
=== jeff_ is now known as Guest31750
=== Guest31750 is now known as Jeff_Mitchell_Xu
=== Jeff_Mitchell_Xu is now known as jeff_xubuntu
nlsthznhi, installed latest daily of 14.04 yesterday and I don't have a volume indicator in the panel? Known issue or my bad luck?03:35
cfhowlett!ubuntu+1|nlsthzn, ask in the other channel03:35
ubottunlsthzn, ask in the other channel: Trusty Tahr is the codename for Ubuntu 14.04 - Support only in #ubuntu+103:35
nlsthznk, thanks cfhowlett03:36
Unit193nlsthzn: Run updates, it'll be fixed.03:40
nlsthznUnit193: ... ok thanks Unit193... when I get home I will do so04:13
=== AussieDownUnder is now known as newnick
=== newnick is now known as CyborgCygnus
=== burn_ is now known as burn
=== haos_ is now known as haos
dna_I'm not able to use the firefox shortcut for private browsing in xubuntu11:25
dna_anyone knows why?11:25
=== Kekai is now known as Mightyno92
HedgeworkCaRlitos83: Lingua Latina vocesque?  (sorry if mine is rusty as hell)14:57
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)14:58
CaRlitos83Hedgework:  ce un canale dove trovo gente italiana?14:58
CaRlitos83ok grazie14:59
HedgeworkCaRlitos83: No, sorry. :(14:59
* Hedgework can fake it a little (spoken) from Latin, but not enough to write it.14:59
ciccobuonasera ^^15:11
xubuntu212%o doesn't seem to work for ornate day of the week. is it different for xubuntu?16:01
fballsCan someone help me delete a menu item from alacarte? it doesn't show up in the main menu editor.18:52
fballsi've even tried apt-get purge alacarte and reinstalling18:52
fballsits still there18:52
fballsanyone? bueller?19:19
fballsi'm surprised how buggy alacarte is19:21
fballsseems if one creates a new item with an invalid command it doesn't show up on the editor list, but does show up on the menu19:22
fballsand can't be deleted19:22
fballsalso the Restore System Configuration button does nothing19:22
SergioADhello I got a problem with steam on Xubuntu 14.04 beta 220:11
SergioADhere it is20:14
Unit193SergioAD: That seems to maybe indicate it can't find a file from the libudev1 package.20:18
SergioADhow ca I fix it Unit19320:34
fballscould be missing the dev package20:36
fballsor perhaps the filename is different or in another location20:36
SergioADI see20:36
mappinstall the package maybe20:36
fballstry installing or search for libudev.so20:36
SergioADI have tried it but I have installed it20:37
fballsif you can find that, you can create a symbolic link20:37
fballsusing ln -s20:37
SergioADI see, it is on the /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libudev.so.1.3.520:38
SergioADmy system is x6420:39
fballsso from a terminal type 'ln -s /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libudev.so.1.3.5 /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libudev.so.1'20:40
fballs(might need to sudo)20:42
SergioADNope. I has not worked20:43
fballssame error?20:43
SergioADyep, I will try‌ installing the i586 lib20:44
fballsoh...maybe put the link in /usr/lib20:45
xubuntu_newbie_4Hi all.  Trying to install the kernel headers for 3.8.0-35-generic using apt-get.  apt-cache search linux-headers returns hits for only 3.11.0.  Do I bite the bullet and upgrade the kernel, or is there some source I could get the header package from?22:28
xubuntu_newbie_4This is a 3.10 installation, upgraded from 13.0422:28
xubuntu_newbie_4Figured out my own problem.  I updated to 3.11.0-18, but neglected to update grub, so I'm booting into the old kernel.22:33
xubuntu_newbie_4Thanks for the rubber duckie debugging on this.22:33
slickymaster!hi | xubuntu24322:50
ubottuxubuntu243: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!22:50
knomeslickymaster, gone already22:50
slickymasteryeah, I noticed whentab completion didn't do what's expexted22:51
HoNgOuRuhi... how do I stop the X server ?? sudo service lightdm stop si not working... I need to install propietary drivers for my new vcard... I'm running xubuntu 13.10 64 bits23:36
knomeyou shouldn't need to stop the X server to do that, use the additional drivers dialog23:38
rflemingWhere does one go for 14.04 questions?23:55
knomerfleming, #ubuntu+1 is the general channel for those23:56

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