
IdleOnevalorie: you can safely ignore those review messages from ubottu if you prefer00:09
rww#kubuntu-offtopic is core, you should have access to it anyway...00:11
rww(and have +v in here, and...)00:11
=== IdleOne is now known as io
=== funkyHat_ is now known as funkyHat
=== funkyHat_ is now known as funkyHat
bazhangmuch hat11:04
DJonesSend all the hats to North Korea, they'll need them to hide the state mandated haircuts11:06
jussiyou are sending funkyHat to north korea? ouch, thats harsh....11:10
DJonesOnly the hat, funky can stay here11:13
funkyHatIf I get a North Korea haircut my abnormally large head would be more obvious ⢁(12:19
peyamknome, how long should I wait?12:27
ubottuThe operation succeeded.18:26
ubottuError: You are not identified18:27
Jordan_Upeyam: Hi. Is there anything we can help you with?18:28
peyamactualy not you. Knome could18:29
peyamI wil wait18:29
Jordan_Upeyam: What exactly are you waiting for knome to help you with?18:33
peyamI need to tak to him18:33
hggdhpeyam: because of your ban?18:33
knomei am here, but i will have a meeting starting in 5 minutes18:55
knomeif i need to chair it, you will have to wait until it's over18:55
peyamknome, okej18:55
knomehmpf, okay.19:36
ubottuxangua called the ops in #ubuntu (meuporraquente)19:46
hggdhgood. Even the nick is offensive (Portuguese)20:00
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang

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