
OvenWerk1zequence: re bug #1294056 This is either a unity bug... or a toolkit incompatability as this systray icon works fine in xfce.14:38
ubottubug 1294056 in qjackctl (Ubuntu) "Qjackctl systray icon shows no menu" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129405614:38
OvenWerk1I was wondering if you still run gnome shell on one of your machines and if you also have this problem.14:40
OvenWerk1zequence: Re: the upload fail for -menu in our daily builds... my fault. I messed up and had to uncommit about 3 times to correct. As a result the revno of the latest one is less than what was lat auto built. It should auto build next time ok. (I hope)15:50

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