
RFlemingI've been using 14.04 b1 for a while now00:06
RFlemingawesome stuff btw00:06
RFlemingthis past week it's gone wonky00:07
RFlemingApplications Menu icon changes00:07
RFlemingicon themes don't apply on session start00:07
RFlemingwallpapers have disappeared00:07
RFlemingI logged in and had the ubuntu logo instead of the new xfce4 icon00:08
RFlemingI change my icon settings and its fine00:08
RFlemingthe other day it was the old school xfce icon00:08
RFlemingit's little niggly things that I have no clue how to report :)00:08
Unit193Sounds like the Xfce session, plus a weird artwork update and this is a fresh install I presume00:09
RFlemingnot fresh fresh... end of Feb00:09
RFlemingI only have the old xfce wallpaper available now... pale blue with black X and mouse00:10
RFlemingwas looking in 'xfce', had to manually point back to /usr/share/xfce4/backdrops00:10
Unit193RFleming: dkpg -L xubuntu-wallpapers00:10
RFlemingYou wish for the output?00:11
Unit193Shouldn't need it, should be more or less full.00:11
RFlemingshows usr/share/xfce4/backdrops/xubuntu-{saucy, quantal, raring}.png plus the docs and default xubuntu-wallpaper.png00:12
RFlemingyeah, that's identical00:13
RFlemingI even went so far as to reinstall artwork, wallpaper and a couple of other cosmetic packages00:13
RFlemingI renamed my ~/.config/xfce4 folder as well and let xfce create a new one.00:14
RFlemingright now the text for my icons has a light box with rounded borders and dark text.   The moment I go into settings and change the style to Greybird (which is already selected) they change back.  The next time I log in, it's back to as I described00:16
RFlemingkinda like Adwaita is applied, but it shows Greybird00:18
RFlemingpanel colours all match Greybird00:18
Unit193RFleming: Well part of that is a known bug, and you are logging into the Xubuntu session, right?00:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1270261 in xfdesktop4 (Ubuntu) "Desktop items have background" [Medium,Triaged]00:47
RFlemingI don't use sessions00:49
Unit193Ah, so it is the Xfce one then.00:49
RFlemingsorry, was in #ubuntu helping out00:49
RFlemingcall me crazy, but I like clean slates on log on :)00:51
Unit193No, this is the lightdm session, top right button.00:51
Unit193How you decide if you want Xfce, Xubuntu, Openbox, or whatever else is installed.00:52
RFlemingI don't change it00:52
RFleminglast time I checked it was xubuntu00:52
RFlemingUnit193, alright, I'm gonna log out and verify I'm indeed using the xubuntu session01:03
RFlemingUnit193, yeah, am using the Xubuntu session01:07
RFlemingSo Unit193, eventually these little niggles should sort themselves out?02:07
RFlemingI'm not caring much... it's why beta is beta, just curious :)02:07
Unit193RFleming: I'm not seeing them. >_>02:07
RFlemingI'll see later in April with the RC comes out02:08
RFlemingis the 17th still the go day?02:08
Unit193Still is.02:08
RFleminglooks like it got pushed02:10
RFlemingor not02:10
RFlemingwiki shows 24th as 14.04 final release02:10
RFlemingbut the actual release sched says 1702:10
RFlemingI'll keep my mouth shut now :)02:11
Unit193What wiki?02:11
RFlemingother project schedules02:11
Unit193Ah, just making sure it's not the Xubuntu wiki.02:12
RFlemingmy bad02:13
RFlemingI should read twice before speaking02:13
RFlemingI'm wondering if my constant use of dist-upgrade is one of the reasons my appearance has gone a little messy02:15
Unit193I only ever use that.02:16
RFlemingwas just a thought :)02:16
RFleminghow would I go about re-initializing the Xubuntu session?02:17
Unit193Generally, nuke ~/.config/xfce4/ or ~/.config/02:17
RFlemingI could try nuking the entire .config folder02:18
RFlemingI just nuked ~/.config/xfce402:18
RFleming... well just rename it, just in case :)02:18
Unit193Try to make sure and do it when you aren't logged in to the X session.02:18
RFlemingI usually do.02:19
RFlemingwell, lemme give it a shot02:19
RFlemingUnit193, http://imagebin.org/30202902:25
RFlemingno go02:25
RFlemingfresh .config02:25
RFlemingI logged out, stopped lightdm, moved ~/.config, restarted lightdm and logged in02:26
Unit193Did you Already change back to applicationsmenu from whisker?02:26
RFlemingyeah, I got rid of whisker02:27
RFlemingbut whisker is back here02:27
Unit193Ah, ok, didn't look the same.02:27
RFlemingthis screencap doesn't show whisker, but that's the default menu02:28
RFlemingOnce I click off greybird and reclick it, icon text then looks like this: http://imagebin.org/30203002:32
Unit193Yeah, that's the aforementioned bug.02:33
RFlemingalright, I can live with that then02:33
RFlemingThat bug may affect other parts as well.02:34
RFlemingexamples.  The Whisker Menu properties show the icon you see in those screencaps02:35
RFlemingbut sometimes on log on, the actual icon will be the old X Mouse, or the orange ubuntu logo02:35
RFlemingclicking on the icon in whisker menu properties, and then OK, the panel will then show the right icon02:36
RFlemingand I have no clue why the xfce4 is no longer looking in /usr/share/xfce4/backdrops for wallpaper any longer02:37
RFlemingthose three cosmetic things have been my ONLY issues with 14.0402:37
RFleming(it looks for wallpapers in /usr/share/backgrounds/xfce)02:38
RFlemingUnit193, curious question.  If I wanted to file a bug, what version would I say I'm running?  I installed beta1, but ran dist-upgrade as of 10 minutes ago03:01
Unit193Xubuntu 14.04, if it's not a test against a daily ISO saying that it's up to date is what matters.03:02
Unit193The system should report when you installed it.03:02
RFlemingIs there a how-to on using launchpad? :)03:07
Unit193!bugs | :D03:09
ubottu:D: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.03:09
elfyknome: I'm cool with marking the images ready - ~20 for each arch done07:43
elfyalso will the blog page be the url it is now - though it will need finishing off07:44
elfyif so I'll tell infinity, then we can forget about it 07:44
elfythat is http://xubuntu.org/news/xubuntu-14-04-final-beta/07:46
elfyochosi: in -release re the keyboard issue - "<infinity> We'll definitely need to make sure someone prioritized that one post-beta."08:31
elfybug now assigned to ubuntu desktop team08:40
starratsgood morning everyone!  My frozen cursor problem might have been repaired by this command I found on an ubuntu page yesterday.  So Just in case someone else comes to you for assistance with this problem, here is the command I used yesterday and have had 3 good restarts and this morning Weather for Kent, OH | Temperature: 21°F / -6°C (Wind Chill: 16°F / -9°C); Humidity: 67%; Pressure: 30.20in /10:27
starrats102.3kPa;        │10:27
starrats                      | Conditions: Scattered clouds; Wind: Ese, 4mph / 6kph; Updated: 19 mins, 57 secs ago | Forecast for Thursday: Chance of rain; High of     │10:27
starrats                      | 48°F / 9°C; Low of 45°F / 7°C | Forecast for Friday: Rain showers; High of 48°F / 9°C; Low of 30°F / -1°C |when i turned on the comp 10:27
starratssorry that was not to happen10:28
starratsthe command is this 'sudo apt-get install --reinstall xubuntu-desktop10:29
starratsthe weather crap should not have happened, 10:29
CyborgCygnusOh my god, swearing, like disgusting.10:29
starratsso very sorry folks10:29
CyborgCygnusJust pulling your leg10:30
ochosielfy: that sounds like progress. (let's hope it is)11:05
elfyochosi: I hope so :)11:14
starratsI hope so too!  :)11:24
brainwashwhat? :)11:30
ochosibrainwash: when i asked you about the xfdesktop patch yesterday the idea was that you could test it, so yeah, it's ready for testing11:43
CyborgCygnusochosi, What does that patch fix?11:43
brainwashochosi: but it basically reverts the previous commit11:47
brainwashso I am curious11:47
brainwashis there more to expect11:48
ochosinot really11:49
ochosiit reloads the iconview instead of destroying it11:49
ochosiCyborgCygnus: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfdesktop4/+bug/127026111:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1270261 in xfdesktop4 (Ubuntu) "Desktop items have background" [Medium,Triaged]11:49
brainwashochosi: ok, you should also add a comment to the upstream report then11:52
brainwashI did not start my test system yet to verify that it works like expected11:53
brainwashochosi: I remember that you've asked about the default DPI value like 1 month ago11:54
brainwashand now got this report here bug 129789311:54
ubottubug 1297893 in xfce4-settings (Ubuntu) "Giant text and (some) giant icons" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129789311:54
brainwashit appears to me that the user "messed up", the default is to override the DPI value (96 DPI), or?11:55
elfyknome: marked our images as ready now12:01
AussieDownUnderJust checking out the install screen on the xubuntu daily. Good work, so polished that I can see my reflection.13:03
AussieDownUnderNice it even auto picks an Australia server to download from rather then default ubuntu one.13:18
brainwashnice, we got 3 patches for xfdesktop16:04
brainwashwhich means that 3 more bug reports can be closed soon16:05
elfyalways good16:06
brainwashdo we want to fix this? bug 127186116:11
ubottubug 1271861 in thunar (Ubuntu) ""Open with 'default app'" in right click context menu with wrong icon" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/127186116:11
brainwashto improve the overall experience16:12
brainwashelfy: any ibus news?16:22
elfyonly that canonical desktop team are involved in it now16:24
elfyand someone is looking 16:24
brainwashali1234: hey, can you check if xfdesktop really leaks memory?16:29
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 10759 in General "xfdesktop leaking memory on wallpaper change (ubuntu 14.04 with xfce)" [Normal,New]16:29
ochosibrainwash: not sure what happens there with the DPI. that should work ootb16:38
ochosiand wrt xfdesktop patch, i think that eric plans to push that if it works for >1 testers16:39
brainwashalready pushed.. like 45min ago16:39
ochosiah ok16:39
ochosigood good16:39
ochosione thing less to worry about then16:40
brainwashnow we need to package this stuff16:40
brainwashless glitches to complain about :)16:41
ochosiyeah, that is not my department :)16:41
ochosi(packaging i mean)16:42
ali1234brainwash: i tried but i could only reproduce it once17:24
ali1234i could not get a proper valgrind dump because whatever it leaks it de-allocates immediately on exit17:25
ali1234i have seen this kind of behaviour before17:25
ali1234anyway i needed to get xfdesktop compiled with debug symbols, and when i built it from git i could not reproduce17:25
ali1234i used a set of scripts tat change the background every 3 seconds17:26
ali1234i managed to make it leak about 3.5GB17:26
ali1234but only with the distro package. git version should be identical but it does not leak17:26
ochosimaybe it's the accountsservice patch17:27
ali1234i bet that's what it is :)17:27
ochosiwe've been carrying that for a while, so far nobody complained17:28
ali1234i always forget distro-patches17:28
ochosii have to mention that i didn't write it, just update it for 4.1117:28
ali1234well most people don't change wallpaper every 3 seconds17:28
ali1234i'll look at that17:28
ali1234const gchar *user_name never gets unref'd/freed17:30
ali1234that's only two bytes per change though17:30
ali1234(in my case)17:30
ali1234bet there's more17:31
brainwashonly tested the git version, I'll check my daily ppa one now17:32
brainwashwhich includes the debian/ubuntu patches17:32
ali1234documentation does not specify whether it is supposed to be freed or not17:32
ali1234i wonder if the return from that xfce_ func should be freed...17:34
ali1234wwell i guess i aply this patch, build, and run valgrind again17:35
ali1234okay, test is running17:39
ali1234yep, it's rising18:30
ali1234we should really fix more memory leaks18:31
ali1234i'm tired of reading blogs saying xfce uses as much memory as gnome18:32
brainwashXubuntu is evil, it eats your memory18:33
ali1234it does though18:36
knomeelfy, thanks for taking care; i probably should have mentioned i was going to be away the whole day18:56
elfyknome: welcome - they just need fiddling with for links is all I think18:57
knomethey? :)18:57
elfyit 18:58
elfywiki should be ok 18:58
starratsI have a question.  Currently 14.04 is at the kernel Generic, when will the next upgrade to the kernel?18:59
elfyno idea - I don't follow that 19:01
starratsah okay19:01
starratswould anyone?19:01
elfyI expect so - but as I don't follow it - I don't know that either :)19:02
elfythough the kernel team meets in -meeting regularly and the logs get posted19:02
slickymasterstarrats: take a ook at this: http://voices.canonical.com/kernelte...march-25-2014/19:02
knomethat's not a full url19:03
knome#startmeeting Xubuntu community meeting19:03
meetingologyMeeting started Thu Mar 27 19:03:26 2014 UTC.  The chair is knome. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.19:03
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick19:03
slickymasteryeah, starrats http://voices.canonical.com/kernelteam/2014/03/25/kernel-team-meeting-minutes-march-25-2014/19:03
knomewho's here for the meeting, and would somebody other than me willing to chair?19:03
elfyI'm here - but in and out a bit 19:04
slickymastero/ just for the meeting19:04
elfyand I can't drive the bot either19:05
knomeanybody else here for the meeting, or should we skip to next week?19:05
knomewe don't seem to have any pushing issues, and as b2 is out today, not much we can do about that either19:06
elfyI'd guess people look at the calendar to see if there is one - it's missing for today19:06
slickymasterapparently just us three :P19:06
knome!team | meeting time19:07
ubottumeeting time: bluesabre, elfy, GridCube, jjfrv8, knome, lderan, micahg, mr_pouit, Noskcaj, ochosi, pleia2, skellat, slickymaster, Unit19319:07
knomehey pleia219:07
slickymasterelfy: blame Unit193 for that19:07
slickymasterhe's the one who usually adds it to the calendar19:07
elfyapparently I could - but I don't know where to so ... 19:08
knome"what do you mean it's not on the calendar"19:08
* elfy has screenshot 19:08
elfyfor Justin :p19:08
knomeso... do we have something to discuss?19:08
elfyI cna bring you up to date on ibus19:08
elfyand ask a question19:08
slickymasterthe tour page, knome ?19:09
elfyand bitterly complain about something :p19:09
knomelet's do this first19:09
knome#topic Team updates19:09
elfy#info elfy images got tested ~50 times19:09
knomeelfy, you happy with that?19:10
elfy#info elfy no upgrade testing done19:10
knomeoh boo19:10
elfyI was indeed happy with that - though it'd have been nice to have more done by -team19:10
knomeelfy, let's try to concentrate on that with the dailies before RC19:10
pleia2I am sure I had updates19:10
knomeme too, but i've forgot most19:10
knome#done knome did things that are marked as "done" in the blueprints19:10
knome#done knome updated the website content + some page looks19:11
elfy#info elfy ibus keyboard issue this has been picked up by someone from Canoncial Desktop Team19:11
elfywhich is good 19:11
pleia2#done pleia2 completed website-related updates on /Xubuntu/Processes19:11
knome#done knome and pleia2 worked to get the G+ group owner issue resolved19:11
knome#done knome and ochosi worked on the wallpaper during the last two weeks, producing many blue variants19:11
pleia2#done knome and pleia2 updated system requirements and added a new page at http://xubuntu.org/getxubuntu/requirements/19:11
starratsokay thanks19:11
elfy#action xubuntu-qa Push upgrade testing, slow down on daily testing19:12
meetingologyACTION: xubuntu-qa Push upgrade testing, slow down on daily testing19:12
knomeelfy, except daily upgrade testing? ;)19:12
knome#nick xubuntu-qa19:12
elfyit'll make sense when I post to the list ;)19:12
knome#info many bugs were looked at and some have patches queued19:12
elfyquestion - what are we doing for RC - anything specific? or will it just be a 'day' 19:13
knome#info if there is any bug at http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-t/group/topic-t-flavor-xubuntu.html you are working on, but is not assigned to you, please do that ASAP19:13
elfythere won't be a milestone from what I can see19:14
knomeelfy, obviously, i expect us to have "all" of the bugfixes and last features uploaded19:14
knomeso some "final" testing19:14
elfyok 19:14
knometo make sure everything is in place19:14
knomeprobably some exploratory testing19:14
knomeand thinking outside the box19:14
knomemaking sure we don't have anything weird19:14
elfyqa blueprint at 100% then :)19:14
slickymasterkudos on that elfy 19:15
knomeshould be anything at 100% at RC...19:15
knomeexcept maybe marketing19:15
knomewhich doesn't really have release-critical stuff19:15
elfyand possibly bugs19:15
knomewell i'd hope it's at 100%19:16
knomeit won't be19:16
knomebut that's the goal...19:16
knomeif it's not, make sure we document those issues clearly for the release notes19:16
knome(those we think are worth mentioning)19:16
elfyyep - that makes sense19:16
knome#topic Other business19:16
knomeso anything else19:16
elfynot from me19:16
knomeelfy, want to do the update on ibus?19:17
elfyI did ... 19:17
knome(i read the backlogs before i started the meeting, so i know where we're at)19:17
knomei noticed, was thinking if you wanted something more ;)19:17
elfynope - just wanted to mention that it was assigned now 19:17
knomeelfy, did you know what the IRC nick for the person who should know what's up is?19:17
knomeor are they on IRC?19:18
elfyibus? 19:18
knomei noticed somebody specified a name19:18
elfyhappyaron I believe19:18
elfyyep - that's the guy19:19
knomewill you be in touch with him?19:19
elfywell - I will be in the channel when I can be - I'll try and at least let him know who I am 19:19
elfyso he can ping me if necessary19:19
knomeyeah, that would be good19:19
elfy#action Elfy contact happyaron at least prior to meeting 3/4 19:20
meetingologyACTION: Elfy contact happyaron at least prior to meeting 3/419:20
knomeand great for expecting the next meeting date ;)19:20
knomeanything else?19:20
elfyha ha ha 19:20
knomepleia2, slickymaster ?19:21
slickymasternothing from me19:21
knomeslickymaster, everything ok with slideshow translations now?19:21
slickymasterwith pt_PT yes19:21
knomeheh, well i meant generally19:21
slickymasterdo we have any kind of feedback on the call knome ?19:21
knomebut ok, i suppose it's ok19:21
knomesome people told they translated the slideshow19:22
knomeand asked about the "thanks for installing xubuntu with us" sentence19:22
knomei've replied that though19:22
knomeand i guess, for the record19:22
slickymasteryeah I saw that on the -devel ML19:22
elfyit does look a bit corny I guess 19:23
pleia2I'm good19:24
knome#info Translators reading the meeting minutes and not being sure, it is okay to do free translations on the slideshow and modify the text a bit to make it sound good in the destination langauge; as long as the technical bits are as they were in the english translation and the message generally reads the same, we're fine19:24
slickymasterhttps://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/trusty/+source/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/+pots/ubiquity-slideshow-xubuntu shows that not much has been done 19:24
knomesix complete translations!19:25
knomegerman seems to be coming up19:25
slickymasterand most of them with 0% translated19:26
elfyI can do AU .. 19:26
knomeelfy, oh "yay" ;)19:26
knomewhen christoffer comes online, tell him to do swedish19:26
pleia2do they say flavour too?19:26
slickymasterGridCube could finish the spanish one19:26
knomeand pleia2 can obviously do mongolian and uzbek19:26
elfypleia2: I hope so - it is the correct spelling after all :p19:26
knome#topic Next meeting19:27
knomewe okay with this time next week?19:27
elfyI am 19:28
slickymasterfine with me19:28
elfyand we've got ibus on the calendar for the same time too19:28
knome#info Next meeting: Thu 3 Apr, 19 UTC @ #xubuntu-devel19:28
knomemeeting is up in the calehdar.19:28
elfyit's on the calendar for 6pm UTC ... 19:28
knomecalendar too.19:28
* elfy takes screenshot 19:29
knomeit's updated now19:29
knomestupid DST19:29
knomenot really, more in the timezones :P19:29
knomeand DST weirdnesses19:29
meetingologyMeeting ended Thu Mar 27 19:29:43 2014 UTC.  19:29
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/xubuntu-devel/2014/xubuntu-devel.2014-03-27-19.03.moin.txt19:29
pleia2thanks knome 19:29
knome3 weeks to release!19:29
elfyI'm fine till sunday then it will all go wrong for me and the clock ... 19:30
pleia2what's the deal with the wallpapers anyway?19:30
elfyknome: roll on 3 weeks tomorrow19:30
pleia2xfce, debian19:30
pleia2we're all off brand!19:30
elfypleia2: yea :)19:30
knomewill be looking at those problems when we are uploading the new wallpaper19:30
knomethe bot is weird today19:32
knomenot getting all action items19:32
brainwashdebian and default Xfce wallpaper... back to the roots!19:32
elfyhi micahg-work 19:32
micahg-worksorry, lost track of time19:32
elfyjust so you know - the ibus issue has been picked up by someone in Canonical Desktop Team19:33
knomewell, we are kind of going back to the roots with our new wallpaper19:34
* knome gives teasers19:34
knomemeeting minutes up.19:35
knomeelfy,     IBus issue update (elfy) 19:35
knomeelfy, on the agenda19:35
knomeelfy, remove if you wish. :P19:35
knomebut we will want the update anyway19:36
elfyyea - leave it on there it's fine 19:36
knomeslickymaster, want to discuss the tour page?19:36
knomewe can even pester pleia2 with it!19:37
pleia2team report updated19:37
* knome bows19:38
knometeam reporting that happens during the week with similar bot commands would be awesome.19:38
knomethen we could poke the bot to spit them out during the meeting to get them in the minutes19:38
knomeand we could also make the bot output them in a monthly view19:39
pleia2but copy/paste from meeting is easy enough, I'm not so worried19:39
knomeyeah, but things are forgotten19:39
knomeand everybody can't be around19:39
knomeif they could do it when they are on IRC and finished the stuff, we'd have a better report19:39
pleia2knome: I made this for you https://bugs.launchpad.net/xubuntu-website/+bug/1298564 <319:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1298564 in Xubuntu Website "Unable to navigate FAQ archive" [High,New]19:39
* pleia2 is not very good at gifts19:40
knomemarked it "incomplete"19:40
* elfy knows that 19:40
knomewell it's triaged now...19:40
ali1234are you gonna fix all the "sex" screenshots?19:40
knomeali1234, for trusty.19:41
ali1234people are noticing it19:41
ali1234i guess it's publicity lol19:41
knomei've noticed they are noticing19:41
pleia2what are we noticing?19:41
knomealso, i'm wondering why adult men go to giggling little girls19:41
ali1234http://xubuntu.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/desktop.png <- look at the clock19:42
knomepleia2, sex in the screenshot.19:42
knomepleia2, as literally as you can take that...19:42
* pleia2 eyeroll19:42
brainwashwe should pixelate it19:43
knomei think we should just forget about it19:43
pleia2what is it? different language translation of something?19:43
knome"ihihihiihihihi, a screenshot says 'sex'"19:43
knomeso what?19:43
ali1234yeah, portuguese19:43
knomepleia2, portuguese for "Fri"19:43
pleia2that's what I thought19:43
pleia2people need to grow up :)19:43
ali1234turns out in portuguese the days don't actually have names19:44
ali1234it's just "first day", "second day" etc19:44
knomewe should make sure we do the new screenshots for 14.04 in english, but for now, just dismiss...19:44
pleia2ah, so sixth day, sexta-feira19:44
knomei'm actually "waiting" when we have a bug report about that19:44
pleia2knome: +119:44
ali1234i can make one if you like :)19:44
knomeali1234, no, i really don't...19:45
knomeali1234, i was being highly sarcastic19:45
pleia2knome: when we upload wallpaper?19:45
pleia2I need to take flavor screenshots for a book19:45
knomepleia2, i can be in touch with you as soon as it is ready19:45
knomepleia2, but i hope we will have a UIFe bug at latest on monday19:45
micahg-work6 babies born at once are sextuplets...19:45
knomeso, the screenshot would be finished during the weekend19:46
knomedoes that work with your schedule?19:46
pleia2should be fine19:46
knomeok, ping me if the schedule seems to get too tight19:46
ali1234Noskcaj: i know there's loads of thunar crash bug on LP, i can see them all through errors.ubuntu.com, but they're not useful at all19:46
pleia2I need to chase down other flavors to see if their desktops are done, but tired19:46
knomewe can give you something nobody notices19:46
knomeerr, i mean19:46
knomesomething that will be so close to the final one nobody notices19:46
pleia2it's printed in black and white anyway :)19:47
knomewe've been throwing around just color variations(!) lately19:47
Noskcajali1234, ok.19:47
knomewhich all have a different shade of blue in one spot basically...19:47
* pleia2 nods19:47
* knome shakes head at artists...19:47
ali1234Noskcaj: i would advice not making them public, because they very often contain filenames etc19:47
pleia2knome: haha19:48
* pleia2 back2work19:48
knomei'm off to eat something19:48
knomewill be back after that19:48
elfyknome: you has mail 19:50
elfythat can definitely wait till you've eaten :)19:51
brainwashNoskcaj: we can close 3 lp reports by packaging xfdesktop git head19:52
Noskcajbrainwash, 1. Regression potential? 2. Can upstream just release the next version then?19:52
brainwash1. tested by ochosi and me 2. maybe19:53
brainwashbut that would be a quick next point release19:53
brainwash4.11.4 is only 9 days old19:55
ali1234hmm i am confused. xfdesktop is using 1.5g resident but valgrind does not see it19:55
brainwashand we need to fix the mem leak (not upstream)19:56
brainwashNoskcaj: is is ok to generate the patches from the according git commits and just add them to quilt?19:57
Noskcajprobably, but if i can make a tarball it's probably easier to do it like that19:58
brainwashwe got the same problem with abiword19:59
NoskcajI really wish we were on abiword 2.x.x or libreoffice20:00
brainwashbut it seems so easy, pick the stable patches and release an upgraded package20:02
brainwashbut there is also debian20:02
brainwashand things need to be kept in sync somehow20:02
knomeelfy, we have the wallpaper landing, which should affect *some* 13.10 -> 14.04 upgrades.20:02
ochosisorry for missing the meeting earlier20:03
ochosisomething unforeseen came up..20:03
knomeelfy, basically, everybody who is still using the default wallpaper from the default location should get updated the new wallpaper20:03
ochosiread the backlog though20:03
knomeelfy, then, i would also consult elfy and micahg to make sure the upgrades *should* end up with the components we want20:04
micahg-workNoskcaj, FWIW, I'd rather have a tagged release + patches than a new tarball of a snapshot, but that's just me, that keeps the tarball and the package  reproducible20:04
micahg-workit also depends how many patches20:04
Noskcajmicahg-work, I'm starting to agree, since it's always a pain to make xfce git into a working tarball20:04
ochosimicahg-work: btw, we got +1 from gilir on the light-locker FFe20:05
micahg-workochosi, ok, I can upload tonight then20:05
micahg-workNoskcaj, git format-patch might be useful20:05
ochosimicahg-work: great!20:05
knomemicahg-work, what is "tonight" in UTC time?20:05
micahg-workhaha, 01:00 UTC or later20:05
knomeare you up for doing other uploads?20:06
ochosimicahg-work: there are a few more things we're considering to fix that might need uploads, specifically we're considering to fix inconsistencies in xfce4-session and xfce4-power-manager20:06
knomei will of course make sure we have the exceptions where needed.20:06
micahg-workknome, depends how easy they are :)20:06
brainwashNoskcaj: lp numbers 1270261 1272057 128222720:06
micahg-workgive me a list and I'll see what I can do20:06
micahg-workochosi, sounds good20:06
knomemicahg-work, update the wallpaper in all places, so generally easy (copy -default to -saucy, copy new to -default)20:06
Noskcajok, thanks. Is that all 4 git commits?20:07
knomemicahg-work, i have no idea if we will make it, but *if*...20:07
micahg-workknome, UIFe (docs with old wallpaper)20:07
ochosii think the wallpaper is in xubuntu-artwork, so i can push it there and make the changes20:07
brainwashNoskcaj: 3 commits, 1 commit is not related to any lp report20:07
ochosiplus update the changelog20:07
knomemicahg-work, it is under UIFe yes, but i will make sure we have that.20:07
knomeochosi, is it in -artwork for all the packages?20:07
ochosii think so20:07
micahg-workknome, ok, FTR, that's our docs team signing off if it's only seeded by is20:07
knomeplymouth, greeter, desktop20:07
knomemicahg-work, yes, i'll sign that off for our docs team20:08
knomewe don't have the wallpaper anywhere though20:08
ochosiknome: yeah, iirc we set it up so that it only has to be changed in one place20:08
knomethe installer slideshow is an arbitrary blue image...20:08
knomeochosi, that's very wise of us ;)20:08
elfyknome: that doesn't make sense ... "elfy, then, i would also consult elfy and micahg to make sure the upgrades *should* end up with the components we want"20:09
knomeelfy, err, ochosi and micahg :P20:09
knomeelfy, does it still not make sense?20:09
elfyok - I thought so - just wanted to make sure of that 20:09
elfyknome: though will that not be what's on the release notes?20:12
knomeelfy, what?20:13
elfyend up with the components we want20:13
knomewell yes, if there is some technical issues we can't overcome20:14
knomebut at the moment, i'm not sure we've done everything we can20:14
knome..does that make sense?20:14
ochosimicahg-work: hm, why don't we have a branch for saucy of xubuntu-default-settings?20:15
micahg-workno idea, probably because no one pushed one after release20:15
micahg-workyou need it now?20:15
ochosiwell it would be good/consistent to have20:15
ochosii actually wanted to compare some default settings20:16
micahg-worksigh, that's not right, give me a minute20:18
elfyknome: images are up - blog is updated to have that - all ready to publish 20:21
micahg-workochosi, FWIW, you have all the history in the trunk branch as there haven't been any updates in saucy20:22
knomeelfy, thanks20:22
knomepleia2, do you happen, by any means, have a sec to check the blog?20:22
elfyI don't think there are any glaring errors - but a set of eyes will be good :)20:22
ochosimicahg-work: thanks! it's just a matter of consistency/habit to me. we do the same thing in most of our other branches as well (at least in -artwork, we do too)20:23
micahg-workbzr log -p -r 13.10.5..20:23
micahg-workit's useful for SRUs and consistency20:23
micahg-workbut if you're trying to check what's changed, a diff will probably be more helpful20:23
pleia2knome: what about it?20:24
micahg-workreplace log with diff if you want just a diff20:24
knomepleia2, just look if it's all fine20:24
ochosimicahg-work: yup, have been getting a bit more familiar with bzr this cycle :)20:24
knomepleia2, just the set of eyes elfy wanted20:24
pleia2knome: would be nice to see history there too20:24
pleia2here's my rundown20:25
pleia2http://xubuntu.org/blog/ - Can see "newest" but no way to go back further except by category20:25
pleia2http://xubuntu.org/news/category/faq/ - No way to go back to earlier ones at all, boo20:25
pleia2http://xubuntu.org/news/category/articles/ & http://xubuntu.org/news/category/news/ - perfect (see bottom left)20:25
ochosimicahg-work: quick question. in xubuntu-artwork we generate the link to the most recent wallpaper in the debian packaging (debian/xubuntu-wallpaper.links). is it possible that something about that is broken (or not ready/generated in the live session yet) and that would be the reason for ubiquity not to show our wallpaper?20:27
* pleia2 seeks lunch20:28
knomefwiw, we do have that file and it links to the correct place20:30
micahg-workochosi, I'm not sure how casper handles symlinks20:34
micahg-workand/or squashfs20:34
micahg-workthey should work normally I think though20:35
ochosimicahg-work: well it used to work in saucy, so it's a bit of a shot in the dark anyway20:37
knomei hear the symlink shouldn't be a problem, edubuntu does the same and it works for them20:38
knome(i'm in a PM with stgraber)20:38
ochosiwell it's weird, if we have the wallpaper in place and ubiquity points to it, why isn't it working?20:39
ochosibug in ubiquity maybe?20:39
knomewell i'm asking about that...20:39
ochosiok ty20:39
knomeno immediate idea what might be wrong20:40
micahg-workdid you verify you can see the wallpaper in the right place in the live env?20:40
knomei checked from a TTY, the wallpaper is there20:41
knomerechecking if i can *see* it20:41
ochosiknome: you're in the live session?20:41
knomenow i am20:41
ochosihmm, odd20:42
knomecan see xubuntu-wallpaper.png20:42
knomeis link, and shows the correct png20:42
micahg-workwell, then, maybe a setting is off somewhere20:42
ochosiit's hardcoded20:42
ochosimicahg-work: ^20:42
ochosiso there is no setting i think...20:43
micahg-workthat should work, python 3.3 defaults to following symlinks20:48
micahg-workdoes studio's wallpaper still work?20:48
knomei haven't seen a bug report about it not working20:49
elfyI think they had issues other than worry about wallpaper20:50
elfyI've got a day old image - booting it20:50
knomeelfy, thanks20:50
* dkessel starts dual LTS upgrade tests20:50
elfymicahg-work: studio's wallpaper is ok - or was a day or so ago 20:51
dkesseli'll do one as an image upgrade test20:51
elfypost when it went wrong for us20:51
knomedkessel, mm20:52
elfydkessel: thanks20:52
knomedkessel, wait.20:52
knomedkessel, bug 115516720:52
ubottubug 1155167 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Upgrade from image prompts creating a new user" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/115516720:52
dkesselstill installing precise ;)20:52
knomedkessel, can you look at that while you do it?20:52
dkesselOK can do that20:53
Noskcajxfdesktop branch is uploading now20:53
micahg-workok, gotta go20:58
elfyknome pleia2 - is the blog ok to publish? 21:05
elfythough - it seems that infinity is waiting a while anyway 21:06
elfyI'm off - cya tomorrow21:06
dkesselhmmm it seems the precise installation did not create a swap partition. at least ubiquity tells me it cannot find a swap partition when i do the image upgrade21:28
dkesselhehe... nice new choice of pink in the slides21:37
ochosipleia2: ever considered doing a xubuntu princess edition?21:42
dkesselmeh. ok. is this a bug? after LTS upgrading, there is no whiskermenu, and there is a desktop switcher with two desktops as default... well all in all the panel looks different21:55
dkesselor not ;) it still looks like in precise21:55
dkesselknome: should i expect my desktop to look like it was before upgrading the OS?21:55
knomedkessel, user configration isn't generally updated...21:56
knomedkessel, say, you had 3 panels in your desktop in precise21:56
dkesselknome: ...and is implicitly created on first login or so?21:56
knomewe're not going to force you to use one panel with whatever we think is sane21:56
knomewhen you do a clean install, you will get the new defaults21:56
knomewhen you upgrade, you pretty much keep your configuration files21:57
dkesselok. good. never did upgrade tests before.21:57
Unit193Also, that's just not how it works.  You can clear it out of ~/.config/xfce/ though.21:57
dkesselbtw the bug above is still there. will mark it using the iso tracker21:57
dkesselUnit193: what do you mean with "that's just not how it works?"21:58
Unit193XDG, config, etc.21:58
Unit193knome: ES still fails to validate.21:59
knomei'll look at it $later22:00
Unit193en_AU, fi, fr, ja, oc, pl, pt, ru, sq, and sv all do.22:02
ali1234xfdesktop is using 4 gigs but valgrind just can't see it... i don't understand22:12
ochosiali1234: that's not with git, only with the ubuntu version though, right?22:14
ali1234i have not been able to reproduce it without the accountservice patch22:14
ali1234maybe i was just doing it wrong though22:14
ochosimaybe it's a bug in accountsservice?22:15
ochosi(after all, the wallpaper-feature is an ubuntu-specific patch in accountsservice)22:15
Unit193Heh, I have a lot more issues with xfwm than xfdesktop.22:15
ali1234accountsservice patch introduces gio dependency?22:16
ali1234i think that is the problem22:16
ochosii thought gio is needed for the network-drives stuff on the desktop, no?22:16
ochosiUnit193: what issues do you have with xfwm?22:17
brainwashochosi: true22:17
ochosibrainwash: hm, what is?22:17
brainwashgio is required for the removable device management22:18
ali1234yes but the account service patch adds "#include <gio.h>"22:19
brainwashso it shouldn't be a new dependency22:19
brainwashso does xfdesktop-file-icon-manager.c22:19
* pleia2 thumbs up on b2 announcement22:20
pleia2if, you know, it ever lands :)22:20
ochosii could imagine that the gio depend in xfdesktop was introduced after the accountsservice patch was written22:21
pleia2ochosi: alas, princess edition will have to wait until I make time for silly things (unless it's just a background image change, DONE)22:22
pleia2although, on tuesday...]22:22
ochosipleia2: i'd at least expect an accordingly colored theme22:23
ochosiand probably a different mouse cursor ;)22:24
brainwashali1234: how much memory is leaked on a single wallpaper change?22:24
pleia2see, the trouble with that is I fail at color, so it would just be horrific :)22:24
ali1234brainwash: not enough to be measurable22:24
pleia2(princess edition should be beautiful!)22:24
ali1234when the wallpaper changes 3 times per second it leaks 4GB in a couple of hours22:25
ochosipleia2: yup, i figured it should22:25
ochosiyeah, so that doesn't sound like a huge problem in most RL scenarios22:25
dkesselslickymaster: mugshot does not save a webcam recorded profile image in ~/.face - does it save it somewhere else?22:25
ali1234so its around 1mb per wallpaper change22:25
ali1234i'm running without account service patch now22:26
ali1234in two hours or so we'll know if it is the problem22:26
brainwash2 hours? :D22:27
ali1234usage doesn't appear to be increasing at the moment22:27
brainwashdkessel: mugshot also uses accountsservice to store the profile picture, but it still should save it as ~/.face22:28
dkesselbrainwash: well, it doesn't :/ and the profile pic is gone too if you restart mugshot22:29
brainwashdkessel: interesting, you can run mugshot in debug mode "mugshot -vv", this will generate some debug output in the terminal22:30
Unit193ochosi: Hard to explain.22:31
brainwashdkessel: if this issue is reproducible, then you should file a launchpad report and attach the debug output22:31
dkesselbrainwash: that helped getting more info. yup, will file a bug. hint: the image is too large22:33
brainwashdkessel: great :)22:34
dkesselbrainwash: when i try filing the bug, it seems to be a duplicate of bug 1288754, but that is marked as private it seems. meh22:35
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 1288754 could not be found22:35
dkesselor not existing? this is strange22:35
brainwashubuntu-bug mugshot?22:35
brainwashstrange, how does launchpad determine that your report is a dupe? :D22:36
dkesselwell that's what apport told me... don't know. ubuntu-bug seems to work though22:38
ali1234it checks the backtrace22:45
brainwashthat means that mugshot actually crashed and generated one22:45
brainwashNoskcaj: can you please unhide bug 1288754?22:47
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 1288754 could not be found22:47
dkesselok... bug 1298665, and ping slickymaster22:48
ubottubug 1298665 in mugshot (Ubuntu) "mugshot is unable to store profile picture" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129866522:48
dkesseloh wow. i need to go to bed. good night22:49
brainwashdkessel: thanks for the report and good night22:52
ochosioh that is an annoying bug. means you have to compress the image or fiddle with it somehow22:53
brainwashbluesabre0 will gladly fix it :)22:57
bluesabre0brainwash, dkessel, saw the bug23:18
bluesabre0I'll fix that quickly23:18
bluesabre0just have to scale images to a max size23:19
Unit193http://git.xfce.org/xfce/xfdesktop/commit/?id=565ccdfd80f0b4c6e6c67314224bb5c8128177c2 nice.23:53
pleia2knome: want to hit the b2 post button? I'm working on ubuntu one for fridge23:54
ali1234ok xfdesktop definitely isn't leaking without accounts service23:57
ali1234i'm going to make that patch into a standalone executable so i can run it 1000 times per second :)23:59
ali1234this is probably a dbus leak23:59

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