
=== duoi_afk is now known as duoi
ubunterI'm having an issue after my lubuntu installation, could someone help?00:55
holsteinubunter: there will only be one way to find out..00:55
ubunterhows that?00:55
holsteinubunter: ?.. you'll need to put into words a question that relates to your issue..00:56
ubunterok, after my installation of a live image of lubuntu, I have no network connectivity, why would that happen?00:57
holsteinubunter: many reasons00:58
ubunternow this only happens when there is a live image installation over the network but not after an installation using a dvd or usb.00:58
holsteinubunter: its likely just support for you r device00:58
holsteinubunter: i dont install upgrades during the installation. could be that you recieve an upgrade that "Breaks" support for your (wifi) networking (im assuming)00:59
ubunterI tried different images on different computers and same result time after time.00:59
holsteinubunter: i can assure you, networking works00:59
ubunterI have a server set up for pxe boot everything works fine except only after the installation is complete there is no internet01:00
holsteinok.. just ask if you have a question01:00
ubunteri have disabled download updates and same result01:00
holsteinubunter: im not understading your question01:01
holsteinubunter: i install, for example, and the machine has internet access01:01
holsteinubunter: you are saying, from the live CD, you had network, and after install, you dont...01:02
holsteinthen, you are mentioning PXE boot..01:02
holsteinif you are not getting PXE booting, thats not necessarily indicitive of not having netowrking.. that can bre any number of failures in conriguration01:02
ubunterI see, well one thing I have noticed is that "iface eth0 inet dhcp" changes to "iface eth0 inet manual" after installation is complete.01:04
holsteinubunter: so, change it to auto.. or whatever config you need01:04
holsteinubunter: again.. thats a config issue.. and not indicitive that networking is not working01:04
ubunterOk so I am not sure where to find the information relevant to my situation. Why does the configuration change after it is installed?01:09
holsteinubunter: seems like yo have it01:09
holsteinubunter: just change that to what you like01:09
holsteinubunter: i have not experienced that issue.. and im on the 3rd installation of lubuntu today01:10
holsteinubunter:  i suggest removing things from the equation and try and see what is causing whatever issue you seem to be percieving01:10
ubunterIs there a guide that you followed?01:10
holsteinubunter: i literally just installed.. and things are just working01:11
holsteinubunter: ive never had it any other way.. so, never needed a guide01:11
ubunterPXE boot, live cd?01:11
holsteinubunter: i have never done PXE boot01:11
holsteinubunter: and, im quite sure, thats the issue.. i would remove that from the equation and just do a normal install and test01:12
ubunterOh, well the normal cd, usb, dvd installation are fine no problems there its only after I PXE boot live cd that I have that issue01:12
holsteinubunter: ok .feel free and elaboarate about what you are doing.. and what is happening01:13
ubunterWell I have a question for you, have you ever made a custom lubuntu iso and installed it?01:13
holsteinubunter: not lubuntu.. i have started with ubuntustudio and ended up with what i ended up with.. a custom lubuntu iso wouldnt be lubuntu amnymore01:14
ubunterI see, well I downloaded Lubuntu 12.04 iso and installed it on a pc, downloaded and installed different educational packages and libre office. I changed the interfaces settings and then used remastersys to make my custom iso.01:16
ubunterthen I used that iso custom image and PXE boot01:17
ianorlin12.04 is ont long term support01:17
holstein12.04 is not supported in lubuntu01:18
holsteinyou can try main #ubuntu for it...01:18
holsteinubunter: try lubuntu PXE boot... otherwise, you are reponsible for supporting your custom distro01:19
ubunteryou mean 13.10?01:19
holsteinubunter: that, or, at this poing, i might try the upcoming 14.0401:21
ubunterok, i'll keep trying but are live cd iso meant to be installed over network PXE boot?01:22
holsteinhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/PXEInstallServer looks out of date01:23
holsteini havent tried it in a long time..01:23
VitaleHi all01:24
ubunterso is it just not supported that much? is PXE fading away for lubuntu?01:24
holsteinubunter: lubuntu *is* ubuntu01:25
Unit193ubunter: I can tell you 14.04 still works with PXE booting, though I have no idea what you're trying to do, have done, or will do, because I haven't read backlog.01:25
ubunterWell I am a volunteer at a computer center where we refurbish computers for kids. We want to be able to install ubuntu over the network because it would be more effcient. I have set up a server to PXE boot and eveything works out fine except that after the ubuntu is completed installing there is not internet.01:28
VitaleI was wondering if there is anyone available to assist me with an audio issue I'm having. Currently no sound is playing.01:29
ubunterdriver issue perhaps01:30
Unit193ubunter: Strange that ethernet wouldn't work.  They aren't the same hardware, are they?01:31
ubunterthe server or the client?01:32
VitaleI believe the audio card is being detected. Running "lspci" returns 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801FB/FBM/FR/FW/FRW (ICH6 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 04)01:32
holstein!audio > Vitale01:33
ubottuVitale, please see my private message01:33
holsteintry "aplay -l01:33
ubunterIm not sure what else to do there is this guide that I used with some information about the issue http://www.serenux.com/2012/06/howto-fix-networking-not-working-after-installing-ubuntu-desktop-from-a-pxe-booted-live-environment/01:35
Vitaleholstein: The command "aplay -l" returns: card 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 0: ALC260 Analog [ALC260 Analog]01:37
Vitale  Subdevices: 1/101:37
Vitale  Subdevice #0: subdevice #001:37
Vitalecard 0: Intel [HDA Intel], device 1: ALC260 Digital [ALC260 Digital]01:37
Vitale  Subdevices: 1/101:37
Vitale  Subdevice #0: subdevice #001:37
holsteinVitale: i would just make sure you are not muted01:41
holsteinVitale: try using "alsamixer" in the terminal, and dont trust the labels01:42
ubunterok I dont fully understand this When you run a PXE environment, one of the key things that has to be configured before any startup commenced is your IP address. This is performed by your PXE agent and means that when the Ubuntu Live Environment boots up, DHCP is not employed during bootup because it would sever your connection to your NFS server where the Ubuntu Live Environment is booting from. what does it mean?01:43
ubunterAs a result of this, when you install from the PXE-booted Live Environment, which is effectively a direct copy of the Live Environment, you also end up copying the manually-configured network setup where Network Manager is essentially told not to do anything.01:44
ubunterits from the guide for PXE booting01:44
holsteinsounds plausible01:45
VitaleThe alsamixer is detecting the card "HDA Intel" & Chip "Realtek ALC260" all channels are unmuted and turn to max volume. Still no sound01:45
ubunterWhat does that mean for PXE booting and having a internet after installation?01:46
holsteinVitale: sure.. and it may not be supporting linux.. but, i would just read the link above, and make certain you have nothing muted.. the hardware switch if there is one01:46
VitaleNothing is muted. I'll review the links you have provided. Thank you02:13
VitaleHave a good day all02:16
holsteinVitale: good luck02:16
utusanis lubuntu 14.04 discussed here too?02:41
Unit193Normally in #ubuntu+102:41
utusanlooks like it's the end of the road for razorqt.  just wondering if lxqt is included for 14.04?02:44
ianorlinno it is not planned for 14.10 though02:46
utusanso what do you get if you select lxde-qt from the session menu? vs lubuntu?02:47
utusanlooks like it just brings me back to login screen02:48
utusanthere is also a netbook lxde which looks like openbox menu02:50
useri am having problem with ssh authentication03:56
userif a passphrase can open a private key file then isn't it the passphrase to login in my ssh terminal window03:56
useri've opened private file in cpanel03:56
userthe same passphrase now can't authenticate in ssh channel03:57
wxluser: key passphrase != login password06:17
wxluser: also if the remote machine doesn't have your key, that creates a problem, too06:18
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tuxnotebookfandoes someone can help me with the lubuntu setup please?07:20
tuxnotebookfancan someone help me with the lubuntu setup please?07:20
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - See also !automate07:22
tuxnotebookfanyes i've installed it but i'm not able to create xorg.conf07:23
vn151502510ah, someone already told about that07:24
vn151502510you used mini install, right07:24
tuxnotebookfancause every time that start screen appears and disappears07:25
tuxnotebookfani don't see anything07:25
vn151502510is that sis something?07:27
tuxnotebookfan661mx i think07:27
tuxnotebookfanit's a notebook07:28
vn151502510what did you try to do?07:29
tuxnotebookfani ve used minimal install07:30
tuxnotebookfanbut when i must create xorg.conf? during the installation?07:30
vn151502510I think it should be done before you restart07:31
vn151502510restart after installation07:31
vn151502510I never use minimal install. But you can use that live cd to access hardisk, you can manual edit xorg.conf07:33
tuxnotebookfanlive cd doen07:33
tuxnotebookfanlive cd doesn't start well cause my screen refresh always07:34
tuxnotebookfanhow can i write if i don't see anything?07:34
vn151502510I mean that minimal live ccd07:34
vn151502510ah, you can change boot option to nomodeset07:35
tuxnotebookfani've tried but doesn't work07:35
vn151502510how about minimal live cd?07:36
tuxnotebookfanit's only text07:36
tuxnotebookfantext works07:36
vn151502510yes, but you can access to file system07:36
vn151502510and can edit xorg.conf07:36
tuxnotebookfanin the installation?07:37
vn151502510why have to edit xorg.conf, anyway?07:37
tuxnotebookfancause without xorg.conf lubu doesn't work07:38
tuxnotebookfannow i'm with puppylinux and works cause it has xorg.conf07:38
vn151502510if you already installed, you boot by minimal live cd, locate xorg.conf in your harddisk, and edit it07:38
tuxnotebookfanminimallive doesn't works, how can i locate if screen turn off and on repeatedly07:41
vn151502510what, if it didnt work, how can you install lubuntu into that machine07:42
tuxnotebookfanonly with the minimal install, but the problem is: after that i 've installed it, at the reboot how can i create xorg.conf?07:43
tuxnotebookfanminimal install works cause it's only text07:44
vn151502510and you will create xorg.conf with text mode07:44
ubottuThe /etc/X11/xorg.conf file is deprecated, but sometimes may still be needed to pass values to specific drivers. See `man xorg.conf` for file structure and syntax. | Generic xorg.conf generation: http://ubottu.com/y/xorgconf | ATI proprietary driver specific: http://ubottu.com/y/atiamd | Nvidia proprietary driver specific: http://ubottu.com/y/nvidia07:44
Unit193Basically, stop x, sudo xorg -configure, review, move to config dir, start x.07:45
tuxnotebookfanyes but the problem is: how can i do to write this if the screen doesn't work?07:46
tuxnotebookfani must write this during the installation?07:47
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tuxnotebookfanhow can i start the terminal?07:50
Unit193Boot into text mode.07:50
ubottuTo start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode07:50
tuxnotebookfanso i install lubu with minimal install, then i boot in text mode and then i create xorg.conf right?07:52
tuxnotebookfanthanks Unit19307:54
tuxnotebookfanso in the grub i press f6 and then i write text?08:06
tuxnotebookfanUnit193,  mini install doesn't work in wlan? only in etho?08:36
ubottuX.Org is an implementation of the X Windows System, and is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart it on an Ubuntu system, type 'sudo service lightdm restart'. To fix screen resolution or other X.Org problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution . See also !xorgconf08:58
ubottuThe /etc/X11/xorg.conf file is deprecated, but sometimes may still be needed to pass values to specific drivers. See `man xorg.conf` for file structure and syntax. | Generic xorg.conf generation: http://ubottu.com/y/xorgconf | ATI proprietary driver specific: http://ubottu.com/y/atiamd | Nvidia proprietary driver specific: http://ubottu.com/y/nvidia08:59
tuxnotebookfanUnit193,  listen, after that i 've create xorg.conf how can i edit it in text mode?09:04
tuxnotebookfani've copied all steps in a paper.09:05
tuxnotebookfani miss only this step09:05
tuxnotebookfanthanks friends for all the support :)09:11
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lord4163Why is Lubuntu just a little square in Virtualbox? :P13:50
Meerkatlord4163, install virtualbox-guestadditions-x1114:18
lord4163Meerkat: yeah found that :)14:18
lord4163Why won't multiuser get tested on Lubuntu?14:24
holsteinlord4163: you should be able to test what you like in lubuntu.. i would go for testing in lubuntu 14.04 at this point14:25
lord4163holstein: yeah, I have had things messing up a lot on a 13.10 box.14:26
holsteinlord4163: not me.. but, let us know if you have a question14:26
holsteinive had "things" mess up related to driver support, and hardware not supporting linux.. but thats for any linux kernel really14:27
lord4163holstein: Did a install for user x, had spelled the wrong name, so I added a acoount gave it admin rights, and removed the user created at the install, didn't get the user to automatically login.14:27
lord4163holstein: Now when I login to 14.04 guest session I get Error: No session for pid 324914:28
holsteinlord4163: ok.. sounds like you made permissions errors14:28
lord4163holstein: Right now this is a clean installtion of Lubuntu without ANY modifications.14:29
holsteini konw, at some point, reading what you wrote, i might consider just re-installing fresh, 14.04, and making sure i label correctluy my users14:29
holsteinlord4163: on the clean install? guest session is broken?14:29
lord4163holstein: at least I get errors which shouldn't be there14:30
holsteinlord4163: ok.. let us know if theres a question you need help with14:30
holsteinim going to be busy for an hour or so..14:30
lord4163holstein: yeah seems like a bug, because it's a clean installation14:31
SonikkuAmericalord4163: Did you [ ps ax | grep $PID ]?14:52
SonikkuAmerica(Where $PID is the number referenced?)14:52
lord4163/usr/bin/lxsession -s Lubuntu -e LXDE14:53
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lord4163Is there any way to fix that ? :)15:49
holsteinlord4163: what are the conditions?15:50
holsteinlord4163: fresh install? and guest session doesnt work? in 14.04?15:50
holsteinlord4163: what were the conditions where you edited users? was that another installation?15:50
lord4163holstein: Sorry for being unclear, that was an other computer. Now I installed 14.04 Beta 1 and have that guest session problem, do you have that problem too?15:52
holsteinlord4163: TBH, i havent checked.. let me see if i can do that over VNC.. i dont have that machine in front of me.. the 14.04 machine i can test with15:52
lord4163to my machine?15:53
holsteinlord4163: i am not asking to remote to your machine15:54
holsteinlord4163: im saying, on my 14.04 lubuntu, i have *not* tried the guest session15:54
lord4163I see :)15:54
holsteinlord4163: i am not in front of that machine at this time, but i will try to VNC into it, and see if that allows me to test the guest session15:54
holsteinif not, i will not be able to answer you about my guest session usability til i am in front of the machine..15:55
holsteinlord4163: no.. i will not be able to test that remotely the way i have things configured15:59
holsteinlord4163: are you up to date with upgrades?15:59
lord4163holstein: yes15:59
holsteinwhat are you trying to accomplish?15:59
lord4163holstein: get rid of the error message :)16:00
holsteinlord4163: well, you just hit the x to "get rid" of the message16:03
holsteinmy question is more relating to, is there a workaround we can come up with? if you are trying to setup a public terminal.. or what all your needs might be..16:04
lord4163holstein: Well it means something has gone wrong, and would like to fix this :)16:04
holsteinlord4163: 14.04 is not released yet.. and im not sure if that is something just on your system, or in 14.04, or in lxde16:04
holsteini will be able to confirm if i have that issue on my 2 lubuntu installs later this afternnon16:04
lord4163holstein: Would like to replace Windows XP computers on school, and auto login to the guest session :)16:05
holsteinlord4163: did you try and set that up, though?16:05
holsteinlord4163: autologin to guest out of the box is not the default16:05
holsteinlord4163: when you say "fresh install".. im assuming normal install, no configuration, and the guest session is breaking16:06
lord4163No that is what I'm wanting to test out in a VM first before deploying, but then I came across this error.16:06
holsteinlord4163: all of that is possible16:06
lord4163also I can modify the guest session like in Ubuntu?16:07
holsteinlord4163: i wouldnt "deploy" 14.04 til its ready.. though, i did the same with 10.04 at a school16:07
holsteinlord4163: lubuntu *is* ubuntu16:07
lord4163holstein: yeah I'm beta testing right now16:07
lord4163and help get rid of the bugs :)16:07
lord4163because Lubuntu imho is the perfect replacement for XP.16:08
holsteini think its too new, personally.. and if one is expecting XP, one might prefer XP16:08
holsteincan i use lubuntu instead of XP? sure.. but, its getting others to do that that is the trick16:09
holsteinwhen i put 10.04 at the school i was converting, they quickly just bought windows machine to replace them16:09
holsteinanyways.. we all know its capable.. thats not the issue..16:10
lord4163and why was that? They are aware that it isn't Windows and I know the only thing they need the PC's for is surfing the web and wordprocessing, Firefox and LibreOffice will serve their needs 100%16:11
holsteinnot if they want word on windows16:11
holsteinits not word on windows..16:11
lord4163they don't need that ;)16:12
lord4163many teachers are already using OpenOffice on their own laptops16:12
holsteinlord4163: i didnt type the word "need", correct?16:12
holsteinlord4163: these guys bought windows.. and office16:12
holsteinand, thats fine..16:13
holsteinbut, i spent a lot of time tesing and deploying a bullet proof system.. unbreakable.. that a few teachers used..16:13
holsteinanyways.. at the time, i used pessulus, which was nice.. on gnome216:14
holsteini had other read-only options.. personally, i think a freeze option is the way to go16:14
holsteinreboot, and they bootup to a predetermined state.16:14
holsteini recently tried the boot as guest thing, and cant rememeber why i abandonded it..16:15
holsteini ended up making an install that i could clone, that had all the settings and permissions the way i/they needed.. and the place didnt use it16:16
lord4163anyway I would like to submit that bug/fix it, holstein, you may pm me tomorrow if you are encountering the same issue :)16:17
holsteinlord4163: sure.. what are the conditions?16:18
holsteinlord4163: you literaly only instaled, correct?16:18
holsteinand you click "guest" from the login screen, and it fails? or loads with that error?16:18
holsteinUnit193: you have a stock-ish 14.04 that you can test the guest session one?16:26
lord4163holstein: correct, sorry for delay had to eat16:42
lord4163holstein: the daily amd64 image16:43
ianorlinholstein I already posted a bug for guest seisson won't work right in 14.04 it is here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lxsession/+bug/127352417:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1273524 in lxsession (Ubuntu) "guest seisson shows error message no seisson for pid xxxx" [Undecided,New]17:21
lord4163ianorlin: perfect thanks17:26
Unit193holstein: Nope.18:17
holsteinlord4163: mine is 32bit19:31
holsteinlord4163: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lxsession/+bug/1273524 seems to be it, as ianorlin suggests19:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1273524 in lxsession (Ubuntu) "guest seisson shows error message no seisson for pid xxxx" [Undecided,New]19:31
holsteini will join it.. you can as well19:31
lord4163holstein: did that now20:33
ahi, quick question, can i have animated images for a desktop image?22:37
=== a is now known as Guest13876
ianorlindon't think it is offically supported22:39
ianorlinI think you could have it slowly change by putting pcmanfm -w in a script that you run to change it22:40
ianorlinbut not sure you could just put an animation file to the desktop22:40
Guest13876i can't play gifs22:45
=== Guest13876 is now known as zylophone
zylophoneformally known as "a"22:46
zylophonei'm not after like a slideshow effect, but the ability to play gifs. you know, that'd be cool for toolbar icons too. or re toolbar icons, maybe one image for the off icon, and one for the 'on'.22:47
zylophonei'm thinking about making the switch to xfce but it hasn't been touched since 2012? that's kinda crazy22:47
ianorlinnot sure that would be light on resources really22:52
zylophoneor an svg being allowed would be nice22:54
zylophoneas a desktop bg22:54
zylophonesvg's would allow html content as well, which would be great for live desktops23:01
ianorlinyou can set an svg but text wasn't displaying right when I tried it23:03
ianorlinnot sure all features of svg work23:03
zylophonereally? didn't try it to be honest - i'll have a quick play now23:04
ianorlinpng works fine23:05
zylophoneanimated pngs?23:05
ianorlinnot animated23:05
zylophonesvg works but not with animated gifs :(23:34
zylophonegreat idea though - thanks23:35
zylophonedoesn't look like i can pull in web pages either so i assume no html renderer23:35
zylophoneno dancing banana for me :(23:38
zylophonethanks anyway23:44
Savourhello, i looking for way to autologin with lubuntu, i am using lubuntu 14.04 and i cannot locate the appopriate config file23:46
holsteinSavour: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1472113 looks like what i used last time i did autologin23:50

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