
rwwanyone care to explain the concept of "signal to noise ratio" to botsu in #ubuntu-offtopic?00:41
rwwclearly i am not doing a good job of it00:42
bazhangkyubutsu seems immune to facts00:44
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josehey guys! On behalf on the classroom team I'd like to invite any op around here to host a classroom session for Open Week about the IRC team, maybe about how to contribute if you're not an op?02:13
josewe've had something like that in the past <http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2012/05/02/%23ubuntu-classroom.html#t17:00>, but it'd be nice if we could have another one for this cycle02:14
rwwI'd volunteer Myrtti but she seems to have escaped02:14
josehmm, maybe if I don't have any volunteers I can email her?02:15
rwwnope, I think she's busy IRL02:15
* rww ponders potential victims02:15
IdleOneI'm sure an email would be acceptable02:16
* jose points a gun at not-so-phunyguy02:16
josewell, if any of you guys are willing to give a hand with that, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek has the open slots on the schedule - you are totally welcome to PM me or email me at jose@ubuntu.com :)02:17
josedon't want to get kicked, so o/02:17
IdleOnethank you jose02:17
josethanks to you, IdleOne!02:17
rwwjose: perhaps email ubuntu-irc@lists.ubuntu.com and see what turns up02:17
joserww: will do02:17
rwwIt's April 22nd through 24th, 1500 to 2000 UTC each day, for anyone else who was wondering.02:22
rwwso I can't do it even if I wanted to, because work02:22
* phunyguy glares at rww02:55
phunyguyhmm yeah that timeframe is a bit rough for me as well.  7 to midnight EDT02:57
Flannelphunyguy: 2000 UTC is midnight EDT?03:01
phunyguyyeah, the site I used got it backwards03:03
phunyguyit told me I was in Georgia (automatically) but the country, not the state.03:03
phunyguynot even a dropdown to select location.  It just assumed GA.  There is a list off to the side, but that is the starting location, not converted.03:05
phunyguyso it will be 11AM - 4PM03:07
phunyguystill not something I can commit to.03:07
Flannelphunyguy: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20140422T15&ah=503:07
phunyguyI was actually looking for that03:08
phunyguystill weird that site assumed GA, but picked the country vs the state03:08
ubottuBen64 called the ops in #ubuntu ()05:58
Ben64jpds, rww: check <Tijuanense> 's link05:58
Ben64or his language05:58
Ben64or both, or neither and trust me05:58
jpdsBen64: I opted for the latter at that point.05:59
rwwdid the same thing 2.5 hours ago apparently.05:59
Ben64oh, i didn't see that one05:59
rwwme either, i was /lastlog'ing as jpds banned06:00
Ben64and apparently, anantaa is spamming people via privmsg06:00
Ben64Mar 30 2014 22:59:54 <anantaa>show gratis (solo hooy) --> http://s422803032.mialojamiento.es/06:00
rwwyeah, they're an ircap spambot, forwarded from #ubuntu06:01
rwwwut **06:01
Ben64this is the only channel i'm on with anantaa06:01
Flannelrww: Delete all the factoids.06:01
rwwFlannel: mhm06:02
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Priceyrww: ?07:53
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ubottuguntbert called the ops in #ubuntu (o------)20:17

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