
cjwatsonSaviq: I dealt with unity800:00
Saviqcjwatson, awesome, thanks00:00
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knomeinfinity, hey! :)00:44
infinitystgraber: So, how do I mark a milestone released in the tracker, so I can turn dailies on again and not overwrite all the entries?00:45
knomeinfinity, we need to upload a new xubuntu wallpaper relatively soon... would you approve a UIFe bug if we filed it quickly, even if we didn't have all the things prepared quite yet (naturally described though)00:45
infinityknome: If you're just swapping around images, a new wallpaper isn't a feature, IMO.  Just a UIF thing, and since you handle all your own docs, the only people you're hurting is yourselves if you have to take new screenshots.00:46
infinityknome: (Unless you're drastically changing the structure of the package or something?)00:46
knomeinfinity, that's why i said UIFe, and no, we're not doing weird changes. just to get it socially accepted00:47
infinityknome: Oh, you really did say UIFe.  I've had a long day.00:47
knomeno problem :)00:47
infinityknome: If you want me to tell you your wallpaper's pretty, I can do that. :)00:47
knomeof course!00:47
infinityknome: But yeah, from a docs perspective, I imagine the only person whose approval you need is your own.00:48
knomeyeah. we're fine docs-wise, we're not shipping screenshots00:48
infinityknome: And I think I trust you enough not to ship a wallpaper that's a 20x20 grid of naked breasts.00:48
infinityOkay, I *did* trust you.00:48
knomethat opens a whole new possibilities00:48
knomehah :)00:48
knomei'll get the butt... i mean bug filed00:49
* knome whistles00:49
ScottKinfinity: Nudity is traditional for Ubuntu anyway.00:49
* knome makes a mental note to start working on the wallpaper earlier next cycle00:50
knomefourth time in a row when we go over the UIF deadline...00:50
infinityknome: Also, no screenshots?  Do you not have a ubiquity slideshow, or do you just cop out and use the Ubuntu one?00:51
knomewe have ubiquity slideshow, but our screenshots do not have the wallpaper pictured :)00:51
infinityAhh.  Handy.00:51
knomeand the slideshow background itself is just an arbitrary blue background ;)00:51
knomenobody will ever notice the difference anyway...00:52
knomeinfinity, bug 129871101:13
ubot2Launchpad bug 1298711 in xubuntu-artwork (Ubuntu) "[UIFe] New Xubuntu wallpaper" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129871101:13
knomeinfinity, and since i want you to say the wallpaper is pretty: http://temp.knome.fi/.w/xubuntu-trusty.png ;)01:13
knomethe changes are in the branch as well.01:14
infinityknome: Too much yellow, rejected.01:14
knomeoh shoo ;)01:14
* infinity checks the branch for sanity.01:15
infinityknome: Looks good.01:16
knomeas you happened to say "yellow", i have to show you this another variant we considered... http://temp.knome.fi/.w/trusty-yellow.png01:16
infinityapw: I'm guessing that's not the "final upload", since there are apparmor things on the table and such still, right?01:20
* infinity isn't even remotely in the mood to review that libreoffice upload...01:44
stgraberinfinity: admin => milestones => edit => mark as released02:56
stgraberdone that for you now02:56
infinitystgraber: Oh, I keep forgetting there's an admin thing.02:57
infinitystgraber: Thanks.  I shall go re-cron the world shortly.02:57
infinitystgraber: Can we ditch /home/ogra/sync-phablet-images entirely?02:59
infinity(world re-cronned)02:59
stgraberinfinity: I have no idea what that script does, but hopefully it can die, yes :)03:01
infinitystgraber: I'll poke Oli about it sometime.  It's been commented out for ages, so I assume it's dead code.03:01
infinitystgraber: Figured you might know, since you're more involved in the phone image stuff.03:02
stgraberI maintain system-image, as far as s-i is concerned, you could give it ubuntu core images or tarballs of lolcats, it really doesn't care ;)03:03
* infinity feeds system-image tarballs of locales for the next week.03:04
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Mirvnote qtlocation FFe bug #1298208 lacking from the changelog07:42
ubot2Launchpad bug 1298208 in qtlocation-opensource-src (Ubuntu) "[FFe] Qt Location sync packaging with Debian (new binary package)" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129820807:43
seb128can somebody approve the libffi revert in unapproved?09:41
seb128update-manager, apport (and probably others) segfault on start with the libffi update from this night09:41
seb128that's going to bite beta upgrader if they can't run update-manager again09:42
seb128to get the fixed version09:42
infinityLemme diff it against 3.0.13-12 and accept it.09:42
seb128doko_, btw, how come that new libffi was uploaded with a ffe?09:43
seb128it seems weird that upload was accepted in the first place :/09:43
seb128infinity, thanks09:43
infinityYes, I'm still curious WHO accepted it.09:43
infinityAnd hoping the answer isn't "doko".09:43
infinityThough, a syncpackage as an AA might skip the queue, I can never remember.09:44
Laney27/03 17:26:17 -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: libffi (trusty-proposed/main) [3.0.13-12 => 3.1~rc1-2] (core) (sync)09:44
Laney27/03 18:16:42 -queuebot:#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: accepted libffi [sync] (trusty-proposed) [3.1~rc1-2]09:44
infinityOkay, that definitely looks like a human was involved.09:45
infinityAnd I'd like to think no one on the release team thought "hey, a new RC version of a core system library, that sounds safe". :/09:45
infinityNow, here's hoping nothing was rebuilt against the new libffi that now needs to be re-rebuilt.09:49
infinity(Can someone more awake than I am try to sort that out?)09:49
seb128infinity, let me try to have a look09:51
Laneyinfinity: were you looking at apparmor?10:05
* Laney la la la10:05
didrocksinfinity: if it's binary only through sync, it skips the queue, no?10:06
didrocksthat's what I see for daily-release/CI Train10:06
didrocks(hence the NEW review at the publication beforehand)10:07
infinitydidrocks: Hrm?10:08
infinitydidrocks: Yes, binary NEW skips the queue on copies.  Has nothing to do with the libffi thing, which was in unapproved, and manually accepted by $someone.10:08
Laneyhe's asking if copies with NEW binaries skip the NEW queue10:08
Laneyfor qtlocation10:08
didrocksLaney: no no, I was talking about libffi based on infinity's remark10:09
Laneyoh I see!10:09
didrocksinfinity: yeah, there is the UNAPPROVED queue anyway, so human…10:09
infinity\o/ for Qt5 syncing with Debian.10:10
infinityWell, bits of it.10:10
LaneyDaviey: There's curtin and simplestreams in unapproved, you interested?10:31
LaneyThey might or might not relate to bug #1281760 and bug #1281767 which never got replied to10:32
ubot2Launchpad bug 1281760 in curtin (Ubuntu) "FFE: curtin enhancements for 14.04" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128176010:32
ubot2Launchpad bug 1281767 in simplestreams (Ubuntu) "FFE: simplestreams by-hash storage" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128176710:32
Laneysmoser: ^^^ are those still relevant?10:34
cjwatsoninfinity: syncpackage as an AA doesn't skip the queue - I was very careful to make that a separate flag, not purely which team you're in10:37
infinitycjwatson: Right, --auto-approve.10:38
infinitycjwatson: I was just hoping for an excuse for that libffi accept that didn't look like malice or incompetence. :P10:38
infinitycjwatson: But the 1h window between it hitting the queue and leaving again make it clear a human was involved, either the uploader, or a reviewer who really didn't review.10:38
ogra_infinity, /home/ogra/sync-phablet-images can completely go from crontab10:46
* ogra_ was meaning to clean that up a while ago but never got to it10:46
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infinityogra_: Kay, thanks.10:48
knomeinfinity, hey, ##StartTrustyReleaseBugs and ##End... were used to include the common infra bugs to flavor release notes, added them back as you had removed them from the wiki page either accidentally or on purpose; on the latter case, what's the new desired way?11:05
infinityknome: I probably just removed them when doing copy and waste to make the new release notes.11:06
knomeok, that's good11:06
infinityknome: Though, honestly, I don't see the value in per-flavour release notes at all.  I thought we'd settled last release on a single shared page.  People keep rethinking this every two months. :P11:07
knomethat's fine to me11:07
knomewe should just do the change then11:07
knomei can make xubuntu appear in the main release notes, if that's the goal..11:08
infinityknome: I'll bring it up on the -release list when I'm not (still) awake at 5am, and we'll sort it one way or another before final and make sure everyone's doing the same thing.11:08
didrocksseb128: autopkgtest for glib2.0 2.40.0-1: FAIL (Jenkins: public, private)11:19
didrockson libiffi11:19
didrocksin case you didn't look11:19
Laneywell, it worked on a retry ...11:19
Laneyracy tests ...11:19
seb128didrocks, thanks11:20
didrocksyw, was browsering proposed-migration for powerd :)11:20
DavieyLaney: Yeah, i'll take a look shortly12:05
DavieyHow are we currently handling seeded packages that aren't Beta blocking?12:13
LaneyDaviey: Beta's done, can you be more specific?12:17
DavieyLaney: Oh, I missed Final Beta.12:20
DavieySee the mail now. thanks12:21
* Laney nods12:21
smoserLaney, by hash storage not. (1281767)12:42
smoserLaney, the upload in queue for curtin fixes 1281760 (all but LVM/raid).12:43
Laneysmoser: ok, looks like Daviey accepted those12:44
Laneyplease mangle the bugs as appropriate12:44
Laneydoh, missed arm64 in gtkpod12:51
stgrabercould someone please look at bug 1297363?14:04
ubot2Launchpad bug 1297363 in systemd (Ubuntu) "[FFe] Add cgmanager support" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129736314:04
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stgraberif whoever ends up reviewing the LXC upload wants an upstream changelog to check against, we have https://linuxcontainers.org/news14:31
stgraberI'll also be applying for an MRE for LXC 1.0.x in 14.04 as it's way easier for us to fix bugs upstream then do a point release than maintain and document dozens of cherry-pick (as we've been doing until 1.0)14:31
zulcan someone accept cinder as well (LP: #1299010) please14:32
ubot2Launchpad bug 1299010 in cinder (Ubuntu) "FFE for cinder 2014.1.rc1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129901014:32
stgraberzul: I'm going through the queue now (for those which aren't my own uploads that is)14:33
zulstgraber: thanks14:33
LaneyPasting a git shortlog into a bug as its only content isn't the most useful FFe ever14:34
stgraberit's also not terribly good practice to upload to the queue before the FFe has been reviewed by the release team...14:35
dokowhat is the oif package set?14:36
stgraberrejected from the queue for now and commented in the bug with a comment similar to Laney's14:36
seb128doko, open input framework (the Ubuntu/Unity touch stack), why?14:37
dokoseb128, http://people.ubuntuwire.org/~wgrant/rebuild-ftbfs-test/test-rebuild-20140307-trusty.html ftbfs everywhere14:38
zulstgraber:  hey we are starting to get openstack rc1 out the door today and on monday....if its ok i was going to create a single bug for all of the openstack components and get the release team to ack it14:40
stgraberzul: single bug with per-package tasks should be fine, so long as you to a bit more work on describing what's new than you did with cinder14:42
zulstgraber:  sure14:42
seb128doko, well, I guess somebody is going to have to debug it, it didn't get any work for cycle and chase left Canonical a while ago14:42
rbasakHow does the release team feel about me pushing an MRE for mysql-5.5 at this point in the cycle? Or should I just wait for release?14:49
rbasakIt's on my todo, and AIUI doing the supported releases is blocked by doing trusty first. I've not had to deal with this before.14:50
JackYuinfinity: hi, I have added some comments on bug #1293299 :)14:51
ubot2Launchpad bug 1293299 in Ubuntu Kylin "[FFE]upload ubuntu-kylin-software-center into archive" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129329914:51
seb128^ I've pushed that ido update, please ping me if you have questions about it15:06
seb128it includes https://code.launchpad.net/~larsu/ido/basic-menu-item/+merge/21303715:06
seb128which is a bit of code changes (new widget basically)15:06
seb128I consider it as a bugfix and not a feature (it's basically support for non-squared icons to use in indicator-power/desktop only)15:06
seb128I'm open to discuss it if people think it's border line, but please ping me before eod if you want to discuss it ;-)15:07
ahasenackI guys, I uploaded a fix for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/landscape-client/+bug/1293990 to trusty-proposed, wondering what the next step is. Should I subscribe the release team to the bug?15:07
ubot2Launchpad bug 1293990 in landscape-client (Ubuntu Trusty) "error: config file /etc/landscape/client.conf can't be read" [High,In progress]15:07
seb128ahasenack, it has already been accepted, you should have received email?15:09
seb128ahasenack, or subscribe to trusty-changes15:09
ahasenackseb128: I got an email about it being accepted into trusty-proposed15:09
ahasenackis that it?15:09
seb128yes, same as usual15:10
ahasenackah, cool15:10
ahasenackah, ok, I got two15:10
seb128it's going to migrate to trusty once it has built/if it's installable and doesn't fail tests15:10
seb128well, we are frozen15:10
ahasenackfirst one was waiting for approval, the other one was accepted15:10
seb128so it goes to "unapproved" first15:10
seb128then it gets accepted to proposed15:10
seb128which is basically what you directly get with upload in nonfreeze times15:10
ahasenackseb128: thanks for the explanation15:10
ahasenackand I see a bot here make sure such things are announced ;)15:11
zulstgraber:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/neutron/+bug/129905515:20
ubot2Launchpad bug 1299055 in openstack-trove (Ubuntu Trusty) "Icehouse tracker for rc1" [Undecided,New]15:20
seb128do you guys consider https://bugs.launchpad.net/indicator-power/+bug/880881 as a feature/needing a ffe?15:22
ubot2Launchpad bug 880881 in indicator-power "[ffe] Power indicator does not combine multiple battery status" [Medium,In progress]15:22
seb128or a bugfix?15:22
stgrabersounds like a bug to me15:24
LaneyI guess it's debatable, but it's fine to get in imho15:25
seb128stgraber, Laney: thanks, I'm getting it in a silo then15:25
seb128thanks to whoever is reviewing/approving those ;-)15:29
dokostgraber, infinity: could you point ubuntustudio and lubuntu maintainers to the ftbfs at http://people.ubuntuwire.org/~wgrant/rebuild-ftbfs-test/test-rebuild-20140307-trusty.html ?15:31
stgraberI've done a few of those but I suspect Laney is also doing some of those15:31
stgraberzequence: ^15:31
LaneySomeone else can have the credit for the recent ones15:32
cjwatsonseb128: trying to keep on top of things, although I infer it isn't just me15:32
stgraberah, so that was cjwatson then :)15:32
stgrabercjwatson: yeah, I've noticed we collided at least a couple of times ;)15:32
cjwatsonI noticed lxc's changelog referenced a bug without an lxc task on it15:33
cjwatsonyou still have time to fix that if you want to ...15:33
seb128cjwatson, stgraber: thanks ;-)15:33
cjwatsonqueue clear for now15:33
stgrabercjwatson: task added15:34
zulsorry can a release team member ack: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/129905515:40
ubot2Launchpad bug 1299055 in openstack-trove (Ubuntu Trusty) "Icehouse tracker for rc1" [Undecided,New]15:40
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jdstrandthat ^ is for oxide landing15:55
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stgraberjdstrand: things that are only on the touch image get auto-approved15:58
jdstrandyeah, I forgot15:58
slangasekjibel: hi, so doko is telling me that the libffi that made it into the trusty release pocket overnight had broken revdep autopkgtest runs, but migrated anyway16:20
slangasekjibel: this seems like a significant bug, do you think this is something we should dig into today before the trail gets too cold?16:20
seb128slangasek, from earlier on #ubuntu-desktop16:20
seb128<jibel> pitti, seb128 I found at least 2 problems: libffi has been copied before britney received all the results of packages depending on it 2. Some results are marked as PASS while the result file contains a FAIL.16:20
seb128slangasek, you might still want to hear from jibel for specifics/bug reports ;-)16:21
* slangasek nods16:21
seb128slangasek, btw how did that libffi landed during a freeze without a ffe?16:22
slangasekseb128: because according to doko, it was a bugfix-only release16:23
seb128hum, k ... the ChangeLog seemed a bit non-bugfix-only to me, but I guess it's at the appreciate of whoever reviewed it in unapproved16:24
slangasekseb128: right, AIUI the features were already in distro patches16:24
* slangasek wonders why that discussion was on-topic for #ubuntu-desktop, two QA team members discussing a package that the foundations team maintains ;p16:25
stgraberslangasek: any chance I can get you to look at bug 1297363? seems like everyone else is scared of it or something :)16:26
ubot2Launchpad bug 1297363 in systemd (Ubuntu) "[FFe] Add cgmanager support" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129736316:26
slangasekjibel: would be interested to know if you've found anything out about these britney bugs - or do you need us (e.g. cjwatson) to pick that up?16:26
slangasekstgraber: ohh.... ok16:26
seb128slangasek, it's started by a "why is update-manager not starting" question from me to pitti16:27
seb128but yeah, we should have changed channel then (though the issue was already discussed/handled by pitti before I started my day, it was mostly me catching up then)16:28
dokoseb128, it has the new ports integrated, include aarch64 and ppc6416:28
seb128doko, well, that's fine, I was just surprised to see no bug reference/ffe ... and to see update-manager not starting anymore (= no way for normal users to get the bugfix version)16:29
seb128on that note, time for some exercice, bbl16:30
slangasekstgraber: systemd ffe approved; I also have a change to push for bug #1295521, can I rely on you to pick it up from lp:ubuntu/systemd when you upload?17:04
ubot2Launchpad bug 1295521 in systemd (Ubuntu) "Installing i386 and amd64 PAM stacks causes shutdown/logout/etc. to break" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129552117:04
stgraberslangasek: yep17:04
slangasekstgraber: ok, pushed my changes there17:05
bdmurrayslangasek: I think arges is ready to join the ubuntu-sru team.18:00
slangasekinfinity, cjwatson: ^^ do we want to give him a final exam before adding him? :)18:10
cjwatsonslangasek: I'm happy to go with Brian's judgement18:12
zequencedoko: Thanks. I'll look into it (I'm the Ubuntu Studio project lead)18:17
slangasekinfinity: cjwatson and I are both happy with adding him on, so if you want to put him through the wringer you'll have to do it live ;)18:24
argesslangasek: i'm not in any hurry so i'm happy to answer questions whenever its convenient for everybody or even via email18:25
slangasekarges: too late, welcome to the SRU team!  Can we give you a day in the rotation? :)18:26
argesslangasek:  : ) Sure thing!18:26
slangaseklet's see, which of us is doing the worst job of keeping up with their SRU day18:26
slangasekit might be me18:26
slangasekcjwatson: how are Wednesdays going, SRU-wise?18:27
seb128nice to see some new SRU manpower, LTS coming, which means piles of SRUs to handle ;-)18:28
seb128I'm still wanting to help if you guys are still interested btw (sorry, I said I would "candidate" some months ago but holidays have been in between and I dropped the ball on that)18:30
argesslangasek: so i'm cool with any day to help out. Let me know what day works best.18:36
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zulcjohnston:  ping https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/neutron/+bug/129905519:20
ubot2Launchpad bug 1299055 in openstack-trove (Ubuntu Trusty) "Icehouse tracker for rc1" [Undecided,New]19:20
cjohnstonzul: I'm guessing you mean cjwatson19:20
zulyes sorry19:21
zulcjwatson: ping https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/neutron/+bug/129905519:21
ubot2Launchpad bug 1299055 in openstack-trove (Ubuntu Trusty) "Icehouse tracker for rc1" [Undecided,New]19:21
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
infinityslangasek: Fine by me, I trust he was thoroughly trained and abused.19:33
mlankhorstchoo choo19:36
cjwatsonzul: I'm EOW now, sorry20:22
cjwatsonslangasek: *cough* not been happening a whole lot, just now and again :-/20:22
slangasekcjwatson: oh no, this is horrible!  That means I have competition for the title of "least responsible SRU team member", and I can't just give arges my day!20:39
cjwatsonI was assuming you'd just exercise your management privileges and instruct me to pull my finger out20:40
slangaseko right20:41
slangasekcjwatson: plz stop slacking20:41
cjwatsonyers marster20:41
cjwatsonthe verification queues are pleasingly non-terrible at the moment20:42
cjwatsongood work by people clawing those down20:43
cjwatsonanyone want to confirm that they don't think anything in http://www.openssh.com/txt/release-6.6 really looks like it needs an FFe?20:44
cjwatson(er, yes, I actually am kind of EOW, this is really Debian work)20:44
* cjwatson goes off to supervise children's bathtime20:45
infinitycjwatson: It looks fine, though I'm having a hard time parsing what the second bullet point in the feature/changes section actually means.20:46
zulslangasek:  ping https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/neutron/+bug/129905520:52
ubot2Launchpad bug 1299055 in openstack-trove (Ubuntu Trusty) "Icehouse tracker for rc1" [Undecided,New]20:52
slangasekzul: what's the question?20:54
zulslangasek: can i get an ack for the icehouse rc1 from the release team?20:55
slangasekok, so this is an FFe request?20:55
slangasekzul: your bug description is far too high-level to be useful input to an FFe review.  Do you have pointers to debdiffs, or can you please include information about the features inline in the bug description?20:57
slangasekzul: also, what kind of analysis have you done so far of the risks of updating?20:58
zulslangasek: no I dont have debdiffs since some of them are still blocked, we have done the testing in the openstack-ci as usual we are ok with the updates21:00
slangasekblocked on what?21:00
zulslangasek:  blocked on a database fix getting upstream which will be fixed in the rc1 when its out21:01
slangasekand if some things are blocked, does that mean they also aren't tested yet?21:01
zulslangasek:  we do per-commit testing in the openstack-ci lab like we did in saucy21:01
zulgaughen: ^^^21:03
* gaughen reads21:04
slangasekzul: ok, so I suppose I could give a standing FFe for icehouse, provided that the packages continue to be tested via openstack-ci before upload21:05
slangasekbut it certainly doesn't make sense for me to FFe approve rc1 by itself, before it's out21:05
zulslangasek:  cool thanks21:05
zulthey always have been21:06
slangasekinfinity: fyi, upgrading to trusty claims that trusty is still in alpha.  Something missed from the checklist?22:04
infinityslangasek: What claims that?22:08
slangasekinfinity: the release notes displayed in update-manager22:08
slangasekbdmurray: you probably know where to change this, right?  Somehow I don't see it listed on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BetaProcess22:10
infinityYeah, this might be some special IS-mirrors static copy of the release notes...22:10
infinityI thought alphas and betas were meant to just grab the wiki version directly.22:11
infinity(Or, rather, the static copy isn't meant to exist, but to just be a redirect)22:11
slangasekinfinity: I think it's a static HTML file that we push in the archive tree, or onto changelogs.ubuntu.com22:11
infinityOh, http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/trusty/main/dist-upgrader-all/current/DevelReleaseAnnouncement.html22:12
slangasekhttp://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release-development -> yah that22:12
infinitySo, I guess that needs a dist-upgrader upload to fix.22:12
* infinity could have sworn there was something somewhere that reads the REAL release notes, not just the stub.22:13
infinityMaybe that's ubiquity that does that.22:13
infinityslangasek: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7171001/22:15
infinityslangasek: Seem reasonable?22:15
infinityIt might make more sense to just rewrite that to be a generic "this is a development release" warning, so it doesn't need to be changed ever again, actually.22:16
knomehighly approve that direction :)22:17
infinitySomething like this http://paste.ubuntu.com/7171009/22:19
infinityslangasek: ^22:19
infinityFeels verbally redundant.  s/release/product/ maybe.22:20
infinitySomeone give me an opinion that isn't my own, and I'll upload. :P22:21
slangasekwhy can't I just give you your own opinion?22:22
slangasekthat sounds easier22:22
slangasekalso, why can't you just cargo-cult from whatever was there last cycle? :)22:23
slangasekoh, because you're eliminating alphabeta22:23
slangasekinfinity: s/pre-release //22:23
infinityslangasek: Y'think?  I didn't like the implication that we stop development after release (which we don't).22:24
infinityslangasek: Which is proof that I'm overthinking this string modification.22:24
slangasekpost-release isn't development, it's perfection22:24
slangasekor something22:24
* infinity snorts.22:24
infinityslangasek: Upload in the queue.22:25
* infinity goes to commit to bzr to see if he just stomped over staged changes.22:26
infinityLa la la.22:26
slangasekat least you got to it before I had to check ;)22:27
infinityLooks like I win.22:27
bdmurrayall sorted then?22:34
slangasekaside from the queue not giving me a debdiff and making me review manually, yeah22:35
bdmurrayI never thought I'd be excited for the kids to drive themselves but this is getting out of hand.22:36
slangasekbdmurray: they've got four feet between them22:44
bdmurrayslangasek: I guess I walked back in the day, and I know they have experiencing walking / hiking.22:44
bdmurrayCould somebody have a look at kerneloops for me?22:45
slangasekwill do22:46
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
slangasekbdmurray: is that going to suffice to get the data up somewhere we can get at it? Nothing's going to be marking bugs as dupes of the existing ones before the users have a chance to submit the data, is it?22:47
bdmurrayslangasek: the retracer is marking them as duplicates after they are submitted to LP so we should be good.22:52
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha

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