
wesleymasonTbf the really shouldn't directly pollute /var/www, as it would not be unreasonable for another service within the same host to use the standard path as well.00:58
wesleymason*the charm00:58
marcoceppiwesleymason: you should use a directory within /var/www01:06
marcoceppiwesleymason: like /var/www/service-name01:06
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Valduarethere needs to be more juju maintainers :P01:57
Fishy__you should apply02:39
Valduareim not good enough02:44
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mischiefhi, i'm running the latest juju-core tarball from launchpad.net13:59
mischiefi followed the testing guide here but in the end, i can't contact the webserver running in the exposed wordpress charm https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/getting-started.html#test14:00
mischiefhuh, finally worked14:02
mischiefguess ec2 is just a bit slow :)14:02
Valduarehow do I setup a second workstation to manage my stuff14:33
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Valduarehi guys14:51
Valduarehow do I connect a new workstation to my juju stuff14:51
Fishy__what do you have now14:51
Fishy__that you want to connect it to14:51
Fishy__a MAAS setup? openstack?14:52
Valduareno I mean, I setup juju on one workstation to manage my vm’s14:52
Valduareand now I am on a different workstation14:52
Fishy__so what type of environment did you use, local?14:52
Valduaremanual provisioning14:52
Valduarehave one bootstrap vm and a few other vm’s running some services now.14:53
Fishy__and you want to run juju commands on it?  or want it to be able to host stuff14:53
Valduarebut I dualboot between ubuntu and mac so i’d like to be able to manage it from both OS - I have the same juju-core installed on mac and ubuntu 1.17.714:53
Fishy__ok so to manage it, you just need the config file from ~/.juju14:54
Fishy__in both places14:54
Fishy__for manual maybe need a few other files14:54
ValduareI made the environments.yml the same on both installations14:55
Fishy__so that should let you do juju status in either place14:55
Fishy__and see the same stuff?14:55
Valduareso If I just copy the .juju dir over to mac it will be setup14:55
Fishy__thats my theory, but I have not tried it14:56
Valduarejuju status tells me to create new environment14:56
Valduarenew bootstrap environment14:56
Fishy__ya dont do that14:56
Fishy__juju generate-config    then    juju switch manual14:56
Fishy__then clobber your envionments over14:57
Valduaredone that14:57
Fishy__so then juju status should see your "master node"14:57
Fishy__which knows about everyone14:57
Valduarehow do multiple sysadmin manage something with a system like this??14:57
Fishy__10 guys each have the same envionments.yaml14:57
Fishy__all point to the same master node14:57
Fishy__who knows about the cluster14:57
Fishy__maybe your master node is on the offline computer?14:57
Fishy__so you cant connect to it14:58
Valduareno its on an esxi host14:58
Fishy__and its running right now?14:58
ValduareI have juju-gui running on it14:58
Valduarecant login cause dont have the password from my ubuntu host workstation’s file heh14:58
Valduarebut ya its running14:58
Fishy__and you can ping bootstrap-host14:58
Fishy__and it resolvs?14:58
Valduarecan get to login screen fine for juju gui14:58
Fishy__wonder if it is authentication issue14:59
Fishy__and "juju switch"  says manual ?15:00
Fishy__i blame authentication, but at my limits ;)15:00
Valduaremarcoceppi: u around?15:12
Valduaremarcoceppi: I got the juju set to 1.17.7 devel for homebrew :)15:12
ValduareFishy__: just copied the entire .juju dir to mac and its working15:15
Fishy__there you go15:18
Fishy__wonder what file it needed15:19
Valduarenot sure15:24
ValduareFishy__: what all do you run with juju?15:25
Fishy__im attempting to switch my infastructure to juju15:26
Fishy__will be about 40 or 50 machines.. trying to use the MAAS approach15:26
Fishy__want to see how far I can go with juju to avoid having to use puppet15:27
Fishy__because I hate puppet that much15:27
=== mhall119|offline is now known as mhall119
Valduarei havnt tried puppet15:34
Valduarewhat all does it do15:34
Fishy__runs ruby all over the place to do stuff15:34
themonkhello all15:34
themonki am facing a problem15:35
themonkin provider join i am setting some value like private ip and port using relation-set command15:36
themonkbut i am not getting it in requirer relation changed15:38
themonkmarcoceppi: hi15:38
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lazyPowerValduare: Puppet is a configuration management solution, similar to chef16:04
Valduaremorning lazyPower16:05
lazyPowerjust stopping in to check on the community. So much to do16:05
ValduareI updated the homebrew juju.rb looks like it was accepted :)16:05
Valduarei got 1.17.7 running on my macbook16:05
lazyPowerYeah, they are pretty quick on accepting merge proposals.16:05
ValduareI tried the openerp-server charm last night16:07
Valduarebut it setup the old 6.1 version not 716:07
lazyPoweryeah, there's an open bug ont hat16:07
Valduarethey are almost out with 8 if not already.16:07
Valduareany idea who’s working on a fix?16:07
lazyPowerI'm fairly certain its unmaintained at the moment. Patches are welcome if you want to try your hand at it16:08
lazyPowersuggestion though: unless you want to handle the 6.1 deployments in the wild, target trusty.16:08
ValduareI havnt done a migration from 6.1 to 7 myself16:08
Valduarefrom what I read its a bain16:09
lazyPoweryeah, and the logic for that is going to be hefty16:09
lazyPowersince it requires database migrations16:09
lazyPowerif I weren't under the gun for other projects i'd spend some cycles on upgrading the charm to 716:09
ValduareI was reading in the charm files for it though it spoke of some sort of “choosing version to install”16:10
Valduarelp or something?16:10
lazyPowerwell, the idea is to actually extend the charm so the user can chose a version to install16:10
Valduarewith openERP there is no maintained way to migrate between milestones16:10
lazyPowermaking charms more extensible through configuration. The charm handles all the nuances of each version.16:10
Valduareso the charms should reflect that and have a charm for 6.1 and charm for 7 and charm for 8 etc16:10
lazyPowerinteresting. How familiar are you with OpenERP?16:11
Valduareunless the charm can integrate the opensource upgrade tool project16:11
Valduarenot extremely familiar16:11
Valduarejust a good reader :P16:11
lazyPowerwell, those points would be extremely good points of interest as bugs against the charm for feature planning16:12
Valduaremigration between versions is a paid support item with openERP16:12
Valduarebut there is a community project for scripts to handle it16:12
lazyPowerthat, doesn't surprise me16:12
Valduareso what all do you do when you sit down to make a charm16:12
Valduareie there’s an install guide for openerp 7, how does that get translated into a charm16:13
lazyPowerThats subjective to which charm i'm working on16:13
lazyPowerbut the first thing I do is get teh data integrity portion down. Write the backup routines and validate i have a recovery mechanism if the upgrade blows up16:14
ValduareI mean for a fresh install16:14
lazyPowerah, i start the install script with "return 1"16:15
lazyPowerdeploy it16:15
lazyPowerdebug-hooks into the server and start iterating16:15
lazyPoweri "protoduction" the code. Aint nobody got time for deploy + scan logs16:15
lazyPowerwhen i'm done, i tar up the charm, and scp it back to my desktop. Add comments, readme contents, clean up the code and open a MP16:16
lazyPowerValduare: i think i skipped a key part of your question. Yeah - if there is an upstream install guide. I follow that as closely as I can, unless i have security concerns with it.16:19
lazyPowerthen i add my own spin on those sections.16:19
Valduareso you launch a vm and follow the install guide there and then wrap it up some how?16:19
lazyPowerno, i create a charm template using charm tools.    charm create boopdeep for example16:21
lazyPoweri edit the metadata for relationships, add in whatever config options I think i'll need and add the return1 to the install hook16:21
lazyPoweri deploy that service, the return1 ensures I enter the hook context at step 1 of the installs cript16:22
lazyPoweri debug hooks into that machine, and set juju resolved -r on that unit so it re-runs the install hook16:22
lazyPowerremove the return 1 and start coding out the installation. Fetching dependencies, setting up system users, etc.16:22
lazyPowerfrom there, its subjective on what the charm's purpose is and what its providing.16:22
lazyPowermake sense?16:24
Valduarethe second to the last line you said did :P16:25
lazyPowerValduare: if you dont know about debug hooks, you need to start there. Deploy a charm and debug-hooks on the unit so you can see the glory of that tmux infused awesomeness16:26
lazyPowerValduare: https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/authors-hook-debug.html16:28
Valduarehave you used openerp?16:31
lazyPowerValduare: i have not. I was looking into it at one point17:10
zrzhi, i try to use juju on local environment with LXC but i get an error at bootstrap17:10
zrzERROR juju.state open.go:93 TLS handshake failed: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority17:11
zrzI run ubuntu 13.0417:11
zrzIt happens just after the connection to mongo17:13
lazyPowerzrz: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/117831217:14
_mup_Bug #1178312: ERROR state: TLS handshake failed: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority <config> <cts-cloud-review> <ui> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1178312>17:14
lazyPowerits a known bug17:14
zrzI have only one machine17:16
zrzAlready came accross the  launchpad link but don't really know if it applies17:17
lazyPowerzrz: i'm not sure, however if you're still around hwen I get back i'll take a look at it17:24
lazyPoweroff to run errands17:24
lazyPowernp tc o/17:24
zrzwhat should my .ssh/ folder look like ?17:30
zrzmaybe do I have to regenerate a certificate17:42
Valduarewe need someone to make an openerp 7 charm19:12
Valduareany volunteers?19:21
ValduarelazyPower: u around19:37
Valduaremarcoceppi: u around?19:53
lazyPowerValduare: you rang?19:56
Valduarehi :)19:56
Valduarehows it going lurch19:56
Valduarefound this in the install hook for openerp-server charm bzr checkout --lightweight lp:openobject-server${VERSION} openobject-server19:56
Valduareis there a way to pass the version variable when deploying a juju charm19:57
lazyPowerwhats it say at the top of the install hook?20:02
lazyPowersurely its setting VERSION up there, with a helper like config-get20:02
Valduareisnt there something I can pass with the juju deploy —to  2 openerp-server    version=/7.0 or soemthing like that20:02
lazyPowerValduare: You can pass variables to a deployment. The available variables are defined in config.yaml of the charm. You set them with juju set <service> <variable>=<value>20:03
lazyPowerValduare: read: https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/charms-config.html20:04
ValduareVERSION=$(config-get version) is in the file up top20:04
lazyPowerValduare: and https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/authors-charm-config.html20:04
lazyPowerits covered thoroughly in the docs20:05
Valduareah so looks like it cant be passed through the command20:07
Valduarehas to be put into a file for it to parse20:07
Valduarethat dosnt work20:10
Valduarethis documentation… ugh20:10
lazyPowerValduare: juju set openerp version=720:19
Valduarewhen you run that it says service not found20:20
Valduarethey need to specify in the documentation when to run that20:20
lazyPowerValduare: it can be run pretty much at any time20:21
Valduareif you run juju set before deploying service - service not found20:22
lazyPowercharms are intended to be dynamic, and allow the user to dynamically reconfigure their services at any time during its lifecycle20:22
Valduareits not intuitive to new users that you can run the set imediately after deploying it (before it boots up - now I know lol)20:22
lazyPowerValduare: if you want to specify values at time of deployment, i suggest using the yaml approach and specifying it during the deployment with --config=configuration.yaml20:22
Valduareaye I tried that kept giving me errors20:23
Valduareexamples on the docs provided no clues20:23
Valduareim speaking frankly - in order to help things along for new adopters like myself lol20:24
lazyPowerThe docs are up on GitHub20:24
lazyPowerand pull requests are most certainly appreciated20:24
lazyPowerif you've got ideas on how phrasing, or call outs would help - feel free to contribute. Otherwise, i understand your frustration :) Keep at it, i promise you that it's easier than it appears20:25
Valduarehmm hook failed : install20:26
Valduareah there we go20:27
Valduarewell this is nice, it didnt install the 7.0 version again20:35
ValduarelazyPower: is this correct? options:20:39
Valduare        version: "/7.0"20:39
lazyPowerare you deploying the server or the web agent?20:40
lazyPoweri'm looking up the charm20:40
lazyPowerValduare: that looks correct20:42
Valduareboth onto same instance20:42
lazyPowerValduare: however that PPA only has 6.120:43
lazyPowerso setting it to 7.0 is goign to fail20:43
Valduareah crapola20:43
Valduaregoot catch20:43
lazyPowerValduare: https://bugs.launchpad.net/charms/+source/openerp-server/+bug/113695220:44
_mup_Bug #1136952: Charms deploy OpenERP 6.1.1 and not OpenERP 7.0 <audit> <openerp-server (Juju Charms Collection):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1136952>20:44
lazyPoweralso this is a known problem against the charm20:45
Valduareso wonder if I can modify the charm20:46
Valduarewait, where did you get that link20:47
Valduarewhen I go to launchpad/openobject-server/7.0 it shows up fine20:47
lazyPoweri went to launchpad/openobject-server20:48
lazyPowerthen clicked on the package resource at the bottom20:48
Valduarenoticed that juju destroy-service openerp-server   leaves all the files?20:51
lazyPowerI haven't deployed it, so no20:51
lazyPowerbug would you be so kind as to file a bug about that?20:52
Valduarewhere at?20:52
Valduarethe last link?20:52
lazyPowerit needsa fresh bug20:52
lazyPowernot appended to that one - for clarification20:53
Valduareany idea why its split into openerp-web and openerp-server ?20:55
lazyPowerScaling purposes20:55
lazyPowerthey are independent services20:55
lazyPowermultiple front ends in different AZ's to keep latency down20:56
lazyPowersingle back end, or vice versa20:56
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Valduarein these config.yaml files do they need to be in quotes?20:58
Valduareie version: “/7.0”    or version: /7.020:58
Valduarei get ERROR cannot parse settings data: YAML error: line 1: found character that cannot start any token21:00
lazyPowerno quotes are not necessary21:01
josehey guys, about bug #1299585, I think destroy-service never removes any files/programs/conf at all?21:01
_mup_Bug #1299585: juju destroy-service openerp-server fails to remove any files <openerp-server (Juju Charms Collection):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1299585>21:01
lazyPowerjose: the stop hook should clean up after the service21:02
Valduareany idea about the line 1 error>21:02
joselazyPower: hmm, isn't the stop hook just supposed to stop the service?21:02
lazyPowerValduare: i cant read your yaml since i havent seen it so no21:03
Valduarei’ll pastebin21:03
lazyPowerjose: stop is called when the service is being torn down21:03
Valduarebut i coppied it in here21:03
lazyPowerjose: so its supposed to stop teh service and perform any cleanup21:03
Valduarei’ve tried header with   options:     openerp-web:    etc21:04
lazyPowerValduare: the format is service-name: <return><4 spaces> option: value21:04
lazyPoweryaml doesn't read tabs. it has to be spaces.21:04
Valduarethat should be added to the doc’s lol21:05
lazyPoweror you should read up on how to write yaml ;)21:05
Valduareyes but the doc’s should have a pointer to let me know that I didnt know something lol21:06
lazyPowerjose: ideally, your'e in a cloud environment where the machine is disposeable and each service is attached to its own machine. Thats why most stop hooks dont clean up the environment21:06
lazyPowerbecause its wasted cycles as the service is getting trashed. However, users of the manual provider are going to see all of this as machines aren't getting wiped.21:07
joselazyPower: so, before I do this push, should, let's say, the mailman charm, purge the installed packages on stop?21:07
joseotherwise, I can just uncommit21:07
lazyPowerjose: that would be a good plan if you want to support users of the manual provider. Otherwise note the behavior in the readme and let the good times roll.21:08
lazyPoweryou as the charm author are ultimately responsible for the behavior of the charm, and its up to whatever you want to support21:08
joseI think it'd be nice, I'll add it :)21:08
lazyPowerif a user deploys the charm without reading the readme first, thats their bad  for not expecting the behavior.21:08
Valduarewait wait this is is 2014 us consumers dont want any responsibility lazyPower :P21:09
lazyPowerValduare: i cant help it that people want genies. Juju is quite a bit of magic already - it doesn't grant 3 wishes on top of that.21:10
Valduareok now that i’ve gotten my syntax correct it does look like its not capable of doing openerp 721:11
Valduareso that lp config option21:13
ValduareI may be able to point it to the right bzr repo eh?21:13
lazyPowergive it a shot, if you get it working and submit a MP someone will review your owrk and you may make it into the charm store with that21:13
lazyPoweri know quite a few users will be thanking you for the patch :)21:14
Valduarehow can I download the charm and edit it and run locally21:14
lazyPowerDo you have charm tools installed?21:15
lazyPowerValduare: brew install charm-tools && charm get openerp-server21:16
lazyPowerI also made a video if the text is TLDR21:17
joselazyPower: hey, any idea of what a 'git add' error may mean? I haven't even ran git on my hook and it's giving me that error, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7176420/21:50
lazyPoweri have not see that before :(21:51
lazyPowerjose: actually it may be coming from juju itself, presently juju uses git for charm deployment versioning21:57
lazyPowerwhich causes interesting errors when there are merge conflicts, and what not. You can see this behavior by editing a hook on the service, and then updating the same lines in your charm and redeploying21:57
josewill consider it, then21:58
Valduarehmm its been stuck at install failed22:47
Valduarecant destroy it to try again...22:47
lazyPowerread up on resolving errors Valduare22:48
lazyPowerif a machine is in an error state, it waits for user intervention22:48
lazyPoweryou cant destroy, or progress until its resolved.22:49
Valduareresolved openerp-web/0  says cant resolve cause its already resolved22:52
Valduarelooks like I broke juju22:57
lazyPowerits in a loop somewhere in a hook22:58
lazyPoweri've done that by sending too many commands while it was in an error state22:58
lazyPoweryou can either wait for it to run its course and land on another error (or complete successfully)22:58
lazyPoweror destroy the machine with --force (if you are on 1.17.x) and start over with it22:58
lazyPowerby re-registering it in your machine pool22:59
Valduarenow just says life dead in juju status for that machine heh23:03
Valduarecan I re-add it yet?23:03
marcoceppilazyPower: fyi, I'm about to start working in the queue. lmk if you're in it23:17
lazyPowermarcoceppi: i am not. I'm trying to figure out vlan trunking so i can get to my maas nodes23:18
lazyPowernfs mounts are failing since its bidi communication :(23:18
marcoceppithat sucks23:18
lazyPowerget outta here23:18
lemaolazyPower: great video, thanks! Q: what is special about the custom JujuBox as opposed to a plain ubuntu-vagrant box plus a juju bootstrap?23:31
lazyPowerlemao: lemao the juju box comes with all the juju bits included23:31
lazyPoweryou can do it manually but you'll need to write a provisioner statement to load the packages you need + bootstrap your environment. You get that all OOTB with the ubuntu-juju-precise vagrant box.23:32
lemaolazyPower: ok, I was interested in using trusty and I created a simple bootstrap.sh to provision vagrant. But LXC used precise instead of trusty for the containers23:33
lazyPowerlemao: when we aren't so slammed with other things to do i'll be working on extending the vagrant story of juju, and producing some plugins for juju so you get all that goodness ootb23:34
lazyPowerone of the big draws for me with vagrant is an isolated testing environment. That way i ensure all my dependencies are met for CI and what not in the 00-setup script from charm add tests23:35
Valduarehmm lazyPower I ran juju destroy-machine 2 —force and juju status shows it as dead, agent running23:37
Valduarewont remove?23:37
lazyPowernot sure why thats happening. Sounds like a bug23:38
weblifewow hp small is cheaper then aws m1.small and better23:38
weblifeplus 300 credit!! awesome, im in!!!23:39
weblifeanyone know if they have similiar dns services though like route 53?23:40
lemaolazyPower: I am also looking for a full dev/testing environment that I could 'switch' to ec2, for instance.23:42
lazyPowerlemao: meaning you test in EC2? or you test local and switch + deploy to ec2?23:43
lemaolazyPower: and I am stuck with OSX for now so vagrant+virtualbox is required23:43
lemaolazyPower: latter23:43
lazyPowerthen the juju vagrant image is your key to success23:43
marcoceppiweblife: yeah, they have a DNS server23:43
lazyPowerlemao: that or join the jedi academy and run ubuntu native on your apple hardware :)23:44
Valduareso I may have to destroy entire environment to fix this?23:45
lazyPowerValduare: i wouldn't think so, no. have you tried rebooting the vm guest through your esxi VM Manager?23:45
lemaolazyPower: :-) I have been circling around that thought now for months ...23:45
lazyPowerworst case scenario is you reprovision the vm and re-add it.23:45
lazyPowerlemao: i have a MBA using reFind and it works extremely well. I recently picked up an XPS13 and have all but abandoned the apple hardware save for testing brew packaging and vagrant stuff23:46
lazyPowerI'm actually considering selling it and picking up a mac mini to run on my network somewhere that i can remote into, keep it tucked away in a dark corner of my house23:49
Valduareya I rebooted it23:51
Valduarehavnt rebooted the juju bootstrap vm is that needed?23:51
lazyPoweri dont think so23:51
mischiefare there any juju developers here?23:51
Valduareok i’ll try blowing the vm away and starting fresh23:52
mischieflazyPower maybe?23:52
lazyPowermischief: i'm not a core developer. I work on charms and community help/outreach23:52
lemaolazyPower: I will have to take the plunge at some point23:52
=== lazyPower changed the topic of #juju to: Welcome!! Docs: http://juju.ubuntu.com/docs || FAQ: http://goo.gl/MsNu4I || Review Queue: http://goo.gl/9yBZuv || Unanswered Questions: http://goo.gl/dNj8CP
lemaolazyPower: is there a trusty JujuBox somewhere? Or where can I find the sources for the precise JujuBox?23:53
lazyPowerlemao: unfortunately, the process to build those vagrant boxes remains full of mysticism and voodoo - i do however have some preliminary scripts using veewee to build your own basebox. The size was pretty hefty though (~800mb)23:54
lazyPowerlemao: there are some baseline trusty boxes here: http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/vagrant/trusty/23:55
lazyPoweri dont think any of the juju boxes for trusty have been built yet.23:55
lazyPowerand if you want to get started building your own baseboxes - you can build off my work here: https://github.com/chuckbutler/juju-vagrant-veewee-definitions23:56

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