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bigjoolsjtv: which package were you installing?03:44
jtvActually I was installing lots of packages, but that's where the error happened.03:45
bigjoolsjtv: let me re-phrase then.  What package did you ask apt-get to install?03:45
jtvPretty much everything that maas-region-controller depends on, but not maas-region-controller itself.03:46
bigjoolsjtv: you mean you were manually installing all the dependencies?  What was your exact command line03:46
jtvAnd not postgres, which was the original point of what I was doing.03:46
jtvYes, I was manually installing all the dependencies.03:46
jtvBecause I was reproducing the postgres installation problem, and wanted to minimise noise.03:47
bigjoolsthis is arising because maas-dns invokes some tasks, and in the tasks module it has stuff to talk to seamicro03:48
bigjoolswhich is annoying03:48
jtvMake it a lazy import?03:50
jtvFWIW installing python-seamicro silenced the error, although of course by that time loads of other dependencies had already been installed — they may have similar problems otherwise.03:50
jtvIf it's just seamicro, I say cut the import chain somewhere and do it in a heavily commented function.03:51
bigjoolsjtv: move the import inline, perhaps03:51
bigjoolsyeah here we go, postinst calls "maas-region-admin set_up_dns"03:52
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rvbajtv: looks like some validation that happens *after* you set self.broadcast_ip expects that address to be a string indeed…07:50
jtvOK I can do that now07:52
bigjoolsgetting a lot of errors in celery log07:53
bigjools[2014-03-31 17:53:03,074: ERROR/MainProcess] consumer: Cannot connect to amqp://maas_workers@ [Errno 104] Connection reset by peer.07:54
bigjoolsrestarted celery and boom, a ton of queued jobs went through07:54
bigjoolsrvba, jtv, gmb: off to eat.  Call in 28m, and I have some fun news.08:02
jtvrvba: https://code.launchpad.net/~jtv/maas/fix-default-broadcast-clean/+merge/21341408:21
rvbajtv: on it08:21
rvbajtv: looks good08:22
rvbajtv: bigjools: running another test in the lab with manual fix for the bug jtv is fixing (see above)… so far so good: nodes enlisted okay… commissioning…08:28
rvbawith *a* manual fix.08:28
dimiternperhaps a dumb question, but i'll ask anyway - what are the valid reasons to recommission a node after it becomes ready? hw changes?08:29
dimiternincluding changing nics ?08:30
rvbaor if you add new commissioning scripts.08:30
dimiternah, right08:30
bigjoolschanging nics is an interesting one08:30
bigjoolsgmb, jtv, rvba: I'm on talky08:30
bigjoolslet's chance our hand08:31
jtvThat's taking a while...08:31
rvbabigjools: jtv: deploying stuff with juju in the lab…08:33
rvbabigjools: jtv: test passed08:51
Hermes42hi all, got a question regarding maas node installation: it seems to get it's packages from us.archive.ubuntu.com , whatever I do. I would prefer to use a local apt-cacher. has anyone an idea how to configure that?10:43
jtvHermes42: you can configure that on the Settings page.  By default it goes through a caching proxy on the region controller.10:57
jtv(This also means that you can install nodes without giving them direct internet access)10:57
jtvYou can also select a different archive on that page.10:58
jtvClick the cogwheel in the upper right of the UI.10:58
Hermes42i  tried that. unfortunatly, the clients still want to install from external us.archive...11:09
Hermes42additionally, the connection is direct and not over maas11:09
Hermes42jtv: i think you talk about <ip>/MAAS/settings ; Ubuntu section11:10
Hermes42there i have configured as the ubuntu archive, still installing from us.archive.ubuntu.com11:11
Hermes42...84:3142 is my apt-cacher proxy on the maas server11:11
Hermes42maybe i have to regenerate some images?11:12
Hermes42maas-import-ephemerals doesn't seem to do anything anymore...11:12
jtvWe don't generate images, so that's not it...11:12
jtvNo, that script is obsolete.11:12
jtvThe latest package versions don't even have it.11:12
jtvI wouldn't configure the proxy as the Ubuntu archive, to be honest; I'd just configure a proxy.11:13
jtvThere's a separate "proxy" field on the settings page.11:13
Hermes42jtv: my maas-server is build on 14.04 with maas 1.511:13
Hermes42also tried that, additional to the archive11:14
Hermes42the traffic still seems to go direct11:14
jtvThat is strange.11:14
jtvIf you do nothing at all from a clean install, the nodes should get all their packages from the squid-deb proxy on the region controller.11:14
Hermes42changing ubuntu source to
Hermes42the other half ;)11:15
jtvIt's supposed to be a full URL.11:16
jtvAs is the proxy, by the way.11:17
Hermes42proxy is
jtvThat all looks sensible...11:17
Hermes42which should be the squid on maas server11:17
Hermes42i had problems with the apt-cacher before, the clients wouldnt connect to 314211:18
jtvThis is not apt-cacher though.  It's squid-deb-proxy.11:18
jtvAnd if you want to use the built-in proxy, just leave the proxy field blank.11:18
Hermes42had to change /etc/maas/preseeds/generic11:18
Hermes42all mirror strings to choose-mirror11:19
jtvSounds like it would make a useful bug report.11:19
Hermes42the freshly installed client still has /etc/apt/sources.list with us.archive....11:22
Hermes42i'll restart the maas and reinstall the client node.... brb11:23
Hermes42strange... now it seems to connect to the squid while commisioning, not us.archive, at least that what the download speeds say11:31
Hermes42when starting the node it still connects directly  to us.archive...11:41
Hermes42jtv: where can i configure the mirror for the starting node? I see no traffic on MAAS-Server during client downloading packages (e.g. linux-kernel)11:42
Hermes42ok can s.o. tell me a working os / maas / juju combination? I currently try trusty beta11:42
Hermes42with the default packages there /maas 1.511:43
jtvHermes42: from MAAS's point of view there is no difference between your first node and any other ones.11:46
jtvThe kernel is not downloaded as a package; it comes straight from the cluster controller.11:46
jtvAnd, if you're getting a fast-path install, the whole boot image comes from there.11:47
* jtv must be off now. Good night!11:52
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perrito666hello, could someone take a look to https://codereview.appspot.com/82670043/ ?14:21
perrito666It adds basic support for networks listing to testserver14:21
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rvbadimitern: Hi, I'm having a look at bug 1299114.  Do you recall the parameters you were using when defining the network?15:18
ubot5bug 1299114 in MAAS "'ValidationError' object has no attribute 'error_dict' when creating a network" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129911415:18
dimiternrvba, I tried different combos, all failed; in the web ui i could see required fields which were left blank to turn red and report validation errors (ip address and netmask I think)15:21
rvbadimitern: I'm trying to figure out what caused the error… but having the exact data that you submitted would help me.15:22
rvbadimitern: so far, I'm unable to reproduce the problem :/15:23
dimiternrvba, once the upload completes, i'll paste a link in the bug to the disk image + xml file for the machine, perhaps that'll help15:24
rbasakroaksoax: python-seamicroclient MIR accepted. What will pull it into main? The next maas upload? Bug 1298130.15:27
ubot5bug 1298130 in python-seamicroclient (Ubuntu) "[MIR] python-seamicroclient" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129813015:27
rvbadimitern: you got the failure when using the CLI right?  Don't you have the invocation line somewhere in your history?15:29
dimiternrvba, both cli and api; let me check15:29
roaksoaxrbasak: hey! thanks for taking care of it. And yes, it will be pilled by maas upload15:29
dimiternrvba, example: maas maas-root networks create name=main ip= netmask= description="Main MAAS network"15:30
rvbadimitern: works for me in a dev env. http://paste.ubuntu.com/7185307/.  I'll try with a package.15:32
dimiternrvba, if you still can't repro it, try upgrading from the daily-ok15:34
dimiternrvba, (i suspect my upgrade might be incomplete or something)15:35
rvbadimitern: you're getting this with the package from daily-ok?15:35
dimiternrvba, no, that's from the daily-builds r2188, but i originally installed the daily-ok one and upgraded later15:36
tych0hi allenap (or anyone), maas nodes when a network is bridged are supposed to talk to the world through a squid proxy, right?16:05
allenaptych0: Is that the cluster’s network, or the region?16:06
tych0i don't understand the question :-(16:07
tych0the cluster and the region are on the same box16:07
tych0it is the slave nodes that aren't running through a squid16:07
allenapThere’s nothing in MAAS that says a node *must* talk to the world through squid. It is there as a service, and we set the proxy for apt (iirc) to point to it, but MAAS doesn’t enforce anything beyond that.16:07
tych0so my nodes aren't talking through the apt proxy either16:08
tych0should i file a bug?16:08
allenaptych0: Yeah, that sounds like a bug.16:09
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