
apacheloggerSput: no windows backend? other than the vlc backend you mean? :P00:20
Riddellapachelogger: I wonder if we should turn off the locale missing notificaton for the live image00:43
Sputapachelogger: yeah, bundling vlc seems a bit overkillish for playing audio notifications, that's why I'm wondering if I should just use QtMultimedia for that07:17
apacheloggerRiddell: gstreamer1.0-pulseaudio was not installed on update09:40
apacheloggeralso: pgst when built against gst1 doesn't support device control without pulseaudio apparently09:41
apacheloggerstill doesn't play09:41
apacheloggerRiddell: does preview in dolphin work for you?09:41
apacheloggeroh, it locks up, how nice09:43
apacheloggeroh wait09:43
apacheloggerwrong phonon xD09:43
apacheloggerdolphin loads webkit09:47
apacheloggerwho'd have though09:47
Riddellfor html preview maybe?09:48
Riddellnew webkit should be in archive now, update again?09:48
Riddellbut no dolphin preview doesn't work :(09:49
apacheloggernah, I think dolphin doesn't do video anyway09:51
jussiyes it does09:51
apacheloggerSput: vlc for you use case is probably like 1mib of compressed data 09:51
apacheloggeryou just have to throw away the plugins you do not need09:52
Riddelldolphin says "(dolphin:32349): GStreamer-CRITICAL **: gst_mini_object_unref: assertion 'GST_IS_MINI_OBJECT (mini_object)' failed09:52
Riddell** Message: don't know how to handle audio/mpeg"09:52
Riddellwhich is weird since dragon plays it fine09:52
apacheloggerSput: anyway, you could also use windows media foundations directly I do not care, it's your call09:53
apachelogger(both phonon4 and qtmm are not really good at notification sounds btw, due to lack of pcm caching)09:54
Sputapachelogger: well, I'm mostly interested if QtMultimedia has downsides compared to Phonon, for our simple use case (also in Linux; for example, does QtMM work properly in a KDE desktop?)10:06
Riddellqtmm sucks! phonon rocks!10:07
apacheloggerSput: what Riddell said10:07
Sputis that political, ethical or technical opinion? :)10:08
apacheloggerSput:  I have no clue whether it works correctly in plasma, though it should as there's not much you can do wrong as long as sound gets piped through pa10:08
apacheloggerqtmm has shittier API for your simple use case though :P10:08
Sputyes, but as Phonon is no longer a part of Qt5, people start to complain that it's an extra dependency...10:08
Sputwell, I'll talk to TheOneRing (he asked me to figure this out)10:09
apacheloggerSput: an extra dependency?10:09
apacheloggerextra on top of what?10:09
Sput"a separate package" :)10:10
jussiSput: do it kde style, give options :D (add cmake options :D )10:10
apacheloggerwindows has packages? :O10:10
apacheloggerjussi: yeah, abstract the abstraction libraries ^^10:11
jussiapachelogger: :D :D :D10:11
Sputjussi: yes, it's all optional already now; but I don't want to ship yet another audio notification backend10:11
Sputobviously for me it would be easiest to just continue with Phonon as the code is all there :P10:11
Sput(and works fine in Qt5 for that matter; thanks for creating proper CMake stuff!)10:12
apacheloggercmake omnomnom10:12
Sputwell, I'll talk to TheOneRing. he's tempted to port the ds9 backend to phonon-qt5 because he thinks that shipping vlc just for notifications is a bit overkill10:13
apacheloggerSput: I think someone else was actually using the ds9 backend somewhere10:13
apacheloggerSput: you might want to tell him to consult with j-b though10:13
apacheloggerI really doubt libvlc+libvlccore+fileio+vorbis/pcmdecoder&demuxer would be big10:14
apacheloggerSput: just remembered, I think that someone else is also using ds9 because they thought vlc was too big for notifications10:14
apacheloggercan't remember who though10:14
Sputfor Qt5?10:14
Sputmeh, the proper solution would be to just use knotify on all platforms!10:15
apacheloggerSput: for qt410:15
apacheloggerjust saying, there may be other interested parties 10:16
Sputoh, we use the ds9 backend for qt410:18
shadeslayeranyone uses the kwallet gpg backend here?10:19
shadeslayerbecause I'm going to disable it10:19
apacheloggerSput: :O10:20
apacheloggerSput: oh random additional thought: windows media foundation may in general be more appropriate than ds9, so a backend rewrite may be handy10:21
shadeslayerbtw I will not be available till around 2 10:21
apacheloggershadeslayer: I am going to get drunk until then10:22
shadeslayerI'm here for another 20 minutes or so though10:22
shadeslayerapachelogger: have fun10:22
shadeslayergood for me, I can sneak in patches10:22
shadeslayerlike this one for example http://paste.ubuntu.com/7161940/10:26
BluesKaj'Morning folks10:28
shadeslayerapachelogger: since when did the mailing list become a bug tracker :O10:38
apacheloggershadeslayer: where?10:38
shadeslayerFwd: [Apport KDE] [2014-03-27] Automatic crash report generated by DrKonqi10:38
apacheloggerI dunno10:39
apacheloggerit's hard to file a bug if apport is broken, don't you think :P10:39
apacheloggera bit of a chicken-egg situation right there10:39
shadeslayersure, but a bit of googling would have landed you on the bug report ;)10:39
apacheloggershadeslayer: me?10:40
shadeslayerno, the guy posted to the mailing list10:40
kubotushadeslayer meant: "no, the guy posted who the mailing list"10:40
apacheloggerwell yeah, you know who people are :P10:40
shadeslayercya at around 2 I guess10:41
RiddellSput: hmm if people complain about extra dependencies that kindae puts the whole kf5 idea as being a complaint target11:03
sgclarkRiddell: have you had time to look at calligra?11:06
Riddellsgclark: yep, uploading it now11:24
SputRiddell: KF5 will only catch on as planned if deployment is easy also on other platforms than Linux11:32
Sput(which is why I keep telling people they should keep this in mind, but I'm not sure if that's actually happening)11:32
SputI'm not going to make KF5 a requirement for Quassel (much as I'd love to) if it's not really easy to package in Windows11:33
Sputpreferably, KDE provides some CMake stuff that can automagically download and build a list of KD5 modules and their dependencies for Win and Mac11:34
Sput(and makes sure that it's setup in a way where a normal CMake buildsystem can then pick up the components; I have no clue if CMake config mode actually works, as there's no standard location to install cmake configs to)11:35
Riddellsgclark: up for some backporting?11:41
Riddellsgclark: also calligra-l10n to be done with all its fiddle11:41
sgclarkRiddell: still trying to make a saucy pbuild env, not going well. Sure I can attempt i10n, which is top priority?11:43
apacheloggersudo pbuilder-dist saucy create11:45
Riddellsgclark: either way around11:51
Riddellsudo debootstrap saucy saucy  when you can't be bothered with pbuilder11:51
Riddellsgclark: calligra-l10n-package in kubuntu-automation may well help with calligra-l10n11:58
Riddellsgclark: it's a weird multi source package11:58
sgclarkapachelogger: your command was successful, thank you12:28
sgclarkRiddell: starting with backport12:28
yofelRiddell: the calligra-l10n internal script didn't do the job? That was pretty easy to use last time I worked on it12:32
Riddellyofel: I've always got confused by it and had to fix stuff up by hand12:33
apacheloggerRiddell: since you don't like pbuilder, I can recommend lxc rather than regular chroots very much12:33
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1283820] content of windows (and desktop) appear black when using kwin, but not with kwin_gles - in... @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1283820 (by avlas)12:33
yofelapachelogger: do you have an easy pbuilder-like lxc setup? I do like using it for manual building, but for simple testbuilds lxc is just a hassle12:34
yofelRiddell: good point, the usage documentation of it was... lacking12:34
apacheloggernope, I only looked into lxc yesterdya for like an hour, but it should not be hard to create lbuilder xD12:35
apacheloggerlx-create -> then overlayfs snapshot per build instance12:35
yofelit's possible sure, and a overlayfs setup like auto-upgrade-tester uses would be sweet12:35
apacheloggerall you need then is a way to conviently exchange the src package and binary results12:36
apacheloggerwhich you could do via a mount (which may be a bit eww) or the host script would simply copy the data into the clone before calling execute and copying the data out before calling destroy12:37
yofelwell, you can just copy that to /var/lib/lxc/*/rootfs/tmp/, the actual command executing needs to happen over ssh though I think12:37
apacheloggerit really maps very well to how pbuilde rworks anyway12:37
apacheloggeryofel: nope, you could stdin pipe12:37
apacheloggerpbuilder doesn't do that either12:38
apacheloggerinstaed you'd deploy a tiny harness script into the clone and lxc-execute that from the host12:38
yofelif you say so, auto-upgrade-tester fiddels with ssh IIRC, which is why I said that12:38
apacheloggerwhich I think is what pbuilder does as well12:38
yofeloh, good point12:38
apacheloggeryofel: I think that's to mimic actual user input12:38
apacheloggeryou could still stdin pipe though I guess12:38
apacheloggerI may change the neon5 builder to use lxc some time, quite possibly results of that can be salvaged into a possible lbuilder12:40
shadeslayeris the freeze over?12:42
yofelpackage building is really the only thing that I still use pbuilder for. When I need a simple chroot I go with lxc usually (mostly because that has the debootstrap stuff cached)12:42
apacheloggershadeslayer: freeze is over when beta2 announcement is out12:43
shadeslayerpft okay12:43
shadeslayerRiddell: are you finishing off http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ninjas-status/build_status_4.12.95_saucy.html12:44
* yofel just retried a bunch on that page12:44
Riddellshadeslayer: hmm I'd quite forgotten about it :(12:54
yofelpykde4 needs install file mangling (s/3.4/3.3/), otherwise we're good so far12:54
shadeslayerwill get to it post lunch12:55
apacheloggeryofel: oh, what I don't know yet, how do you enable non-root user execution of containers?12:57
yofelapachelogger: I've never actually tried it: https://www.stgraber.org/2014/01/17/lxc-1-0-unprivileged-containers/13:03
apacheloggeruhu, very hacky13:04
apacheloggerlet's not think about that for now ^^13:04
menaceis there a way to see, which binary application registered which applications at the dbus-service?13:39
apacheloggeryofel: placing data in the overlay is a bit of a hack xD14:19
BluesKajhmm, system settings>multimedia>audio&video settings doesn't open in 14.04. it just hangs with the cursor turning over14:20
BluesKajsame goes for my desktop 14/04 install, altho it has pulseaudio installed14:21
apacheloggerbecause Riddell broke all of multimedia14:23
* apachelogger ^5's Riddell and welcomes him to the club :P14:23
BluesKajwell alsamixer is still available 14:25
shadeslayermuch interesting14:27
shadeslayerkio_sftp is no more?14:27
shadeslayerneeds 0.6.0 :(14:29
Riddellshadeslayer: sftp works for me, what's up?14:30
shadeslayerneeds newer libssh in saucy14:30
Riddell backport it?14:30
apacheloggeryofel: if you want to write lbuilder... http://paste.ubuntu.com/7163019/ should have all the bits needed in terms of actual lxc interaction14:32
menacehi, i want to debug ksmserver, but when i attach to ksmserver with gdb, it always says that is already debugged (which it is clearly not) and if i kill the other program, the session exits. i suppose, that is, because kinit is attached to ksmserver and when kinit is killed, the session ends. how can i debug ksmserver?15:27
shadeslayermenace: please don't cross post :)15:28
shadeslayerand I think you'll get your answer in #kde-devel15:28
menaceshadeslayer: let's see ;-)15:30
menacebut i thought, perhaps it is a distribution specific issue...15:31
shadeslayerdoubt it15:31
menacesince forking and attaching from kinit/session-beginning is sometimes handled differently, i was not sure... only reason15:34
menaceshadeslayer: does not look like it, that anyone's helping, does it? ;)16:01
shadeslayerask on the mailing list?16:01
menaceyeah, I'll subscribe to it16:02
menaceoh, i think, i found a possibility16:03
shadeslayerRiddell: I got the GPG thing working16:10
shadeslayerRiddell: your key must be fully trusted16:10
=== shadeslayer is now known as shadeslayer_
=== shadeslayer_ is now known as shadeslayer
shadeslayerRiddell: how's the release going17:02
shadeslayerneed any help?17:02
Riddellshadeslayer: which GPG thing?17:27
shadeslayerRiddell: kwallet gpg17:27
Riddellshadeslayer: oh weren't we going to disable that?17:27
shadeslayerRiddell: I did17:27
shadeslayerbut I also got it to work17:27
shadeslayerafiestas *really* recommended that we disable it17:28
yofelwhat's the default?17:28
shadeslayerGPG for me17:28
shadeslayerand it says "for better protection"17:29
Riddellbut it doesn't work at all for a new user17:29
Riddellso very unfriendly17:29
yofelIMO, if upstream doesn't recommend it, they should be disabling it17:29
Riddellyou want to connect to wifi and it says use gpg and it breaks17:29
yofelor at least not-enable-by-default17:30
Riddellshadeslayer: release in about 4 hours, needs a story on kubuntu.org and this checked over https://wiki.kubuntu.org/TrustyTahr/Beta2/Kubuntu17:30
=== shadeslayer_ is now known as shadeslayer
sgclarkRiddell: calligra saucy backport in my ubuntu one. Runs through saucy pbuilder with only one dep change.18:09
yofelsgclark: is it in a PPA? then we could just copy it18:13
sgclarkyofel: I don't know what you mean sorry18:14
yofelsgclark: ah ok, PPA's are our launchpad archives, like kubuntu-ninjas/ppa or kubuntu-ppa/experimental18:14
yofelevery launchpad user can have some so you might want to look into it18:15
yofelsgclark: https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA18:15
yofelsgclark: in the meanwhile, where's the package? Then I could upload it too18:19
sgclarkyofel: in my ubuntu one, I don't have your email to give access18:19
yofelhi Peace-18:33
Peace-hi yofel18:34
shadeslayeryofel: want to see something neat?18:34
yofelalways ^^18:34
shadeslayeryofel: http://wstaw.org/m/2014/03/27/plasma-desktopUA2242.png18:34
yofelNERD o.O?18:35
* Peace- hheheheh nerd18:35
shadeslayersilly plugin name18:35
shadeslayerfor vim18:35
yofelyeah, I recognised vim, but that's cool indeed18:35
shadeslayeryofel: http://wstaw.org/m/2014/03/27/plasma-desktoppX2242.png18:35
shadeslayernotice the +'s on the left18:36
Peace-mah i love kate :P 18:37
shadeslayeryofel: oh, even more fun : http://wstaw.org/m/2014/03/27/plasma-desktopwH2242.png18:37
shadeslayeryofel: also, that's qvim18:38
shadeslayeror Qt Vim :P18:38
yofelwait what, that exists?18:38
shadeslayeryofel: https://bitbucket.org/equalsraf/vim-qt/wiki/Home18:39
shadeslayeryofel: ./configure --enable-gui=qt --prefix=/opt/vim-qt --with-vim-name=qvim --enable-rubyinterp --enable-pythoninterp --enable-python3interp18:41
shadeslayerfor extra pythonness18:41
yofelsgclark: did you use a different tarball to build calligra for saucy? Trying to apply your files to the trusty tarball gives:18:42
yofeldpkg-source: error: file ./calligra_2.8.1.orig.tar.xz has size 138470468 instead of expected 13847155218:42
shadeslayeryofel: I still haven't found a good way to find files inside a project18:43
shadeslayeror jumping around into functions18:43
shadeslayerctags just seem very 90's18:43
sgclarkyofel: sorry having internet issues, will re-upload the orig file19:04
yofelsgclark: I would rather find out why they're mismatching, otherwise I'll have to do a full upload when a diff upload should be sufficient19:08
sgclarkyofel: my internet cut out possibly while it was uploading19:08
yofelsgclark: then it would be mine, as I downloaded the tarball from launchpad. The .dsc has the filesize in it though and that doesn't match19:09
sgclarkyofel: did you get it ? I am building off tarball retrieved from depot19:13
yofelfor some reason your tarball doesn't match with depot, MD5: f35d3b792875b31576804090872a9771 != 85629dd9ed72a0b57ed279528b0879d719:18
yofelbut now I can rebuild the package easily19:19
sgclarkwhat ? how did that happen? have I just wasted days of work? I am confused19:19
yofelsgclark: it should be fine, after all the archive upload to trusty used the correct tarball19:23
yofelI'll just take your changes and rebase them on the right file19:23
yofelsgclark: what's fixMsooXmlTableStyleCase.diff ?19:26
yofelsgclark: aah, the tarball was respun upstream to fix the error that this patch fixes19:27
yofelhence the different files19:27
sgclarkyofel: ahh19:27
sgclarkthat makes sense then19:28
yofelsgclark: what exactly did you change? Your packaging was a bit outdated so the diff is a bit large and I don't really see what you changed for the backport http://paste.ubuntu.com/7164538/19:35
sgclarkyofel: my packaging was a bit outdated? This is my first backport and all I did was run it against pbuilder saucy and had to change okular depend version, as newest does not exist in saucy. Your paste looks like all of the work I did for trusty build...19:39
yofelsgclark: that's the diff between the trusty archive package and yours19:40
yofelbackporting usually means taking the package from trusty, and adjusting it for saucy. Here I guess jr changed the package before upload so they don't match19:41
sgclarkOh I think I know what happened, looks like I failed to bzr add patches19:41
sgclarkthough we no longer need so I should rebuild calligra with new tarball? 19:42
sgclarkmore going on there though. I don't know what all he changed19:46
yofelI'll look at things in detail in a moment, a bit busy right now19:48
sgclarkyofel: no there is something very wrong here, patches being added back in that should have been removed. Disregard this being ready. 19:49
yofelthe patches are there because the tarball is different19:49
sgclarkyofel: I am thinking I want to grab the new tarball and rebuild. What do you think?19:50
yofelsgclark: probably best, run this:19:51
yofeldget -xu https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/trusty/+source/calligra/1:2.8.1-0ubuntu1/+files/calligra_2.8.1-0ubuntu1.dsc19:51
yofelthen you'll start from the current trusty package19:51
yofelsgclark: do you have a gpg key? I could explain you how to setup a PPA if you want. Having the package in an archive makes it easier to a) test it as we have the binaries b) review it as it's in a public location c) one can copy packages between archives easily19:57
sgclarkyofel: yeah, I set up a persoanl ppa. will upload this to that when ready19:59
Riddellbeta 2 feels nearly out21:41
sgclarkyofel: I grabbed the tarball from depot and that error (the one I created patch for) is still there. Where did you get your tarball that was fixed?21:42
yofelsgclark: I ran the dget line I gave you21:42
yofelwhich downloads the tarball from launchpad21:43
yofeland that has the same md5 as depot21:43
yofelsgclark: wait, which patch are we talking about exactly?21:45
sgclarkwell the depot was not fixed so I am back to havving no idea why the mdsums would be off21:45
sgclarkBorDer needs to be Border in MsooXmlTableStyle.cpp21:46
yofellet me verify this21:46
yofelsgclark: ok, seems like upstream messed up again?21:48
yofel85629dd9ed72a0b57ed279528b0879d7 is indeed still broken, and I just realized that raymond complained about that today21:48
sgclarkI don't know but this is getting frustrating. 21:48
yofelsgclark: in any case, we'll have to fix the trusty package first, as that's broken too21:49
yofelsgclark: the tarball was respun though, so the md5sums were still off21:50
sgclarkyofel: I am going to apply my original fix to this latest depot I downloaded ok?21:50
yofelit's just that the new tarball is broken too21:50
sgclarkwill that resolve mdsums?21:51
yofelsure, as long as yours is 85629dd9ed72a0b57ed279528b0879d721:51
sgclarkyofel: verified, moving forward21:52
Sputagateau: are there any plans to do a release of libdbusmenu-qt with the cmake config stuff and Qt5 support in?22:16
Sput0.9.2 is getting a bit stale :P22:16
ScottKSput: IIRC he stopped dealing with it when he left Canonical.23:36
RiddellSubject: [ubuntu-release] Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) Final Beta released23:39
valoriebtw, our https://wiki.kubuntu.org/TrustyTahr/Beta2/Kubuntu shows down at the Software Common to all Ubuntu flavours section:23:44
valorieInclude: Nothing found for "^##StartTrustyReleaseBugs"!23:44
valorieInclude: Nothing found for "##EndTrustyReleaseBugs"!23:44
valoriein red23:44
Riddellhmm, some breakage there, wasn't like that this afternoon23:50
* Riddell removes23:51
* Riddell publishes http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kubuntu-1404-lts-beta-223:52
=== mhall119 is now known as mhall119|offline
Riddellslightly concerned we'll now get lots of bugs about amarok crashing from people who need to update to latest qtwebkit23:59

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