
jrwrengreg-g: what is this new policy?02:42
greg-gjrwren: I assume you're referrign to my tweet: it's MS's promise they will stop looking at your emails without a warrant02:50
mrgoodcatms is gross05:24
tony-smlrSMLR E122 LIVE Video: http://youtu.be/Pd2lYHKM9WQ - Audio http://live.smlr.us:8000/streaming (3/29/2014 7:30A EDT)11:31
cmaloneyGood morning13:21
jrwrengreg-g: yes, oh damn. i'm glad I don't use MS for email.14:18
cmaloneyHow's the day so far?15:11
cmaloneyjrwren: I don't think you have anything to worry about unless you're leaking MS secrets15:11
cmaloneythen you just have the govt. to worry about. :)15:11
cmaloneyand law enforcement15:11
cmaloneyand some guy named Earl from accounts.15:11
cmaloneybut other than that...15:12
greg-gjrwren: and if you think it's any different at Google.... :P16:18
jrwrengreg-g: i run my own email server for a reason.16:20
jrwrengreg-g: i avoid google and apple and now msft products.16:20
jrwrene.g. gmail is used ONLY for public email lists.16:20
jrwrenhrm.. i guess i don't avoid apple. i use an iphone16:20
cmaloneyI use Google products a lot16:21
cmaloneyAndroid Phone, Chrome Browser, Google+16:21
mrgoodcati use many google products16:21
cmaloneyBut that's mostly because I find them to be the most level-headed of the corps out there16:22
cmaloneyand the one that stands to lose the most capital should they piss off the geeks out there.16:22
mrgoodcatg+, music, movies, android, gmail, search16:22
mrgoodcatoh yes that one too16:22
cmaloneyThey've supplanted my Nook16:22
mrgoodcatproblem is i cant google book on my kindle, so i still use amazon for that too16:23
cmaloneyI never bought into Amazon16:23
cmaloneyI still prefer ePubs as they're portable between devices (for the most part)16:23
mrgoodcati use amazon books16:23
mrgoodcatand i have amazon prime16:23
cmaloneyThat and they didn't have PDF support when I was in the eBook market16:24
cmaloneywhich is a huge detraction16:24
mrgoodcati make some concessions to use google and amazon both. privacy with google, walled garden with amazon16:25
cmaloneyIt's quite difficult to lead a RMS-like lifestyle16:26
mrgoodcatbut the convenience afforded makes it worth it16:26
cmaloneyI find it slightly humorous that the Italian Word for "to seek" is "RICERCAR"16:26
jrwrenRMS doesn't have a cell phone.16:27
cmaloneybecause that's not what I see when I see that word. :)16:27
mrgoodcatyea, in order to go full RMS you have to give up a lot of modern conveniences16:27
cmaloneyWell, and most ebooks16:27
jrwrenthere are not ebook readers for GNU linux anyway.16:28
mrgoodcatself hosted email could never be as convenient as google. as much as i like the idea of self hosting16:28
jrwrenmrgoodcat: indeed. its MORE convenient :p16:28
mrgoodcati don't mean just the email16:28
mrgoodcatthe android and now integration is what gives it value16:29
mrgoodcatand there aren't any open source webmail solutions as good as gmail16:29
jrwrennow is the ultimate in scary tracking16:29
mrgoodcatroundcube is ok16:29
jrwrenyes, amazing how open source completely dropped the ball on webmail solutions eh?16:29
mrgoodcatthunderbird is ok16:30
jrwreni like thunderbird a lot.16:30
mrgoodcati host my own email at dyladan.me but i tend to use my gmail more16:30
mrgoodcatmy dog is barking at the dogs in game of thrones :)16:31
mrgoodcatthe surround sound is freaking her out16:31
greg-gjrwren:  :)16:37
greg-gjrwren: my only google hosted email is forced on me for work email, though I'm going to transition to our lightly used self-hosted imap server at WMF16:38
greg-g(only a few opsen on it now, sounds like there might be a migration of most opsen soon, and I'll join that boat)16:38
jrwrenfor privacy reasons, I'd rather suffer with our hosted exchange at work than move to google apps16:40
cmaloneyI'm not so sure that's a trade-off I could manage. :)17:14
Havenstancewell today's been a better day then yesterday by far :)18:00
=== Havenstance is now known as Haven|Home
* Havenstance kicks acl requirements for samba20:24
Havenstanceand the uss enterprise crashed....21:51
Havenstanceserver just died a smoky death21:51
mrgoodcatHavenstance: no way. The zentyal server?22:44
Havenstanceyeah it was my home version though22:45
HavenstanceI have another box i'll pull out of the closet tomorrow and hook up in its place22:45
Havenstancethe box i had it on here had been slowing down even with winblows22:45
Havenstancewasn't sure what was going on, then it let out a squeal a small pop and lots & lots of smoke....22:46
HavenstanceI'll bbiaf, gotta go pick up the baby22:54
cmaloneyShould go out to the garage more often23:12
cmaloneyFound a copy of Neal Stepehnson's Anathem and the Apple Bluetooth Keyboard.23:13

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