
bjfhallyn, it's an lts so it gets the full lts treatment (5 years). it will also get it's own long chain of hwe kernels01:00
hallynbjf: thanks, that's what i would have thought :)01:03
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rtgppisati, can you have a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseNotes13:13
rtgthere are some references to OMAP413:13
ppisatirtg: looking14:01
ppisatirtg: and bogus14:01
rtgppisati, you can likely edit it14:02
ppisatirtg: that's for kernel using the drm kernel module14:02
ppisatirtg: i assume we are going for a server-only install this time around, since we can't provide any gl acceleration14:02
ppisatiactually i can't edit it14:03
rtgppisati, ok, I'll take care of it. thanks for the review.14:09
jho_I am trying to get the following card reader up and running: 5d:00.0 Unassigned class [ff00]: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. Device 5249 (rev 01)15:13
jho_currently I run 3.11.0-18-generic #32-Ubuntu SMP Tue Feb 18 21:11:14 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux / Ubuntu 13.1015:14
jho_the 3.14-rc8 does not recognize the card either..15:15
jho_does anyone have a suggestion what the easiest method is to get the card up and running?15:21
jjohansenrtg: the apparmor kernel patch is still in testing, hopefully in a few hours15:23
rtgjjohansen, by noon ? 2.5 hours from now ?15:24
jjohansenrtg: I don't know15:25
rtgjjohansen, well, let me know as soon as you're comfortable with them.15:27
jjohansenrtg: ack, if you want to peek at the diff that is in testing it is the aa3ipc branch in ubuntu-trusty on zinc15:28
rtgjjohansen, ok15:28
rtgstill working through broadwell patches15:28
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infinityBenC: How did your kernel test builds end up yesterday?16:35
BenCinfinity: Builds errored, fixed and redoing build now to verify16:35
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rtgarges, https://launchpadlibrarian.net/170877586/buildlog_ubuntu-quantal-amd64.linux_3.5.0-49.73~pre201403271230_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz18:34
* arges looks18:35
rtg"module: do percpu allocation after uniqueness check. No, really!" is breaking my rice bowl on Quantal18:35
argesrtg: ok i did test build on my own machine. i'll check the logs18:35
argesrtg: feel free to NAK it and I'll resubmit18:37
rtgarges, I'll just lop it off tip of master-next18:37
argesrtg: ok. so i hit the same thing on my local build... but for some reason I have a build of this when I built remotely... 20:09
rtgarges, ghost in the machine20:10
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