
=== mhall119_ is now known as mhall119
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* frankban lunches12:30
bachi rick_h_12:38
rick_h_morning bac 12:38
rick_h_good time while away?12:38
bacrick_h_: hey what is the card re: comingsoon about?  you just want me to add ssh keys for more people?12:38
rick_h_bac: yea, there's a css issue atm and no one could fix it12:39
rick_h_bac: so I was going to ask for hte details on where it's at and do we need to move it or get access for more folks12:39
bacrick_h_: just a matter of adding more ssh keys from lp12:39
rick_h_I never really followed where that server is at12:39
bacrick_h_: you just ssh to comingsoon.jujucharms.com12:39
bacrick_h_: so tell me who...12:40
rick_h_bac: ok cool, yea me please, hatch and makyo. 12:40
rick_h_bac: maybe add a doc section in https://wiki.canonical.com/CDO/Juju/GUI/CI please12:41
baccool google doodle alert12:43
rick_h_no doodle here :(12:45
rick_h_bac: can you ping when you have time for a quick call please?12:47
bacrick_h_: now is good12:47
rick_h_bac https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/7ecpjkem9ldms8f9qpbj5pois8?authuser=1&hl=en12:48
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bacrick_h_: huw's changes are in the branch on comingsoon.  no conflicts are shown.  i've cleaned and rebuilt.  still busted.13:08
rick_h_bac: working here13:08
rick_h_bac: thanks for the update, stale cache maybe on your end?13:08
bacoh.  cache problem for me13:08
bacvery good then13:08
frankbanwelcome back bac 13:38
bacthanks frankban13:39
jcastrohey rick_h_ or frankban13:39
jcastrowhich version of quickstart would be missing MAAS support?13:39
jcastrosabdfl tried it on his garage maas and could not find an option for maas13:40
frankbanjcastro: could you please file a bug? we can try to add maas to the next release. is --upload-tools still required when using maas?13:42
hatchjujugui juju-core 1.17.6 deploys the 1.17.7 tools and will throw an error about instance-id. If you get this error update your juju client (I ran into this on the weekend)13:44
jcastrofrankban, aha! He's on vanilla trusty with 1.1 instead of 1.3, which is in the PPA13:44
jcastroanyone have the status for -quickstart in main? Are we still shooting for that?13:45
rick_h_jcastro: it's shot down for 14.0413:46
rick_h_jcastro: it'll be in universe13:46
jcastroack, I assume that will get bumped to 1.13 though? 13:46
frankbanjcastro: quickstart in main is blocked by core in main. 1.3 yeah, same question here, is quickstart universe auto-updating?13:47
jcastroit's past freeze now right? I believe we need to have it manually synced13:47
jcastrowe should check13:47
rick_h_right, they have to upload still I believe13:48
rick_h_because they update from the pypi13:48
frankbanjcastro: FWIW 1.3 does not include maas support, we still need to implement that, it wasn't planned13:48
rick_h_that's the official 'release' that packaging is built off of13:48
jcastroso my quickstart has an entry for maas13:48
rick_h_jcastro: did you have that in your environments.yaml?13:49
jcastroI mean, it has the fields and stuff, do those not work?13:49
rick_h_jcastro: I don't think it's a provider we suport 13:49
jcastrohuh, well, I see it in there, and I certainly didn't add it13:50
rick_h_jcastro: in the 'create a new environment' or from your existing environment list?13:50
frankbanjcastro: quickstart works like the following: if you have an environment in your envs.yaml file, which quickstart does not recognize/support, quickstart will still let you use that and even edit the fields it found, but do not expect validation/creation.13:50
jcastroit's in my environments.yaml, but I didn't create it, anyway, that's not as important right now as to what I should tell Mark about MAAS/quickstart, heh13:51
rick_h_maas/quickstart doesn't work and wasn't planned. It was deemed a quick 'juju helper' and maas didn't come into the conversation13:52
rick_h_so it's all news to us now that you ask abou it. We didn't consider how it would work. Does the deployer/bundles work on maas/13:52
rick_h_we'd have a lot of questions to ask/figure out to see how quickstart work work in that world13:52
jcastroI don't know if deployer/bundles work on MAAS13:57
jcastroI am not supposed to care about my provider remember? :)13:57
rick_h_jcastro: right, that's from an internal point of view. I'll have to ask/figure out that to see what a quckstart tool looks like in a maas world13:58
jcastroso I am wondering if we ask you to do X steps for MAAS does quickstart really make a difference?14:02
jcastro"I know how to set up DNS and DHCP, but adding a value to a yaml file? Now you ask too much!"14:03
rick_h_jcastro: yea, that's my thing. If we can't do bundles to maas I'm not sure what all we'll be doing for them14:03
jcastroIMO we should be doing bundles in MAAS14:03
rick_h_I'm in calls but will try to find some answers. If we can make it near close feature-wise we can schedule some work on quickstart14:04
jcastroprovider-specific limitations totally ruin Juju's promise14:04
jcastrorick_h_, yeah I don't think it's big enough to stop what you're doing, I'm just thinking we should have an idea of discussion for vegas14:04
rick_h_jcastro: +114:05
jcastrolike, I think it missing from quickstart isn't a big deal, these people are doing bare metal installs, and a little yaml file is no big deal14:05
jcastrobut non-working bundles would be big I think14:05
rick_h_right, but I agree bundles on maas should be something we look into14:05
jcastrorick_h_, do we know it doesn't work or do you speculate it doesn't work because we never tried it?14:05
rick_h_jcastro: never tried it so just not sure14:06
jcastroso probably doesn't work14:06
rick_h_I'm trying to find some report of people doing that14:06
jcastrolet me ask14:06
* rick_h_ hasn't used maas but an excuse to pick up some hardware is always welcome14:06
* hatch is reviewing huws branch14:10
hatchjcsackett did you get a chance to try the new http interface on the ghost charm?14:14
hatch__I found a charm this weekend which has multiple maintainers in the maintainer field https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~charmers/charms/precise/haproxy/trunk/view/head:/metadata.yaml 14:46
hatch__re our charmworld discussion about multiple maintainers14:46
hatch__atm it only shows the first one14:47
rick_h_hatch__: right, so we've got a card to move to a maintainers field and the charm should be updated to use it14:48
bacrick_h_: just filed expenses for AWS for last four months14:48
rick_h_bac: k, thanks14:48
bacrick_h_: fwiw, on canonicaladmin "Sign off by" still shows gary14:49
=== hatch__ is now known as hatch
rick_h_bac: hmm, will look. I thought I was setup for everything14:49
bacoops maybe that was an historic one14:50
rick_h_if I could log in I'd tell you if I can see it or not14:50
kadams54rick_h_: been diving into charmworld this morning, but I don't have any cards to work on right now. Was wondering if you had any suggestions…14:50
kadams54If not, then this looked like something I could tackle: https://launchpad.net/bugs/129032314:51
rick_h_kadams54: hop on the stand up a couple min early and we can run through14:52
rick_h_jujugui call in 7 kanban please14:54
hatchMakyo did you see they released a vim plugin for Go?15:07
Makyohatch, not yet, though I'm intrigued.  I don't mind Sublime for Go, but it takes a bit to switch editor modes15:08
hatchyeah that's my thoughts - right now I switch from sublime > tmux > osx > ubuntu15:08
hatchI end up hitting about 5 shortcuts before I find the right one15:08
kadams54This came up on Friday: here's what I currently use for window management/position in OS X: https://github.com/fikovnik/ShiftIt15:09
Makyohatch, have a link? I already have go.vim15:09
kadams54Pretty basic, not as powerful as Amethyst, but does the stuff I want.15:09
hatchMakyo umm one sec15:10
hatchkadams54 yeah I've been trying moom because I want custom (saved) layouts15:10
hatchlayouts are a big requirement for me15:11
rick_h_Makyo: got a sec to chat?15:13
Makyorick_h_, sure15:13
hatchrick_h_ I'm going to bench this delta card and work on it as slack so we can keep pushing forward....anything you'd like me on next?15:30
rick_h_hatch: state :)15:30
rick_h_hatch: drink your coffee today?15:30
hatchI just might implement the API I want then :P15:30
hatchhaha drinking tea now15:30
rick_h_that'll do15:30
rick_h_yea, I mean we need someone to pick up state work and it's blocking a lot of things right now. 15:31
rick_h_hatch: if you don't want to do that we can find something else15:31
hatchno no it's fine15:31
rick_h_pow wow time then?15:32
* hatch puts his politically correct hat on15:32
hatchyeah I'm ready whenever15:32
rick_h_kadams54: ^ 15:32
rick_h_ok, will get a link15:32
rick_h_kadams54: feel free to join in the fun ^ as well15:33
* hatch changes state object name to KylesState16:31
rick_h_let's just get it all the way there KylesFault :P16:31
hatchthat would be epic16:32
rick_h_welcome to the club, it can go next to the class RicksFault, JeffFault, and MattAlwaysWins16:32
hatchoh man that would make for a funny codebase16:33
* rick_h_ goes for lunchables16:40
hatchMakyo there are a bunch of warnings now "Dropping unused function..." from the d3 stuff16:53
hatchanything to be worried about?16:53
Makyohatch, no, just some poorly managed dependency tree stuff on D3s side.  That's just uglify getting rid of stuff that is never used.16:55
hatchahh ok cool16:55
MakyoGotta give uglify credit for being pretty thorough.16:55
hatchlittle scary if those methods were called by this[callthismethod]16:58
hatchrick_h_ I have a question about the ghost inspector and viewNavigate/state lemme know when you're back16:59
kadams54Forgot to mention this in standup, but I'm going to be out in an hour for an appointment. Will be back in the saddle around 3 PM Eastern.17:01
rick_h_hatch: k, back17:02
kadams54Also: KylesFault: less scary than SupportedNowAndAlwaysByKyle17:02
kadams54I've got no problem with it being my fault as long as someone else has to support it ;-)17:02
rick_h_oooh, I like that one17:02
Makyojujugui anyone running in OSX with vagrant?  Having trouble getting the tests to pass natively with that, though the pass in CI and on other systems.17:10
bacMakyo: i am17:11
hatchMakyo running fine here17:11
Makyohatch, rick_h_ PR updated, btw.17:12
bacMakyo: but i haven't tried the tests ina while17:12
MakyoHmm, okay.  I'm on the old vagrant, will update.17:12
kadams54I have 2-3 tests that fail on a semi-regular basis17:14
rick_h_Makyo: cool thanks looking17:22
hatchkadams54 can you make note of them - they may be because of a cascading state issue (we used to have a lot of those)17:25
hatchMakyo oh yeah I'm on the new one, sorry try updating 17:25
MakyoWorking on it.  NFS is unhappy17:26
hatch:( I love the nfs it's so fast17:26
MakyoOh, nevermind.  /etc/exports was messed up17:26
MakyoHad some stuff in there left over from old vbox setup17:27
MakyoConflicting mount points17:27
hatchohh that'll do17:31
bachatch, so the vagrant/nfs has continued to work well?17:44
=== hatch__ is now known as hatch
hatchbac yep works like a charm, so fast17:46
hatchit's virtually instant to load up the site now when running locally 17:47
hatchit used to take a few seconds before17:47
hatchtotal time to run the tests has also dramatically sped up17:47
bacyay, i'm reading my email backwards and just got to the part where allhands has been bludgeoned to death.  whee.17:50
hatchhaha yeah I cheered for that too17:51
hatchrick_h_ can the filter stuff at the top of getUrl in state.js go?17:52
rick_h_hatch: not until we fix the url to not need to worry about 'search' in the url17:52
hatchwe don't -do- filters any longer I don't think17:52
hatchohh ok17:52
rick_h_hatch: oh, but we do use filters in state. the search term, etc17:53
rick_h_hatch: clear and such for updating. and supposedly we'll get to 'tag' like search where you can enter 'precise' and we'll have to detect it as a filter of series17:54
rick_h_hatch: but yea, not used to the full extent right now17:54
hatch14 mooms remaining :017:55
hatchI thought you were trying moom17:56
hatchevery time  you use it it counts down from 10017:56
rick_h_yea, not sure what '14 more' fit into17:56
rick_h_huh? missed that17:56
hatchoh you've bought it already>17:57
rick_h_is that a trial one or something?17:57
rick_h_oh yea, I just bought it17:57
hatchoh lol ok17:57
* hatch is cheap17:57
rick_h_didn't realize it had a trial, just found it in the store17:57
hatchohh yeah I went to their website17:57
hatchyou should go register on their site - there are some limitations to the store version17:57
Makyohatch, mind giving the PR a +/-?18:39
hatchoops sorry checking18:39
hatchMakyo done - I thought it had already landed :)18:40
Makyohatch, sorry, just wanted to make sure!18:40
rick_h_jujugui going afk for a little bit before the interview. 19:01
rick_h_hatch__: ping, hop into the call19:54
=== hatch__ is now known as hatch
rick_h_Makyo: can you come back for a min?20:59
MakyoAck, sorry21:00
hatchMakyo lol that system 7621:04
MakyoI KNOW21:04
rick_h_MOAR FANS!21:04
MakyoNeed to get a separate mic for it. I think th emic is on top of one of the fans.21:05
MakyoOh well.21:05
MakyoLooking at Thinkpads to replace it.21:05
rick_h_ugh sorry21:06
MakyoIt makes an okay "desktop", but the Air is a little less than ideal for sprint work, since it's not linux on metal.  Makes Go work tough.21:06
rick_h_kadams ran away? 21:06
rick_h_Makyo: hatch looks like his branch is up for review, if either of you get time to check it out before EOD appreciate it. 21:06
Makyoon it21:07
rick_h_Makyo: yea, I've got $$ in my pocket but nothing I'm happy to spend $$ on. 21:07
MakyoOr, well, let me walk dogs first.  Will be free after.21:07
Makyorick_h_, yeah.  You still pro thinkpad?21:07
rick_h_The air is a nice form factor, but no metal and crappy keyboard :(21:07
rick_h_I love my 230, but want a more air form factor, better display, HD21:07
rick_h_the 240 does that but changes the buttons to a 'click pad' which reviews say is awful21:07
hatchMakyo I write go in OSX21:08
rick_h_Makyo: so I'm thinkpad cranky atm. They botched the carbon, messed up the 240 trackpoint21:08
hatchI haven't found a time when it doesn't work in OSX but does in Ubuntu21:08
hatchoh boy did they ever botch the carbon21:08
Makyohatch, oh, cool.  Was curious about the juju project.21:08
hatchwth did they do to that keyboard lol21:08
rick_h_Makyo: honestly I was looking at the xps13, some people seem to like it, but a friend I trust hated it21:08
rick_h_Makyo: so I'm hoping refresh season might hit middle of the year and something good comes out of it21:09
hatchMakyo juju probably won't work as it relies on Ubuntu specific dependencies21:09
Makyohatch, yeah, that was my concern with upcoming Gophercon21:09
hatchMakyo do you have the haswell equipped air?21:09
MakyoI'll get a VM up and running.21:09
hatchI think as long as it's -not- haswell then 14.04 will run on metal21:10
rick_h_Makyo: http://discourse.ubuntu.com/t/laptops-for-ubuntu-cant-make-up-my-mind/154121:10
rick_h_ok all, EOD have fun. Thanks again. 21:10
hatchcya rick_h_ 21:11
hatchI'm going to try fusion at some point here to try and get a good vm running21:13
=== hatch__ is now known as hatch
MakyoBig huge +1 on NFS mount./22:14
hatchhaha see!22:14
rick_h_bac: looks like that's a winning change. :)22:18
rick_h_morning huwshimi 22:18
bacrick_h_: well, it was a bit sleazy22:18
bacrick_h_: you talking about ceph?22:18
bachi huwshimi!22:19
huwshimiMorning all22:19
hatchbac nfs22:19
hatchbac how was your vacation?22:19
bacah, nfs not sleazy at all22:20
bachatch: it was fantastic!  beautiful, deserted beaches22:20
rick_h_bac: oh I missed an nfs change22:20
bachatch: only downside is the dog is now mopey.  he had such a good time he's pissed to be home22:20
rick_h_bac: I mean I missed a ceph change22:20
rick_h_bac what was the result of that then?22:21
bacrick_h_: after lots of experimenting on staging, i decided the best course was just to delete ceph-22 and ceph-20.  when ingested again they were fine.22:21
rick_h_bac: ah cool thanks22:21
baci can't explain what happened22:21
bacthat's where the sleaze comes in22:21
rick_h_bac: yea works for me. I think it fell into an exception. We'll see if we hit issues again22:22
baclet's blame benji and move on22:22
rick_h_hah, good call22:22
huwshimirick_h_: I see you've played some poker. Anything in particular you'd like me to move on to next?22:24
huwshimihatch: Thanks for landing that branch.22:25
rick_h_huwshimi: so it's not on here, but you can get the inspector to show up (non ghost)22:25
rick_h_and we need to fit it into the full size of the sidebar22:25
rick_h_huwshimi: so go to comingsoon, deploy a charm, hit the close button, then click on the service block to get the normal inspector22:25
rick_h_oh, we can't now that the MV panel is there heh22:26
rick_h_ok, guess not that one22:26
rick_h_oh try without the mv flag22:27
rick_h_just il22:27
huwshimirick_h_: Yep, got it.22:27
rick_h_huwshimi: ok, so the normal inspector on the left on a tall display doesn't fill the height properly22:27
huwshimirick_h_: Ah yeah, looks like another candidate for flexbox.22:28
rick_h_huwshimi: so that'd be some good updates around current stuff. 22:28
huwshimirick_h_: Would save all our resize calculations too.22:28
rick_h_huwshimi: and aside from that, we can keep moving forward on the machine view parts. We need the deployed unit tokens. Those I think should be widgets and done like the charm token22:28
rick_h_huwshimi: cool, if it works across our supported browsers I'm all for it22:28
huwshimirick_h_: Yep, it's how the machine view stuff is working22:29
rick_h_huwshimi: cool22:29
rick_h_huwshimi: so the 'create a deployed service token' or the 'create machine control in unplaced units panel' would be next UI components to start on22:29
rick_h_huwshimi: that help?22:30
huwshimirick_h_: Yep, that's great. Just poking around at the wireframes to see if we have details for the expanded units etc.22:31
huwshimiI think there's enough there to get started.22:32
rick_h_huwshimi: yea, there should be an expanded view when you place a unit token, but we can start out with just a small widget that can represent a unit. Assume it gets the data from the unit model as a raw JS object for now22:32
rick_h_huwshimi: much like the charm/bundle tokens get their model, but as a raw JS object22:32
huwshimirick_h_: OK22:33
hatchyay....ghost state done22:37
hatchI should add "// I hate this" everywhere :P22:37
hatchrick_h_ are you up for a post-implementation review?22:39
rick_h_hatch: let's do it in the morning?22:47
hatchsounds good22:48
rick_h_hatch: and maybe not "I hate this" but "XXX this should go YY in refactor card"22:48
hatchit's in my github fork if you get curious22:48
hatchlol yeah22:48
rick_h_hatch: k, just create a WIP pull request please22:48
rick_h_I can comment on that but not just looking at the code22:49
rick_h_will try to look after the boy goes to bed22:49
hatchyep no rush22:49
hatchstepping away for a bit22:50
hatchkadams54 you're back23:55
hatchyou kinda disappeared lol23:55
hatchMakyo I made some notes in the interview doc, feel free to comment/change as you see fit23:55
kadams54Comcast: "Your area is experiencing an outtage. Estimated time for repair is 8 PM Eastern."23:55
hatchsomeone drive into the internet pole?23:56
hatchthe challenge of working from home sometimes :)23:57
hatchMy cell provider doesn't charge extra for tethering so I try to jump on that if my home network goes bonkers23:58

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