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smonsarrdarkxst, I an talking about the list of install options during the initial install process, it would be great if ubuntu-gnome-desktop was present in that list.07:25
smonsarra bug has now been filed : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tasksel/+bug/129995307:26
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1299953 in tasksel (Ubuntu) "Please add 'ubuntu-gnome-desktop' to tasksel" [Undecided,New]07:26
darkxstsmonsarr, I linked an older bug to your? email07:43
darkxstanyway adding ubuntu-gnome-desktop to tasksel is straight forward07:44
darkxstjust need to make sure its doing the right thin07:44
darkxstaltough Lance's logs don't look too bad07:46
=== FJKong is now known as FJKong_bad_netwo
darkxstNoskcaj, can you add Ubuntu GNOME to tasksel?07:54
darkxst^ per above bug07:54
darkxstNoskcaj, see http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/trusty/tasksel/trusty/revision/7307:56
darkxstwe just want -desktop task I think07:57
Noskcaji can try07:58
darkxstNoskcaj, just copy what lubuntu did ;)08:22
NoskcajDo i only need a -desktop task or do i need -live too08:24
darkxstI suspose if all the other flavours have them, we should have -live08:25
darkxstalso btw our seeds are at https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-gnome-dev/ubuntu-seeds08:25
Noskcajmerge is up08:38
darkxstNoskcaj, thanks, lgtm go ahead and propose merge, link to bug08:45
Noskcajis there a bug?08:45
darkxstoh you missed it08:46
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1299953 in tasksel (Ubuntu) "Please add 'ubuntu-gnome-desktop' to tasksel" [Undecided,New]08:46
saber_any ubuntu gnome dev here08:59
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cnanakosHi all, I've managed to install Ubuntu Gnome to a MacBook Pro Retina but after rebooting it seems it can't see the disk as bootable.11:31
cnanakosHas anyone similar experience?11:32
ahoneybuncnanakos, does grub show up?12:12
cnanakosahoneybun: no unfortunately12:47
mgedminis it possible to get debug symbols for ppa packages?13:21
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zodmanhi there16:27
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ahoneybundarkxst, what ppa do I need to get 3.12?19:36
ahoneybunor ppas19:39
zodmandudes i using saucy how i can test the new gnome ?19:39
Noskcajzodman, Update to trusty or add the gnome ppa19:39
Noskcajzodman, ppa:gnome3-team/gnome3  will get you 3.10 on saucy, but we haven't finished packaging 3.1219:41
SonikkuAmericaQuick correction: 14.04 is using 3.1019:44
ahoneybunso what will get me gnome 3.12 on trust?19:46
Noskcajahoneybun, The above ppa, but it's not fully 3.12 yet19:49
ahoneybunNoskcaj, but that has like nothign 3.12 stagging on does19:50
ahoneybunstaging has 3.1219:52
ahoneybunright now19:52
ahoneybunso add gnome3 for the rest of 3.10 and then staging for 3.1219:56
majodhi. i have minor problem with 14.04b2, the keyboard layout constantly switches randomly,is there a place where i can report it?20:36
SonikkuAmericamajod: I would file a bug against ibus in Launchpad.20:38
majodim running it in vmware...is it still relevant?20:38
SonikkuAmericamajod: Absolutely!20:41
SonikkuAmericaInstalls in VMware, VirtualBox and QEMU are all valid20:41
Noskcajdarkxst, Is there a link to the current ubuntu gnome artwork?20:43
majodSonikkuAmerica: thanks, posted20:45
SonikkuAmericamajod: Can you link me to it?20:45
majodSonikkuAmerica: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-gnome/+bug/130043520:46
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1300435 in Ubuntu GNOME "Keyboard layout switches randomly" [Undecided,New]20:46
darkxstNoskcaj, https://launchpad.net/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu20:46
SonikkuAmericamajod: As an additional step I would file a bug at IBus' bug tracker on Google Code and link it to the bug you created.20:48
SonikkuAmericamajod: Also, you were supposed to file against IBus, not Ubuntu GNOME. This is not an Ubuntu GNOME specific bug; Xubuntu reports this too.20:49
majodhmm but i dont have this problem in other distros...even 14.04 based20:50
darkxstNoskcaj, actual branch is at https://code.launchpad.net/~ubiquity-slideshow/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/html20:50
majodSonikkuAmerica: can i change it somehow?20:50
SonikkuAmericamajod: I'll take your word for it. But still, go to Google Code and file the same bug, possibly with dmesg output for IBus: [ dmesg | grep -i ibus ]20:51
majodok thanks20:51
majodyes im running multiple virtual machines and it happens only in this one20:51
majodbut maybe it will fix on its own...20:51
SonikkuAmericamajod: When you finish, send me the bug report link again and I'll link it to the bug you filed in Launchpad.20:52
majodSonikkuAmerica: this? http://code.google.com/p/ibus/issues/list20:52
SonikkuAmericamajod: I checked that list. Does Issue #830 look like your situation?20:53
SonikkuAmericamajod: ( http://code.google.com/p/ibus/issues/detail?id=830 )20:54
majodSonikkuAmerica: hmm i dont think so20:54
SonikkuAmericamajod: Then file a new "Defect" issue for your situation. Worst-case it will be marked a dupe, but at least it will be on there.20:55
majodI cant find this bug reported so I better report it...maybe somethings wrong here, maybe not. but it wont do any harm20:57
majodbtw. dmesg | grep -i ibus is without output20:59
SonikkuAmericamajod: OK... if it's not reproducible as you say it might be harder to fix.21:01
majodim still trying to report ibus bug but cant figure out how to get ibus version21:04
majodi guess ibus 1.5.5-1ubuntu321:05
SonikkuAmericamajod: Yes21:07
SonikkuAmericaWhich is technically 1.5.5-121:07
majodi have no idea whats Input method name and version21:09
Noskcajdarkxst, https://code.launchpad.net/~noskcaj/ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/ubuntu-gnome-14.04/+merge/21355321:12
NoskcajI'll change it to needs review when the UIFe is filed21:12
darkxstNoskcaj, merge should go against the packaging branch (as in control.in)21:14
Noskcajit automatically changes back to lp:ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu21:18

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