
tewardnot really.  needs to work with IMAP clients and SMTP (I know postfix does SMTP), and needs SSL/TLS security if possible00:00
tewardi haven't had the patience to sift through the (virtually nonexistent) postfix documentation on getting this all set up though00:00
Joe_knockteward if you're strapped for time and have some cash, somebody on freelancer/elance could do it for you.00:02
tewardJoe_knock, maybe it's just my being in a rush to get other things done that's prevented me from actually digging into it00:02
tewardand it's safer to assume I don't have cash :P00:02
Joe_knockteward, I can understand where you're coming from. Is the mail server part of some web project?00:02
TJ-teward: postfix with virtual aliases; deliver all email to a domain to a single user account on the server, and then have something like dovecot (IMAP4) for clients to access it00:02
tewardTJ-, it's the dovecot part i get lost at, I think00:03
tewardbrb, firewall's being stupid again00:03
tewardfor the 10th time today00:03
tewardJoe_knock, yeah, its going to be the web server for my entire site, I'm tired of using Google Apps as the backend, would rather move all the services in-house.00:25
tewards/backend/email backend/00:25
tewardand email's the last thing to move00:25
tewardTJ-, it's getting dovecot set up where I can't find step-by-step documentation...00:26
Joe_knockteward, maybe you should try my method of having the webserver do all outgoing automated mail and use an external mail hosting server for incoming and response mails00:26
TJ-teward: Dovecot's config will depend on how you organise the mailboxes, so getting postfix configured in a way that supports the ways dovecot can access mailboxes is the issue, I think00:27
tewardJoe_knock, I could probably do that, I still want to move all the mail for the site off of Google Apps, though, and I do need the response emails.  The other problem is there's a ticketing system on the servers that needs to pull from an IMAP address for emailed-in tickets so meh00:27
Joe_knockteward google apps isn't the only external mail server option. What does your app/site do?00:29
tewardJoe_knock, the site that's relevant is the ticket system, it's for a site that provides free IRC bouncers00:30
tewardthe ticketing system is the one which needs to pull from IMAP for emailed-in tickets00:33
tewardbut meh00:33
tewardJoe_knock, I do have other domains I can experiment setting up, I'm trying to move from my gmail.com addresses to my own domain emails anyways so meh :P00:33
tewardJoe_knock, ultimately, this is an experiment, first off, before I move the data to a postfix/dovecot setup.  But I still need a guide for setting it up... :/00:35
tewardsheptard, i'd use it if my firewall weren't causing hell...00:42
tewardI guess it's time to replace my network equpiment... again...00:42
ahmadgbgHi, i have setup my web server and everything works as it should. The only problem i have is postfix. I cant get it to send mail outside the local area. I am a newbie so its possible that i have done some config error.00:53
Joe_knockHey RoyK01:09
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GuegsIs it considered a good idea to update to 14.04 from 12.04 when it is released?03:47
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zanzacarI have an ubuntu-server 13.10 and wanted to install a gui. I was looking at this site https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerGUI for tips and it does mention sinstall ubuntu-desktop as an option.05:01
zanzacarI thought that I would juts check to see if that is still up to date and everything, I thought maybe it might have changed since the site was modified in 2012.05:01
zanzacarI almost rather uninstall the server and install just unbuntu-desktop but I figured I could just install the desktop and be pretty much the same correct?05:02
zanzacareh nm I am still going to have the same problems I would have had with my other desktop. I need another desk/computer05:04
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lordievaderGood morning.08:28
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zulcoreycb: ceilometer rc1 is out lemme know when you are ready for me to upload it to the archive15:41
Phibscan anyone tell me why this fails to add the default gw to the interfaces config file: http://p.bsd-unix.net/puaf10jim15:43
jamespagebug 129317715:57
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1293177 in samba "'net usershare' returned error 255: net usershare add: cannot convert name "Everyone" to a SID. Access denied." [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129317715:57
zuljamespage:  have you seen this? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7185546/ (trusty-trunk packages)16:19
zuljamespage:  nm...im getting hit by that utf8-bug16:20
jamespagezul, yeah - that sucks16:20
zuljamespage:  horizon rc1 is out16:22
patdk-wkI need to diagnose a trusty upgrade issue :(16:25
patdk-wkupgraded a machine yesterday, and it hung before grub finished loading :(16:26
cfhowlettpatdk-wk, trust support is in #ubuntu+116:26
patdk-wkwho was asking for support?16:26
cfhowlettpatdk-wk, pretty sure diagnosing an upgrade issue = support16:28
ubottuUbuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) will be the 20th release of Ubuntu.  See the announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1295 for more info. support in #ubuntu+116:28
patdk-wkthe first step to making a support issue, is asking for help16:28
patdk-wkI don't remember doing that16:28
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Phibs can anyone tell me why this fails to add the default gw to the interfaces config file: http://p.bsd-unix.net/puaf10jim16:28
jamespagecoreycb, zul: pls can you check for fixed ubuntu bugs when prepareing rc1's16:29
patdk-wkI was making a comment about my *current* activities16:29
jamespagepatdk-wk, that sucks a bit16:29
jamespagepatdk-wk, tbh that's foundations territory16:30
cfhowlettpatdk-wk, until release, installing, cofiguring, troubleshooting and spotchecking of trusty belongs in the #ubuntu+1 channel.  thank you.16:30
Phibsdoes anyone in here use preseed with a static net config16:30
patdk-wkcfhowlett, but I didn't do any of those things, so thanks16:32
jamespagezul: https://code.launchpad.net/~james-page/horizon/icehouse-rc1/+merge/21350916:34
zuljamespage:  +116:37
Phibsnobody preseeds eh16:42
patdk-wkphibs, I normally don't build from scratch like that16:42
patdk-wkbut build the machine, snapshot it, then clone16:42
jamespagezul, tested and uploaded16:50
zuljamespage:  awesome16:50
jamespagepending approval from release team - I did not reference the FFe as I don't want to close it now16:50
Phibspatdk-wk: nod16:51
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luminousis there anything special you can put into /etc/network/intefaces that would say "if you don't have a config for the interface, fallback to dhcp" ?17:29
zulcoreycb:  ceilometer uploaded17:30
coreycbzul, thanks!17:30
Phibsis there somewhere to set the default gw in ubuntu, where it is not tied to an interface config stanza ?17:40
sarnoldhey Phibs :) I don't think I've seen a way to do that; how would that help? you've got to have at least one interface configured with an ip in order to know how to route to the gateway anyhow..17:45
henrikAnyone here interested in bug reports for the trusty serverguide? I found a couple of typos in the lxc section.17:46
pmatulishenrik: sure, can you open a single bug for them?17:48
henrikpmatulis: thanks, will create a launchpad account. (and do a quick search to see if anyone spotted the same things..)17:50
pmatulishenrik: ty bro17:51
vlad_starkovTJ-: I'm here17:57
TJ-The elevator=deadline is supposed to fix ultra-fast SSDs causing hangs17:58
TJ-Which made me wonder if you might have also benefited from using "rootdelay=$SOMETHING"17:59
vlad_starkovTJ-: ahh, I disconnected all drives17:59
TJ-vlad_starkov: Oh yeah! Well, try it anyhow, we seem to firing shotguns at the barn doors anyhow :)18:00
vlad_starkov"rootdelay=5" ?18:00
sarnoldwhy wouldn't you use elevator=none with ssds?18:01
TJ-I think it's 30 by default, so I usually use 90 when I suspect it might help... If I recall the delay between the last kernel message and the bug warning, is about 21 seconds18:01
TJ-sarnold: Because there are no SSDs connected :)18:01
sarnolderr, elevator==noop of course..18:01
sarnoldoh :)18:01
TJ-sarnold: Summary. Supermicro X7DBR-3, no IPMI, with 2x SDD and 4x HDD, new system trying to run even the installer, BUG soft lockup early in boot. In default config (with an initrd) hangs at init-bottom, without initrd, still hangs.   Let me link you to a pastebin of the kernel log, captured over serial, from last Friday: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7169894/18:04
vlad_starkovTJ-: Here fresh logs with different set of boot params http://paste.ubuntu.com/7186017/18:04
TJ-vlad_starkov: Was this the system that "noacpi" worked on? And one thing I was trying to do was isolate which ACPI facility was causing the hang?18:06
TJ-vlad_starkov: We tried "nolapic", did we ever try "nolapic noapic" ?18:06
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vlad_starkovTJ-: yes we did18:07
jamespagecoreycb, zul: was the epoch bump on ceilometer intentional?18:08
jamespage-queuebot/#ubuntu-release- Unapproved: ceilometer (trusty-proposed/main) [2014.1~b3-0ubuntu3 => 1:2014.1~rc1-0ubuntu1] (ubuntu-server)18:08
zuljamespage:  er...no18:09
zuli missed that when reviewing it18:09
vlad_starkovTJ-: the interesting thing is that with some sets of boot params, for ex. "debug initcall_debug console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200n8 elevator=deadline", the systems does no fall in hang and responds to Ctrl+Alt+Del18:09
jamespagezul, lets get it rejected and re-upload with epoch :-)18:10
vlad_starkovTJ-: "systemd-udevd[1024]: timeout: killing '/sbin/modprobe -qba dm-multipath' [1107]"18:10
zuljamespage:  yeah18:10
vlad_starkovTJ-: "dm-multipath" - is a module name?18:10
TJ-vlad_starkov: Does the "elevator=deadline" cure it completely... with disks connected?18:11
vlad_starkovTJ-: disks are currenly disconnected, I'd like to boot successfully in minimal environment and then enable devices one by one18:11
coreycbjamespage, probably a mistake on my part if anything.  I thought it was supposed to be 1.18:13
henrikpmatulis: took me a second to get the account due to grey listing, but does this look somewhat sensible? https://bugs.launchpad.net/serverguide/+bug/130036918:14
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1300369 in serverguide "Typos in lxc unprivileged usage server guide" [Undecided,New]18:14
TJ-dm-multipath is the device-mapper18:18
pmatulishenrik: looks good, somebody will take a look18:21
vlad_starkovTJ-: how about this boot params? console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200n8 debug initcall_debug noapictimer edd=off clocksource=acpi_pm nohz=off highres=off18:21
henrikpmatulis: thanks18:22
zuljamespage:  ok we should be ok for stable/havana on friday18:24
TJ-vlad_starkov: I'm out of definitive ideas so keep trying anything that looks likely! I'll be afk frequently here (dinner time)18:36
vlad_starkovTJ-: Hey! It looks I'm booting slowly...18:39
vlad_starkovTJ-: Confirmed. Server is loading...18:39
vlad_starkovTJ-: with this set "console=tty0 console=ttyS0,115200n8 debug initcall_debug apic=verbose sysrq_always_enabled ignore_loglevel no_hz=off nmi_watchdog=0 nolapic_timer hpet=disable idle=mwait idle=poll highmem=512m nopat notsc acpi=off pci=nomsi"18:40
vlad_starkovTJ-: OK, fine. The system looks booted. But I see blackscreen (had to add nomodeset boot param I think).18:47
vlad_starkovTJ-: Now will try to connect single ssd and boot with it18:47
nszcetaanybody have experience with Dell EqualLogic systems?18:54
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Phibswhy the heck is this giving me 500G swap: http://p.bsd-unix.net/pbfxjtdjl  http://www.bsd-unix.net/seitz/jing/2014-03-31_1457.png18:57
TJ-vlad_starkov: OK, so you'll have to reduce that set to figure out which setting(s) actually have an effect :)19:00
vlad_starkovTJ-: this will take awhile))19:01
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TJ-vlad_starkov: I know how it goes, but at least, once it works, you have a position to work back from, to isolate the workaround, which might also help to pin down a bug in the kernel eventually19:02
vlad_starkovTJ-: yep19:02
TJ-Phibs: I'd suggest "64000 1000000 10000000000 ext4" because you want that partition to really get the maximum size it requests19:13
vlad_starkovTJ-: when I boot from SSD it boots very slooow...19:14
TJ-Phibs: The priority value should be in terms of the size values; closer to either size value will make that size more likely to win19:14
TJ-vlad_starkov: OK ... with all those options I'm not suprised :)19:14
vlad_starkovTJ-: looks like CPU used intensivly, but no lockup yet19:14
PhibsI feel preseed partitioning... is retarded then :)19:14
Phibsbut this is good info19:15
PhibsTJ-: seems to have fixed it thanks :)19:15
TJ-Phibs: See debian-installer package, file "/usr/share/doc/debian-installer/devel/partman-auto-recipe.txt.gz"19:15
Phibsgrr caps19:16
TJ-CAPS are great when ITs raining on you :p19:16
PhibsI was fine with the auto layout, except using 100% swap19:16
Phibs256G ram and 256G... no19:16
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vlad_starkovTJ-: At the very beginning of boot log I have lines like " *BAD*gran_size: 64K chunk_size: 512M num_reg: 8  lose cover RAM: -256M". Does it mean that I have corrupted memory?19:33
vlad_starkovTJ-: can't exit ыскуут19:44
vlad_starkovTJ-: can't exit screen19:44
vlad_starkovTJ-: Ctrl+A returns No other window19:45
vlad_starkovTJ-: oh, exited :)19:45
vlad_starkovI have to go. Will continue tomorrow I guess...19:46
zulcoreycb:  nova rc1 is out20:16
coreycbzul, cool thx20:16
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coreycbzul, jamespage : https://code.launchpad.net/~corey.bryant/nova/2014.1.rc1/+merge/21329120:47
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rostamHi when 14.04 will be released? thx22:03
thumperrostam: I think the schedule says 17th22:03
rostamthumper, thx22:03
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Davieymdeslaur: Hey, looking at CVE-2013-4311 it was fixed in libvirt (0.9.13-0ubuntu12.5) quantal .. but MITRE don't have it listed as affecting that upstream version.  Which one is incorrect ?22:15
uvirtbotDaviey: libvirt 1.0.5.x before, 0.10.2.x before, and 0.9.12.x before allows local users to bypass intended access restrictions by leveraging a PolkitUnixProcess PolkitSubject race condition in pkcheck via a (1) setuid process or (2) pkexec process, a related issue to CVE-2013-4288. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2013-4311)22:15
[styx]Im getting an error stating "Connection closed by [my local host]" this is weird because I was just able to connect last night and nothing has changed since. Anyhelp?22:17
[styx]Ive tried google but nothing relevant came up. Most was about connecting remotely. Im on my local network still22:17
antarusutlemming: ping22:24
antarusutlemming: you notice anything weird with the udev 9.5 bump?22:25
sarnoldDaviey: the debdiff makes it look like the 0.9.13.x branch we had had problems: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/150603203/libvirt_0.9.13-0ubuntu12.3_0.9.13-0ubuntu12.5.diff.gz22:29
Davieysarnold: Yeah, i'm trying to work out why it's not listed on the CVE that this version is vuln.22:36
Daviey(or was)22:36
xperiahi to all. i created in ubuntu a btrfs partition on a SSD Drive finally for the first time and i would like to know what are the best mount option for this btrfs partition if Read and Write Speed are very Important for working with SSDs ? what for option do you use and where do you change it ?22:39
antarusahh nevermind22:41
antarusunshockingly it was a bug on our end ;p22:41
adam_gjamespage, any chance of pushing libvirt 1.2.2-0ubuntu7~cloud0 out to icehouse-updates?22:46
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GuegsAnybody know of a good way to schedule FTP downloads from my Offshore server (ubuntu 12.04) to my home server (12.04)? to occur every ~20 minutes or something23:42
sarnoldGuegs: man 5 crontab  :)23:42
Guegsgroovy. thanks.23:43
GuegsI was considering setting up bittorrent sync, but I need to do some more reading on groups. Just started using any sort of linux distro about a week ok.23:44
GuegsWow. That is quite simple. :-)23:47
sarnoldGuegs: to forestall the first question -- it is best to give full pathnames to scripts in cron jobs :)23:48
Guegsheh, good to know. :-P23:48
GuegsI don't have the OS installed on my home server yet. I want to get stuff tested in a VM before I do anything too crazy.23:49
sarnoldnice, VM testing is a good idea :)23:50

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