
ahoneybunhello all00:49
Noskcajhey ahoneybun00:52
Noskcajk den00:53
* ahoneybun starts upgrade to 14.04 beta 202:33
ahoneybunbtw the command for a upgrade to a dev branch is do-release-upgrade -d02:33
ahoneybunI have to say 14.04 beta 2 is so much faster on my macbook then 13.1006:38
darkxstricotz, hey10:17
ricotzdarkxst, hey10:18
ricotzmake it quick i was about to leave10:19
darkxstanychance you could help get vanilla g-s-d and g-c-c 3.10 ready for FFe10:19
darkxstI don't have any proper internet right now :(10:19
darkxstwe are going to upload a renamed gnome-desktop 3.10 for this cycle10:19
ricotzhmm, what is the deadline?10:20
ricotzi see10:20
darkxstpretty soon10:21
ricotzhmm, not i will find much time so "soon"10:22
ricotzthis mean you internet problems are not temporarily?10:23
ricotzanyhow send me the links to the wip-packages for now10:24
darkxstits complicated, they accidently disconnected us when booked in a move10:25
darkxstand now they don't know how to fix it :(10:25
darkxstok, I will try and catch you in the morning10:25
darkxstricotz, https://code.launchpad.net/~darkxst/gnome-control-center/vanilla3.810:27
darkxstI havent yet got around to stripping the cruft from g-s-d10:29
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=== makije is now known as makije|away
ahoneybunis anyone ever here>20:48
Noskcajahoneybun, yeah20:51
ahoneybun I was trying to have a talk about the release notes but a bit more faster then using the mailing list20:53
Noskcajahoneybun, you want darkxst then20:54
Noskcajor ali, but he's never on irc, usually G+20:54
ahoneybunI have been talking to him and someone else20:56
darkxsthi ahoneybun21:54
ahoneybunhey darkxst21:55
darkxstNoskcaj, did you test that gnome-desktop rename package?22:07
darkxstahoneybun, what about the release notes?22:07
Noskcajdarkxst, Only in that it builds, i can't do anything more22:08
darkxstit probably won't install, since it still overwrites some files from the other packages22:08
ahoneybundarkxst, anything I can do related to the release notes?22:13
n_alvarez2007Hi everyone22:35
n_alvarez2007Who do I have to speak with in order to get help with theming Ubuntu GNOME22:35
ubot5Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience22:36
ubot5Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/22:36
Noskcajnever mind, he left :(22:36

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