
=== sputnik1_ is now known as sputnik13
rbasakbigjools: thanks. I was going to fill out that bug - I just created it to track the work to start with.02:25
bigjoolsrbasak: :)02:25
rbasakbigjools: I've fixed the test issue with iscpy locally. Just sorting an upload out for that now.02:25
bigjoolsI had it on my list of things to do anyway, I didn;t know you were doing it02:25
bigjoolsI was just doing *that* as well02:25
rbasakI had to patch a test - just sending that upstream now, then I'll upload02:26
rbasakroaksoax (via gaughen) asked me if I could take care of these two MIRs.02:26
bigjoolsrbasak: oh, tests all ran for me02:27
rbasakbigjools: yeah they run fine, but can't find their data if the working directory is the top level, which is the normal way for nosetests to run.02:28
rbasakbigjools: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7160450/ is what I did. Just used __file__ to make the test a bit more resilient finding its own data.02:29
rbasakThen nosetests runs fine.02:29
bigjoolsrbasak: looks almost exactly what I had done so far02:31
bigjoolsso I'll let you finish I guess :)02:31
rbasakbigjools: I'm just sending the patch upstream, then I'll upload. Sorry about duplicating work.02:32
rbasakI had assumed that roaksoax owned it and had handed it to me.02:32
bigjoolsrbasak: no worries, let's just blame roaksoax :)02:32
jtvHi rbasak — what are you doing up at this hour?02:33
rbasakjtv: can't sleep. I have body clock issues :(02:34
rbasakI figured I'd work now and sleep later, rather than remaining sleep deprived today.02:34
jtvI find that unless I work until the point of collapse, I need a few hours to unwind after work.02:38
jtvOtherwise, no sleep again.02:38
rbasakI think I more or less understand my body clock and how to fix it. I have a really bright daylight lamp on a timer switch.02:45
rbasakUnfortunately life got in the way and my body clock gets disrupted very easily.02:45
jtvSame here, though I found ways of coping.  Probably not as bad as you.  Never got Redshift to work, but it sounded like a good idea.02:46
rbasakThe lamp should fix it in a week or so though. Luckily it's only slightly annoying, especially with a job where I can mostly just get on with it without worrying about working hours.02:46
rbasakMeetings excepted, but I don't have so many so can usually manage to make those.02:47
rbasak(well, always, I think so far)02:47
jtvOn the bright side, you get to talk to colleagues you wouldn't normally have much overlap with.  :)02:47
rbasakIndeed :)02:47
rbasakjamespage: we need to be subscribing ~ubuntu-server to MAAS MIRs, right If so, could you please subscribe us to iscpy and to python-seamicroclient?03:06
rbasakWe have MIRs active on these now, and I've linked the MAAS blueprint to the bugs.03:06
rbasakroaksoax: ^^?03:06
bigjoolsrbasak: it must be 3am for you... wtf? :)03:07
rbasakbigjools: see backscroll :)03:07
bigjoolsrbasak: get a blood test for MTHFR mutation03:08
bigjoolsand then read this http://mthfr.net/mthfr-c677t-mutation-basic-protocol/2012/02/24/03:08
rbasakSo python-seamicroclient appears to be running tests, but they are failing and the failing results are explicitly being ignroed with a ||true03:08
bigjoolsjtv: I am going to have lunch then I will review your branch03:31
jtvSometimes I wonder what systems would look like if the world had an iron-clad engineering rule: you can't land code that grabs a persistent lock without a watchdog to protect against process death.03:36
* jtv just rebooted a system to get rid of an apt lock. Does it show?03:37
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jamespagerbasak, ok06:25
=== CyberJacob|Away is now known as CyberJacob
dimiternhey maas guys, I'm wondering how can I install maas 1.5 from the package here https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/trusty/+source/maas/1.5+bzr1977-0ubuntu507:34
dimiternI have a local install with maas (originally on precise using v1.2, but then upgraded to 1.4) with libvirt vm as cluster controller and 5 vm nodes, which is working well with juju07:35
dimiternso, can I install 1.5 on precise? i've added the cloud-tools pocket but can't see newer version than 1.407:36
dimiternrvba, perhaps you can help? ^^07:36
bigjoolsdimitern: hi07:37
rvbaAFAIK, 1.5 is not available on precise.  You need trusty.07:37
rvbadimitern: ^07:37
bigjoolswhat he said :)07:37
dimiternbigjools, hey07:37
bigjoolsdimitern: you need trusty07:37
dimiternso I can try installing a new maas on trusty and I should get the latest07:37
bigjoolsnot the very latest but it will have the latest VLAN code07:38
dimiterncheers bigjools and rvba07:38
bigjoolsdimitern: canonistack to the rescue!07:38
dimiternbigjools, why canonistack?07:38
bigjoolsdimitern: I'm sure you'll figure it out07:39
dimitern:) oh boy07:39
dimiternand this time i'm writing everything down each step of the way and will post a yet another "installing maas+juju" blog article :)07:40
basicerHow would I go about changing how Curtin creates the filesystem ?08:19
bigjoolsbasicer: you wait for smoser to come online and get him to help :)08:33
jamrvba: just checking if https://launchpad.net/~maas-maintainers/+archive/dailybuilds/+packages is appropriate if we want to set up our own MaaS to do testing against VLAN08:34
jamor if that is going to be *too* new and sometimes broken08:34
jamI guess I see this one, too: https://launchpad.net/~maas-maintainers/+archive/daily-qa-ok08:35
rvbajam: not sure the package in daily-qa-ok is recent enough.08:35
bigjoolsrbasak: it is08:35
jamrvba: 1.5+bzr1977+2115+246~ppa0~ubuntu14.04.108:35
bigjoolsrvba:  it is08:35
jamsays 2115 in there08:35
rvbaOkay then.08:35
basicerAlso, I dont know if this is fixed or not, but it took me like 4 hours to figure out.08:44
basicerIf you public IPs for your nodes, the deb package cache will reject you, and nothing will work T.T08:44
bigjoolsyou what?08:46
basiceryou use public IPs for your nodes.08:46
rvbabigjools: you didn't vote on https://code.launchpad.net/~rvb/maas/api-anchors/+merge/21299709:27
bigjoolsrvba: yeah sorry I've not really looked at it in detail09:28
rvbaOkay, no worrie.09:28
rvbaMaybe jtv will be willing to review it… ?09:28
rvbaThe anchor branch.  See above.09:29
jtvYes I would.09:29
jtvrvba: reviewed09:42
rvbajtv: thanks09:42
jtvbigjools: I filed two new cards — for updating the import-pxe-files manpage, and for making it clear that those old shell import config files are obsolete.09:59
jtvWe can handle the latter from the upgrade hook.  No packaging changes needed.09:59
bigjoolsjtv: right!  thanks09:59
bigjoolsof course!10:00
jtvI'm going to replace that awkward boot_walk() with its callback parameter with a generator.10:03
jtvrvba: are you working on labels in the new import script?10:16
jtvBecause I'd like to throw boot_walk out the window.  It's clearer as a generator.10:16
jtvNo more nested callbacks!10:16
rvbajtv: I'll resume my work on that this afternoon.  Basically testing Oleg's branch.10:17
jtvThis means I'll have to read his email, doesn't it?10:17
rvbajtv: just have a look at his branch to see if it clashes with want you intend to do.  It's tiny.10:18
jtvAh good.10:18
jtvYup, there will be conflicts.  But nothing serious.10:19
rvbajtv: the daily package failed to build: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/170842514/buildlog_ubuntu-trusty-i386.maas_1.5%2Bbzr2153%2B2184%2B254~ppa0~ubuntu14.04.1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz10:33
rvbaLooks related to your recent changes.10:33
jtvIt was "uploading"...10:33
jtvActually, it says "successful build."10:34
allenaprvba: Have you seen the maas_longpoll problem before?10:34
rvbaallenap: Are you referring to the discussion in #juju-dev?10:35
allenaprvba: Yeah.10:35
rvbaNo, I don't think I've seen this before.10:35
jtvAhhh, setup.py still mentions the ephemerals script!10:37
jtvNew branch...10:37
rvbajtv: didn't 'make package' catch that?10:42
jtvI have no idea why, but we got a "Build successful" — followed by this error.10:42
rvbaI wonder if running 'make package' shouldn't be part of the landing process as well.10:42
jtvYes, now that we have it, we ought to use it.10:43
jtvAlthough there are practical problems.10:43
jtvSometimes a branch change is paired up with a packaging change, and they need to land in lockstep.10:43
allenapIn that it writes to it’s parent directory? (Whoever though that was a good idea when developing deb tools was on meth.)10:44
rvbaYou can always land things manually in this case.10:44
allenaprvba: Do you understand what’s happening in that paste from vladk?10:46
jtvSmall & easy branch for review!  Cheap karma!  https://code.launchpad.net/~jtv/maas/remove-ephemerals-script-from-setup/+merge/21301710:46
rvbaallenap: No really, could "invoke-rc.d: policy-rc.d denied execution of restart." be the cause of this mess?10:47
rvbajtv: approved10:48
=== marcoceppi is now known as marco_traveling
melmothhola ! I have a customet that tells me "when i add-unit nova-compute, a box is installed, but no nova-compute charm is never installed"12:36
melmothi was expecting to see some error in /var/log/cloud-init-outpout.log but there is no such file12:37
melmoththere is a /var/log/cloud-init.log though https://pastebin.canonical.com/107252/12:37
melmothbut i dont see any obvious error to my eyes.. where should i investigate ?12:37
smoserbasicer, its not really trivial to change the way curtin changes filesystem.12:38
smoserwhat did you want to do ?12:39
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roaksoaxrbasak: cool! thanks for taking care of that14:05
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dimiterngmb, https://bugs.launchpad.net/maas/+bug/1297814 that's the bug14:52
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1297814 in MAAS "MAAS does not advertise its capabilities" [High,Triaged]14:52
gmbdimitern: Cool, thanks.14:53
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perrito666rvba: hi, have a moment for a question regarding gomaasapi.testservice?16:23
rvbaperrito666: go ahead16:26
perrito666rvba: I am trying to make the testserver have /networks16:27
perrito666I registered the function to handle /api/<version>/networks/16:27
perrito666yet I get bad request whey I run the test I wrote16:27
perrito666before I start debugging my own code :)16:27
perrito666is there any step I am missing to register a new api endpoint?16:27
rvbaperrito666: do you have a diff I could look at?16:27
perrito666rvba: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7163586/16:29
basicersmoser: Well my machines have four disks;  I would like to either put them in raid; or set up a btrfs filesystem that uses all 4.16:39
rvbaperrito666: what's the url of the request that generates a 400 error?16:40
perrito666rvba: I am trying to igure out how to get that :) since I am using maasObj.CallGet("networks", params)16:44
perrito666will get back t you when I do16:44
rvbaperrito666: I think the problem is that, if you have params (and I assume you do), "/api/%s/networks/" isn't going to catch the request.16:45
perrito666rvba: I thought they where not considered in the url matching16:45
* perrito666 is djang biased16:45
perrito666rvba: tx16:46
rvbaperrito666: hum, you might be right, looks like we're comparing that to the 'path' part of the URL16:46
mgzperrito666: you mean you're written in python too?16:47
perrito666mgz: yes, I am poorly templated tho16:48
rvbaperrito666: is networksHandler() being called at all?16:53
perrito666rvba: apparently not16:57
perrito666that i wh I was wondering if I was missing a step ther16:58
rvbaperrito666: I don't see anything obviously wrong.17:00
perrito666rvba: Ill keep looking into it, perhaps I can get the fake server to output all requests to stdout17:00
rvbaYeah, that would be a start.17:01
=== alexpilotti_ is now known as alexpilotti
perrito666rvba: duh, call get is calling
=== marco_traveling is now known as marcoceppi
Valduarehow many physical servers do I need to setup an ubuntu cloud, maas, juju, openstack etc20:02
roadmrValduare: simplistically, I think 10: 1 for maas, 1 for the juju bootstrap node, and 8 for the services comprising openstack (I count 8 of them)20:03
Valduare10 physical servers?20:04
roadmrValduare: right. I think you can put several services in the same node to cut down on number of servers needed20:05
ValduareRight now I have one little mini itx board running 14 vm’s all setup manually lol20:06
Valduarecant afford 10 physical servers20:06
roadmrValduare: (that's why I said "simplistically" - if you have enough hardware, just slap maas on one node, install juju on that one, and juju deploy all the openstack services, you don't need to configure anything else)20:06
roadmrValduare: haha well I think you can have maas managing virtual machines, then you'd only need 1 server :D20:07
ValduareI have all of my vm’s stored on a freenas box serving iscsi atm20:07
Valduareand an esxi host on a gigabyte gae-350n mobo with 16 gigs of ram20:08
Valduarehttp://insights.ubuntu.com/resources/tutorials/interested-in-maas-and-juju-heres-how-to-try-it-in-a-vm/ interesting20:23
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=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away

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