
Beldardante123, Here is a link along the lines of TJ-'s help. http://www.paulscode.com/forum/index.php?topic=1271.000:00
dante123okay last time I used 40_custom and added the entry there, then reran grub and upon reboot it shows up00:01
TJ-dante123: Yes, you can do 40_custom too. 41_custom avoids having to edit the system scripts themselves00:03
dante123whats the command to rerun grub2 configuration?00:08
dante123sudo update-grub i remember now\00:08
snadgeim not sure how a synaptic touchpad is supposed to behave these days.. whether emulate middle mouse button is still a thing etc00:21
snadgein any case.. I don't seem to have a middle click.. i've got a physical left and right button at the bottom of the pad.. and the pad itself clicks when you press down on it00:22
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blockyI just upgraded a bunch of packages from the last few months and I can no longer login to unity... i3wm is working01:44
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blockyactually just realized unity is completely missing from my DE picker02:51
blockyi3 is the only one left02:51
blocky /usr/xsessions/gnome.desktop is still there02:53
Beldarblocky, run a reinstall the ubuntu desktop and se what the terminal says, gnome underlies unity.02:55
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blockyBeldar: thanks, that sort of worked... it's back in the menu now and i can login to it, but my wallpaper loads and nothing else. no unity panel03:08
blockyheh, and an error report03:08
blockyis there a way to restart gdm from terminal? service gdm restart doesn't work anymore03:11
Beldarblocky, Do you have a proprietary graphic installed?03:11
Beldaror any heh?03:12
blockyBeldar: nope, it's a sandy bridge laptop with intel03:12
blockyi forget what it's called but i set up an app to display system performance stats overlaid on the wallpaper, similar to gkrellm, and that's working too03:13
blockyand i think redshift is working, cause the desktop has a pink hue03:13
blockyoh its not gdm, its lightdm03:14
Beldarblocky, There is a compiz unity reset for 13.10, I assume it is fine for 14.04, that would be my first try, needs a reboot generally to set. I start at the easiest first is all.03:14
blockyBeldar: trying that next03:16
blockyBeldar: no luck03:19
Beldarblocky, you reboot?03:21
blockyBeldar: yeah03:21
Beldarblocky, Hmm, not sure beyond that without guessing really, not an area I have had issues in is all.03:21
blockyBeldar: okay thanks, i can still watch netflix in i3wm03:22
Beldarthe errors you had on the reinstall should give some info, I would use that to search or in inquires here. At least to rule it out, if you wanted to mess around.03:23
Beldaryou could install a minimal like lxde and save the install info to purge it later if needed, just ideas, sounds like tiling wm works for you though.03:25
onca_Is there a "skype" for ubuntu?04:01
onca_how do I install it?04:02
onca_apt-cache search skype yeild only pidgin plugins04:02
onca_and empathy ones04:02
`Fibzsudo apt-get install skype04:11
`Fibzoh wait, this PC isnt running trusty04:11
`Fibzyup, just sudo apt-get install skype04:13
Beldaronca_, skype is in the canonical partners repos if in trusty, make sure it is open and your updated.04:19
BeldarIt's installed here, heh I have just not used it.04:20
Dudytzhi all, hi all ... I use the Ubuntu 14.04, I have a user with the default groups (adm cdrom sudo dip plugdev lpadmin sambashare) and encrypted home. Everything works well, but I have error in nautilus to mount a FAT32 partition (in another disk [sdb] or mount of usb pendrive FAT32 formatted). The error message is 'You do not have the permissions necessary to view the contents of "[UUID OF PARTITION]"'. Can anyone helpme to identify the root caus07:22
Stanley00Dudytz: do you have any setting for this partition in /etc/fstab?07:23
Dudytzno, no settings in fstab07:24
Dudytzmy partition configuration is: /dev/sdb1 = boot | /dev/sdb2 = root | /dev/sda1 = home ... I have a /dev/sda2 FAT32 formmated and a /dev/sdc1 (usb pendrive) ... the sda2 and sdc1 have the error of permission07:27
Dudytzmy boot and root are in the sdb because is a flash memory of 16GB .... the sda is a hard disk and sdc is assigned to the usb07:29
Stanley00Dudytz: can you open Terminal, type *mount* to see the option of the mount point of sda2 and sdc07:29
Dudytz/dev/sda2 on /media/eduardo/MULTIBOOT type vfat (rw,nosuid,nodev,uid=1000,gid=1000,shortname=mixed,dmask=0077,utf8=1,showexec,flush,uhelper=udisks2)07:36
Dudytzthe sdc not mount and not appear in the mount list07:37
Dudytzbut the error in nautilus is the same07:37
Dudytzsda2 only appears in the mount list after a try of mount in nautilus, the partition not mount and I give the permission error ... but the partition is visible in the mount list07:38
OliWhat happened to Jockey? Seems it was deleted from the release a month ago... Has it been replaced with something else?08:19
lordievaderGood morning.08:28
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berg__Challenge: Kubuntu 14.04, has anyone experience or working dual GPU (2 x AMD Radeon 290X) or similar working with second GPU also working properly? lspci finds them both, aticonfig sees them both. xorg autodetection does not find the displays in second GPU.10:16
berg__I can create simple xorg.conf which activates both GPUs and the displays attached, but infortunately it leaves errors to KDE.10:16
TJ-berg__: Check the Xorg log-file, maybe the EDIDs aren't being handled correctly. Also, see what "xrandr -q" reports10:24
berg__Reports just the displays in the "active" gpu.10:25
berg__Should xrandr --listproviders report something? Now it reports ... nothing.10:26
berg__Just Providers: number: 010:26
berg__Still the "primary" GPU and displays work fine and with OpenGL and OpenCL. The second GPU is invisible.10:27
berg__Can I turn the my question around. In Ubuntu/Kubuntu should one rely on GPU and display autodetection or should user provide perfect xorg.conf. It affects whether I report bug to xorg/xrandr autodetection or KDE side.10:37
zokiDimovskianyone with Kubuntu 14.04 with akonadi/baloo problems?10:45
zokiDimovskithe akonadi folder is growing and shrinking all the time. Jups up to 3.6GB then shrinks to 500MB and start all over again10:45
zokiDimovskiand akonadiserver, akonadi_baloo_indexer and mysqld are working all the time and eating my CPU10:46
junkawill 14.04 lts have the newest kernel 3.14?10:50
k1l_junka: no10:50
k1l_see the kernel freeze and the 3.14 release date.10:50
junka3.14 released today while the kernel freeze is on 3rd of april10:51
k1l_ah wait, the kernel freeze is in april? but they told they will not change to 3.14 because its to near to the release of 14.04. they will backport important stuff10:53
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junkawell since they have a schedule why not follow it?10:54
k1l_kernel freeze means the sub-version of the kernel. not the main version of the kernel, imho10:56
k1l_like i said: important stuff gets backported and with the enablement stack you can get a 14.10 kernel afterwards, too10:57
junkaok thanks10:57
BluesKaj'Morning folks11:10
odiumokay, I messed up and now everything I try to install says this http://paste.ubuntu.com/7184625/ - basically I tried to install skype12:40
odiumoh I fixed eet12:46
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trackerHi... Im new here... i don speak english, but will do my best... :D13:43
trackerIm trying the new Ubuntu 14.4 LTS but somethings are wrong with my Compiz...13:44
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vlad_starkovTJ-: Hello there! :-)16:26
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SuperLagAre there any apps that will let you view Visio diagrams?16:31
qenghoDoes anyone else's screen re-blank ~1sec after unlocking a Trusty machine that was sitting?16:59
qenghoHere, pressing a key, Shift e.g., un-blanks it.17:00
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vlad_starkovTJ-: Ping17:31
toyotapieis there a torrent to download 14.04 32-bit desktop daily?17:35
TJ-vlad_starkov: pong17:51
vlad_starkovTJ-: I'm here again17:52
odiumI'm trying to install skype but to no avail, can anyone push me in the right direction?18:11
streulmahello, bluetooth works on 3.14 kernel which is 14.04. Should I run 13.10 for the moment without bluetooth or change to 14.04, or wait for the release?18:59
HateYoFacepeople still use bluetooth?19:20
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rohanstreulma: does 14.04 work well enough for you?19:34
kruxmine works is on a testing old box with lubuntu19:41
oncaI'd like to install skype, but I can't find the proper process for it. I've tried numerous times to follow skype communities efforts to explain how to do it, but no avail. I am on a freshly installed system now though.19:54
jackis there a nice visualizer for xmms2 or abraca?19:58
oncahai, could someone halp install the dependencies for this app, I get the following error when I try to install skype - http://paste.ubuntu.com/7186644/ - it says lib32asound2 and ia32-libs are not installed, but I don't know where to find them20:15
oncaneither has installation candidates20:16
oncaplz ignore that pastebin, I'll produce one with the errors I encountered20:17
oncahttp://paste.ubuntu.com/7186672/ is my error20:19
oncaI think this involves something to do with ia32-libs:i386 but I am a novice20:20
oncawait, I found a tutorial20:22
rwwtrusty doesn't have ia32-libs, it uses multiarch instead20:22
oncaokay - i understand20:22
oncaI think I found a tutorial, it's processing now20:23
oncawhile I have your attention. I installed a sd card reader and it turns on but even with a card in it I don't know how to access it20:25
rwwno idea, I just spoke up because I'm good at APT stuff :P20:25
oncahmm - I want to play with my new beagle-bone buuut I can't write to it's sd card20:28
oncayou guys are awesome20:29
oncaskype works20:30
wolfy1339has anyone successfully paired a surface edition arc touch mouse with the surface pro running ubuntu14.0420:31
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xagabaAny workaround about cgroup-lite autoremoval in 14.04 ?21:12
Artemis3is it just me, or when you install any of the quantal or raring (kernel/xorg) upgrades into 12.04 the thing won't ever upgrade to 14.04?21:18
MonkeyDustFYI: 14.04 is still too unstable for my laptop, i switched bach to 12.0421:35
tgregocan someone point me in the right direction on how to use dual graphics?22:02
tgregoi have an amd apu, and a dedicated ati card, but only seem to be able to use the integrated22:02
tgregoi can however see both devices in hardinfo...22:03
tgregois there a way to switch to the dedicated?22:06
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tgregothe hardware is a AMD A10-5750 with a HD 8650G + HD 8570M22:10
Daekdroomtgrego, if you are using the opensource drivers, you should set DRI_PRIME=1 as an env var when starting the app you'll need the dedicated for.22:20
DaekdroomI'm not sure however whether Ubuntu needs you to do some setting before you can do that.22:21
tgregothanks, that will be a good start22:22
Daekdroomtgrego, I found this page http://xpressrazor.wordpress.com/2013/10/08/enable-and-use-open-source-radeon-drivers-in-a-muxless-hybrid-graphics-intelamd-setup/22:22
DaekdroomMind you that when using 14.04 you can skip Step 1, as you already have the necessary drivers and kernel versions.22:23
tgregoi actually installed the proprietary drivers when it did not work with the open source ones, but the 8570M is not corrently detected in amd control center... will give a try with that open source possible fix22:25
atreus_Hello, is it worth upgrading from 12.04 to 14.04 if I dont use unity and upgrade the kernel myself?22:26
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darklight_the latest kernel kinda broke the intel driver23:02
darklight_multiple applications fail with  ../../../../../../../src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_reset.c:43: brw_get_graphics_reset_status: Assertion `brw->hw_ctx != ((void *)0)' failed.23:04
darklight_happens with i915 too23:05

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