
stochasticHi there, I'm looking into kernel stuff for the Ubuntu Studio team and was wondering what the exact patches are that go into the LowLatency Kernel.  I don't see it listed at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Dev/Flavours20:43
zequencestochastic: You could just ask me, since I'm the maintainer :)20:43
zequencestochastic: In the past, there was only one patch - one which made threadirqs default. But now, since linux-lowlatency is "merged" with the master branch, making threadirqs default is done with a config20:44
zequenceso, no patches at all. The only diff is the config20:44
zequencestochastic: You can find the kernel sources for stable releases at https://github.com/ubuntustudio-kernel20:45
zequencestochastic: From trusty, and beyond, linux-lowlatency is maintained by the Canonical kernel team - while the ubuntustudio-kernel team still maintains the config diff20:46
stochasticAhh, thanks zequence, I should have just checked with you. :P20:47
infinity(The config diff is 3 things)20:49

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