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Kanohi, do you want to build a 3.14 kernel soon?11:29
infinityKano: Like this one? http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v3.14-trusty/11:30
Kanowell with aufs11:30
Kanonot mainline11:30
infinityThen you want http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=ubuntu/ubuntu-trusty.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/unstable11:31
Kanoi know, but its not tagged11:31
Kanoi currently build that11:31
Kanoi already updated ndiswrapper, fglrx, nvidia with rc8, the patches are simple, ndiswrapper you can get from debian11:32
smbapw, So my ppa now contains the updated xen package. I think I will have to change the binary package that I use to add the grub config from utils-common to hypervisor since that at least triggers an update-grub run.12:30
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apwsmb, sounds good, do you want me to test that or wait on this binary package move?13:09
smbapw, Hm, maybe its better to wait for the move. 13:14
apwsmb, ack13:19
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smoseranyone interested in looking at this:14:05
smosershould i file a bug? 14:05
smosernote the old kernel version14:06
rtgsmoser, wow, thats pretty old. can you repro it with the current kernel ?14:10
smoserrtg, this is the only time i've ever seen that.14:10
smoserso, probably not.14:10
smoserbut that doesn't mean anything :)14:11
rtgwell, probably not much we can do about it.14:11
smosermainly i just posted to see if it showed an obvious error.14:11
rtgits not one I recognize14:11
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apwrtg, have pushed an update to master-next15:07
rtgapw, ack15:09
smbapw, Ok, ppa now has the more recent test version of xen15:11
apwsmb, thanks15:11
apwsmb, what do i undo in my setup to be "normal" for it to work15:11
apwsmb, as i currently have it mangled to make it use xen right ?15:11
smbapw, If you have set some GRUB_DEFAULT != 0 and not booted manually into xen you could set that back to 015:12
apwsmb, yeah that ...15:12
smbapw, Bah, of course right after saying that, there is a "bug" in the message... its /etc/default/grub.d/xen.cfg to look into15:15
rtgapw, pushed AA sync15:50
apwrtg, ack15:52
rtgapw, I'm gonna jigger HEAD to add a bug number (bug #1298611)15:54
ubot2Launchpad bug 1298611 in libvirt (Ubuntu) "[FFe] apparmor signal and ptrace mediation" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129861115:54
apwsmb, those see to work mostly as i would expect thanks, modulo that error you self spotted15:54
apwrtg, ack15:54
jdstrandapw, rtg: did the release team ack it?15:55
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rtgjdstrand, they don't get to ack kernel patches15:55
smbapw, Cool, I already updated the local source to keep me forgetting15:55
jdstrandrtg: not even for feature?15:55
jdstrandcause, infinity seemed to indicate they would15:55
rtgjdstrand, besides, kernel freeze is not until Apr 315:56
jdstrand(and I've kept infinity in the loop all along)15:56
jdstrandwell, I don't mean to disrupt the process. just trying to do it by the book :)15:56
rtgjdstrand, according to jjohansen these patches should be backward compatible with Precise user space.15:56
jdstrandthey are15:56
rtgok, then I'm fine with them15:57
jdstrandextensive testing was performed by him and me for that configuration (and others). this is detailed in the bug15:57
rtgjdstrand, yup, I had a pretty good conversation with him about it last friday15:57
jdstrandack. the testing continued over the weekend with the code in the pull request15:59
apwrtg, i think the only thing we care is if they are going to reject the whole feature us carrying the patches makes no sense16:02
rtgapw, perhaps, but it does keep us closer to upstream, and should be benign for Precise user space.16:03
rtgdannf, have you booted 3.13.0-20.42 on an x-gene SOC ?16:06
dannfrtg: we booted the first -20, dont' remember the version16:06
rtgI made a bunch of config changes, some of which may have affected arm6416:06
rtgdannf, -20.41 should have been sufficient. -20.42 was just packaging16:07
dannfrtg: ok. i'll double check just to be sure16:07
rtgdannf, thanks16:08
rtgppisati, you should do the same for your Trusy armhf platforms16:08
* ppisati reads the backlog16:09
rtgppisati, just make sure the latest Trusty kernel works16:09
ppisatirtg: i'll do16:10
apwrtg, aa> fair enough i guess, as we should have the older support still and the kernel bits should understand the lack of userspace features16:10
apwrtg, pushed a could of "shhhh" patches16:11
ppisatirtg: doing another upload before freeze?16:11
rtgppisati, yup16:11
ppisatirtg: i would like to squeeze a ptch in, if i can make upstream ack a problem i'm seeing16:12
rtgapw, where did your "shhhh" patches go ?16:12
ppisatirtg: ping me before the deadline16:12
apwrtg, look to be there for me16:12
rtgppisati, wednesday is the last possible 16:12
ppisatirtg: ack16:12
rtgapw, must have been a race. got 'em now16:13
rtgapw, I'm wondering if we shouldn't set CONFIG_ZSWAP=n ? Especially for an LTS kernel. This feature is still considered experimental by upstream.16:18
rtgperhaps turn it back on for 14.1016:20
apwrtg, as long as that isn't the one we use for low memory systems in the installer16:21
apwrtg, which i think is ZRAM16:21
apwrtg, so the other question is when is it used, always if it is on, on16:21
apwor does one have to trigger its use somehow16:21
rtgapw, ZSWAP always on as far as I can tell16:22
rtgis always*16:22
apwrtg, hurm, difficult given we ave been using it such a lot then, but i can see turning it off ought to be safer16:25
rtgapw, well, we do have a lot of bug reports about suspend/resume, and a number of other random page faults. seems like a possiblity (though I have _no_ hard information).16:25
apwrtg, then wack it16:26
rtgjust going by the help text for the feature....16:26
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* ppisati starts another kernel compilation and goes for a walk...16:37
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vlad_starkovQUESTION: Is it possible to disable udev on boot? (Ubuntu 14.04 Server 64bit)17:40
* antarus blinks17:41
antarusin Ubuntu? why would you want to do that?17:41
vlad_starkovantarus: My system does not boot even with Live USB. It hangs with CPU soft lockup errors17:42
vlad_starkovantarus: I think the cause of this is in kernel modules load sequence 17:42
antarushrm interesting17:45
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vlad_starkovantarus: if you like I can pastebin console logs at boot17:46
antarussorry, I probably can't help you17:47
* antarus mostly lurks here17:47
vlad_starkovantarus: OK17:49
antarusI was mostly curious why you wanted udev off. The best idea I can think of is to somehow guess which module is causing hte problem and blacklist it somehow?17:50
antarusnot sure what the kernel command line arugments are for that17:50
vlad_starkovantarus: this is whta I'm trying to do17:51
TJ-vlad_starkov: I'm with you here, too17:52
vlad_starkovTJ-: Oh nice17:52
vlad_starkovTJ-: so, I think this is the last attempt to deal with my server17:53
vlad_starkovTJ-: for now I disabled SATA and PATA. Trying to boot from USB. The same result :)17:53
TJ-vlad_starkov: Did you get the memoserv note I left you Friday night?17:53
vlad_starkovTJ-: Mmm I think I'm not17:54
TJ-vlad_starkov: Check... I suspect it'll address issue17:54
vlad_starkovTJ-: never did it before, could you guide me how to check memo17:54
TJ-vlad_starkov: "/msg memoserv help"17:55
TJ-vlad_starkov: The gist was, kernel option "elevator=deadline" ought to fix it17:55
vlad_starkovyep, just read it in memos)17:56
vlad_starkovTJ-: let me try17:56
TJ-vlad_starkov: I had to think hard to remember it!17:56
TJ-vlad_starkov: Shall we switch back to #ubuntu-server, to avoid messing up the kernel team's history ?17:56
vlad_starkovTJ-: sure!17:57
dannfrtg: oh yeah, works fine18:55
rtgdannf, cool18:56
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infinityBenC: So, unless we get that kernel in today, I think you missed this SRU cycle. :P19:51
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rtgsforshee, please have a look at bug #1300416 when you get a chance22:30
ubot2Launchpad bug 1300416 in linux (Ubuntu) "Install of 14.04 fails with 3.13.0-20-generic kernel" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130041622:30
rtgbrcmsmac is involved22:31
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darklight_the latest kernel kinda broke the intel driver23:05
darklight_multiple applications fail with  ../../../../../../../src/mesa/drivers/dri/i965/brw_reset.c:43: brw_get_graphics_reset_status: Assertion `brw->hw_ctx != ((void *)0)' failed.23:05
darklight_happens with i915 too23:05
darklight_I'm talking about 14.0423:05
RAOFdarklight_: What mesa are you running against?23:16
darklight_RAOF: 10.1.0-1 stock 14.04 atm23:17
darklight_I've seen a bug report for kwin online and here I have another application failing related to node-webkit23:18
RAOFHuh. I thought that bug was introduced in a more recent mesa.23:18
RAOFI've seen tjaalton talking about that with upstream.23:18
* RAOF sends out the Bat Signal23:18
darklight_I tried with 3.19 and at least for my testcase things work fine23:19
darklight_3.20 breaks it23:19
darklight_for reference it's the popcorn-app, it's not in the repository, but I think anything related to node-webkit should show the same isse23:19
darklight_RAOF: I'm off to bed, if you need me to test something /msg me 23:21
RAOFSleep wel!23:22
darklight_thanks! hopefuly you'll fix this soon :)23:22

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