
interwebWhen does ubuntu 14.04 comes out ?00:02
ubottuA schedule of Trusty Tahr (14.04) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseSchedule00:03
DaekdroomApril 17th00:03
rwwodd, I changed the /topic to something informative a whileback and it appears to have unstuck00:12
=== rww changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Welcome to #ubuntu+1, the channel for discussion of pre-release versions of Ubuntu. Pre-release versions are unstable and will probably break your computer somehow. | Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseSchedule | Daily ISO: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current | Release: April 17th
=== rww changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Welcome to #ubuntu+1, the channel for discussion of pre-release versions of Ubuntu. Pre-release versions are unstable and will probably break your computer somehow. | Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseSchedule | Daily ISO: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current | Release estimate: April 17th
NicholasCI've had a bit of a stupid: Rented a new server which came with 12.04 server, upgraded it and got 14.04. Would really like to go back to 13.10 since I need a package from there. Is there a way to do this (or to nab the package?)00:27
DaekdroomDowngrading is not recommended.00:28
Daekdroom(specially not for servers00:28
NicholasCThe server's a fresh install: Nothing's on it yet.00:29
DaekdroomJust install 13.10 then.00:29
DaekdroomBut 13.10 has a short time of support, if you need a package that is no longer available in 14.04, you'll face the same issue a few months ahead.00:30
ubottuUbuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download at http://releases.ubuntu.com/13.10 - Read the release notes at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SaucySalamander/ReleaseNotes00:30
TJ-NicholasC: Is the package ont in 14.04 ?00:30
NicholasCTJ-, I don't know. The package is rsnapshot.00:30
TJ-"apt-cache search rsnapshot"00:31
rww!info rsnapshot trusty00:31
ubottursnapshot (source: rsnapshot): local and remote filesystem snapshot utility. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.3.1-4 (trusty), package size 112 kB, installed size 454 kB00:31
rww(so yes)00:32
NicholasCI'm going to sound like an idiot, but, what does that mean? I can't grab it with apt-get.00:32
DaekdroomDo you have the universe repos activated?00:33
rwwhave you done sudo apt-get update recently?00:33
rwwand Daekdroom beat me to my next question00:33
NicholasCrww, just now, before I did the get.00:33
rwwyou probably need to make sure universe is enabled in /etc/apt/sources.list00:33
NicholasCDaekdroom, I have not. Do you guys have any quick info on that or should I google?00:33
DaekdroomI don't know how to fiddle with repositories from the command line.00:35
NicholasCThere's a lot of stuff on google about that. Let's see.. Thanks for the help so far, guys.,00:36
NicholasCAh, just adding "universe" at the end worked wonders and I've got my package. Thanks, guys.00:37
thiebaudeAnyone having sound that is cracking using HDMI connected to a HDTV?00:58
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tootightsI have booted to my 14.04 dvd. The purple screen displays with the familiar ubuntu loading indicator. Then it black screens. i can ctrl+alt+f1 break out, then alt+f7 still doesnt' load X. Any ideas?01:59
Beldartootights, Have you tried a nomodeset boot?02:06
tootightsHi does anyone know if this issue is resolved?  106590202:06
tootightsNo I have not, I am not familiar what that option02:07
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter02:07
tootightsOops, sorry I'm hoping its the issue, I found it here: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/plymouth/+bug/106590202:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1065902 in pvr-omap4 (Ubuntu Saucy) "black/blue screen before installer, tty switch fixes it" [High,Confirmed]02:08
tootightsok, it just looked similar, i gues snot02:08
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DJJeffhaving some serious issues with plymouth (bootup)08:07
DJJeffoh bug is almost over 1 year old08:11
GamoderHi everyone, I got the following problem (Ubuntu 14.04, 64 bit, XFCE): My nm-applet does run, but does not show up in the notification bar09:33
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SwedeMikeI just tried a upgrade-managed -d from 13.10 to 14.04. The uprade stopped in the middle, and I then discovered that the "Terminal" dropdown in the "distribution upgrade" gui contained a dialogue box I needed to press enter in, in order for the upgrade to continue. It was to confirm process restart of "atd" and a few others.10:07
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fibz_file a bug against it10:21
elhoirhi there10:26
elhoiri have just tried to install Ubuntu 14.04 via USB stick10:27
elhoirand it doesnt detect my NTFS partition10:27
elhoirit acts as if the whole 1TB HDD was empty10:27
elhoir(but it isnt, it containsta a Win7 partition)10:27
elhoirdoes anyone have any idea?10:27
BluesKaj'Morning folks10:28
elhoirany idea?10:35
elhoirshould i report that as a bug?10:36
elhoiror is it known?10:36
thnovcan one change a bug on launchpad to be mapped against trusty? bug #129828710:53
ubottubug 1298287 in xorg (Ubuntu) "Windows and icons stays on secondary display" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129828710:53
kees__what is the correct place to report bugs in 14.04?11:19
BluesKajkees__,  here's how https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Bugs/Reporting11:24
RovanionI'm having this issue where mouse clicks aren't registered if I'm having my finger on the touchpad at the same time.11:37
RovanionIn order for the click to register I must lift my finger from the touchpad11:37
RovanionThis causes a lot of mouse clicks to go unregistered as I'm moving my mouse to the tab I want to click.11:37
RovanionThe click happens with the hardware buttons under the synaptics touchpad.11:38
RovanionI've been struggling to find why my clicks weren't being registered and have finally found out that it's because I'm moving the mouse at the same time as I'm clicking.11:42
alketHi, is final beta released ?11:43
BluesKajalket, beta 2 yes11:44
alketBluesKaj, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseSchedule this one with 27th March ?11:44
BluesKajalket, if you already run 14.04 , just update, upgrade and dist-upgrade and you''ll have beta 211:47
alketno i dont11:47
alketbut will download now, thanks11:47
BluesKajalket, download the daily11:48
mbrgmhi! simple question: if I have trusty daily build running on my machine, will dist-upgrade after the final release take me to the state of the final release?13:19
BluesKajhmm, system settings>multimedia>audio&video settings doesn't open in kubuntu. just hangs there... no pulseaudio installed14:16
BluesKajseems pulseaudio has no effect anyway because the desktop pc does th14:24
BluesKajthe same , and it does have pulse installed14:24
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edude03Good morning everyone, so I mentioned this before but it hasn't been fixed yet so I figured I14:40
edude03d bring it up again, I'm unable to get the 14.04 daily installer to boot on my T440, but it will boot if installed on external then booted from that14:40
edude03What steps can I take to debug this issue?14:40
BluesKajedude03, describe what happens when you try to boot14:42
edude03I'll have to go on so far is this https://www.dropbox.com/s/gu6a0xb9el8q2ke/2014-03-12%2016.45.40.jpg there is a kernel panic (seemingly caused by the drm_kms_helper) on boot14:42
BluesKajok edude03 try ctl+alt+F1-F6 to drop to a virtual teminal/tty then update, upgrade and dist-upgrade14:44
edude03BluesKaj from within the installer? It kernel panics during the ubuntu load screen (before getting to the Try Ubuntu / Install screen)14:46
BluesKajedude03, make sure you BIOS has the boot sequence set to the media device that contains the live image14:48
BluesKajyour BIOS or UEFI14:49
edude03Well in this case i'm pressing F12 to boot from USB14:50
edude03It's a UEFI machine but it's set to legacy so it's not that14:51
BluesKajstill the boot sequence might be the problem14:51
BluesKajsince you already have an existing install on another drive14:52
edude03On an external drive that's not plugged in14:52
Wntis it possible to disable KMS wit some boot parameters?14:55
BluesKajedude03, did you reformat the target drive and remove the GPT partition put there by Windows14:55
edude03Yeah the target drive is EXT4 formatted can't remember if its GPT but I think I went back to MBR14:56
edude03Either way - that shouldn't cause a kernel panic14:56
Wntedude03: can you try disabling KMS by appending a nomodeset boot parameter in GRUB? https://wiki.debian.org/KernelModesetting#Disabling_KMS14:57
edude03OK let me give that a try Wnt14:58
Wntin GRUB you should be able to edit the boot parameters by selecting the boot option you want to use and hit E14:58
BluesKajedude03, doubt that grub is installed if he couldn't get past the kernel panic, unless it installed during external OS installation14:59
WntBluesKaj: I think the problem here is that he cannot start the live environment15:00
Wntand you can temporarily modify the boot parameters in GRUB15:00
BluesKajif it's there15:01
edude03Yeah so the back story is this: The T440s has a 16GB SSD cache and a 500GB regular HD, I installed Ubuntu on a 500GB USB drive before and I formatted the 16GB cache part so I could setup bcache15:02
edude03The 500GB external died / is dying (it randomly locks up with EXT4 IO errors) so I figured I'd just reinstall ubuntu internally15:02
edude03So using the same USB I used to install to the external 500GB drive (but on a different computer) I tried installing on the T440s, but like I'm saying the live environment / installer doesn't boot15:03
Wntedude03: maybe you could do the installation to the internal drive with an another machine also :)15:04
edude03I figured maybe what happened was the installer has an older kernel than the the installation on the external drive (since I did the updates on the external) but I've been trying the daily builds for the past few days and they all have this problem15:04
edude03So I want to do that Wnt but the problem is I want / on the SSD and / home on the HD (which I'll format later)15:05
edude03And while I can remove the SSD, I don't have anything I can put it in since it's an M.2 mSATA ssd15:06
Wntedude03: oh ok, I guess moving the ssd to another machine is not a possibility?15:06
Wntyes, I see15:06
edude03oh nomodeset didn't work - it just displays the same error in huge font15:06
BluesKajedude03, is there a recovery kernel available in grub ?15:08
edude03https://www.dropbox.com/s/gqu7l3xm1g2l4zg/2014-03-27%2011.07.26.jpg Also this is my work laptop - which is why I'm reluctant to just pop out the 500GB and do the install on another machine since I won't be able to switch back to a working environment in case of anything15:08
WntI guess you could do the installation to the internal drive with an external machine, put / and /home on different partitions, then move / to the SSD using some working live CD/USB, modify the fstab if neccessary...15:08
edude03Yeah what I might do is buy a 128GB SSD, do the install on another machine, and swap it for the 500GB15:09
edude03The reason I mention it here is because the T440 is fairly typical business machine and I figure if I have this problem more people must have it as well15:10
edude03So it should be fixed in the distro if possible15:10
Wntyes, of course15:10
edude03I mean it's all intel and a thinkpad which means it should have 1st class linux support (I'm not complaining though) so I'm just trying to figure out if it's just a matter of the hardware being too new or the OS being too new or user error15:13
edude03I'm pretty much ruling out user error since the USB works on other machines and I verified it after writing the image, the bios settings are stock and the machine is mostly unmodified (save for the SSD formatting) so in theory everything should work out of the box15:14
BluesKajedude03, this laptop is also a lenovo , and the cdrom drive successfully installed Kubuntu, after trying with an image on a USB stick failed15:14
edude03T440 is an ultrabook so CD drive is no bueno15:15
edude03On another note - is there a way to run the installer from an installed environment (other than maybe booting the ISO in KVM and mounting the harddrive in the VM?)15:17
CarlFKedude03: depending on what you mean.. look at kexec15:17
edude03Hmm see I can think of a lot of workarounds, but I'd rather help fix it if possible15:18
edude03I have a 16GB USB3 Usb with ubuntu 14,04 working on this laptop, the fix maybe to mirror that install onto the SSD but again would rather figure out the actual problem15:19
edude03CarlFK kexec probably wouldn't work since it would use the same install image that doesn't boot as a rootfs no?15:20
CarlFKedude03: du no.  I just got here and missed the OP.  what's going on?15:22
edude03haha no worries CarlFK, basically the 14.04 installer won't start on my laptop, but I installed 14.04 from the same image on to two externals and both of those can boot on this laptop so I'm trying to figure out why the system can boot but the installer can't15:24
BluesKajedude03, the installer probly doesn't see the hdd15:27
BluesKajbut there are already too many cooks in this kitchen15:28
edude03But again, that shouldn't cause it to have a (seemingly graphics related) kernel panic15:28
edude03It should just have no drives when the installer starts15:28
BluesKajdepends on the boot sequence , where does it look first15:29
edude03USB HDD then internal drive15:29
RovanionIs anyone else having the issue where mouse clicks don't register if the mouse is moving with the touchpad?15:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1298345 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics (Ubuntu) "Touchpad does not register mouse click when finger is moving on touchpad" [Undecided,New]15:33
elhoirhello, i need some help with a problem15:59
elhoirim trying to install Ubuntu 14.04 from USB stick15:59
elhoirbut when i come to the partition selection window, HDD is empty15:59
elhoirno window NTFS partition detected16:00
elhoirso i cant install Ubuntu with dual-boot16:00
elhoir(im using Win7 64-bit in BIOS mode, not UEFI)16:00
elhoirsome help, please....16:00
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI16:00
elhoirand, if i boot Ubuntu via USB-live, NTFS partition is correctly seen16:01
elhoirso, i dont know what the problem is16:01
BeldarYou have a gpt partition table still most likely.16:01
mathuinWhat is the recommended VNC-type remote access solution for trusty?  I searched ubuntu.com for tahr and got no hits while the hits for trusty were unrelated.16:01
elhoirBeldar, how can i test it? and how can i solve it?16:01
Beldarelhoir, Why are you installing a development?16:01
elhoirBeldar, i like it ^^16:02
elhoirBeldar, so you mean it probably works with 13.10 ?16:02
Beldarhardly different then 13.1016:02
Beldarmore support for a release16:02
BeldarI gotta go16:03
elhoirok, i will try to install 13.1016:03
BluesKajelhoir, try the legacy mode in the EFI /BIOS16:15
elhoirBluefoxicy, im already on it16:15
elhoirlaptop came with Windows 7, i formatted and reinstalled win716:16
BluesKajwhat installation media ?16:16
elhoirall under BIOS, not UEFI16:16
elhoirBluesKaj, USB stick16:17
elhoiri have an Ubuntu USB stick ready as installation media16:17
elhoiri boot from it16:17
BluesKajdisable secure boot?16:18
elhoirbut, it doesnt detect the win7 partition at the time of partitioning16:18
elhoirBluefoxicy, whats that?16:18
BluesKajand enable USB16:18
elhoiryes, USB is enabled16:18
elhoiri can boot Ubuntu from USB16:18
elhoirbut i cant install in HDD16:18
BluesKajsecure boot in the BIOS16:18
elhoirbooting is not the problem, man16:19
elhoirthe problem is that trhe partition stage of the ubuntu installed doesnt work for me16:20
BluesKajelhoir, do you have an ext4 partition ready for installing ubuntu16:20
elhoirBluesKaj, no16:20
elhoirjust empty space16:20
elhoirready for partitioning with the Ubuntu installed16:20
elhoiras i have always done16:21
BluesKajI usually prepartiton and setup ext4 before using the installation media, it's easier IMO16:22
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progersIs there anyway to change the caps lock press speed, because if i type A and fast switch to small litters and then type small a he will type at screen AA can i have microsoft natural egronomic keyboard 400017:00
fenecowhats the release date of ubuntu 14?17:15
johnjohn101april 17th17:16
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 9 months to 5 years. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases17:16
johnjohn101feneco: 3 more weeks!!17:17
mbrgmhi! i have an issue with the latest daily build. whenever I reboot, my system powers off instead of rebooting. this does not happen with a debian installation on another partition, so I guess it's not a hardware fault17:23
fenecothanks johnjohn10117:26
fenecoi dont know if i install now or i wait17:26
johnjohn101i'm running in a virtual machine.  thought about taking my main box to 14.04 as well but I always wait a month or so after it's released.17:27
janzert1any idea when beta2 images will be out?17:28
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IdleOne!schedule | janzert17:41
ubottujanzert: A schedule of Trusty Tahr (14.04) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseSchedule17:41
janzertYes that gives final beta freeze as today, but I don't know how long it usually takes for images to get to say http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/14.04/17:43
janzertI'd go by the beta1 dates but some of those actually show a month prior to the release17:45
ice9does ubuntu 14.04 has Unity 8?17:46
ForkzHey. If I install the daily build of Tahr, will it follow trough to be stable at April 17th (assuming nothing breaks between now and then)_17:51
trismForkz: yes17:52
ForkzGreat, thanks!17:54
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SonikkuAmericaAre all flavors in final beta mode now?18:00
BluesKajSonikkuAmerica, I assume they are.18:03
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SonikkuAmericaYay. Time to do-release-upgrade for me! :)18:05
elhoirBluesKaj, i have just formatted the partition in ext4 FS - still doesnt detect it18:36
elhoirits so weird18:36
elhoir1st time i face this problem18:36
elhoir( 14.04, not tested with 13.10)18:37
BluesKajelhoir, explain , doesn't detect it, or make sure you use manual partitioning to choose the correct partition in the installer/ubiquity19:14
BluesKajelhoir, manual partitoning with ubuntu installer list of choices is called " something else" I believe19:16
elhoirBluesKaj, let me try to explain20:07
elhoirin the Ubuntu installer, there are two options20:07
elhoir"use the whole disk"20:07
elhoirand "manual partitioning"20:07
elhoiri dont want to use the whole disk, so i go to "manual patitioning"20:07
elhoirand, once in there, i see no partitions20:08
elhoirit says "1TB free"20:08
elhoirwhich is not true20:08
BluesKajelhoir, are there any other hdds connected to the pc. like an external ?20:18
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BluesKajsorry elhoir , i have to leave20:57
mbrgmhi! how can I upgrade to the latest daily version of 14.04 from an older install image?21:50
k1l_mbrgm: just run the updates21:50
mbrgmk1l_: apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade will be enough?21:51
k1l_to bring an older 14.04 to the latest updates, yes21:52
mbrgmk1l_: ty21:52
mbrgmone other thing: I installed the latest daily build on a server with a SuperMicro mainboard. whenever I reboot the machine, it does instead poweroff (couldn't have a look at it, but it seemed to be a hard power-off, like suddenly unplugging). is this a known issue?21:54
mbrgmI couldn't find anything in the tracker, but maybe I searched in the wrong place or for the wrong term...21:54
mbrgmwhen I reboot the machine with KVM console connected, reboot works, but it crashes when loading some modules.21:55
mbrgmso what's the best way of investigating in this case/filing a bug report etc.? didn't do that before, so have to ask...21:56
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