
OttovonBismarckmy baloo file extractor has hit 1147mins run time and is still pegging a core of my CPU, should i leave it or is it broken?00:41
OttovonBismarckkubuntu 14.04 beta00:42
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DarthFrogIt's broken.   Barfed out on me, too.02:23
TheFakeazneD525what is?02:29
Rishif i upgrade my kubuntu from 13.04 to 13.10 then will all my installed software be lost?04:12
DarthFrogRish: No.05:05
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
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madetiwhat should you install for getting mp4 to play in kubuntu ?06:28
madetiand mkv too06:28
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madetiI am having kubuntu 13.1006:31
jussimadeti: kubuntu-restricted-extras most likely will do it for you06:32
rwwI use vlc to play .mkv files.06:33
madetijussi: ty, i will try that06:33
len_How do you set the new network manager to NOT use kwallet.  New applet doesn't let you let anything anymore, just lets you choose which statistics to report.06:39
len_In 14.0406:39
len_kwallet is crashing on me at startup now after logging  in until I turn off session restoration.06:41
len_Happened after last update today.06:41
len_Don't want to use kwallet for wifi anyway06:41
len_but now all config options are gone06:41
jussilen_: open the kwallet manager, you can revoke the authorization from there06:42
len_Will it work if kwallet denies it?06:43
jussii guess it will then ask again. I actually don't know though06:44
len_Think is, I don't want it to ask kwallet anything. I want to store outside of kwallet in text like I could before06:45
len_by setting secretstoragemode=plaintext06:45
len_Can't set any options in new manager in 14.1006:46
len_only options are for what you want to see reported06:46
len_nothing about how you want things configured.06:46
len_What good is having a million options for what you want to LOOK at, but no way to SET anything?06:48
valorieyou don't have the little wrench icon?06:50
valorieah, I guess it doesn't mention kwallet06:51
len_As far as I can tell, you can only configure specific attribs of individual connections.06:53
len_I don't see any general system-wide options06:54
len_Which is what how and where to store passwords is06:55
valorieI guess you could ask in #kde06:55
len_Don't think this is a kde thing06:55
len_More a kubuntu change06:55
valorieWe package KDE software, although some of our kubuntu crew are also KDE devels06:56
valorieno, we don't change software06:56
valoriethe only patches are to get things to work06:56
jussilen_: you can also try asking in #kde - you may find people there also06:57
=== hugo is now known as Guest23646
len_OK, Well I can get by using kwallet if I have to, but like I said, the other problem is that kwallet started crashing after last update a few hours ago06:59
len_only starts up correctly06:59
len_if you set each logon to start with fresh session06:59
len_if set to restore previous session kwallet will crash every time.07:00
len_And I don't want to start with fresh session every time07:00
len_never had to before07:00
valoriewow, I've not seen kwallet crash for many years07:01
valorieI hope you filed a bug07:01
len_Well actually I an supposed to be working on something else and got sidetracked on this.07:02
valorieif it ever happens again, I hope you have time to file or comment on a bug report07:03
valoriegood feedback is what allows our developers to make the software better07:03
=== TheMaster is now known as Unit193
OttovonBismarckmy baloo file extractor has hit 1600mins run time and is still pegging a core of my CPU, should i leave it or is it broken?08:13
OttovonBismarckkubuntu 14.04 beta08:14
valoriedo you have a lot of little files?08:14
* valorie has 14.04 beta too08:14
valorieit crashed once for me, but when i started it up again, it said it was done08:15
OttovonBismarckhow does one turn it off?08:17
OttovonBismarckor check to see what it's doing?08:17
valorieoh, I think there is a forum post about that....08:18
OttovonBismarckTurn it off i guess, there's a bug report that ends with "will be fixed with next upload of KDE SC)08:19
valoriemore than you want to know, probably08:20
OttovonBismarck"qdbus org.kde.baloo.file /indexer suspend" does nothing08:22
OttovonBismarckbaloo file extractor still pegging a core08:23
OttovonBismarckHiding my home directory does nothing08:24
valorieOttovonBismarck: you might have to ask in #kde08:25
OttovonBismarckRight you are08:25
lordievaderGood morning.08:28
=== shadeslayer_ is now known as shadeslayer
berg__Challenge: Kubuntu 14.04, has anyone experience or working dual GPU (2 x AMD Radeon 290X) or similar working with second GPU also working properly? lspci finds them both, aticonfig sees them both. xorg autodetection does not find the displays in second GPU.10:10
berg__I can create simple xorg.conf which activates both GPUs and the displays attached, but infortunately it leaves errors to KDE.10:11
lordievaderberg__: Trusty support is still in #ubuntu+1, till it is released.10:12
berg__lordievader: did not work in 13.10 either, thus I tried to jump to next generation. If there is some other more appropriate channel to discuss, please give me a pointer.10:13
lordievaderberg__: #ubuntu+110:14
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BluesKaj'Morning folks11:09
monkeyjuicemorning BluesKaj11:10
BluesKajhey monkeyjuice11:10
monkeyjuiceso hot out cant take it11:10
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spectrehi there12:55
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest32404
kyfellaHello everyone.  Just checking in with you.  I was getting ready to do some updates to 13.10 and wanted to check with you and find out if anyone has heard of any problems with linux-headers-3.11.0-19 before I apply this?  Any bugs I should be made aware of13:49
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acidolatticohi all15:41
acidolatticois there a way to uninstall dolphin and make konqueror the default file manager?15:43
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acidolatticois there a way to uninstall dolphin and make konqueror the default file manager?16:11
DarthFrogacidolattico:  Check what's set for default application in SystemSettings.16:11
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mparilloacidolattico: Do you really HAVE to uninstall Dolphin? Can you try using System Settings > Default Applications > File Manager to point to konqueror?16:56
acidolatticohow can i change the konqueror's profile into filemanager definitively?17:00
=== mhall119|away is now known as mhall119
acidolatticohow can i change the konqueror's web browser profile into filemanager definitively?17:24
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=== Junk is now known as JunkWithSmackHea
=== JunkWithSmackHea is now known as JunkAndSmackHead
JunkAndSmackHeadHey guys ;long time n o see long time users, since before lilo died. Old nick was "n0yd" oor "GiGsaHuRtZ". Wonderinhg iof anythiung hads any ideas why the Windows 7 install oon a seperate GPT partition on a seperate non GPT drive dpesnt seem to work20:09
JunkAndSmackHeadI am also gonna partition it a bit to installOSX86 as the asus official ROG thread has great thrreads on running OSX easily. Cheers for help.20:10
JunkAndSmackHeadI can't gfind my two 8GB flash drives, as the plaltic brpoke up and the and the 8GB's are  small and hard to fiund without platic. Could I doo it with kjust an .iso fotr Mavericks? :) ERmme knowe asap.20:11
laurentAnaguetHello everybody!!20:13
rwwJunkAndSmackHead: Erm, this is #kubuntu, we don't do Windows 7 or OS X support...20:19
rwwJunkAndSmackHead: perhaps try /join ##windows20:20
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