
zequenceNew ISO out today05:34
zequence..with a fix for the installer, and updated metas05:34
OvenWerk1zequence: downloading now.14:41
zequenceI've tried zsyncing a bunch of times, but it fails16:20
zequenceOvenWerk1: so, a few more items to sort in the menu. Ruis three apps, and a couple of other things17:07
zequenceDamn. The installer crashed using our plugin..17:08
zequence..er, maybe not. 17:11
zequenceYeah. It crashed for me, when I deselect stuff. Didn't do that before, unless I touched the two metas I've now removed as options.17:20
zequenceGoing slowly seems to work17:28
zequenceAnother bug: not everything gets deselected - even if deselecting all metas17:29
zequenceSometimes, almost nothing gets deselected  out of the recommends17:29
zequenceSeems like one may have to add some sort of lock, so that you can't toggle anything until the last process was finished, or something17:32
zequenceI have no way to debug at the moment. Need to add debug stuff into the plugin.17:32
zequencedeselecting ubuntustudio-font-meta has made it crash for me. We might not even need to have that as a possible selection, I think17:41
zequenceenough with the big five. Thinking we should also remove the option to not install -desktop17:41
zequenceI think metas that have no recommends (which means, they have no children in the treeview), is making the installer crash17:44
zequenceGlad if that is the case, since it's an easy fix17:44
zequenceYep. seems to be. Going to fix it later. We better rebuild again.. :P17:54
OvenWerk1just printed to usb stick... guess I need to download again.18:23
zequenceOvenWerk1: To complete the test cases, you'll need to use the latest ISO, but if you want to just try it out, just remember not to deselect ubuntustudio-font-meta18:27
OvenWerk1zequence: when will the new ISO be out? (what channel to watch)18:28
zequenceOvenWerk1: There should be a bot notice in #ubuntu-release18:28
zequenceHave alerts for "Ubuntu Studio", and "ubuntustudio", and you should catch it18:29
OvenWerk1I thought that was where I went (in an empty room) but realize I was on the wrong server :P18:31
zequenceonce there's nothing more to do for the release, I'll have a go at porting the plugin to our installer18:32
zequenceI mean, ubuntustudio-installer18:33
zequenceThere's a lot we could do to improve it18:33
zequenceAlso, for the next cycle, I think we should look at introducing a netinstall image. A smaller one, that lets the user install only what they want.18:34
zequenceubuntustudio-installer could be added to Software Center, and improved with features, so that you only need that to make any ubuntu flavor multimedia production capable. Make it visible in the main stream world, so to speak18:36
zequenceI think it's a great solution - you get all in one. No need to have separate items for each meta in Software Center (which we don't have yet anyway)18:37
OvenWerk1re ubuntustudio-installer... look at the new one first, it is already a big step forward. But if you have the code sitting there, that may be a good way to go too.18:37
zequenceYeah, I should look at it first, absolutely.18:37
OvenWerk1SWC will show our metas if you search for them...18:37
zequenceAnd, I also think that even if we use the plugin, we should improve it in both the plugin form, as well as the -installer form18:38
zequenceOh? didn't know that18:38
zequenceLot's of stuff that doesn't show up there18:38
OvenWerk1I would like to see the installer end up QT. it seems that is the one took kit everyone uses.18:38
OvenWerk1Using gtk in xfce is the best way for sure.18:39
zequenceThe less work, the better - and whichever we use, both are supported in all platforms18:39
OvenWerk1kde maybe not.18:39
zequencesure it is18:39
OvenWerk1The fact is of course once yu install ardour gtk is there18:39
OvenWerk1Most of our SW uses gtk so loading the libs is not a big deal.18:45
zequenceIt's also possible to have two versions of it - ubuntustudio-gtk and ubuntustudio-qt18:46
zequence..well, you know what I mean :)18:47
OvenWerk1ya, ubiquity actually ships one version and chooses the libs based on the system it finds itself running on.18:48
zequenceInstalling is taking forever. Just making sure we don't actually end up installing the metas anyway. Last time it seemed to work ok, but one better check to make sure18:49
OvenWerk1It may install then remove.18:51
OvenWerk1With regards to removing metapackages or parts there of... Is there any check to make sure a package included in a meta is not still a depenancy of another package?18:53
OvenWerk1For example photography and graphics both use gimp, audio and video both have audacity18:54
OvenWerk1Jack should not be removed if something jack dependant is left etc.18:55
zequenceOvenWerk1: Currently, if you deselect a meta that has recommends in it which also another meta has recommends for, those individual packages are not deselected19:00
zequenceAs far as depends go, don't think we can change that. Those should always be installed19:01
zequenceNot sure if depends are automatically selected when the package that depends on them is selected19:02
zequenceIf not, they should be installed anyway19:02
zequenceA lot of logic in how that should work19:03
zequenceMay take a while to get it right19:03
zequenceactually, synaptic, now that one comes to think of it, has a nice solution for that19:11
zequenceOvenWerk1: Seems like the plugin got in before the scheduled rebuild, so next one should be good to test.19:16
OvenWerk1server just went... we should be soon.19:30
zequenceOvenWerk1: You're right. The packages are first copied over, all of them, and afterwards the deselected stuff is removed19:50
zequenceThat should be changed19:50
OvenWerk1There is a step where it tries to calculate what not to copy, I am not sure if that applies or not.19:52
zequencenot sure what is possible to do from the plugin. We still want all of the packages to be installed onto the live DVD.19:52
OvenWerk1However, even if a package is not copied over, it's remove/purge script gets runs to cleanup any extra stuff19:52
zequencePerhaps it has something to do with that - ubiquity, and other things are removed also19:52
OvenWerk1There go our ISO builds20:02
OvenWerk1There zsync is up too20:08
OvenWerk1Ok, test time...20:38
=== ubuntu-studio is now known as len-live
len-liveinteresting, ubiquity installs some packages before even selecting the drive to install on.20:52
len-liveIt doesn't seem to be taking a really long time...21:04
len-liveI elected to only install audio and some graphics21:04
len-liveIt seems to build the nvidia module for the kernel as part of the install.21:05
len-liveThat being new to me with my new video card21:06
len-liveWe seem to rebuild grub a lot.21:10
len-liveWhy do we download chromium plugins?21:11
len-livezequence, it does not look like ALL of our meta packages get removed. They may not all get copied over.21:14
len-livezequence, the only thing I see is that the background needs changing. If we are using the one in the slide show, it looks good.21:16
len-liveoff to reboot21:17
OvenWerk1zequence: the last few packages added to the audio meta show up under media playback.21:22
zequenceOvenWerk1: Yeah. I did my test in Virtualbox, and it was really slow. 21:23
fibz_i was just about to mention that OvenWerk1 21:23
zequenceThe artwork is yet to be uploaded. More than a week old in the sponsor queue. It has seen a lot of additions lately. I'm sure they will start working on those shortly after Beta 221:24
zequenceThe queue has seen additions, I mean21:24
OvenWerk1The problem with the icons has something to do with any desktop files that use the icon name with an extension. xfce bug, it is being worked on.21:58
OvenWerk1zequence: -menu has not been uploaded yet either. Are we expecting those after the beta?22:02
zequenceOvenWerk1: Would be good if we fix the menu before it gets uploaded, so we don't need to ask for that again22:03
zequenceWe can always claim it's a bug, when something is not the way it's supposed to be22:03
zequenceThose packages are trivial too, since they don't do much to change Ubuntu as a whole, so getting those through is much less restrictive than a lot of other stuff22:04
zequenceTime to check out for today. I'll make sure all ISOs are tested within 12h or so.22:04
OvenWerk132 bit is done.22:30

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