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hyperairdoes anyone here frequently hotplug monitors into an ivb laptop?02:57
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pittislangasek: thanks for the PAM bug analysis!06:32
pittiinfinity: ah, good to know; I'll fix that06:32
infinitypitti: Thanks.06:33
pittiinfinity: filed bug 1300031 as a reminder06:33
ubottubug 1300031 in autopkgtest (Ubuntu) "ignores build depends after comments" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130003106:33
pittiNoskcaj: if there isn't too much difference to g-i-t 3.10, sure06:33
infinitypitti: I imagine the easiest way is just to grep -v '^#' before parsing debian/control.06:34
infinitypitti: Unless it also has issues with comments at the end of lines (didn't check).06:34
infinitypitti: In which case, maybe the equivalent of sed 's/#.*$//'06:35
pittiinfinity: not sure whether you got my psql comment from Friday; but I guess today we can release the lot?06:35
pittiinfinity: yep, should be simple06:35
infinitypitti: Yeah, we'll release it all today.  Your comment came a bit too late for me to be comfy releasing pre-weekend.06:35
infinityI guess we can just let it fly now, there will be enough people (including you) around to deal with something if it explodes.06:36
infinitypitti: Do these go to both updates and security, or is the psql-8.4 publishing history special?06:37
pittiinfinity: no -security this time, just -updates06:37
infinityKay.  For all of them?06:37
pittiinfinity: yes06:38
pittiinfinity: back in 30 mins06:38
RAOFpitti: Any chance of a umockdev release with the “don't wait for 48 days when given an evemu trace from a device that doesn't report events in chronological order” bug? :)06:40
dholbachgood morning06:58
zygagood morning07:06
pittiRAOF: yes, I was going to do that07:07
pittiRAOF: sorry, forgot about it on Friday07:08
pittiRAOF: dinstall runs in 43 mins, I should catch that; so I can sync around noon07:08
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pittiRAOF: umockdev 0.8.1 released and uploaded to sid07:14
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dokotvoss, I think you / the phone team is the biggest user of valgrind (as a build dependency). I want to propose a new valgrind for trusty (having support for AArch64), maybe as a sru after the release. but it would be nice to check the valgrind package in the ubuntu-toolchain-r/test PPA.07:59
tvossdoko, cool, thanks for the heads up. I think the Mir team is using it in quite sophisticated ways, also the unity scopes team. I will dispatch your rfc for testing to them08:00
dokotvoss, let me file the bug, then the replies can be tested there08:00
dokoposted ...08:00
tvossdoko, got a link for me?08:00
dokotvoss, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/valgrind/+bug/130007008:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1300070 in valgrind (Ubuntu Trusty) "valgrind 3.10/trunk update to support AArch64" [Undecided,New]08:05
dokoso maybe subscribe to the issue08:06
tvossdoko, ack08:06
tvossdoko, will ask the Mir and unity-scopes-api team for feedback specifically and extend the heads up to ubuntu-phone upstreams08:18
seb128update-manager stopped to debconf prompt me about openssh-server configuration08:27
seb128it displays a checkbox "disable ssh password authentification for root?"08:27
darkxstyeh I saw that too, imported from debian ?08:28
seb128cjwatson_, hey, is that ^ known/wanteD?08:28
darkxstseems rather odd when we don't have root accounts by default!08:29
infinitycjwatson_: Maybe you could skip the debconf question and JFDI if '$(getent shadow root | cut -d: -f2) = "!"'08:38
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infinitycjwatson_: That is, if root doesn't currently have a password, you won't be locking me out of my machine by surprise by not allowing password logins.  If I set one later, I can debug why it no workie myself.08:40
infinityseb128: ^ That seem like an acceptable compromise between no default prompting and not locking people out on upgrade?08:46
seb128infinity, seems fine to me, I'm unsure what changed though/how we were handling things before08:47
seb128(e.g why is that prompt showing up today)08:47
seb128k, the changelog answers that question :p08:48
infinityseb128: Our default config has/had PermitRootLogin yes.  The new default is without-password, which is saner, but automatically upgrading would lock out people who rely on the password auth.08:48
infinity(At least, I assume it used to be yes... Maybe it used to be no, and all of us hitting the prompt manually changed it at some point and forgot...)08:49
infinityNo, it was definitely yes, I have a fresh precise VM with that setup.08:50
seb128I'm sure I didn't change that config08:51
pittismoser, infinity: wolfe-05 and -06 are offline; do you know what happened to them?08:52
infinitypitti: I have no idea.  Lemme see if I remember how Scott's setup works.08:52
infinity... and which IP wolfe is.08:53
infinitypitti: 06 looks alive to me.  05 is in an rcu_sched hang.08:55
infinityOh, wait.  06 is spewing on the console too.  Whee.08:55
infinitypitti: Bouncing both.08:55
infinitypitti: Should be back.  I don't have accounts on either, so you'll have to confirm.08:56
jibelinfinity, thanks, they are both back08:59
jibelpitti, I'll bring 3 down, because dpkg segfaults and it cannot provision a new container09:01
infinityjibel: A reboot should fix that.09:01
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infinityjibel: I've never been able to reproduce that bug to try to figure out WTF is happening. :/09:02
infinityjibel: You're seeing that on one of wolfe's VMs?09:02
jibelinfinity, yes on wolfe-03 but I just rebooted it09:03
pittiinfinity: thanks for bouncing09:03
infinityjibel: Yeah, that's fine, I don't think I can get anything useful out of the VM anyway.  Just odd that you've seen it on another host.  I've only ever seen it on postal, and was close to blaming the machine.09:03
infinity(I've seen it on all of postal's VMs, but never on denneed or fisher, which is confusing as heck)09:04
seb128@pilot in09:04
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Trusty Final Beta released! | Archive: Gated Review | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> saucy | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: seb128
jibelinfinity, indeed it's dpkg'ing happily after a reboot.09:04
infinityjibel: It might act up again at some point.  It seemed to happen to postal's VMs every few hundred builds or so (couldn't ever identify any specific thing as the trigger, though), which is why those buildds are on manual right now. :/09:06
infinityAs bugs go, it's pretty much my least favourite kind.  Not enough useful info to report to kernel (or qemu?) people, and no sane way to make it happen to try to get useful info.09:07
infinityAnd it may well just be a bug in the qemu endian-flip madness, which would make it something that really doesn't matter once we get off POWER7 hardware.09:07
infinityAt least the symptom is so catastrophic that it doesn't cause any subtle bugs elsewhere. :P09:08
jibelinfinity, yes hard to say, first failure of this type started 2 days ago but without any specific thing done to the VM09:13
* hyperair wonders if he's the only one experiencing black-screen-on-monitor-plugged-in syndrome.09:18
GunnarHjcjwatson_: ping?09:33
seb128GunnarHj, you might want to let some context with pings ;-)09:43
GunnarHjseb128: Makes sense...09:44
GunnarHjcjwatson_: Time to talk about bug 1294858?09:45
ubottubug 1294858 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Installer does not install all language support packages" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129485809:45
GunnarHjseb128: Do you have time for a package question?09:46
seb128GunnarHj, sure09:47
GunnarHjseb128: What's the best way to distinguish Ubuntu from Debian in debian/rules?09:48
GunnarHjdpkg-vendor --is ubuntu09:48
* apw feels this new ssh message is confusing, and the name of the option it tells you about just fuels that, and i don't feel advised as to the right option; i felt compelled to read the manual for it to decide09:49
seb128GunnarHj, yes09:49
infinityapw: See backscroll.09:49
infinityapw: About an hour ago.09:49
GunnarHjseb128: So the builders will always understand?09:50
apwinfinity, ahh thanks09:50
infinityGunnarHj: The buildds have the same dpkg installed that you do.09:50
seb128GunnarHj, why wouldn't they? that's what e.g udisks is using09:50
seb128(just giving an example of package where we are using that if you want to check it out)09:50
infinityGunnarHj: You might want --derives-from though, if you want Ubuntu and all derivatives to get the setup.09:51
pittididrocks: apport with that crash fix uploaded, now waiting in unapproved09:51
infinityGunnarHj: (Depends on if it's legitimately Ubuntu-specific, or rather just "not the Debian way")09:51
didrockspitti: ok, I'll keep an eye to kick an image once available09:51
GunnarHjinfinity, seb128: It's basically 'not the Debian way' in this case. Most important is that it works for Ubuntu Kylin.09:52
infinityGunnarHj: Well, kylin is "just Ubuntu", from the POV of them using the same dpkg from the same archive.09:53
infinityGunnarHj: But if Ubuntu derivatives should also default to the same setup (eg: because our packaging is forked in other fun ways, and derivatives should inherit that default), then you want --derives-from.09:53
infinityThing, eg: Mint.09:54
infinityNot sure if Mint actually bothers to fork dpkg origin, but they should if they don't. :P09:54
GunnarHjinfinity: Does --derives-from include all the 'normal' *ubuntu flavours?09:54
infinityGunnarHj: Flavours are all Ubuntu.09:55
infinityGunnarHj: They all use the same dpkg, cause they build from the same archive.09:55
GunnarHjinfinity, seb128: Ok, think I've got it. Thanks!09:55
infinityGunnarHj: It's only derivatives (ie: people with their own archives) who can be different in this case.09:55
infinityGunnarHj: So, basically, antyhign built from ftp.debian.org both --is and --derives-from debian.  Anything built from archive.ubuntu.com --is ubuntu and --derives-from both debian and ubuntu.  Other out-of-archive derviatives might derive from debian or both (or, if they're weird, neither).09:57
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cjwatsonseb128: It's wanted in general, but infinity's suggestion seems like a nice option.09:58
GunnarHjinfinity: Then it's indeed --is in this case (i.e. not Debian). Thanks for the lesson. :)09:59
cjwatsonGunnarHj: I only work on ubiquity at the moment when it's an emergency and nobody else is available.10:02
cjwatsonGunnarHj: Too many other plates to juggle.10:02
GunnarHjcjwatson: Anybody else I could talk to? (It's not exactly an emergency, but would be nice to have it fixed in 14.04.)10:03
cjwatsonGunnarHj: Slightly reluctant to unconditionally volunteer him, but maybe xnox has time?10:03
infinityGunnarHj: I think I was trying to point out that you want "--derives-from ubuntu" so that both ubuntu and downstreams who use our packages mostly unmodified would get the same thing, but if it's really Ubuntu-specific, you want --is (like, say, Apache server tokens).10:03
GunnarHjcjwatson: Can't hurt to ask. :) Thanks!10:04
GunnarHjinfinity: It's code intended to be added in debian/rules upstream (Debian) but only take effect when built for Ubuntu.10:07
infinityGunnarHj: Right, I get that.  But if someone were to build the package on an Ubuntu derivative that is mostly Ubuntu, but with a few tweaks, would they want the Ubuntu rules behaviour, or the Debian?10:07
infinityGunnarHj: If you use --is, they'll get the Debian behaviour.  Would that be wrong in the context of all their other packages being Ubuntuish?10:08
GunnarHjinfinity: Maybe, maybe not. It's not a very Ubuntuish think. It's just that we (unlike Debian) want fcitx to be the default before ibus if fcitix is installed. :)10:09
caribou_cjwatson: I saw that you fixed the btmp bug in Debian (Debian bug #341883), thanks10:10
ubottuDebian bug 341883 in openssh-server "openssh-server: doesn't log bad login attempts to /var/log/btmp" [Normal,Fixed] http://bugs.debian.org/34188310:10
GunnarHjinfinity: Still appreciate your clarifications.10:11
cjwatsoncaribou_: you're welcome10:12
caribou_cjwatson: now how should I proceed for Ubuntu ? This will not be automatically synced in Trusty10:12
cjwatsoncaribou_: I already synced it.10:12
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cariboucjwatson: thanks!10:13
infinitycjwatson: Hrm.  That btmp thing didn't really address the "might use password as username" issue, though.  I'm still not super keen on root having a log of unhashed passwords in the clear.10:13
cariboucjwatson: then looks like I should get going with the SRU work10:14
infinitycjwatson: I liked login's solution of logging UNKNOWN for accounts that don't exist.10:14
cjwatsoninfinity: Yeah, that's cute, though really ought to be done upstream10:14
cjwatsoncaribou: Be my guest10:14
infinityThough, login fails in other ways, it would seem...10:14
infinityUNKNOWN  tty1                          Mon Mar 31 04:14   still logged in10:15
infinitytest123  ssh:notty    localhost        Mon Mar 31 04:12    gone - no logout10:15
infinityStill logged in, my ass. :P10:15
pittiLaney: does bug 1278284 sound ok to you? Otherwise I'll need to fork off Ubuntu and upload the other fixes without that new debugging option10:15
ubottubug 1278284 in sessioninstaller (Ubuntu Trusty) "Doesn't find gstreamer1.0 codecs" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/127828410:15
pittiLaney: (I suppose it's ok, but asking early before I sync it)10:15
pittiLaney: sorry, bug 130009210:15
ubottubug 1300092 in autopkgtest (Ubuntu) "FFE: Add option for running shell in testbed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130009210:15
infinityOh, fun, it continues to say that until the getty dies (ie: due to a successfuly login)10:15
Laneypitti: Yeah, new feature you have to opt in to use in a QA-ish package sounds fine10:16
Laneygo wild10:16
pittiLaney: thanks10:17
Laneythanks for committing that sessioninstaller fix too ;-)10:17
seb128dholbach, hey, is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1294891 ready for upload? ;-)10:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1294891 in Ubuntu "Ubuntu GNOME community wallpapers" [High,Triaged]10:46
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highvoltagefroztbyte/win 1311:03
Laneynice password :P11:03
zygaheh :)11:03
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tkamppeterxnox, hi11:08
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xnoxtkamppeter: hello!11:13
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Sweetsharkdoko: libreoffice update is in main, -voikko build against it here ...11:27
Sweetsharkpls ping me if there are issues remaining.11:28
dholbachseb128, I didn't look at it after my pilot shift again11:39
seb128dholbach, can you upload it? if I do it I need to find another archive admin to do the NEWing...11:40
dholbachseb128, ok, I'll review it again11:40
seb128dholbach, danke!11:40
dholbachseb128, followed up: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/1294891/comments/811:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1294891 in Ubuntu "Ubuntu GNOME community wallpapers" [High,Triaged]11:52
seb128dholbach, thanks11:53
tkamppeterxnox, can you have a look at bug 1276713 and also at https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=742666. It is abot getting equal Upstart support with socket activation in both Debian and Ubuntu.11:59
ubottuDebian bug 742666 in cups-daemon "No Upstart support" [Normal,Open]11:59
ubottubug 1276713 in cups (Ubuntu) "upstart socket activation for cups" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/127671311:59
tkamppeterxnox, can you especially answer Cameron's questions in the Launchpad bug.12:00
xnoxtkamppeter: ack.12:00
xnoxtkamppeter: responded12:04
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tkamppeterxnox, thanks.12:13
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seb128@pilot out12:18
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Trusty Final Beta released! | Archive: Gated Review | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> saucy | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
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seb128doko, hey, do you have any openjdk upload coming? there is a patch in the sponsoring queue that would be nice to get in trusty, but since openjdk takes ages to build better to batch that with other changes if you have some ;-)13:01
dokoif this is 937200, then yes13:02
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seb128oh, seems like pitti is attacking the sponsoring queue from the other side ;-)13:17
pittiseb128: sorry, I saw your @pilot out and thought to run through some items13:17
pittiseb128: i. e. sorry if I stepped on your toes13:17
seb128pitti, no worry, help is welcome ;-)13:17
mardyMirv: hi! Do you think you can add the fix to bug 1299712 as a patch against qt 5.2?13:18
ubottubug 1299712 in qtbase-opensource-src (Ubuntu) "Online accounts for facebook (and google) are missing cursor for sign-in" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129971213:18
seb128pitti, no, I'm glad you got some, I stopped for lunch and I was planning to get a few extras, but I would probably not have reached the most recent ones13:18
pittiseb128: grabbing light-locker* and gnome-documents MP, ok?13:19
pittiseb128: I try to do the easy syncs and some "5-a-day"ish these days13:20
seb128pitti, yes please, I just synced the audiocity ones and tali, sponsored gnome-online-account and I'm doing easytag13:20
psusithe ddebs for libparted0debian1 are empty in the last 3 revisions.  anyone have any idea what went wrong? or how to figure it out?13:20
seb128pitti, just stating the ones I'm touching so we don't duplicate13:20
seb128pitti, 5 a day ftw ;-)13:21
psusicjwatson: re: the loop regression: I think you had some magic in partman to deal with lvm volumes, which parted used to report as having a single partition on them named /dev/mapper/xxxp1.  The patch dropped the incorrect p1 suffix.  Could that have broken partman?13:28
xnoxpsusi: partman used to report /dev/mapper/volume-group-name with volumes under that device name (as if they are partitions)13:29
pittiseb128: grabbing https://code.launchpad.net/~noskcaj/ubuntu/trusty/gnome-video-effects/0.4.1/+merge/212248, then finishing13:31
pittiRAOF: umockdev 0.8.1 is now in trusty, with the timestamp going backwards fix13:32
seb128pitti, danke13:33
psusixnox: not how I remember it... it reported each /dev/mapper/vg-lv as a disk, with a single partition on it named /dev/mapper/vg-lv113:35
psusipartman apparently knew it had to strip off the bogus 1 to refer to the actual device name... I fixed libparted to not add the bogus 1 in the first place13:36
cjwatsonpsusi: None of that rings a bell13:44
psusicjwatson: darn.. was hoping it would.  Guess I'll just have to play around with it tonight.13:46
pittididrocks: the apport cgroup crash fix landed in trusty now, FTR13:47
cjwatsonpsusi: thanks13:47
seb128doko, thanks ;-)13:48
* davmor2 rings his bell to see if helps cjwatson remember13:48
pittistgraber, kirkland: byobu's keys (F2 etc.) don't work in a container, i. e. with "lxc-start"; is there a trick how to get this functionality?13:49
kirklandpitti: hmm, interesting, is this screen or tmux backend?13:50
pittikirkland: hm, both screen and tmux are installed (I think I just did "apt-get install byobu"), how do I tell?13:51
pittitmux -f /usr/share/byobu/profiles/tmuxrc new-session -n - /usr/bin/byobu-shell13:51
pittikirkland: ah, tmux13:51
kirklandpitti: tmux13:51
kirklandpitti: yeah, the easy visual queue is "1 line, or 2 of status at the bottom"13:51
pittikirkland: ah, heh; yes, one line13:51
kirklandpitti: otherwise, its ps -ef | grep byobu13:51
pittikirkland: I'm fairly sure it's nothign with gnome-terminal or my unity config etc, I use F2/F3 etc. on ssh sessions all the time13:52
pittikirkland: curiously, F9 works13:52
kirklandpitti: right;  oh, now that is weird13:53
kirklandpitti: I was thinking something might be wrong with how lxc handles the tty...but if F9 works...13:53
pittikirkland: shift-f2/f3 etc. seem to work, too13:53
kirklandpitti: this is latest/greatest trusted?13:53
pittikirkland: yes, trusty du jour on both host and container13:53
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stgraberpitti: what's F2 supposed to do?13:54
kirklandpitti: is this a recent regression in lxc?13:54
kirklandstgraber: create a new window in byobu13:54
stgraberok, then it works fine here13:54
pittikirkland: I'm not sure, but it's at least like that for two weeks or longer13:54
pittistgraber: interesting13:54
stgraberI'm sshed into a trusty container on a trusty host running byobu and F2 gets me a new window13:54
stgraberusing terminator as my terminal emulator here13:54
pittistgraber: so maybe ssh sets up the terminal differently in some way than a direct "lxc-start" in gnome-terminal?13:54
stgraberpitti: that's entirely possible, yes13:55
pittianyway, it seems this isn't already known13:55
pittiI can do lxc-attach to get a second shell in it, it's just way more cumbersome13:55
stgraberthough both should be pts devices in the end, maybe tmux special-cases devices called /dev/ttyX somehow?13:55
ochosipitti: thanks for sponsoring light-locker* !13:57
pittikirkland: FTR, broken in byobu-screen as well13:57
pittiochosi: yw!13:57
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kirklandpitti: okay, I'm trying to reproduce this now14:00
kirklandpitti: what's your escape key?  the default ctrl-a?14:00
kirklandpitti: can you try this... ctrl-a then ":" then type "new-window" and hit enter14:01
kirklandpitti: does that create a new window?14:01
pittikirkland: hm, I think I set it to emacs mode, so that ctrl+a = go to beginning of line14:01
kirklandpitti: okay, so ctrl-b then14:01
pittikirkland: argh, that's taken by my window manager; can I reset ctrl+a somehow?14:02
pittiah, byobu-ctrl-a :)14:02
pittiF12 doesn't work, FTR14:02
pittikirkland: :new-window works fine; F3 doesn't switch14:02
kirklandpitti: okay, now, ctrl-b then ":" then "bind-key -n F2 new-window"14:03
kirklandpitti: then try pressing F214:03
pittikirkland: no change14:04
kirklandpitti: okay, and you're in a shell on your container using lxc-attach?14:06
pittikirkland: not lxc-attach, lxc-start (not sure if that's any different)14:07
pittisudo lxc-start -n debci14:07
pittiand then log into that through the usual getty14:07
pittikirkland: a local byobu on my VT1 works fine, btw14:08
didrockspitti: yeah, we kicked an image as soon as it was promoted (building), thanks for the head's up14:09
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seb128xnox, hey, could you review https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bash-completion/+bug/1298220 ?14:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1298220 in bash-completion (Ubuntu) "Sync bash-completion 1:2.1-4 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New]14:13
seb128xnox, I'm asking you because I know you had a look at some of the issues with the new bash14:14
seb128doko, ^ or maybe that's something you are interested in as well14:15
xnoxseb128: damn, did I forget to revert bash ?! *sigh*14:16
seb128xnox, now I'm unsure if you are trolling me :p14:17
seb128xnox, well, doko is back at least, so you can talk to him about fixing it14:17
xnoxseb128: i think we can sync bash-completion, but it will not solve all the bash problems.14:18
pittixnox: FTR, there's a sync request in the sponsoring queue; but I checked the diff between D and U and it's horribly long, so that would need to be done with some care14:19
pittiI found a few fixes/changes which aren't in Debian yet14:19
pitti(i. e. maybe better merge/sync that next cycle?)14:19
* dholbach hugs seb128 and pitti14:21
xnoxpitti: yeah, i also see that some things need to be merged.14:21
* seb128 hugs dholbach and pitti14:21
xnoxpitti: agree, that it's better to post-pone this.14:21
cjwatsonslangasek: Can you advise on where bug 1298653 should be reassigned?14:21
ubottubug 1298653 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "mokmanager typo "Start MOK utility utility at EFI\ubuntu\MokManager.efi on EFI"" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129865314:21
xnoxseb128: hm, although doko did upload two bugfixes.14:24
seb128xnox, right14:24
bdmurraypitti: did you see I updated my apport-retrace package versions merge proposal?14:24
xnoxseb128: i think we are all good. major bugs in bash-completion and bash are fixed.14:25
pittibdmurray: ah no, I didn't; thanks! (LP doesn't send out notifications for new commits)14:25
seb128xnox, if you say so14:25
pittiat least ~/... completion shows files again14:25
kirklandpitti: okay, I've reproduced your issue14:30
kirklandpitti: I'm checking saucy now14:31
pittikirkland: I can't say whether this is a regression at all; I never used byobu with lxc before14:32
kirklandpitti: k14:32
kirklandpitti: I do see this error, "<4>init: setvtrgb main process (409) terminated with status 1"14:42
kirklandpitti: just before the login prompt14:42
pittikirkland: yes, me too14:43
kirklandpitti: confirmed on saucy too14:43
bdmurrayinfinity: could you have a look at bug 1298393?14:45
ubottubug 1298393 in debian-installer (Ubuntu) "please provide boot files for x-gene platforms" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129839314:45
ogra_cjwatson, hmm, i just noticed that i can start sshd even if there are no existing host keys, is that wanted (i remember the old sysv init script had a check and created keys on demand)14:47
cjwatsonogra_: I'm afraid your memory is faulty.14:49
ogra_was that always a postinst thing ?14:49
cjwatsonWe've never created host keys in the init script, and if it ever checked it would only have been by way of sshd -t.14:49
ogra_hmm, kay14:50
cjwatsonI would expect sshd to exit early if it has no host keys.14:50
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bdmurraybarry: were you looking at gdebi recently?15:17
barrybdmurray: yes, i have a branch wip for switching it to py315:18
bdmurraybarry: might that fix bug 1295872?15:18
ubottubug 1295872 in gdebi (Ubuntu) "gdebi-gtk crashed with UnicodeDecodeError in decode(): 'utf8' codec can't decode byte 0xc3 in position 0: unexpected end of data" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129587215:18
barrybdmurray: not directly15:18
bdmurraybarry: okay, looking at the errors bucket it seems to occur pretty frequently15:21
barrybdmurray: i'll try to take a look when i'm working on the new branch15:22
bdmurraybarry: thanks15:23
hallynholy cow.  unity is just losing windows left and right...  they're still running, but they don't show up in the switcher15:39
rbasakcjwatson: triaging bug 1300133: Won't Fix?16:01
ubottubug 1300133 in openssh (Ubuntu) "Generate ED25519 host keys on upgrade" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130013316:01
cjwatsonrbasak: I've left it in the state I intend16:04
cjwatsonrbasak: (i.e. it's OK for there to be discussion)16:04
cjwatsonrbasak: (I don't understand this thing where the server team feels obliged to triage openssh bugs but doesn't contribute to maintenance, TBH)16:05
cjwatsonseems weird :)16:05
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balloonsping xnox16:11
rbasakcjwatson: to try and keep a handle on bugs, I end up triaging far more bugs than I do deep dives into.16:13
xnoxballoons: hey16:14
rbasakcjwatson: for some reason our triage process involves handling New/Undecided bugs, but IMHO that's never really been right. It's just on the queue, and I thought we could do something about it.16:14
rbasakI suppose set the Importance at least, since then it doesn't appear on the first triage report we have.16:14
balloonsxnox, hey. So a couple things to discuss with you.16:14
xnoxballoons: shoot! =)16:14
balloonsxnox, first, can you push stuff to the store now? Can you build clicks on s-jenkins? did that get sorted out?16:14
cjwatsonrbasak: importance something less than high would be fine, yeah16:15
xnoxballoons: i have access to upload clicks into the store, i can download them from s-jenkins. I don't have any special privilidges on s-jenkins (e.g. triggering/controlling jobs etc)16:16
xnoxballoons: e.g. i was the one who uploaded gallery app click fetched from s-jenkins for the last upload.16:17
balloonsxnox, good enough. Ok, would you be willing to work with fginther this week on having those builds be autotested after building?16:17
balloonsxnox, I'll be out and he wants to get it in ;-)16:17
xnoxballoons: sure. All I do locally is: $ click-run-checks on the generated .click.16:18
balloonsxnox, secondly, I'd think your opinion on this issue popey is seeing. https://bugs.launchpad.net/music-app/+bug/130023016:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1300230 in Ubuntu Music App "UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xc3 in position 33484: ordinal not in range(128)" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:18
xnoxfginther: can we integrate "click-run-checks" on the generated .click? it's about equivalent to running "lintian" against a deb.16:18
xnoxballoons: right, let me look into that music-app error.16:19
balloonsxnox, I'm wondering if the new phablet-tools release might have impacted the bug I linked from popey. The tldr is, there are now unicode errors running tests that used to work16:19
xnoxballoons: if a click declares autopilot directory in the manifest, it must be python3 compliant tests.16:23
xnoxballoons: one way to solve this is to remove that stanza from the manifest, and then the tests will revert to using python2.16:23
balloonsdid we miss music in the conversion?16:23
xnoxballoons: or I'll look into fixing this.16:23
balloonsxnox, ahh.. kk..16:23
xnoxballoons: to make it python3 compatible again.16:23
balloonsxnox, I'd prefer the latter if you are willing16:24
xnoxballoons: it did pass under python3 a week ago =)16:24
balloonsxnox, wild.. I haven't checked the revision history to see what all got changed16:24
balloonslet's look16:24
fgintherxnox, adding click-run-checks is do-able16:25
xnoxfginther: having that output as artifact should be sufficient. Possibly bail/fail the job if that has errors. Warnings are harder, as some of them are expected.16:26
balloonsfginther, xnox please just keep me in the loop on what's implemented. I'll be back at the end of next week16:27
fgintherxnox, I'll let you know once I have something started so you can have a peek at the results16:27
xnoxfginther: thanks!16:28
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Laneykeeping build-deps cross-installable is a right pain, isn't it?16:31
tarpmandoko, seb128: thanks very much for uploading 937200 :) super pleased to have that in trusty.16:36
seb128tarpman, yw!16:37
xnoxballoons: commented on the bug report about music-app. It works and passes correctly on the current trusty-proposed channel, with current 389 music-app, latest phablet-tools, under python3.16:43
xnoxballoons: how is popey running that music-app tests that shows errors?16:43
popeyxnox: phablet-test-run -v  music_app16:44
balloonsxnox, I'll leave you to popey as it works for me too :-)16:46
popeythanks ☻16:46
balloonspopey, well, which version are we running16:46
balloonsxnox answered that v369 or earlier don't work16:46
popey369 of what?16:47
balloonsI see 389 right?16:47
* balloons opens myapps16:47
popeyi have tried 389 and 40316:47
balloonspopey, ahh right then. indeed16:48
popeyxnox: feel free to ping if you need me to test anything, or need more detail.16:50
psusicjwatson: so do you have any idea why the ddebs for the last 2-3 releases of parted are broken?16:54
xnoxpopey: 389 works fine.16:58
xnoxpopey: how do you build, install and test 403?16:58
slangasekcjwatson: bug #1298653> err, I honestly have no idea, it's not supposed to be a boot menu option16:59
ubottubug 1298653 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "mokmanager typo "Start MOK utility utility at EFI\ubuntu\MokManager.efi on EFI"" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129865316:59
popeyxnox: i got 403 from the store,  uploaded by balloons, installed using "pkcon install-local foo.click"16:59
popeyxnox: I test using 4 lines... phablet-config autopilot --dbus-probe enable, phablet-click-test-setup --click  com.ubuntu.music, adb reboot, then phablet-test-run -v music_app17:00
popeyxnox: which is what I've been doing for all apps. I ran the tests on gallery earlier on the same device and it was fine.17:00
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cjwatsonpsusi: hm, broken how?17:00
xnoxpopey: right, let me wipe my device clean, to make sure i'm clean.17:01
psusicjwatson: it's empty17:01
cjwatsonpsusi: there are -dbg packages17:01
psusifor libparted that is...17:01
cjwatsonpsusi: IIRC pkg-create-dbgsym doesn't bother to create contentful -dbgsym packages if -dbg is meaningful17:01
psusiohh... didn't realize -dbg got added... and that makes the ddebs still there, just empty?17:02
cjwatsonthink so, they should have a dependency?17:02
Laneydbgsym should have a dependency17:02
psusiI would have thought it wouldn't create them at all... weird17:02
xnoxpopey: can you get me output of $ click list --manifest ?17:07
popeyxnox: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7185790/17:08
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xnoxpopey: and when running as a user phablet I guess as well, so $ sudo -u phablet -i click list --manifest ?17:09
popeythat was as phablet17:09
xnoxpopey: cool, thanks.17:09
xnoxpopey: so autopilot/python blows up on one of those =)17:10
popeyoh nice17:10
xnoxpopey: in particular with the fact that it's not running in UTF-8 locale, I think.17:10
xnoxpopey: (same as all other locale based problems recently reported)17:10
popeymakes sense ☻17:10
ogra_hmm, is the randomization of PIDs a kernel feature ? and if so, is there wa way to switch it off ?17:12
ogra_it just struck me how helpful it would be to have the processes visually ordered in a bootchart17:13
ogra_(which proper ordering of the PIDs would achieve)17:13
sarnoldogra_: yes, it would be a kernel feature if it exists; are you confident you're seeing that behaviour? to my knowledge, linux has never had it..17:16
sarnold(and my week-old-ish uuntu touch image doesn't show that behaviour..)17:16
ogra_well, looking at bootcharts i see things started with a lower PID than the process starting it ... it seems to start randomizing at some point17:18
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sarnoldcrazy thgh, running 'ps ; ps' in terminal shows 10151 and 10156. that's far more intervening processes than I would have expected17:20
Snow-Manor it just wrapped?17:21
mdeslaursarnold: if I run it a couple of times, I get sequential pids once in a while17:22
sarnoldiirc cking mentioned some new tool recently, a fork-tracker... it'd be worth tracking that down17:22
sarnoldmdeslaur: heh, I never got two consecutive pids17:22
mdeslaursarnold: you need to stop running the fork bomb in the other window :)17:23
sarnoldmdeslaur: oh is -that- why my battery life is not so good? :)17:24
mdeslaursarnold: hehe :)17:26
* sarnold mumbles "last time I trust an article that says you can speed up your phone with this one simple trick..."17:26
balloonsxnox, popey so what's the synopsis?17:29
popeyballoons: xnox was reflashing his device, but seems maybe one of the apps I have installed on my phone was triggering the issue. But we don't know which one (yet)?17:35
zygaogra_: IIRC kernel has PID reuse but the way it reclaims dead pids is unclear to me17:37
ogra_it seems slightly random ...17:37
ogra_but not completely17:38
zygaogra_: probably next free from a rotating counter *but* given that this is the kernel I woudn't be surprised if there are some multi-core features to avoid any locking on next17:38
xnoxpopey: i think i do know what's triggering this.17:46
xnoxpopey: working on a fix.17:46
xnoxpopey: please don't change your phone =)17:47
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xnoxpopey: make your phone RW (if not already) then do:17:55
xnoxadb shell "echo exec su - -c adbd > /etc/init/android-tools-adbd.override"17:55
xnoxadb reboot17:55
xnoxpopey: then try running music-app tests again and it should work.17:55
xnoxpopey: right, the UTF-8 app is tradera that you have installed, and i've now reproduced your bug and the fix for it.18:02
leftyfbpaul_1: can you hop onto the webex and login to the local 12.04 install for me?18:07
leftyfbpaul_1: in a meeting at the moment so can't talk on the webex call18:08
leftyfbpaul_1: thank you18:12
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popeyxnox: sorry, was on a call..18:23
xnoxpopey: no worries. Fix uploaded into unapproved queue. Hopefully would be reviewed and accepted soon.18:23
infinitybdmurray: Yup.18:38
* popey hugs xnox 18:39
popeyxnox: so just removing Tradera will allow me to run the tests?18:39
xnoxpopey: or doing: adb shell "echo exec su - -c adbd > /etc/init/android-tools-adbd.override"18:41
xnoxpopey: and rebooting18:41
popeyxnox: i went for removing the app18:42
xnoxpopey: you might have other apps installed which would also affect the results....18:42
xnoxpopey: it's the first problematic one, not sure if there are others =)18:42
popeyis there an easy way to tell?18:42
popeywhich was the problematic app?18:43
xnoxfreeciv, airbnb, baboom, bytesjack, ....18:46
xnoxpopey: is your phone not in RW mode?18:46
xnoxin that case wait for adbd fix to get accepted.18:47
popeyno, not rw, I dont really want to do that18:50
ogra_xnox, did you run any AP tests for this ? would be good to know that still works with the multiple sudo hoops they jump through in adb18:50
xnoxpopey: well, it got accepted now. So in one of the next images it should be available via channel updates ;-)18:50
xnoxogra_: all works correctly, tested with click and non-click AP tests.18:51
* ogra_ wishes we could drop that some day .... it is awful18:51
slangasekdrop which?18:55
ogra_slangasek, the sudoing to become phablet19:01
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slangasekwhat's awful about it, and what are you wanting to drop it in favor of?19:01
ogra_proper pam integration of adbd ... or running adbd as user by default19:02
slangasekwell, I don't think that's an "or"; running it as a user by default still doesn't give you a pam session unless you add the pam integration19:03
slangasekI'm unconvinced that there's anything wrong with the current solution that's worth the effort of adding pam integration to adbd19:04
ogra_adb shell "sudo -u phablet -i 'bash -i -c $command'" ...19:06
ogra_i still find it awful and ugly :)19:07
ogra_not to mention it gets you into quoting hell with a little complex commands19:07
slangasekogra_: well, there's certainly some redundancy there19:10
slangasekbut that should be fixed directly19:11
ogra_well, we have plenty different vesions of that command in different plases and tools ...19:12
ogra_phablet-test-run has: adb $ADBOPTS shell sudo -u $USER -i sh -lc \'"$@"\' ...19:12
ogra_slightly less ugly19:12
slangasekno, that's even more ugly19:12
ogra_oh ?19:13
slangasek'-i sh -lc'?19:13
slangasekyou want 'sudo -u $USER -i -c "$@"'19:13
ogra_that somehow didnt work for the people writing the tests19:14
slangasekthen they should've asked for advice from someone who knows how sudo and the shell work19:14
hallynhm, maybe i'm having a pulseaudio bug.  mplayer keeps saying 'audio device got stuck.'  banshee last night seemed to keep completely hanging my laptop (to the point that sysrq didn't work)19:15
ogra_i think that doesnt process profile.d19:15
ogra_which we need to get the proper env19:15
hallyni'll test some more witih banshee tonight after a reboot ...19:15
slangasekand actually, I'm wrong, what you actually want is 'sudo -u $USER -i "$@"'19:15
slangasekogra_: 'sudo -i' is all you need in order to get a login shell19:15
slangasekall the other crufty arguments here are cruft, but that has nothing to do with adbd supporting pam, that just has to do with people piling on commandline arguments without understanding them19:16
ogra_well, there was a reason for the bash call in there19:16
slangaseknot a good reason19:16
* ogra_ cant remember anymore, thats nearly a year old 19:16
ogra_but i know that the SDK ads well as the automation uses it like that19:17
slangasekit's possible that the phablet user had the wrong login shell.  That should have been fixed by fixing the phablet user's login shell.19:17
slangasek(and if that was the problem, it has been fixed since)19:17
ogra_i dont think it ever changed from /bin/bash19:18
ogra_what i remember is that it had something to do with the environemnt not being proper19:19
slangasekregardless, this is unnecessary complexity.  phablet-test-run should just be 'adb $ADBOPTS shell sudo -u $USER -i $@', and the other invocations likewise19:23
ogra_right, i was promoting that back then ... but for some reason it didnt work19:24
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slangasekogra_: ok, so the issue within phablet-test-run is that it's trying to run a sequence of commands under sudo, so yes, that requires sh -c.  It certainly doesn't require 'bash -ic', however... 'sh -c' is fine and it will inherit the environment from the login shell that's already been launched19:35
JustanickHello, is it useful, that an upgrade from the last LTS did not remove the packages19:44
JustanickAlso the new gcc is not added to update-alternatives19:45
JustanickStill showing the old gcc 4.619:45
cjwatsongcc is intentionally not managed in update-alternatives, to avoid determinism problems in builds19:46
leftyfbpaul_1: Would you mind joining us on that call? Having some issues.19:47
cjwatsonA normal upgrade should simply repoint the /usr/bin/gcc symlink directly at gcc-4.8, assuming that you upgraded gcc19:47
Justanickcjwatson: The gcc 4.6 has been still installed after the update. I have just purge it with apt-get purge19:48
JustanickThis has also delete the gcc 4.6 entry on update-alternatives19:50
JustanickThe new entry for gcc 4.8 is still missing19:50
JustanickThe binaries are at /usr/bin/19:51
cjwatsonThere has never been a gcc-4.6 entry in update-alternatives at all, as far as I'm aware19:51
cjwatsonI suggest "sudo apt-get install gcc"19:51
Justanickcjwatson: The message is "newest version is installed". I will add the entry manually.19:57
infinityJustanick: There should be no "entry", there should be a straight symlink, as provided by the "gcc" package.19:59
infinityJustanick: If you had alternatives before, that was not from the Ubuntu packaging, but perhaps something you added yourself?  In which case, you should expect that to break.19:59
Justanickinfinity: I could be added by myself. I have used the older LTS a bunch of time with a bunch of compiler versions.20:01
cjwatsonPerhaps at some point you used dpkg-divert?20:03
cjwatsondpkg-divert --list | grep gcc20:03
JustanickI don't think so.20:03
JustanickDoes the return nothing20:04
JustanickDoes return nothing20:04
cjwatsonwell, gcc 4:4.8.2-1ubuntu4 here ships the file /usr/bin/gcc, so I have no other ideas why it wouldn't be installed if that package is installed on your system.20:04
cjwatsonsymlink, not file, that is.20:05
JustanickI will simple add it to update-alternative20:05
cjwatsonDon't compound your mistake.20:05
cjwatsonIt isn't supposed to be an alternative.  Installing it as an alternative locally is going to lead to trouble.20:06
cjwatsonTry 'dpkg -L gcc' and see whether it lists /usr/bin/gcc.20:06
cjwatsonAnd in future use CC=gcc-4.8 or whatever if you need to switch versions rather than mucking around with system-level alternatives.20:07
Justanickcjwatson: Yes it is on the list.20:08
cjwatsonThen I might try "sudo apt-get --reinstall install gcc" to see if that resurrects /usr/bin/gcc.20:09
cjwatsonAnd make sure that you have no alternatives for gcc now.20:09
Justanickgcc -v returns now the ubuntu build of 4.8.220:09
cjwatsonI don't really want to think about what an alternative for a file name also shipped directly in a package would do to dpkg, but it wouldn't be good.20:09
cjwatsonIt certainly isn't a valid configuration.20:10
cjwatsonThere are alternatives for c89, c99, and cc, those are OK (they're for switching between gcc and clang)20:11
cjwatsonThough CC= is still usually preferable20:11
cjwatsonI think it's probably more or less expected that linux-*-generic-lts-quantal aren't removed, not sure; might be nice to sort that out via an upgrade quirk in ubuntu-release-upgrader20:13
cjwatsonClearing out old kernels requires care ...20:14
infinitycjwatson: The release-upgrader already violently tears out old kernels, I thought.  Maybe it's being fooled by the lts backports.20:16
Justanickcjwatson: Or a question to the customer, if the older kernel should be removed?20:16
dokoxnox, thanks for taking care about the python3.3 drops20:18
xnoxdoko: no problem.20:19
xnoxdoko: need to make up uploads since missing in action for a wekk =)20:19
JustanickShould scons work on the daily?20:31
Justanickg++ has not been valid20:38
jtaylorxnox: whats different in the headless builders? or why is stuff suddenly failing to build after beta freeze?20:42
JustanickAt the boot grub2 shows me 3 times error:file not found. What the source of the problem could be?20:42
xnoxjtaylor: it has also been failing in all test rebuilds.20:43
jtaylorit didn't fail in february20:43
xnoxjtaylor: the errors are comming from X server, on initial inspection, maybe the problem is somewhere else.20:43
xnoxjtaylor: it did fail in early march. http://people.ubuntuwire.org/~wgrant/rebuild-ftbfs-test/test-rebuild-20140307-trusty.html20:44
xnoxjtaylor: well, march 16th.20:45
xnox~ 2 weeks ago.20:45
jtaylorah, mixed it up with pytables that still build a week ago20:46
jtaylorI'll check it out20:46
jtaylorxnox: oh I remember, its nose thats broken21:02
jtaylorfixed in debian svn21:02
jtaylorwant to sponsor :)21:03
jtayloroh been done today, so just needs syncing21:03
xnoxjtaylor: which package? =)21:04
xnoxjtaylor: done - https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/trusty/+queue?queue_state=1&queue_text=nose21:05
xnoxjtaylor: thanks for tracking this down =)21:06
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jtaylormitya57 tracked it down, I just reported :)21:06
slangasekogra_: so I proposed a fix to phablet-test-run, and the testsuite fails CI because of unrelated bashisms in phablet-screenshot :-P https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/phablet-tools-trusty-amd64-ci/67/console21:12
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hallynhi - could someone on sru team please look at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/saucy/+queue?queue_state=1&queue_text=libvirt?23:04
hallynthe version currently in -proposed failed to build, 8.9 in unapproved fixes that23:05
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bdmurrayinfinity: nag about bug 129638623:33
ubottubug 1296386 in casper (Ubuntu) "[PATCH] Remove 23etc_modules script" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129638623:33

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