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Valduarehi guys im getting some odd behavior with juju and add-machine02:49
mbruzekValduare, specifically what kind of odd-ness?02:52
ValduareERROR lookup juju-openerp: no such host02:52
Valduarethis is after I destroyed environment02:53
Valduareand am re-using the same vm’s02:53
ValduareI ssh’ed into the vm and rm the juju stuff there as per the wiki02:53
mbruzekI have not done the manual provider personally but I can take a shot here.  When you destroyed the environment Juju might not have cleaned up all the way.  Can you try to destroy-environment with the --force option?02:55
ValduareI have02:55
mbruzekWhat version of Juju are you using?02:59
mbruzekYeah that is the latest.03:00
mbruzekI am sorry Valduare you seem to have stumped me.  I have a cleanup script for when the local provider does not destroy properly but I don't think that will help you in this case.03:01
Valduareits not anything with the vm’s cause i’ve blown them away and reinstalled fresh servers03:05
Valduareits something on my workstation -03:06
Valduareand juju03:06
mbruzekYou mentioned you were following the wiki page which page?03:06
Valduarethe one on manual provisioning03:06
mbruzekWhat is your bootstrap-host value ?03:08
Valduarehttp://askubuntu.com/questions/433842/how-to-resolve-error-machine-is-already-provisioned-in-manual-provision-set-up   thats how I cleaned up one of the vm’s im trying to re-add in this new juju bootstrap environment03:08
Valduareits an ip address03:08
Valduareit bootstraps fine03:08
Valduarei have all of the vm’s setup with one of my public ip’s and diffeent ssh ports right now03:09
mbruzekAll machines added with juju add-machine ssh:... must be able to address and communicate directly with the bootstrap-host, and vice-versa.03:10
mbruzekWhen you ssh to your machines.  you can see your workstation?03:11
Valduarei’ll have to figure this out tomorrow03:17
mbruzekSorry Valduare03:17
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rogpeppe1mornin' all06:52
rogpeppe1axw: about "call State.SetAPIAddresses in bootstrap-state command"06:52
rogpeppe1axw: there are two reasons we want to do this06:52
rogpeppe1axw: firstly, and most pragmatically, we won't be able to enable the peergrouper worker for a little while, and having valid API hostports in state is a prereq for other branches06:54
rogpeppe1axw: secondly, if we rely on the peergrouper worker to do it, there's a window at bootstrap time when there are no API addresses, so clients that connect early won't get them06:56
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axwrogpeppe1: sorry, was picking up my daughter07:14
rogpeppe1axw: np07:14
rogpeppe1axw: in #juju by accident. #juju-dev probably more appropriate07:15
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lseror_Hi everyone09:44
lseror_I am Laurent and I am in charge of Outscale who is a Cloud Provider (IaaS)09:45
lseror_I just install juju and I want to test it09:45
lseror_thanks for the work, the website is great09:45
lseror_I notice that some configurations seems to be inside the juju binary, like aws region address09:46
lseror_I think that it would be cleaner to put that kind of informations in another file, with an editable format09:47
lseror_like json09:47
lseror_I did not find any forum to discuss about it but I subscribe to the ML and will use it09:48
lseror_I am just fishing here for some comments09:48
ashipikalook at .juju/environments.yaml09:48
ashipikamost stuff should be configurede there09:48
lseror_not the aws regions09:49
lseror_I check09:49
lseror_you can tell the regions09:49
lseror_but not the url09:49
lseror_you can put us-east-1 by example09:49
lseror_but not the corresponding utl09:49
lseror_but not the corresponding url09:49
lseror_that is in the juju file (I strings it)09:50
ashipikaoh, ok.. i see..09:50
lseror_it should have https://ec2.us-east-1.amazonaws.com as a parameter somewhere09:50
lseror_no problem09:50
lseror_I am here for discussion09:50
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weblifesay if I connect an elastic ip though aws to one of my machines managed by juju. Would there be a way to retrieve that newly attached external ip because unit-get public-address pulls the dns address (ie. ec2-54-215-195-84.us-west-1.compute.amazonaws.com) ?13:42
Valduaremorning guys13:50
mbruzekGood morning Valduare13:56
mbruzekValduare, I was thinking about your problem last night.  Can you run the failing command with --debug and pastebin the results?13:56
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Valduareit says it completes if I remember right though14:00
Valduareoh that was different debug I was thinking of14:02
Valduareone sec pastebinning14:02
Valduarestripped ip and usernames out etc14:04
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mbruzekValduare, The message "ubuntu user is already initialised" makes me think there is a problem on the machine14:15
ValduareI just removed the user and removed the home dir14:15
Valduarejuju had set it up on a previous run14:16
mbruzekdid that help?14:16
Valduarewhat I dont understand, why it asks for password after i coppied my key over already14:17
ValduareI can ssh without password to these hosts just fine14:17
mbruzekSomeone from juju-core should take a look, maybe you can post this link in #juju-dev14:18
themonkmarcoceppi: hi14:30
themonkmarcoceppi: i am in problem with relation-set and relation-get14:31
themonkmarcoceppi: need help14:32
mbruzekthemonk:  What is the problem?14:32
themonkmbruzek: hi thanks, problem is in provider charms joined i am setting some values using relation-set but not getting it requirer joined/changed using relation-get14:35
mbruzekthemonk, sometimes the order of things is important.  For instance sometimes the mysql charm does not set all the values so consumers of the mysql relation need to check if all values are there before they process the db relation.14:38
themonkmbruzek: may be i am missing some thing here, can u tell me when to set value and get value like joined/changed14:38
mbruzekthemonk, so for instance if relation-get database is not set the related charm can not progress so some people put an exit 0 in their relation code and wait until the mysql relation returns a database14:40
mbruzekif [ -z "${db_db}" ]; then14:40
mbruzek  juju-log "No database information sent yet. Silently exiting"14:40
mbruzek  exit 014:40
mbruzekWhere db_db=`relation-get database`14:40
josethat needs to be on a db-relation-changed, as it'll run once the relation data changes14:41
mbruzekjose, you are correct that is where I pulled it from.14:42
mbruzekSo themonk may be getting timing issues, where the relation-set and relation-get are happening out of order14:43
joseyep, that should fix it :)14:43
themonkmbruzek: hmm, that possibility is high :)14:44
mbruzekthemonk, Use juju-log to print out the data from the relations and then exit if it is not all there.14:45
themonkmbruzek: can you tell when the relation callbacks called and there order (joined,changed,departed,broken) doc is not good enough in jujudoc14:45
mbruzek*relation-joined is when a connection has been established, *relation-changed is when data on a relation changes, *relation-departed is called when you still have a connection but it is going away, and *relation-broken is called when there is no more connection.14:47
mbruzekRemember you must make he hooks idempotent because these hooks can run more than once in the lifetime of a charm.14:48
themonkmbruzek: hmm, can you point me a detail youtube video, blog or anything14:49
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mbruzekthemonk, have you already read this: https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/charms-relations.html14:52
themonkmbruzek: yes14:54
mbruzekOK looking for more specific content14:54
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themonkmbruzek: if i check inside *relation-changed that is data changed then my question is, is juju periodically calls it?14:57
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themonkmbruzek: sorry for bad english :)14:57
mbruzekJuju will not call it randomly.  It gets called when information on that relation changes14:58
joseyou need to consider that information may change, so you may have to update it at any point14:58
josemake sure you take your precautions when writing the code14:59
mbruzekthemonk, jose is correct.  Here is a youtube video that talk about relations http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRcqSjOGweo14:59
themonkmbruzek: Ok. what i am doing is this, my provider charm *relation-joined is setting some data then requirer charm *relation-changed should called by juju automatically and my method will check the data and make changes, is it ok?15:02
mbruzekthemonk, Yes that is the pattern.15:03
themonkthanks jose and mbruzek15:08
themonkmbruzek: i am watching it now15:09
weblifesay if I connect an elastic ip though aws to one of my machines managed by juju. Would there be a way to retrieve that newly attached external ip because unit-get public-address pulls the dns address (ie. ec2-54-215-195-84.us-west-1.compute.amazonaws.com) ?15:12
mbruzekweblife, I don't know of a way to do that.  Could you find the ip by using dig or some tool like that?15:22
mbruzekour use route53 to look it up?15:25
=== mbruzek_ changed the topic of #juju to: Welccome to Juju! Reviewer mbruzek || Docs: http://juju.ubuntu.com/docs || FAQ: http://goo.gl/MsNu4I || Review Queue: http://goo.gl/9yBZuv || Unanswered Questions: http://goo.gl/dNj8CP
weblifembruzek Okay thank you.15:33
mbruzekweblife, actually nslookup might give you a better parsable answer15:37
mbruzekweblife  nslookup ec2-54-215-195-84.us-west-1.compute.amazonaws.com15:38
weblifethanks good idea15:45
weblifetry it out in my next launch15:45
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bloodearnestanyone know a way to fake a public ip for a unit with the local provider?16:46
Flint_hi mbruzek16:48
mbruzekHello Flint_16:49
Flint_just checking connections, seems to only work on one of my 4 computers...16:50
mbruzekFlint_ Well I can see you there so one of the works.16:51
Flint_btw juju brings up some interesting photos by default16:51
mbruzekYes I have seen some of those16:51
mgzbeware the image search16:52
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timrcmarcoceppi, FYI, upgrading to 1.17.7 fixed the issue I had with upgrade-charm where it was losing the service config values17:01
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tvansteenburghinside of a config-changed hook, i'd like to check "am i in a mongodb relation, and if so, what's the ip and port of the remote side?" is this possible with charm-helpers?17:09
tvansteenburghthere are lots of hookenv.relation_* functions...trying to figure out which ones i need for this (if it's possible)17:10
josetvansteenburgh: what I could do in that case is check if touch a file called '.mongodb-configured' once configuration is done, and then check if the file's there, maybe there's a charm helper that can do that more easily17:14
tvansteenburghlooks like i could borrow the code from `is_relation_made()` so i can get the context17:15
marcoceppitimrc: \o/17:35
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cargillmarcoceppi: going through the amulet documentation vs. code, could tthe doc somehow hint which parts are not implemented yet? Maybe with a note, or being greyed out?19:14
marcoceppicargill: what's not implemented in the docs?19:15
marcoceppiwith the exception of the bash interface, everything in the docs should be in the code19:15
cargillpicking up a file from the unit19:15
cargilloops? maybe I'm reading too fast?19:16
marcoceppicargill: it's implemented in UnitSentry19:16
marcoceppicargill: you can get to it from d.sentry.unit['unit/#'].file()19:17
cargillsorry, I was getting weird errors, and waiting 20 minutes for a test to get to the failure and not being able to run pdb must have gotten the best of me19:19
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lemaoI am trying to figure out "An error occurred: watcher error: [Errno 111] Connection refused". This after I try to access the juju-gui from the browser19:47
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mbruzeklemao Did you run:  juju expose juju-gui    first?20:32
mbruzeklemao, What command are you trying to run?20:34
lemaombruzek: yes, I did expose.20:40
mbruzeklemao, What command are you getting the error on?20:40
lemaombruzek: well, I am trying to get my OSX Mavericks working with Juju in a VagrantBox using the local provider. I am using JuJuBox + precise lxc guests. I basically used the Vagrant IP to access the juju-gui :80 and got a juju web page with the error above20:42
AskUbuntuError when using Juju Client on Windows 8.1 juju bootstrap to aws get AWS Acess key id you provided | http://askubuntu.com/q/44166320:45
lazyPowerlemao: are you using the official basebox or did you build your own?21:00
lemaolazyPower: this specific case I am using the JujuBox21:01
lemao(error: template container "juju-precise-template" did not stop)21:01
lemaolazyPower: I also have a trusty vagrant box but ran into other issues21:01
lemaolazyPower: (sorry the error message came first)21:02
lazyPowerlemao: interesting. I haven't seen that, and i ran the demo vid on mavericks.21:02
lazyPowerbut we have have updated the box recently which would have other implications. Whats the juju version in the box?21:02
lemaolazyPower: Ok, let me review my steps.21:02
lazyPowers/have have/may have/21:02
lemaolazyPower: 1.16.6-precise-amd6421:03
lazyPowerok that seems like its the same version in the box i demo'd21:03
lazyPowerlemao: Can you pack up your logs of the vagrant run and post thems omewhere so I can see whats going on?21:04
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tvansteenburghanyone know of an existing charm that uses the charm-helpers @hook() decorator?21:08
tvansteenburghmy hooks aren't failing, but i don't think they're executing either - none of my log msgs are showing up21:09
mbruzektvansteenburgh, I don't see @hook() in the ganglia charm that I am working on21:10
tvansteenburghhere's my code: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7186887/21:10
tvansteenburghso, line 214 for example21:11
lemaolazyPower: Let me start once more from scratch just to make sure it is not a stupid error from my part21:13
lazyPowerlemao: ok ping me if you want me to lookat logs21:13
lemaolazyPower: I will. thanks21:13
mbruzektvansteenburgh, I haven't seen any python hooks like that.  The ones I have seen have a key value section that calls the hooks21:13
lazyPower@tvansteenburgh the decorator is displayed in the charm helpers youtube video ~ 3/4 of thew ay through if that helps21:14
lazyPower@tvansteenburgh aslo i think cassandra uses the decorator21:14
* tvansteenburgh looks at cassandra21:15
mbruzekcassandra hooks are bash21:15
tvansteenburghi don't see it being used in cassandra21:15
tvansteenburghoh well, i'll see if i can debug it.21:16
tvansteenburghoh i see21:18
lazyPowermaybe i'm thinking of mongo21:19
tvansteenburghyou still have to execute the hook with `hooks.execute(sys.argv)`21:19
tvansteenburghi missed that part21:20
lazyPowerright on21:20
lazyPowerok i'm heading out for a bit21:21
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lemaolazyPower: stupid me... I had a custom bootstrap.sh being called by vagrant that was probably messing up JujuBox. I removed it and started from scratch and now I get the juju-gui on my OSX21:33
lazyPowerlemao: bueno.21:36
lemaoI have deployed mysql but get "ERROR juju.worker.uniter uniter.go:350 hook failed: exit status 1" how should I debug this in juju?21:49
joselemao: ssh into the machine and look at the logs, they're stored in /var/log/juju21:51
tvansteenburghdebug-hooks also very useful: https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/authors-hook-debug.html21:56
lemaojose: I did that but the above message was most of what I could find22:03
lazyPowerlemao: its typically due to the pool memory size22:05
lemaolazyPower: I ran 'sudo route -n add -net' in OSX and was able to access LXC nodes inside Vagrant without any port forwarding. If this can be hooked into Vagrant so the route is added when vagrant is up'ed and deleted from halt'ed/destroy'ed that would be quite nice22:05
lazyPowerits a known bug22:05
lazyPowerlemao: we've been using sshuttle22:05
lemaolazyPower: sshuttle doesn't work for me22:05
lazyPowerthat way it doesn't alter your pc's routing table after sshuttle is terminated22:05
lemaolazyPower: "IOError: [Errno 24] Too many open files: '/etc/resolv.conf'"22:06
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lazyPowerlemao: thats coming from sshuttle?22:06
lemaolazyPower: yeah, that would be ideal. It just barfs as soon as I hit one of the ip's proxied by sshuttle22:07
lemaolazyPower: yes22:07
lemaolazyPower: after tons of ': DNS request from ('', 55405): 31 bytes'22:07
lazyPowerlemao: that has something to do with the max number of open apps/file streams you have going on your system.22:07
lazyPoweri dont think theres anything I can do to resolve that22:07
lemaolazyPower: yes, that's what I thought, but even after a reboot I still get the same error.22:08
lemaolazyPower: for now I will stick with manually adding/removing the route. I need to experiment with charms now.22:10
lemaoOn a different note, does it make sense to use juju to deploy tomcat wars? Tomcat will definitely be a charm, but what about the 1 or more .war's that are deploy there? Would that be a charm that is related to the tomcat charm?22:21
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Valduarewhen is 1.18 due to release22:45
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davecheneyValduare: this week22:50
lemaohumm, found 'servercloud-r-juju-appserver-support'. Is this basically already supported with subordinate charms (web app deployments)?23:21
davecheneymarcoceppi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7187355/23:30
davecheneymanual provider on ppc23:30
marcoceppidavecheney: sweet!23:31
davecheney      mysql/0:23:32
davecheney        agent-state: pending23:32
davecheney        agent-version:
davecheney        machine: "1"23:32
davecheney        public-address:
davecheneymarcoceppi: it's over 900023:32
marcoceppihahak I noticed23:32
andreas__how do I bootstrap a trusty env, just "juju bootstrap --series=trusty"?23:33
davecheneyandreas__: good question23:33
davecheneyandreas__: do you want a trusty boottrap machine23:34
davecheneyor service units running trusty23:34
andreas__right now I wanted bootstrap only because it was going to be the fastest way to get a clean trusty machine "out there"23:34
davecheneyandreas__: if you want a clean trusty macine23:34
andreas__but if that doesn't work, I can do having bootstrap on whatever an a "ubuntu" unit on trusty23:35
davecheneyjuju deploy cs:trusty/ubuntu23:35
andreas__yeah, I just didn't want to waste a machine23:35
davecheneyandreas__: sorry, i didn't understan that last comment23:35
andreas__so I figured bootstrap could be trusty23:35
andreas__davecheney: juju deploy cs:trusty/ubuntu will in the end need two machines23:35
andreas__bootstrap + ubuntu23:35
davecheneyandreas__: yes23:35
davecheneyyou could try23:35
andreas__I just wanted one, and figured bootstrap could be it23:35
davecheneyjuju bootstrap --constraints="series=trusty"23:35
davecheneyit might work23:35
andreas__ok, because juju bootstrap --series=trusty doesn't23:36
davecheney--series isn't a flag23:36
andreas__ah, it's just about the tools?23:36
andreas__    upload tools for supplied comma-separated series list23:36
davecheneyandreas__: nope23:36
andreas__I don't know what it is for then, clearly my assumption was wrong23:37
davecheneyandreas__: juju makes it really hard to control the series of the bootstap machine23:37
andreas__and the "series" constraint isn't known23:37
davecheneyandreas__: you could try default-series in config23:37
davecheneybut we're getting rid of that23:38
andreas__I think that doesn't exist anymore either23:38
andreas__I'll go with bootstrap + ubuntu23:38

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