
hatchjujugui lf a review/qa https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/204 plz and thanks00:16
hatch^ huwshimi  if you have a chance today because this will then allow you to style the inspector to fit in the sidebar00:16
huwshimihatch: I'll take a look00:17
hatchIf it's all good can you :shipit: for me plz?00:18
rick_h_hatch: looking00:19
hatchDOH ci failure00:19
hatchand I JUST ran lint too lol00:19
hatchso much fail00:19
hatchalmost done 00:20
hatchNFS makes lint and test running so much faster00:20
hatchrun the full test suite in ~20s now00:20
hatchwould be even faster if it wasn't for the 404's00:20
huwshimihatch: What's the easiest way to get your branch?00:24
huwshimiFor QA00:24
hatchhuwshimi at the bottom there is a link which says 'command line'00:24
hatchcheck out develop and update it to the most recent version 00:24
huwshimihatch: At the bottom of what?00:25
hatchthen run 'step 1' from the thing which opens00:25
hatchthe PR00:25
hatchhuwshimi https://www.evernote.com/shard/s219/sh/86a14db3-0e37-4522-8be6-5958ad3e2a1a/63d67cfd49665ea37786a882fc3b78f900:26
hatchbut just do step 100:26
hatchand make sure you're on develop when you run the commands in step 1 :)00:26
huwshimihatch: I don't know enough to do a code review, but unless something is broken on my end it is not qaing very wel...00:33
hatchwhat is it doing? The inspector won't render properly in the sidebar if that's what you mean00:35
huwshimihatch: So it's ok for it to appear above the browser content etc?00:35
hatchthere should be no browser content00:36
huwshimihatch: Well, I can get into a state where both are visible...00:36
huwshimihatch: Want a hangout?00:36
hatchyes plz00:36
rick_h_wow that is fugly lol00:37
hatchit's just not centered :)00:38
rick_h_ugh, so it renders under the editorial00:39
rick_h_so remove the top/right nad it starts to fit00:39
rick_h_hatch: can you override those in your branch at least?00:39
rick_h_.yui3-juju-inspector left/top hard coded values00:40
rick_h_and position abs00:40
hatchyeah I can - I just left that styling alone00:40
rick_h_hatch: yea, it's just a small set so it's more qa'able and such00:40
rick_h_set them to inherit and it 'works'00:40
huwshimihatch: https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/76cpi08kvdqlf8ok5huv2frop4?hl=en00:40
hatchI just want to see huwshimi's issue because it should destroy the charm lists before rendering the inspector00:40
rick_h_hatch: yea, it didn't00:41
rick_h_hatch: I'm betting because it doesn't have a search result it defaults to a editorial list00:41
hatchriight but locally it does00:41
rick_h_hmm, the list is empty, but it's there00:41
rick_h_has three empty divs in it in my test00:41
hatchodd it calls00:42
hatch      if (editorial) { editorial.destroy(); }00:42
hatch      if (search) { search.destroy(); }00:42
hatchbefore rendering the inspector00:42
hatchso something else must be broken there00:42
hatchrick_h_ ok the issue huwshimi found is because we aren't relying on the state to render things into the sidebar00:47
hatchbut that still doesn't explain why the destroy calls aren't working00:47
rick_h_hatch: well they're doing some work because the containers are empty00:47
rick_h_hatch: but something is still providing default empty containers00:48
rick_h_hatch: I think something is redrawing it, again because the state says so00:48
hatchentirely possible I suppose00:48
rick_h_hatch: you're probably still hitting the sidebar() function because nothing is saying not to00:48
hatchright - we need to sit down and outline every possible state combination 00:49
hatchand map the flow of the state rendering00:49
rick_h_hatch: right, that's what kadams and I are doing00:49
hatchoh cool00:49
rick_h_hatch: we're picking up the state branch and started to pull that out today. We should have an initial 'refactor of current state' tomorrow and can start to update it for the new stuff we need after that00:50
hatchok great - so after all the xxx's and the little css cleanup this can land? 00:50
hatchit's really broken without the state :)00:50
rick_h_hatch: yes, ok from me00:50
rick_h_hatch: yes, and that's the reason it can land lol00:50
rick_h_hatch: but yea, it's the highest priority atm and we'll get it unblocked and going00:51
rick_h_but with that we can ask huwshimi to start to style the inspect in the space :)00:51
rick_h_inspector that is00:51
hatchsure thing - so next card for me in the AM?00:51
rick_h_though a working tabbed inspector will be good to get in there as well00:51
rick_h_hatch: safari CI?00:52
rick_h_and removing the safari blocker 00:52
rick_h_hatch: ideally we'll do some releases tomorrow, not sure if we'll get it then or monday atm00:52
rick_h_hatch: and it'll give us tomorrow to try to get some state work landed 00:53
hatchok sounds good00:53
rick_h_hatch: let me know if you need to chat on the CI thing in the morning. 00:54
hatchsure thing - I'll probably take a look again to remind myself what the issue was00:55
rick_h_hatch: yea, I never figure out what the issue was either00:55
hatchhuwshimi there is a card called 'update new inspectors UI to fit within space of the sidebar...' You can probably use that for your styling00:59
hatchor part of it00:59
hatchit's a 4 so 2 days worth00:59
huwshimihatch: OK.00:59
hatchrick_h_ I'll remove yours and kadams head off of the safari ci card01:00
hatchand put mine there01:00
rick_h_hatch: huwshimi but that's for both of them and some updated UI from luca01:00
rick_h_hatch: yep thanks, we were going to work on that today but the state stuff is higher priority01:00
hatchafter the CI is up does safari get let in?01:01
hatchI think that was our last safari issue01:01
rick_h_hatch: yep01:01
rick_h_that's the last one01:01
hatchgot it01:01
=== marcoceppi is now known as marco_traveling
rick_h_benji: morning, I'm going to try to do a deploy of charmworld today. Anything on the bundle search issue that I should hold up on?12:54
benjirick_h_: given that tomorrow is Friday, I wouldn't hold the release12:54
rick_h_benji: ok, thanks12:54
* frankban lunches13:08
hatchmorning all13:32
rick_h_morning hatch 13:39
rick_h_hatch: that's a cute link there 13:49
hatchrick_h_ :)14:01
hatch-13C out with a high enough UV index to get a tan right now14:04
rick_h_we're around 0C with rain that can't decide if it's wet or frozen14:05
hatchthat's like what it's like on the coast sometimes - that's why I don't live there14:08
=== benji_ is now known as benji
hatchif it's raining it's got to be above at least 13C :)14:09
benjitan or windburn?  no one can tell14:09
hatchsee what I did there with the 13's14:09
hatchnope not windy at all because the temperature has been pretty stable14:09
hatchthe best kiting wind is in spring and fall though when there are big swings in temerature14:10
hatchtemperature event14:10
hatchsublime text users, I found a cool window manager https://sublime.wbond.net/packages/Origami14:18
rick_h_a window manager for your editor? 14:19
* rick_h_ shakes head14:19
hatchtiling manager?14:19
hatchpane manager14:19
hatchlets go with pane manager :)14:19
hatchjujugui manage.jujucharms.com is down14:33
rick_h_hatch: yep, working in #webops on it now14:34
rick_h_bad merge on upgrade14:34
hatchwe need a staging server :P14:34
rick_h_well the cowboy was on prod and not staging so not sure how it'd help atm14:35
hatchohh right I forgot about that14:35
rick_h_warned them the cowboy was there but it still went boom :)14:36
hatchsafari failure could be an ssl issue14:37
rick_h_hatch: k, interesting and good to know14:37
rick_h_hatch: hmm, what ssl are we touching? I didn't think it was ssl'd on there14:37
hatchthere are boneafied failing tests though too14:38
hatchwhen I run the test through sauce labs there is a safari alert about the ssl not being correct14:38
rick_h_hatch: duped locally? 14:38
rick_h_hmm, ok wonder what ssl thing it's hitting. 14:38
hatchmight just be an aws thing14:41
rick_h_hatch: hmm, can you look for an avenue to hit up saucelabs about this?14:42
rick_h_hatch: irc or bug or something?14:42
rick_h_as you're right, that's before it loads up on our url we're providing them14:42
rick_h_at least I don't think that's our websocket14:43
hatchwe run a lot of tests14:44
hatchheh, trying to find the old ones14:44
rick_h_hatch: heh yea14:44
hatchinteresting...the failures were intermittent before failing all the time14:46
hatchyup looks like it was the ssl issue https://saucelabs.com/tests/7fc11958a9ff4f859b5b17e79a777f39 just hangs on the 'SafariDriver Client' page but I'm assuming the alert is above the video layer14:47
rick_h_jujugui call in 10 please kanban14:50
frankbanhatch: IIRC we use secure=false when deploying the GUI for tests, so, no SSL handling should be required. Looking at the jenkins failure, it seems there is a problem instantiating the remote webdriver (http://%s@ondemand.saucelabs.com:80/wd/hub), but not sure14:53
rick_h_benji: do you recall what the production ingest is these days? Is it still the supervisord run process?14:55
hatchfrankban trying http14:55
hatchfrankban same issue 14:55
benjirick_h_: I think so; it runs forever (and has enqueueing integrated into it so there is just the one job)14:55
frankbanhatch: yeah, the problem seems to be in setupClass, so before even trying to fetch a browser URL14:56
rick_h_benji: k thanks for the sanity check14:56
hatchits redirecting to https14:58
hatcheven when being given an http url14:58
hatchoh I had secure=true15:00
benjiI wonder if I'm in the right hangout.15:00
rick_h_jujugui on a call and running late15:00
rick_h_hatch: can you run please?15:00
rick_h_and I'll catch up in a few min15:01
hatchfrankban I've noticed that when I use quickstart on amazon it takes a v.long time to bootstrap - thoughts on putting a message "waiting for provider" pinging the console every 30s to let the user know it's not hung?15:21
hatchor something to that effect15:21
frankbanhatch: what's the last quickstart message before hanging?15:22
hatchI closed it....but it was something to the effect of "...Bootstrapping..."15:22
hatchfeel free to tell me I'm stupid :) 15:25
frankbanhatch: they introduced synchronous bootstrapping in 1.17.x. This is why it takes some time. In previous versions, the "retrieving environment status" was the slower bit. I am sure the goal to notify something to the user is worth the effort of spawning a separate thread to ping the terminal. One idea could be printing the synchronous "juju bootstrap" output to the console, but it contains some tecnical data not rea15:28
frankbanlly interesting for the quickstart user I guess15:28
hatchYeah - My only concern is for the user experience, so that they don't think it has hung as sometimes provisioning on the providers can take a while15:29
frankbanhatch: what about a slack card to investigate those ideas?15:29
hatchyeah I'd be fine with that15:30
hatchslack card in the slack pit15:30
frankban:-) cool15:30
kadams54guihelp Just submitted PR https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/207 for refactoring state out of browser. As noted in the PR, it's just the first round; rick_h_ has plans… evil plans… for subsequent cleanup.15:38
hatchon it15:38
hatchrick_h_ https://saucelabs.com/account it looks like it's running the selenium tests twice for each browser?15:42
hatchkadams54 review done15:59
hatchrick_h_ I think we should prioritize removing those http requests from the tests - the test runs now take over 40mins with safari in there :O16:02
hatchmaybe timebox it at 1 point?16:03
frankbanrick_h_: James page raised a concern re: quickstart in main/juju-core not in main. Please take a look at #juju when you are available16:18
rick_h_frankban: looking16:22
frankbanrick_h_: thanks16:22
kadams54hatch: yeah, I'd like to see save() and update() disappear from the API entirely, but even if that isn't possible, maybe we can at least simplify.16:27
hatchkadams54 yeah - this state stuff is super confusing for pretty much everyone but rick_h_  :P So any way we can simplify it the better hehe16:27
* hatch figures that's how rick_h_ felt about the viewlet stuff16:27
rick_h_like I said in the interview, what you throw comes back at you. We all have different brains16:28
kadams54OK… so you all saw our seating arrangement in standup… rick_h_ is behind me.16:28
kadams54Considering his status as a ninja team lead, I find this very disconcerting.16:28
kadams54I need to get in before him and grab the back desk.16:28
kadams54Have my back against a wall and all that.16:29
hatchthat still leaves you exposed from above 16:29
hatchmaybe also be UNDER the back desk16:29
kadams54If I see rick_h_ scuttling across a ceiling, exorcism-style… I'm outta here ;-)16:30
hatchrick_h_ I think CI is borked16:31
hatchmight need to restart the vm16:31
kadams54Is that why my merge build failed? I was having a WTF moment…16:31
hatchyeah EADDRINUSE16:32
rick_h_hatch: sec ,just have to kill the process16:32
hatchok cool16:32
rick_h_give me a minute, getting hammered from 4 sides 16:32
hatchI can try it16:33
hatchI've never done any the azure stuff16:33
hatchohh I need the env details16:34
hatchok I'll just wait :)16:34
rick_h_process killed, try again hatch kadams54_ 16:38
hatchtrying again16:38
hatchrick_h_ did you get kadams54_  creds for Jenkins?16:38
rick_h_hatch: hmmm, probably not16:38
hatchI can queue his up for now16:39
hatchor if you wanted to show him16:39
rick_h_hatch: thanks, yea busy atm appreciate the help16:39
kadams54_I have access to Jenkins16:39
hatchoh ok cool16:39
hatchgo to the juju-gui project16:40
hatchgo to 'Build with Parameters'16:40
kadams54_Hmm, I don't see that…16:40
hatchand type origin/pr/<yourpr#>/merge16:40
hatchok then you aren't logged in16:40
rick_h_right, he needs a login16:40
kadams54_Ah, yes.16:41
hatchok I'll queue yours up16:41
hatchyou can learn later :)16:41
hatchnow I need to figure out how to work on this deployer16:43
hatchpython...bzr...sheesh I'm going back in time here :P16:43
* hatch ducks16:43
kadams54_OK, lunching…16:44
* rick_h_ goes for lunch afk16:44
hatchthis is a pretty cool technique for styling selects http://www.bennadel.com/blog/2594-Using-Transparent-Select-Menus-To-Create-Styled-Menu-Roots.htm16:47
lazyPowerpythonista TDD question: rails/rspec testing has this concept of loading fixture data after mocking out calls to an external api. I assume to achieve this i just import json and create a var with json.loads(open file descriptor) to get this? or is there a module I should be using17:18
lazyPowerbecause python testing fixtures appear to reference a different area of the harness17:18
hatchfrankban still around?17:25
frankbanhatch: yes17:25
hatchgot a second to give me a hand getting the juju deployer running in a virtualenv?17:25
frankbanhatch: sure17:26
hatchawesome, so I followed the Installation instructions in the README exactly17:26
hatch(there are only 3 steps) :)17:26
hatchrunning it on Raring in vagrant17:26
hatchand now when I try and run it I get this error https://gist.github.com/hatched/b5f95ae4b378307f869017:27
hatchsorry, Saucy I mean17:27
hatchit says it's missing a module so I'm guessing the installation is missing a step17:28
frankbanhatch: yes, maybe, apt-get install python-bzrlib17:29
hatchu da man17:30
hatchI'll add that to the docs17:30
frankbanhatch: yes, it should be added, thanks17:30
hatchoh awesome, the tests don't pass17:31
frankbanoh... error?17:31
hatchahh it needs bzr to run the tests17:33
hatchI really like how easy python is to read17:34
hatchthe tracebacks are pretty unhelpful, lots of indirection17:34
hatchbut that just might be how it's written17:34
hatchoh boy the tests actually pull from a remote repo17:36
hatch1 failure 2 errors17:37
hatchgetting better17:37
hatch1 failure17:41
lazyPowerhatch: bzrlib is a crazy dependency and will give you random failures on clean environment building for testing.17:42
lazyPowerit proxies through 6 locations to fetch the package17:42
hatchlol 17:42
lazyPowerthe random failures are thanks to one of those proxies timing out17:42
hatchso I should blame kapil for using a test which goes over the wire? :)17:43
hatchannnd Safari is back running on CI17:43
hatchboo yeah17:43
lazyPowerhatch: this is exactly what I was talking about earlier. I need to mock an api request17:43
lazyPowerand load "fixture data" to mock the response.17:43
lazyPowereg: stuff json in the mocked response so the code i'm testing continues with fake data.17:44
hatchyeah I can't help you there - with js, no problem - with Python, no idars17:44
* lazyPower dies a little inside17:44
lazyPoweri had so much hope hatch, you got my hopes up and dashed them17:44
frankbanlazyPower: the mock library works well for those needs17:44
* rick_h_ is back from lunch17:45
lazyPowerfrankban: im' mocking the request.post, can you point me for how to do the response? should i just json.loads(data) and assign it to response_object.data.return_value?17:45
lazyPoweris that the proper method? or is there a module/library for helping do all of that setup?17:45
frankbanlazyPower: to be clear, I am referring to http://www.voidspace.org.uk/python/mock/17:46
lazyPowerfrankban: from mock import patch, Mock17:47
lazyPowerusing the same lib, its got magickmock17:47
frankbanlazyPower: in http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~juju-gui/juju-quickstart/trunk/view/head:/quickstart/tests/test_utils.py#L681 there is an example of a way to mock urllib.urlread17:50
hatchrick_h_ so I'd like to prioritize those http requests in the tests if we could...the CI is getting long in the tooth and causing timeeout issues now that Safari is in there17:50
lazyPowerfrankban: you're my new hero, thank you!17:51
hatchlazyPower what is your language of choice?17:51
rick_h_hatch: create a bug and card in maint. Where's it causing time issues? I thought we had 10min windows on each sauce run. We're no where near a 10min run 17:51
hatchrick_h_ sometimes the http request just hangs17:52
hatchno idea wy17:52
rick_h_hatch: in the on deck backlog please17:52
hatchsounds good17:52
rick_h_hatch: right, but do we have evidence that mocking the http requests avoid this?17:52
frankbanlazyPower: welcome. Hope you find it helpful to obtain the same for whatever call you need to mock17:52
rick_h_I see dots, do we have anything to point to that connects them?17:52
hatchrick_h_ well if it doesn't make the http request it can't hang on it :)17:52
rick_h_hatch: ok, so where is the failure hanging on the http request?17:53
frankbanlazyPower: in general, quickstart interacts with external data sources a lot, and so mock is used pervasively in the tests17:53
hatchyuss passing juju-deployer tests17:54
hatchok now I can get to work17:54
hatchwell it's lunch17:54
hatchthis of course was just the most recent failure17:56
rick_h_hatch: yea, I'm just trying to find evidence of the connection17:56
rick_h_hatch: are you saying this is the safari issue? Or is that just a side note here?17:56
hatchoh no it's just an issue - but because we now also have safari test runs are nearing 40mins17:57
hatchthat's getting a little too long17:57
rick_h_hatch: right, ok but that's not causing failures. That's different17:57
hatchwell that one I linked you hung on that http request17:58
rick_h_ok that's fair I guess. last I looked we were at 26min with safari, will see17:58
rick_h_hatch: righ but it's the last line of output, what indicates 'hung'?17:58
rick_h_hatch: what makes this obvious vs a sauce issue, or something else?17:58
hatchI had to kill it at like 50mins which means it was probably sitting on that line for 20mins :)17:58
rick_h_our end does not handle sauce going away17:58
=== marco_traveling is now known as marcoceppi
rick_h_so that time isn't a real time17:59
rick_h_so your merge that landed: Took 27 min17:59
rick_h_per jenkins17:59
hatchright I suppose17:59
rick_h_:) just keeping you honest 18:00
hatchlol that's fine18:00
rick_h_ok, I'm for fixing things but it feels like we've got 1) safari issue, not an issue now? 2) Tests take longer with 4 full browsers, we should fix 3) intermittent failures, cause unknown18:00
hatchsafari issue appears to not be an issue18:00
rick_h_or is there more direct info and ^ is wrong18:00
hatchit 'just works' 18:01
hatchso Safari is now unblocked as well18:01
hatchno more warning18:01
rick_h_hatch: oh, did you land that as well in your diff?18:01
hatchyeah it was so trivial of a change18:01
rick_h_hatch: awesome ty much!18:01
hatchI added a test for it too so it's all good 18:02
hatchwe should focus some QA'ing on it though18:02
hatchjust to be safe18:02
kadams54I can help with that18:02
rick_h_hatch: yes, it's a friday card18:02
hatchoh cool18:02
rick_h_hatch: and I'm not going to do a gui release this week 18:02
rick_h_hatch: I'm going to wait for now, we only released charmworld/quickstart this cycle18:02
hatchprobably a good idea - it's a little in flux atm :)18:02
rick_h_yep, agree with you18:02
* rick_h_ takes meds for agreeing with hatch :P18:03
kadams54hatch: did you get a chance to re-queue my PR merge build? (#206)18:03
hatchkadams54 yep I think it's running now18:03
hatchkadams54 commented in the PR18:05
hatchyou can shipit now 18:05
hatchkadams54 oh it's running again because trunk changed18:05
hatchoh well, I'm sure it'll all be good :)18:06
rick_h_all good, ship ship ship! :)18:07
kadams54Yeah, rick_h_ just pointed out that build #632 was for PR 207; just didn't show in the Github conversation since it was kicked off manually18:07
hatchyeah we should probably fix that18:07
kadams54Since I've seen at least one good CI build, I'm fine doing :shipit:18:07
kadams54Assign it to the new guy18:07
hatchI definitely want work done on the test suite - just need to convince people to stop assigning us feature tasks :P18:08
kadams54I've been telling rick_h_ the same thing!18:09
kadams54We tried to convince Mark R. yesterday.18:09
kadams54He was less enthusiastic ;-)18:09
rick_h_hatch: hey, you knew machine view in a hurry was coming18:10
rick_h_it's #1 because honestly we're less than a month from vegas and they'll want to see it almost ready there18:10
rick_h_hatch: so I'm +1 on the idea, but let's remember where we're at :)18:10
hatchwhile() { printf("you knew %s in a hurry was coming", $project); }18:11
rick_h_hatch: now that's not fair. I recall weeks of maint at the end of the year 18:11
hatchso after lunch I'm going to get going on this deployer stuff18:12
hatchnow that i have it passing the tests18:12
benjirick_h_: I'm stumped; the indexing problem I thought existed actually doesn't and now the unindexed bundle is suddenly indexed on prod18:21
rick_h_benji: ummm, ok18:22
rick_h_benji: well that's good that the problem doesn't exist. That would be a big use case hole. 18:22
benjimy professional diagnosis is18:22
benjiglitch in the matrix18:22
rick_h_benji: and if it's on prod now, we did the deploy today wihch kicked something in the pants18:23
benjiyeah, that's what I was thinking18:23
rick_h_benji: which leads me to wanting that magic "clear the index and try again" button :/18:23
rick_h_benji: but yea, ok then. Thanks for chasing ghosts18:23
rick_h_benji: guess we'll call it a 'can't dupe' for now18:23
benjiwe need a "done" column (with scare quotes) for cards like this18:23
rick_h_"done...for now"18:24
rick_h_benji: think you can do either of the other two cards before you get done? Or maybe hand off to bac for monday?18:24
rick_h_benji: and just call this one a wrap for now18:24
* benji looks18:24
benjiI should be able to do the bulk of the "add maintainers field" card by EOTM (end of team membership).18:26
rick_h_benji: cool thanks. It'll be a pure test land as we don't have any charms with that yet 18:27
rick_h_benji: thanks18:27
benjisounds good18:27
rick_h_jujugui reminder that we'll be doing planning poker and scheduling work for the next two weeeks tomorrow. If you've got time away you'd like to schedule please get it in so I can plan around it18:40
hatchrick_h_ is good friday or easter monday a holiday?19:06
rick_h_hatch: not in the US. next holiday is Monday, May 26Memorial Day19:06
rick_h_per https://www.opm.gov/policy-data-oversight/snow-dismissal-procedures/federal-holidays/#url=201419:07
hatchohh ok I'll have to check in Canada then19:07
hatchlooks like it depends which religion I am19:08
* hatch flips coin19:08
rick_h_Good FridayApril 18, FridayNational except QC19:08
rick_h_Easter MondayApril 21, MondayQC19:08
rick_h_is what I see?19:08
hatchQC....just can't play with the other kids19:08
hatchholy smokes the kanban is all cleaned up19:18
* hatch opens the backlog19:18
rick_h_welcome to my world19:19
hatchugh the deployer has no comments19:21
hatchis this the best place for the python api docs? http://docs.python.org/2/19:23
* hatch feels like captain obvious right now19:23
rick_h_hatch: good place to start19:24
hatchyeah I just want to reference the native api's make sure I'm using them properly19:25
kadams545 years of python development and I never thought about that19:30
kadams54I just googled "python <api term>"19:30
hatchwhat have you used?19:30
kadams54And went with the first hit :-)19:30
hatchthat's awesome19:30
hatchin js world you google `mdn <whatever>` so that you get the mdn docs for it :)19:31
kadams54OK, heading out now. Will check back in tonight to get a full 8 hours today.19:32
rick_h_kadams54: thanks for the great state work today19:32
rick_h_hopefully your brain still functions :P19:32
hatchk and v must be some convention in python land for for loops?19:32
hatchkadams54 lata 19:33
kadams54Yeah, k = key, v = value19:33
kadams54You'll see either depending on how lazy/succinct the dev was ;-)19:34
kadams54Not just for looping though - pretty much any place involving key/value pairs19:34
hatchrick_h_ when you have a moment for a quick hangout I have a question about some methods19:35
rick_h_hatch: sure thing19:35
hatchrick_h_ I figured it out19:36
hatch@classmethod first parameter is the class19:36
rick_h_hatch: yep19:36
hatchapparently you can just call a class with params to create a new class19:37
rick_h_hits the class's __init__ (initializer())19:38
hatchyeah that's pretty cool19:39
hatchok code change complete....now to figure out how to use it....19:39
hatchhttps://gist.github.com/hatched/42dce5430e713fd83cc8 heh huge diff19:40
hatchumm ok using juju-quickstart in vagrant gave me the browser in the terminal....20:04
hatchlol wth20:04
hatchapparently it's running w3m20:05
rick_h_<3 w3m, it's my mutt html email viewer20:05
hatchof course it is20:06
rick_h_that and links2 for cli browser work20:06
hatchthe GUI does not work very well in w3m haha20:06
rick_h_no, no it does not20:07
hatchwe should probably check if w3m is installed before opening up people into it :)20:07
rick_h_if that's your default browser go with it 20:08
hatchyeah I suppose hey?20:08
rick_h_jujugui I'm out. Have a nice evening folks. Time to go fight rush hour.20:11
hatchnow I just need to find the unstable ppa for juju-core20:12
hatchahah devel20:13
Makyojujugui custom d3, requesting 2 QAs; most of the changes are hidden in ignored files: https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/20820:22
hatch<3 You're using failtester :D 20:22
MakyoIt's small and fast on LXCs :320:24
MakyoFingers went nuts20:24
MakyoHaving some left-brain/right-brain mixups.20:24
MakyoCrap, if the CI fails, I know what it is.20:27
hatchit did20:27
MakyoIt's some D3 cruft creeping into the tests.20:28
hatchand of course my deployer python fix could not be as easy as I had hoped :)20:45
hatchMakyo is there a way I can run a python script and then trigger the debugger to stop at a specific spot for me to step through?20:57
hatchpdb doesn't mention a 'debbuger' like statement20:57
hatchand I don't really want to step through the whole thing20:57
Makyohatch, import pdb; pdb.set_trace() where you want it to stop.20:57
hatchcool then I could go...20:58
hatchpython -m pdb ./deployer/bin/juju-deployer -v --config ../restcomm.yaml -e amazon20:58
hatchis that the correct syntax?20:58
hatchI'm spoiled by the chrome dev tools :D20:59
MakyoThat's the whole line.  `import pdb; pdb.set_trace()` and it will stop wherever that occurs inthe code.  No need for the -m20:59
hatchohh ok cool20:59
MakyoEquivalent to `debugger;` in js20:59
hatchwhat I woudln't give for a damn docbloc in the deployer code21:01
hatchrick_h_ if you have a moment to chat about this deployer thing lemme know21:52
=== hatch__ is now known as hatch
rick_h_hatch: joining AU call now22:29
rick_h_huwshimi: morning22:29
hatchlol that was odd22:42
hatchoops I forgot destroying services leaves the machine hanging around22:46

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