
=== mhall119_ is now known as mhall119
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apacheloggershadeslayer_: bug 1280310 might need revised instructions since the dbus api changed to one call07:42
ubottubug 1280310 in kubuntu-driver-manager (Ubuntu) "Infinitely shows 'Collecting information'" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128031007:42
apachelogger'I have just marked this bug as "affects me too".'07:53
apacheloggerit's funny because that feature was introduced to remove the need for people to comment "affects me too" ^^07:54
yofelhappens all the time ^^08:00
yofelmoin btw.08:00
valoriesounds like life, yes08:01
valorieapachelogger: I counter with this: http://i.imgur.com/gmUw605.gif08:02
apacheloggervalorie: that dog is weird08:04
apacheloggera nom waiting to happen right there08:04
valorievery unlikely friends08:06
apacheloggershadeslayer_, yofel: neon5 orchestration suspended until further notice because of stuff08:10
apachelogger(should be back up before the day is out)08:10
apacheloggeryofel: does the launchpadlib cache simply keep on growign?08:11
apacheloggeror is there actual stuff that cleans it every once in a while?08:11
yofelAFAIK yes, on qa.kubuntu.co.uk we ran out of disk space thanks to it. I deleted a few dozen gigs of junk back then, now there's a cronjob that wipes the caches08:12
apacheloggermh, I better setup a cron for that ^^08:13
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1258088] /usr/bin/krunner:TypeError:reloadConfiguration @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1258088 (by errors.ubuntu.com bug bridge)08:20
apacheloggerkubotu: go home, ur drunk08:20
lordievaderGood morning.08:28
apacheloggeryo shadeslayer_08:57
shadeslayer_I have a tail09:01
shadeslayer_why do I have a tail09:01
=== shadeslayer_ is now known as shadeslayer
jussishadeslayer: you are evolving :P 09:02
jussi(and de-evolving)09:02
shadeslayerone would think evolution caused us to lose our tail09:03
shadeslayerso this would be a regression09:03
jussishadeslayer: well theres that also09:03
shadeslayerwhere do I file a bug report09:03
jussi!bug | shadeslayer09:04
ubottushadeslayer: If you find a bug in Kubuntu, please follow the instructions at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Bugs/Reporting to report the issue to the developers.09:04
shadeslayerbut what about a bug in life!09:04
shadeslayer^^ no such package09:05
jussiwe should write a program called "life"09:05
jussia FPS :P09:05
apacheloggerjussi: more like RPG09:06
apacheloggeralso I think that was done and it's called second life09:06
jussiapachelogger: hah!09:06
shadeslayerneat song09:06
apacheloggersome people apparently prefer it over first life, or so a report said a week or two ago09:07
apacheloggerthey even have proper real estate agents there09:07
shadeslayeralso, that guy looks like David Tenant somewhat09:07
jussiapachelogger: I want the FPS - it should be called Life (and Death)09:07
apacheloggerthat made more sense09:07
apacheloggershadeslayer: lol09:07
apacheloggershadeslayer: on david note ... broadchurch in case you had not watched it09:07
* shadeslayer looks09:08
shadeslayersomething to watch on the flight home09:08
apacheloggeralso http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Escape_Artist_%28TV_series%2909:08
apacheloggerthe end cought me by surprise09:09
apacheloggerof course I was drunk at the time, so not much surprise the surprisedness is xD09:09
shadeslayerdat song https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-f5DNUF2CFc09:09
shadeslayerapachelogger: I think I saw whoever plays River Song in that trailer09:10
apacheloggershadeslayer: which one? broadchurch?09:10
apacheloggermust be imagining things :P09:10
shadeslayerokay, only caught a glimpse09:10
shadeslayercould be wrong09:10
shadeslayeryay, okular is compiling09:11
apacheloggeralex kingston definitely did not star in broadchurch :P09:11
shadeslayerwe should have 4.12.97 today09:11
* apachelogger thinks shadeslayer is just as drunk as kubotu09:11
shadeslayermost certainly not09:12
apacheloggerthat's what kubotu said09:12
apacheloggerstill getting krita dupes09:12
apacheloggermuch waste of time09:13
shadeslayerI think we need to shutdown kubuntu-mobile09:14
apacheloggershadeslayer: ?09:15
shadeslayerapachelogger: we have a #kubuntu-mobile09:15
Riddellshadeslayer: are you able to look at 4.12.97 today? just needs okular fixed, test it all then upload it all09:15
shadeslayerdon't even have ops there09:15
shadeslayerRiddell: yep09:15
shadeslayerthat's what I'm doing :)09:15
shadeslayerand looking at the trello09:15
shadeslayermvo still not back from vacation me thinks09:16
shadeslayerI'll start mirroring the archive09:16
* apachelogger falls off chair09:17
shadeslayeroh oh oh 09:17
shadeslayerxnox: thx!09:18
shadeslayerapachelogger: krita has no banner in discover :(09:19
shadeslayerI also think that having margin at the top is giving me OCD09:19
shadeslayer*not having a margin at the top09:20
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* Riddell looks at kf5 so he can look at doing the plasma alpha release which no distro has commented on http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/kf5-status/build_status_4.98.0_trusty.html09:21
yofelRiddell: is the kf5 workflow any different than the kde sc one?09:28
Riddellyofel: nope09:47
Riddellyofel: oh but using https://notes.kde.org/p/kubuntu-ninjas-frameworks09:50
yofelaah, thanks09:50
* Riddell hits a mass retry on kf510:04
lordievaderRiddell: Does it sound familliar that kf5 doesn't want to start?10:09
lordievaderI couldn't login last time I tried.10:10
Riddelllordievader: um, what are you logging into?10:17
Riddellkf5 is just libraries, no programmes10:17
lordievaderRiddell: Oh I was talking about the project-neon5 session.10:32
lordievaderTries to login then throws me back to lightdm.10:32
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apacheloggeryofel, shadeslayer: neon5 orchestration active again; I'll kill saucy support this week, it is not meeting builddep version requirements all over the place10:59
shadeslayerfine by me11:00
apacheloggeractually, might as well do it right now11:00
apacheloggerit doesn't do anything useful anyway ^^11:01
jussianyone got preferences (and why) for skrooge or kmymoney? 11:08
Peace-hi :)11:09
ghostcubepeace :)11:09
BluesKaj'Morning folks11:09
apacheloggerjussi: skrooge appeared easier to use, alas less features11:10
apacheloggerpersonally I use spreadsheets xD11:10
Peace-hola BluesKaj11:10
BluesKajHi Peace-11:10
Peace-apachelogger: mm i use ... nothing :P easier than yours hahahha11:10
jussiapachelogger: thanks11:11
Peace-ghostcube: hola man 11:11
* Peace- struggles himself ,must buy new car11:13
xnoxshadeslayer: hey!11:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1300160 in Ubuntu Documentation "kubuntu-docs package looks for the wrong lang" [Undecided,New]11:28
shadeslayerxnox: hi :D11:28
shadeslayerxnox: I don't suppose you can have a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub-installer/+bug/129909911:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1299099 in grub-installer (Ubuntu) "Installer crash after setting a boot partition (while installing)" [Undecided,New]11:28
shadeslayerxnox: I have access to the machine that has the issue for a couple of das11:29
shadeslayerafter which it might get difficult to diagnose11:29
apacheloggershadeslayer: what's the status of the python 3.4 crashery?11:29
shadeslayergood question, I have a workaround that introduces another bug11:30
shadeslayerwant to try out?11:30
apacheloggershadeslayer: I said you are to ask pyqt upstream whether that is a suitable workaround :P11:31
* apachelogger is running out of whiteboard space to put issue on11:32
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://www.riverbankcomputing.com/pipermail/pyqt/2014-March/033957.html11:32
shadeslayerwhiteboard? 11:32
apacheloggerRiddell: hows the gst1 front?11:32
Riddellapachelogger: not looked closely since busy with plasma alpha, I know I have that issue you said where it didn't install something important11:34
Riddellapachelogger: I also found it didn't recognise my usb headset today11:34
ahoneybunapachelogger, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-docs/+bug/130016011:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1300160 in Ubuntu Documentation "kubuntu-docs package looks for the wrong lang" [Undecided,New]11:34
shadeslayerRiddell: oh my :S11:34
apacheloggerRiddell: bug 1298125 is more high profile than it not checking for stuff11:35
ubottubug 1298125 in qtwebkit-source (Ubuntu) "qtwebkit build failure on several architectures" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129812511:35
shadeslayerapachelogger: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtwebkit-source/2.3.2-0ubuntu611:35
shadeslayerlooks fixed to me11:35
apacheloggerI do not know11:35
apacheloggereffect was that amarok did not start 11:35
yofelif qtwebkit is in it should work, if it doesn't work for you it's something new11:36
apacheloggeron bug 1300160 ... I am not sure that changing the language of khc will suffice to test this11:36
ubottubug 1300160 in Ubuntu Documentation "kubuntu-docs package looks for the wrong lang" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130016011:36
apacheloggerit's reported against the wrong product though11:36
apacheloggerso I could not possible handle it11:36
shadeslayerapachelogger: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kubuntu-driver-manager/+bug/1280310/comments/1611:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1280310 in kubuntu-driver-manager (Ubuntu) "Infinitely shows 'Collecting information'" [Undecided,Fix released]11:37
shadeslayerso it works? 0.o11:37
shadeslayergood day to upload Firefox11:38
apacheloggershadeslayer: yeah? you said it was fixed :P11:38
shadeslayerapachelogger: it looks fixed to me11:38
apacheloggerthe user just wasn't able to confirm it fixed11:38
apacheloggerwhich is why I highlighted it11:38
shadeslayerclearly the python script works11:38
shadeslayerand you get a reply11:38
shadeslayerso I don't get the second reporter's comments11:38
shadeslayerand it looks like a new bug11:38
xnoxshadeslayer: commented on the bug report.11:39
xnoxshadeslayer: there is a strange python traceback.11:39
apacheloggershadeslayer: yes, new bug11:39
apacheloggeralso kdebug needed11:39
shadeslayerxnox: fwiw it wasn't a LVM install11:40
shadeslayermanual partitioning11:40
apacheloggershadeslayer: did you look into MK's problem? wasn't that the same?11:40
shadeslayerapachelogger: no, MK's problem is that there are no entries, the script completes though11:40
shadeslayerand the KMessageWidget disappears11:41
apacheloggerit seems all very improbable, python returns but the UI not updating is either a remaining state issue or python not actually returning when called through the KCM11:41
apacheloggerIIRC even marshalling is done in a finite manner since it does a strict mapping from dict to struct, so it could not be that it gets stuck there11:42
apacheloggershadeslayer: possibly add some kdebug to DM::onDevicesReady11:43
apacheloggerthat way we always know whether dbus actually returned or not11:43
apacheloggerwhich greatly reduces the guessing already ^^11:43
shadeslayerapachelogger: yeah I am going to debug MK's machine tomorrow11:43
shadeslayersince he's sprinting today11:43
apacheloggershadeslayer: I meant in general, upload new manager with some more debug11:45
apacheloggerfor example in onDevicesReady as that is the function called when python returns ;)11:45
shadeslayerapachelogger: roger11:45
shadeslayerafter lunch11:45
shadeslayertrying to debug apport11:45
apacheloggerDriverManager_DBus crashed with FileNotFoundError in _execute_child11:46
apacheloggerwhat is it with python and 404s lately xD11:46
shadeslayergrep -iR "Unable to start" /usr/share/apport , returns nothing11:48
shadeslayerand yet http://wstaw.org/m/2014/03/31/plasma-desktopVB2282.png11:49
ahoneybunapachelogger, you can't file a bug on kubuntu-docs11:50
apacheloggersure you can11:52
apacheloggerubuntu-bug kubuntu-docs11:52
shadeslayer<- EHUNGRY11:53
apachelogger<- EDETOX11:54
ahoneybunapachelogger, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kubuntu-docs/+bug/130017511:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1300175 in kubuntu-docs (Ubuntu) "package looks for the wrong language" [Undecided,New]11:55
apacheloggeryofel: I might be turning off all of neon recipes now because the manage script is so stupid and my python skillz are rubbish :P11:57
shadeslayerapachelogger: so the silly apport dialog is definitely a KDE issue12:06
shadeslayerapachelogger: because I can't reproduce it with apport-cli12:07
apacheloggerapport-cli does not ue pyqt12:11
shadeslayerapachelogger: right, so it's definitely a bug in the apport-kde stuff?12:13
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apacheloggershadeslayer: it's a bug in something that contribues to the stack apport-kde is built upon12:15
apacheloggerwhere, I do not know12:15
apacheloggerI can however tell you that it did not happen before python3.4 so it is at least partially to blame12:16
apacheloggerbut that is not really a surprise12:16
yofelapachelogger: well, it needs a more intelligent pattern I think, but go ahead12:16
yofelneon4 isn't really in a usable state for saucy, and completely broken for trusty12:16
apacheloggeryofel: I can't launchpad times out :P12:16
yofelI'll try to fix that the next few days12:17
apacheloggerI did however do a string exclusion on ! neon5 recipes12:17
yofelapachelogger: try it a few dozen times, it usually works eventually12:17
apacheloggerso it should be fine12:17
apacheloggeronce the timeouts stop ^^12:17
shadeslayerexit code is 25612:19
apachelogger'da' keyboard layout has a + where normal people have a -12:21
apacheloggerahoneybun: commented12:24
shadeslayerhow does this even work12:25
apacheloggerusing french fries12:26
shadeslayerit should clearly only check for the high byte12:28
shadeslayersince that's the exit status12:28
apacheloggershadeslayer: hm?12:29
apacheloggerit does?12:29
shadeslayerbut it checks for the whole number?12:29
shadeslayeri.e. high byte + low byte?12:29
apachelogger(pid, status)12:29
apacheloggerit's badly expressed though12:30
apacheloggerof course the fact that wait returns the values like that is also very neat12:30
shadeslayerneat? :P12:30
apacheloggerpython insist on you writing a bug12:30
apacheloggerhere, have some api you can use to create bugs in your application12:31
yofelit's so badly expressed that I don't understand whether the whole tuple is 16bit or just the exit status. As PID and signal number are different things to me12:31
shadeslayeras I understood it, the whole tuple is 16 bit12:32
apacheloggeryofel: 16bit is the tuple12:32
shadeslayer"the high bit of the low byte is set if a core file was produced."12:32
apachelogger8 for pid 8 for status12:32
apacheloggermind you12:32
apacheloggerIIRC pid_t is a signed 32bit int12:33
apacheloggerso in theory you could encounter pids that do not fit in the return value of python's os.wait12:33
apacheloggerposix spec doesn't apparently define the size explicitly12:34
apachelogger"[...] and blksize_t, pid_t and ssize_t are signed integral types."12:35
yofelwhich in C IIRC means at least 16bit signed up to inifinity12:37
apachelogger>        The implementation shall support one or more  programming  environments12:37
apachelogger>        in  which the widths of blksize_t, pid_t, size_t, ssize_t, suseconds_t,12:37
apachelogger>        and useconds_t are no greater than the width of type long. The names of12:37
apachelogger>        these  programming  environments  can  be  obtained using the confstr()12:37
apachelogger>        function or the getconf utility.12:37
yofeluhuh, so 16bit signed up to long12:37
yofelyay for standards12:38
apacheloggerif you write a posix system that only supports 2 processes it makes sense to not have an explicit range, so your pid_t can also be a char12:40
yofelchar is not a signed integral type, isn't it?12:40
apacheloggerto a posix compatible library it makes no difference anyway as long as you have a an upper limit12:40
apacheloggeryofel: I have not looked at the definition of integral type12:41
apacheloggertechnically it's int8 though12:41
apacheloggera char can be an int, just a very tiny one ^^12:41
jussidoes klipper syncronise somehow? 12:42
apacheloggerThe <stdint.h> header shall declare sets of integer types having specified widths, and shall define corresponding sets of macros. It shall also define macros that specify limits of integer types corresponding to types defined in other standard headers. 12:43
yofelsynchronise with what? it can synchronise with xclipboard if you mean that12:43
apachelogger int8_t12:43
apacheloggeryofel: int8 is a legit integer type12:43
apacheloggerso you can have an 8bit pid12:43
apacheloggerso at least os.wait supports to smallest possible value a pid can have :P12:44
kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1257760] Lightdm doesn't launch Plasma on Kubuntu Trusty anymore @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1257760 (by Rohan Garg)14:41
shadeslayerkubotu: you're drunk14:41
kubotuhowdy, shadeslayer :)14:41
shadeslayerdrunk-bot-u :)14:42
Riddellthey're getting a neon-style git built14:48
Riddellseems like what Kubuntu has been doing for ages14:49
shadeslayeryep ^^14:49
apacheloggerdepends on the implementation details14:50
shadeslayer!testers | KDE SC 4.12.97 in Ninjas14:53
ubottuKDE SC 4.12.97 in Ninjas: Help is needed in #kubuntu-devel. Please ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj, James147, smartboyhw, Quintasan, lordievader, shrini, tester56, parad1se, mamarley  for information14:53
Riddellshadeslayer: what was up with okular?14:54
shadeslayerRiddell: fixed it?14:54
shadeslayerRiddell: someone forgot to rename depends from libokularcore3abi1 to libokular414:54
Riddelltsk, naughty someone14:55
shadeslayerapachelogger: do you think I should push my fix for bug 1282713 , since upstream thinks it's acceptable, the other solution being destroying things by hand, which is tedious14:57
ubottubug 1282713 in apport (Ubuntu) "apport-kde crashed with SIGSEGV in QWidgetPrivate::deleteTLSysExtra()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128271314:57
shadeslayerthis also introduces a fun bug where you get that weird dialog saying that it could not open the bug report14:58
shadeslayerI don't have a solution for that14:59
apacheloggergiven release proximity not crashing is a boon14:59
soeehiho, so .97 ready for tests ?14:59
tester56what testing is needed?15:00
Riddellsoee, tester56: does it install? does it run? does baloo search for files correctly in dolphin15:02
Riddelland anything else you think of15:02
tester56Riddell: will test again this weekend, 3 o4 days ago most things were fine15:03
tester56Riddell: and for baloo search bugs I have directly informed Vishesh as well as reported the bugs on the bucktracker15:03
mamarleyRiddell: Baloo works fine here.  Really fast :)15:13
Riddellmamarley: if you search for filenames in dolphin does it find the right ones?15:14
shadeslayerLO is broken15:16
mamarleyRiddell: Actually it doesn't seem to work for filenames.  I had it on Content by accident...15:16
mamarleyThat's weird, when I switched it back to Filename it started working again.15:17
vHandaRiddell: I fixed that.15:17
vHandaplease try the RC release15:17
RiddellvHanda: I know, that's what shadeslayer just put out a call to testers for15:18
Riddellshadeslayer: how so?15:18
shadeslayerRiddell: doesn't start15:18
shadeslayerall I get is a empty window15:19
shadeslayerstrace locks on a futex15:19
mamarleyFor me, it worked the first time I tried it, but now it is screwing up.  It seems that only things it found in the search results for Content will show up in Filename searches.15:19
shadeslayerRiddell: http://paste.kde.org/p9l3ogxoz15:19
yofelsame issue like on the ML I guess?15:24
shadeslayeryofel: yeah15:31
shadeslayeryofel: oddly, mck182's machine works fine15:31
shadeslayerand he has the same packages as me 15:31
=== mhall119 is now known as mhall119|away
ovidiu-florin_Riddell: good news16:27
ovidiu-florin_the guys from cms2cms agreed to migrate our site from dupal to wordpress for us for free16:28
Riddellovidiu-florin_: in return for our first born?16:29
ovidiu-florin_only one thing16:30
ovidiu-florin_how should I proceed with this?16:30
ovidiu-florin_should I give them access irectly to the site? or let them work on a backup?16:30
ovidiu-florin_they need only DB access afaik16:30
ScottKWho's maintaining the wordpress instance we'll use?16:30
ScottKWordpress is a security nightmare, so someone needs to be watching it/updating it.16:31
ovidiu-florin_ScottK: why do you think it's a security nightmare?16:32
ScottKBecause there are a lot of security updates and sites that don't update get compromised.16:32
ScottKDrupal is too, but I think our current one is maintained.16:32
ScottKAny modern content management system that I'm aware of is concerning with regard to security, so you have to be careful to keep them up to date.16:33
ovidiu-florin_I'll do most of the maintenance (updates, deleting spams, aproving comments)16:33
ovidiu-florin_and ahoneybun if he wants to16:33
ovidiu-florin_and the posting of news / other stuff, will be the same.16:34
ovidiu-florin_except that they can/will be translated.16:35
Riddellshadeslayer: libreoffice works for me fine after a dist-upgrade16:35
tester56Riddell: not using calligra? o.O16:35
Riddelltester56: for testing I use both, we need both to work16:35
ScottKovidiu-florin_: Is the box wordpress is going to run on an Ubuntu box?  Wordpress is in Universe, so the security team doesn't publish security updates for it unless someone from the community prepares them.16:36
tester56Riddell: I find Calligra has potential, but the bugs and the lack of developers can quickly lead to data loss in a crash16:36
Riddelltester56: yes, this has mostly been the case for the last decade alas16:36
tester56Riddell: I would probably not use it in production without saving every 30 seconds16:37
tester56Riddell: But I think it definitely has some potential. The concept is nice, but it is a bit unplolished and crashes a lot, especially when resizing things16:38
tester56Riddell: I wonder why so few want to work on it ...16:38
ovidiu-florin_ScottK: I'm not sure I understand you.16:38
ScottKThe Ubuntu archive is (somewhat simplified) divided into two parts: main and universe.16:39
=== ovidiu-florin_ is now known as ovidiu-florin
ScottKFor packages in Main, the Canonical funded Ubuntu security team tracks security issues in packages and publishes package updates as needed.16:39
ScottKFor Universe, they don't.  They'll publish them if someone else prepares them, but they don't do anything more than that.16:40
ovidiu-florinWordpress is not installed on that server from the repos16:40
ovidiu-florinit's a direct download from the official site16:41
ovidiu-florinand it has it's own update system.16:41
ScottKThat works too.16:41
tester56Riddell: I thought there is some commercial interest in the calligra project?16:41
ScottKAs long as someone is keeping it up to date.16:41
ovidiu-florinwe just need am MTA tied to it so it can send notification emails16:41
ovidiu-florinand password resets16:41
ScottKIf you pick postfix as your MTA, I can probably help set that up.16:43
ovidiu-florinmost likely we will16:44
ovidiu-florinI'm in favor for that16:44
Riddelltester56: Nokia was yes, but then elopalypse happened16:46
tester56Riddell: yolla?16:46
ovidiu-florinyolla has sailfish OS, right?16:46
Riddelltester56: I don't know if they use it I'm afraid16:46
ovidiu-florinhave any of you tried it?16:47
tester56Riddell: but the code base can not be that unattractive, it seems quite modular16:47
ovidiu-florinfrom what I see on youtube I don't really like it. Tyzen looks more usable.16:47
RiddellI found a bug in tizen within 20 seconds of using it, the calculator can't calculate 2-2.01.  even microsoft fixed that bug around 199016:48
Riddellbut neither jolla nor tizen have waterproof phones so I'm stuck with android16:48
tester56Riddell: water proof for the canoeing or water proof as an idiom?16:49
Riddellfor canoeing16:52
=== mhall119|away is now known as mhall119
shadeslayerRiddell: KDE SC 4.12.97 good from my side17:24
kubotu::runtime-bugs:: [1300036] Kwallet crash. Chrome browser playing strange music for no resson.kwalletd crashed with SI... @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1300036 (by Derrick Walker)17:41
Riddellshadeslayer: I installed it, let me relog in and see what happens17:43
Riddellweird e-mail du jour http://paste.kde.org/pry1c4vev17:46
yofelweird indeed18:08
yofel.97 running fine so far18:08
yofeland funny enough, libreoffice works fine for me. Nothing beats debugging working things18:15
shadeslayerdid I mention I hate DST18:17
yofelwelcome to europe :P18:17
shadeslayerI mean, it feels like ~7 PM right now18:18
shadeslayerbut nope18:18
shadeslayerit's actually 8 PM18:18
shadeslayerokay, going to head home now18:18
shadeslayerRiddell: feel free to upload 4.12.97 if you think all is good18:19
shadeslayeror I'll do it tomorrow18:19
ScottKDoing rebuilds today to drop python3.3 builds from python extensions, so that should help a bit with ISO size when it's done.18:38
ahoneybunScottK, I have no problem helping out with the site 19:16
=== ovidiu-florin_ is now known as ovidiu-florin
ovidiu-florinRiddell: are you around?19:57
ovidiu-florinRiddell: please ping me when you are around. I want to talk to you about the website migration.20:22
ovidiu-florincan someone please tell me the exact version of drupal on the current Kubuntu website?21:20
yofelovidiu-florin: 6.3021:24
ovidiu-florinyofel: thank you21:36
DarkwingRiddell: Thanks mate21:57
ovidiu-florindo you guys think Riddell is asleep?21:58
ovidiu-florinthen I'll try catching him in the morning21:59
Darkwingkubuntu-devel-release-upgrade works from 13.10 - 14.0422:02
ovidiu-florinyofel: do you think we also need the revisions of the old news posts migrated?23:11
yofelvery unlikey, most shouldn't even have any. If we do need them we can just keep a copy of the old DB around to look them up.23:22
yofelMany of the older (i.e. before 2012 or so) posts aren't even shown correct on the current page. Wrong formatting, missing pictures, ...23:22
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