
qww_anyone else got idea how to turn off auto updates in kubuntu 13.10??00:00
DarthFrogqww_: Investigate the /etc/update-* directories.00:02
qww_i wouldnt know what i should look at ;/00:03
DarthFrogLet it be a challenge to the student. :-)00:09
qww_yeah who care about time as we are all immortals00:10
DarthFrogHmm, there doesn't seem to be anything in /etc/update-notifier.  That's where I'd've figured it'd be configured.00:10
qww_i found something00:11
qww_will have to try it00:11
qww_i hope i wont be back here ;)00:12
DarthFrogqww_:  There's something in SystemSettings.00:12
DarthFrogunder Application and System Notifications.00:12
DarthFrogChoose Other Notifications.00:12
qwwit didnt work <300:16
qwwi made change in etc/update-manager/release-upgrades but its not that;/00:17
rwwmy usual solution is to murder all the update notifier packages, but that's probably not a great solution00:18
qwwmaybe i should change kubuntu for something else ;/00:18
qwwdunno why ubuntu couldnt find my wireless modem after i bought new motherboard ...00:19
qwwwhen kubuntu can without problem00:20
qwwguess i will have to try again tomorrow00:23
qwwbye guys thx for all your help :)00:23
utusanso beta2 is out?03:01
utusanwill there be an rc?03:01
ubottuA schedule of Trusty Tahr (14.04) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseSchedule03:03
utusanbut what is the point in testing 14.13 beta3 when rc is out already?03:07
rww(what's 14.13?) where do you see a beta 3 in there...?03:08
utusanBeta 2 Highlights03:09
rwwoh 4.1303:09
utusanKDE Applications and Platform 4.13 Beta 303:09
utusanKDE Ships Release Candidate of Applications and Platform 4.1303:10
rwwprobably because there's not a whole lot of difference between them and the RC didn't land in time for Ubuntu beta freeze03:10
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odiumI compiled and installed my own kernel which works amazingly, but how do I switch back to the normal kernel?05:05
WizardGedhey can anyone help me with an amarok streaming problem05:06
WizardGedamarok seems to freeze and not play network streams until i restart if i pause or remove a network stream05:08
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PhoenixzAny place where I could deposit "would be nice" feature requests for kde-connect?05:13
valorieWizardGed: there is an #amarok channel, but you might try running amarok from the commandline, `amarok --debug --nofork` and watch the output05:13
valoriePhoenixz: feature requests go on bugs.kde.org05:16
valorieplease search first and see if someone has already requested the feature05:17
WizardGedthank you there is a bug that looks like the one im having but it says it was fixed in a version lower than my own05:19
odiumhow can I install the ubuntu kernel again?05:37
valorieodium, unless you got rid of the ubuntu stock kernel, it's still there05:43
valorieand you can choose it from grub05:43
odiumhmm. that's something I don't see in grub05:44
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kubuntuso many07:15
Berylahhh what's the program name for the control panel?08:02
okiHello everyone09:52
okianyone know how to turn off auto update in kubuntu 13.10??09:52
okianyone with free time to help me?09:59
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jussioki: open muon software center, settings, configure software sources, updates10:28
BluesKaj'Morning folks10:40
odiumI managed fuck up my ssd installation of kubuntu and decided to plug in a spare hybrid-drive I have which I forgot had ubuntu on it, luckily this system works but I want to get to the bottom of why kubuntu refuses to boot.11:03
odiumI tried installing "additional drivers" a fglrx graphics driver but it failed, now my system hangs at boot and I don't know how to undo the changes.12:46
fritiodium: have you tried sudo apt-get purge fglrx*12:52
odiumnot yet I havent12:52
odiumI will12:52
odiumthank you12:52
odiumfriti, this is perplexing, I cannot chroot into that system from this one.13:01
odiumoh, wait I know what to do13:02
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Guest65624Hi can someone tell me how to filter a file? I need  to grep all files that contain a certain pattern call it X. the output i want is every line containing X but without any text before X. So lets say there is the line "xyzXabc" i want abc13:09
gsmlghello world!13:11
jussihi gsmlg13:11
odiumSo, I uninstalled the drivers but the system still hangs - it stops at a point where it says "Restoring resolver state" does this indicate anything?13:15
tsimpsonGuest65624: you can probably use sed, like: grep -h X *|sed -re 's/.*X(.*)$/\1/'13:17
tsimpsonthat'll remove everything before the last occurrence of X, and X itself13:17
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odiumOkay, hello, I've been working on this overnight and still no results, my system hangs at "Restoring resolver state" - it crippled it by installing fglrx drivers and also mesa gallium drivers and have since uninstalled them, to no avail. I'm not sure what to try next. I have reinstalled the kernel and I am fairly certain everything else is okay but my system is still hanging. I only have installation media for i686 and my system is 64 bit, so this is an i13:32
BluesKajtsimpson, odium is using a custom kernel, just for your info13:39
odiumI was.. It was very nice13:39
odiumnothing, at this point, is sacred13:39
odiumwhat must I do? I can try the older kernels but I think I did already13:40
BluesKajmake sure you tried the older ones, odium13:41
odiumI'm sure I did.13:43
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zokihi everyone, I'm using Kubuntu 14.04 Beta2 and the last couple of days I have some issues with akonadi/kmail/baloo14:15
zokithese services (akonadi_baloo_indexer, mysqld, kmail, akonadiserver) are always using the CPU and kmail is working like a snail.14:16
zokianyone with the same symptoms/problem with this?14:17
lordievaderzoki: Trusty support is in #ubuntu+114:20
zokilordievader: thanks14:23
CondoritoMorning? Ish?15:11
CondoritoI just installed Kubuntu last night on my Chromebook, wanted to see what I can see as far as the community support goes.15:12
CondoritoI can see that everybody has quite the chatty streak going on here. It always this busy?15:14
DarthFrogThis is normal.  It's not a chat channel.15:26
m_tadeuhi...is there a channel to discuss things about 14.04?15:28
BluesKajm_tadeu, #ubuntu+115:29
m_tadeuBluesKaj: thanx15:30
BluesKajthere appears to be a #kubuntu+1 , but the server says it's invite only (+i)15:30
BluesKajwhy is freenode hiding this from us ...ubuntu is becoming too different, kubuntu users should have their own dev OS user chat15:32
BluesKajor allow dev OS support here15:33
tsimpsonBluesKaj: #kubuntu+1 forwards to #ubuntu+1 you only get the message about +i when you're already in #ubuntu+115:43
BluesKajtsimpson, bummer :(15:57
tsimpsonBluesKaj: if you feel there should be a distinct +1 for kubuntu, you should probably bring it up at the next kubuntu meeting on on the developers mailing list15:58
tsimpsons/on on/or on/15:58
BluesKajtsimpson, right, I might do that15:59
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lordievaderGood evening.18:41
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pramitican u tell how to uninstall ppa/kubuntu backports and install again.. some problem has occur..21:30
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html21:35
valoriepramiti: ^^^21:35
valoriefirst though, I would try `sudo apt-get -f install`21:36
valorieand see if that fixes the problem21:36
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osolus_dear god this is terrible, I have a working system but after an update it locks me out of lightdm and I can't login22:19
osolus_what do I have to do, downgrade?!? someone please, I beg for assistance.22:19
osolus_I have a stock kernel now22:19
osolus_It's a fresh installation22:19
osolus_the wifi works barely22:20
osolus_but I had to move downstairs to get internet, I thought an upgrade would fix the wifi and now I am on a root terminal in irssi22:20
osolus_could anyone guess why after a fresh installation I am stuck in irssi on a root terminal ?22:25
osolus_I can't launch lightdm22:25
osolus_well lightdm restarts but it doesn't launch kde22:26
osolus_should I reinstall?22:27
osolus_all I did was install the security updates22:27
osolus_can anyone suggest why this is happening?22:27
pramitican u tell me this if after  doing ppa:purge i again do sudo apt-get install .. will it again upgrade the same package ?22:31
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osolus_so I installed twice in case this happened. I'm afraid to update my software because of the latest crash22:38
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valoriepfff, ask then disappear22:43
osolus_how can I make an ssh server run on this machine22:44
valorieosolus_: which kubuntu did you install?22:44
osolus_let me check22:45
osolus_13.10 amd6422:45
osolus_I'm afraid to upgrade this.22:45
osolus_I installed it on two drives.22:45
valorie!info openssh-server22:45
osolus_so I have a spare drive22:45
ubottuopenssh-server (source: openssh): secure shell (SSH) server, for secure access from remote machines. In component main, is optional. Version 1:6.2p2-6ubuntu0.2 (saucy), package size 252 kB, installed size 777 kB22:46
valorieosolus_: openssh-server is what I have on this machine22:46
osolus_that's what I wanted.22:46
osolus_thank oyu22:46
valorieI suggest putting the 14.04 beta on one of the drives and checking it out22:47
valorieor trying it out in a live session22:47
osolus_Okay I will22:47
valorieit is the most stable yet22:47
osolus_but that means I have to download it and install it onto a jump drive22:47
valorieeven though it's still beta22:47
valorienot too many torrents either22:47
osolus_can you direct me to where I can download it, is there a torrent?22:47
valorieI'm not torrenting it yet22:47
valorieperhaps I should22:48
* valorie starts 'em22:49
osolus_thank you22:49
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osolus_oh this should only take 18minutes22:50
valorieI should have done that when it arrived22:53
osolus_me too22:53
osolus_I'll start after I download it22:53
valorieI seed all the *buntu torrents22:53
kubuntu_I have installed kubuntu 14.04, btrfs. I just used gparted to move the /boot / and /home partitions in /, and remove /boot and /home. / is now bootable, but AFAIK, I still have to upgrade GRUB. How would I go about this?23:11
kubuntu_Can I just do "upgrade-grub" ?23:13
ikoniaupgrade grub ???23:13
ikoniayou don't move anything23:14
kubuntu_sorry, update-grub23:14
ikoniaI'm not following what you are doing, if you installed to btrs, why are you moving file systems and changing partitions ?23:14
ikoniawhy are you just not using the layout you installed to ?23:14
kubuntu_ikonia: Stubbornness, I guess :) But I wanted to start working / experimenting with btrfs subvolumes, but I got mixed up with LVM volumes,.. in any case, I had the 3 btrfs partitions, I have them all groupped together now in / which is bootable, but I need to know how to fix the grub part23:15
kubuntu_I can just do update-grub?23:15
ikoniaupdate-grub just rebuilds the menu.lst/.conf from the rules23:16
kubuntu_ikonia: I mean, the thing is, it is all already done, I'm nearly at the end of the process, but I forgot about grub, which I now want to fix as well23:16
kubuntu_I take it grub first booted /boot, which now is in the / partition.. I'd have to update that in the grub rules first?23:16
ikoniait will boot where you tell it to boot from23:17
kubuntu_ikonia: I imagine that, but where would I change this?23:18
ikoniathe best way is to look at the grub.conf file (don't change it directly) to see what's been generated, then look at the rules to match how that is being constructed and update the rules23:19
kubuntu_by default, grub is in the /boot partition, or is it placed in the mbr?23:19
ikoniawhat ???23:20
ikoniagrub has to be on the mbr....otherwise how would it boot it23:20
kubuntu_There is no /etc/grub.conf, I do find /etc/grub.d/ with 00_header 10_linux 20_memtest86+ 30_uefi-firmware 41_custom 05_debian_theme 20_linux_xen 30_os-prober 40_custom23:21
ikoniagrub.conf is not in /boot23:21
ikoniain /etc sorry23:21
ikoniait's in /boot23:21
ikonia /etc is not visible to grub - so it lives in /boot23:21
ikoniathe rules are in /etc which is why they are used to generate grub.conf rather than try to read /etc directly23:22
kubuntu_ikonia: so I should be able to find a /boot/grub.conf then?23:22
ikoniaI'd be worried if you didn't23:22
ikoniathats basically the menu that grub displays23:23
kubuntu_ikonia: well, I just did not :) Thing is, I have not removed it23:23
ikoniawithout that - no grub instructions to boot23:23
ikoniakubuntu_: look for grub.conf or menu.lst23:23
kubuntu_That probably explains the black screen I was seeing23:23
kubuntu_Is there a way to rebuild that file?23:23
kubuntu_ikonia: I can only find a sub dir "grub"23:23
ikoniakubuntu_: /boot/grub/grub.conf(menu.lst)23:23
ikoniasorry, maybe grub.cfg23:24
kubuntu_/boot/grub only contains gfxblacklist.txt and grubenv23:24
ikoniacan't check, not got an ubuntu box to check23:24
ikoniaok, then you have a problem23:24
kubuntu_ikonia: Is there any way to regenerate a grub.conf file?23:24
ikoniaupdate-grub (which in ubuntu is an alias link to grub2-mkconfig I believe)23:25
kubuntu_ikonia: I take it I first have to chroot so that its working on the correct device?23:27
ikoniaI have no idea your current situation, but just apply common sense, eg: it's going to look in /etc - if you need to chroot to get /etc to the right place, then do that23:27
valorieosolus_: I found a better link, to beta2: http://torrent.ubuntu.com:6969/23:33
valorieI think the beta1 is no longer being officially seeded23:33
osolus_I'm seeeding on a little cubieboard server and it's downloaded, thank you for your help23:43
valoriegood to hear, osolus_23:54
valorieI like it when I can help someone, and they help back!23:54
valorieoff to pizza....23:54
osolus_I'll help back. give me time though23:59
osolus_rebooting into the beta23:59

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