.44?19:18
jdstrandit isn't apparmor19:19
jdstrandclick isn't setting up the symlinks19:19
mhall119which symlinks is it missing?19:19
mhall119I'll create them manually if it'll fix things19:19
jdstrandthe one in /var/lib/apparmor/clicks is wrong19:19
sergiusensmhall119, jdstrand for the apparmor links, cjwatson landed a fix yesterday forcing reproccessing of all packages19:20
mhall119hmmm, I only have 0.5.29 for terminal in /opt/click.ubuntu.com/19:21
jdstrandI presume that is 0.4.20 that is in the archive?19:21
mhall119sergiusens: where does the pre-installed terminal get put?19:21
jdstrandmhall119: /usr/share/click/preinstalled19:21
jdstrandmhall119: you are going to want to followup with cjwatson19:22
sergiusensjdstrand, yes19:22
jdstrandmhall119: the thing is, if you updated to 0.4.20 and it still isn't right, you fixing your terminal will destroy the evidence he probably needs19:22
mhall119jdstrand: I'm just creating the symlink, I can remove it later to help debug19:23
mhall119jdstrand: but I'm leaving on a roadtrip tomorrow morning, and would very much like to have a working terminal while I'm gone19:23
jdstrandonce the symlink is updated, run 'sudo aa-clickhook -f'19:23
jdstrandmhall119: actually, without -f should be enough19:24
mhall119ERROR: Could not parse click manifest. Skipping 'com.ubuntu.terminal_0.5.44.json'19:25
mhall119it doesn't like that file...19:25
mhall119jdstrand: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7158558/ anything look amiss?19:26
jdstrandmhall119: that fine. the error is about the click manifest, not the security manifest19:26
jdstrandmhall119: you need to update the symlinks in /opt/click/.click/users/phablet19:27
jdstrandmhall119: mind you, I am not recommending this :) fair warning19:28
mhall119jdstrand: what do I need to do with that symlink? it already points to 0.5.4419:28
jdstrandI have a basic knowledge of the click database; I could easily miss something19:28
quebremhall119: i prepared ubuntu VPS just to build it the device image but i don't know what instructions to follow..19:29
quebrecould you give me few hints ..19:29
mhall119jdstrand: ah, it's working now!19:29
mhall119aa-status shows both 0.5.41 and 0.5.44 now19:29
quebreunless it's not doable ...19:34
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mhall119quebre: it should be, didrocks posted something about it on the ubuntu-phone list a while back IIRC19:39
quebreim scrolling back thru the chat log but cant find it ;f19:41
mhall119I cna't find it either,sorry19:45
ivivekWhat is the right way to mount /system as rw19:51
ivivekroot@ubuntu-phablet:/# mount -o remount,rw /system19:51
ivivekmount: cannot remount block device /dev/mmcblk0p8 read-write, is write-protected19:51
ivivekIf I try changing /etc/fstab android does not seem to start inside lxc19:51
ivivekI only see these processes19:52
ivivek  475 ?        Ss     0:00 lxc-start -n android -- /init19:52
ivivek  500 ?        S      0:00  \_ /init19:52
ivivek  514 ?        S      0:00      \_ /sbin/ueventd19:52
ivivek  520 ?        S      0:00      \_ /sbin/watchdogd 10 2019:52
ivivek  522 ?        S      0:00      \_ /sbin/upstart-property-watcher19:52
ivivek  523 ?        S      0:00      \_ /sbin/healthd19:52
ivivekif i mount /system rw in fstab19:52
ivivek@ogra_ can you please help19:55
popeyivivek: phablet-config writable-image19:59
ivivek@popey where do I have to run this command20:02
popeyon your ubuntu computer20:02
=== dandrader_ is now known as dandrader|bbl
ivivekI have built my images from code20:03
ivivekI am not using automatic download and flash tool20:04
popeynot sure that makes a difference20:06
ivivekok...let m try20:06
facundobatistaHi all20:07
facundobatistaquestion, do you know how to change the virtual screen resolution for the ubuntu-emulator?20:08
popeyhi, rsalveti may20:08
sergiusensfacundobatista, the resolution is a bit more complicated; pixel density is easy20:08
rsalvetiright, you can easily change the size of it, using the scale option20:09
rsalvetifor resolution I guess it depends on the skin20:09
sergiusensfacundobatista, /usr/share/android/emulator/development/tools/emulator/skins/EDGE/layout has the resolution settings20:09
sergiusensfacundobatista, that said, you can change the skin20:09
sergiusensust do --skin WQVGA43220:10
facundobatistasergiusens, which is the best way for the phone to not be taller than my laptop screen? ;)20:10
sergiusensfacundobatista, --scale 0.7 or lower20:11
facundobatistasergiusens, the --skin is in the create, or in the run?20:11
sergiusensfacundobatista, in the run20:11
* facundobatista tries scale20:11
facundobatistasergiusens, --scale did the trick, thanks!20:12
ivivek@popey I get the following error "subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '"touch /userdata/.writable_image ; echo ADB_RC=\$?"' returned non-zero exit status 120:12
sergiusensfacundobatista, np; now wait 30' :-P20:12
iviveklooks like it tries to create /userdata/.writable_image but there is no /userdata/ on the device20:13
popeyyes, thats all it does20:13
popeythat should exist20:13
ivivekthere is /data20:13
ivivekno /userdata20:13
popeyfor my nexus 4 /userdata is /dev/mmcblk0p2320:13
ivivekis this same as the userdata partition od andorid ?20:14
ivivek/dev/mmcblk0p9 on /data type ext4 (rw,noatime,nodiratime,errors=remount-ro)20:14
iviveki see this on my nexus1020:15
rickspencer3jhodapp, o/20:17
rickspencer3so, I copied a video onto my flo and tried to play it, but it was slightly slow20:18
jhodapprickspencer3, care to share the video with me so I can try?20:18
rickspencer3jhodapp, here's the info from mplayer:20:18
rickspencer3jhodapp, never mind, it is going slowly on my desktop too, I think20:19
jhodapprickspencer3, that seems to be using a software decoder20:19
rickspencer3either that, or I took too much cough syrup at lunch time20:19
rickspencer3jhodapp, right, so I infer that it is in a format that lacks hardware decoding support20:20
jhodapprickspencer3, yes indeed20:20
rickspencer3jhodapp, that info was from my desktop, btw20:20
rsalvetijhattara: remember it shouldn't play if using software decoder20:20
rsalvetijhattara: sorry20:20
rsalvetijhodapp: ^20:20
rsalvetiwe only support hw decode and rendering20:21
jhodapprsalveti, right20:21
jhodapprsalveti, got confused by the debugging output20:21
rickspencer3jhodapp, do you want me to share the file with you, still?20:21
jhodapprickspencer3, sure I'll give it a try20:21
rickspencer3it's only 73 megs, so must be ultra compressed20:22
rickspencer3jhodapp, have you seen Rick and Morty before?20:22
jhodapprickspencer3, I haven't20:22
rickspencer3then you are in for a treat :)20:22
rickspencer3this is the pilot episode20:22
jhodappexcellent :)20:24
rickspencer3jhodapp, for the record, this particular copy of the video is of ... let's say ... questionable origins20:24
rickspencer3I suspect, now, that Ubuntu was playing the file just fine, but that the file is ropey :)20:26
pmcgowanpopey, davmor2 I updated several apps via update manager and none would run until after a reboot20:30
rickspencer3pmcgowan, I got the same effect today, I assumed the applications scope needs to be tweaked20:31
davmor2pmcgowan: on what image?20:32
barrysergiusens: any chance we can get this mp into a silo and landed?  it's blocking all other py3 autopilot port branches https://code.launchpad.net/~xnox/phablet-tools/py2-3/+merge/20560820:37
popeypmcgowan: sounds like the two bugs davmor2 and I filed today20:37
davmor2I just updated OSMTouch with no issues20:38
sergiusensbarry, welcome to the future; that landed into the archives an hour ago :-)20:38
davmor2so I wonder if it is related to the installed click having a different name to the Available click package and that is the cause of the problem20:39
sergiusensbarry, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/phablet-tools20:39
davmor2pmcgowan: one of the apps that you updated can you see if it is listed in both Available and installed please20:39
barrysergiusens: no way!  i guess it just takes some time for the mp to get marked, etc.20:40
barrysergiusens: that's awesome20:40
sergiusensbarry, oh, ther merge-and commit thing may not have been run :-P20:40
barrysergiusens: my gallery-app and address-book-app mp's are currently failing because of py2/py3, but maybe they just need to be retried?  e.g. https://code.launchpad.net/~barry/gallery-app/py3autopilot/+merge/208055/comments/50337820:42
sergiusensbarry, looks strange... could not import package gallery_app: No module named gallery_app20:44
barrysergiusens: /var/local/autopilot/setup.log: Python choice: python220:45
barry 20:45
barrythat's weird20:45
sergiusensbarry, might want to ping fginther on the setup; they test through the debs on ci20:46
pmcgowandavmor2, 262, I updated OSMtouch, gallery, and a couple others, neither gallery or osmtouch would start until I rebooted20:46
barrysergiusens: k, thx20:47
pmcgowandavmor2, they are only in one category now, but again I rebooted20:47
barryfginther: can you take a look at https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/autopilot-testrunner-otto-trusty/3707/console20:47
barryfginther: any thoughts on why it's still picking py2 instead of py3?20:47
fgintherbarry, looking20:47
barryfginther: thx.  interestingly, it doesn't look like phablet-tools is getting installed.  if that's the case, then xnox's phablet-test-run support isn't either and i guess at that point it wouldn't auto-select autopilot-py320:48
fgintherbarry, the ci test you pointed to is the desktop test, it is specifically looking for a dependency on python3-autopilot to trigger use of py320:49
barryfginther: ah, got it.  i'll add that dep and re-push.  thankx20:51
sergiusensbarry, fginther the mako test does fail, and for that you would need the latest test; is this box raring?20:52
fgintherbarry, I believe you're still going to run into a failure on the touch device testing20:52
sergiusensfginther, the latest phablet-tools landed into trusty20:52
fginthersergiusens, yes it's still raring, the upgrade was wrecked due to usb hub issues20:52
sergiusensfginther, you can just download the deb manually from trusty and install into raring I guess20:53
barrywow, raring still20:53
fginthersergiusens, hmmm20:55
barrysergiusens, fginther yeah. the address-book-app branch already dep'd on python3-autopilot and it's touch tests failed too (but just generic-mediumtests-runner-mako and generic-mediumtests-trusty-touch): https://code.launchpad.net/~barry/address-book-app/py3autopilot/+merge/210724/comments/50341720:57
barryi guess ultimately they're the same tests?20:58
barrycould not import package address_book_app: No module named address_book_app20:58
barry (which would make sense if ap py2 was trying to run the tests)20:58
quebrei try to build ubuntu-touch, i did: phablet-dev-bootstrap ubu-touch20:58
quebre4gb of files downloaded20:58
quebrebut what now ?20:58
quebrei want it for samsung galaxy s420:59
fgintherbarry, I'm working on a solution, hang on21:00
davmor2pmcgowan: hmm osmtouch works fine here after the update only think I had to do was look it up via search to open it after update21:07
pmcgowandavmor2, I did not search21:07
pmcgowanthat bug was solved with old scopes, so seems its back21:07
davmor2pmcgowan: if you search does it open then?21:09
pmcgowandavmor2, well, they all open now that I restarted21:09
davmor2ah yeah same result I guess21:09
davmor2hmmm still can't add an image to a contact :(21:10
fgintherbarry, I'm going try an upgrade later tonight (say 4 hours from now). I'll send you an update on how it goes21:10
barryfginther: sounds great, thanks.21:11
pmcgowandavmor2, before new scopes landed, the old one was changed to invalidate the entire results, which showed the new apps in the right place, but created a poor experience repainting the entire list21:11
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davmor2pmcgowan: indeed21:18
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josharensonHi, I just flashed Ubuntu for the first on a Nexus 7 and wi-fi doesn't seem to work. Is there anything I need to do to enable it?23:54
nhainesjosharenson: No, it should just work.23:56
josharenson... Disregard, 2 reboots seems to have resolved23:56
nhaines'sudo phablet-network' on your computer with the tablet attached should push your wi-fi settings over.23:56
josharensonnhaines: cool, thanks23:57
nhainesjosharenson: just a little timesaving tip. :)23:57

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