
=== vladk|offline is now known as vladk
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gnuoyaxw, thanks for squashing bug#129673908:33
_mup_Bug #1296739: Cannot destroy lxc env on trusty with juju-core 1.17.4-0ubuntu2 <destroy-environment> <local-provider> <lxc> <juju-core:Fix Released by axwalk> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1296739>08:33
axwgnuoy: you're welcome08:34
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bloodearnestsmall bug fix MP for gunicorn charm, if any ~charmers are free13:32
timrcI have a juju dilemma... I'm deploying a service with service config ala deploy --config /path/to/service/config to set some config options unique to this deployment13:38
timrcThese seem completely lost when I go to do a juju upgrade-charm13:39
timrcIs there something I can do so upgrade-charm uses the same service config used to deploy the app to begin with?13:39
mbruzekhi bloodearnest, we are really swamped right now on the review queue, we will get to that one as soon as we can.13:39
mbruzekhi timrc can you do a juju get charmname to see the config values13:40
bloodearnestmbruzek: sure, just an fyi. fwiw, without these changes, the current gunicorn charm can't cleanly upgrade from from older versions13:40
mbruzekbloodearnest, noted and we will try to get to it asap.13:41
timrcmbruzek, That returns the config opts with the values I've set, but these seem to be the default values (defined in the config.yaml that ships with the charm) in the context of an upgrade-charm.... I'll try again to confirm that though13:41
mbruzektimrc, Is this a charm that you are working on or one in the store?13:41
timrcmbruzek, When I debug-hooks'd the upgrade charm hook and did a config-get on the command line I was not getting the values I set, but the default values (e.g. all empty)13:42
timrcmbruzek, No, not at the moment13:42
mbruzektimrc, that is interesting that config-get is not returning the configured values.13:42
timrcmbruzek, I'm using Trusty/juju-core/local 1.17.513:43
mbruzekI was going to suggest that the charm is not handling the configuration options correctly but if you can confirm that config-get  is not returning the value that you see from juju get charmname I would open a bug13:44
timrcmbruzek, Okay.  Thanks13:44
mbruzeksorry timrc  I have not experienced this problem first hand I can not think of what is causing the problem.13:45
marcoceppitimrc: 1.17.7 is latest, if you can try using that release. If you get the same experience then that's a bug13:49
timrcmarcoceppi, Thanks, I'll upgrade and try again13:49
Valduaremorning all14:05
ValduarelazyPower: morning14:06
Valduaregot a question about manual provider14:08
lazyPowergo for it14:10
Valduareso I need a vm that juju is installed on?14:14
Valduarethen new vm’s that I provision jsut get a vanila ubuntu server installed on them?14:15
mbruzekValduare, will juju deploy ubuntu  work for you?14:22
Valduarembruzek: I have right now a freenas box for storage serving iscsi to an esxi host14:23
lazyPowerValduare: https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/config-manual.html14:23
Valduareand no idle hardware laying around suitable to setup something new yet14:23
lazyPowertake a look, there's a few dependencies on the host being allocated with the manual provisioner14:23
mbruzekValduare, I misunderstood your question.14:24
Valduareso I need to start out with a new vm to install juju on - im reading about it downloading some tools and such, how big of a virtual drive should I give it14:27
lazyPower8gb should be plenty14:28
Valduarelooking forward to getting some new hardware to get this all going propper heh14:31
lazyPowerSince you were asking yesterday i started setting up a MAAS lab on my server using virtual machines14:31
lazyPoweri still think manual provider is the way to go if your not treating bare metal like commodity hardware14:32
lazyPowerbut my vote may change14:32
Valduareit seems like it’d be nice14:34
lazyPoweri'll let you know my findings14:40
lazyPowerfollow up with me on Monday :)14:41
Valduaregah my windows computer wont let me vnc into it - so cant access vsphere client14:47
Valduarehave ot drive over...14:47
Valduarethis is exactly why I want a new setup lol14:47
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timrcmarcoceppi, There is an interesting problem... installing juju-core and running juju init will create an environments.yaml which creates a local provider by default, but if you do not have juju-local installed, you run into problems.  Maybe a local provider should not be provided by default by juju-core?16:22
marcoceppiwell, i think juju-local should be installed with juju-core, personally16:23
timrcAlso if you upgrade juju-core and to forget to upgrade juju-local you again run into problems (or at least have the potential too).  bootstrapping after I upgraded juju-core but not juju-local hung juju bootstrap and put me into a weird state that required I delete ~/.juju/local/16:24
timrcmarcoceppi, I  wouldn't mind that16:24
Valduareanything special I need to put for the juju hostname16:42
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overm1ndcan I deploy a precise machine from a different version where run the client?16:58
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overm1ndI'm a bit confused about how the version is of new machines is made17:01
Valduarehmm am I doing this wrong, am I suppose to do sudo add-apt-repository ppa:juju/stable on a vm in my dc or on my workstation ?17:04
hatchValduare on your workstation17:05
ValduareI had just sat here firing up and provisioning a new vm for this hah17:05
Valduareok so how will it find the vm’s when I am at home and want to manage something17:06
Valduaredoes it connect to the vm’s through ssh? and port forwarding etc.17:06
Valduareim going to be doing manual provider17:06
lazyPowerValduare: check the doc link i posted earlier it covers that17:07
lazyPoweryou will be provisioning a new vm, and it has to have a user that supports passwordless sudo17:07
lazyPowerthen you register that vm with juju and it takes care of the rest.17:07
lazyPoweroverm1nd: i dont understand what you are asking17:08
hatchoverm1nd yes - you need to specify the series when running `deploy` if it's different than the default configured series17:08
hatchlazyPower ^ I guessed :-)17:08
Valduareso i’ll provision them and get them setup with nat forwarding of ssh port and connect juju to them through that17:08
Valduareso I can connect at home or locally17:08
lazyPowerhatch: cuz you're the man :)17:09
lazyPowerValduare: sounds good 2 me17:09
overm1ndthanks hatch17:09
Valduarehmm juju switch manual17:18
ValduareERROR "manual" is not a name of an existing defined environment17:18
lazyPowerValduare: edit your environments.yaml and change "null" to manual17:19
lazyPowerat one time the manual provider was called null17:19
Valduareah I see “null:” in there17:19
Valduarewhat is bootstrap-host17:20
Valduarethe explination does not tell me much :P17:23
overm1ndValduare simply change the text17:26
Valduarei mean - what is the bootstrap-host ?17:28
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gsamfirafrom what I can tell, bootstrap host is the host that gets installed first. The one with ID 0 in juju status17:40
gsamfiraalso known as the state machine17:41
Valduareso i can feed it the ip of the first vm I want to provision with it then17:44
Valduarethe host box is remote to me17:45
Valduareis this environments.yml connecting throuhg ssh?17:45
Valduarewell this isnt working17:57
themonkmarcoceppi: hello18:03
Valduaredoes bootstrap-host: simply put an ip address with port of how to connect to the server via ssh?18:28
Valduarewhat is it doing it does not have good explinations18:28
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weblifemy machine links are all messed up after I disassociated my elastic ip on AWS from one server and associated with another.  Anyone ever see this?18:47
Valduareso do I change “null:” to manual: in the environments.yml18:50
webbrandonblah weblife comp pooped get you a pastebin of the issue but it is posting the same address to my two services18:52
Valduarehmm now im getting this ERROR environment "manual" has an unknown provider type "manual"18:57
marcoceppiValduare: are you on 1.16 ?18:59
Valduareya ran brew from my mac18:59
marcoceppiValduare: then the provider type "provider:" is null18:59
marcoceppi1.17 changes that to manual18:59
marcoceppiso you can name the parent key null18:59
marcoceppibut the provider key needs to be null18:59
Valduarenull or “null:”19:00
marcoceppiValduare: I think you can brew install the development version, 1.1719:00
marcoceppiif you're interested19:00
Valduarei am19:01
Valduarethere we go - got it installing 1.17.319:03
marcoceppieek, that needs to be updated19:03
* marcoceppi opens a request to update brew19:03
marcoceppi1.17.7 is latest devel19:03
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Valduarewoo its doing something heh19:09
Valduarelooks like its connected to bootstrap-host19:09
Valduareah it failed19:09
ValduareERROR Bootstrap failed, and the environment could not be destroyed: rc: 119:09
Valduaremarcoceppi: looks like im out of luck on mac?19:17
Valduaretill brew gets 1.17.719:17
Valduarethe bug lists it fixed in that version19:17
marcoceppiValduare: I'll open a merge requset in second19:18
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Valduaremarcoceppi: ty - how long will it take to update there you think?19:36
marcoceppidepends on whenever they accept the pull request19:36
Valduarecan you install juju on more than one workstation to manage a set of machines?19:39
marcoceppiValduare: yes19:40
Valduareok i’ll reboot into ubuntu real quick brb19:40
Valduarety for this help19:40
Valduareok on ubuntu19:52
Valduareinstalled the ppa and cant find 1.17.719:52
marcoceppiValduare: ppa:juju/devel19:53
Valduareoh ... ya lol19:54
Valduareneed more coffee19:54
ahasenackcan you guys bootstrap and deploy with 1.17.7 locally on lxc?19:55
ahasenackmine failed to deploy, it tried to download tools19:55
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Valduaremarcoceppi: ok got it setup 1.17.720:04
Valduaredo I need to run commands on my local workstation as sudo  ie sudo juju bootstrap    or just juju bootstrap20:04
marcoceppiyou shouldn't ever run sudo with bootstrap if you're using juju 1.17+20:05
Valduaresays the machine is already provisioned due to that failed one from my mac20:05
Valduarehow do I start it fresh20:05
marcoceppiValduare: ssh in to the machine20:07
Valduareah it worked20:08
Valduareran the command again20:08
Valduareso now thats done, whats next20:10
Valduareim at bottom of this guide now https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/config-manual.html20:10
lazyPowerValduare: you have a machine registered in the manual provider20:17
lazyPoweryou're free to deploy services now20:17
lazyPowereg: juju deploy mysql --to 120:17
Valduareso this first machine the bootstrap can be used for anything I want? or is it used to manage other machines?20:18
lazyPowerits the state server, I wouldn't put anything more than the JujuGUI on it20:19
cjohnstonlazyPower: heya.. quick question.. with ansible, one command will completely finish before the next one starts, correct?20:19
* hatch perks up20:19
hatchsomeone said juju gui :)20:19
lazyPowercjohnston: correct20:20
Valduareah ok I got juju gui on it now20:20
lazyPowercjohnston: its going to wait on return codes before it procedes. If a command exits > 0 it will halt execution unless you tell it to ignore failure.20:20
lazyPoweransible is a FIFO style exection stack, none of it is async sadly.20:21
cjohnstonlazyPower: I'm trying to do an unarchive, it keeps erroring saying the file isn't there, however, by the time I'm able to login and look, it's there20:21
lazyPoweroh actually i stand correcte20:22
lazyPoweryou can poll for the file presence20:22
Valduareok so when adding new machines with manual provider, all my vm's are behind NAT   so I will needto specify a ssh port for juju to connect to them?20:23
lazyPowercjohnston: wait again, thats not going to help. Thats about running against multiple nodes.20:23
lazyPowerbut apparently it works when embedded on a task. Verified locally by waiting for a directory to be created20:24
cjohnstonack, I'll give it a try20:25
lazyPowercjohnston: so, you could also use the wait_for module.20:28
lazyPower- wait_for: path=/tmp/beepdoop20:28
lazyPowerit will hang until it shows up, without that fugly bash20:28
Valduareis there somewhere that lists system requirements for charms20:29
Valduareie suggested ram and such for the wordpress charm20:29
lazyPowerValduare: if it has constraints it should be listed in the readme.20:29
lazyPowerotherwise, all charms assume 1g of ram and 1 cpu20:29
Valduareand what about the ssh port question20:29
lazyPowerValduare: ah i haven't provisioned behind a nat, so i dont know.20:30
Valduaremaybe I should be doing it a different way?20:30
lazyPoweryou're communicating with an ESXI host right?20:31
Valduarek I have a freenas box for storage with iscsi to an esxi host, on the esxi host I run a smoothwall virtual router with two nic's, one nick for publicip (red) and one nic for local (green)  then I NAT ports to the local ip of the server that hosts such and such app20:32
Valduareall running on an amd e350 mini itx board and 4 old sata 1.5 400 gig drives in zfs mirrors / striped together20:33
lazyPowerhmm... i was going to say bridged networking may be the key20:33
lazyPowerbut sounds like you're already pretty much there20:33
Valduareaye only 5 public ip's without going crazy on monthly bills :)20:34
lazyPoweryeah, with that virtual router sitting in the middle, thats going to be your meal ticket.20:34
Valduareso hence the smoothwall virt routers taking up a public each and spliting off20:34
Valduareso pretty much treat each virt router like a bank of servers20:35
Valduareso i'd have a juju bootstrap under each virt router?20:35
lazyPowerno, you can manage all of them from a single juju bootstrap20:35
lazyPoweryou'll have to register the connection with one on a non standard port and see what happens20:35
lazyPowerotherwise you're burning resources with a state controller under each vnet.20:36
Valduaremaybe setup another virtual network connecting them?20:36
* lazyPower shrugs20:36
lazyPowergive it a go and let me know what happens20:36
lazyPoweri'm curious about the result20:36
Valduareim suprised what i've bene able to accomplish so far with the hardware I have :P20:36
Valduareim scrolling back up - but what did we figure out was the way for juju to contact new machines20:38
Valduareie since I have to specify an ssh port other than 2220:39
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lemaohi all, I am trying to bootstrap a local environment on trusty but I am getting the following: "ERROR no matching tools available".21:02
lemaotrusty is not final yet, so should I download this locally from somewhere else?21:02
lemaonote that I am using juju client for OSX against a local trusty vagrant box21:09
Valduarehmm cant access juju gui after changing NAT for port 8080 to port 80 locally21:13
lazyPowerValduare: so, i just setup maas21:21
lazyPowerValduare: i rescind what I said. Its a pain in teh neck to setup, but this is pretty awesome21:21
lazyPoweri dont think the hassle is worth it for less than say, 10 machines though21:21
lazyPowerif you're only working wiht 5 or 6, manual is a far lower barrier to entry21:22
ValduareI got 14 or so right now21:22
Valduareim stuck right now- how do I add a second host to juju on a nonstandard ssh port21:22
lazyPowerValduare: its user@host:port21:26
Valduaretried that21:26
Valduaresays already provisioned21:26
Valduarebut its not.21:26
Valduarewonder if I can config my ssh config and go that route?21:27
marcoceppiValduare: welll, that means that you've tried to provision at one point21:27
marcoceppiValduare: you'll need to ssh in to that machine21:27
Valduareor. its trying on port 22 wich is machine 021:27
marcoceppirun `sudo initctl list | grep juju`21:27
Valduarelooks like its working after setting up ssh config21:30
Valduareit was disreguarding ports with the juju command for some reason21:30
Valduarehow can I change the port juju gui is running on21:32
Valduareim at a loss as to how to have a web server and juju gui running at same time lol21:39
=== hatch__ is now known as hatch
cjohnstonlazyPower: ansible appears to be ignoring my wait_for :-(21:53
lazyPowercjohnston: that, doesn't sound fun21:54
cjohnstonlazyPower: any ideas: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~cjohnston/+junk/ans-graphite/view/head:/graphite.yaml21:57
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lazyPowercjohnston: not off the top of my head22:12
lazyPowercjohnston: have you asked in #ansible?22:12
cjohnstonno, will do22:17
Valduareon juju gui how do you specify --to22:30
hatchValduare you can't....yet22:34
hatchwe are working hard on that22:35
Valduareso just view only interface for me then :P22:35
hatchValduare.....soon....ish :) I promise22:35
Valduarenow im trying to wrap my head around how the wordpress setups go with the charms22:35
Valduareie i understand how i'd setup a single site22:36
Valduarebut how can I setup a single vm with multiple sites if I am hardware constrained22:36
hatchif that's not in the documentation your best bet would be to get in touch with the author22:36
Valduareie when I deployed wordpress, it just put wordpress in /var/www/ not within a dir of its own - which it should be for future expandability etc22:38
hatchYou may want to ask http://askubuntu.com/questions/ask?tags=juju,wordpress22:40
hatchor file a bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/charms/+source/wordpress if that bears no fruit22:41
Valduarethis is interesting stuff :)22:46
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
Fishy__single VM with multiple sites = candidate for LXC?22:53
Fishy__each would see his own file system22:53
Fishy__so no problems to put each charm in the smae place22:53
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Valduarehi guys23:55

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