
kostkonammini, if it is successful, logout and log back in and check again00:00
pfifoCPPCoder: your doing it wrong, you want to 'gcc `python-config --cflags --libs` myapp.c'00:00
amminikostkon: I'd done update and upgrade, followed by a reboot. Didn't do clean autoremove and the dpkg  --configure -a00:01
kostkonammini, do them now then00:01
CPPCoderpfifo: Neat, but why doesn't including it directly work?00:02
interwebWhen does ubuntu 14.04 release ?00:02
CPPCodergtg, sorry00:03
kostkon!trusty | interweb00:03
ubottuinterweb: Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) will be the 20th release of Ubuntu.  See the announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1295 for more info. support in #ubuntu+100:03
houkouonchi-workis it my imagination or was it ever called 'tasty' ?00:03
kostkoninterweb, also see this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseSchedule00:04
kostkonhoukouonchi-work, nah00:04
houkouonchi-worki was just fixing up my chef recipes earlier for trusty...00:04
brooks111hi all00:18
brooks111i was in here earlier and daftykins helped me out, just wanted to let you know that my USB did end up being under HDD00:19
overwhelmwhen im trying to install iceweasel it says Note, selecting 'firefox' instead of 'iceweasel'00:19
overwhelmanyone know why?00:20
daftykinsbrooks111: nice :D00:21
brooks111I'm on a fresh install of Ubuntu 12.04 does anyone know why my home folder is only 1gig?00:21
brooks111yes daftykins  thanks so much!00:21
daftykinsmy pleasure :) 1GB you say? that'd be odd. this is the new install's /home ? can you use paste.ubuntu.com to share the output of "df -h" in terminal?00:22
RFlemingoverwhelm, isn't iceweasel just a rebranded firefox?00:22
kostkon!info iceweasel00:23
ubottuPackage iceweasel does not exist in saucy00:23
kostkon!find iceweasel00:23
ubottuFound: firefox00:23
daftykinsbrooks111: are you sure you're not just booted into a live session from the flash drive still?00:24
brooks111hehehe i bet you're right daftykins00:24
brooks111ok will reboot thanks00:24
RFlemingkostkon, that solves that I guess00:26
kostkonRFleming, mmm?00:27
RFlemingkostkon, iceweasel = firefox00:27
kostkonRFleming, yeah00:27
john_ramboI am using 12.04. Sometimes I connect to a vpn but problem is whn I press ctrl+z it shows the connection is terminated but when I do ifconfig I find the vpn connection is still actice00:29
daftykinsctrl+z backgrounds processes afaik, it doesn't end them00:29
john_ramboHow to end it ?00:30
daftykinsis it a command line connection?00:30
daftykinsctrl+c then00:30
john_ramboctrl+c has no effect00:30
planecoolthoonai: are u afk?00:31
planecoolthoonai:  can u help me tonight?00:31
planecoolneed to revert back to fglrx servers00:31
planecooli mean graphics card00:31
planecoolcould anyone help me?00:31
RFlemingjohn_rambo, are you using openconnect?00:32
john_ramboRFleming, I am using openvpn00:32
daftykinsplanecool: you need to ask a question first00:32
RFlemingjohn_rambo,  killall openvpn00:33
planecoolmy question is how do i switch back to fglrx drivers00:33
planecoolheres what i did http://pastebin.com/0fNgYaEe00:33
RFlemingjohn_rambo, sounds like it's been daemonized00:33
planecoolanyone got any advice?00:34
john_ramboRFleming, Okay ...I will try it. Its not active atm ...freenode doesnt allow connecting via vpn AFAIK .......Thanks00:34
RFlemingjohn_rambo, are you running with the --daemon option?00:34
daftykinsplanecool: you need to give us more than 5 seconds to come up with a response00:34
john_ramboRFleming, No00:34
RFlemingcheck the config file and see if it's selected00:34
john_ramboUnder openSUSE ctrl+z worked just fine00:34
planecoolim 16 and not so patoent00:34
brooks111hey daftykins you were right I was on the live, but another problem has arisen heh00:34
planecoolim learning a lot about linux00:35
planecoolwho ever knew sudo did more then make u root?00:35
RFlemingjohn_rambo, ctrl+z just backgrounds the process, which you then use fg to bring back to the front00:35
RFlemingif openvpn isn't daemonized, then CTRL-C should kill it.00:35
daftykinsplanecool: seems you've had some odd history there - trying to install both AMD and nvidia drivers on the same system 0o00:35
daftykinsbrooks111: oh? :)00:35
john_ramboRFleming, I tried ctrl+c ...I will try it again then00:36
RFlemingjohn_rambo, sometimes scripts and programs require you to press ctrl-c twice00:36
planecooldaftykins:  i found out that nvidia driverrs do not work so well with amd ... :|00:36
brooks111yeah when I boot normally I get the windows bootloader with options for windows recovery or fedora (which i installed quite a while back, forgot about it)00:36
RFlemingjohn_rambo, just in case the first was an 'accident'00:36
john_ramboOkay ...Got it00:36
planecoolso... id like to go back to whatever my os came with00:36
planecoolthat worked quite nice00:36
daftykinsplanecool: hehehe - so it looks like you get as far as downloading AMD drivers and unzipping them but no further? how come?00:36
planecooli kinda got stuck00:37
shwaiilQ: I've got a secondary hdd, used gparted and formatted the disk. Now I've got a lostfound folder, and I cant seem to have permissions to create folders ?!00:37
planecooldid it unzip?00:37
planecoolwhat do i do to install the amd drivers?00:37
planecoolnow that they are unzipped00:37
planecoolsudo sh *.run --buildpkg Ubuntu/raring00:38
planecoolbut.... whats the *00:38
RFlemingshwaiil, how are you mounting?00:38
daftykinsplanecool: that'd work if you're running 13.04 - which hopefully you're not (run "cat /etc/issue" to confirm)00:38
etropeany idea why i can't make a key short cut with the commnads in compiz (ubuntu 12.04) that works?Any experience or help is wellcome!00:38
brooks111any idea why that would happen?00:38
etropefor byoubu ,i mean00:38
planecooli runnint 13.1000:38
daftykinsshwaiil: where did you mount that disk to? you'll need to set ownership/permissions00:39
shwaiilRFleming, thanks for looking! It's mounting automatically. I'm running ubuntu13.10. So, I've got /dev/sdb1 - extended, then /dev/sdb5 - ext2, then the mount point is something like /media/xxx/xxxx-xxxx-xxxx00:39
daftykinsplanecool: you want to follow a guide to install AMD catalyst drivers with saucy the00:39
Bashing-omshwaiil: Create folders ? -> how are you trying to, and where are you trying to create these folders ?00:39
monstI have having some issues with an NFS mount, pretty stumped00:40
daftykinsbrooks111: hrmm, what are you in right now? OS wise00:40
shwaiildaftykins, Bashing-om  thanks for looking! I'm using the GUI, so, I basically click in the hard drive and mouse right click and those options are not available00:40
monstIt mounts at boot, but if I umount then mount it won't mount00:40
brooks111i just booted back to live ubuntu00:40
planecoolmy mom thinks im not working!!00:40
daftykinsbrooks111: could you run "sudo fdisk -l" and pastebin that?00:41
monstany help would be appreciated00:41
etropeplease some one who'd know byobu?00:41
josef_Is it possible to make a network installation without a router, only dsl modem?00:41
brooks111daftykins: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7160022/00:41
planecooldaftykins: where is the guide?00:42
daftykinsplanecool: in your google results when you go looking for it :)00:42
daftykinsyou have to work for yourself my boy00:43
planecoolmy mom says im not doing anything00:43
daftykinsthis life doesn't hand things to you00:43
planecoolshe says im playing games00:43
planecoolno time00:43
daftykinssounds like she's right00:43
planecoolyah reinstalling all of ati drivers on linux is so much fun...00:43
RFlemingshwaiil, chown username:username /media/username/xxxx00:44
RFlemingthen you can write00:44
daftykinsbrooks111: looks to me you have a Linux install on both disks now!00:44
planecoolSUCY seems to be 12. osmthing where as i have 11.1o00:44
planecoolwhoops 13.1000:45
RFlemingshwaiil, that'll be sudo chown :)00:45
brooks111daftykins: yes when i had windows on this hdd i had wubi install on other hdd, and I guess i installed fedora on the same hdd as wubi at some point00:45
monstanyone good with NFS?00:45
etropeany one knows how to create a short cut key for byobu in ubuntu 12.04?00:45
shwaiilRFleming, just wondering. How to avoid this next time ? When using GUI Gparted asks me for root password. So, if I use i, I'll always have this error ?00:46
RFlemingshwaiil, for each disk you'll have to change owner, but once you change it... it should stick00:46
shwaiilRFleming, worked fine, thanks a lot!00:47
RFlemingshwaiil, the mounting for removable media isn't really meant for file systems with permissions00:47
planecooleverything i find seames to lead back to this http://askubuntu.com/questions/124292/what-is-the-correct-way-to-install-ati-catalyst-video-drivers-fglrx/286775#286775 but therss no optin for 13.10...00:47
RFlemingshwaiil, you could use fat32 for removable media and not have an issue00:47
daftykinsbrooks111: are you comfortable disconnecting hard disks in that system?00:47
shwaiilRFleming, in this case, this is not removable media, so it should stick right ? the ownership00:47
brooks111daftykins: sure thing00:48
RFlemingshwaiil, if it isn't removable media, then use /etc/fstab to mount instead.00:48
RFlemingshwaiil, is it always connected?00:48
daftykinsbrooks111: assuming ubuntu went onto one which windows wasn't on before, it should boot on its' own if you pulled the previously-windows drive temporarily00:48
shwaiilRFleming, this mounts automatically when I boot. It's always conncted it's a SSD in my laptop, secondary.00:49
brooks111daftykins: i chose the option to install over windows00:49
daftykinsbrooks111: ah ok, in that case it hasn't really done good enough of a job killing it by the looks. just to check, you're absolutely sure you have no data on either disk you want to keep?00:49
planecooldaftykins: help!!00:50
planecoolhttp://sourceforge.net/projects/uaci/ ???00:50
planecooleasy way mabye00:50
brooks111daftykins: absolutely nothing on here I care much about.00:50
planecoolbut does not work00:50
planecool <planecool> everything i find seames to lead back to this http://askubuntu.com/questions/124292/what-is-the-correct-way-to-install-ati-catalyst-video-drivers-fglrx/286775#286775 but therss no optin for 13.10...00:50
RFlemingshwaiil, when you say automatically mounts... do you mean you've put an entry inside /etc/fstab, or are you double-clicking the drive in unity?00:50
shwaiilRFleming, I just used Gparted and I didn't configured anything else.00:51
daftykinsbrooks111: cool :) how do you want to use both disks with ubuntu then? 2 x 1TB is a lot for ubuntu really00:51
kandinskiI'm trying to play some proprietary system's m4v files through vlc, but it doesn't work for me. What other m4v player does Ubuntu (13.10) have? When I try to use Movie Player, a window appears looking for gstreamer codecs and not finding any. I think I have the correct sources.list: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7160068/00:51
brooks111daftykins: i was thinking I would put some other distros on second hard drive00:51
RFlemingshwaiil, then it isn't 'auto mounting' :)00:51
brooks111daftykins: but im most comfortable with ubuntu so I want to use this as main OS00:52
daftykinsbrooks111: ah ok, you might as well completely nuke each drive as they stand now then. if you click the dash icon top left then type and run 'gparted' you should get the partition editor program up00:52
shwaiilRFleming, so how's is the disk showing up ?00:52
brooks111daftykins: yup I got gparted open already to look at my drives00:53
RFlemingshwaiil, Ubuntu sees it and sticks it in unity... then you double-click it and ubuntu mounts it for you00:53
RFleminghence why it's in /media/username00:53
shwaiilRFleming, oh ok. So, in this case the ownership will stick ? after boot ?00:53
brooks111daftykins: so I should just format second hdd completely?00:53
daftykinsbrooks111: if you go between /dev/sda and /dev/sdb and just delete every partition then - (you may have to right click and select 'swapoff' on swap partitions)00:54
RFlemingshwaiil, in this case yes.  The next disk you attach that has an FS that uses permissions, you'll have to change owner on that folder00:54
planecooldaftykins: help me man00:54
planecooldaftykins:  i only find help for older version no 13.1000:54
brooks111daftykins: do I also want to delete /dev/sda1?00:54
daftykinsplanecool: replace 'raring' with 'saucy'00:55
planecoolyes i have 13.1000:55
daftykinsbrooks111: yep delete every partition on each so they're empty00:55
planecoolonly find instructions for 13.04...00:55
RFlemingshwaiil, check out: http://askubuntu.com/questions/1644/mounting-a-usb-disk-in-a-permanent-location00:55
daftykinsplanecool: sigh, tell your mother i feel sorry for her00:55
amminipfifo: FYI, I installed nautilus again and now Places is working as expected.00:55
shwaiilRFleming, thanks a lot for your time! I'll remember that next time00:55
planecoolim too tired00:55
RFlemingshwaiil, it's udev that does the magic you're seeing :)00:55
planecooli can't think00:55
daftykins< planecool> sudo sh *.run --buildpkg Ubuntu/raring00:56
daftykinsplanecool: replace 'raring' with 'saucy'00:56
amminipfifo: I assume there might have been a partial update/upgrade, which was b0rking things. I appreciate your help in getting this sorted. Thank you.00:56
brooks111daftykins: alright now I have two unallocated hdds00:56
planecoolheres what i google how to instal fglrx on ubuntu saucy00:56
brooks111daftykins: so now I just apply operations, reboot and then install ubuntu again?00:57
daftykinsbrooks111: make sure they're applied on both disks but one more thing...00:57
daftykinsbrooks111: ok we're going to run a couple of terminal commands to make sure each drive is nicely nuked before continuing, open a terminal and run "sudo -i" (the prompt will now read root@) then "dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda bs=2M count=100"00:57
daftykinsbrooks111: and again for the second disk "dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=2M count=100"00:58
planecooldaftykins:  i need Precise Pangolin ??00:58
planecoolwhats whith all the rymes in linux...00:58
daftykinsplanecool: i *handed* you the answer above and you're still lost? i don't know how it's possible to make it any easier00:59
planecooljust say they above anser00:59
RFlemingplanecool, Just go to Software & Updates -> Additional drivers and select the drivers you want to use. I chose the fglrx drivers.00:59
brooks111daftykins: alright did those commands for each disk00:59
RFlemingplanecool, I got that from here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/359209/how-to-install-the-amd-catalyst-drivers-in-ubuntu00:59
RFlemingI don't use AMD, so I can't help you further00:59
planecooli have that open00:59
planecooli hate amd01:00
planecoolim saving up for a nivida 77001:00
daftykinsRFleming: hehe, i officially pass you the hat of holding planecool's hand in this trying time01:00
daftykinsbrooks111: good stuff, you should've seen 200MB or thereabouts written to each disk01:00
brooks111daftykins: yup 210M01:00
RFlemingplanecool, use this wonderful link... http://bit.ly/1hYXFMR01:00
RFlemingdaftykins, lmgtfy ;)01:01
planecooli have like the first three links open RFleming01:01
RFlemingplanecool, now read them and follow the instructions01:01
RFlemingyou can do it kid01:01
RFlemingmake the world proud01:01
RFlemingwe have faith in you01:01
daftykinsbrooks111: it'd be handy to shutdown, disconnect your second disk, boot up and install to the full size of your first disk, then connect the other up again once you've confirmed ubuntu boots fine01:02
RFlemingplanecool, let the wise words of Miss Frizzle guide you01:02
RFlemingplanecool, 'Take chances, make mistakes, get messy.'01:02
brooks111daftykins: alright thanks.  just curious what is the if/of in that command?  inputfile?01:02
planecoolit says no addtional drivers avaiable01:02
planecoolit also says im not using any linux frivers...01:03
daftykinsbrooks111: yep input and output file01:03
brooks111daftykins: sorry for all the Qs but what file was being copied there?01:04
RFlemingplanecool, let our almighty saviour Google be your shepherd.  His light will guide your way01:04
planecoolbeing brave and trying sudo apt-get install fglrx fglrx-amdcccle01:04
daftykinsbrooks111: it's a nice way of zero'ing data, (writing zeroes) there it's basically nuking the first chunk of the disk where bootloaders are to stop them surviving01:04
planecoolthats what i need...01:04
planecoolhope i purged right01:04
planecooland hope it works...01:04
RFleming... and ignore01:04
daftykinshe doesn't google apparently01:05
brooks111daftykins: ahh so you just copied something 100 times to clear that area01:05
Bashing-omplanecool: "it says no addtional drivers avaiable" I have to ask, what ATI card do you have ?01:05
planecoolumm a pice of shit laptop card01:05
brooks111daftykins: alright well thanks so much I'll let you know how it goes01:05
planecoolits a01:05
daftykinsbrooks111: yep a 'bs' or blocksize of 2MB 100 times to make 200MB to just clear a bit01:05
brooks111daftykins: ah i thought it was bytesize :)01:05
daftykinsthere's nothing wrong with the hardware, there's just an extremely young and impatient piece of pinkware running on the seat in front of it01:06
planecoolwhats the command ? lspci vga ?01:06
planecooltime to google...01:06
Bashing-omplanecool: FYI ATI 2X/3X/4X series cards no longer have support from AMD .01:06
etropebyoubu remember me?:)01:07
* RFleming passes the support-torch on to Bashing-om 01:07
daftykinsBashing-om: think he's running a 5xxx01:07
RFlemingBashing-om, good luck.01:07
daftykinsRFleming: let's run while we still can01:07
planecoolthis is what i have.01:08
planecool01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] RS690M [Radeon Xpress 1200/1250/1270]01:08
RFlemingdaftykins, I don't have to run the fastest... just faster than you :)01:08
daftykinsok that's not the hardware i remember01:08
Bashing-om*bashing-om* long on patience (most of the time) .. we all goota learn - planecool  ..01:08
daftykinsabsolutely, that kid won't even google though =/01:09
planecooli just did google01:09
daftykinsthat seems to be an oooooold card01:09
planecoolcame up with all these websites01:09
daftykinsyeah, it does that01:09
planecoolfor example i found this nice command sudo lspci | grep -i vga01:09
planecooland a lot of other stuff01:09
planecoolive goolged like 4o times tonihgt01:09
planecooli jsut gave up and asked here01:09
planecooli like to think im good with comps01:10
planecoolbut im not good with linux01:10
RFlemingplanecool, then you would have found this:http://askubuntu.com/questions/128072/ati-rs690m-x1200-proprietary-driver-installation01:10
planecoolthis looks good http://www.webupd8.org/2013/10/8-things-to-do-after-installing-ubuntu.html01:10
RFlemingATI RS690m X1200 proprietary driver installation01:10
Bashing-omplanecool: Back to square 1 .-> lspci -nnk | grep -iA3 | pastbinit <-, post back the resulting URL.01:12
planecooli need the right filke though01:12
planecoolyes sir01:12
daftykinsBashing-om: oops minor typo there *pastebinit01:12
planecooli get grep error...01:12
RFlemingdaftykins, lmgtfy :)01:12
axizoranyone ever use gpart (not gpartED) for partition recovery?01:13
ubottuA netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit01:13
Bashing-omubuntu -- no such thing as a minor typo ! .. pretty litteral minded ! ,, thanks !01:13
planecoollspci -nnk | grep -iA301:13
planecoolis that the command?01:13
planecoolit don't owrk01:13
planecoollspci -nnk | grep -iA3 this command does not work!~~01:14
axizorguess thats a no...01:15
Bashing-omplanecool: -> lspci -nnk | grep -iA3 vga | pastebinit <- .01:15
planecoolit sasu i should do apt-get i have no pastebinit01:16
daftykinsyeah so run it to install it01:16
planecoolthere i install pastbinit01:17
Bashing-omplanecool: OK, we install it .. -> sudo apt-get install pastebinit <- .01:18
planecoolBashing-om:  i did install01:19
Bashing-omplanecool: looking at /7160178/. brb .01:19
planecooltheres the pastebin link01:19
brooks111daftykins: thanks so much works like a charm01:19
daftykinsbrooks111: :D my pleasure01:20
brooks111daftykins: now i get to install all my drivers and stuff what an exciting night, take it easy01:21
daftykinsenjoy o/01:21
Bashing-omplanecool: "Wow that is a really old card. It looks like ATI has placed it into legacy support " ->http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2139906 .01:22
Bashing-ompl "The only graphics driver that is available for your card is the one that comes built into Ubuntu, you are already using it." !!01:25
planecoolbashimg om...01:25
planecoolwelll i think not01:25
planecoolcuase it was working fine01:25
planecooland so was minecraft01:25
planecooland now after that log i showed u01:26
planecoolminecraft no woek01:26
=== duoi_afk is now known as duoi
Bashing-omplanecool: Then do the same I did, take the word of very experienced people and accept that the only driver for that card is the open source driver.01:26
daftykinsBashing-om: i think he's broken that one, is the point of his current issue01:27
GeoHi, I'm not sure if anyone here can help or not...01:27
GeoI have scriptA calling scriptB, which executes a git fetch. The ssh key used prompts for a password, but that prompt is not being displayed to the user running scriptA. How do I pass that through the child (script B), to the parent (script A, and the user) ?01:27
planecooli agreee that only driver is open source driver01:27
planecoolbut i think i messed up despeecides01:27
planecoolor opengl entry point01:27
planecoolor something01:27
planecoolsomething is screwed up now01:27
=== duoi is now known as duoi_afk
daftykinslol opengl entry point01:28
GeoI'm pretty sure this is some simple redirect thing... but not sure why its not being passed. I thought all that was properly inherited when you run bash via a script01:28
Bashing-omplanecool: sounds like what we got to do is remove all those attempts to install a fglrx friver, and get ya back up on open source.01:28
planecoolyes i agree01:28
daftykinsand with that high note it's bed for me01:28
planecooli don;t know how though01:28
RFlemingnighty night daftykins  :)01:29
RFleminghave pleasant dreams of fglrx :)01:30
daftykinsand how i can install it blindfolded despite not owning any AMD hardware <301:30
daftykinsty sir01:30
Bashing-omplanecool: Let's start with what "might be installed" what returns from -> sudo find / -name fglrx-uninstall.sh <- . // 1 small step at a time to clean up the system.01:32
planecoolnothing there01:34
ekodauhmhi, any people can help me for this error plz ?? > [Thu Mar 27 01:26:29.888350 2014] [:crit] [pid 3675] (2)No such file or directory: AH00141: Could not initialize random number generator01:34
=== duoi_afk is now known as duoi
Bashing-omdaftykins: By the way, I am much relieved to have peer review ! .. thanks heaps for watching over my shoulder.01:34
GeoI have scriptA calling scriptB, which executes a git fetch. The ssh key used prompts for a password, but that prompt is not being displayed to the user running scriptA. How do I pass that through the child (script B), to the parent (script A, and the user) ?01:34
daftykinsBashing-om: :D hope i didn't tread on your toes01:36
=== megabit|away is now known as megabitdragon
RFlemingdaftykins, you still here?01:37
RFlemingdelaying the inevitable nightmares?01:37
ekodauhmno people can help me plz ?01:37
teward|pcekodauhm: have some patience, it takes a while before you can get a response. (more than 3 minutes)01:38
RFlemingekodauhm, what version of Apache?01:39
RFlemingwat version of Ubuntu01:39
nrdbon my main login 'dash' isn't showing any application icons at all.  I have reinstalled "unity-place-applications" and "unity-place-files" to no effect :-( .... what can I do?01:39
ekodauhmRFleming: apache2 ubuntu 14beta101:39
RFlemingekodauhm, Google Says: http://www.apachelounge.com/viewtopic.php?t=5531&view=next01:40
kostkonekodauhm, #ubuntu+1 is the channel for 14.0501:41
Bashing-omdaftykins: Not in the least ! after a bit of lurking in this channel, I have a great deal of respect for you and your abilities .01:41
RFlemingekodauhm, also, try #httpd01:41
lovelyI have a question for xrandr users01:41
ekodauhmok thank you01:41
RFlemingthey'll help you after telling you how wrong you are to use a debian based system :)01:42
ekodauhmi go play a battle on left 4 dead 2 with my ubuntu pc for one hour :D good feed bye01:43
Bashing-omplanecool: That "find" command still running ? Takes a bit of time to search the whole file system, just wondering if you are still hangin' in here,01:43
lovelywhere is the pastebin?01:45
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:45
=== Thorium220 is now known as Thor|Away
tjbenatorI'm getting "error: cannot read from `/dev/sda'." while trying to upgrade my system. It is trying to upgrade it's kernel I believe... Problem is that Ubuntu isn't installed on /dev/sda01:46
=== hC_ is now known as hornedCapybara
Bashing-omtjbenator: Maybe, what pops to mins is that grub is trying to read what OS is installed then on the sda drive (??).01:48
hornedCapybaracan someone help me with a bluescreen?01:49
tjbenatorNo OS is installed on that drive01:49
hornedCapybaracan someone help me with a bluescreen?01:49
lovely<tjbenator> Do you have another device plugged into a usb port?01:49
Beldar!details | hornedCapybara01:50
ubottuhornedCapybara: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)01:50
=== IdleOne is now known as io
iancurtis<hornedCapybara> what caused it?01:50
Bashing-omtjbenator: Maybe then, grub wants to install to sda ) by default ) ??01:50
=== unforgiven512_ is now known as unforgiven512
tjbenatorGrub is already installed....01:50
=== Peerbreed is now known as Guest66827
Bashing-omtjbenator: Let's see what the system thinks of the hard drives, -> sudo fisk -lu | pastbinit <- .01:52
lovelybasically.. i bought a vga splitter and it doesnt detect my monitor correctly so i set it up with xrandr and it worked. the only thing is my display isnt centered.01:53
E88Is there some kind of widget I can get where it places notes / lists on my desktop?01:53
E88Like a widget / gadget program with stickie notes01:53
kostkonlovely, already tried pressing the auto(setup) button of your monitor?01:54
tootightsIs there specific channel for 14.04 Raring?01:54
tjbenatorCan't use pastebinit01:54
tjbenatorI don't have it installed01:54
Beldartootights, #ubuntu+101:55
ryshtootights: 14.04 is trusty, not raring01:55
tootightsyes thats what I mean sorry01:55
tootights14.04 anyway01:55
Bashing-omtjbenator: as the system advises then -> sudo apt-get install pastebinit <-.01:55
ryshlike what Beldar said01:55
tjbenatorFailed installations are preventing me from installing01:56
tjbenatorCopy pasted: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7160338/01:57
Bashing-omtjbenator: Houston, we have a problem -> fly blind and by the seat of out pants.// lemme think see if I can come up with another means to find out what is going on.01:57
tjbenatorBashing-om: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7160338/01:58
witheldI just did a brand new install from mini.iso, and aptitude isn't working. It's complaining there's conflicts, and looking at the list, it wants to install both the 64bit version and the 32 bit version02:00
witheldanyone know why?02:00
Bashing-omtjbenator: looking at /7160338 ...02:00
tjbenatorBashing-om: Another paste http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7160352/02:00
tjbenatorsda & sdb are data drives. No operating systems02:01
RFlemingBashing-om, you save the day yet?02:01
Bashing-omtjbenator: "/dev/sda1            2048    80291839    40144896   83  Linux" are you setting up raid/LVM ? linux installed on 4 drives ?02:02
tjbenatorNo, there are 3 physical drives02:02
tjbenatorOne of which is the where Ubuntu was installed02:03
tootightsI have booted to my 14.04 dvd. The purple screen displays with the familiar ubuntu loading indicator. Then it black screens. i can ctrl+alt+f1 break out, then alt+f7 still doesnt' load X. Any ideas?02:03
Bashing-omtjbenator: looking at /7160352/02:03
tjbenatorthe other two where installed afterwards02:03
xangua!14.04 | tootights02:03
tjbenatoras data drives02:03
ubottutootights: Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) will be the 20th release of Ubuntu.  See the announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1295 for more info. support in #ubuntu+102:03
lovely_xrandr trouble02:04
tootightsubottu: Ok, I've tried there but no response. Thanks.02:04
ubottutootights: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:04
RFlemingubottu, bot snack02:05
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!02:06
RFlemingthere we go02:06
RFleminggood bot ubottu02:06
Bashing-omtjbenator: still looks to me like grub is looking for boot code on sda // has the upgrade process completed otherwise ? at this time .02:06
tjbenatorwell maybe02:07
tjbenatorIt threw that error 4 times02:07
tjbenatornow it says "Generating grub.cfg"02:07
tjbenatorPlanning on doing a complete over haul of this machine once Ubuntu 14.04 is released02:08
Bashing-omtjbenator: OK, where are you in that upgrade process, is the install wizard awaiting input and direction ?02:08
tjbenatorBashing-om: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7160388/02:09
Bashing-omtjbenator: OK, generating grub .. let's let it run, see what there is to clean up ( I hope I hope ) .02:09
Bashing-omtjbenator: looking at m/7160388/02:10
Bashing-omtjbenator: "/7160388/" still stuck with grub trying to acess boot code on sda ??02:13
tjbenatorThat drive is bad.. It is an old IDE 40GB drive.. Shouldn't be anything on it related to grub. That drive was installed AFTER the installation of Ubuntu02:16
=== ko_lo is now known as Guest47154
Bashing-omtjbenator: try'n to come up with something , How far along in the upgrade process is the upgrade wizard ? any idea where it is hung up at ?02:20
tjbenatorstill at the same place02:21
Bashing-omtjbenator: Is the wizard presenting you with any options at this time ?02:22
* tjbenator hides join/part messages in this channel02:25
WulframnYeah, they're irritating here.02:25
witheldI'd rather my client have a hide joins/parts of users who haven't talked X amount of time02:26
Bashing-omtjbenator: I am stuck, In my limited ability, I presently do not know what to advise, not a good thing NOT to complete the upgrade. I Do not know how to tell the wizard to skip and proceed !02:26
witheldwould have the desired effect while not letting you talk to people who left02:27
Wulframnwitheld: tab key does that02:27
WulframnBashing-om: tjbenator: how long has the process been hanging?02:28
tjbenatorSince I asked the original question02:28
Bruno_Cavalcantibye everybody02:28
Bashing-omWulframn: Some time now, Maybe in some kind of loop ??02:29
tjbenatorso maybe 20 minutes02:29
Wulframn20 minutes? During a standard update?02:30
tjbenatorSo, I originally tried to remove old kernals02:30
tjbenatorbecause /boot was full02:30
tjbenatorWhich I believe was successful02:30
tjbenatorI then did a "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade"02:31
=== gerald is now known as Guest97846
c2tarunanyone installed Gnome 3.12 on ubuntu 12.04? If yes, please tell me how to do it!!02:31
WulframnThe enter key isn't your spacebar. Just minimize the window and go on about your business. Twenty minutes isn't a real concern.02:31
Wulframn(Not trying to be a jerk, I'm tired and don't want you to get kicked for flooding)02:32
=== peter is now known as Guest24112
Bashing-omtjbenator: I was unser the impression that you were doing an version upgrade ! say to 13.10, if this is a standard system update, we can terminate and see what the problem is (??).02:33
tjbenatorSorry, bad habbit I picked up from an online friend02:33
tjbenatorno no, just updating packages02:33
WulframnNo need to apologize. Just don't want you to get the boot. :-)02:33
Dan72Hello everyone, I was attempting a release upgrade from 13.04 to 13.10 and the machine shutdown mid upgrade. Now it will only boot to the recovery console. I've tried doing the boot-recovery CD and it says that it was successful, but it goes right to the recovery console again when I reboot. I get this output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7160354/ any ideas what I should do next?02:34
Wulframntjbenator: you can just terminate the process. I wouldn't, I would minimize the terminal window and go on about my business. If it's still stuck after a couple of hours I'd terminate it.02:34
tjbenatorAlright, I'm not an a rush anyways :P This is on another computer anyways02:35
tjbenatorWas going to install nginx on it, but I guess I will continue testing in a vm :302:35
WulframnSometimes it just hangs for whatever reason.02:35
WulframnDepending on the package, if nothing happens after an hour I'd be worried then.02:36
Bashing-omtjbenator: OK, I feel better. How did you remove those old kernels ? ( I hope with apt-get remove or dpkg ??).02:36
Wulframnrm -rf /boot/*02:37
tjbenatorI found a bash command online that would remove all kernals via apt-get that weren't currently in use02:37
WulframnOh lawd, what bash command was that?02:37
WulframnHopefully not the one I posted in jest02:38
Bashing-omWulframn: That scared me, and I am a Marine, I ain't scared of nothing !02:38
WulframnThe unholy rm -rf command, run with wildcards, strikes terror into the heart of every being.02:39
Bashing-omtjbenator: Wulframn I be look'n at the link.02:40
tjbenatorWulframn: I've been using linux for a while. I know better then that XD02:40
Dan72Wulframn: that is pretty good, lol. I'll have to use that saying02:40
linuxistWulframn: my heart still skips a beat every time I type it02:40
tjbenatorrm -rf --no-perserve-root /02:40
somsip!danger (please stop with this now)02:40
ubottusomsip: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:40
somsip!danger | tjbenator (please stop with this now)02:41
ubottutjbenator (please stop with this now): DO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!02:41
tjbenatorI think I upset ubottu02:41
linuxisthe's a bit tetchy02:41
tjbenatorsudo !!02:42
somsiptjbenator: I triggered it. I was hoping the ops would step in and stop this, but they didn't. That's my last word on the matter02:42
WulframnThe command I posted is broken and wouldn't work. In general if you're going to joke about that command then it's best to post it in such a form. Don't post it in a form that would actually work unless you want people to yell at you.02:42
BlueSamuraihello all.  Would someone tell me why when I go to Software & Updates, I can install all and any updates.. (It gives me the typical everything is up to date- "but there is a new version of ubuntu available") So I clicked the option to upgrade it ask for my password, I enter it, click okay, and the dialog box goes away.  Then nothing happens. Updates work, upgrade does nothing.02:42
BlueSamuraiI've tried it several times, checked the repositories and rebooted02:43
WulframnOr, better yet, don't joke about it at all. Newbies be crazy02:43
BlueSamuraiSo any other ideas?02:43
somsipWulframn: exactly.02:43
WulframnThough it can teach a valuable lesson about keeping backups and not running commands that you don't understand... anyway02:45
WulframnBlueSamurai, have you tried from the terminal?02:45
tjbenatorSpeaking of backups, anyone used rsnapshot?02:46
tjbenatorIt is amazing02:46
Bashing-omtjbenator: This is good "sudo apt-get purge linux-image-x.x.x.x-generic." I hope this is the one you ran, That other, man too deep for me to tell what might have happened !02:46
WulframnI'm too damn lazy for anything more than just running cp to my external hard drive.02:47
tjbenatorrsnapshot is a breeze to setup02:47
WulframnI know I should automate some process like a boss. Just don't care enough to do it.02:47
tjbenatorTakes less then a few minutes02:47
Dan72I was attempting a release upgrade from 13.04 to 13.10 and the machine shutdown mid upgrade. Now it will only boot to the recovery console. I've tried doing the boot-recovery CD and it says that it was successful, but it goes right to the recovery console again when I reboot. I get this output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7160354/ any ideas what I should do next? I also just did the boot repair with repair filesystem checked. That paste is 02:48
KindOneHow can I check the version number of a .deb package in the repository?02:48
Dan72I am able to mount /dev/sda1 and can see all of my data no problem02:48
Dan72within the boot-recovery cd02:48
somsipKindOne: !info {package} {release}, eg: !info php5 precise02:48
WulframnDan72: do you have your stuff backed up?02:49
KindOne!info php5 precise02:49
ubottuphp5 (source: php5): server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (metapackage). In component main, is optional. Version 5.3.10-1ubuntu3.10 (precise), package size 1 kB, installed size 21 kB02:49
kostkonDan72, continue with the upgrade?  sudo apt-get dist-upgrade02:49
Dan72wulframn: yes, and I think I could probably make another backup because I can mount it within the boot-rescue cd02:49
Dan72kostkon: Can I run that from the boot-rescue cd? Right now the server boots directly to the recovery console02:50
WulframnDan72: then attempt another dist-upgrade. If that fails just reinstall the latest version02:50
KindOne!info btsync Saucy02:50
ubottu'Saucy' is not a valid distribution: extras, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, quantal, quantal-backports, quantal-proposed, raring, raring-backports, raring-proposed, saucy, saucy-backports, saucy-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable02:50
cupoutHey Dan7202:50
kostkonDan72, no idea abou that02:50
WulframnDan72: yes you can, just mount and chroot02:51
KindOneyeah... that does not work for 3rd party stuff..02:51
kostkonDan72, im guessing no02:51
kostkonDan72, or what Wulframn said02:51
somsipKindOne: it works for official packages. 3rd party stuff may not have been adopted as official yet.02:51
KindOneIm looking for the real command to enter into a shell, not some silly IRC command02:51
Dan72wulframn: so once sda1 is mounting and chrooted within the boot-rescue cd I can run the dist-upgrade command?02:52
Dan72wulframn: thanks, I'll try that now02:52
WulframnWell, hang on, I'm not sure what all ubuntu requires to be mounted02:52
Wulframncupout: if you have something to say you can say it here and not in pm02:53
=== Dawn_ is now known as Rarity
kostkonWulframn, spammer02:54
cupoutHey Wulframn !02:54
josef_i made my ubuntu unbootable writing in /etc/X11/default-display-manager false, now it stops booting saned disabled02:54
Dan72wulframn: I have sda1 mounted automatically by the boot-rescue cd at /mnt/boot-sav02:54
Wulframnkostkon: ;-)02:54
josef_can i fix this whithout making a new installation?02:54
Bashing-omDan72: -> Wulframn :: From the recovery mose, if one selects "root" is the operating system then mounted read/write ( or do we have to go through "with networking ").02:55
WulframnDan72: check fstab and mount any other critical file systems. Or does ubuntu keep everything in /? (Ie, no /usr, /var, /tmp separate)02:56
Dan72wulframn: everything is in / there are /usr /var etc but they are on the same partition02:56
Dan72basing-om: i'm not sure I understand what you mean?02:56
WulframnAlright, then you're golden. Just make sure that is mounted and you're chrooted and run the command. Done02:57
mygutHey Wulframn !02:57
Bashing-omDan72: What I have in mind rather than chrooting into the install, is to mount that install read/write from the recovery console, and from there do the cleanup and complete the upgrade.02:58
mygutIt's only binary.02:58
Dan72wulframn & bashing-om: I might have to do that bashing-om, the boot-rescue cd doesn't like my chroot /mnt/boot-sav command02:58
mygutMagnetic information stored as on off code.02:59
mygutHey Dan7202:59
WulframnDan72: what did it say?03:00
Dan72chroot not found03:00
mygutIt's not rocket science Wulframn03:00
Dan72I thought that was a base command part of linux03:00
Dan72wulframn: I tried installing it by apt-get install chroot but it said no package named chroot found03:01
mygutHigh school math will get you advance degree in programing Dan7203:01
Scott_hey. can anyone help me? I have a big issue03:01
=== Scott_ is now known as Guest45218
mygutMonkey bait03:02
Dan72bashing-om: any idea how to mount within the recovery console? the recovery console is new to me. I tried creating a mount point and it won't let me due to read only file system.03:02
Wulframnchroot not found? What kind of rescue cd is this?03:02
mygutGuest45218: hey03:02
Bashing-omDan72: Wulframn As a thought , recovery console -> mount -o remount rw / <-= .03:02
mygutYou so sick03:03
Guest45218I accidently deleted my root folder and I can't unity isn't showing up. I can use the terminal and open programs through there but I really want things working properly03:03
Dan72wulframn: the one detailed here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair03:03
josef_how to boot in singel user from yaboot?03:03
Guest45218is there a way to recover my root directory?03:03
Dan72basing-om: that worked! it is mounted correctly. I have no idea how to do the cleanup however. can I just run do-release-upgrade?03:04
WulframnDan72: No, throw that in the trash. Better yet, throw that in the incinerator because some homeless guy may dig that out of the trash and end up here with the same issue. Use system rescue cd.03:05
Bashing-omGuest45218: From what I have observed for some time, if you rm'd "root' the only recourse is (RE-)install.03:05
Dan72wulframn: lol03:05
Guest45218Is there any way that I can keep everything?03:05
Guest45218or do I have to reinstall all of my stuff again?03:06
WulframnGuest45218: how did you accidentally damage your system? Which command did you run?03:06
Guest45218I was using a fake virus thing because i was bored and some parts obviously didn't work and ended up issuing an actual command The script: http://pastebin.com/n1zp9jMK03:08
Guest45218I don't know which part actually deleted the systems03:08
Dan72bashing-om: is this something like dpkg --configure -a? after that re-run the upgrade?03:08
Guest45218or the root directory03:08
Guest45218is that what I should do?03:09
Guest45218or is that for someone else?03:09
WulframnGuest45218: why would you play with something if you didn't understand how it worked? And why wouldn't you play with that something in virtual box?03:09
Guest45218I don't know. I'm an idiot.03:10
Bashing-omDan72: Try: sudo apt-get autoclean , sudo apt-get autoremove , sudo apt-get clean , sudo apt-get update , sudo apt-get upgrade , sudo apt-get dist-upgrade , sudo apt-get -f install , sudo dpkg --configure -a ...03:10
tux_i wonder if that script had to do something with manipulating the root folder03:10
Guest45218i think it did03:10
WulframnHopefully you've learned from this mistake03:10
Guest45218i did03:11
WulframnIt clearly deletes system critical folders03:11
tux_hey wulfman i destroyrd my password script before but that was years ago03:11
tux_had to reinstall03:12
Dan72wulframn & basing-om: it booted! thank you both very much for your help. I could not have done it without you!03:12
tux_it was a learning experience03:12
WulframnI'm not trying to be a jerk. I'm trying to create strong users who think before they type and keep backups03:12
WulframnDan72: congrats03:13
Bashing-omDan72: Great, remember to pass it on ! Ubuntu, 1 for all and all for one !03:13
WulframnGuest45218: you need to completely reinstall. Next time play around in a virtual machine03:14
tjbenatorAnd if you don't know what a command does.. Try: http://explainshell.com/03:14
Guest45218i'm still trying that other advice03:14
WulframnGoodnight all03:14
Bashing-omWulframn: Nighty night.. see ya .03:14
josef_hm, why does Linux 1 gives me a rootconsole and Linux single not from yaboot?03:15
Guest45218I have an idea that might work03:17
josef_how to configure ubuntu not to boot an x-server only a console ?03:17
Guest45218would it be possible to find where the root is stored on the livecd and copy it to my computer?03:17
cfhowlettGuest45218, as opposed to doing a proper installation?03:18
tjbenatorIt would be simpler to reinstall03:18
Guest45218I have a lot of stuff and I would really hate to lose it all03:19
cfhowlettGuest45218, "stuff" = data?03:19
cfhowlettGuest45218, no need to reinstall.   make a dedicated /home will save your data03:19
ubottuYour home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving03:19
Guest45218Will that move my documents and videos?03:20
tjbenatorIf your previous actions didn't delete everything from your home folder and you had your data in your home folder03:20
tjbenatorthen yes03:21
tjbenatorOtherwise It won't be fun to recover files03:21
Guest45218Should this be difficult for someone who isn't the best with linux?03:22
Guest45218like me03:22
tjbenatorOn a live cd you should be able to mount you linux install and retrieve files03:22
Bashing-omjosef_: One can edit /etc/default/grub to have the system boot to the text terminal (TTY!) .. that what you have inmind ?03:23
Guest45218what do you mean by that?03:23
Guest45218how would i do that exactly/03:23
Guest45218how would i do that exactly?03:23
cfhowlettGuest45218, if you READ the link I send you - complete details are within03:24
Guest45218does it explain how to check the size of my home directory?03:24
cfhowlettGuest45218, see previous response03:25
tjbenatorcfhowlett: How does that help him recover data from his old install?03:25
cfhowletttjbenator, I understood he was trying to save current /home folders - not recover.   If I was wro03:25
cfhowlettwrong, please disregard my suggestions03:25
Guest45218i want to save it03:26
Guest45218It links me to how to create partitions but I don't know how big I should make it03:27
josef_bashing-om: yes I have in mind to boot into a text terminal and if I wants it start x-server with startx but I don't use grub insted I have yaboot03:27
cfhowlettGuest45218, run a terminal :    df03:27
Bashing-omGuest45218: cfhowlett :: To my mind that is an excellent suggestion. Well worth trying !, I would think that after the new "/Home" is made, one would have to delete the old "/Home" and in the new install choose not to format /home ??03:28
cfhowlettGuest45218, the largest partition will be your installed OS plus your data.  Given that a new install of Ubuntu runs  about 8 gigs, set 12 gigs aside for the OS and put the remainder as our /home03:29
cfhowlettBashing-om, exactomundo!03:29
Guest45218would home be the media drive?03:30
cfhowlettGuest45218, /dev/sda###03:30
cfhowlettGuest45218, a bit more human readable if you run df -h in a terminal03:31
Bashing-omjosef_: In /etc/default/grub this line - GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash" - replace quite splash with the term text.03:31
tjbenatorGuest45218 is trying to recover data after he ran a script which has done ran rm on his /03:32
ChrisuLManybody familiar with raspberry pi's?03:32
red_tell me any download manager in ubuntu and cmd for install it03:32
cfhowlettred_, your installed ubuntu already has a download manager03:33
xangua!infp gwget | red_03:33
red_cfhowlett:like idm in windows03:33
cfhowlettred_, do you have ubuntu installed?03:33
cfhowlettred_, ubuntu software center03:34
cfhowlettred_, synaptic package manager03:34
Bashing-omjosef_: See my last .. when the edit is completed, one must run the terminal coomand -> sudo update-grub <- for the change to take effect !03:35
Guest45218I am so confused03:35
linuxistChrisuLM: yeah I've played with them before03:35
Guest45218I'm trying to read that article but it's really difficult to understand03:35
Guest45218I'm worried that I'm gonna mess up my home partition03:36
red_cfhowlett:I am installing it.03:36
cfhowlettred_, enjoy03:36
josef_hm, o.k thx but I don't have grub as bootmanager I have yaboot but I think it is similar03:36
red_cfhowlett: thx                 :)03:37
Bashing-omjosef_: oopps, got to caried away, yeah I bet yaboot is similar.03:37
cfhowlettGuest45218, a reasonable concern.  follow the steps.  carefully.03:38
=== HerpyTeDerpWhale is now known as UKn0Me
UKn0MeMorning all03:39
Guest45218I'll be right back03:40
Guest45218Oh yeah, I forgot to ask03:40
Guest45218What do I do after I get the home stuff on the new partition?03:40
Guest45218And after I reinstall?03:41
red_cfhowlett: there are lots of upgrade which I ll upgrade for download manager03:41
cfhowlettred_, can I ask w03:42
cfhowlettMan on a Mission03:42
cfhowlettby laidnyc03:42
cfhowlett*Alright, feminists, playtime is over for now.  This blog will now return to its regularly scheduled programming.*03:42
cfhowlettThe most attractive thing to women is a man on a mission.03:42
cfhowlettHow does a man act when he’s on a mission?03:42
unopaste`cfhowlett you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted03:42
cfhowlettA man on a mission cares not for any girl’s reaction to him.  He cares for his mission.  Sure, he may want sexual release, but he feels no approach anxiety.  To a man focused on a higher mission, approaching girls is like playing with little kids in a sandbox: cute, but ultimately meaningless.03:42
cfhowlettA man on a mission naturally treats women with the aloof alpha attitude and dominant frame that PUAs try to imitate.  Picture a guy spending all day striving, sweating and bleeding for a mission, going home with his struggle still on his mind.  A girl flakes or gives him some drama, does he even care?03:42
cfhowlettA man on a mission pursues sex and escalates boldly because he doesn’t have time to waste.  He does not have months to spend, he does not have time to buy seven dinners before a chance at sex.  He has shit to do.  Its fuck or walk, your choice.03:42
unopaste`cfhowlett you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted03:42
cfhowlettA man on a mission worships no girl.  He puts his mission on a pedestal, not his girl.03:42
cfhowlettA man on a mission is impossible to friendzone.  He simply doesn’t have time to listen to a girl’s emotional outpourings.03:42
cfhowlettA man on a mission treats girls with abundance.  There are many girls, but only one mission.03:42
cfhowlettA man on a mission has ambition, passion and drive.  Anybody who spends time with him can sense this.03:42
cfhowlettA man on a mission is never at a loss for words.  He has stories.  I was (working on my mission) when…., My friend ______(who I know from my mission) and I……,03:42
Bashing-omGuest45218: If I may, then if you follow instructions, nothing, you are setting pretty with the new /Home (symlinked !).03:42
cfhowlettA man on a mission has boundaries.  He will not let a girl take up too much of his time or do anything that will jeopardize his mission.03:42
cfhowlettA man on a mission chooses a wife or long term girlfriend carefully.  She must complement him and make his home life easier, as he is out living his mission.03:42
cfhowlettA man on a mission does not check his phone everyhat your final goal is03:42
kostkoncfhowlett, dude what happened03:42
red_cfhowlett: I need a simple download manager like internet download manager03:43
cfhowlettdang!  sorry everyone!03:43
* cfhowlett smites himself03:43
Guest45218Bashing-om: what does symlinked mean?03:43
cfhowlettkostkon, fat finger tourettes syndrome . my most sincere apologies03:44
kostkoncfhowlett, no problemo, no need to apologise for that03:44
red_tell me any download manager in ubuntu.03:45
Bashing-omGuest45218: That I expect is explained in the link. where the new /Home is a symbolic link from the system's location of /home. It workie great last long time,03:45
cfhowlettred_, what exactly are you trying to accomplish???03:45
red_cfhowlett: I need a simple download manager like internet download manager03:45
red_but in linux03:46
red_any download manager for ubuntu03:46
ubottured_,: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/03:46
kostkonred_, uget, flareget, etc03:47
kostkonred_, use the software centre or synaptic03:47
red_I got thank u all.03:48
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Distraughtguys i ve got a server with ubuntu right? I could see all  images just right before 20 minutes03:51
Distraughtand now i cant03:52
Distraughtthe ww folder is in /var/www03:52
josef_hm what hapens ifconfig don't gives me eth0 only lo how to fix this?04:02
josef_pon does not connect to the internet04:02
pvl1josef_: add eth004:02
pvl1sudo ifconfig eth0 up04:02
pvl1or just... add it to /etc/network/interfaces04:03
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josef_hm, o.k now it works but how is it possible to disappers ....04:06
pvl1josef_: i doubt that it just dissapears. see if its in the file i earlier posted04:07
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josef_hm, there is auto eth004:12
sakangwhere does the file manager gets the data to populate the 'places'?  thanks04:12
josef_and pre-up /sbin/ifconfig eth0 up04:12
pvl1josef_: so its theres. something mustve brought it down. difficult to say what. check your logs04:14
pvl1sakang: do you mean like the bookmarks? theres a file either somewhere in ~/.config/ or some other ~/.dir04:14
sakangpvl1: is it? bookmarks I can add, but these are usually partitions, same as you would get from  'computer'04:16
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sakangor devices04:17
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pvl1i know, but it has to store the others somewhere04:18
pvl1and thats usually in the .dirs of your home dir04:18
sakangpvl1: theyt show up in the side bar/pane/panel04:18
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freespirit-girlHow can i install full python with scrapy on Ubuntu... Using command prompt04:21
pvl1sakang: theres a chance that they are hard coded into the app04:21
pvl1freespirit-girl: *terminal and idk what scrappy is.. but you can install python with sudo apt-get install python04:22
pvl1oh and i guess scrapy would just be sudo apt-get install scrapy04:22
sakangpvl1: doubt it.  how could you hardcode labels of my partitions?04:22
pvl1freespirit-girl: http://doc.scrapy.org/en/latest/intro/install.html04:23
freespirit-girlUnable to locate package scrapy04:24
pvl1sakang: i meant the logic to represent that. could just read /dev/sda devices... or /media mounts04:24
pvl1freespirit-girl: http://doc.scrapy.org/en/latest/topics/ubuntu.html#topics-ubuntu04:24
kostkon!find scrapy04:25
ubottuFound: python-scrapy, python-scrapy-doc04:25
pvl1kostkon: the site says that that package is outdated often04:25
kostkonpvl1, ok then..04:25
pvl1just sayin04:25
pvl1anywho, i need sleep04:26
pvl1later yall04:26
freespirit-girli think i got it04:27
jj995what is an easy way to get rough file system speed?  I just want to roughly log if it is a network file system (slow), spinning local disk (avg), or local SSD (fast)04:28
jj995I guess determining whether a filesystem is networked, local ssd, or local spinning disk is non-trivial or impossible04:32
jj995*determining via a command line output04:32
subb1hello folks04:35
cfhowlettgreetings.  what's your ubuntu issue, subb1?04:36
subb1I've been googling all way but of no use. I'm faced with this error: "E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages." while trying to install Skype. Running "sudo aptitude install skype" lists a lot of conflicts also. How would I go about solving this mess?04:36
subb1This is the output of "aptitude install skype" : http://paste.ubuntu.com/7160824/04:38
subb1greetings cfhowlett !04:38
subb1I also faced this while trying to install another package earlier, but don't remember it now.04:40
cfhowlettsubb1, suggestion   sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade         this will update your filesystem database and then bring all current packages to the latest available package in repos04:40
us^0gbHmm. So it want's to leave Skype at it's current (uninstalled) version. Odd.04:40
subb1cfhowlett,  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade, shows that all packages are up-to-date.04:42
cfhowlettsubb1, good.  also run sudo apt-get autoremove && sudo apt-get clean04:43
cfhowlettclean clears out the local repository of retrieved package files. It removes everything but the lock file from04:43
cfhowlett/var/cache/apt/archives/ and /var/cache/apt/archives/partial/. When APT is used as a dselect(1) method, clean is run04:43
cfhowlettautomatically. Those who do not use dselect will likely want to run apt-get clean from time to time to free up disk space.04:43
subb1cfhowlett, that too, removes nothing. No changes happen.04:44
subb1I'm on ubuntu 13.10.04:44
cfhowlettsubb1, desktop?04:44
arrithanyone use plex? good/bad?04:45
Odd-rationalesubb1: Can you check to make sure your sources are enabled (main, universe, multiverse, restricted). You should find your sources in "Software & Updates"04:45
subb1Odd-rationale, that's enabled. checked.04:46
cfhowlettsubb1, reboot and attempt to reinstall skype04:47
subb1cfhowlett, I did that yesterday.04:47
Odd-rationalesubb1: Have you run "sudo apt-get -f install"?04:48
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subb1Odd-rationale, gives me this - http://paste.ubuntu.com/7160862/04:49
subb1Odd-rationale, and "apt-get -f install skype-bin" gives this - http://paste.ubuntu.com/7160863/04:50
cfhowlettsubb1, seemsll to be skype related.  sudo apt-get purge skype*  (not installed, I know but try)04:50
Odd-rationalesubb1: Which repository are you installing skype from?04:51
subb1cfhowlett, no changes after that.04:52
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subb1Odd-rationale, http://ubuntu.pesat.net.id/archive04:52
cfhowlettsubb1, ?WHAT?  get skype.com   download not a 3rd party source04:53
subb1Odd-rationale, I chose it from 'Select Best Server' of 'Software and Updates'..04:53
subb1cfhowlett, it's my ubuntu repo server.04:54
Odd-rationalesubb1: Can you paste the output of "apt-cache show skype".04:55
subb1http://paste.ubuntu.com/7160894/ << Odd-rationale04:55
Odd-rationalesubb1: Give me a sec.04:58
subb1ok. thanks !04:59
Odd-rationalesubb1: try this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7160909/05:02
subb1Reading package lists... Done05:03
subb1Building dependency tree05:03
subb1Reading state information... Done05:03
subb1E: Unable to locate package libjson-c205:03
subb1E: Unable to locate package libllvm3.305:03
subb1E: Couldn't find any package by regex 'libllvm3.3'05:03
subb1--- is the output. :(05:03
Odd-rationalesubb1: pastebin the whole output.05:04
subb1I don't know.. I might have messed up the version of stable packages on my system. :(05:04
cfhowlettsubb1, seems like ...05:05
subb1Odd-rationale, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7160918/05:05
Odd-rationalesubb1: That's OK (hopefully). We'll try to fix it.05:05
subb1cfhowlett, yes but I'm wondering how it allowed me to do that in the first place!05:05
Odd-rationalesubb1: OK. So can you pastebin your entire /etc/apt/source.list file? Want to double check your sources.05:06
subb1here it is http://paste.ubuntu.com/7160922/ << Odd-rationale05:07
Odd-rationalesubb1: also pastebin: cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*list05:07
subb1Odd-rationale, none in **lists.d/05:08
Odd-rationalesubb1: What does "apt-cache show libjson-c2" give you?05:09
subb1http://paste.ubuntu.com/7160931/ << Odd-rationale05:10
Odd-rationalesubb1: that's really strange that apt-cache finds it.05:12
Odd-rationalesubb1: Can you install it individually? sudo apt-get install libjson-c2:i38605:12
subb1it says it's already the newer versin'05:13
subb1and it's installed Odd-rationale05:13
Odd-rationalesubb1: Hmm. OK, my recommendation is to reset your sources.list file back to the original. Sometimes there's issues with mirrors syncing.05:15
Odd-rationalesubb1: Here's my sources.list file. Also 13.10 system: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7160929/05:16
Odd-rationalesubb1: Once you reverted your sources.list file, try apt-get update; apt-get -f install; apt-get dist-upgrade05:17
subb1Odd-rationale, I guess you're right mate. I switched sources back an forth to get good network download speed. I used 'select best server' too many times. I might have screwed things that way. :(05:18
McGreevyhi i have a question05:22
McGreevyif i download ubuntu, then put it on a flash drive05:22
McGreevy.......then i turn off my computer, with the flashdrive in i turn it back on05:23
McGreevyand then ubuntu boots up?05:23
McGreevyis that how it works05:23
Odd-rationaleMcGreevy: Basically, yes.05:23
McGreevyand i wont run into any problems with it? most likely?05:24
Odd-rationaleMcGreevy: But you need to make sure you copy it to the USB correct. And you need to make sure your computer supports booting from USB (most modern BIOS do).05:24
McGreevyhow do i copy it correct05:24
Odd-rationaleMcGreevy: Are you currently on Windows?05:25
McGreevyyes windows 805:25
Odd-rationaleMcGreevy: Follow the instructions here: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/create-a-usb-stick-on-windows05:25
Odd-rationaleMcGreevy: You will need a USB with at least 2GB05:26
alejandrishoHola buenas como estan todos?05:32
Odd-rationale!es | alejandrisho05:32
ubottualejandrisho: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.05:32
sennn_please just tell me where is the location of the canonical's office in ShangHai?05:32
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subb1Odd-rationale, that worked! :)05:56
subb1thanks! after changing the sources, I was able to dist-upgrade and then after a reboot, i'm able to install skype! :)05:56
subb1Odd-rationale, so it indeed was the issue of repo sources being out of sync !!05:57
jesse__Hello.  I am running Ubuntu 14.04.  Is there a way to move Window Controls to the right? Thanks!05:58
subb1thanks Odd-rationale :)05:59
Odd-rationalejesse__: According to AskUbuntu, the answer seems to be no: http://askubuntu.com/a/20957406:00
jesse__Odd-rationale: thanks06:01
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x86_128hello, i installed Ubuntu (latest version, just downloaded) on a computer, and i've a problem06:28
linuxistx86_128: do go on06:30
x86_128The problem is:06:31
x86_128I don't have a problem. It's Good! :D I love Ubuntu, best OS ever.06:32
linuxistx86_128: you're preaching to the choir in here buddy :)06:33
jesse__Hello.  I'm running an early-release of 14.04.  It's my first time running a version of Ubuntu still in development.  My question is: When the final version of 14.04 is released, how do I update it to the final?06:34
linuxistjesse__: I'm just guessing here. But as long as you have the right settings in /etc/apt/sources.list etc... then beta vs. released version should just be a matter of "apt-get update && apt-get upgrade"06:35
ubottujesse__: Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) will be the 20th release of Ubuntu.  See the announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1295 for more info. support in #ubuntu+106:36
somsip!upgrade | jesse__06:36
ubottujesse__: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade06:36
jesse__linuxist: thanks06:37
jesse__somsip: thanks06:37
Beldarjesse__, Regular updates and upgrades get you there.06:37
somsip!final | jesse__ (this was what I meant)06:37
ubottujesse__ (this was what I meant): If you install a development version of Ubuntu Trusty and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 14.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal.06:37
jesse__thanks everyone06:37
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BaddhistI need help converting a MBR to a GPT Disk and im unfamiliar with ubuntu, Is there a place i can get some advice?07:30
CryptoSiDhi guys, when i restart apache2 it show me the code of the init.d/apache2 file07:47
CryptoSiDany idea how can i fix this?:)07:48
CryptoSiDapache2 start and reload fine but it show me the code07:48
googchenghi, all! when i from 12.04.3 upgrade to 12.04.4  my background color become blue ,and ubuntu desktop crash . i have tried reinstall not work . how to do with it ?07:52
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jesse__Hello.  Just installed Ubuntu 14.04.  I wanted to try out the Gnome3 desktop, so i installed the packages gnome-shell and ubuntu-gnome-desktop.  I'm satisfied with gnome, but after i installed those packages, it replaced the default ubuntu loading graphics (the graphics I see upon booting in and shutting down) with the Ubuntu Gnome graphics.  How can I change it back (though I would like to retain gnome 3) ?07:59
Doctor_N1ckconsolas more like consolBLAHs08:02
Rosswas using Utorrent to download movies b4 I joined Ubuntu, 3 days ago. What can I use to download movies now?08:02
Doctor_N1ckbut we do not endorse copyright infringement08:02
ax562just for an estimate...how many hours after install of ubuntu 12.04LTS to get a close to 100% stable OS?08:03
Doctor_N1ckdepends on any number of factors08:04
Doctor_N1ckcould be 0, could be 1208:05
ax562I'm just curious if i've done something wrong.08:05
sennni believe something strange happened to me08:06
ax562I'm coming from 11.04 and my only real trouble was the nvidea drivers (they never really worked great though)08:06
ax562I'm getting random vlc closes08:06
ax562disapearing bacgrounds08:06
ax562dissapearing docky08:06
ax562slugish performance so went to xubuntu.08:07
ax562performance has been great just many mysterious bugs.08:07
wheatthinax562, no sluggish performance, until you have a flash video playing, and then you open the dock08:11
wheatthinDash Home*08:11
Gr4cchuscan anyone direct me to an updated tutorial that explains sideloading apps onto android off ubuntu?08:12
wheatthinpersonally, I think compiz needs some ironing out :)08:12
wheatthinI don't think that's supported08:13
DJJeffthis bug is 2+ years old.. (affects raring,saucy,trusty)08:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1009238 in plymouth (Ubuntu) "plymouthd crashed with SIGABRT in __assert_fail_base()" [High,Triaged]08:13
ax562wheatthin: sluggish performance is gone with xfce4.10 but bugs never went away08:13
ax562not sure if it's the theme, xfce4, or vlc08:13
wheatthinax562, that's cause they went ahead and tried different approaches08:13
wheatthinwith 12.04+08:13
wheatthini'm on the 12.04.4 install, updated, and stable as can expect :)08:14
wheatthinwith this low grade graphics card anywho08:15
Rossanyone here that can answer a question about wireless connection?08:15
wheatthinRoss, just ask, and if anybody knows, they'll shoot you an answer08:15
Rossok, thx08:16
otherworldlyenigi need to reinstall ubuntu but my computer will not say book from cd or usb on start up is there a way i can get around this08:20
CryptoSiDhi guys, when i restart apache2 it show me the code of the init.d/apache2 file, anyone know how to fix this?08:21
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E99I need a new graphics card for gaming on ubuntu08:31
E99What should i get08:31
LaurenFCryptoSiD: How did you install in the first place?08:32
LaurenFE99: Do you have a budget?08:32
CryptoSiDapt-get install08:32
LaurenFCryptoSiD: Sorry I had the wrong username.08:32
LaurenFotherworldlyenig: How did you install in the first place?08:32
otherworldlyenigi installed it with a flash drive it worked the first time around because i had a blank hard drive but now it will not let me re install it08:33
brucembI cron'ed a reboot with "0 6,18 * * * reboot" and it did not execute. Do you have any ideas why?08:33
LaurenFCryptoSiD: Did you ask the #apache channels though?08:34
CryptoSiDwell its ubuntu related, its related about init.d/apache208:34
CryptoSiDfrom ubuntu08:34
CryptoSiDwhen i use service apache2 restart it show me the code from the init.d/apache208:34
CryptoSiDreload or start also08:35
LaurenFCryptoSiD: Ys it is ubuntu related, but it is also apache related, and I feel like it doesn't hurt to ask them as well08:35
brucembany ideas?08:35
LaurenFbrucemb: Only thing i can think of is specify the path exactly. Cron shell is not standard.08:39
thorsten1good morning08:39
brucembLaurenF: so the cron path does not include /sbin/08:39
thorsten1is someone familiar with gammu?08:40
LaurenFbrucemb: Unknown. But I would try /sbin/reboot and see if that works.08:40
somsipbrucemb: you want the system to reboot every 12 hours?08:41
brucembsomsip: yip08:42
brucembsomsip: are there more affective ways of doing this?08:42
somsipbrucemb: no idea. I wouldn't want to do such a thing08:42
otherworldlyenigis there anyone who knows how i can get my computer to turn on usb or live cd boot ? everything is grayed out in my bios08:43
LaurenF_brucemb: I got disconnected . Was your cron fixed?08:44
hualetotherworldlyenig, try press f12 on booting08:44
otherworldlyenigi did08:44
otherworldlyenigeverything is grayed out08:45
brucembLaurenF_: I hope so. It has yet to run :-)08:45
LaurenF_LaurenF_: was it an error in the time specification?08:45
LaurenF_brucemb: Was it an error in the time specification?08:45
hualetotherworldlyenig, have no idea then08:45
brucembLaurenF_: nope, the time is ok. I just added the pull path like you suggested08:45
otherworldlyenigis there a way to reinstall ubuntu without a live cd or usb08:46
LaurenF_brucemb: I would do this: * * * * * env > /tmp/env.txt08:46
LaurenF_then compare that with the normal result of env, to see the differences in the cron shell08:46
brucembLaurenF_: yeah that is a good idea LaurenF_08:48
brucembLaurenF_: thanks hey08:48
LaurenF_brucemb: On my system, I get PATH=/usr/bin:/bin for cron08:53
brucembLaurenF_: that explains it then08:54
brucembthanks for all your help LaurenF_08:54
egsomeHow to make sure 01.org is Intel ? The HTTPS Certificate doesn't tell an owner.08:56
ZuneHi anyone inhere who has been using plex media server, I have a mounted samba, that has ACL, and I can't seem to get it working, And I am not interested in just running plex as root I want it done the right way.08:58
hipitihopcan anyone give me a pointer why <shift><enter> or <ctrl><enter> does not work in browser... are those standard modifiers/shortcuts setup elsewhere and don't make through to the browser08:58
LaurenF_hipitihop: firefox?09:01
LaurenF_hipitihop: If you mean it is firefox, the ubuntu version disables some operations like "backspace -> back" as they were considered confusing to new uers. You should be able to restore those by disabling the ubuntu firefox plugin and/or setting the configuration in Firefox09:04
hipitihopLaurenF_, both FF and Chrome ....but actually just checking, it's PEBKAC09:05
tarelerulzI have any of you used voice search in Chrome?  Do any of you know how to turn off  blocking the F word   ?09:05
hipitihopLaurenF_, thanks for responding. Seems all good. Will have to check with user if its PEBCAK or the fact that they are running 13.10 in a VirtualBox on windows host.09:06
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LaurenF_tarelerulz: I do on android09:07
LaurenF_hipitihop: If it's in a vbox check the hypervisor isn't intercepting that key combo as well09:07
tarelerulzLaurenF_:  It lame that Ubuntu don't get the same love as Windows and mac.09:07
LaurenF_hipitihop: in fact if you are a windows host i am sure it is: isnt alt+enter a windows shortcut to maximise?09:07
hipitihopLaurenF_, possible but not sure, been too long since on Windows (thankfully) .. but in this case trying <Shift><Enter> as opposed to <alt><enter>09:09
LaurenF_tarelerulz: I can tell you how to do it on android but i dont think that helps. Let me load chrome on a desktop and look around09:10
hipitihopLaurenF_, actually I see now.. on my host 12.04 Chrome works fine and FF doesn't must be FF09:12
LaurenF_hipitihop: it is the ubutnu firefox "mods" then. users would press backspace inappropraitely on webmail and the browser would go back and lose their edit; they disabled that and others09:13
hipitihopLaurenF_, workaround ?09:14
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hipitihopLaurenF_, apart from "use chrome" :-)09:15
Evilmaxhi all09:16
Evilmaxhow can i see if someone dos me?09:16
Evilmaxhow see syn ack list?09:16
LaurenF_hipitihop: Backspace is a setting in firefox about:config. I don't remember its name. I don't know shift+enter.09:16
hipitihopLaurenF_, thanks looking09:17
Hornet-wot ho, I seem unable to see an IDE drive via linux? this is 13.04 btw09:18
TheUnnamedDudeI seem to have a problem with programs dropdown menu not showing up09:18
TheUnnamedDudeLike in hexchat, the server etc dropdown is gone09:18
Hornet-given that I need to recover data from that drive before I can install, it's a fairly major problem09:19
LaurenF_Hornet-: Is the drive detected in BIOS?09:19
Hornet-I believe so, but not explicitly checked since last time I was in the case09:20
Hornet-can but will mean a reboot09:20
LaurenF_Don't need to open the case to check if the drive is detected in BIOS.09:20
Hornet-I said since last time I was in there :)09:21
Hornet-it was detected a while ago, but I added other drives since09:21
LaurenF_Hornet-: May I ask where you have looked for the drive? Does it show up in the disks tool?09:21
Hornet-fdisk -l , mount , blkid09:21
Hornet-doubtful but I'll check09:21
Hornet-all others are but that's the only ide09:22
Hornet-won't be staying in the  case either09:22
Hornet-just getting the data offi t then it's  dust09:22
LaurenF_Hornet-: Are you seeing the IDE interface detected?09:22
Hornet-eg /sda ?09:23
hipitihopLaurenF_, have disabled all addons in FF, no luck09:23
LaurenF_Hornet-: the disk controller for IDE09:23
Hornet-where would I look for that?09:23
TheUnnamedDudeIts missing those; http://screencloud.net/v/ggPs09:23
TheUnnamedDudeShould be server, edit etc there09:24
LaurenF_Hornet-: I would check that, and also check the IDE drive is seen by the BIOS and its jumpers are set correctly. I don't know if you know how to install IDE drives or not, they are diferent from SATA in that they needed jumpers.09:24
Hornet-I'm aware, and this drive was in the case before, same disk config - new motherbaord though09:24
Hornet-jumpers not changed09:25
llutzHornet-: case = external or internal? new motherboard, you checked IDE is enabled in BIOS settings at all?09:25
LaurenF_hipitihop: Not really sure. This *might* help. https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/86921409:25
Hornet-internal, essentially, outside the case at present09:26
LaurenF_Hornet-: the thing is, if the hardware is correctly installed and working, ubuntu *should* detect an ide drive09:26
Hornet-I've seen it appear before, but not checked bios recently09:26
llutzHornet-:  you checked IDE is enabled in BIOS settings at all?09:26
llutzHornet-: check it09:26
Hornet-no but I've seen it in alisting before, so presumably it must be09:26
Evilmaxplease: what command i can use for see if someone is dossing my server?09:26
llutzHornet-: check it09:26
LaurenF_they make new motherboards with ide connectors?09:27
Hornet-yes going to09:27
Hornet-back shortly09:27
fob<fob> hello. I can't seem to get replaygain working. I listen to a mix of classical music which volume is too less, rock music which volume is louder than should be. I enabled replaygain in deadbeef but even after multiple listens to the songs I usually listen to, there is no volume normalization across the playlist.09:27
fob<fob> am i misunderstanding what replaygain is supposed to do?09:27
fob<fob> how do I get volume normalization for whole playlist?09:27
=== zhanna is now known as Guest45535
ReptiliaI am getting a really poor quality audio output (distortions, noise-alike sound), while using Ubuntu. That's not the case while using Windows 7. What could the problem be? Poor quality audio codec? Thanks in advance.09:31
hipitihopLaurenF_, that didn't work either.. giving in, telling user to use chrome09:33
fobI'm getting a similar problem on linux distros. I wouldn't say poor quality, but sometimes I get tiny distortions or skips09:33
LaurenF_hipitihop: You might want to try askubuntu, but it will take a day or so for them to reply. YOu could also try ICEWEASEL browser which is identical to firefox except for the branding, and should give you a 'generic' install09:34
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hipitihopLaurenF_, thanks for trying and your time.09:34
LaurenF_hipitihop: iceweasel really is identical, it's just not got the moz trademarks. debian uses it instead of FF.09:35
ReptiliaI am getting a really poor quality audio output (distortions, noise-alike sound), while using Ubuntu. That's not the case while using Windows 7. What could the problem be? Poor quality audio codec? Thanks in advance.09:35
ActionParsnipfob: what is the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh && ./alsa-info.sh --upload09:35
thorsten1someone is familiar with gammu?09:35
ActionParsnipReptilia: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh && ./alsa-info.sh --upload09:35
hipitihopLaurenF_, will giveit a try09:36
ReptiliaActionParsnip: Okay :D09:36
ReptiliaActionParsnip: Should i restart?09:37
hoijuiis IceCat the new name for IceWeasel?09:38
Hornet-sorted it; graphics card had nudged the mb-end IDE lead out JUST enough to cause it to not register09:39
Hornet-cheers for your assistance though09:39
Hornet-I was expecting a much higher-level problem09:40
hipitihophoijui, no standard repository for icecat or iceweasel it seems09:40
ReptiliaActionParsnip: It did not fix, i uploaded, restarted, and the sound quality is still the same.09:40
hoijuiyeah.. i just heard first time about iceweasel, but i am using icecat, and yeha.. needs an extra repository09:41
fobReptilia: you have to paste the link here which you get after running the command09:41
llutzHornet-: it mostly the easy things... that's why checking is more important than "i guess, i think, last time it was...."09:41
Reptiliafob: Which link?09:41
fobAfter running the command in the terminal, you should get an  URL link09:42
Hornet-llutz, tbf, the bios would have had no way to un-set anything, which was what you were suggesting09:42
Hornet-so when it wasn't there I checked jumpers & cables09:42
Hornet-drive was spinning up so I knew it had power ed09:42
fobI'll paste  mine in a couple m,inutes, am booted into another distro at the moment09:42
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Reptiliafob: Aha, that was a script. Hang on, i'm still drinking my morning coffee :D. I do get an output file, but i can't copy from it, when i click on it, it disappears.09:44
llutzHornet-: which was the next logical step, right09:45
Hornet-yar. I did a visual check after installing the gfx though, and as the drive span up I knew the power was fine - just seems the ide lead has enough room to be 'out' whilst in the socket09:47
Hornet-academic now though, with any luck it's the last ide drive I'll have to deal with09:47
Reptiliafob: My brain lag has decreased. Here's the link: http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=968e6d8fc485190575e70df74235f42e2aefc24909:47
nylwhat was the ubuntu application development channel?09:48
ReptiliaActionParsnip: Here's the link: http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=968e6d8fc485190575e70df74235f42e2aefc24909:48
fobyes, now you should wait for ActionParsnip's reply09:48
Reptiliafob: Yup, thanks :)09:48
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=== zz_neoneye is now known as neoneye
ActionParsnipReptilia: it you run alsamixer      pull some of the levels to about 75% then crank speakers09:58
ActionParsnipReptilia: are you using hdmi audio or normal speakers?09:59
ReptiliaActionParsnip: I did not understand the first question / statement, sorry10:00
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TheUnnamedDudeSo, this ubuntu installation is useless now :/10:00
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ActionParsnipReptilia: alsamixer is a terminal command10:00
ReptiliaActionParsnip: Yup10:00
ReptiliaActionParsnip: Btw i am using normal speakers.10:01
ReptiliaAt the moment, headphones, but it's the same on the speakers.10:01
ActionParsnipTheUnnamedDude: what is the output of:  cat /etc/issue10:01
ReptiliaWhen a music has a buzzy-basses they distort, feel over-saturated or something similar10:01
ActionParsnipReptilia: pull down volume in apps then crank speakers10:02
ReptiliaIn alsa-mixer?10:02
TheUnnamedDudeNo drop-down menus10:03
ActionParsnipReptilia: yes, use cursors to select and edit levels, M to un/mute and ESC to quit10:03
TheUnnamedDudeIn any program10:03
ActionParsnipTheUnnamedDude: what is the output of:  cat /etc/issue10:03
ReptiliaWhen a music has a buzzy-basses they distort, feel over-saturated or something similar10:03
ReptiliaShould i lower the Master level?10:03
OerHeksTheUnnamedDude, select the window, then goto top panel to enter menus, this is called global menu10:03
Reptiliato about 75%?10:03
ActionParsnipReptilia: yes, set all to about 75%10:03
TheUnnamedDudeI know that OerHeks...10:03
Reptiliaall? okay10:03
TheUnnamedDudeWell, not the part about global menu10:04
ActionParsnipReptilia: are the controls not in the absolute top left corner?10:04
[Gentoo]Reptilia: do you use an external amp?10:04
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ReptiliaNope, i wrote "alsamixer" in the terminal, and now i am lowering all the levels to 70%10:05
Reptilia[Gentoo]: Nope10:05
[Gentoo]normally PCM can be lowered to reduce that clipping effect but im pretty sure it only happens on lower quality on board sound cards10:06
ReptiliaNope, still the same, the sound is something like "over-saturated"10:06
ReptiliaActually, it depends on the genre of music i am listening to10:07
[Gentoo]what app are you trying this on?10:07
[Gentoo]to play the music10:07
ReptiliaElectronic music seems over-saturated10:07
ReptiliaI am streaming from Youtube10:07
[Gentoo]does it do it on a music player?10:07
[Gentoo]i was gona say, try a music player and set the output to alsa (not pulse or anythign else)10:08
[Gentoo]and see if it does the same thing10:08
ReptiliaSure, but why would PCM induce a clipping effect?10:08
Reptilia(don't know, want to know)10:08
ReptiliaHave to go now, thanks for the help, i hope i will fix it somehow, bye10:10
=== funkyHat_ is now known as funkyHat
TheUnnamedDudeindicator-appmenu was missing10:13
ActionParsniptranslucentbyte: hi....10:14
translucentbytewhere r u frm?10:14
translucentbytehi Busybyeski10:15
translucentbytewhere r u frm Busybyeski10:15
ActionParsniptranslucentbyte: this is support, location is moot here10:16
ActionParsniptranslucentbyte: chitchat in #ubuntu-offtopic please10:16
translucentbyteoh ok10:16
hillary_bekks: I followed your advice and back to work now thanks. I will never play with chmod _R again10:31
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CryptoSiDwhen i use service apache2 restart it show me the code from the init.d/apache2, on ubuntu, if anyone have an idea how to fix this lemme know10:45
CryptoSiDhelp me thx a lot10:45
CryptoSiDso generous!10:45
CryptoSiDrestart reload start stop, whatever, they all show init.d/apache2 code. output this in console10:45
CryptoSiDpretty weird10:45
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ActionParsnipCryptoSiD: does it not just show the stop / start succeeding / failing?10:50
hillary_I did not know it dangerous to use chmod _R any howly10:50
idimmuCryptoSiD: is there a set -x in the script?10:50
CryptoSiDActionParsnip nope it output everyting from the script10:51
CryptoSiDsec idimmu10:51
idimmuthat'll activate debugging and echo everything10:51
idimmuit should still 'work' tho, i.e. start/stop/restart shit10:51
CryptoSiDits set -e10:51
CryptoSiDnot set -x10:51
ikoniaidimmu: please tone down the langauge10:51
idimmuah set -e just makes the script exit if any command fail10:52
CryptoSiDoh yes also a set -x10:52
CryptoSiDat second line10:52
hillary_how can i pin eclipse icon on the desktop ubuntu 12.0410:52
idimmuah ikonia now i remember why i hate ubuntu10:52
ActionParsnipCryptoSiD: what is the output of:  cat /etc/issue10:52
hillary_i install it download folder10:53
ActionParsniphillary_: eclipse is in the repos10:53
CryptoSiDUbuntu 12.04.4 LTS \n \l10:53
someoneonehello! i want to create crontab entry repeating each 4 days, but i don't know how to do that - i tried that one 0 0 */4 * * bash command.sh but this is just every fourth day in month... i want to run that job every for days... hot to do that?10:53
idimmuCryptoSiD: just strip that line out then10:53
ActionParsnipCryptoSiD: then I suggest you report a bug10:53
idimmuActionParsnip: i doubt thats stock10:53
idimmusomeone added it10:53
idimmuit wont be an ubuntu bug10:53
ActionParsnipidimmu: we'll see10:53
idimmui.e. my 12.04 doesnt do it10:53
CryptoSiDfixed by removing the set -x10:53
ActionParsnipsomeoneone: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4549542/cron-job-every-three-days10:54
CryptoSiDwell thx a lots guys10:55
idimmuno problemo10:55
hillary_how do i go about. i downloaded and run it on the same folder.10:55
someoneoneActionParsnip: that one starts from third day in month... i want continuous repeating10:56
someoneoneActionParsnip: so if that job run in 29. day in month and that month has 31 days... than the next job should be scheduled for 1, day in next month10:58
idimmuput htat logic in a script and wrap your stuff in it?10:59
idimmuthen just call your script daily10:59
=== matthewgall__ is now known as matthewgall
Dexterp91Hey guys. Anyone here do Android app development?11:08
idimmui have in the past11:08
Bruno_Cavalcantigood morning everybody11:11
Dexterp91idimmu, what kind of applications did you make, and what methods have you used?11:13
idimmuinterfaces to control restful web apps11:15
idimmumy favourite method is println11:15
idimmuive used other methods though11:16
idimmuthats pretty popular11:16
=== [Derek] is now known as [ewefwe]
Dexterp91I have a college project to do which involves creating an Android application, I'm leaning more towards html as I only have 8 weeks and 2 other projects to work on. Any advice on techniques and tools?11:17
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idimmuer install eclipse and the android sdk, do hello world, 8 weeks is a long time..11:22
idimmualso guage the sentiments of the class11:23
idimmuis it a java class, an html class or just a mobile development class11:23
Dexterp91it's an Interactive media class11:23
Dexterp91I also have to make a 2 level game, and 3D model a room. so yeah11:24
idimmusounds liek your best bet11:24
idimmuas youre doing a media class ...11:25
idimmuis to do a unity android app11:25
=== jottr_ is now known as elementz
andryhi folks, anybody here with pinta installed?11:26
andryand ubuntu >=13.1011:27
odiumI know I shouldn't have a kernel of my own creation, and expect any help, but I am trying to install fglrx drivers and I am getting odd "dkms" errors when I try to install either the latest or the beta versions, what might I do to alleviate the following error?11:31
odium"/var/lib/dkms/fglrx/13.101/build/2.6.x/firegl_public.c:1747:1: warning: control reaches end of non-void function"11:31
basichashNot sure where to post this, but I'm trying to send an email to an @aol.com email address, but get this error sent back to me: https://dpaste.de/wq7S11:31
basichash- ubuntu 13.04, thunderbird11:32
llutzbasichash: you don use [] in email-adresses11:32
idimmubasichash: you got the address wrong so aol are rejecting it11:32
odiumno brackets11:32
odiumnews to me11:32
odiumsomeone halp me11:33
Dexterp91isn't Unity a windows program?11:33
basichashidimmu, llutz: the email address has been redacted, it's legit11:33
idimmuits not11:33
cyfordcan someone tell me why this  would work in command  but not as a varable in ubuntu11:33
basichashwhy not?11:33
idimmuelse youd get a different error11:33
idimmudont argue11:33
cyfordnice -n 17 sudo ps -e | egrep bacula11:33
cyfordbut not -11:33
cyfordbaculad="nice -n 17 sudo ps -e | egrep bacula"11:34
basichashidimmu: i put the brackets there myself11:34
basichashoriginall address: x.xxxxxx@aol.com11:34
llutzbasichash: stop that stupid obfuscation then11:35
Fjorgynnlol aol11:35
ikoniabasichash: I've told you what to do11:36
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basichash@ikonia: using irssi, did you pm me?11:37
ikoniabasichash: no, I told you in the other channels you asked this question11:37
ikoniabasichash: basically - contact AOL11:38
basichashikonia: thanks11:38
ice9sometimes when I upgrade packages I get "WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!" why is that?11:41
mrkiei've got a shortcut on my ubuntu dekstop with this command: /bin/sh sudo service apache2 restart11:42
mrkieit seems not to be working, what's wrong?11:42
mrkieatleast it would need to ask me to enter a password11:42
mrkiethis /bin/sh "sudo service apache2 restart" also doesn't work from the shortcut11:43
llutzmrkie: use gksudo, not sudo11:43
FjorgynnJust got a job11:43
ikoniamrkie: shortcut ?11:43
mrkiellutz: i used that before, it works i think, not sure, i don't see the output11:44
ice9sometimes when I upgrade packages I get "WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!" however they were installed from the same repos without this issue, does this means that key may be compromised?11:45
cyfordwhy this  works---  ps -e | egrep bacula  ( but this doesnt )   export baculad="ps -e | egrep bacula"  ;  $baculad11:46
llutzcyford: eval  $baculad11:47
cyfordyou are the man11:47
cyford       i didnt need to do that for other os's11:47
cyford   i wonder if it still would work11:48
llutzcyford: bash needs it, dash won't, other shells ... idk11:48
mrkiellutz: can you give the root password with gksudo on the fly?11:48
ikoniayou shouldn't give the root password11:49
ikoniathe root password doesn't exist on an ubuntu box11:49
llutzmrkie: i doubt that, it should ask for user password11:49
mrkiellutz: so i need to supply a .sh script i guess11:51
llutzmrkie: gksudo [-u <user>] [options] <command>                 should do with the pure command too, according man-page11:52
cyford    hmm    my actual goal  was to run something like this11:54
cyfordionice -c2 -n7 -p $(pidof -x $baculad)11:54
cyford  where would eval go in there11:54
mrkiellutz: i'm still here http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/precise/en/man1/gksu.1.html and i don't really get it11:56
llutzcyford:  ionice -c2 -n7 -p $(pgrep bacula)  ?11:56
SodaDaPimpAnyone Alive...?11:56
mrkiellutz: can you help me a little bit? thanks in advance11:57
cyfordyes  but thats doesnt work for backula-fd backula-sd11:57
cyford i want  one line that would tell  the pid on any linux    any backula11:58
SodaDaPimpyo check it i got ubuntu 12.04 i set up the webmin shit where do i create the folders for the perl scripts ?11:58
llutzcyford: pgrep bacula  finds bacula bacula-fd bacula-sd etc.11:58
streulmahello, I have an Acer, is Acer a good mark of PC's for Ubuntu ?11:59
SodaDaPimplol @ acer11:59
llutz!webmin | SodaDaPimp11:59
ubottuSodaDaPimp: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.11:59
ksuhku"Unless you have opted out we will send your keystrokes to third parties including: Facebook, Twitter, BBC and Amazon." -- http://www.ubuntu.com/privacy-policy For the whole list of third parties, see http://www.ubuntu.com/privacy-policy/third-parties11:59
llutzksuhku: stop it here, it's still not scope of this channel12:00
ksuhkullutz, when you stop spying on people12:00
SodaDaPimpactually it seems to be working just fine on ubuntu 12.0412:00
llutzksuhku: i'm not spying at anyone12:00
llutzksuhku: i agree with you, but not here12:00
SodaDaPimphttps:// see if it works for u12:01
SodaDaPimpworks just fine for me12:01
streulmaclunkychicken +112:01
cyfordyour right,  it works  :)12:02
SodaDaPimpyeah just got done setting it up and all12:03
cyfordi need sudo thouhg12:03
cyford  does sudo work on all linux?12:03
SodaDaPimpbut don't know where to upload the scripts12:03
llutzcyford: no12:03
SodaDaPimpor what directory should i create a folder in12:03
llutzcyford: its available for all distros, but not default and often  configured different than in *buntu12:04
cyfordif the script is run as root,   it shouldnt need sudo in it right?12:04
llutzcyford: right12:04
SodaDaPimpfor sure12:04
ice9.gnupg is owned by me and it's permission is 600 but when I ls -l without sudo I get ????? for the permissions12:04
ActionParsnipcyford: on most yes, some dont use it and will use su stuff by default but most distros allow you to install and configure sudo12:05
clunkychickendear god dont run webmin as sudo12:05
llutzice9: because x (traverse directory) is missing12:05
ice9llutz: what's the traverse dir?12:05
SodaDaPimpi should create a folder called blah for an example right so i can cd blah then like cd blah.pl etc12:05
llutzice9: chmod 700 .gnupg12:05
cyfordmy first script,     but   making this   http://www.cyfordtechnologies.com/linux-servers/linux-self-optimizing-and-repair-script12:05
llutzice9: "x" permission (execute) on dirs12:06
cyford    so far  ubuntu  was giving me my only challange12:06
cyford  but think im ok now :)   thanks yall12:06
ice9llutz: "x" is mandatory even for the owner to access the dir?12:06
llutzice9: yes12:06
mrkiewhat is the best irc client in ubuntu?12:08
mrkiei like mirc but i doubt it runs with wine12:08
llutzthere is no "best" app, no polls here please mrkie12:08
mrkiei know use webchat12:08
mrkienow :)12:08
mrkiesure llutz12:09
clunkychickenmrkie pidgin12:09
clunkychickenor irssi if in terminal12:09
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ice9llutz: it works thanks but why I get warring of safe ownership for .gnupg it's 700?12:13
llutzice9: what warns? what warning exactly?12:13
ice9llutz: "gpg: WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `/home/neo/.gnupg/gpg.conf'"12:14
llutzice9: it warnes on the file, not the .gnupg dir12:14
ikoniathe irony of "neo"12:14
llutzice9: chmod 600 .gnupg/*12:14
ice9ikonia: seems to be :D12:14
ice9is there a channel for ubuntu mir?12:17
DJonesice9: #ubuntu-mir12:18
cyfordi hope this isnt taking it too far,  but is there a way i can make the script be aware if it is  being run from cron or a user,  and if user    add interactivity12:22
ActionParsnipice9: i dont have that file on my 12.04 system...12:25
jasabellawill installing pgsql9.3 ruin my 12.04.4 LTS stability?12:29
fmergesanyone with ubuntu on macbook pro 2012/2013? everything working?12:31
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jasabellaim running it on a p4 prescott, surely it should run on that12:32
ActionParsnipjasabella: how much RAM?12:35
ActionParsnipjasabella: bit low but should run ok12:35
jasabellaim on it right now via ssh12:36
dupingpingHi guys.12:36
jasabellaim running server though12:36
dupingpingHow to check lsb version of Ubuntu?12:36
dupingpingjust I forgot. please help me.12:36
jasabellait's my web/file/print server :)12:36
cfhowlettdupingping, terminal  lsb_release -a12:36
dupingpingcfhowlett: Great. Thank you very much.12:37
JoenieI need a script that copies files and directories to a set map. But can't get it working. Who can help me (Loops should be in eachother but don't know how and don't want inf. loops). :P http://pastebin.com/5pcAV21312:37
cfhowlettdupingping, happy to help12:37
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dupingpingcfhowlett: hehe. I sent you million kiss.12:38
AmeuruxWhen mir will be default?12:38
cfhowlettAmeurux, last article I read suggested 2015 at the earliest ...12:39
AmeuruxLong time! !!12:40
jasabellaheh i just cat /etc/lsb-release12:41
googchenghi, all!  when i from 12.04.3 upgrade to 12.04.4  my background color becomes blue ,and ubuntu desktop crashed . i have tried reinstall doesnt work . how to solve it12:44
googcheng 12:44
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dcrouchI'm having a bit of trouble installing resize4fs.  I tried apt-file search resize4fs and didn't find.  Not sure what package provides.  Any clues?12:47
janisozaurhi, my lenovo laptop has a fancy multiplexed mic/headphones jack. headphones work flawlessly, but i can't make external mic work, connected via splitter (with TRRS plug). it (the adapter/mic) works flawlessly on friend's (same) hardware with windows. how do i enable that mic?12:47
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janisozaurdcrouch, i think you want resize2fs with ext4 option12:49
janisozaur!info e2fsprogs | dcrouch12:49
ubottudcrouch: e2fsprogs (source: e2fsprogs): ext2/ext3/ext4 file system utilities. In component main, is required. Version 1.42.8-1ubuntu1 (saucy), package size 973 kB, installed size 2368 kB12:49
didkohow to install counter strike 1.6 server's ?12:50
dcrouchjanisozaur, that makes sense. :)  Thanks Used to requiring resize4fs on Redhat/CentOS.12:51
didkohelp ?12:51
janisozaur!patience | didko12:51
ubottudidko: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/12:51
cfhowlett!patience|didko, this aint' the instant answer channel12:51
ubottudidko, this aint' the instant answer channel: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/12:51
didkowhat the problem ?12:52
cfhowlettdidko, steam is in the ubuntu repos.  to install servers, I think you need to download from www.steampowered.com12:52
dcrouchI don't understand why people hear that a game server can be installed on Ubuntu and they rush to install with zero knowledge about running a server itself.12:58
seednodedcrouch, because they think ubuntu is just some exotic software on top of Windows, and not something separate ;)12:59
dcrouchseednode, I actually find CentOS easier than Windows and Ubuntu even in a desktop environment.  Was looking to practice for certs and had it doing everything for a while...  But then we switched to macs.  Going to try for RCHSA soon!13:00
webfox_Is it possible to empty trash from command line?13:01
seednodedcrouch, perhaps, but I find FreeBSD easier than windows in a desktop envinronment :P13:01
jasabellawhy is get-dist-upgrade tellingme there is nothing to do whereas apt-get install dist-upgrade tells me there is>100mb to download?13:01
dcrouchProbably not in desktop envrionment.  I don't really use it much in that aspect.  But via Virtualbox a VM can be hax for managing an SSL connection that would otherwise leave you stuck.  :)13:02
cfhowlettdcrouch, get-dist-upgrade is not a valid command13:02
googchenghi, all!  when i from 12.04.3 upgrade to 12.04.4  my background color becomes blue ,and ubuntu desktop crashed . i have tried reinstall doesnt work . how to solve it13:02
dcrouchcfhowlett, wrong person.  :-P13:02
cfhowlettdcrouch, sorry13:03
rymate1234jasabella: do-release-upgrade upgrades to a newer ubuntu iirc13:03
cfhowlettjasabella, dist-upgrade raises current packages and ^^^ as rymate said13:03
dcrouchseednode, all the same pretty much core linux in some aspects various flavors thrown on top.  I understand many differnces but...  Once you understand one learning various differences is not hard.  Shell commands and knowledge are always valuable.13:03
jasabelladoes dist-upgrade maintain LTS stability or should i not do that if i want maximum stability?13:04
cfhowlettjasabella, IS for stability.13:04
seednodedcrouch, I agree, but now we've gone OT13:04
rymate1234always do a clean reinstall if youre upgrading13:04
rymate1234to a newer ubuntu13:04
jasabellaso i should sudo apt-get install dist-upgrade every so often13:04
cfhowlettjasabella, I only install LTS - as improvements and fixes enter the stream, you can capture them with dist-upgrade13:05
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)13:05
dcrouchseednode, :) Thanks.  I happen to do that a lot. :(13:05
dcrouchDoes this channel have a user max limit set?  Just noticed 1604 people.  LOL13:05
jasabellacfhowlett... but it potentially reduces stability right?13:05
seednodedcrouch, well, if you want to continue, we can move to #ubuntu-offtopic13:06
jasabellado you only install the packages that are included on the ubuntu cd too?13:06
dcrouchseednode, It's fine, just sort of continued, I perfer private messages feel free to.  Just working and received the quick answer I was looking for.  :)13:06
cfhowlettjasabella, no I've added some additions13:06
jasabellado i install pgsql9.1 or 9.3? hmm13:08
ActionParsnipdcrouch: come in here on release day, or the day after13:09
didkocfhowlett,  i have 1 question for ... not playling counter strike 1.6 ... i need help to creat server for counter strike 1.6 ... in ubuntu13:10
cfhowlettdidko, complete details for creating a steam counterstrike server are available from steam.  this is not an ubuntu issue.13:11
ActionParsnipdidko: http://wiki.gandi.net/en/hosting/using-linux/tutorials/ubuntu/css13:11
ActionParsnipdidko: http://www.hackerway.ch/2013/07/25/how-to-create-counter-strike-source-dedicated-server-on-ubuntu-12-04-x64-using-steamcmd/13:11
ActionParsnipdidko: tonnes of guides online, and on YouTube13:11
cfhowlett!info counter-strike13:12
ubottuPackage counter-strike does not exist in saucy13:12
didkoActionParsnip,  thx have a nice day :)))13:12
cfhowlettActionParsnip, thanks.  seems I was too quick with the eject button13:12
clue_h!info indicator-appmenu13:14
* ActionParsnip remembers whencouterstrike was a mod for halflife and was good13:14
ubottuindicator-appmenu (source: indicator-appmenu): Indicator for application menus.. In component main, is optional. Version 13.01.0+13.10.20131031-0ubuntu1 (saucy), package size 28 kB, installed size 138 kB13:14
clue_hcan i remove  indicator-appmenu in ubuntu 12 without breaking stuff?13:14
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cloudgeekE: Unable to locate package jenkins13:18
cloudgeekEven I added the deb repo ?13:18
marandihey guys , i have a bunch of png image in a folder and i wanna batch resize them based on aspect ratio , for example i wanna resize all of them 2x bigger , if the picture w/h is : 100x100 i wan it 200x200 ! can u help me with command !?13:22
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nrdbI am trying to establish a ssh tunnel using this test script http://paste.ubuntu.com/7162752/ ... if given an arg of "1" it uses tun0 and works fine ... if given an arg of "2" it doesn't work .... it fails to create a tun1 interface ... can anyone tell me why?  ... I can't see why that should make any difference.13:38
jpjacobsHi! Is there someone with a 1 TB verbatim portable hard disk here that could send me his MBR / bootsector?13:39
ikoniawhat ???13:39
ikoniajpjacobs: what do you want an mbr ?13:40
ikoniawhat is it you're trying to do ?13:40
nrdbjpjacobs, why would you need to boot from an external drive?13:40
dcrouchActionParsnip, that sounds scary!  LOL13:40
jpjacobsikonia: I've got a disk (the one I mentioned) from which the boot sector has been fried during a crash13:40
ikoniajpjacobs: so just put a new one on it ??13:40
ikoniawhy are you trying to get one from someone else ?13:40
jpjacobsikonia: the backup is also burnt13:41
cyfordwhat the best way to grade your system performance accross platforms13:41
jpjacobswell not working13:41
ikoniajpjacobs: make a NEW one13:41
cyfordthrough command bash13:41
jpjacobsso how (goal is not losing data)13:41
ikoniajpjacobs: again, why do you want a backup from someone elses disk ??? you know they are not specific to hardware13:41
ikoniajpjacobs: what boot sector was on it ?13:41
ikoniagrub2 ?13:41
jpjacobsnrdb: did not know it either but it's apparently necessary on any disk13:41
jpjacobsit's the thing holding partition tables, disk geometry, ...13:42
ikoniayou mean the partition table ?13:42
jpjacobsikonia: it was on sector 0 I guess13:42
ikonianot the boot sector13:42
nrdbjpjacobs, boot from a LiveCD and plug it in it should work.13:42
jpjacobsand the backup at sector 6 does not work either13:42
ikoniajpjacobs: what's the actual problem, lets see what you actually need13:42
jpjacobsnrdb: tried it, gives me an unknown partition type error13:42
ikoniaas what you are asking for doesn't make sense13:42
cloudgeekI want to just site.pp gonna the work for the nodes.pp, or else do we have other way ...13:43
cloudgeekso we can build the system13:43
nrdbjpjacobs, a mbr isn't going to help at all... you have lost the partition table...13:43
jpjacobsikonia: I tried finding the partition again using testdisk, that did copy the backup sector to the main one, now it mounts,but the filenames are garbled etc13:43
ikoniajpjacobs: what's actually happened to your disk13:43
jpjacobsSo apparently it was not ok13:43
ikoniacloudgeek: what are you talking about ? what is the question you want an answer to ?13:44
jpjacobsikonia: it was in use on a PC which , shortly after crashed13:44
ikoniajpjacobs: ok, so you don't want a boot sector then13:44
jpjacobswell, hung up, and had a hard reset afterwards13:44
ikoniajpjacobs: what's happened and what have YOU done13:44
ikonialets try to understand your state13:44
jpjacobsso, I got my girl to boot sysresccd (another issue, she's 1000km away) and give me ssh access13:45
jpjacobsikonia: then I first tried mounting : that was a no go,13:45
ikoniajpjacobs: please explain better than "no go"13:45
jpjacobsikonia: unknown partition type error13:45
jpjacobsbasically the same as in windows (which asks to format the disk)13:46
ikoniajpjacobs: ok, so it sounds like the partition table is gone/damaged - maybe also the file system at that point13:46
cloudgeekI am using , 1 puppet master, 2 clinets, in /etc/puppet/manifest ... many .pp files, like site.pp, nodes.pp, essnce.pp, base.pp  .But it taking only package entry from site.pp13:46
ikoniacloudgeek: have you imported the other classes ?13:46
jpjacobsikonia: indeed. Dmesg does not log any hardware errors though, so that's already a relieve!13:46
ikoniajpjacobs: that means nothing13:47
ikoniadmesg doesn't have to log a hardware error for there to be one13:47
ikoniajpjacobs: so what happened next13:47
jpjacobsikonia: then I gave testdisk a go13:47
cloudgeekikonia: yes I use the keyword Include13:47
ikoniacloudgeek: how did you import them13:47
jpjacobsikonia: it found a partition and  proposed to fix the boot sector, which it said succeeded13:48
jpjacobsikonia: but apparently the values there do not make sense because, though now it gets mounted, all entries are garbled (both structure and name)13:48
ikoniajpjacobs: that could be the file system corruption13:48
cloudgeekikonia: I just pasting it for give me some moment13:49
ikoniaas opposed to the partition table problems13:49
nrdbI am trying to establish a ssh tunnel using this test script http://paste.ubuntu.com/7162752/ ... if given an arg of "1" it uses tun0 and works fine ... if given an arg of "2" it doesn't work .... it fails to create a tun1 interface ... can anyone tell me why?  ... I can't see why that should make any difference.13:49
ikoniacloudgeek: please use a pastebin13:49
jpjacobsikonia: unmounted the thing, and tried rebuilding the FAT, which sent testdisk into scanning the hard disk, prompting whether folders where the root or not. (Some of the folders it came up with where looking valid; but not the root)13:49
ikoniajpjacobs rebuilding the FAT ??13:50
ikoniathe file allocation table shouldn't be touched like that13:50
ikonia(unless you are doing something I've not understand you are doing)13:50
jpjacobsikonia: well that is what it said. I did not write it to disk, since it did not come up with something sensible13:50
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ikoniajpjacobs: all this is being done in testdisk correct ?13:51
jpjacobsikonia: so, what would you propose to do?13:51
jpdsnrdb: Why aren't you using host-to-host IPsec for something like that?13:51
jpjacobsikonia: indeed13:51
ikoniajpjacobs: it's looking like your data is just damaged from what you are saying13:51
jpjacobsikonia: tried autopsy/sleuthkit too, but that basically gave the same result as what I saw mounting the disk, of course13:52
ikoniaI don't know how testdisk interacts with the file allocation table, so don't know what thats actually one13:52
ikonia"done" sorry13:52
jpjacobsikonia: http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/Advanced_FAT_Repair13:52
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ikoniajpjacobs: I don't know what testdisk actually does13:52
nrdbjpds, I was trying it with a ssh tunnel, but IPsec is an option (maybe).  anyway why does it work with tun0 but not tun1?13:52
cloudgeekikonia:  plz fine node.pp http://paste.ubuntu.com/7162839/ site.pp  http://paste.ubuntu.com/7162843/ jeni.pp  http://paste.ubuntu.com/7162846/13:53
ikoniacloudgeek: I'm not asking for the PP files, I'm asking how you imported them13:53
jpjacobsikonia: so it ran through the entire disk, showing candidate root directories, of which most did not make any sense13:53
jpdsnrdb: I would try -eq instead of == in the if statements.13:53
jpjacobsikonia: So, if I understand well what you say, you would 1) install a new partition table 2) fix the filesystem ?13:55
ikoniajpjacobs: I don't think that's going to be possible13:55
jpjacobsikonia: well, let me know if you need more info or if you have a possible solution. Here it's coffee time :)13:56
jpjacobsikonia: and if not, thanks for trying ;)13:56
ikoniajpjacobs: the issue I've got is what/how testdisk does some of the things you've suggested13:56
nrdbjpds, ok ... the script could be done better... but the script is doing what is expected... ssh (or ifconfig) isn't thou.13:57
jpdsnrdb: So it works when you do it by hand?13:58
cloudgeekikonia: any suggestion to me13:59
ikoniacloudgeek: you've not answered the questions I asked you, so I can't help you14:00
=== Tayl is now known as Taylor
multiplyI'm trying to pass all arguments from a bash script, to a different program, but it seems like it removes quotes. Is there a way to parse all arguments, and quotes?14:01
nrdbjpds, I have the script printing the commands it is using ... and those look correct...14:01
jpdsnrdb: Right, but when you do it by hand, it works?14:02
cloudgeekikonia: sorry I am using IRC, it is in some frezzing mode...this irssi , even page up command not working I can scroll that sorry deep regert14:02
cloudgeekikonia: I am going to IRC logs and see it and will answer you14:04
evilbugi'm not very familiar with firewall software on linux but i'm thinking of installing shoreline on my ubuntu 12.04 home server. would that be a good choice or no?14:05
nrdbjpds, no it doesn't ... same error ...  SIOCSIFADDR: No such device etc.14:05
ubottuevilbug,: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server14:06
nrdbjpds, change line 12 to tun0 and the script works as expected..14:06
jpdsnrdb: Then it's not happy with the interface.14:06
evilbugcfhowlett: cheers.14:07
cfhowlettevilbug, :)14:07
nrdbjpds, yes! I know .... but why?  .... the name should make very little difference14:07
nrdbjpds, I only changing 1 bit.14:08
cloudgeekikonia: I am imported using include jenkins, like that way. I specied that in node.pp14:08
wheatthin1bit obviously changed a lot :)14:08
wheatthinlemme just change 1bit of your chromosomes lol see if that makes a difference14:08
nrdbwheatthin, have you been following this?14:08
wheatthinno, just catching up :P14:09
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nrdbwheatthin, see http://paste.ubuntu.com/7162752/  ... works fine if using "tun0" doesn't work if using "tun1" .... any ideas why?14:10
wheatthinnrdb, isn't pointtopoint mispelled?14:13
nrdbwheatthin, I don't think so... else using "tun0" wouldn't work14:14
googchengmy ubuntu desktop broken after upgrade to 14.04.4 . background becames blue and unity crashed . reinstall doesnt work14:14
googchengwhat's the way to solve it ? thanks in advence !14:15
cfhowlettgoogcheng, 14.04 is not released or officially supported yet.  ask in #ubuntu+114:15
ubottugoogcheng,: Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) will be the 20th release of Ubuntu.  See the announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1295 for more info. support in #ubuntu+114:15
googchengcfhowlett, sorry 12.04.414:15
wheatthinyes it's released on 4/20 so awesome :)14:15
wheatthinahh misread it lol14:15
nrdbwheatthin, ahh ... USA I see.14:16
googchengafter upgrade to ubuntu12.04.4 , the os background becames blue and unity crashed . reinstall doesnt work14:17
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SydneyJDykstraWhat will be new in lubuntu 14.04 when it comes out?14:18
googchenghow to recovery for the case14:19
googchengcould i degrade to 12.04.3 from 12.04.414:19
reisioSydneyJDykstra: stuff & things14:20
DJonesgoogcheng: You can't downgrade, the only way would be to reinstall14:20
DJones!downgrade | googcheng14:20
ubottugoogcheng: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported and may break your system.14:20
googchengDJones,  reinstall unity and ubuntu-desktop doesnt work14:21
reisiohow doesn't it work14:22
googchenggo into gnome , can open terminal by ctr_alt_t, in the unity can't14:24
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googchengreisio,  the os background is blue , so strange14:24
ActionParsnipgoogcheng: did you set the shortcut in compiz, to something else14:24
BassVI_96if I've backed up Firefox & Thunderbird with MozBackup in Windows, can I use those files with the Linux equivalents in Ubuntu?14:25
reisiogoogcheng: mmm14:25
googchengActionParsnip,  i did nothing , just apply the apt-get upgrade then what happened14:25
ActionParsnipBassVI_96: I'd imagine so, good to check by asking in the mozilla channels14:25
reisioBassVI_96: probably, I don't know those particular packages14:25
reisioBassVI_96: if you go to %appdata%/Roaming/Mozilla in explorer, those are all your personal files for Firefox & Thunderbird14:26
BassVI_96I can open both files just fine with Archive Manager14:26
googcheng the os background becomes blue, what's the cause ?14:26
reisioyou don't need a fancy app, just tar them up14:26
reisioor even cp/scp/etc. them14:26
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=== miraiE is now known as kosong
cyfordhi,   i would like to grep total cpu time  from this command  sysbench --num-threads=$nproc --test=cpu --cpu-max-prime=20000 run14:30
BassVI_96wow...no mozilla channels on this net14:31
scinawause time!14:31
reisioBassVI_96: there are, but they do also have their entire own irc server14:32
reisiocyford: so do it14:32
ActionParsnipcyford: can you pastebin the output you see14:32
BassVI_96I'm looking that up right now, reisio14:32
reisioBassVI_96: it's irc.mozilla.org14:32
reisioinventive, no? :)14:32
BassVI_96thanks :)14:32
ActionParsnipcyford: or use: time sysbench --num-threads=$nproc --test=cpu --cpu-max-prime=2000014:32
reisioBassVI_96: but I already know everything you'd be interested in knowing :p14:32
ActionParsnipcyford: as reisio says14:32
reisioas scinawa sayses :)14:33
BassVI_96basically, can I move what's in my 2 backup files directly to where they'd go in Linux?14:33
ActionParsnipBassVI_96: logically14:35
BassVI_96what folders do I look for in Ubuntu?14:36
cyfordok  that works  but brings me multiple answers,   trying to make a variable with  Total time..     adding in pastebin now14:36
ActionParsnipBassVI_96: ~/.mozilla14:36
reisioBassVI_96: ^14:36
BassVI_96hmm...I can't do this through unity?14:37
reisio~/.mozilla/ == %appdata%\Mozilla\ or something like that14:37
reisioBassVI_96: sure, it's justa  directory14:37
reisioerm, %appdata%\Roaming\Mozilla :)14:37
ActionParsnipBassVI_96: yes, Unity is just a shell. You can use Nautilus and put the data in place.14:37
ActionParsnipBassVI_96: what does this haveto do with Unity at all?14:37
=== cubix``883 is now known as cubix`
od6hello. anyone using ubuntu but comes from gentoo?14:43
reisiood6: I've used both14:43
reisiood6: next poll! :)14:43
ActionParsnipod6: ive used both14:44
od6i don't know what to use anymore14:44
ActionParsnipod6: try some distros, see which you like14:44
od6i have the feeling it is not possible to contribute to ubuntu the way it is possible with gentoo14:44
od6bugzilla, forum etc.14:44
reisiood6: sure it is14:44
zerowaitstatewhat command allows you to see the state of the setgid bit on directories?14:44
reisiopretty much the same model14:45
reisioonly Gentoo is entirely foundation based, and Ubuntu not14:45
od6i have the feeling only canonical employees count14:45
ActionParsnipzerowaitstate: ls -la folder    maybe14:45
reisiozerowaitstate: yeah, ls should do14:45
reisiood6: you could also argue that mostly only existing older devs count on any distro :)14:45
reisiood6: it's not the funnest thing to try to do regardless of distro14:46
reisioif you like Gentoo and hate trying to contribute, maybe try exherbo14:46
reisiothey're into that14:46
zerowaitstatereisio: I can see basic unix permissions, but not the getgid bit14:46
zerowaitstatereisio: I can see basic unix permissions, but not the setgid bit, sorry14:46
od6i also think ubuntu documentation is not great such as gentoo wiki or especially archlinux wiki14:47
reisiozerowaitstate: getfacl, maybe, then14:47
od6and i don't like adware14:47
reisioor your FS might not be mounted the way you desire14:47
reisiood6: their approach is different, though14:48
reisiosort of a pointless comparison14:48
jamie572hi I have an unusual question about .deb files14:48
zerowaitstatereisio: ah, that was it, thanks14:48
reisiojamie572: prove it14:48
reisiozerowaitstate: which was?14:48
od6i am a desktop user, and sometimes i think gentoo is too powerful for my needs14:48
reisiood6: oh it is14:48
reisioone time I was using Gentoo and I accidentally destroyed the universe14:49
reisiothank gebus for CTRL+z14:49
reisioztane: ohio14:49
ztanewhat is this /sbin/init doing with --user switch, and why does it need to eat with my cpu :D14:49
jamie572if I have a .deb file and I want to know what version of ubuntu it was built on, how can I, by looking at the file?  The context is that I am looking at a possible bug on a 10.04 machine but I suspect it is due to the .deb being built on 12.04.  But I'd like to be sure14:49
od6another thing i don't really like is the fact that ubuntu uses many gnome apps such as evince, gedit, etc., but doesn't use the full gnome DE14:50
od6but i'm not sure i want to use gnome14:50
reisiojamie572: probably with something from dpkg -L dpkg | grep bin14:50
reisiojamie572: 'strings' could also potentially give you some quick jumble of info14:50
jamie572reisio: thanks, there isn't anything more specific than that?14:51
reisiojamie572: I'm sure there is :)14:51
ztaneofc this could be related to the fact that my root sees 0% free space hmm14:51
jamie572reisio: thanks for your help14:52
reisiojamie572: dpkg-deb maybe? :)14:52
od6i have difficulties accepting software mixing14:53
jamie572reisio: ah dpkg-deb might have a magic flag.  I'll have a play, thanks for that14:53
od6it's hard in the linux world14:53
ikoniaod6: do you have something to discuss that is on topic for #ubuntu - the ubuntu support channel ?14:53
od6ikonia, i'm not sure14:53
ikoniaod6: , so please be aware of the topic / usage of this channel, and have a think about if what you are saying fits into it14:54
od6ok i'm offended.14:54
od6i leave14:54
jhutchinsSuch loss.14:54
webfox_When I try to upgrade packages with apt-get this error occurs : https://gist.github.com/anonymous/9809334. Could someone help me figure how to fix that please?14:55
=== Kerdel is now known as ProjectHardcore
SonikkuAmerica_ProjectHardcore: Hi, welcome to #ubuntu ! This is the official Ubuntu support channel on IRC, do you have a support question?14:58
ProjectHardcoreNot especially me, but a friend of mine got some trouble14:58
ProjectHardcorehe installed (dual boot) ubuntu beside an existing windows installation and want windows back now14:58
ProjectHardcorewhat is the easiest solution?14:59
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dnovoselProjectHardcore: Is windows still accessible?15:00
BassVI_96I did a Search for firefox in File System, and there's 5 different folders named Firefox/firefox?15:00
ProjectHardcoreI don't think so, I think he did something wrong at the installation15:00
SonikkuAmericaProjectHardcore: Pop the GRUB menu up on his machine.15:00
ProjectHardcorewith shift at boot right?15:00
SonikkuAmericaProjectHardcore: Yeah15:00
webfox_When I try to upgrade packages with apt-get this error occurs : https://gist.github.com/anonymous/9809334. Could someone help me figure how to fix that please?15:01
ProjectHardcoreI told him so, he is going to try it tonight15:01
ProjectHardcoreThen he should look for an older windows installation or something like that right?15:01
SonikkuAmericawebfox_: Check your locale settings (Region and Language)15:01
SonikkuAmericaProjectHardcore: He should look for an entry that says "Windows... (on /dev/whateverpartition)15:02
ProjectHardcoreSonnikkuAmeric, ok ill tell him about it , thanks ;)15:03
SonikkuAmericaProjectHardcore: Does his computer have a Windows 8 logo on it?15:03
ProjectHardcoreSonnikkuAmerica, I think it's an windows 7 installation without UEFI and secureboot15:04
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ProjectHardcoreSonnikkuAmerica, so it should be ok (i think)15:04
CorvetteSo I've water cooled my Ubuntu PC and I'm worried about what will happen if ever the pumps should fail. The machine is on 24/7, so let's say a pump fails and the chip gets toasty, will Ubuntu shut the machine down by itself?15:05
ProjectHardcoreCorvette, i think your hardware (cpu) should do that15:06
CorvetteProjectHardcore is that so? So the cpu will tell the mobo to shut down?15:06
cyfordok  i got it to work with | grep "total time:"15:06
cyfordbut  it copies  all total time: 21.3620s15:06
ProjectHardcoreCorvette, but there are some applications which will check your sensors and shutdown at a specific temperature15:06
cyford  i only want the numbers  for caculation15:07
ProjectHardcoreCorvette, Do you use an intel cpu or amd?15:07
CorvetteProjectHardcore could you name a few of those applications? I use am AMD Phenom II X615:07
ProjectHardcoreCorvette, I think lsensor can do that15:07
CorvetteProjectHardcore I'll look into that15:07
ProjectHardcoreCorvette, not sure btw15:07
ProjectHardcoreCorvette, but it's worth a shot15:08
CorvetteProjectHardcore does lsensor do Intel as well? I want to try it out on my laptop with an i515:08
kosonghello, how can I include "export LD_LiBRARY_PATH" in debian/rules for packaging?15:08
ProjectHardcoreCorvette, Yes it does15:08
CorvetteProjectHardcore to your knowledge is it in the repos15:09
kosongshould I explicitly write: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/?15:09
ProjectHardcoreCorvette, please look in your bios for thorteling and autoshutdown, i think they should exist and prevent overheat15:09
geirhakosong: put a file in /etc/ld.so.conf.d/ maybe15:09
ProjectHardcoreCorvette, I think it is in the standard repos but I'm using a different distro15:09
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ProjectHardcoreCorvette, hold on, i just noticed it's called psensor instead of lsensor (my fault)15:11
kosonggeirha: I don't know how to do that in the debian/rules15:12
geirhakosong: try #ubuntu-packaging15:14
kosonggeirha: it seems that no one is there15:15
BassVI_96Cork: do I need to copy just the Roaming files, from Windows, or do I need anything from Local as well?15:20
cyfordyay  got it to work with15:21
cyfordnice -n 20 sysbench --num-threads=$nproc --test=cpu --cpu-max-prime=20000 run | grep  "total time:"| grep -o '[.0-9]*'15:21
* BassVI_96 has the Windows disk open in another window15:21
BassVI_96if I have my AppData/Roaming folder open in another window, will drag & drop work to overwrite?15:24
sudormrfhey guys, I have a question that I think will ultimately end up being related to permissions.  I am running rutorrent and it is owned by the user and group www-data.  rutorrent isn't keeping some of the settings I am applying to it and I am starting to think this is a permissions issue because my user is not a member of the www-data group.  does this sound like permissions to you guys?15:25
foo357_Hello, I have two ubuntu machines (a client and a server). The server synch's it's accounts over to the client through sync-accounts. I have a pair of accounts defined on the server which I want to keep from being updated, how do I do that?15:27
foo357_On the client I have assigned these accounts to a special group, and that is subsequently lost when the server synchs and doesn't know of this information.15:28
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Alarmhello. is it possible to install gnome without to being asked during the installation to select "GDM" for example ?15:33
leeyaai am trying to execute this in a bash script http://bpaste.net/show/ccRkIbARj1nTAhKQXNx4/ and i am getting sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified i already tried setting Defaults   !requiretty at sudoers file15:37
leeyaawhat am i missing ?15:37
ice9how to enable click to minimize in unity in ubuntu 13.10?15:37
Playersomehwat noob here: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/  Trying to install for 64-bit, I use AMD64 even though I'm using an Intel CPU?15:38
daftykinsPlayer: yes15:38
ActionParsnipPlayer: yes it will work on intel-6415:38
ikoniaPlayer amd64 = x86_64 - so fine for intel15:38
=== skew is now known as Guest13194
Playerthanks daftykins, actionparsnip, and ikonia!15:40
aamederenmy ubuntu constantly crashes and unusable since day 115:41
aamederenanybody can help?15:41
Beldaraamederen, State the issues for help.15:42
daftykinsaamederen: run a memtest15:42
Guest13194nothing can `t help myself just the third day15:43
BassVI_96what specific folder in my File System am I looking for, in order to do a drag/drop from AppData/Roaming?15:43
jonysiguelHello everyone! :) I’ve just finished installing ubuntu on another laptop and it doesn’t connect to wifi. I suspect this is a driver issue. I’m chatting here with my other computer, and i cant connect to the internet via a wired connection. i’ve been trying to read some solutions online but i’m having a hard time15:43
jonysiguelcan anyone help me please?15:43
ActionParsnipjonysiguel: what wifi chip?15:44
ActionParsnipjonysiguel: asits a laptop, use a wired connection and get full updates15:44
aamederendaftykins, Beldar I am going to run a memtest15:44
jonysiguelim not sure whats the wifi chip15:45
jonysiguelhow can i check that?15:45
jonysigueli dont have access to a wired connection :(15:45
aamederenBeldar, the issue is, basically after some time of usage, The computer freezes. No mouse movement, no keyboard reaction at all. If there was some music playing, it repeats the last 300 ms after and after. It happens 5-10 times a day.15:46
daftykinsjonysiguel: run lspci and/or lsusb in a terminal. sounds like you have some atheros or broadcom gear15:46
Beldaraamederen, To the channel not me.15:46
jonysiguelok, let me check...15:46
ActionParsnipjonysiguel: sudo lshw -C network    will tell you15:46
aamederenok, I am a newbie, sorry15:46
ActionParsnipjonysiguel: id start with updates15:46
Beldaraamederen, No biggie we want you to get help. ;)15:46
aamederenBeldar, thanks15:47
jonysiguelyes, it’s a broadcom BCM431215:47
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx15:47
jonysiguelthank you!!! I’ll check it out, if i need any further help i’ll come back here15:48
aamederenwell, my computer reboots itself before memtest is finished15:50
ActionParsnipaamederen: doesnt sound healthy at all15:52
aamederenthe interesting part is, I can use Windows 8.115:53
aamederenwithout any sign of a problem15:53
aamederenbut ubuntu crashes randomly15:54
reisioaamederen: at boot always doesn't sound that random15:54
ActionParsnipaamederen: what release of Ubuntu do you use?15:54
adomhi all15:54
reisioheya adom15:54
adomQUESTION: anyone know a good tutorial on using password-less ssh keys with Ubuntu Server + encrypted home directories? i've got it set with an authorized_keys file outside the home dir, then both encrypted/unencrypted ~/.ssh/authorized_keys files symlink there, but once i log in via my ssh key fine i'm asked for my encryption passphrase and i have to type it in. and since my home dir isn't unencrypted before login, i have to man15:54
aamederenreisio: Ubuntu itself crashes at random, between 20 minutes and 5 hours15:55
reisioadom: have to what?15:55
reisioaamederen: it reboots or freezes or...?15:55
adomreisio: come again? which part of my question are you referring to?15:56
siwicasometime ago I changed my default wireless driver which I want to undo now but forget the file I need to edit. Any hints?15:56
xutlhow to change timezone from terminal ? it can be done from date-time ui but I wanna do it via a script, its key - gsettings set com.canonical.indicator.datetime timezone-name 'America/New_York New York' doesn't seems to be working, this key  changes time in its value but not in ui15:56
aamederenreisio: just freezes. No keyboard reaction, no mouse movement15:56
ActionParsnipaamederen: 13.04 is EOL and no longer supported in any way15:56
reisioaamederen: ctrl+alt+F2?15:57
cfhowlettxutl, http://www.tutorialarena.com/blog/change-timezone-on-ubuntu-using-the-command-line.php15:57
aamederenreisio: ctrl+alt+f2 doesnt work. I tried every combination15:57
aamederenActionParsnip: sorry, it was my mistake. It is 13.10.  Downloaded from ubuntu website a few days ago15:58
ActionParsnipaamederen: 13.10 doesnt have a tonne of support left either, have you tried a non-compositing session like XFCE?15:58
reisioaamederen: CTRL+ALT+PRTSCRN+k15:58
reisio(like Xfce with compositing disabled*)15:58
reisioyou might indeed try another graphics driver15:59
aamederenreisio: I will try that combination when it happens again15:59
xutlcfhowlett: the link is of no help....it is suggesting it via some other gui method15:59
aamederenBtw, I only tried the default Unity interface15:59
Fjorgynnlol unity15:59
ActionParsnipaamederen: install xfce4 package, log off, log in to XFCE session16:00
aamederenActionParsnip: I will try thanks16:00
sakangxutl: use  dpkg-reconfigure tzdata16:00
cfhowlettxutl, NOTHING in that link requires a gui16:00
eanemahey, I found some sort of activity logger on my PC... is there anyway to find what user installed this software? and when it was installed?16:00
cfhowletteanema, you found a logger for ubuntu?  details!16:01
eanemaits the package: activity-log-manager-control-center16:01
xutlcfhowlett: it requires installing tzdata which then redirects users to gui interface for choosing geo locations by entering city16:01
eanemai suspect IT may have installed it...16:01
clue_heanema, it comes with ubuntu16:02
eanemawhat do you mean? come with??16:02
aamederenreisio: I cannot change the graphics driver because when I select another, It comes back to its previous selection.16:02
reisioaamederen: then that's what you need to start with attempting to fix16:02
cfhowlettxutl, run apt-cache policy tzdata16:02
cfhowlettxutl, you might already have it installed16:03
eanemai found the software because a package zeitgeist, depends on it... and i found zeitgiest because its DB has grown to over 20gb16:03
xutlcfhowlett: installed16:03
cfhowlettxutl, so you do NOT need to install anything.  run the command.  the gui is compatible with command line16:04
cfhowlettxutl, dpkg-reconfigure tzdata16:04
clue_heanema, you can remove zeitgeist and zeitgeist-core, zeitgeist-datahub if you dont need that 'functionality'16:04
clue_heanema, http://askubuntu.com/questions/45548/disabling-zeitgeist16:04
sudormrfis anyone in here familiar with rutorrent?  here is the issue I am encountering and I would like to get your thoughts: http://forums.rutorrent.org/index.php?topic=4629.016:05
eanemai will, but before I do I am trying to figure out what exactly it does... acording to the package " Zeitgeist is a service which logs the user's activities and events (files16:05
eanema opened, websites visited, conversations held with other people, etc.)"16:05
aamederenreisio: well, actually a lot of things was not working in my ubuntu and I spent a lot of time for fixing some them. However, there are a lot of things still dont work.16:05
BassVI_96just about got it figured out how to migrate my Windows settings/bookmarks to Ubuntu16:05
reisioaamederen: uhuh...16:05
reisioaamederen: well, problems can usually only be fixed one at a time16:06
reisioyou can't focus on all of them at once16:06
aamederenI agree16:06
reisiothen I suggest you work on being able to change your graphics driver16:06
eanemaclue_h: is zeitgiest some sort of program that logs my activity to "enhance" my experience?16:06
xutlcfhowlett: thats what I'm talking about, I want it done by its key - gsettings set com.canonical.indicator.datetime timezone-name 'America/New_York New York' and nothing to click or do afterwards, like it is done in an automated script, but here it opens a gui in terminal only, I don't understand why its gsettings key is not working, all other key are working fine16:06
clue_heanema, i'm not sure, its down to the user, i removed it personally16:07
aamederenreisio: My opinion is, Ubuntu is not usable at all if I dont spend significant time to fix the problems one by one. I think it is not for human beings anymore.16:07
cfhowlettxutl, you asked for a CLI fix - that's what this is.16:07
cfhowlettxutl, sorry, but I have no further suggestions.16:08
PlayerI'm probably going to upgrade to Ubuntu 14.04 today, if I install the beta now will I just be able to update to the release version when it comes out?16:08
xutlcfhowlett: but why its gsettings key is not working ?16:08
reisioeanema: it's for people who don't know what they want their OS to do16:08
reisioand would rather have the OS try to figure it out for them16:08
eanemaclue_h: oh, i will definitly be removing it, lol... i had no idea that even existed.... and  honestly I'm a little offended it even exists >:(16:08
DJones!final | Player16:08
ubottuPlayer: If you install a development version of Ubuntu Trusty and keep up with package updates, then you will be upgraded to the official release of 14.04 when it comes out. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a terminal.16:08
eanemalol, I only found it cause it created a 20GB db on my 50gb file system, lol16:09
dmattaamederen: you wrote your computer does not finish memtest correctly, all other problems might come from that problem... WIN 8 might work because it does not use memory so aggresively as linux does16:09
dmattaamederen: fix that one first and when you have reliable computer than proceed to install and potentially fix OS16:10
reisioeanema: well I'd say that's reason enough to avoid it16:10
aamederendmatt: I think you are correct. I will focus on it. Thank you16:10
reisio20GB isn't much to a modern capacity non-ssd hard disk16:10
reisiobut it is a lot of space, compared to nothing16:10
Playerubottu: I do that on April 17th when 14.04 comes out?16:11
ubottuPlayer: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:11
ActionParsnipreisio: should be enough. My / is 3Gb used..16:11
DJonesPlayer: As long as you keep updating your system, you'll end up with a final version, it won't matter when you do it after final release16:12
tirengarfiohow to take a screenshot of an area of the screen but copying the image to the clipboard?16:12
eanemareisio: the most important reason to delete it is because all of my search history and other sensitive info is in there... the space is only an issue because my IT dept set up the hard drive with 50gb for ubuntu and 70 for windows... which I haven't used since I started...16:12
eanemathanks for the input though, I honestly thought that the IT dept was spying... lol16:12
reisioActionParsnip: what should be enough?16:12
reisioeanema: I don't know about that...16:13
ActionParsnipreisio: 20Gb for / and swap and a little for /home16:13
reisiohard disks are usually filled with personal data, zeitgeist or not16:13
reisioActionParsnip: no idea what we're talking about16:13
reisioActionParsnip: enough for what?16:13
PlayerThanks, DJones.16:13
sudormrfis anyone in here familiar with rutorrent?  here is the issue I am encountering and I would like to get your thoughts: http://forums.rutorrent.org/index.php?topic=4629.016:13
reisiosudormrf: don't cross post, and if you do at least summarize what you want instead of merely linking16:14
sudormrfreisio, rutorrent is not holding settings.  does anyone know how to fix it?16:14
reisiosudormrf: where does it store settings16:15
sudormrfreisio, more details are in the link.  including config files and screenshots16:15
sudormrfreisio, all over the place.  I have checked various places, made various changes and things aren't sticking.16:15
Alarmis there a way to start the login screen after a gnome installation without rebooting ?16:16
siwicaCould anybody tell me where  to specify the wireless driver to use? At the moment I always have to run "sudo modprobe wl" at the beginning.16:16
eanemareisio: true, it is full of personal info, but I don't want it aggregated into a single 20gb database. plus its a work computer so I am pretty careful about what goes where16:17
FallenMirrorI need help, I have black screen when full screen mode ON. How to solve it.16:17
FallenMirrorCan anyone help me with that?16:18
reisioFallenMirror: full screen mode?16:19
FallenMirrorI mean with Youtube, or a Game.16:19
reisioAlarm: yup16:19
reisioAlarm: something like sudo service lightdm start16:19
reisioor whatever service you like16:20
reisioor restart16:20
aamederenreisio, ActionParsnip, dmatt. Now, I have the correct Nvidia driver and I am using xfce with compositing disabled. If it crashes again, I will try CTRL+ALT+PRTSCRN+k. If still crashes occur, I will try to pass the memtest. If I cannot pass memtest in any way, I will stop using linux until I get a new pc. Thank you very much.16:20
Alarmreisio: no i try to avoid restart.16:20
reisioaamederen: sounds like a plan16:20
Alarmok thank you. i will try with lightdm :)16:20
reisioAlarm: service foo restart, I meant16:20
FallenMirrorYoutube turns my screen blue, and a game in black. It's not like my computer freezes or something, it even work ( I can click things without seeing them )16:21
dmattaamederen: good luck!16:21
reisioFallenMirror: nvidia?16:22
FallenMirrorNope, AMD 787016:22
reisioFallenMirror: all blue or blueish tinted?16:22
FallenMirrorAll blue.16:22
reisiotry another display driver16:22
sudormrfis anyone aware of a torrent daemon that will support rss on its webui?16:23
=== Donskoy is now known as skinkitten
reisiosudormrf: deluge I believe16:24
ActionParsnipsudormrf: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=158306416:24
sudormrfreisio, deluge RSS requires the gui.16:24
leeyaahow to execute rsync with a regular user and sudo to sync remote files from /root/ directory ? it should be something like su cm4all sudo rsync -a 'ssh -p 21205' cm4all@ /home/cm4all/test/ but i am getting errors16:24
reisiosudormrf: nope16:24
sudormrfreisio, yep.16:24
sudormrfreisio, I have set it up before.  you cannot manage RSS from the webui16:24
reisioyou could use rtorrent, too, though16:24
reisiomanage rss?16:25
reisiowhat exactly do you want to manage about it?16:25
sudormrfreisio, which is what my original question was about.  and no one seems to have an answer16:25
sudormrfreisio, add rss feeds16:25
sudormrfActionParsnip, I am looking in to transmission + flexget.  in the flexget channel now about to ask them something.16:25
reisiooh to auto-snatch?16:25
sudormrfreisio, not sure what you mean.16:26
reisioyou want to snatch from rss feeds16:26
sudormrfreisio, when I say manage, I mean this: suppose I change my feed by adding/removing regex's.  can't do that from the deluge webui.  suppose I want to add a new rss feed.  can't do that from the deluge webui.  deluge REQUIRES you to use the desktop client to manage the RSS functions (aside from using flexget).16:27
sudormrfreisio, rutorrent (web front end for rtorrent) allows you to manage rss feeds from the webui.16:28
sudormrfreisio, but since I can't seem to find an answer to the issue I am experiencing with rutorrent, I am probably going to have to switch gears.16:28
reisioI think you mean you want to use other people's rss feeds as a source of torrents to grab, and not your own rss feed as... a news feed16:28
sudormrfreisio, I mean what I said.  I have a feed that is created based upon a list of favorites.  I then apply regexes to it to add or remove things.  this cannot be managed from the deluge webui16:29
sudormrfreisio, http://dev.deluge-torrent.org/wiki/Plugins16:29
sudormrfreisio, written in black and white there.16:29
reisioyou have a feed of your favorite torrents that you are... seeding?16:30
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sudormrfreisio, irrelevant.16:30
reisiouhhh, k16:30
sudormrfreisio, the issue is that with deluge you CANNOT modify your rss feeds through the webui16:30
reisioI don't understand what you want, and my question was meant to help me understand it, which seems relevant, but whatever16:30
BassVI_96if I have both Profiles open, for Windows & Linux for Firefox, will selecting everything from the Win profile, then dragging to the Linux folder work, to overwrite?16:30
reisiothe issue is I don't know what you want to modify or why16:30
reisiomy issue with your issue, that is16:31
sudormrfreisio, that is also irrelevant.  I want the ability to add or remove RSS feeds from the webUI of a torrent client.16:31
sudormrfreisio, you say you can do it with deluge, but as the link to the deluge plugins list shows, you can't.16:31
reisiosudormrf: I can't say much if I don't know what you want16:32
reisioand knowing is apparently irrelevant :p16:32
sudormrfreisio, here is what I just said for the second or third time now "I want the ability to add or remove RSS feeds from the webUI of a torrent client.16:32
reisiosudormrf: rss feeds for what purpose16:33
reisiothere are multiple purposes16:33
sudormrfreisio, *facepalm*.  look at this screenshot from rutorrent: http://filesharefreak.com/images3/rutorrent_index.gif16:33
reisioATM cat path/to/feed >> index.html would do what you want16:33
sudormrfreisio, you see the "rss feeds" thing on the right? that does not exist in the deluge webui16:34
reisioon the left?16:34
sudormrfreisio, sorry, left.16:34
reisiothe rss feeds thing on the left16:34
sudormrfreisio, correct16:34
reisiois it for snatching from rss feeds?16:35
sudormrfreisio, sure.  why not.16:35
reisioor for publishing information about your torrenting activity16:35
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sudormrfreisio, snatching.16:35
reisioso you want a non-"GUI" (gtk/qt) way of telling a torrent clietn to snatch from rss feeds?16:35
sudormrfreisio, I want to be able to manage it from the webui.16:36
reisiosudormrf: to manage... what I just described?16:36
reisioor some undefined "it" that I can't help you with?16:36
sudormrfreisio, I have defined manage before, but I will do so again manage = add new rss feeds, modify existing rss feeds, remove existing rss feeds.16:37
reisiouhuh, rss feeds16:37
reisioyou want to manage from a webUI which rss feeds are auto-grabbed from?16:37
sudormrfreisio, yes.16:38
sudormrfreisio, and this is NOT possible with the deluge webui.16:38
reisiowe'll see16:38
reisioI'm less concerned with what isn't possible and more concerned with providing a solution16:38
sudormrfreisio, http://dev.deluge-torrent.org/wiki/Plugins16:39
reisiosudormrf: ?16:39
sudormrfreisio, it is written there in black and white.  you can't do it.  I had deluge running on a different box, couldn't do it then, still can't do it now.  I am all ears for a solution16:39
sudormrfreisio, look at the link.16:39
reisioI'm not really seeing where it says "sudormrf cannot have what he wants"16:40
sudormrfreisio, it specifically says there that you can't manage these things from the webui, and so does my experience with deluge.16:40
sudormrfreisio, let me screenshot it for you.16:40
reisioscreenshot what?16:40
sudormrfreisio, *FACEPALM*16:40
sudormrfreisio, WAIT.16:40
reisiowait for what16:41
* cfhowlett is waiting for it ...16:41
reisiocfhowlett: "it"16:42
* BassVI_96 thinking copying one file/folder at a time might be better, for migrating a Firefox Windows profile over to Linux16:42
reisioBassVI_96: better than what?16:43
sudormrfreisio, http://tinypic.com/r/2j68zd3/816:43
sudormrfreisio, spelled out in black and white.  you cannot manage rss feeds from the deluge webui.  my experience with deluge as recent as yesterday backs this up.16:43
* cfhowlett suggest you use the firefox "sync" function to copy profiles16:43
BassVI_96better than selecting everything in the folder on the Windows disk16:44
reisiosudormrf: see to me it says right there that "yarss2" (not deluge) _can_ be configured through "the gui"16:44
reisioBassVI_96: in... what folder?16:44
reisioBassVI_96: you having a problem copying files?16:44
BassVI_96I've got the same folder for both Windows & Linux versions open16:44
reisioBassVI_96: yeah?16:44
sudormrfreisio, I have already stated that this is to run as a daemon.  it is running on a server that has no DE.  hence no way for me to access the deluge GUI without installing a DE16:45
xutlhow to make local mirror of few selected ubuntu repo packages ? debmirror aptmirror etc make full repo back which is tons of gb's16:45
reisiosudormrf: yes, you already stated something like that16:45
sudormrfreisio, hence me saying that what you are suggesting is not going to work.16:45
BassVI_96if I drag the webappstore.sqlite file from the Windows folder to the Linux folder, will it overwrite on the Linux side?16:45
sudormrfreisio, I don't know why you are so adamant that it will.16:45
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reisiosudormrf: I don't know what you're even talking about16:46
BassVI_96somebody at the mozilla chat has made a better suggestion :)16:46
reisioBassVI_96: if the Linux side exists16:46
sudormrfright.  you are going to be ignored.16:46
reisioBassVI_96: you'll likely get a prompt for confirmation, though16:46
reisiosudormrf: <shrug>16:46
reisioBassVI_96: I doubt that :)16:46
BassVI_96they asked "why not just import/export in Firefox?"16:47
BassVI_96I may facepalm, if that's the better way to do it :D16:47
sudormrfreisio, you have been adamant that something will work that I know will not work and you have been asking the same questions over and over.  While I appreciate the attempt to help, all it has done is frustrate me.16:47
reisiosudormrf: http://forum.deluge-torrent.org/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=18865&start=016:47
sudormrfreisio, *sigh*16:47
reisioyou were already frustrated16:47
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sudormrfreisio, incorrect.  and I even said save for flexget.16:48
sudormrfanyway.  thanks for trying.16:48
reisioBassVI_96: tell them "because mozilla code is about as reliable as a kick in the face, and copying a directory's contents is dead simple"16:48
reisiosudormrf: so why not use flexget16:48
=== curiousguy13_ is now known as curiousguy13
xutlhow to make local mirror of few selected ubuntu repo packages ? debmirror aptmirror etc make full repo back which is tons of gb's16:50
sudormrfxutl, aptik?16:51
sudormrfxutl, http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/01/reinstall-apps-on-ubuntu-fresh-install not sure if that is what you are looking for.16:52
BassVI_96I need to log for a bit. 2 windows open on a 19" CRT (my LCDs died, and haven't yet been replaced) is "fun" when trying to compare 2 nearly identical folders :D16:52
reisioBassVI_96: why're you comparing?16:52
BassVI_96just to make sure I don't move any Win-centric files16:53
xutlsudormrf: I haven't heard of it, have you used it ? and does it creats a perfect local mirror as a repo ?16:53
sudormrfxutl, I haven't used it, but it sounds like it may do what you are looking to do.16:53
reisioBassVI_96: you can copy the entire profile dir16:53
BassVI_96even the files that only Windows uses?16:53
reisioBassVI_96: the only files like that which come to mind are for win32-only extensions16:54
reisiothey will be fine if you copy them, they just won't work16:54
BassVI_96which is what my Windows drive is...32-bit Vista Home Premium16:54
xutlsudormrf: well, to present a clear image of what I want, aptoncd does what I want but it doesn't works from an image on a thumbdrive, it needs a disc drive16:54
reisioBassVI_96: right... but a mozilla profile folder is not 32-bit vista...16:54
Keanu73BassVI_96: I have the same Windows drive as you too]16:54
reisioBassVI_96: it's... a mozilla profile folder16:54
sudormrfxutl, oh.  not sure If I can help out much with that :(.  Sorry m8.16:55
reisioBassVI_96: cp -nr /mnt/windows/Users/foo/AppData/Roaming/Mozilla/* ~/.mozilla/16:55
reisioBassVI_96: done16:56
reisioor you can copy from ../Mozilla/gibberishProfileName/* to ~/.mozilla/...gibberishProfileName/16:56
* BassVI_96 too used to windows in Windows, even Mac OS before that :D16:56
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reisiotoo used to them for what?16:56
BassVI_96but, I now have my firefox just like it is on my Windows side, so success there :)16:57
sudormrfxutl, keep asking.  someone here is bound to know the answer :).16:57
TJ-xutl: You can change the cdrom URL for apt, and specify a custom mount-point or even a {u}mount command. See "man 5 apt.conf" and the "cdrom" protocol16:57
xutlsudormrf: yea sure, but thnx anyway :)16:57
BassVI_96I may take the goofy ways around to do things, but if it works it works :D16:57
BassVI_96I'm guessing it will work pretty much the same, to migrate all of my Thunderbird settings?16:58
reisioBassVI_96: copy, done16:59
xutlTJ-: aptoncd creats an image and that image gets mounted also, but it somehow knows if its a real disc or a mounted image, anyway t o manipulate debmirror or aptmirror etc apps so as to mirror specified packages and its dependencies only and not full repo ?17:00
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TJ-xutl: I don't recall having a problem with it last time I did that, though it was some time ago17:03
xutlTJ-: mounting it with archive mounter ?17:03
TJ-xutl: No, I just used the (standard) apt mechanisms... looking for the script now17:08
=== justinS_ is now known as jhsimpson
berlinhello i need to enable the broadcom wireless network to my laptop17:10
berlinwill u help me please17:10
ubottuberlin,: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx17:11
berlinthe problem is I deactivate the broadcom network unfortunately17:15
berlinso i m nt able to connect the network thro wireless or wired17:15
Obhurhello ubuntu people17:15
reisio'lo Ob17:16
tnk1do I need bind9 on a desktop system?17:16
llutztnk1: depends on your usage, usually not17:18
TJ-xutl: My scripts used apt-move to build a partial mirror of installed packages on a USB key, and a the non-networked systems use the apt /cdrom/::Mount/cdrom::Umount custom commands to {u}mount, as in "mount /dev/disk/by-label/APT_REPO /mnt/repo"17:18
Obhurreisio: how are you doing?17:19
tonytcan someone tell me what to put in the dash search box , to open up the drivers thing ?17:22
ActionParsniptonyt: 'drivers'17:23
ActionParsniptonyt: or look in system settings under the cog in the top right17:23
tonytnothing comes up with drivers  k ill check the system settings thing17:23
xutlTJ-: care to share your script ?17:23
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tonytaction what do mean by cog ? i dont see it17:24
ActionParsniptonyt: are you using Unity?17:25
cuddylierI had a DDoS attack yesterday on a Ubuntu box I have. Here is the screenshot of the bandwidth graph: http://puu.sh/7LCFB.png Does outbound mean someone on the box sent the attack out rather than the actual box being DDoSed?17:25
ActionParsniptonyt: in the very top right, the icon there17:25
tonytvewry top right is just a search box17:25
TJ-xutl: It's part of a larger work; I'm looking if I can extract just the apt functionality17:25
xutlTJ-: yea, that much only and nothing else :)17:26
ActionParsniptonyt: what is the output of:  cat /etc/issue17:26
tonytUbuntu 13.10 \n \l17:27
ActionParsniptonyt: http://bregmatter.files.wordpress.com/2013/06/screenshot-from-2013-06-12-123440.png17:27
ActionParsniptonyt: top right corner....17:27
xrealAnyone ever worked with scripts/kconfig/merge_config.sh? It seems like it doesn't merge :)17:28
tonytyou mean for system settings . ya i can get to that17:28
ActionParsniptonyt: or just run:  gksudo jockey-gtk17:29
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tonytk ill try that17:29
cfhowlettcuddylier, might want to ask in #ubuntu-server17:30
tonyt(gksudo:5120): GConf-CRITICAL **: gconf_value_free: assertion 'value != NULL' failed17:30
cuddyliercfhowlett: Okay thanks17:31
Obhurcuddylier: hello17:32
cuddylierHi Obhur17:32
davidsongHi, what's a good editor for super large text files?17:33
davidsongIMO the default text editor should be one that handles huge files17:34
Jordan_Udavidsong: There are many. If you're willing to put up with some learning curve both vim and emacs are great. Gedit is a simple GUI text editor that I expect will handle large text files well also.17:35
=== Havenstance2 is now known as Havenstance
davidsongJordan, vi loads the entire file. Is vim better like that? Gedit also sucks with large files17:36
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cyfordhow do i install nproc  if its not working17:36
ubottuMir is the next-generation display server currently under development by Canonical and Ubuntu. It's slated for inclusion in Ubuntu 14.04. For more information on it, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mir/Spec . For code, see https://launchpad.net/mir17:37
davidsongWindows 7 can't open a large file by default since the convergence of Word and WordPad. Macs also suck in this regard17:38
seednodevim works well for large files so far17:39
seednodeBut I've not done over about 12k lines, actually17:39
seednodeSo not sure17:39
w0rmiei'm debootstraping precise under precise server, using FAI (fully automated installation) for building infrastructure for a cluster, everything went fine, the kernel and ramdisk are loaded properly, but the init step fails and i get this: Begin: Running /scripts/init-premount ... done.17:39
w0rmieBegin: Mounting root file system ... /init: .: line 249: can't open '/scripts/live'17:39
w0rmie[ 12.991289] Kernel panic - not syncing: Attemped to kill init! exitcode=0x000002017:39
w0rmie[ 12.991289]17:39
w0rmieany idea?17:39
cyfordhow i make npoc command work17:40
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markosejicgood evening17:42
TJ-xutl: It'd take too much to extract an example, there's lots of env vars in use17:44
markosejicjust testing xubuntu 14.0417:44
ice9after I installed gnome-shell from gnome3 PPA and added other PPAs to installed patched Unity,  mouse cursor disappeared, but when I open settings, displays,  the cursor comes visible automatically17:45
markosejicit is fast17:46
* BassVI_96 closer to leaving 32-bit Windows Vista Home Premium behind, and mostly using Ubuntu :)17:46
TJ-xutl: However, re-reading the docs I think all you need are to use the "file:://" URI and build the mirror using "apt-move -d $DIST sync" with it configured in "/etc/apt-move.conf" with "LOCALDIR=/opt/mirrors/ubuntu" (mount your USB device at $LOCALDIR), and then have something like "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/offline.list" with "deb file::///media/usb0/ubuntu trusty main universe multiverse" and ensure the USB device mounts to "/media/usb0" (as it may well do if usi17:47
TJ-ng usbmount)17:47
=== TAha is now known as Guest83241
=== Guest83241 is now known as Forkz
ForkzHey. If I install the daily build of Tahr, will it upgrade to the LTS on April 17th?17:49
TJ-xutl: You can use the apt-move "$LOCALDIR/.exclude" file to specify grep-style exclusions17:49
xutlTJ-: will try and return with results, I hope I don't enocounter with errors17:50
JFranksSo I was installing a 12.04.4 server and picked the managed by landscape option but I couldn't get past the request for a lowercase identifier for the landscape account.. Looking online the docs say to read more here: http://www.canonical.com/projects/landscape17:52
JFranksLOL.. Oh man,.17:52
JFranksApparently this version is 12.40.4?17:52
webfoxWhen I try to upgrade packages with apt-get this error occurs : https://gist.github.com/anonymous/9809334. Could someone help me figure how to fix that please?17:53
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BassVI_96time to head out...later all17:54
daytosHi there all, is there a way to stop ubuntu from autojoining anyand all networks?17:56
_mef@webfox have you tried: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=172035617:56
cfhowlettdaytos, of course.  go into network settings, go the (assuming this is wifi) channel properties and kill auto-join17:57
xutlwhats the difference between ubuntu and ubuntu gnome besides its DE ?18:01
webfox_mef: \o/ thank you! seems to have worked.18:03
_mef@webfox -- no problem!18:03
SuperLagIs 1GB of RAM enough for 13.10?18:04
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SuperLagPutting it in a VM for a friend. Her laptop currently only has 2GB.18:04
cfhowlettSuperLag, technically, yes.  but it is low18:04
SuperLagcfhowlett: oh, definitely.18:05
cfhowlettSuperLag, perhaps lubuntu or xubuntu then18:05
SuperLagcfhowlett: I have 32GB on both of my machines, so I don't even worry about RAM. I'm spoiled.18:05
JFranksSo really.. has anyone setup Landscape? Is there any official docs? I just get 404 pages like: http://www.canonical.com/projects/landscape18:06
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cfhowlettlubuntu is optimized for older/lower spec hardware18:07
cfhowlettSuperLag, yes you are CERTAINLY spoiled - my max is 4 G18:07
Jordan_UJFranks: Since you payed for landscape, why not call Canonical support?18:09
SuperLagcfhowlett: I set something up for our Sales Engineers that required a beefy laptop. It completely revamped their sales process. Needless to say, I got to keep the hardware... and when I asked for a similar upgrade to my desktop, I got it. A raise, too. ;)18:10
cfhowlettSuperLag, just this second, I truly hate you ...18:10
SuperLagcfhowlett: I work with VMs... a LOT, on the job.18:11
cfhowlettSuperLag, nice.18:12
ice9how tofind packages that are installed from specific ppa?18:12
SuperLagcfhowlett: I wish there were non-RH, polished front-end tools for configuring KVM. :/18:12
Jordan_USuperLag: Doesn't virt-manager work fine on Ubuntu?18:13
SuperLagJordan_U: it does, but it is feature-limited compared to other tools.18:14
Jordan_USuperLag: So is there a Red Hat, polished front-end tool for configuring KVM not available for Ubuntu?18:15
SuperLagJordan_U: affirmative. Part of the RHEL suite.18:15
Jordan_USuperLag: Do you remember the exact name off hand? (I'm curious)18:18
bekksvirt-manager ?18:21
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SuperLagJordan_U: I don't, as it was on the RHEL 7 beta, and I played with it, but decided against paying for the subscription fees myself, to be able to play with it further18:22
SuperLagJordan_U: so I ditched the install18:22
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Jordan_USuperLag: Could it have just been a newer version of virt-manager? Red Hat doesn't release a lot of prorietary software, so it's odd to hear that you think RHEL 7 Beta comes with a tool that can't be used with other distributions.18:25
MarkT-I've been trying to figure out how to get audio working on my computer... alsamixer only shows a bunch of s/pdif entries and doesn't let me adjust the volume of anything, and I see no speakers or microphone entries either.18:27
guest6748I just installed Ubuntu 13.10 on my HP DV6 Laptop. I am just running vim, firefox and document viewer and my laptop's tempreature is over 90 celcius. Can anyone help me to solve this issue?18:27
bekksThat Redhat GUI is called "Virtual Machine Manager".18:28
asturelhey, is it possible to run tightvncserver on display :0 ? i mean on the actual xorg server which i use18:28
MarkT-I think it's wanting to use audio over hdmi on the graphics card...18:28
SuperLagJordan_U: I know what virt-manager looks like. This didn't look anything like virt-manager.18:28
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guest6748I just installed Ubuntu 13.10 on my HP DV6 Laptop. I am just running vim, firefox and document viewer and my laptop's tempreature is over 90 celcius. Can anyone help me to solve this issue?18:41
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peyamguest6748, AMD ? INTEL?18:42
guest6748peyam: Intel. I also have a graphics card onboard.18:42
peyamwhat does sensors say in terminal?18:42
SuperLagalso, opening "top" and sorting by CPU might give you a better idea18:42
guest6748peyam: I installed the Nvidia 331 drivers today.18:42
Guest26229Hi, I juste install xubuntu on virtualbox on my macbook pro and i can't scroll using my trackpad. Any idea how to change that?18:42
peyamguest6748, what does sensors say in terminal?18:43
guest6748peyam: sensors say 90celcius. That's what I wrote earlier.18:43
zeffyhello guys18:44
zeffyi have a situation..18:44
peyamguest6748, wana be sure that you are reading correct18:44
guest6748peyam: no problem18:44
zeffyi want to instal ubuntu , i allready have win718:44
zeffycan i go on ?18:44
ubottuzeffy,: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot18:44
guest6748zeffy: Do you want to do dual boot?18:44
zeffywell, let me explain18:44
zeffyyes i want to dualboot18:44
peyamguest6748, its a known problem maybe update the kernel will help you. you are the second guy asking me this, this week18:45
guest6748peyam: I updated my kernel too. I am on 3.13 generic.18:45
peyamis it the CPU temperature or the gpu?18:45
zeffyi downloaded last version of ubuntu, i used yumy for usb boot, i instaled ubuntu, after instal he restarted, then was join windows.. i didnt saw any window from where i can select what time of os i want to sign in18:46
guest6748peyam: for gpu it says N/A. The tempreature which I posted was for physical id18:46
peyamseffy : you need boot repair. please google " boot repair" and you will end up in ubuntu webside to update the grub18:47
guymandudeanyone familiar with iRedMail?18:47
peyamguest6748, I dunno. im using amd gpu. the open source on works prety good for me18:48
guest6748peyam: I think my GPU is not working properly and the intel graphics is rendering everything which is heating up my computer.18:48
peyamguest6748, gpu functionality is decided by BIOS.18:49
peyamso it will work if bios wants to18:49
w4lk3r0is the chrome in linux update it self?18:49
w4lk3r0if not what's the proper way to do that?18:49
guest6748peyam: how should I check if the nvidia driver is even being used on my computer?18:49
peyamguest6748, go to bios and look at "north bridge" maybe? or something with graphic and see if it starts from PCI express /PCI or onboard. if its Onboard then it uses intel18:50
peyamif its PCI express it uses ur graphic card18:50
peyamguest6748,  I use only the open source one and I recommend it18:51
malko\t test18:51
malkoah, hello18:51
peyammalko its a irssi command. if you are on xchat it will not work18:52
langemannhey all, does anyone else have problems with git clone? I have ~20MB/s down but git clone hardly moves. Right now it's at 11kB/s18:52
daftykinsguest6748: is this a laptop? sounds like an nvidia optimus setup18:52
peyam(/exit)]will work18:52
guest6748daftykins: Yes. It's a laptop.18:53
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peyamohh ohh its an laptop18:53
peyambumblebee u need to install18:54
sounngahi there18:54
daftykinsguest6748: then it's likely you've got an nvidia optimus setup wherein the intel on-die graphics handles the screen, but the nvidia chip kind of co-operates. you're going to either need to look into bumblebee or nvidia-prime - but i would recommend waiting for ubuntu 14.0418:54
peyamguest6748, you need to install bumblebee. I though it was an desktop18:54
sounngai was hoping for some help installing ubuntu side by side with windows 718:54
daftykinsguest6748: also, *some* but not all laptops have a setting in their BIOS/EFI that lets you select which is used, if you set intel only you might be able to reduce power consumption and temperatures18:54
daftykinspeyam: that's bad advice, times have moved on.18:55
peyamdaftykins, you are right!18:55
guest6748daftykins: I am surely waiting for 14.04 but till then I will still need my laptop. I have no alternate computer to rely on. I will look into what youve told me.18:55
peyamsounnga, what do you need help with?18:55
sounngaim installing onto a 3 tb hard drive, and i've been having problems making partitions on it. what i want to do is make two medium sized partitions for each os and then another large partition for my media that i can access between both oses18:56
daftykinsguest6748: i'm sure it'll work with intel only just fine - i'm surprised installing nvidia drivers hasn't broken your install after reboot18:56
peyamsounnga, and is it something that doesnt work for you?18:56
guest6748daftykins and peyam thank you for your help. I will do whatever you guys have told and come back.18:56
daftykinssounnga: what method have you been using? what has happened?18:56
guest6748daftykins: broken my install?18:57
daftykinsyes, often installing nvidia drivers on an optimus system breaks it18:57
sounngaim installing ubuntu 13.10 with a bootable usb and thats where i've been trying to make the partitions18:57
daftykinssounnga: using what program?18:58
Beldarsounnga, # terrabyte is a gpt setup, this an external?18:58
Data__what is the topic or what you talkin about18:58
sounngai was using the ubuntu install utility18:58
sounngaits an internal hdd18:58
guest6748daftykins: what is an optimus system?18:58
Beldar!who | sounnga18:58
ubottusounnga: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)18:58
daftykinsguest6748: combined intel on-die graphics and an nvidia chip. google it for more :)18:59
sounngaubottu: ok sorry about that18:59
ubottusounnga: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:59
guest6748daftykins: thank you18:59
daftykinssounnga: run gparted in the live session19:00
sounngadaftykins: i tried that and it would have went smoothly but this is the major problem i'm having. i had a 700gig partition from an old windows installation and for some reason it shows up in gparted and any windows patition utilities i use twice. once on the main hard drive, that is to say, side by side with a larger 2 gig partition and a second time as a hard drive by itself.19:01
Jordan_Usounnga: Please pastebin the output of "sudo parted -l".19:02
sounngajordan_u: ok i will do so, but im afraid i cant do that for a couple of hours. im on windows at the moment moving some files and it wont be done for maybe another 2 hours. when i come back on though, should i just summarize what i told you guys in the channel and send the pastebin of "sudo parted -l"?19:05
Jordan_Usounnga: Yes, that sounds reasonable.19:06
sudormrfhey guys.  Is anyone around that can help me get the transmission webui going on an ubuntu server box?  I have installed transmission-daemon and modified my settings.json file, but I am still unable to connect to it.19:07
TJ-sudormrf: Which web-server?19:08
sudormrfTJ-, not sure I understand your question :).19:08
sudormrfTJ-, I think the answer you are looking for is apache19:09
TJ-sudormrf: OK; just checking on one of my servers for you. Long time since I installed it19:10
sudormrfTJ-, thanks :).  I think everything on the settings.json is OK, but for some reason I still can't connect to it.  do you know if the webui is a separate package? I searched the apt-cache, but didn't see anything19:10
sudormrfTJ-, also, here is my settings.json : http://paste.ubuntu.com/7164391/19:11
TJ-sudormrf: From what I can see I have the transmission-daemon running and it listens on port 9091 TCP and presents a HTTP service.19:12
garylabronzhey, im running 12.04 and want to allow users to use apt-get and be able to join wifi without root. does any one have some good links?19:12
TJ-sudormrf: package is "transmission-common" for the web elements19:12
sudormrfTJ-, 9091 is the port mine is listening on as well.19:12
sudormrfTJ-, let me verify that is installed19:12
ubottuChryGTI: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».19:12
sudormrfTJ-, yeah, it's installed.19:12
Jordan_Ugarylabronz: They shouldn't need to have root privileges to use wifi. Why do you want them to be able to use apt-get while not being able to do other root tasks? Put another way, what *don't* you want them to be able to do, and why?19:13
garylabronzJordan_U: Basically mate i want them to do nothing. Expect be able to join any wifi networks (eg public home) currently asks for root. and apt-get to be hoenst i dont care if they cant use it19:15
TJ-sudormrf: My settings.json:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/7164425/19:15
Jordan_Ugarylabronz: What version of Ubuntu are  you using? What Desktop Environment?19:15
sudormrfTJ-, hmm.  thanks.  I have an idea.19:16
cyberalex4lifeI have some problems with the keyboard on my asus k55vd (Ubuntu 13.10)19:16
sudormrfTJ-, did you have to chown anything?19:17
Jordan_Ugarylabronz: Could you please provide a screenshot of the window asking for authentication when they try to connect to a new network?19:17
Jordan_U!screenshot | garylabronz19:17
ubottugarylabronz: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.19:17
TJ-sudormrf: Not as I recall19:17
TJ-sudormrf: But it's been installed several years!19:17
cyberalex4lifeif I run startx after stopping lightdm it say some keys ar not present19:17
cyberalex4lifewhich keyboard should I choose?19:17
garylabronzJordan_U: no sorry, i cant. i dont have it on my machine.  its ubuntu 12.04 with unity19:17
sudormrfTJ-, ah.  is there a transmission folder in /var/www/ or something like that?19:17
garylabronzi added the user to netdev, but it didnt not help19:17
cyberalex4lifesudo dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration19:18
garylabronzJordan_U & ubottu: so i am very comfortable with linux, but i have never dont ACLs. so as far as administrating anything im fine. i just dont know where to look regarding how to do this19:18
garylabronzsort of just adding rules to sudo19:18
Beldarcyberalex4life, startx is a deprecated command19:18
TJ-sudormrf: Check the log-files; check the process is listening and bound to the interfaces you expect; check netstat;19:18
Jordan_Ugarylabronz: Given that this (connecting to wifi without additional authentication) is supposed to work by default, to troubleshoot this problem you'll really need access to the machine that's having the problem.19:18
TJ-sudormrf: There shouldn't be19:19
garylabronzJordan_U: I believe its the Network-Manager for gnome that asks for root. but I appreciate the help.19:19
sudormrfTJ-, which log?19:19
cyberalex4lifestll  i have some problems with some keys: "i" and "Close Screen", I have to press them long before they start reacting19:20
TJ-sudormrf: daemon.log, syslog ... have you made sure the user running the transmission-daemon process (usually debian-transmission) has access to the file-system directories you've specified?19:20
sudormrfTJ-, I haven't chown'd anything just yet.19:20
sudormrfhang on19:20
Jordan_Ugarylabronz: If you don't have access to the machine exibiting the problem we can't help you, we just don't have enough information and you're not in a position to give us what more we need.19:21
sudormrfTJ-, just added the user to the group19:21
zeffythx a lot, boot reparier solved my problem..19:22
sudormrfTJ-, would permissions cause the page not to be connectable?19:22
sudormrfTJ-, the problem is this "Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at"19:23
llutzsudormrf: sudo lsof -i :909119:23
daftykinsthat does not look like an internal IP 0o19:23
daftykinsguess it is but ugh at choice ;)19:23
sudormrfdaftykins, it is.19:23
sudormrfllutz, let me check19:23
TJ-sudormrf: Is there a route to the server?19:24
sudormrfTJ-, there should be.19:24
sudormrfllutz, nothing shows up19:24
daftykinsyep horrible choice :>19:24
llutzsudormrf: so nothing listens19:24
sudormrfdaftykins, it is done that way for a reason.19:24
TJ-sudormrf: 1) can you ping it? 2) if so, can you connect to port 9091 (try a manual HTTP session using telnet) ?19:24
daftykinsoh? :)19:25
TJ-sudormrf: monitor the syslog or daemon.log, and then restart the transmission service19:25
llutzsudormrf: your transmission isn't listening at all on that port, check logs why19:25
sudormrfTJ-, I can ping it.19:25
sudormrfdaftykins, yes.  it has to do with split-horizon and vpn issues I was having19:25
sudormrfllutz, which log?19:25
llutzdaftykins: odd ip? 10."le.et".* ;)19:25
sudormrfllutz, AHAH19:25
daftykinsllutz: if it's a home LAN 10. is a joke19:26
llutzsudormrf: whatever log transmission logs too19:26
daftykinsbut nm :P19:26
s2013anyone here knows postgres?19:26
sudormrfdaftykins, it's not 10., it is
sudormrfllutz, checking.19:26
daftykinssudormrf: lol yes it's shorthand ;/19:26
TJ-sudormrf: Are you 100% sure that the host the is responding to the ping is the one you think it is? You're using an RFC1918 subnet... ISPs and organisations also use that space19:26
sudormrfdaftykins, 10. would mean, to me any way :P19:27
sudormrfTJ-, yes I am 100% sure it is responding to ping.19:27
daftykinssudormrf: sure but your other octets are of no relevance19:27
daftykinsanyway let's pretend i never said a word... :D19:27
sudormrfdaftykins, when the subnet mask is set where I set it, it matters ;D19:27
sudormrfTJ-, I can ping it and I know it is hitting the server.19:28
s2013my pg_wrapper is out of whack. psql is 9.3 but pg_restore is 9.119:28
s2013how do i fix it?19:28
TJ-sudormrf: OK, then test it from the transmission host first, using the CLI. First ensure the process is bound to the port (netstat) then try a manual connection (telnet to port 9091 and send a "GET / HTTP/1.0" request19:28
sudormrfTJ-, by "test it from the host" do you mean physically19:29
TJ-sudormrf: Via SSH or physically, either19:29
sudormrfTJ-, I am ssh'd in to the box, have been since this whole thing started :D19:29
TJ-sudormrf: The main thing is to ensure the service is running and answering on the host, then try connections from remote hosts.19:30
sudormrfTJ-, the service is running.  answering...that is another issue :D.  hang on.19:30
TJ-sudormrf: Good. So "sudo netstat -tlpn | grep trans" should show 2 IPv4 ports and possibly 1 IPv619:30
sudormrfTJ-, nothing getting returned :S.  I just stopped and started the service19:31
sudormrfTJ-, used sudo service transmission-daemon stop19:31
TJ-sudormrf: OK, so your configuration is breaking the daemon19:31
sudormrfTJ-, then sudo service transmission-daemon start19:31
sudormrfTJ-, hmm.19:31
Arw0ranyone with a server can help me out with one question ? is it possible to adquire a vps server on one provider and register the domain in other ?19:31
llutzArw0r: sure19:32
geirhasudormrf: transmission overwrites the config file when it exits. So if you edited the config file while it was running, then restarted transmission-daemon, your changes are lost19:32
josvukHow to show in gnome titlemenu two times one my local time and the other utc?19:32
Arw0rllutz: all i have todo is to point out the ns1 ns2 right ?19:32
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sudormrfgeirha, I didn't.  I stopped it before editing each time.19:32
llutzArw0r: basically , yes19:32
TJ-sudo try running the process in the foreground to see errors on stderr. You can add "--foreground" to "/etc/default/transmission-daemon" and its "OPTIONS=..." line temporarily19:33
BluewolfHi, is there any program I could use to monitor my internet usage on my PC accurately?19:33
llutz!info  vnstat | Bluewolf:19:33
ubottuBluewolf:: vnstat (source: vnstat): console-based network traffic monitor. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.11-2 (saucy), package size 84 kB, installed size 246 kB19:34
TJ-sudormrf: This is what you should expect to see: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7164540/19:34
sudormrfTJ-, shit.  just found the problem.  accidentally deleted a comma in the config file19:34
sudormrfTJ-, how did you get it to display that much info on service restart?19:35
rcw2can i hotkey a certain string of text with klipper or something else19:35
TJ-I just told you --- adding "--foreground" to the OPTIONS in the default file19:35
sudormrfTJ-, either way, the issue was I had deleted the comma after the rpc-whitelist addresses.  like an idiot :( haha.19:35
* TJ- tuts19:36
sudormrfTJ-, agree.  tut more :).19:36
sudormrfTJ-, sorry, missed the message bout using foreground :D19:36
sudormrfI am in the webui now :D19:36
sudormrfnext step...flexget :D19:37
Bluewolfllutz: Thanks19:37
josvuksomething is wrong with systems settings Power on my system, it don't shows me the battery in the menu bar19:40
josvukso where can i found the source code for the power?19:41
sudormrfdaftykins, the trailing octets in my case are important because my subnet mask is would be way too much for my home :D.  but yeah, I was having split-horizon issues when I was on 192.168 so I went with something unique.19:41
cyfordwhat command what i use if i wanted to see if sysbench  was installed19:41
meuporraquentei get this error message whenever I try to update ubuntu19:42
meuporraquentewtf is this about?19:43
meuporraquentewhat am I bashing?19:43
llutzcyford: apt-cache policy packagename19:43
bekksmeuporraquente: Go away. Entirely.19:43
meuporraquenteit isn't my fault that I am a beginner19:43
meuporraquentewhat is your problem bekks?19:44
cyfordi need make  the script be able to check platform independant19:44
bekksmeuporraquente: You are the problem. Ignore set.19:44
zeffyi have unity , can i install gnome ? and after uninstall gnome and get back to unity  ?19:44
reisiozeffy: yup19:45
reisiozeffy: Unity actually is mostly GNOME already, but yup19:45
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 and higher use the !Unity desktop environment by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown.19:45
zeffyi want to try gnome3...19:45
zeffyi`m new in ubuntu, i used a few years ago.. and now i`m back19:46
ubuntu-studioHI, I'm from India...m trying to install Ustudio on my laptop19:46
reisiozeffy: get to it, then19:46
xangua!ops | meuporraquente19:46
ubottumeuporraquente: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, rww, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!19:46
reisioubuntu-studio: get to it, then19:46
meuporraquentexangua  what is your problem?19:46
reisioxangua: using that wrong, methinks19:46
rcw2when i run xterm -xrm 'XTerm.VT100.translations: #override <KeyPress> F1: string("f1test")' in kubuntu, it doesn't apply to browser, but does to terminal.  how can i make this universal19:46
zeffythx guys, appreciate what are you doing here :)19:46
reisiorcw2: setxkbmap/xmodmap or something19:47
jeffd1830Dang, I feel violated.  What a tool.19:48
reisiowhat'd he do?19:48
DJonesreisio: I'll send you the eye bleach if you click on the link19:49
rcw2how do i find keycodes19:50
rcw2as in xmodmap -e "keycode 110 = Next"19:50
rcw2ah, -pke19:51
sandmanWill the next LTS release have a WUBI installer?19:51
xanguasandman: wubi is no longer maintained19:51
daftykinsWUBI should be left to die19:52
daftykinssudormrf: preachin' to a networking guy - overshare++19:52
sudormrfdaftykins, :D hehe.19:52
sudormrfdaftykins, network guy here, too :D19:52
reisioDJones: oh, I've met the internet before :)19:55
yabtzokoh the internet19:55
N1ghthey i'm in need of some help asap19:56
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silidanhi, is there any ubuntu release out there that has no single pit of pulseaudio build in?19:57
N1ghtno one is responding19:57
silidaneverytime some fucking shit piece of package installs pulseaudio my sound stops working... is there no fuckign way to kick that bullshit pulseaudio forever out of ubuntu?19:58
reisiosilidan: there's no real good way19:58
reisiosince so much will dep on it19:59
N1ghti can't even get on ubuntu19:59
N1ghtit doesn't show in my boot menu19:59
N1ghti installed wubi and stuff19:59
N1ghtand i don't see ubuntu19:59
N1ghtin the19:59
N1ghtboot menu19:59
silidanis there any other distro that is pulseaudio free?19:59
reisiosilidan: look into apt pinning and negatives19:59
reisiosilidan: most distros are not, as so many DEs will dep on them19:59
reisioyou can of course _compile_ almost any DE without pulse support, however19:59
reisios/dep on them/dep on it/20:00
N1ghtcan you help me20:00
vini_i get an error of not enough disk space on /boot while trying to run system-update20:00
BeldarN1ght, Wubi is not really supported here, not many use it.20:00
reisioN1ght: ?20:00
vini_sudo apt-get clean doesn't help, any other soultion?20:00
reisiovini_: df -h | grep boot20:00
N1ghtWell how do I set up ubuntu on an old ass computer20:00
N1ghtlike windows xp20:00
N1ghthow would i do this20:00
Jordan_Uvini_: Why do you have a separate /boot/?20:00
reisioN1ght: Lubuntu (Ubuntu with LXDE) is a tad bit more like XP20:00
N1ghti'm not looking for something that is like xp20:00
reisioN1ght: Xubuntu (Ubuntu with Xfce) is also very similar20:00
reisioN1ght: what're you looking for?20:00
N1ghti'm looking for something that works on xp20:01
silidanbut dont expect sound to work...20:01
reisioN1ght: on XP-era hardware20:01
reisioN1ght: most any distro should suffice20:01
vini_i don't have a separate partition20:01
silidantake it as a gift is sound just happens to work out of luck20:01
zeffyhelping people so fast so free :) this is what u guys do.. is so beautiful20:01
N1ghtwould i install it on my hard drive or a usb?20:01
silidaninstall it in your toilett20:01
silidanand push the button20:01
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k1l_!behelpfull > silidan20:02
ubottuN1ght: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot20:02
Jordan_Uvini_: What is the exact command you're running, or GUI program you're using? What is the exact error message?20:02
N1ghtthank you so much20:02
vini_I'm using the system-updater application20:03
Jordan_Uvini_: Please provide a screenshot of the error window.20:03
Jordan_U!screenshot | vini_20:03
ubottuvini_: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.20:03
vini_the error is "not enought free disk space" and its refer to /boot20:03
vini_ok just a minute20:04
k1l_vini_: remove old kernels. remove the old kernel packages and header packages20:04
vini_why my /boot foldrt is space limited?20:06
Norbitormaybe it is on the separate partition20:07
vini_only 1 partition20:07
llutzvini_: df -h /{,boot}20:07
oshakati_Guys, what is the options I have to run Android apps and games on Ubuntu?  Something similiar to BlueStacks or must I do a virtual machine?20:07
Jordan_Uvini_: Please run "df -h" in a terminal and pastebin the output.20:07
vini_/dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root  909G   83G  780G  10% /20:08
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vini_/dev/sda1                    236M  181M   43M  82% /boot20:08
llutzvini_: [21:07:22] <vini_> only 1 partition    <- really?20:09
vini_:( sorry20:09
llutzvini_: [21:04:52] <k1l_> vini_: remove old kernels. remove the old kernel packages and header packages20:09
vini_how to?20:09
llutzvini_: dpkg -l linux-image-*   |grep ^i          to see a list of installed kernels, remove all but the latest/newest 220:10
Sailor7009akiva-mobile: hi20:10
akiva-mobileSailor7009, hello; can I help you today?20:11
Sailor7009yes for sure... i didn't succeed in installing20:11
vini_well there are a lot20:12
akiva-mobileyou must pardon me; my memory is quite poor from yesterday20:12
akiva-mobileSailor7009, what were you attempting to install?20:12
Sailor7009akiva-mobile: black screen even eith flash drive20:12
akiva-mobileefi boot problems?20:12
Sailor7009akiva-mobile: ubuntu on my HP win8 built-in20:12
akiva-mobileand you installed 13.10, leaving ubuntu to handle the grub?20:13
akiva-mobilethe grub being the boot loader20:13
k1l_Sailor7009: are you sure its a uefi issue and not a video card issue?20:13
Sailor7009akiva-mobile: pardon?20:13
Sailor7009i didn't grasp20:13
Norbitorvini_: could you paste it into pastebin.com and give us a link?20:14
vini_llutz , how do i remove some of the packages?20:14
llutzvini_: sudo apt-get purge packagename20:14
akiva-mobileSailor7009,  ^20:14
Sailor7009akiva-mobile: hummm... i don't know20:14
akiva-mobileSailor7009, when you boot up20:14
akiva-mobileto the black screen20:14
akiva-mobilepress alt+ctrl+ "F1"20:14
akiva-mobileyou should see a terminal there20:14
Sailor7009akiva-mobile: but it normally win820:14
akiva-mobileit normally what?20:15
akiva-mobilenormally boots win8?20:15
Norbitorso, sudo apt-get purge for all but 0-18 and generic20:15
Sailor7009akiva-mobile: boot normally win820:15
Sailor7009akiva-mobile: yes20:15
akiva-mobileSailor7009, so wait, did you install ubuntu at all?20:15
Sailor7009akiva-mobile: not...20:16
akiva-mobilenot? What is your first language sailor7009? :)20:16
vini_i need to sudo apt-get purge each one of them?20:16
Sailor7009akiva-mobile: but the computer create a shortcut for it20:16
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)20:16
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Norbitorvini_ each one, but not this which ends with 0-18-generic20:17
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.20:17
Norbitorand the last posision20:17
Sailor7009no problem with english... i can understand quite well20:17
akiva-mobileSailor7009, You will be better helped probably there, because it will be easier for you to explain your issue.20:17
akiva-mobileSailor7009, No offense, but I have a bit of trouble understanding you20:17
Sailor7009akiva-mobile: come on...20:17
llutzvini_: sudo apt-get purge linux-image-3.13.0-{14,15,16,17} linux-image-extra-3.13.0-{14,15,16,17}20:18
akiva-mobileHuh... okay...20:18
Sailor7009could i repeat?20:18
akiva-mobilewhere did the computer create a shortcut for win820:18
vini_cool thanks llutz20:19
Sailor7009akiva-mobile: when you start the computer, normally it should boot directly the OS, but in my case, it give me option to boot ubuntu or win8, becaise i tried once install it without success20:20
akiva-mobileSailor7009, okay, so when you select ubuntu20:21
akiva-mobileit boots up to what?20:21
PutdekselHey peeps20:21
Sailor7009akiva-mobile: it goes black20:21
akiva-mobileokay; I told you to go to that black screen20:21
akiva-mobileand press "Alt+ctrl + F1"20:21
Sailor7009akiva-mobile: and nothing else, i have to reboot and thats all20:22
akiva-mobileSailor7009, did you try what I told you?20:22
Sailor7009akiva-mobile: im going now, just a minute20:22
Sailor7009akiva-mobile: shall i put the usb boot disk?20:23
PutdekselI'm trying to set up openvpn using a walkthrough. But i'm stuck at the part I need to run the vars script. I get this output http://pastebin.com/zbUYp3KG20:24
sudormrfTJ-, still around?  I am running in to the same problem that had me turn away from transmission in the first place.  it isn't grabbing the things in the watch directory20:25
Putdekselopenvpn support channel says it's a shell problem...20:25
akiva-mobileSailor7009, no.20:26
d1g1ta1Is there significant difference between a waverunner device and an ordinary export for an lvm volume mounted to a subdirectory of / and connected via a symbolic soft link?20:27
llutzPutdeksel: you don't run the vars script, you source it20:28
vini_thank you llutz and Norbitor20:28
Putdekselllutz: that's right, i use source vars or . ./vars20:29
llutzPutdeksel: what shell do you use?20:29
Sailor7009akiva-mobile: what came now is ''windows failed to start'' then came file:   \ubuntu\wubi...\wubildr.mbr status:0x000000f, a required file is missing20:30
Putdekselllutz: 12.04 LTS, is that what you mean?20:30
llutzPutdeksel: "echo $shell"20:30
Sailor7009akiva-mobile: and turn off20:30
Sailor7009akiva-mobile: the computer20:30
llutzPutdeksel: "echo $SHELL"  even20:30
akiva-mobileSailor7009,... you installed ubuntu with wubi?20:30
sudormrfTJ-, nm, I got it :D.20:31
d1g1ta1Better question might be:  what are the advantages and disadvantages of employing a waverunner device versus a regular export for an ext4 lvm volume and vice versa?20:31
akiva-mobileHuh... Canonical... I wonder if you regret writing that piece of software ~20:31
Sailor7009akiva-mobile: i just downloaded the file from ubuntu website, turn it into a boot cd and try to install20:31
Putdekselllutz: i get /bin/bash20:32
akiva-mobileSailor7009, you installed it from windows?20:32
akiva-mobilewhile logged into windows?20:32
Sailor7009akiva-mobile: yes20:32
akiva-mobileSailor7009, OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Yah that's your problem; don't do that.20:32
Jordan_USailor7009: Uninstall Wubi and install normally (By booting from the LiveCD/USB and installing from there).20:32
akiva-mobileSailor7009, what version of ubuntu do you have?20:33
Sailor7009akiva-mobile: 13.1020:33
akiva-mobileI thought Canonical did away with Wubi20:33
akiva-mobilereally? They included it in 13.10? Sheesh20:33
akiva-mobileSailor7009, Go log into windows.20:34
wattwoodI'm trying to get the source files for php5 (ubuntu 13).  I see that there is a .diff file when I download them.   Do I need to apply this .diff file?   When I use the downloaded source to debug with gdb, I get: warning: Source file is more recent than executable.20:34
Sailor7009Jordan_U: once it created the shortcut how to do that...?20:34
Sailor7009akiva-mobile: yes20:34
reisiowattwood: need, no; can, yes20:34
Sailor7009akiva-mobile: I'm in20:35
reisiowattwood: probably should, also yes20:35
akiva-mobileSailor7009, goto control panel20:35
wattwoodreisio:  How would I apply the .diff?20:35
Putdekselllutz: so i guess it's gnome?20:35
akiva-mobileSailor7009, Then go and uninstall programs20:35
llutzPutdeksel: the shell has nothing to do with your desktop-env20:35
Sailor7009akiva-mobile: yessah20:36
akiva-mobileSailor7009, http://i.stack.imgur.com/RzpYP.png20:36
akiva-mobiledo that20:36
llutzPutdeksel: you're using the vars-script from package easyrsa?20:36
StijnHi people, small Q where can I download the Beta2 Server edition?20:37
Sailor7009akiva-mobile: ok20:37
akiva-mobileSailor7009, its uninstalled now?20:37
Putdekselllutz: strange thing is, when cd /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/tmp i can source vars and make the keys20:38
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llutzPutdeksel: how did you try it before, when it failed?20:38
Sailor7009akiva-mobile: strange, i haven't that20:38
kostkonStijn, http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04/   fyi the channel for trusty is #ubuntu+120:38
akiva-mobilehavn't what?20:39
StijnThanks kostkon20:39
Putdekselllutz: /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa source vars (or . ./vars)20:39
Sailor7009akiva-mobile: nothing named ubuntu on control panel20:39
llutzPutdeksel: what dir have you been in then?20:39
akiva-mobileSailor7009, I told you to go to "Install and remove programs"20:39
llutzPutdeksel: $PWD20:39
Sailor7009akiva-mobile: I'm in, uninstall a program, control panel20:40
d1g1ta1Is this the wrong forum to ask about special devices, and if so, what would be the right one?20:40
Putdekselsomeone told me to change the export EASY_RSA='PWD' to export EASY_RSA='/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa'20:40
akiva-mobileSailor7009, and no ubuntu?20:40
sudormrfspoke too soon. transmission only autoadded the torrent after the daemon was restarted.  I removed the torrent from the watch dir and added it again, but transmission did not auto-add it.  anyone have any suggestions?20:41
Sailor7009akiva-mobile: no ubuntu, I'm just in front of it20:41
Putdekselllutz: someone said it change export EASY_RSA='PWD' to export EASY_RSA='/etc/openvpn/easy-rsa'20:41
akiva-mobileokay fine; reboot your computer and go into bios20:41
akiva-mobileSailor7009, ^20:42
guntbertd1g1ta1: Are you talking about Ubuntu? and which "special devices"?20:42
llutzPutdeksel: odd, i'd just follow https://openvpn.net/index.php/open-source/documentation/miscellaneous/77-rsa-key-management.html    worked for me whenever i needed to install openvpn20:42
d1g1ta1guntbert: Waverunner (versus an ordinary export)20:43
Sailor7009akiva-mobile: I'm in20:43
Sailor7009akiva-mobile: boot option?20:43
akiva-mobileSailor7009, okay go to boot settings20:43
akiva-mobileset the first two to boot off cdrom and usb hdd20:43
Sailor7009akiva-mobile: inside20:43
wattwoodHow do I get the correct source files that a package was compiled from?   I'm using php5-dbg.  When I `apt-get source php5` and move that to /build/buildd/php5-5.3.10/, gdb states the source is newer than the binary.20:44
akiva-mobileput your harddrive at the bottom of the list.20:44
Putdekselllutz: ok tnx, i'll go and try that. I was using http://www.techronicles.net/2012/12/openvpn-server-on-ubuntu-1210-with.html btw20:44
guntbertd1g1ta1: I have no idea what waverunner is - but anyway as long as you are talking about a problem in Ubuntu this is the right channel - just ask your question, all in one line20:44
Sailor7009the 2 are uefi boot order and a legacy wich is turned off20:44
akiva-mobileSailor7009, turn legacy on I guess20:45
akiva-mobileand go to uefi boot order20:45
d1g1ta1I am replacing an old server that is using a waverunner device in exports to export some lvm directories (ext4) via NFS4 and am wondering if Is there significant difference between a waverunner device and a traditional export?20:46
Sailor7009akiva-mobile: on uefi 1. usb cd/dvd rom, 2. usb diskette, 3. internal cd 4. os boot manager and last !network adapter20:47
wattwoodAnyone? Simple question re: difference between binary, source from APT repo.20:47
akiva-mobileSailor7009, should be fine. Reboot with your usb disk in with ubuntu installed on it20:48
akiva-mobileand for safe measure, with your dvd containing ubuntu 13.13020:48
TrinnI've got some dvd's and would like to extract the entire movie instead each file.. How suppose to do that?20:48
d1g1ta1wattwood: I believe one is compiled into machine executable code and the other is human readable source code you need to compile.20:48
Sailor7009akiva-mobile: ok20:49
awesomess3wattwood, apt-get source --compile the_package_dev #http://lumiera.org/documentation/user/tutorials/DebianBuilding.html20:49
=== e^0 is now known as ffio
akiva-mobileTrinn, instead of?20:49
Sailor7009akiva-mobile: I'll put both20:49
NTQHello. I need help with my Thinkpad W530 and Optimus. I want to use my external monitor via VGA port using nouveau and prime. But I didn't find any explanation for resolving this issue. Anyone a link for me?20:49
wattwoodd1g1ta1, awesomess3 :  The issue is the source file in apt is newer than the binary in apt.  apt-get source php5 resulted in a newer source than apt-get install php520:49
wattwoodd1g1ta1, awesomess3: and I have core dumps I'm troubleshooting that need the source that goes with the current apt binary20:50
Trinnakiva-mobile: inside dvd have the files..20:50
d1g1ta1guntbert: guess nobody else knows either...20:50
awesomess3wattwood, why would you need the source if you just want the same binary?20:50
akiva-mobileTrinn, What? What is your first language? Your english is a bit broken :(20:50
guntbertd1g1ta1: your best bet is to wait some time (>10 min) and ask again20:50
wattwoodawesomess3: I don't want the same binary.  I want the source that goes with the current `apt-get install php5` binary, so I can use gdb to investigate coredumps.20:51
d1g1ta1guntbert:  ok, thanks20:51
NTQAt the moment I am only using the integrated graphics, namely Intel. But I already have installed xserver-xorg-video-nouveau.20:51
wattwoodawesomess3: /build/buildd/php5-5.3.10/Zend/zend_compile.c:2978  warning: Source file is more recent than executable.20:51
Trinnakiva-mobile: Yes.. I know that. I just want to extract the movie in dvd format instead all data that exists inside it..20:52
akiva-mobileTrinn, oh, instead of all the files20:52
guntbertd1g1ta1: *maybe* the people in #ubuntu-server know more about your question20:52
Trinnakiva-mobile: right..20:52
akiva-mobileTrinn, What have you tried?20:52
wattwoodAre we helping Trinn bootleg movies?20:52
sudormrfIs anyone in here well versed in transmission?  I have set a watch folder, but it is only auto-adding items from it when the daemon is restarted.20:52
akiva-mobilewattwood, he might own the rights20:53
xutlhow to change timezone from terminal ? gsettings set com.canonical.indicator.datetime timezone-name 'America/New_York New York' changes its value in db key but not shown as changed in panel or datetime gui. also sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata is changing it in panel but its not shown as specified timezone in datetime gui or its respected db key. gsettings is showing its key but dconf is not showing - why ?20:53
Sailor7009akiva-mobile: first of all appear two lines in which one of them was ... error... something20:53
akiva-mobileSailor7009, you try both?20:53
Trinnakiva-mobile: I've tried just copy the files but vlc doesn't play all together.. Can you understand?20:54
akiva-mobileand tell me what the error says.20:54
wattwoodawesomess3: See the issue?20:54
akiva-mobileTrinn, so you havnt tried a ripper?20:54
Trinnakiva-mobile: Nope.. Do you know any good?20:54
akiva-mobileTrinn, handbrake is probably what most will tell you20:54
xutlhow to change timezone from terminal ? gsettings set com.canonical.indicator.datetime timezone-name 'America/New_York New York' changes its value in db key but not shown as changed in panel or datetime gui. also sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata is changing it in panel but its not shown as specified timezone in datetime gui or its respected db key. gsettings is showing its key but dconf is not showing - why ?20:55
bubbyaccess ubuntu 13.10 on screen keyboard?20:55
Trinnakiva-mobile: Is it in french?20:55
akiva-mobilebubby, uhhmm yes.20:55
Trinnakiva-mobile: ok..20:55
Sailor7009akiva-mobile: now, there is four option for boot, try,  install, oem install and check disk20:55
akiva-mobilebubby, search for an app called "onboard" in the dash20:56
Trinnakiva-mobile: I can try it so..20:56
akiva-mobileSailor7009, Try20:56
akiva-mobileTrinn, Good luck.20:56
TrinnI appreciate the help akiva-mobile..20:56
Sailor7009akiva-mobile: trying... loading...20:56
akiva-mobileTrinn, Yarrr, I helped a pirate plunder yee dvd treasure20:57
Sailor7009akiva-mobile: black screen now20:58
akiva-mobileSailor7009, still loading?20:58
akiva-mobilebubby, press the super key20:58
Trinnakiva-mobile: Looks like the last release supported was raring.. I can add the ppa, maybe..20:58
Sailor7009akiva-mobile: black sreen20:58
akiva-mobilebubby,  the overlay that comes up is the dash20:58
akiva-mobileTrinn, try getdeb.com; they prob have it20:59
awesomess3wattwood, did you apply the DIFF?20:59
akiva-mobileSailor7009, is it loading from the dvd or the usb?20:59
Sailor7009akiva-mobile: i guess put there both21:00
awesomess3wattwood, aahh! I'm not sure.21:00
Sailor7009akiva-mobile: usb21:00
akiva-mobileSailor7009, you should hear the dvd spinning21:00
akiva-mobileSailor7009, okay21:00
wattwoodawesomess3:  I reviewed the diff, that's just the diff between original php5 source, and the php5 source in apt already.  nothing to apply.21:00
akiva-mobilethen try this: press alt + ctrl + f121:00
akiva-mobileand I mean the key, "<f1>21:00
Aciduloushow long will the latest version of ubuntu be support until exactly?21:00
xutlhow to change timezone from terminal ? gsettings set com.canonical.indicator.datetime timezone-name 'America/New_York New York' changes its value in db key but not shown as changed in panel or datetime gui. also sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata is changing it in panel but its not shown as specified timezone in datetime gui or its respected db key. gsettings is showing its key but dconf is not showing - why ?21:01
kostkonTrinn, no, use this ppa https://launchpad.net/~stebbins/+archive/handbrake-snapshots21:01
ubottuUbuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download at http://releases.ubuntu.com/13.10 - Read the release notes at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SaucySalamander/ReleaseNotes21:01
awesomess3wattwood, maybe the executable was compiled differently?21:01
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 9 months to 5 years. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases21:01
Acidulous9 months to 5 years?21:01
Sailor7009akiva-mobile: nothing happening21:01
AcidulousLOL GAYYYYY21:01
wattwoodawesomess3: Well that throws a wrench into my plans.  Can't troubleshoot the coredump without the source that compiled the binary.21:01
akiva-mobileAcidulous, so, 13.10 has 3 more months21:02
akiva-mobile14.04 will have 5 years21:02
Putdekselllutz: can I generate my keys with the vars in the tmp folder you think?21:02
k1l_Acidulous: please calm down21:02
Acidulousget arch linux it is way better21:02
ubottuThe main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList21:02
akiva-mobileSailor7009, okay try the dvd next21:02
Trinnakiva-mobile: kostkon, Still under development? Is safe add the ppa and get last updates from it?21:03
kostkonTrinn, yes, no big deal, it's just for an app21:03
awesomess3wattwood, did you try this?: apt-get source --compile the_package_dev21:03
akiva-mobileTrinn, I have never had any problems, but I don't typically rip dvd stuff, ironically21:03
akiva-mobile(used to author dvd's, but that was mostly with mac)21:03
reisioakiva-mobile: also hopefully in the past when authoring DVDs was slightly less of a huge waste of time :)21:04
wattwoodawesomess3: I believe that will invalidate my coredumps, as they came from the current binary21:04
wattwoodawesomess3: It could be that I have php5-dbg installed, but the source is php5.  I tried apt-get source php5-dgb but it defaulted back to php521:04
Sailor7009akiva-mobile: trying dvd, same things, 2 lines of error so quick that i can't read, but I'll try to read next time21:05
akiva-mobileSailor7009, what does the error say.21:05
akiva-mobileoh lol21:05
akiva-mobileright, disappears.21:05
=== rickyb98 is now known as RickyB98
xutlhow to change timezone from terminal ? gsettings set com.canonical.indicator.datetime timezone-name 'America/New_York New York' changes its value in db key but not shown as changed in panel or datetime gui. also sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata is changing it in panel but its not shown as specified timezone in datetime gui or its respected db key. gsettings is showing its key but dconf is not showing - why ?21:05
awesomess3wattwood, it could be that you need to update some -dev files that have header files that are being compiled with php5....?  so does `apt-get source php5` yield the binary with it?21:06
Trinnakiva-mobile: kostkon, PPA worked fine. I will proceed and test the software.21:06
akiva-mobileTrinn, Good luck :P21:06
wattwoodawesomess3: No, no binary, just source files.21:06
akiva-mobileSailor7009, do you have any computers which you can test the integrity of your dvd or usb drive disk?21:07
Sailor7009akiva-mobile: trying to load ubuntu start listing some process saying [ok], [ok], ... at the end one process ... [fail], and goes black21:07
wadOn a linux machine I work on at work, there is a handy command: iostat21:07
wadAny ideas how I can get this on my ubuntu boxen?21:07
awesomess3wattwood, yeah I think it's going to be impossible to match the source code with the binary that was compiled somewhere else with its own source headers/libraries bundle.21:08
Sailor7009akiva-mobile: unfortunately i haven't21:08
akiva-mobileSailor7009, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm21:08
akiva-mobileSailor7009, is this a desktop or a laptop?21:08
wattwoodawesomess3:  Alright, then I suppose I can custom compile from current source and hope it doesn't break things.21:08
akiva-mobileSailor7009, what is the model?21:08
Sailor7009akiva-mobile: a moment to give you a full model21:09
D0ubl3_Khello there anybody can help me ???? how can i use tor privoxy with any programms21:11
bekks!tor | D0ubl3_K21:11
ubottuD0ubl3_K: Tor is a program to route connections through several servers for anonymity. It is in Ubuntu's repositories, but the Tor Project recommends using their Tor packages due to past issues with Ubuntu's. For setup info, see option (2) of https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en | To use Tor on freenode, see !tor-sasl21:11
Sailor7009akiva-mobile: HP pavilion, processor amd a4-5000 apu with radeon hd graphics,21:13
Trinnguys, another thing is intriguing me. When my computer is starting, under the ubuntu logo (in the plymouth splash screen), I see a message: THE DISK DRIVE UUID............ IS NOT PRESENT OR NOT READY YET... what suppose can be it?21:14
Sailor7009akiva-mobile: i bought last month here in milan, but when i saw win8 i didn't like and I'd like to change21:14
akiva-mobileSailor7009, yah... I am just wondering if they locked their bios...21:14
akiva-mobileuefi or whatever...21:15
akiva-mobileSailor7009, Can you call HP and tell them you want to use ubuntu instead?21:15
k1l_Trinn: the partitions or hdds in the fstab are damaged or not fully powered yet21:16
Sailor7009akiva-mobile: once is windows built in, they will not turn down to put different OS21:16
akiva-mobileSailor7009, Then threaten to return it21:16
akiva-mobileSailor7009, like I can't tell you why its failing, because I do not know whether you burned the ubuntu images properly or not.21:17
akiva-mobileSailor7009, you may want to try with your ubuntu dvd, md5sum21:17
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows21:17
Trinnk1l_: Is there a way to discover and fix the problem?21:17
k1l_see what partition/hhd that is21:18
Sailor7009akiva-mobile: one thing, i bought this in third shop not directly fron HP shop...21:18
Jordan_UTrinn: Please pastebin the output of "mount" and the contents of your /etc/fstab .21:18
akiva-mobileSailor7009, they usually sell it to you with an hp warranty. Either way, you can still call hp21:18
Sailor7009akiva-mobile: I'll try contacting then, yes for sure has warranty21:19
akiva-mobileSailor7009, sorry I can't be more help. its difficult over irc21:19
TrinnJordan_U: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7165041/21:19
phpNppbi guys i want to install ubuntu as i am tired of windows screwing things for me. Is they anywhere i can download ubuntu 13.10 for free to try it out?21:19
reisiophpNppb: yup21:20
k1l_phpNppb: ubuntu.com21:20
Sailor7009akiva-mobile: oh dear, i prefer to not buy anymore new devices, from these millenium...21:20
TrinnJordan_U: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7165045/21:21
phpNppbreisio its asking to pay21:21
reisiophpNppb: you in the UK?21:21
phpNppbreisio yes sir21:21
akiva-mobileSailor7009, Ever heard of system76?21:21
reisiophpNppb: http://www.mirrorservice.org/sites/releases.ubuntu.com/13.10/21:21
Trinnakiva-mobile: W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net saucy Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 8771ADB0816950D821:21
Sailor7009akiva-mobile: thank you, and for your patiente as well, i shall close it and try in another day, i can't use win8, i don't  like it21:21
k1l_phpNppb: see on the left bottom side21:21
Trinnakiva-mobile: ? ppa problematic.21:21
k1l_phpNppb: "Not now, take me to the download ›"21:22
akiva-mobileTrinn,  I'd just download the raring .deb file21:22
Sailor7009akiva-mobile: no..., what is it?21:22
akiva-mobileTrinn, could be offline21:22
reisiophpNppb: just go to my link, get desktop-amd64 for a 64-bit proc, and desktop-i386 for a 32-bit one21:22
akiva-mobileI bought one before; they preinstall ubuntu on their machines21:22
akiva-mobilethey sell only ubuntu computers, and they are pretty nice and reasonable, and extremely good performers.21:22
phpNppbk1l_ thanks21:22
d1g1ta1Is there significant difference between a waverunner device and an ordinary export for an lvm volume (ext4) mounted to a subdirectory of / via a symbolic soft link?21:23
reisiophpNppb: the computer you're IRCing from is 64-bit, in case you didn't know21:23
phpNppbreisio yes it is21:23
Putdekselanyone with any openvpn experience?21:23
akiva-mobileSailor7009, I personally like the thinkpad x series laptops the best though, but that is a matter of preference21:23
reisiod1g1ta1: waverunner?21:23
Trinnakiva-mobile: Ok.. I'll come back to getdeb..21:23
bekksd1g1ta1: what is your actual question? :)21:23
Sailor7009akiva-mobile: can i find that in amazon?21:23
reisioso http://www.mirrorservice.org/sites/releases.ubuntu.com/13.10/ubuntu-13.10-desktop-amd64.iso21:24
akiva-mobileTrinn, Well I mean, just find a debian file and just download that.21:24
akiva-mobileSailor7009, System76 is a company21:24
akiva-mobilemmm nuts :P21:24
Sailor7009akiva-mobile: the brand is just system76?21:24
akiva-mobilethey make their own laptops21:24
phpNppbreisio one more thing is they a list of pc which it might not be compitable for? as my pc is Packard Bell oneTwo L5351 UK21:24
akiva-mobileand sell them only with ubuntu21:24
k1l_Trinn: wait21:24
Sailor7009akiva-mobile: nice though, I'll look for21:25
akiva-mobileSailor7009, https://www.system76.com/21:25
Trinnk1l_: Yes..21:25
reisiophpNppb: not really, the chances your hardware is incompatible is incredibly low21:25
reisiophpNppb: like maybe an 0.5% chance21:25
Sailor7009akiva-mobile: thanks21:25
=== Thor|Away is now known as Thorium220
akiva-mobileSailor7009, I think dell also sells preinstalled ubuntu21:25
reisiophpNppb: there are compatibility lists, though, such as http://kmuto.jp/debian/hcl/ but they aren't exhaustive21:25
akiva-mobileI wish lenovo did,21:26
TrinnJordan_U: Found something?21:26
d1g1ta1bekks: replacing an existing server with a new one (newer linux/kernel/etc), the old one uses Waverunner special devices, was planning on usually ordinary exports, will there be much of a difference (stability, performance, etc)?21:26
k1l_Trinn: just do some "sudo apt-key adv --recv-key --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com KEYNUMBER"21:26
reisiod1g1ta1: what's a waverunner device?21:26
reisiomeans nothing to me21:26
reisiosounds like a brand name21:26
phpNppbreisio its as 1TB of memory last time i checked21:26
reisiophpNppb: nice21:26
k1l_Trinn: if that doesnt work you have an old outdated PPA running21:27
Sailor7009akiva-mobile: i was blind because i needed quickly, but now i regret,21:27
=== izaya is now known as Izaya
akiva-mobileSailor7009, Welcome to the real world :)21:27
akiva-mobileSailor7009,  wait21:27
Trinnk1l_: Right... Was imported some data. I believe now it will work.. Thanks..21:27
akiva-mobileyou may have another option21:27
akiva-mobilewhere do you live ? City ?21:28
Sailor7009akiva-mobile: oh dear, plus it came with italian keyboard21:28
Sailor7009akiva-mobile: go on21:28
akiva-mobileif there is an ubuntu loco21:28
akiva-mobileyou can go there, and they will help you install21:28
Sailor7009akiva-mobile: milan21:28
bekksd1g1ta1: What are waverunner devices, and how are they related to filesystems or the logical volume manager?21:28
phpNppbreisio one last question, if i am install from my 50gb harddrive which i have lots of other things inside will be an issue or do i need to have ubunut on its own?21:28
reisiophpNppb: it's much more straightforward if you have an empty hard disk21:28
TrinnFellas, the guy that was helping me in another problem probably has quit.21:28
reisiophpNppb: but you _can_ resize partitions/FSes on an existing one, and other things21:29
reisiophpNppb: which is fairly safe, but not 100% so21:29
reisioso make backups if you go that route and want to be cautious21:29
phpNppbreisio thanks i will move everything to my other drive21:29
k1l_phpNppb: make own partitions for ubuntu21:29
k1l_phpNppb: ubuntu can sit besides other OS but it needs some own partitions21:29
akiva-mobileSailor7009, you live in italy? Milan?21:29
smittixAnyone have any problem with Nvidia Optimus and battery power?21:29
Sailor7009akiva-mobile: ok21:30
akiva-mobileyah go there21:30
akiva-mobileand goto #ubuntu-it21:30
Trinnk1l_: It worked but 'handbrake has not candidate for installation'21:30
akiva-mobileyou may be able to bring your laptop to one of their get togethers21:30
phpNppbreisio i want to install it so i can use windows and ubuntu. windows is more for my kids21:30
akiva-mobileand they can help you install21:30
k1l_Trinn: like i said: the PPA is broken and makes a mess of your system21:31
k1l_!dualboot | phpNppb21:31
ubottuphpNppb: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot21:31
reisiophpNppb: sounds good21:31
Sailor7009akiva-mobile: i speak some italian21:32
reisiophpNppb: if you've got a spare hard disk, or can afford one, that's a much simpler path21:32
reisiophpNppb: most people pretty much always need more digital storage eventually anyways, so it's not exactly a waste of money21:32
akiva-mobileSailor7009, anyways, good luck21:32
Sailor7009Iakiva-mobile: I'll try contacting them21:32
kostkonTrinn, the package is called handbrake-gtk21:32
d1g1ta1bekks: resio:  I think I got it, thanks, from your questions I realized it's not a special device at all, duh, thanks!21:32
Sailor7009akiva-mobile: thank you21:32
reisiophpNppb: and GNU/Linux systems, unlike Windows, are easily installed to external USB hard disks, FYI :)21:33
reisiod1g1ta1: :)21:33
reisiod1g1ta1: so what is it?21:33
Trinnkostkon: Exactly.. Right is right. Thank you.21:33
d1g1ta1just a regular block device/lvm volume, nothing new to learn from this21:33
kostkonTrinn, np21:33
Trinnk1l_: Solved.. handbrake-gtk..21:34
phpNppbreisio i have a spare hard drive from my old pc. upstairs but this pc i have now is an all in one which means i cant fix anything inside unless they is an hard drive read device which can connect via a USB21:34
k1l_phpNppb: you can repartitionate21:34
phpNppbk1l_ the drive i have is pretty big i think. I will dive it and give ubuntu one21:38
phpNppbjust need to remember how to do it21:38
phpNppbhow many space do you think ubuntu needs?21:38
k1l_15GB for the system (/) and the rest for your data(/home)21:39
phpNppbk1l_ my c drive is 455GB and at the moment 343 is free, My D drive is 434 GB and 176 GB is free21:40
phpNppbis that enough or do i need more21:41
bekksphpNppb: A full blown Ubuntu is happy with 30GB. :)21:41
k1l_phpNppb: well. go to the windows settings and shrink that windows partition. 100GB is enough for ubuntu to start. then put ubuntus partitions into that new space21:42
phpNppbbekks ok thanks21:42
phpNppbkil_ will watch this to do it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5rl-5iIwN421:42
awesomess3repartitioning sounds scary, especially if you're trying to make space for a GNU/Linux such as Ubuntu :>21:45
awesomess3I have a new laptop too21:45
awesomess3with really strange partitions21:46
awesomess3DELL Inspiron21:46
bekksawesomess3: What are "really strange partitions"?21:46
jpjacobsawesomess3: eheh intel smart tech stuff ?21:47
awesomess3PBR Image, OS, WINRETOOLS, DIAGS. They're not even NTFS21:47
xutlhow to install wine on 13.10 amd64 system ?21:48
k1l_xutl: install the wine package in software center21:48
xutlfollowing this link - http://www.winehq.org/download/ubuntu and this one http://www.noobslab.com/2013/10/wine-174-has-been-released-install-in.html but errors21:48
xutlk1l_: ^^^21:48
awesomess3xutl, sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install wine1.721:49
k1l_xutl: again: use the package that ubuntu ships for you21:49
xutlawesomess3: yes, did that but error - wine1.7-i386 not installable21:49
xutlk1l_: ok, but why it is not getting installed via ppa or other method ?21:50
k1l_xutl: i dont know what you already changed in your system. please show the exact command and exact error in a pastebin21:51
k1l_!paste | xutl21:51
ubottuxutl: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:51
phpNppbk1l_ which drive do i need to repartition C or D or both?21:51
k1l_phpNppb: doesnt matter21:51
awesomess3xutl, sudo dpkg --add-architecture i38621:51
phpNppbk1l_ hmm21:52
xutlawesomess3: is there any problem if I add i386 arch on amd64 ?21:52
k1l_phpNppb: ubuntu doesnt care on which partition it will sit. it just need some space21:53
awesomess3xutl, oh crap. good question. if you're running intel i3/i5/i7 you'd be fine. *shrugs*21:53
phpNppbk1l_ ok will use C21:53
xutlk1l_: msgs went under terminal lines but single error msg - cannot install i386 package on amd64 and 2nd method from source configure: error: Cannot build a 32-bit program, you need to install 32-bit development libraries.  Configure failed, aborting install. ubuntu@ubuntu:~/wine-1.7.15/tools$21:53
xutlawesomess3: mine is i321:54
k1l_xutl: again: what is wrong with the official ubuntu package?21:54
NoahGChi there21:54
awesomess3xutl, I'm 48% sure you'd be good with 'sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 && sudo apt-get install wine1.7'21:55
NoahGCi got puppy as a bootable usb want to switch to using ubuntu what do i need to delete to use21:55
xutlk1l_: official package is 1.4 and latest is 1.7.1521:55
xutlawesomess3: lol, what about rest 52% ?21:55
k1l_NoahGC: dd the ubuntu iso onto that usb21:55
NoahGCi'm downloading iso i have a software called unetloader  anyone know that one21:56
xutlhow to remove added ppa ?? awesomess3 k1l_21:56
k1l_!ppapurge | xutl21:56
ubottuxutl: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html21:56
CanUHelpStupid user needs help. Every boot three windows pop up 2 empty terminals and 1 application.  I vaguly recall seeing a checkbox option that was somthing like remember open apps from last shutdown.  I need these not to open anymore.  Anyone have a clue what I'm looking for?21:56
awesomess3xutl, well...I read the directions for installing skype (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype) and it says to safely use 'sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386' so I have an i3 and used that command and it worked fine....I think I might've had sound issues but I can't be exactly sure.21:57
xutlk1l_: do I need to remove wine ppa already added in system ?21:58
xutlwhats subdirectory incase of wine ?21:58
awesomess3xutl, and plus I don't know if 'sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386' will give you problems after installing wine1.721:59
NoahGCi'm still here anyone know unetloader22:00
awesomess3NoahGC, you mean unetbootin?22:01
xutlhow to change timezone from terminal ? gsettings set com.canonical.indicator.datetime timezone-name 'America/New_York New York' changes its value in db key but not shown as changed in panel or datetime gui. also sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata is changing it in panel but its not shown as specified timezone in datetime gui or its respected db key. gsettings is showing its key but dconf is not showing - why ?22:01
TrinnSome people has many objections about amd radeon graphics and processors. I have APU A3500 with radeon. Isn't the best of the world but is a great hardware for my use. I would like to play some windows games just to testify it..22:01
NoahGCsomehing like that22:02
=== DanaM is now known as BrosephNamath
xutlawesomess3: did dpkg --add-architecture i386 and apt-get update and with update its adding lots of i386 packages22:03
awesomess3xutl, well you can always `dpkg --remove-architecture i386` after installing wine1.722:03
NoahGCcause i'm currently using windows right now at the library i use linux at the office when i use my usb22:04
awesomess3dpkg --print-architecture22:04
NoahGCewww i'm bad lol22:04
awesomess3xutl, it would suck if installing i386 packages would break the amd64/64-bit-packages system22:05
NoahGCi'm currently using puppy linux wanna show my bossman about ubuntu wish i could get kubuntu lol22:05
MeanKittyAny idea why I'm unable to print files/web pages to PDF from browsers, openoffice etc?22:05
MeanKittyThe file just isn't saved anywhere22:05
MeanKittyOr it is but I don't know where22:06
awesomess3MeanKitty, right-click the PDF link and select Download.22:06
awesomess3wait...I probably misread22:06
MeanKittyawesomess3: I can download PDF files I just can't export files to PDF22:07
MeanKittyRestarting didn't help lol22:07
awesomess3MeanKitty, in firefox I can print to a file, which is PDF.22:08
MeanKittyRight, that's exactly what I can't do22:08
MeanKittyPrinting in Chrome and OpenOffice doesn't work either22:08
awesomess3MeanKitty, what version of Ubuntu are you using?22:08
MeanKittyI'm actually using Linux Mint but that's pretty much similar, isn't it? :D22:09
awesomess3which Linux Mint?22:09
MeanKittyThe thing is that it was working ~3 weeks ago22:09
MeanKitty15 (nadia)22:10
awesomess3oh man if it was working and now is not.........sounds complicated ><22:10
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xutlawesomess3: 260mb download taking 652mb space--wine has become one space hungry app22:11
awesomess3xutl, that's insane. but congratulations, you've got wine :)22:12
xutlawesomess3: its equal to ubuntu image....like a seperate OS in itself, lol22:13
MeanKittyAny idea how to check what exactly is wrong with it? The browser/text editor doesn't show any errors, in fact it behaves as if it worked correctly but the file just isn't saved where I want it to be... It doesn't show up in my home directory/desktop/tmp... I'm completely clueless22:13
awesomess3xutl, yeah if wine1.7 came with Ubuntu is would be like 1200 MB lol22:14
guymandudeIs anyone familiar with IRedMail?22:14
xutlMeanKitty: print it to pdf and if there is no select pdf option then it doesn't supportsit22:14
kostkon!mint | MeanKitty22:14
ubottuMeanKitty: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org22:14
xutlawesomess3: 1200 m, lol I remember damn small linux - 40mb lol22:15
MeanKittyubottu: you are probably right lol, thx22:15
ubottuMeanKitty: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:15
xutlno problems, happens all the time22:15
guymandudenanno shazbot!22:15
xutl:) :)22:16
guymandude:) :) :)22:16
xutlhow to change timezone from terminal ? gsettings set com.canonical.indicator.datetime timezone-name 'America/New_York New York' changes its value in db key but not shown as changed in panel or datetime gui. also sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata is changing it in panel but its not shown as specified timezone in datetime gui or its respected db key. gsettings is showing its key but dconf is not showing - why ?22:17
guymandudeIs anyone familiar with IRedMail?22:17
deadmundIs there some command I can give in the terminal that will check an RSS URL and download the attachement from any new entires and call another command with that attachment as input?  I'm willing to write a short bash script if I need to22:18
TrinnGood night for everybody. Thanks for the help.22:24
awesomess3deadmund, wget http://whatever.com/rss_feed.xml && bash parse_entries.sh rss_feed.xml  #create the parse_entries.sh && call the commands as needed...?22:24
snowmaantake it easy22:24
awesomess3see ya Trinn22:24
=== occamsquattro_ is now known as occamsquattro
snowmaanHey guys I'm Alan just got into Linux about a month ago.  Loving it and looking forward to you guys22:25
akiva-thinkpadsnowmaan, nice; is there anything we can help you with?22:25
xutlhow to change timezone from terminal ? gsettings set com.canonical.indicator.datetime timezone-name 'America/New_York New York' changes its value in db key but not shown as changed in panel or datetime gui. also sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata is changing it in panel but its not shown as specified timezone in datetime gui or its respected db key. gsettings is showing its key but dconf is not showing - why ?22:26
snowmaanabout to leave the house for a while, but I'm sure I'll be needing plenty when I'm back! Thanks22:26
Izayaif I install the Wine Windows Program Loader22:30
Izayawill I be able to install iTunes on my Ubuntu 13.10?22:30
willwhme facepalms22:31
willwhIzaya: probably not22:31
IzayaAh, a shame. I have an iPad that I won in a company contest, and sadly it only seems that I can link it to iTunes when I'm running my windows boot22:32
koledathere's no itunes for linux ?22:32
willwhof course not22:32
WulframniTunes is proprietary22:32
xutlIzaya: well, 1st install wine and then see if itunes gets installed or not, I'm installing wine now at this moment22:33
WulframnI used to sync my iPod with Rhythmbox.22:33
yabtzokstill they could make a client22:33
WulframnWay back when...22:33
yabtzokwhen people actually used ipods ;)22:33
Wulframnxutl: iTunes used to not sync through wine.22:33
xutlWulframn: wine is getting updated day by day, maybe or maybe not, let him try and see22:34
Izayawe'll find out one way or another22:34
bluezoneAnyone else love how firefox doesn't go back one page when you press backspace?22:34
koledaabout:config :)22:35
sudormrfhey guys, pretty general question here.  I have btsync running, but rather than type localhost:8888, I would like to type localhost/btsync.  is this easily accomplished by modifying the apache conf file?22:36
tuxnotebookfanhello guys22:37
trismbluezone: http://kb.mozillazine.org/Browser.backspace_action22:37
tuxnotebookfani'm not able to install lubuntu in my acer363022:38
tuxnotebookfansomeone can help me?22:38
tuxnotebookfani've installed but screen appears and disappears22:38
bluezoneMy Warranty is void now!!!22:38
* bluezone giggles22:38
Slyboots_CAn someone help explain why ubuntu seems to be making such a hash of my hostname lookups?22:39
Slyboots_I've added $domain.local to my /etc/network/interfaces file (under domain-search) but its not parsing it correctly22:39
Slyboots_If I do a dns lookup for "hostname" it resolves to "hostname.local" instead of hostname.$domain.local and "an attempt to resolve "hostname.$domain.local" doesnt work at all22:40
deadmundawesomess3: thanks22:41
koledai think theres problem with that $ sign in string ?22:41
Slyboots_$domain is just an example variable22:42
Slyboots_doesnt actually have a $ symbol in it22:42
=== RickyB98 is now known as rickyb98
Slyboots_Lets just say its hostname.example.local then22:42
ScalantorLooking for my VoodooChile ;-)22:43
awesomess3sudormrf, I think 'localhost/btsync' will attempt to go to the server at port 80 with a file called 'btsync'. Perhaps you mean localhost.btsync/?22:43
sudormrfawesomess3, that was just an example.  ideally I would like localhost/btsync to point to localhost:8888.  is this easily accomplished?22:45
awesomess3sudormrf, sudo echo ' localhost/btsync' >> /etc/hosts  #I'm 9% sure this should work.22:47
sudormrfawesomess3, only 9%?22:47
awesomess3sudormrf, sudo echo ' localhost/btsync' >> /etc/hosts  #I'm 9% sure this should work.22:47
xutlawesomess3: your mathematics and its percentage looks kinda messed up lol22:48
* awesomess3 sighs....and then shrugs22:48
xutlhow to change timezone from terminal ? gsettings set com.canonical.indicator.datetime timezone-name 'America/New_York New York' changes its value in db key but not shown as changed in panel or datetime gui. also sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata is changing it in panel but its not shown as specified timezone in datetime gui or its respected db key. gsettings is showing its key but dconf is not showing - why ?22:48
sudormrfawesomess3, did you mean 99%? :D22:49
sudormrfawesomess3, also, do you mean to do both, or just the first one or just the second one?22:49
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awesomess3sudormrf, the second one is better than the first one.  I meant to type :>22:49
sudormrfawesomess3, figured as much.  ok let me try it.22:50
awesomess3sudormrf, please god work :D22:50
sudormrfHAHAHA with your 9% confidence, my confidence is shaky at best :P22:51
awesomess3xutl, sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata #I'm 9% sure22:52
awesomess3I'm just not feelin' it today22:52
k1l_and relogin into giu22:52
xutlawesomess3: tzdata is setting the time in panel but not in its db key and also not in datetime gui22:53
k1l_xutl: did you relogin?22:53
xutlk1l_: no22:53
xutlk1l_: are you sure, relogin would worK ?22:53
awesomess3xutl, try `date`22:53
sudormrfawesomess3, didn't work22:54
awesomess3sudormrf, nnnooooooo22:54
Anonynimityhi. How do I convert a pdf to docx file?22:54
sudormrfand the second one looked better after looking at the hosts file22:54
k1l_xutl: i am quite sure most gui stuff needs relogin22:54
Anonynimityor convert pdf to rtf?22:54
sudormrfawesomess3, any other suggestions?22:55
xutlawesomess3: everything is changeable with gsettings commands except (timezone-name, time in panel and its db key) all three at once k1l_22:55
Slyboots_Hm, right so it seems ubuntu cant handle basic networking22:55
Slyboots_thats ah.. reassuring22:55
xutlk1l_: ok, will try relogin after logging out of freenode22:55
Slyboots_I really dont get why its having so much trouble parsing and handling a search domain, even if I feed it a DHCP address it fails22:56
sudormrfawesomess3, what is what I am trying to accomplish normally referred to as? an alias?22:56
Slyboots_Turning everything into hostname.local instead of hostname.domain.local,  And fails to do lookups on hostname.domain.local either22:56
=== Zachary_DuBois is now known as Tokyo
awesomess3Anonynimity, `pdf2html` and then HTML to DocX: http://search.cpan.org/~amiri/MSWord-ToHTML-0.004/lib/MSWord/ToHTML.pm22:59
awesomess3Anonynimity,  I'm 43% sure this might be doable.22:59
nyli removed my hdd22:59
sudormrfawesomess3, LOLOLOL at the %ages22:59
Slyboots_Anyone any idea or seen this problem before?23:00
nylinserted another hdd, installed another os on that one and after i put my hdd, ubuntu won't boot23:00
Anonynimityawesomess3: is there a way to do this from terminal or cli?23:00
nylit's like grub is gone23:00
nyltried boot repair23:00
nyldoesn't work23:00
awesomess3Anonynimity, the commands I gave you should work under terminal/CLI/shell-level.23:01
clue_hSlyboots_, what does, cat /etc/hostname say?23:01
Slyboots_Just says "Ubuntu" (Which is the machines hostname23:01
Slyboots_clue_h, Why would the machines hostname matter though?23:02
=== resure_ is now known as Guest57356
Guest57356Is that possible to fix top bar fonts in ubuntu 13.10 ambiance theme? http://i.imgur.com/IXd4jN8.png23:02
Anonynimityso if I want one document (eg not split into jpg, etc...) would I use the -s and -c (since there are tables and whatnot)?23:03
daftykinsSlyboots_: i assure you *Linux* can handle networking just fine, however what you're doing is likely missing prerequisites being met23:03
daftykinsSlyboots_: what are you trying to do? ping hostnames on a windows network?23:03
Slyboots_daftykins, well this exact setup is working fine on 2 windows servers, a arch linux machine, a freebsd box and a solaris machine :P23:03
awesomess3sudormrf, I think you can redirect 'localhost/btsync/*' to localhost:8888 with some kind of mod_rewrite command in apache2 configuration.23:03
Slyboots_Ubuntu is the only one having problems23:03
sudormrfawesomess3, that is probably what is going to end upbeing23:03
daftykinsSlyboots_: is it a server install? can you answer my above question also?23:04
Slyboots_daftykins, its not handling search domains correctly and mangling up the FDQN's.  If I do a lookup/ping another machines hostname instead of appearing as "machinename.domain.local" it comes up as "machinename.local"23:04
Slyboots_daftykins, If I try to ping "machinename.domain.local" it wont resolve at all. (Its a ubuntu desktop install)23:05
awesomess3sudormrf, So. you want localhost/btsync/whatever/file.html to go to localhost:8888/whatever/file.html? Or is it OK if localhost:8888/btsync/whatever/file.html goes to localhost:8888/whatever/file.html?23:05
Bashing-omnyl: Did you change the boot priority in bios to that of the drive that has grub installed onto ?23:05
daftykinsSlyboots_: it's querying the correct nameserver to get an appropriate response?23:06
sudormrfawesomess3, basically I want to be able to type http://hostname/btsycn and have it go where it needs to go (which happens to be http://hostname:8888)23:06
Slyboots_daftykins, aye, if shows that it is querying my local DHCP/DNS server (by running nslookup it shows the server IP its asking)23:06
nylBashing-om: yes i did23:07
daftykinsSlyboots_: mm-hmm, trouble with hostnames like you're referring to, they're often more Windowsy in nature, so often a light samba config is needed for some of that i think23:07
Slyboots_Its a linux DHCP/DNS server..23:07
Slyboots_Hm, actualyl hold on. Noticed something a little odd23:08
daftykinso rly?23:08
awesomess3sudormrf, oohh. then just put an index.php in http://hostname/btsync/ && do <? Header('Location:http://localhost:8888') ?> //is that what you want?23:08
Slyboots_if Im using nslookup it works like its supposed to.  machinename.doamin.local resolve correctly23:08
Guest57356anybody using ambiance theme?23:08
Slyboots_but for ping it doesnt23:08
Slyboots_ping also resolves machine.local, but nslookup doesnt23:08
sudormrfawesomess3, not sure.23:09
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daftykinsSlyboots_: machine.local vs. machine.domain.local ? i'm seeing some inconsistency23:09
Slyboots_(machine.local shouldnt resolve to anything as its not a valid search domain)23:09
sudormrfawesomess3, I have an idea that may save me a lot of time.23:09
awesomess3sudormrf, you want the address to stay at http://localhost/btsync/* but really calls http://localhost:8888/*?23:10
sudormrfawesomess3, correct23:10
koledaSlyboots_: i am not sure nor did i check it right now, but i remember ubuntu have special file for nameserver adresses ?23:10
Slyboots_daftykins, Well, for nslookup's its giving the correct results (machine.domain.local)  but ping doesnt, instead returning machine.local23:10
Bashing-omnyl: All I can think to do presently, is verify what hard drive is which, and from the liveDVD (RE-)install grub to the appropriate hard drive, now, I do not do UEFI .23:10
Slyboots_koleda, I think there is /etc/resolv.conf ?23:10
Slyboots_and uh.. /etc/hosts?23:10
daftykins/etc/resolv.conf is kind of deprecated because most modern ubuntus since 12.04 use dnsmasq23:11
koledamaybe something with one of those23:11
awesomess3sudormrf, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9308088/apache-mod-rewrite-internally-to-different-port23:11
=== CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob|Away
Slyboots_koleda, I've already checked they are empty except for entries for the localmachines hostname23:11
sudormrfawesomess3, er...well I don't care if the address changes itself.  just want to only have to type /btsync23:11
sudormrfnot remember port numbers23:11
nylBashing-om: it tells me to create bios boot particion using bios_grub flag23:11
daftykinsSlyboots_: you sure resolv.conf doesn't point to right now?23:11
sudormrfawesomess3, I think I will just add links to the index.html :D23:11
awesomess3sudormrf, lol. that'll do it.23:12
Slyboots_daftykins, very.  its has the IP address for my DNS server under "Nameserver" and the correct search domain under "search"23:12
daftykinsSlyboots_: so you disabled dnsmasq correctly and are bypassing network-manager entirely?23:13
Slyboots_network manager had had all its entries removed, and I Dont think I ever installed dnsmasq23:13
Slyboots_It doesnt show up as being installed in aptitude anyway23:13
Bashing-omnyl: Well, that do indicate to me we are working with the legacy msdos partitioning, good so far. do: -> sudo fdisk -lu | pastbinit <- so I know what we are working with.23:13
daftykinsSlyboots_: i'm trying to tell you it's default since 12.0423:13
daftykinsSlyboots_: i might be thinking of the wrong name - struggling to remember, one sec23:13
Slyboots_The only package that is installed is dnsmasq-base which doesnt seem to be the actual server component23:14
daftykinsSlyboots_: https://www.stgraber.org/2012/02/24/dns-in-ubuntu-12-04/23:14
daftykinshave a gander at that23:14
Slyboots_daftykins, Well I've tried editing the network-manager file to comment out dnsmasq23:17
Bashing-omnyl: did you get my pastebinit request ?23:17
Slyboots_doesnt seem to have made any difference though23:17
nyl_Bashing-om, i'm not getting anything23:18
daftykinsSlyboots_: it'd need a reboot i'm sure at least23:18
nyl_in shell23:18
koledayou must restart /etc/init.d/networking restart23:18
koledaor something23:18
daftykinsSlyboots_: you can't restart networking effectively in Ubuntu23:18
daftykinsyeah, what koleda said doesn't work right anymore afaik23:18
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daftykinsalso, it would be service networking restart23:18
daftykinsnot init scripts23:18
Bashing-omnyl_: Once more:  Well, that do indicate to me we are working with the legacy msdos partitioning, good so far. do: -> sudo fdisk -lu | pastbinit <- so I know what we23:18
Slyboots_OK well I've rebooted the machine anyway (god bless VM's)23:18
Slyboots_Nope, still same behaviour as before23:19
Bashing-omnyl_:  are working with.23:19
nylBashing-om: WARNING: GPT (GUID Partition Table) detected on '/dev/sda'! The util fdisk doesn't support GPT. Use GNU Parted.23:19
sudormrfawesomess3, yep.  it isn't pretty, but it makes it easy.23:20
daftykinsSlyboots_: i'd probably be curious as to what's happening as you run ping, i'd run tcpdump and see what it's querying and what response it's getting23:20
sudormrfnyl, install gdisk23:20
koledawell, i forgot how to use ubuntu, so i can only suggest from memory :D, if i have something on my mind i will type, good luck Slyboots_23:21
Bashing-omnyl: OK, still can deal with that,, GPT partitioning takes a different utility -> sudo apt-get install gdisk <- .23:21
nylBashing-om: sudormrf  installed gdisk23:21
Slyboots_Thanks koleda23:21
awesomess3sudormrf, you can also do a javascript redirect if you don't want to do a manual html link.23:21
sudormrfnyl, gdisk supports gpt23:21
sudormrfawesomess3, eh, what I did works for me.  I will probably fancy up the index page23:22
daftykinsSlyboots_: try specifying in interfaces instead as per - http://askubuntu.com/questions/265811/what-does-mean-dns-seach-option-in-etc-network-interfaces23:22
nylBashing-om: Type device filename, or press <Enter> to exit:23:23
[Gentoo]sudormrf: fdisk does as well23:23
sudormrf[Gentoo], good point :)23:23
Bashing-omnyl: OK .. let's do- 1 at a time for the hard drives -> sudo gdisk -l /dev/sda | pastebinit <-. first.23:23
Slyboots_daftykins, give the machine a static ip?23:23
Bashing-omnyl: exit out and see my last.23:24
daftykinsSlyboots_: hrmm i thought you said you weren't using network-manager23:24
Slyboots_Im not, I have the interface configured in /etc/network/interfaces23:24
NewToUbunhi guys i want to create a partition for ubuntu 13.10 what is the recommandation GB and format? thanks23:25
nylBashing-om: http://pastebin.com/nGZWUskv23:25
Bashing-omnyl: looking at nGZWUskv . brb.23:25
[Gentoo]NewToUbun: how much space have you got?23:25
[Gentoo]NewToUbun: if you know what youll put on the disk you should roughly know23:26
NewToUbunGentoo 343 free in C and 176 Gb free in D23:26
daftykinsSlyboots_: ah this looks fine, i was thinking about /etc/nsswitch.conf earlier - http://www.woofpuppy.com/2012/05/solving-local-dns-resolution-problems.html23:26
[Gentoo]if just for os not much storage then ~20GB23:26
=== xubuntu is now known as Guest49968
Slyboots_daftykins, Mmmm..23:27
daftykinsSlyboots_: i know it's about VPN use but it could be relevant23:27
NewToUbunGentoo am a web developer so its many going to be web site projects folders and a few other software like filezilla and different web browsers23:27
daftykinsSlyboots_: it makes sense because of course nslookup is specifically resolving first, whilst ping is getting its' answer via another method23:27
NewToUbunalso netbeans23:28
[Gentoo]NewToUbun: allocate th whole disk if you want, if you need some of the space after then just shrink the partition23:28
cat_pantsIs "shutdown -h now" deprecated now that Ubuntu has moved to systemd?23:28
Bashing-omnyl: Before I run away from EFI, just to confirm -> sudo parted /dev/sda unit s print | pastebinit <- .23:28
[Gentoo]systemctl poweroff23:28
[Gentoo]is the systemd way23:28
cat_pantsGotcha, thanks for the help!23:28
nylBashing-om: http://pastebin.com/AYCiRGmk23:29
[Gentoo]cat_pants: but commands like shutdown can be linked for compatibility23:29
Slyboots_daftykins, I see where your comming from, I've a good feeling about this one.. seems ot ring true23:29
NewToUbunGentoo am going keep the currect windows OS for the kids and ubuntu going to be for me. I am think maybe 100GB for ubuntu is that too much?23:29
Bashing-omnyl: looking at AYCiRGmk . brb23:29
daftykinsSlyboots_: this also seems appropriate, scroll down to the green tick one - http://askubuntu.com/questions/52001/adding-additional-dns-search-domains-when-using-dhcp23:29
[Gentoo]NewToUbun: its up to you, programs dont take much space23:29
[Gentoo]NewToUbun: like i said you can change it by growing / shrinking partitions23:30
NewToUbunGentoo thanks will give it 50GB if i need more i will add  it to it23:30
awesomess3NewToUbun, I'd go with 87.6GB, and I'd feel 86% confident that should be a good selection.23:30
NoahGChey all i'm back23:31
NewToUbunawesomess3 why the .623:31
Slyboots_daftykins, well.. changing the nssswitch lookup order has... "kinda" fixed things.. ish?23:31
NewToUbunawesomess3 i will just do 90112 MB which is 8823:31
daftykinsSlyboots_: hehe... ?23:31
Slyboots_FQDN lookups (as in hostname.domain.local) now work correctly, but this one machine still shows up as hostname.local)23:31
Bashing-omnyl: Sorry, I really do not have the experience to tell you how to install grub onto a GPT partition. Others will have to take up my slack.23:31
Slyboots_as in I ping hostname.domain.local  and get "hostname.local is 192.168.x.x)23:32
daftykinsSlyboots_: won't that be from what's hardcoded in /etc/hostname / /etc/hosts ?23:32
iamhow do i force a usb device to mount?23:33
iamusing pmount23:33
NoahGChey i need some help23:33
Slyboots_daftykins, nah.. its not the local machine but another one on the network23:33
daftykinsiam: is it a storage drive that's not coming up auto?23:33
daftykins!ask | NoahGC23:33
ubottuNoahGC: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:33
daftykinsSlyboots_: oic - did you see my second link? it shows a graphical way23:33
iamdaftykins, yes23:33
Slyboots_daftykins, Im not using the network manager at all though23:34
NoahGCi'm using puppy linex as a bootable usb wanna switch to ubuntu i have unetbootin23:34
daftykinsiam: use paste.ubuntu.com to share the output of 'sudo fdisk -l' please23:34
NoahGChow do i switch23:34
daftykinsNoahGC: so you want to replace the puppy linux flash drive you're booted up with, with ubuntu? whilst it's booted?23:34
NoahGCi'm currently using windows at the moment23:35
iamdaftykins, http://pastebin.com/juEPSizi23:35
awesomess3iam, do you mean to manually mount the USB partition? Have you tried manually mounting the partition with `pmount`?23:36
Slyboots_Ugh.. Im way too tired23:36
daftykinsNoahGC: yeah re-do the flash drive with universal USB installer from pendrivelinux.com23:36
NoahGCwhat files do i need to delete cause i got files i need to use on the usb23:36
Slyboots_BEen at this for hours, going to call it quits for now23:36
nylBashing-om: trying to reinstall grub xD23:36
Slyboots_daftykins, Big thanks for all your help though :) made some progress :)23:36
plasmahow do i check which driver xorg is using atm23:36
iamawesomess3, i'm not sure how to use pmount, but i think that's basically what i'm trying to do23:36
daftykinsSlyboots_: my pleasure :) i'm afraid sadly things have been changed in ubuntu desktop land to make things 'easier' for more domestic home use that are impacting on real network use23:37
awesomess3NoahGC, copy the files you need from the USB to a good/safe location. run `gparted` and remove the partition, then recreate the partition, then use unetbootin.23:37
kc9iidif you want to just run ubuntu in live mode, burn image to usb drive, if you want to install it to usb drive then run live from dvd and see if you can pick to install it to usb drive during installation.23:37
daftykinsiam: 4GB flash drive? appears to be sdc? what's supposed to be on it?23:37
Slyboots_daftykins, at least its indicating that there is some weird mdns stuff going on my network23:37
iamdaftykins, it's a sony walkman 4gb23:37
nylBashing-om: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7165623/ what ya think, gonna restart and see23:37
Slyboots_Will have to look into that, but again thanks :)23:37
iamdaftykins, Bus 003 Device 008: ID 054c:0689 Sony Corp.23:37
daftykinsiam: do you know the model #?23:37
Bashing-omnyl: be careful and sure, the manner to install grub where has changed from that of the msdos partitining !23:38
Slyboots_Just going to try removinv mdns lookups on ubuntu utterly.. just to see what happens23:38
daftykinsiam: one of the NW-HDx's perhaps?23:38
NoahGCbut i wanna know if there is a way to lilo or grub two live versions23:38
BeldarNoahGC, A multi rom usb?23:38
nyl_Bashing-om, moment of truth :D23:38
Slyboots_ah that just stopped ping working totally23:38
iamdaftykins, NWZB173FB23:39
daftykinsNoahGC: use YUMI from the same website to put multiple ISOs on the same flash drive23:39
NoahGCyeah beldar23:39
Slyboots_Ah, Im off to bed :P23:39
NoahGCwhere can i locate yumi23:39
loooldon't exist23:39
Bashing-omnyl_: OK, but I tell ya now, no going to workie ( I do not think one can mix EFI and MBR booting ).23:39
awesomess3iam, pmount -t vfat /dev/disk/by-id/find-it-here name-here23:39
loooltry apt-get install23:39
awesomess3iam, then:     ls /mount/name-here23:40
awesomess3iam, name-here can be anything23:40
iamawesomess3, what do i put in the name-here?23:40
daftykinsNoahGC: see where i said 'same website' ?23:40
BeldarNoahGC, There are several, I use this one, http://www.pendrivelinux.com/multiboot-create-a-multiboot-usb-from-linux/23:40
nyl_guess gonna have to reinstall ubuntu xD23:40
NoahGCok looks like i need to download it lol23:41
kc9iidnyl_ if you want to just run ubuntu in live mode, burn image to usb drive, if you want to install it to usb drive then run live from dvd and see if you can pick to install it to usb drive during installation.23:41
nyl_Bashing-om, i will never put someone elses hdd inside my laptop23:41
NoahGCit's standalone right23:41
awesomess3nyl_, that's what she said23:41
Bashing-omnyl_: naw, on the RE-install .. the booting is fixable, I just do not have the experience to know how, If no one here pops up, register on ubuntuforums.org and serach there.23:41
iamawesomess3, Error: device /dev/disk/by-id/054c:0689 does not exist23:41
iami don'23:42
iamt think i did that correctly23:42
awesomess3iam, are you sure that's the complete path?  maybe try:  file /dev/disk/by-id/whatever23:42
iamawesomess3, how do i find the correct path?23:42
daftykinsiam: type a few characters then try tab complete23:43
Bashing-omnyl_:  all in the process of learning.. used to be what was that is no longer .. we could do that and no harm. Welcome to the new world.23:43
awesomess3iam, use tab completion and select the one that says something like:   /dev/disk/by-id/usb-SanDisk_Cruzer_2006087680160C61004A-0:0-part123:43
nyl_Bashing-om, was using ubuntu 14.04 daily build so now gonna put the beta 2 :p23:44
iamawesomess3, :O i think it worked23:44
Jordan_Unyl_: What happens currently when you try to boot?23:44
nyl_Jordan_U, reboot and select proper boot device23:45
NoahGCdownloaded yumi now gotta wait til i get to my workplace tomorrow currently using library comps able to download but can run outside apps lol23:45
Bashing-omnyl_: As there is no loss in data, a (RE-)install will be faster .. but, we learn nothing about the boot process by re-installing !23:45
iamawesomess3, :OOOO it shows up in my file viewer now23:45
iamawesomess3, thank you for the help :)23:45
NoahGCgee this will be fun tomorrow lol23:46
awesomess3iam, I'm glad we got here :-)23:46
daftykinsawesomess3: would you mind explaining to me the situation behind that one? i find it odd the device is kinda 'lying' to fdisk23:47
Jordan_Unyl_: You may have a buggy BIOS that treats drives without a primary partition marked "active" as unbootable.23:47
nyl_Jordan_U, you are right about that :)23:47
Jordan_Unyl_: Try marking the protective partition "active" with fdisk.23:48
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Bashing-omJordan_U: nyl_ I am in a learning mode.23:49
pootietanghey guys, Im having a problem configuring a self-signed certificate using openssl with apache. I'm running it on a local network server and I don't have a valid Common Name and I read that I can't use the IP address of the server, so which name can I use?23:50
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awesomess3daftykins, yeah the fdisk -l for reading /dev/sdc* does look curious because it doesn't show as a FAT32 system.  Am I looking at the right device on fdisk -l?23:51
Jordan_Unyl_: "sudo fdisk /dev/sda" , then "a", then "1", then "p" and pastebin the output. If the output looks correct we'll "w" to write the change to disk. You can ignore the warning about GPT as for this we really do want to edit the msdos label.23:51
daftykinsawesomess3: it's my best guess anyway23:51
daftykinsawesomess3: i doubt he had any other 4GB devices in at the time :)23:52
pootietanghere's what I get from the error log: [Thu Mar 27 14:56:04 2014] [warn] RSA server certificate CommonName (CN) `ubuntu' does NOT match server name!?23:52
C1t1Z3nHello, I have an old laptop with 3GB of RAM, P8700 Core 2 Duo @ 2.53Ghz and Intel GMA series 4. Will 14.04 be OK on this system?23:55
awesomess3pootietang, echo ' whatever' >> /etc/hosts ; wget http://whatever/ # now check log?23:55
daftykinspootietang: so you've done what, bought an SSL cert for your own server?23:55
awesomess3C1t1Z3n, I'm 98% sure 14.04 will work fine on that machine. However I'd prefer xubuntu, kubuntu, gnome ubuntu, or lubuntu.23:56
pootietangawesomeness3: thx I tried but since apache is down I get a connection refused23:57
nyl_awesomess3, i prefer anything that doesn't have unity xD23:57
awesomess3nyl_, exactly :)))23:57
C1t1Z3nawesomess3, is/will be gnome ubuntu equally stable as normal ubuntu? I do not care about bells and whistle but 10.04 has started to show its age these last 6 months...23:57
pootietangdaftykins: I ejust want to set up a self-signed certificate on a local box23:58
C1t1Z3n(btw, thanks for the answer)23:58
Jordan_Unyl_: Are you still working on getting that output?23:58
xar-C1t1Z3n: I suggest taking a hard look at Mint MATE desktop.23:58
nyl_Jordan_U, i f..ked it bad23:58
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awesomess3C1t1Z3n, I'm 98% sure gnome ubuntu would be as an equal to normal/unity ubuntu. But I'm only 5% sure of that 98%.23:59
xar-C1t1Z3n: http://mate-desktop.org/ The MATE Desktop Environment is the continuation of GNOME 2.23:59
daftykinspootietang: should work fine as long as you add an exception in your browser or whatever you're doing to make use of it23:59

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