
mrgoodcatHavenstance2: http://www.ryanhallman.com/?p=3200:35
Havenstance2ya i tried that, its broken still00:42
Havenstance2don't know why it would be but it is00:42
Havenstance2i can use my external IP to connect just fine, but no one else can00:42
Havenstance2obviously my machine is set as an always allow object though00:42
rick_h_waf: ^01:19
rick_h_ugh, now is it friday?11:15
cmaloneyCloser still11:29
cmaloneyMorning and all that.13:07
ColonelPanic001neat. Work is paying the registration for that self.conference thing13:37
ColonelPanic001now to wait and see what the hell is going to actually be there13:37
brouschColonelPanic001: Submit your talk now!13:39
ColonelPanic001"Magento: How to work on this PHP thingy without hanging yourself, and how I've been mostly successful, so far"13:41
mrgoodcatrick can do a talk on how much macbooks and ruby suck13:42
ColonelPanic001I'd go.13:42
ColonelPanic001I like ruby's syntax, from a little glancing at it13:42
ColonelPanic001but I am not experienced with it enough to have a strong opinion13:42
ColonelPanic001I just like that it was like Perl with nicer objects13:42
cmaloneyNow now now, not how much they suck but how they get it wrong. :)13:42
rick_h_mrgoodcat: lol13:42
rick_h_mrgoodcat: I feel like I left an impression last night13:42
cmaloneyrick_h_: I think the seismologists are still trying to figure out the source of that crater.13:43
brouschmacbooks suck?13:43
ColonelPanic001I just don't like apple in general.13:44
cmaloneybrousch: They're less than trivial to get running anything other than OSX13:44
ColonelPanic001big surprise from someone in an ubuntu channel, I know.13:44
cmaloneyColonelPanic001: Tun in your geek cred card. :)13:44
brouschOh well there's a surprise13:44
ColonelPanic001there's nothing geeky about apple.13:45
ColonelPanic001there are plenty of better reasons for to turn in my card13:45
rick_h_cmaloney: got me all wined up and then set me loose against ruby and apple last night at CHC13:45
ColonelPanic001I'm sorry I missed it.13:45
ColonelPanic001I like a good rant that I agree with13:45
rick_h_and poor mrgoodcat got caught in the cross fire13:45
rick_h_or in front of the bulls eye, something like that13:45
brouschbecause he's a ruby-loving macbooker?13:45
brouschWho also uses emacs?13:46
ColonelPanic001mrgoodcat was writing Ruby on his macbook at the time?13:46
ColonelPanic001brousch: people with 35 fingers13:46
cmaloneyI got you wined up? Riiiiight.13:46
ColonelPanic001I'd like to get rick_h_ all wined up. wink wink.13:46
ColonelPanic001nudge nudge13:46
rick_h_that's my story and I'm sticking to it13:46
cmaloneyI think the only thing I could have provided to help would have been a funnel.13:47
ColonelPanic001sounds like CHC has gotten more fun out there since I was last in attendance13:50
cmaloneyColonelPanic001: WEll, if you discount the deathmatches and cabaret numbers it's pretty much the same.13:51
ColonelPanic001I will not discount the deathmatches13:51
ColonelPanic001I'll show up for them.13:51
cmaloneyCool. :)13:55
rick_h_cmaloney: oh, I never got your my mutt config13:56
rick_h_cmaloney: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7162865/13:57
cmaloneyno worries. Whenever you get a chance.13:57
ColonelPanic001that's ruff.13:57
* ColonelPanic001 just leaves now.13:57
rick_h_cmaloney: and I just  */5 * * * * /usr/bin/notmuch new13:57
brouschThat reminds me, I picked the worst week to deliver alcohol to rick_h_13:58
rick_h_brousch: is that you?13:58
rick_h_brousch: I got it resched for monday. I couldn't figure out where the wine was coming from. I can't sign for it as I'm an hour away and couldn't remember ordering anything13:58
cmaloneyrick_h_: What is mutt-notmuch? Is that a script?13:59
rick_h_cmaloney: oh yea probably http://notmuchmail.org/notmuch-mutt/13:59
rick_h_cmaloney: see http://upsilon.cc/~zack/blog/posts/2012/03/mutt-notmuch_is_dead/14:01
rick_h_cmaloney: that's what I started with14:01
brouschrick_h_: Yeah. i thought I was smart since you are normally home to sign for it, but realized just now that this is an abnormal week14:01
rick_h_see https://bmark.us/recent/mutt for useful mutt links :)14:02
rick_h_brousch: yea, well cool and thanks for explaining the mystery14:02
rick_h_my wife thinks I joined another wine club lol14:02
brouschI'll deny it all if she asks14:02
rick_h_"I thought you were done with any more wine clubs!"14:02
cmaloneyApparently notmuch-mutt is integrated into notmuch14:04
cmaloneywhich is packaged in releases after precise. :)14:04
brouschrick_h_: Sorry for the stress. It was supposed to help you get through GSoC easier14:05
rick_h_oh nice14:05
rick_h_brousch: lol, awesome14:05
rick_h_Well I've rescheduled it for monday so look forward to checking it out then14:05
brouschIt's a bottle of my wife and I's favorite wine14:10
rick_h_brousch: ah very cool14:10
rick_h_shame we werent' around. Wife and I are having a belated anniversary dinner/evening and would be good to pop open14:10
cmaloneyrick_h_: Thanks!14:12
rick_h_cmaloney: got it working?14:12
cmaloneyYeah, seems to be14:12
rick_h_cmaloney: cool, yea it's the key to my move to mutt14:12
cmaloneyThough not sure what F9 is supposed to do14:12
rick_h_cmaloney: so highlight a message in your inbox, and it'll pull the thread together based on search14:13
rick_h_so let's say you've been getting a thread over time and archiving the old messages each day, you can regen the thread. Good for "oh I got a reply, what was the original message?"14:13
cmaloneyAh, OK.14:13
rick_h_I don't use it a ton as usually a search on subject/etc is better14:14
cmaloneyYeah, no kidding14:14
cmaloneyUgh. I'd love to unsubscribe from the loco-contacts list some days.14:17
mrgoodcati'm not saying it isn't a valid pursuit, but it is annoying to get those emails14:26
mrgoodcatugh... rubygems is so jenky today15:47
cmaloneys/ today/./g15:47
mrgoodcatno i usually don't have problems15:48
mrgoodcatit is intermittent right now15:48
cmaloneyNot that you're aware of.15:48
=== Havenstance2 is now known as Havenstance
mrgoodcatcan anyone tell me why the menu text is not wrapping properly on cclub.dyladan.me19:00
mrgoodcathttp://cclub.dyladan.me <- clickable :)19:00
mrgoodcatit's been pissing me off19:00
rick_h_define menu text and why would it wrap?19:01
rick_h_.pure-menu .pure-menu-heading: white-space: no-wrap ?19:01
brousch.pure-menu a, .pure-menu .pure-menu-heading { white-space: nowrap;19:02
brouschDamn you rick_h_  and you fast fingers!19:02
rick_h_I shortcut and only copied half the stuff :P19:02
mrgoodcatit would wrap because the text is too wide for the menu. i mean the bar on the side19:03
mrgoodcatand thanks19:03
mrgoodcatperfect seems to work now19:05
mrgoodcatoff to class19:05
mrgoodcati just read the website computer club for the first time an apparently it's wildly inappropriate22:09
Havenstance_mrgoodcat, do you happen to be on? I have an easy question for ya23:13
* mrgoodcat is omnipresent23:14
Havenstance_easy question, do you know if you can pull up that graph that zentyal shows for the ethernet ports for say a 24 hour period?23:14
mrgoodcatthe traffic graph?23:15
Havenstance_network > BW Monitor gives me an unexpected sql error23:15
Havenstance_DBD::mysql::st execute failed: MySQL server has gone away at /usr/share/perl5/EBox/MyDBEngine.pm line 466, <GEN0> line 3850. Stack: [/usr/share/perl5/EBox/MyDBEngine.pm:466] [/usr/share/perl5/EBox/MyDBEngine.pm:496] [/usr/share/perl5/EBox/BWMonitor.pm:178] [/usr/share/perl5/EBox/BWMonitor/Model/BWUsage.pm:131] [/usr/share/perl5/EBox/Model/DataTable.pm:1458] [/usr/share/perl5/EBox/Model/DataTable.pm:1403] [/usr/share/ze23:16
Havenstance_ntyal/templates/ajax/modelViewer.mas:79] [/usr/share/zentyal/templates/ajax/tableBody.mas:21] [/usr/share/zentyal/templates/ajax/tabMenu.mas:60] [<anonymous component>:36] at /usr/share/perl5/EBox/CGI/Base.pm line 34023:16
mrgoodcati thought you said this would be an easy one23:17
Havenstance_i thought it would be until i saw that lol23:17
mrgoodcatthis is teh module you want http://doc.zentyal.org/en/monitor.html23:17
mrgoodcatthe bandwidth monitor only does an hour23:17
Havenstance_okay, so this module apt-get install zentyal-monitor?23:18
mrgoodcatis that a package?23:19
mrgoodcatnot a valid package on my machine23:19
Havenstance_Just going back to the install of the server they stated that apt-get install zentyal-module where module is the desired name23:20
Havenstance_idk now the dashboard is timing out I half wonder if this is a corrupt install somehow. I installed via apt-get rather then the cd because making a CD for me is painful as shit on this box23:20
mrgoodcatwell its not a valid package23:20
Havenstance_zentyal-monitor - Zentyal - Monitor23:21
Havenstance_says so on the website lol23:21
Havenstance_i'll try it & report back momentarily23:21
mrgoodcatany luck?23:23
mrgoodcati'm in class so i have to go23:23
Havenstance_says its already the newest version23:24
mrgoodcatsry. i'll be on later23:24
Havenstance_alright man i'll try at it and let you know how it pans out :)23:24
Havenstance_found it ty23:24
Havenstance_and its b0rked too23:46
Havenstance_sql server is fucked, gonna reinstall this i'll be back on after im downloading and gonna do it from the cd because I think that the apt-get version is broken even PCMANFM Isn't working23:46

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