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rekadoTried it again and it just worked this time... oh well.02:19
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lotuspsychjeshould i buy the google nexus7 or the asus nexus 7 2013 for ubuntu touch?03:59
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robert[con]anyone using Touch on the Nexus 7 (2013)07:07
zsombicwayne: hey, I've commented on the bug, seems we have some autopilot issues there. However, the MainViewStyle is also broken in a ense that the artwork is not found, and there are some components referenced that are not found. You have a binding which is not necessary at all.07:08
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infinitydidrocks: I thought there was some conclusion last cycle that the spreadsheet needed to be phased out.  Now it's part of infrastructure and needs firewall holes and automation?07:18
infinityErm, ECHAN.07:18
didrocksinfinity: the spreadsheet as it was needed to be phased out (it was all manual)07:19
didrocksinfinity: then, I was asked (with a few days credit to build everything) to do CI Train alone07:19
infinitydidrocks: Driving our infrastructure from gdocs is not sane.07:19
didrocksagreed, and that's not what will happen once the CI team will build the Airline07:20
didrocksmeanwhile, we took the cheapest decision to have sso integration, ui driving and automated refresh07:20
dholbachgood morning07:32
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JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Monday, and happy Bunsen Burner Day! :-D08:56
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didrockspitti: hey! It seems we can't get any crash file on the phone anymore09:19
didrockspitti: that's maybe due to new lxc/apparmor, the apport logs are: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7183953/09:19
didrockspitti: I guess, this is a consequence of: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7183958/09:20
dholbachJamesTait, yeehaw!09:26
pittididrocks: the crash was fixed in apport recently, I can upload the fix todayh09:31
didrockspitti: do you know what triggered it into saturday's image?09:31
didrockspitti: as we didn't get it and apport was working before09:31
pittidholbach: not exactly; supposedly some new apparmor restrictions?09:32
didrocks(but yeah, getting the fix ASAP would be nice, we don't have any image view on the numerous crashers we have for 3 days)09:32
dholbachpitti, eh?09:32
pittidholbach: sorry, I meant didrocks09:32
didrockspitti: I guess so, I'll ask jdstrand to add that to his testsuite then09:32
dholbachah, yes :)09:32
pittididrocks: bug 1296026 FTR09:32
ubot5bug 1296026 in apport (Ubuntu) "apport crashes at reading cgroup" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129602609:32
didrockspitti: great! do you think you can upload it soon so that we rekick an image and see what current crashers we have?09:33
pittididrocks: yes, I can; I didn't last week due to the freeze and forgot on Friday (too many meetings and couldn't type well, etc.)09:33
didrockspitti: no worry, thanks a lot! :)09:33
didrocksplars: FYI ^ (no need to bisect I guess)09:38
zsombididrocks: bonjour :)09:42
zsombididrocks: are the click-app AP tests working?09:42
didrockszsombi: hey! yeah, nothing to signal in that front, why?09:42
zsombididrocks: we are trying to test UITK PPA for calendar-app, and we are getting crash for the phablet-click-test-setup09:43
didrockszsombi: I guess Mirv is currently running them manually, and I saw him discussing about parameters, maybe he can help you? ^09:44
didrockszsombi: but to be clear: on the infra, it's working09:44
zsombididrocks: ok, thx!09:45
didrocksyw ;)09:45
Mirvzsombi: pastebin?09:45
zsombiMirv: pastebin what? error?09:46
Mirvzsombi: there might be something going on, but you could edit /usr/bin/phablet-click-test-setup lines 65-66 and make it like at the top of: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7184049/ - as you don't need unity8/uitk tests downloaded for click testing09:47
zsombiMirv: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7183954/09:47
Mirvzsombi: well yes if you need help09:47
Mirvzsombi: oh, that's indeed a known problem when you're testing UITK from landing PPA. in that case you really need to what I pasted to not have the click test setup try download uitk itself09:47
MirvI don't actually even know why it tries to do that, since both unity8 and UITK autopilot tests come from .deb packages09:48
Mirvzsombi: after changing those lines it should work09:49
popeyMirv: i think it does it because the phone is RO09:50
popeythe idea is you can run phablet-test-run without making your phone RW09:50
Mirvpopey: oh, right, makes sense. it just doesn't understand it'd need to get the tests from a PPA and fails since the version being tested is not in archives.09:51
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davmor2Morning all10:09
lotuspsychjeshould i buy asus nexus7 or google nexus 7 2013 to run ubuntu touch on?10:11
popeylotuspsychje: the nexus 7 2012 is no longer supported, but the nexus 7 2013 is10:13
lotuspsychjepopey: so that would be the google nexus 7 2013 i need to buy right?10:14
popeythere's two, the nexus 7 2012 with a lower resolution screen, and the newer nexus 7 2013 with the higher resolution screen, the 2013 is the one we support10:15
lotuspsychjethis one ok?10:15
popeythats the nexus 7 201310:16
lotuspsychjepopey: ok great tnx for info mate10:16
zygahey, quick question, I'm in progress of flashing the devel channel onto a flo device, any ideas on how long it takes, ubuntu-device-flash has exited about 10 minutes ago, I see what looks like the ubuntu boot loader ot the screen (volume keys are responsive) and no progress, I can adb in and top shows no process consuming significant amount of CPU time10:50
zygais that expected? I read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install but it dones't say how long the process takes10:50
zygaor should one eactually select something form the boot loader at the end10:51
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popeyzyga: what command did you use to flash it?11:25
popeyzyga: and what was it running before you ran the command?11:26
zygapopey: ubuntu-device-flash --channel=devel --bootstrap11:26
zygapopey: it was running stock android that it came with (just freshly out of the box)11:26
zygapopey: it was in the unlocked bootloader11:26
zygapopey: this is the log from the flash process: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7184405/11:27
popeywhats on screen now? Ubuntu logo?11:27
zygapopey: should I select something from the menu on the screen of the device now?11:27
popeythere's a menu?11:27
zygapopey: the boot men, reboot system now, install zip, etc...11:27
zygapopey: yes11:27
popeyhmm, odd.11:28
zygaI can navigate with the volume keys11:28
popeyI'd be inclined to try a reboot first11:28
zygapopey: I did, once, it then goes to be stuck displaying the google logo11:28
zygapopey: I can try again11:28
popeywhen its displaying the google logo, leave it11:29
popeyit takes a while11:29
zygapopey: the menu says, 'recovery v6.0.4.6' FYI11:29
popeyyou may need to re-flash if you rebooted while it was doing its stuff11:29
zygapopey: I can adb shell immediately11:29
zygapopey: and this is 'ps'11:29
zygapopey: it looks suspicuious11:30
zyga  223 0         1548 S    {adbd} /bin/sh /scripts/panic/adbd11:30
popeyI'd re-run the flash and leave it alone11:30
zygaspecifically this, it does nothing more than that11:30
zygapopey: I did, this is the third run now11:30
popeyand leave it11:30
zygapopey: I cannot find any images on the /media partition11:30
cwayne_is devel-proposed borked for anyone else11:50
ogra_cwayne_, borked ?11:59
zygaogra_: hey, could you have a look at the backlog and tell me if the flash instructions are borked or is the image/tool borked?12:00
ogra_zyga, i flashed multiple times today, no issues here with the same command12:01
cwayne_ogra_, stuck at google log12:01
ogra_bcwthats not helpful ... there are tons of conditions where it can be "stuck at google logo" :)12:01
zygaogra_: ok, trying again12:01
ogra_do you have adb ?12:01
zygaogra_: if it fails, can I poke you for some help? I can adb in and do anything you may need me to12:02
cwayne_ogra_, nope12:02
ogra_zyga, so what does the prompt show in adb ?12:02
zygaogra_: I'm flashing it now but before I was stuck on the 'ubuntu recovery bootloader' screen and on the device I had something process with 'panic adb' in the name, probably because stuff failed and adb popped up as a last resort12:03
zygaogra_: 13:30 < zyga>   223 0         1548 S    {adbd} /bin/sh /scripts/panic/adbd12:03
zygaogra_: I wiped my .cache/ubuntuimages and am getting the data again, just in case12:04
zygaogra_: this is on flo, btw12:04
ogra_if it panics in the initrd it could not find a root disk12:04
ogra_oh., i havent tried flo todsay12:04
zygaogra_: :)12:04
* zyga would love if you could12:04
ogra_check if your disk is full12:04
zygaogra_: the device is fresh out of the box12:04
zygaogra_: just got it a few hours ago12:05
ogra_(there are a bunch of logging bugs that make the kern.log grow gigantically)12:05
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zygaogra_: first thing after I'm out of adb12:05
ogra_zyga, and did it ever run ubuntu before?12:05
zygaogra_: nope12:05
ogra_you know you need to boot once into android completely ?12:05
zygaogra_: I didd12:05
* ogra_ is sure the install page says so 12:05
zygaogra_: got to the home screen and started the process from there12:06
ogra_ok, that should be fine ...12:06
zygaogra_: ok, flashing now12:06
zygaogra_: this is what I have so far, looks normal: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7184505/12:06
zygaogra_: offtopic, is it possible to fix adb shell to return the process exit code? :) (there's an open bug about that on google and untouched for a few long years)12:07
ogra_you mean to the host PC ?12:08
zygaogra_: I see this now http://paste.ubuntu.com/7184511/12:08
zygaogra_: adb shell false; echo $?12:08
zygaogra_: I mean the exit code is useless12:08
zygaogra_: the scren has spinning ubuntu logo12:08
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ogra_zyga, very tricky, adb does not sccess the device itself, there is a proxy12:08
sergiusenszyga: ogra_fwiw; after unlocking, boot once into android before flashing12:08
zygasergiusens: hey, glad to see you12:09
zygasergiusens: I have goodies for you later12:09
ogra_sergiusens, yes, he apprently did12:09
zygasergiusens: I did boot once, all the way to home screen12:09
ogra_thats why i asked :)12:09
sergiusenssure, I'm eavesdropping and haven't read through the whole cycle12:10
zygaogra_: back to 'recovery v6.0.4.6'12:10
sergiusenszyga: sounds good :-)12:10
ogra_zyga, thats odd, it should boot into normal mode after uncompressing (teh dancing logo)12:10
zygaso what now?12:11
ogra_sergiusens, any idea ?12:11
ogra_thats a brandnew flo12:11
sergiusensogra_: zyga check the logs in /cache/recovery/12:13
zygathat /cache/recovery/log btw12:14
zyga(before killing android I did enable developer mode)12:15
zyga(I hope that is booting enough)12:15
zygaif you need any of the other log files then please tell me12:16
ogra_you need to enable dev mode and unlock the bootloader ... then boot once into android and you should be fine12:16
zygaogra_: I did all of that12:16
zygaogra_: including the bootloader unlock12:17
ogra_there seems to be a stale autodeploy.zip12:17
ogra_I:using /data/media for /sdcard/autodeploy.zip.12:18
ogra_W:failed to mount /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/userdata (Invalid argument)12:18
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zygaogra_: anything actionable for me?12:19
ogra_try removing it in recovery mode ... but i'd liek to hear what sergiusens thinks ... he is more familiar with the recovery logs12:20
zygaogra_: remove what? autodeploy.zip? I cannot see it from adb shell12:20
ogra_under sdcard ?12:20
zygaogra_: /sdcard is empty12:20
ogra_then thats moot :P12:20
zygait's a symlink to /data/media btw12:21
janimostgraber, ogra_ are the any known issues with using container overrides? I could place files in the rootfs using them, but not overwrite init.rc, I had the phone (not a nexus) lock up on boot if I tried that12:24
ogra_janimo, hmm, works for me usually12:24
janimoogra_, ok thanks. Another file I tried overwriting in system/etc, while it did not get there on the rortfs at least that did not block the boot12:26
ogra_janimo, ah !12:26
ogra_janimo, you didnt say /system ;)12:26
janimoogra_, well both init.rc which is in root12:27
ogra_thats indeed impossible without hacking up the mount code in initrd12:27
janimoand one under system/12:27
zygasergiusens: can you help me out with this, is there anything I should/could do or should I ask you some other day?12:27
ogra_system is mounted readonly from the initrd12:27
janimoogra_, init.rc was weird even if I tried replacing using the same copy of init.rc it would hang on boot12:27
janimohence my asking whether there are known gotchas specific to touch12:27
ogra_thats indeed weird, were the permissions correct ?12:27
ogra_(for the file you copied in place)12:28
sergiusensogra_: zyga no need for dev mode to flash12:28
ogra_sergiusens, oh, indeed, we should remove that from the instructions i guess12:28
janimoogra_, +x on AFAIK, yes. I will try again though12:28
sergiusensogra_: zyga that autodeploy zip is just a warning; nothing else; rsalveti made me keep it for his debugging; it's obsolete for anyone else ;-)12:28
ogra_janimo, yeah, +x they should be12:29
ogra_sergiusens, well, any idea why zyga cant boot then ?12:29
sergiusenszyga: this is what I'd do: oem unlock; boot android; reboot to bootloader; ubuntu-devce-flash --channel devel --bootstrap; wait12:29
zygasergiusens: that's exactly what I did 20 minutes ago, arriving here12:30
sergiusenszyga: from your logs it seemed it bootstrapped fine though12:30
zygasergiusens: any other log I can pull out for you?12:30
sergiusenslines 321 to 334 from the first pastebin12:30
sergiusenszyga: hmmm, only thing I can think of is flashing stock android before12:31
sergiusenszyga: might be some partition label mess; ogra_back to you :-P12:31
zygasergiusens: ok, let my do that now12:31
ogra_stgraber, around ?12:33
zygathanks, I'll stay in touch, ping you back when android is up again12:33
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zygaquick sanity check: https://developers.google.com/android/nexus/images#razor <= that's flo?12:38
zygarazor is nexus 2013?12:38
zyganexus 7 201312:38
zygasergiusens: ^^12:39
sergiusenszyga: yes12:39
sergiusenszyga: os build vs hw12:39
zygaok, android seems to work12:39
zygasergiusens: ah, I see12:39
zygasergiusens: ok, android restored12:52
zygasergiusens: I guess trying to flash ubuntu again won't do anything new12:52
zygasergiusens: do you want me to poke around the system that I'm running now for clues?12:52
zygasergiusens: runnin android 4.4.2 now12:52
sergiusenszyga: I was expecting you to flash ubuntu now ;-)12:53
zygasergiusens: wait, you asked me to restore android before, didn't you?\12:53
sergiusenszyga: yeah, stock :) and then ubuntu12:53
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zygasergiusens: ok, doing ubuntu again12:53
zygasergiusens: do I need the PPA on trusty?12:54
zygasergiusens: that's one of the steps I didn't do12:54
ogra_rsalveti, stgraber, i would like to drop the unpacking of the android initrd from lxc-android-config and instead merge it into the gzipping the initrd already does ... http://paste.ubuntu.com/7184677/ ... what do you guys think ?12:56
zygasergiusens: hmm, it doens't turn back on12:57
ogra_(saves us one gzip run during boot)12:57
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zygasergiusens: it seems to be dead12:58
zygasergiusens: I just powered it off from android12:58
zygasergiusens: and now it's gone12:58
sergiusenszyga: no juice?12:58
zygasergiusens: ah, it's on again :|12:58
zygasergiusens: no, it was charged12:59
zygasergiusens: I don't know what happened, I got scared for a second12:59
zygasergiusens: I thought I wiped the bootloader somehow and that reboots weren't rebooting enough12:59
zygaok, it is working12:59
zygaback to boot loader12:59
zygaand flashing again12:59
zygasergiusens: is secure boot a problem?13:00
mterryogra_, when you get a chance, https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/ubuntu-touch-session/move-lightdm/+merge/211445 will help OEM customization of boot by letting them override lightdm config files with /custom ones13:00
zygasergiusens: or modemmanager? (poking at all the serial lines)13:00
zygasergiusens: ok, it's unpacking the tarball on the device now13:02
zygasergiusens: ok, it's making SWAP,13:03
zygasergiusens: and rebooted13:03
zygasergiusens: and....13:03
zygasergiusens: it seems to work :D13:04
zygasergiusens: I wonder what the problem was13:04
zygasergiusens: adb shell looks much better than before13:04
zygasergiusens: click installs stuff13:05
zygathe beauty :)13:05
zygasergiusens: it booted ok13:05
cwayne_stgraber, ping13:07
ogra_mterry, looks fine (as long as it works) ... i assume it needs changes to writable-paths too if the customization teams wants to put stuff into that dir ?13:08
* cwayne_ perks up13:08
mterryogra_, I feel like the customization team is already on top of that?  They've been planning to use /custom for all sorts of stuff for a while, right cwayne?13:11
ogra_i wouldnt know why they need to modify the greeter startup though13:12
ogra_i dont think we have anything writable in there yet13:12
cwayne_mterry, yeah, we're allowed to write there, but once the phone's booted its r/o13:12
cwayne_wait i dont see anything in that MP about /custom..13:13
mterrycwayne_, right.  But what it does is move a file to a directory that is read before /custom is.  So that you can actually override its contents with your own file if you want13:14
mterryogra_, well, once we have a boot animation going, the lightdm config may be a convenient place to override that.  Or whatever.  I don't want to pre-judge what lightdm changes are going to be needed13:15
ogra_ah, that makes more sense :)13:15
cwayne_fginther, ping13:19
fginthercwayne_, pong13:21
cwayne_fginther, hm sorry, never mind :)13:23
fginthercwayne_, just for future reference, please try to ping the ci vanguard in #ubuntu-ci-eng for ci requests or questions13:26
dpmhi, does anyone know how to put a N7 in landscape mode for testing purposes? I think there is a device-specific flag somewhere, but I'm not sure where it is13:30
popeydpm: /etc/ubuntu-touch-session.d/13:32
popeybut I dont think it works..13:32
dpmpopey, so assuming it'd work, what would I need to change in that dir?13:33
popeydpm: the one for the device, in your case, flo.conf13:35
popeybut it already says landscape, which makes me think it doesn't work13:35
dpmah, ok, thanks popey13:36
ogra_it needs corresponding unity8 changes we dont have13:36
cwayne_sergiusens, hey, any idea why my custom tarball isn't being applied?13:38
sergiusenscwayne is this a new problem?13:39
cwayne_and it only seems to happen with trusty-proposed-customized-demo13:39
cwayne_my /cache/recovery is still completley populated too, looks like nothing was applied13:40
cwayne_sergiusens, ^13:43
sergiusenscwayne is it too big?13:44
sergiusenshe customization; the recovery partition is not that huge13:44
sergiusensskipped words like crazy13:44
sergiusenscwayne is the customization done bigger than before; the recovery partition size is not that great13:45
cwayne_ah, yeah, this particular custom image is much larger13:45
cwayne_as it's got all the demo bits in it13:45
cwayne_sergiusens, what's the size limit?13:46
sergiusensogra_: have that info handy? ^^13:46
* sergiusens looks for a device13:48
ogra_seems to be 220M13:48
sergiusens/dev/disk/by-partlabel/cache    552M   11M  542M   2% /android/cache13:48
ogra_sorry that was totally off13:48
sergiusenscwayne ^^13:49
sergiusensyou can't use all of it either13:49
stgrabercwayne_: pong13:49
davmor2pmcgowan: bug of the day https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/130023613:50
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1300236 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Click Scope is showing ? instead of characters" [High,Confirmed]13:50
cwayne_stgraber, im having problems with trusty-proposed-customized-demo but i think it might just be because of the size13:50
stgraberogra_: so that'd work, however note that this means that rebooting the Android container may not work then (we obviously don't do that automatically but some developers might)13:50
ogra_stgraber, rebooting it will work just not replacing the content13:51
AskUbuntuwhile installing ubuntu phone | http://askubuntu.com/q/44151313:51
stgraberogra_: mounting a clean tmpfs at every container boot was done to simulate Android's ramfs as closely as possible (where if you reboot a standard Android system, you loose the content of the ramfs)13:51
ogra_stgraber, right, but we waste .5 seconds to running gzip twice13:51
ogra_and if there are no massive drawbacks i'l like to make that change, just looking for thiongs i could overseee here13:52
stgraberogra_: so long as developers always powercycle the whole device when they want to test an Android change, I don't see any obvious drawback with that change13:53
ogra_wow, our lxc-android-config job needs quite some changes to fail gracefully (instead of hanging hard)13:53
ogra_stgraber, well, developers could even stop the container, unzip a new initrd and start it again13:53
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ogra_its a rw tmpfs after all13:54
ogra_just one step more for them ... but one less for us on boot :)13:54
cwayne_sergiusens, did this size change recently?13:54
sergiusenszyga: hey, good to know it worked; not sure if the OEMs put in some stuff that we don't know about to break us; so flashing stock images always clears that up and runs/puts blobs we know about13:54
zygasergiusens: yeah13:55
sergiusenscwayne you change check the ogra stats; not sure13:55
zygasergiusens: though this is google :)13:55
zygasergiusens: so it should be oem-free13:55
ogra_stgraber, so the CPU issue ... i think when we dont use cpu cgroups the kernel allocates two cores by default to teh container, i'll try to enable that in a test kernel to see if i can force it to all four (for the boot)13:56
ogra_stgraber, oh, and another thing, lxc-android-config has: "start on started cgroup-lite" did i see that being removed with a recent upload ? do we need to adjust anything ?13:56
sergiusenszyga: right; but google doesn't put in the real factory image on ;-) I bet there are deltas13:57
stgraberogra_: no, if you don't specify any cgroup limit, you inherit from the root cgroup which is unlimited13:57
ogra_stgraber, hmm, then i dont get why it only uses 50%13:57
stgraberogra_: cgroup-lite still technically exists, however it's correct that it's not longer required as we now use cgmanager. So you could replace "start on started cgroup-lite" by "start on started cgmanager" and then then drop the cgroup-lite dependency since cgmanager is already a dependency of liblxc113:58
ogra_i wonder if the fact that we use an android kernel might change that inheritance13:58
ogra_stgraber, will do13:58
stgraberogra_: it shouldn't, but there may be a scheduler setting that may help, let me try to find it13:59
stgraberogra_: you may want to try "echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/sched_autogroup_enabled"14:00
ogra_root@ubuntu-phablet:/# cat /proc/sys/kernel/sched_autogroup_enabled14:01
ogra_cat: /proc/sys/kernel/sched_autogroup_enabled: No such file or directory14:01
stgraberwithout that (and for mostly good reasons), the task scheduler considers a whole LXC containers as a single process, so during a busy boot, this may impact boot performance when there are boot dependencies between the host and the container14:02
stgraberah, then I guess it's off :)14:02
ogra_i guess we miss a kernel option here14:02
stgraberit may depend on the scheduler in use, not sure14:03
* stgraber looks at the code14:03
ogra_stgraber, oh, looking at cgmanager.conf, can http://paste.ubuntu.com/7184917/ be dropped from lxc-android-config.conf ?14:03
stgraberprobably, yes14:04
stgraber#ifdef CONFIG_SCHED_AUTOGROUP14:04
stgraberif that option isn't set, you get the equivalent of = 014:04
ogra_hmm, no /dev/cpuctl when i remove the code14:06
ogra_so i guess we'll keep it14:06
Saviqogra_, it feels like we need a dep between lxc-android-config and ubuntu-touch-session, the ones that disable surfaceflinger, don't we?14:07
ogra_well ...14:07
cwayne_stgraber, hey, how often does system-image get updated with new builds14:08
ogra_theoretically we do ... practically nobody uses these packages standalone :)14:08
stgrabercwayne_: every 5 minutes14:10
stgraberogra_: well, that code won't work once you drop cgroup-lite...14:11
stgraberogra_: you'll need to mount cgroupfs yourself if things actually expect it to be mounted in /dev/cpu14:11
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ogra_stgraber, hmm, whats the drawback to keep it as is ... the start of the container has significant influence on the overall boottime14:12
cwayne_stgraber, hm ok, still waiting on custom-demo-45 to show up, will wait for it14:12
ogra_starting only after cgmanager will add significant delay i fear14:12
Saviqogra_, yeah, but I just mean that upgrading only one or the other will break14:13
Saviqogra_, or do you mean that we're not at the point when we care about such dep intricacies and just rely on the silo to land everything together?14:13
SaviqOTOH you can't upgrade lxc-android-config anyway...14:13
stgraberogra_: why? both cgroup-lite and cgmanager share the same start condition so the actual boot time difference should be negligible (in either direction, I'm not actually sure which would be faster)14:14
ogra_Saviq, lxc-abdroid-config only puths the file in place, it can well be chnaged and uploaded after the session stopped using the file14:14
stgraberogra_: your existing mount --bind could be replace by "mount -t cgroup cgroup /mnt -o cpu" and the "[ -d /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu ]" dropped14:14
mhall119bzoltan: will you be able to help me build Trojita in click chroot? I'm still getting an error about it not finding GLESv214:15
mhall119[10:17:13] CMake Error at /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/cmake/Qt5Gui/Qt5GuiConfigExtras.cmake:16 (message): Failed to find "GLESv2" in "" with CMAKE_CXX_LIBRARY_ARCHITECTURE "arm-linux-gnueabihf".14:17
mhall119I'm on Saucy, click choot is for Trust14:17
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davmor2mhall119: is a choot like a chroot /me wonders off quickly ;)14:22
ogra_stgraber, right, no difference when i change the start condition to cgmanager (just quickly did two bootcharts)14:22
Saviqogra_, it also disables surfaceflinger14:22
Saviqogra_, does it not?14:22
ogra_Saviq, yes, but it does that based on the file it puts in place14:23
ogra_which it does now anyway14:23
Saviqogra_, yeah, but if someone removed it14:23
ogra_later the check for the file will be dropped14:23
Saviqogra_, it will now disregard it14:23
Saviqogra_, and disable surfaceflinger anyway14:23
ogra_like it will in the future14:23
ogra_the package the file creates also uses teeh check14:24
stgraberogra_: good to hear!14:24
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Saviqogra_, while non-upgraded ubuntu-touch-session would still set up env to expect surfaceflinger running14:24
Saviqogra_, I think this is what  should happen: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7184985/14:24
ogra_Saviq, right, lxc-android-config needs to land after your changes14:24
Saviqogra_, disregard the first three, just look at l-a-c and u-t-s14:24
Saviqogra_, no, it actually needs to land together14:24
davmor2Who is the best person to talk to about how app descriptions are rendering in the apps scope?14:24
ogra_Saviq, huh ? why ?14:25
ogra_Saviq, you drop all code that cares for the file from the session14:25
Saviqogra_, yeah, but if l-a-c still does care14:25
Saviqogra_, surfaceflinger will start14:25
ogra_so it doesnt matter when l-a-c loses it14:25
Saviqogra_, and mir will fail to start14:26
ogra_why would sf start ?14:26
Saviqogra_, if someone has the file removed14:26
* ogra_ doesnt get it 14:26
ogra_*we*put the file in place14:26
ogra_on boot14:26
ogra_from the very same package14:26
Saviqogra_, the last change you uploaded to l-a-c, does it not check for .display-mir?14:26
ogra_i did not upload any l-a-c changes regarding that14:27
ogra_only to your silo14:27
Saviqogra_,    * always force-disable surfaceflinger from14:27
Saviq    /var/lib/lxc/android/pre-start.d/ when starting up teh android container,14:27
Saviq    we use Mir only now14:27
Saviqogra_, that's what I mean, yes14:27
Saviqogra_, so, if you remove the file in ~phablet14:27
ogra_but thats in no way tied to your changes14:27
Saviqogra_, upgrade l-a-c14:27
Saviqogra_, reboot14:27
ogra_they can land together or l-a-c can land that chnage later14:27
ogra_it cant land *before* your changes are in14:28
Saviqogra_, landing later or earlier does not force things to upgrade together, does it14:28
ogra_but i doesnt need to land together14:28
Saviqogra_, so even if it lands later, you'll be able to upgrade l-a-c14:28
ogra_it doesnt matter, you dont use the file anymore14:28
ogra_so it doesnt matter of l-a-c creates it or not14:28
Saviqogra_, not if you only upgrade l-a-c14:29
ogra_(it only matters for l-a-c itself)14:29
Saviqogra_, let's start from scratch14:29
Saviqogra_, you flash a device, you remove the file and upgrade l-x-c, you reboot14:29
ogra_it should just not land before your changes14:29
Saviqogra_, order of landings does not matter, if you upgrade stuff manually, that's what I asked initially - do we care at all14:30
cwayne_stgraber, hey, can you check and make sure nothing's gone wrong with import custom-demo build number 45?  it's been 45 mins and not seeing it on pool yet14:30
Saviqogra_, on next boot, surfaceflinger won't be started (l-a-c will force-stop it), but the rest will still want to use sf, and fail14:30
stgrabercwayne_: checking now14:31
ogra_Saviq, right, we can add a dep if you feel better with it :)14:31
Saviqogra_, I'm just trying to make sure that upgrading l-a-c will also force upgrade of u-t-s, and in effect unity8 and all14:31
Saviqogra_, \o/ :)14:31
Saviqogra_, didrocks says ok, too :D14:31
Saviqogra_, so, Breaks: ubuntu-touch-session (<< 0.107) please :)14:32
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pmcgowandavmor2, I see that in 266, probably came with the new previews last week14:32
stgrabercwayne_: there's a new image being imported at the moment (30min into the import), it may be that yours will show up in the same batch14:33
davmor2pmcgowan: indeed just talking to alecu about it on another channel14:33
ogra_Saviq, still silo 15 ?14:34
cwayne_stgraber, ah, okay14:36
alecupmcgowan, davmor2: I just got confirmation from saviq that this is a dash issue14:36
cwayne_so soonish it should show up then?14:36
stgrabercwayne_: looking at the log, it picked up build 45 and generated a delta for that14:37
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Saviqogra_, yes14:38
cwayne_stgraber, hm, any idea why its not showing up then? or is it just still going14:39
ogra_bah, complains that it cant accept the UNRELEASED distro :P14:39
* ogra_ fixes14:39
stgrabercwayne_: still going14:39
didrocksjdstrand: stgraber: hey! FYI, it seems one of lxc/apparmor upload (I couldn't decouple them in the bisecting) aggravieting the fact that we couldn't get crash file from apport (it segfaulted). Now we have apport with https://code.launchpad.net/~xnox/apport/fix-cgroup/+merge/212282, so fixed! But I think it would be nice if you can include in your test plan the fact to simulate a sigsegv and ensure we14:40
didrocksget a crash file out of it.14:40
alecudavmor2, pmcgowan: on triple checking, it seems that it might be the click scope after all. I'm debugging it right now14:40
cwayne_stgraber, ack, thanks. sorry for being impatient :)14:41
stgraberdidrocks: lxc doesn't do anything apport-specific so I don't think this would belong in our testsuite14:42
didrocksstgraber: it seems to be cgroups related (creating the crash), so maybe the cgmanager?14:42
didrocksif lxc doesn't touch cgroups, yeah, fine then :)14:43
stgraberwell, I'd argue that if apport reads the cgroup information from processes, then apport itself should test that feature in its testsuite14:43
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stgraberit's not like it's reading any file coming out of cgmanager, it's parsing the kernel's cgroup file14:43
didrocksyeah, so it was for you a wrong way of apport to read it? something regressed it though (and maybe aggraviated the wrong behavior)14:44
pittiit currently tries to determine the session startup time by stat'ing /sys/fs/cgroup/systemd/' + my_cgroup14:45
pittireading that might not be allowed any more?14:45
Saviqdavmor2, didrocks, it's not unity8 for sure as it works fine in e.g. the music scope14:47
didrocksSaviq: ok, thanks for the check! all info on bug? (feel free to reassign if not done already)14:48
davmor2Saviq: indeed I have been told multiple times by different people though that displaying of scopes is handled by unity8 hence targeting that :)14:49
Saviqdavmor2, yes, that's fine14:49
davmor2Saviq: hence the first line in the bug :)14:49
Saviqdavmor2, I'm not complaining :)14:49
Saviqdavmor2, just delegating14:49
Saviqalecu, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-scope-click/+bug/130023614:50
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1300236 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Click Scope is showing ? instead of characters" [High,Confirmed]14:50
Saviqalecu, actually https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-scope-click/+bug/1298327 is the first one14:51
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1298327 in unity-scope-click (Ubuntu) "Wrong character encoding in app previews" [High,Triaged]14:51
rickspencer3dpm, kyleN hey, so I am actually making search results in my scope now! however, my previews just say "title/author" :)14:52
stgrabercwayne_: how are things looking now?14:52
alecuSaviq: thanks14:52
cwayne_stgraber, much better, thanks :D14:53
dpmrickspencer3, do you have some code in a +junk branch for us to have a look at? I say "we", but I'll probably defer it to kyleN, as after this week he's much more a scopes expert than I am :)14:54
rickspencer3dpm,  I could put it there, but I has assumed there was a part of the tutorial I have not looked at yet ;)14:54
kyleNrickspencer3, i am working on the docs now. I expect them done by the end of the day14:57
rickspencer3kyleN, ok, I guess I can wait :)14:57
kyleNrickspencer3, the trick is understanding the mapping between attr values in your result and connecting them to the preview widgets14:57
kyleNit is somewhat obscure - but the mapping does exist ;)14:58
rickspencer3kyleN, ok, I'll wait for our docs14:58
rickspencer3meantime, I have to figure out how to extract links to images in a QString14:58
rickspencer3that should keep me busy :)14:58
kyleNrickspencer3, if you want a working ex, you can bzr branch lp:ubuntu-sdk-tutorials and go to scope/14:58
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jr_machadoBom dia pessoal!15:04
jr_machadoAqui é o Canal Ubuntu Touch né?!15:04
jr_machadoEstou usando um Cliente IRC para Android chamado Yaaic e ele não deixa muito claro onde é que eu estou.15:05
dobeyenglish please15:05
jr_machadoHere is Ubuntu Touch Channel? Because the cliente IRC who i using no say where i'am.15:07
asacjr_machado: yes :)15:07
ogra_yes, this is the Ubuntu channle for phone and tablet15:07
jr_machadoI using Yaaic onde client IRC for Android.15:08
jr_machadoMy spell check are in portuguese, sorry by the erros.15:10
jr_machadoUbuntu Touch is expected to compatibility with Android applications?15:12
tshirtmanno, the android api is not there, afaik15:14
davmor2jr_machado: No, It is expected that developers will at least initially have an easy way to port an android app to Ubuntu.  But initial plans are not to have a compatibility layer.15:14
mhall119davmor2: :-P15:16
davmor2mhall119: hahahaha15:17
jr_machadoI understand, but if someone wants to develop something similar to Wine to put Android apps will be allowed?15:17
jr_machadoBecause you're laughing?15:19
jr_machadoIt's a only ideia.15:19
rsalvetiogra_: Saviq: another MR to drop SF: https://code.launchpad.net/~rsalveti/powerd/drop_support_sf/+merge/21334015:20
rsalvetishould we include it as part of the big landing?15:20
Saviqrsalveti, yeah, let's15:21
jr_machadoMaybe could be an asset Ubuntu Touch have interoperability with Android.15:21
ogra_rsalveti, noooo dont hold up Saviq P15:21
Saviqrsalveti, or well, this looks very separate15:22
* ogra_ has lxc-android-config stuff starting to pile up15:22
ogra_i want that silo to land :P15:22
SaviqOTOH it does look at .display-mir, and if we don't create that file on mir...15:22
rsalvetiwe can land it separately, but only after you landed your silo15:22
rsalvetiright, that's why I removed the check15:23
rsalvetiSaviq: are you planning to land this today?15:23
Saviqrsalveti, ogra_, yeah, we need to land it together IMO15:23
Saviqrsalveti, yes15:23
ogra_doit then :)15:24
* Saviq adds15:24
rsalvetialright :-)15:24
ogra_Saviq, do you think you can land that today ?15:25
* ogra_ assumes it needs a new round of testing 15:25
SaviqMirv, can we please get a reconfigure on silo 015?15:27
Saviqrsalveti, bump changelog on powerd please, and ogra_ please Breaks powerd (<< 0.14), too?15:30
rsalvetidon't think we need a breaks15:30
Saviqrsalveti, we do15:30
Saviqrsalveti, if l-a-c gets upgraded, and people were using surfaceflinger15:30
Saviqrsalveti, sf won't be there, but powerd will still try and blank/unblank through it15:31
rsalvetibut how adding a breaks into powerd will actually help that?15:31
Saviqrsalveti, not in powerd15:31
Saviqrsalveti, in l-a-c15:31
rsalvetioh, then yeah15:32
Saviqrsalveti, will force upgrading powerd as part of the l-a-c upgrade15:32
rsalvetilet me bump the version15:32
Saviqogra_, sorry, I want to land this asap, too, but I also don't want to make a boo boo15:32
ogra_gimme 10min and i can add the breaks15:33
ogra_(not close to the machine with the l-a-c shource atm)15:33
davmor2ogra_: no don't break stuff it's bad enough with the ones we got ;)15:33
* Saviq starts thinking the (non)existence of that file was a bad way to switch between mir and sf :D15:33
ogra_davmor2, blame Saviq he asked me to add that :P15:33
* Saviq wears the blame like an armor15:34
ogra_Saviq, it was a quick hack ...15:34
Saviqogra_, as always :)15:34
ogra_it did well for being duct tape and strings :)15:34
* davmor2 understands why Saviq needs the armour with ogra_ quickly hacking at him15:35
rsalvetiSaviq: bumping to 0.14-0ubuntu1 should be enough, right? I believe CI train will bump with the proper format later on15:35
Saviqdavmor2, well now, ogra_ is nice and fluffy, the most he'd hack at me is a teddy-bear-paw15:35
Saviqrsalveti, yup15:35
ogra_Saviq, uploaded15:38
Saviqogra_, thanks15:41
Saviqrsalveti, can you reconfigure silo 015 please? powerd wasn't a component there before15:42
rsalvetiI think I can, 1 sec15:42
rsalvetiSaviq: hm, can't change the list of projects15:43
Saviqrsalveti, interesting, weren't you meant to be one of the US landing team little helpers?15:44
rsalvetiSaviq: yes, but I don't have access to all the keys yet15:45
Saviqcyphermox, can you? reconfigure silo 015 for us?15:45
rsalvetiI'm pinging didrocks at #ubuntu-ci-eng15:45
rsalvetistgraber: hey, the generic_x86 image is now published at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/daily-preinstalled/pending/15:57
rsalvetistgraber: would you mind adding it to the system-image server later on?15:57
rsalvetitogether with the x86 rootfs15:57
stgraberrsalveti: ok, added to my todo, that may take a small code change to system-image so not exactly trivial16:01
stgraber(server side only tweak, the client should be fine)16:01
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rsalvetistgraber: sure, no worries, thanks16:21
cyphermoxSaviq: yes16:23
Saviqcyphermox, it's done already, sorry16:24
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Saviqrsalveti, we can still install powerd alone... we should add a Breaks: there, but Breaks: what... :D16:28
* Saviq thinks ubuntu-touch-session maybe16:29
Saviqrsalveti, wdyt?16:29
Saviqogra_, any idea what pulled unity8-fake-env onto the device?16:38
ogra_Saviq, unity8-autopilot ?16:38
ogra_iirc its a dep16:38
Saviqogra_, it's not installed16:38
ogra_thsn i dont know16:40
Saviqogra_, apt-cache rdepends only mentions unity8... but then I can purge unity8-fake-env and nothing else goes16:40
ogra_i'm sure it comes from some autopilot part16:40
Saviqmhr3, a bug for you: bug #130030416:50
ubot5bug 1300304 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "Scope loses context when you go back from preview" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130030416:50
Pa^2Acer laptop running 13.10 suspends correctly from upper right menu, when suspended via lid close touch screen does not work.  Any thoughts?16:50
mhr3Saviq, expected, there's invalidation on install/uninstall16:51
Saviqmhr3, I know, that's why it's for you (i.e. model diffs)16:51
mhr3Saviq, Wishlist? :)16:52
RobertNexusShello =). My name is Robert and I am trying out ubuntu touch on my nexus S. I am at the point when I am in bootloader mode and typing the command in the terminal, but I get this response: Device herring not found on server https://system-image.ubuntu.com channel devel. Whats up with this? :S16:52
popeyRobertNexusS: nexus s is not one of our supported devices.16:52
popeythere may be a community port..16:53
popey!devices | RobertNexusS16:53
ubot5RobertNexusS: You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices16:53
SaviqPa^2, this channel is for Ubuntu phones and tablets, not yet for touch-enabled laptops, you'd be better off going to #ubuntu-desktop16:53
popeythat page has details.16:53
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RobertNexusSpopey: oh. So that makes it impossible to do then? I can add that this phone is junk anyways. I am just trying to learn new things. The planet will not stop rotating if I fail =)16:54
ogra_RobertNexusS, check the devices wikipage, there might be an image for that device ... but you will have to do a manual install (most likely following a guide on the xda-developers forum) and most of the external ports are way behind17:00
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RobertNexusSThanks ogra. i will check into it!17:01
ogra_tedg, did you see my two bugs from the weekend ? hud needs to fix its upstart job and indicator-messages doesnt use upstart yet17:02
tedgogra_, No, haven't gotten there yet. The indicator-messages MR is queued, haven't looked at the HUD one.17:03
ogra_looks like a simple copy/paste error17:03
ogra_the pre-start script is in the job twice17:03
tedgogra_, https://code.launchpad.net/~ted/indicator-messages/startup-cleanup/+merge/20777517:04
tedgogra_, Ah, probably a merge error.17:04
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ogra_trivial to fix i guess17:04
ogra_megre-> awesome !17:04
ogra_tedg, it might also be interesting to know why the evolution pieces start so late http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-bootcharts/ubuntu-phablet-trusty-269.png17:06
ogra_though thats not an urgent thing17:06
tedgogra_, Guessing the evo calendar is started by datetime17:07
ogra_yeah, that might be17:07
ogra_datetime eats some CPU cycles on its own startup17:07
tedgogra_, That's because you have too many hot dates ;-)17:07
BrayanSteveolá pessoal17:18
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BrayanSteveTeriam como me esclarecer uma dúvida?17:21
BrayanSteve_Could me a question?17:27
popey!ask | BrayanSteve_17:29
ubot5BrayanSteve_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:29
BrayanSteveDid you install Ubuntu system on my Smartphone.. He is a Razr D1..the possibility that this system be installed on my smartphone?17:35
BrayanStevei'm no speaking english very well...17:38
BrayanSteveI'm still learning17:38
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BrayanSteveDid you install Ubuntu system on my Smartphone.. He is a Razr D1..the possibility that this system be installed on my smartphone?17:42
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zygaBrayanSteve: I don't think that razr d1 is supported17:46
BrayanStevegot it.. but there is a possibility?17:48
zygaBrayanSteve: if you or someone else works on it, yeah, have a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Porting17:49
zygaBrayanSteve: also look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices17:50
amin_my device is: 512mb ram 650MHz powervr 543 can i setup ubuntu touch??17:52
amin_my device is: 512mb ram 650MHz cpu powervr 543 gpu can i setup ubuntu touch??17:55
zygaamin_: see the two links I gave to BrayanSteve_17:55
amin_Ok tanx17:56
BrayanSteve_but if I install the razr family are mentioned in the list, you can go right?17:57
BrayanSteve_configuration of my Smartphone: 1ghz, 1gb ram, 4gb intenal + 2gb external18:01
pmcgowandavmor2, Saviq apps scope scrolling is much jumpier in 270 it seems18:06
davmor2pmcgowan: no different for me than it has been with the new scopes, only added issue has been that all of a sudden the listing only display on the top half of the screen.  The app scrolling is technically smooth the issue is there are no stored icons so it has to pull them everytime18:10
davmor2pmcgowan: I think that is being worked on though as I understand it18:10
pmcgowandavmor2, ok but seems different to me, scrolling to the top it freezes then shows the open apps all at once18:11
pmcgowaneither way not so nice18:11
davmor2pmcgowan: oh yes does seem to judder more on the installed apps if you scroll it quickly18:13
janimoogra_, which upstart signal to start on if I want to do something after the container is fully initialized?18:20
janimoogra_, android-container ? android ?18:20
ogra_android-container is for properties18:21
janimoogasawara, thanks18:22
ogra_see here ... on how to use the property stuff18:22
janimoogra_, I saw the adbd script starts on android-container so I thought that is the signal18:23
bzoltanmhall119:  tomorrow morning I will do help. I suggest to remove the old chroot and create a new one as start18:24
janimoknowing that adbd is started 'after the container is initialized'18:24
ogra_janimo, it doesnt start on android-container, it starts on "android-container persist.sys.usb.config=*adb"18:24
ogra_which means it starts as soon as someone adds "adb" to that property18:24
janimoogra_, hmmmm I just discarded that as some unimportant details I guess :)18:25
janimoogra_, so if I wanted to write into a device node created by android and wanted to make sure it exists, is the best way to just poll for it ?18:25
ogra_no, then android is the right event18:26
ogra_it only gets emitted once ueventd is fully done and the init.rc scripts are run18:26
janimoogra_, ack18:26
mhall119bzoltan: thanks, I appreciate it18:28
AskUbuntudoes ubuntu-sdk all programming language supports all mobile devices? | http://askubuntu.com/q/44161618:31
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omacis there a plugin for ubuntu-sdk to transparently integrate ubuntu-touch projects to github and launchpad?19:05
omacdoes the git->gerrit tool within the ubuntu-sdk work with github and launchpad?19:12
robotfuelwho can review and approve my simple MP for the platform-api project? https://code.launchpad.net/~chris.gagnon/platform-api/get_coverage_in_ci/+merge/21353319:15
dansufCan someone help me? I'm porting touch to my phone and with surfaceflinger chosen I've got EGL_BAD_CONTEXT and in dmesg binder: 644:644 transaction failed 29189, size 56-0 or binder: 644:791 transaction failed 29189, size 56-0 evgery time there's this egl warning19:47
nhainesdansuf: I think they just completely removed surfaceflinger support from Ubuntu in the last couple of days.19:49
greybacknhaines: dansuf: hasn't happened yet, but will be today/tomorrow19:50
greybackrobotfuel: I approved it. I don't have landing powers tho19:51
dansufnhaines, greyback, thank you for this information, mir also doesnt work for me, maybe even for the same reason19:51
dansufwhich is still a mystery for me19:52
robotfuelgreyback: thanks, do you know who I talk to so it can land?19:52
greybackrobotfuel: kgunn19:52
greybackhe should be able to help19:52
robotfuelgreyback: thanks19:52
greybackdansuf: sadly I don't know how to help you, but  mail to ubuntu-phone@lists.launchpad.net would get the right people looking at it19:53
dansufgreyback: Thanks, I will mail to them if I don't get any help here.19:55
greybackdansuf: it's worth lurking here for a while more. There are people in europe who might be able to help too, so pop by tomorrow?19:56
dansufgreyback: You mean that there are more helpful people at working time in europe timezone?19:58
nhainesdansuf: yes, that's when most of the core developers work.19:58
greybackdansuf: likely, but there are some in the US who could also help. So all I can say is be patient and hope the right person swings by19:59
dansufnhaines: greyback: ok, thank you, I live in europe and I attend to school during working hours so it will be better for me to use mailing lists, I think20:00
kgunnrobotfuel: so you just need someone to land it for you ?20:01
robotfuelkgunn: yes20:01
kgunnrobotfuel: lemme check something real quick20:02
kgunndansuf: if you'd be willing, you might hang out in #ubuntu-mir...and see if you can get your port working with mir (since that's what they do...you'll get better response vs surfaceflinger)20:03
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dansufkgunn: I've been there and the person who helped me didn't know what's the problem20:05
kgunndansuf: what's your device? and what stage are you at ? e.g. can you boot the ubuntu kernel ?20:06
kgunnsergiusens: so...i see you have platform-api updates going in, would you be able to add in some new testing coverage supplied by robotfuel ?20:06
dansufkgunn: it's se live with walkman, a'ka coconut and my kernel boots, container boots and I can get some tests working20:07
kgunnsergiusens: https://code.launchpad.net/~chris.gagnon/platform-api/get_coverage_in_ci/+merge/21353320:07
sergiusenskgunn: hmmm, no I shouldn't have any silo assigned :-)20:07
kgunnsergiusens: line 8 ?20:07
sergiusenskgunn: might be a missed thing by Mirv; that silo needs fixing from riccm first20:07
* sergiusens sorts it20:08
* sergiusens hasn't dealt with ci train in a week and feels the joy20:08
sergiusensrobru: cyphermox can you free up silo 5? as in cancel?20:09
dansufkgunn: test_glesv2 works but mir tests show errors with binding buffer to texture20:09
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* sergiusens goes to the correct channel20:10
kgunndansuf: checking something...20:12
kgunndansuf: so you already install mir-test-tools on your device ?20:14
dansufkgunn: I installed mir-demos or something like that20:14
kgunndansuf: if you could install mir-test-tools, and run mir_integration_tests20:14
dansufkgunn: it's preinstalled fortunately20:15
kgunni believe if it fails to run properly, it might provide more hints20:16
dansufkgunn: So I run it and got an image on the screen for less than a second20:16
dansufand it passed20:16
kgunnhmmm, that's good, that means at the mir driver level things are "all good"20:16
kgunndansuf: so just curious...if you just try to start unity8 from the command line what does it do ?20:17
dansufQXcbConnection: Could not connect to display20:17
dansufkgunn: I should mabe give the whole log  generated by logcat when running lightdm20:19
dansufwith mir it gives more egl-related errors20:19
kgunndansuf: hmmm, that sounds like the Qt plugin might be wrong ? xcb instead of mir ?20:19
kgunngreyback: ^20:19
rickspencer3kyleN, thanks for the scopes docs, I'll check them out tomorrow20:20
rickspencer3kyleN, I finally got my head around QXmlStreamReader, I htink I may do a blog post on it, I bet a lot of scope authors will want to use it20:20
greybackkgunn: dansuf: check the value of QT_QPA_PLATFORM - it should contain "ubuntumirclient" - if not, change it so it does20:20
greybackdansuf: that is an environment variable20:20
dansufgreyback: If I do it right (echo $QT_QPA_PLATFORM) it's empty20:21
greybackdansuf: ok, then "export QT_QPA_PLATFORM=ubuntumirclient"20:22
dansufgreyback: done it already20:22
kgunndansuf: ok now try and launch  unity820:22
dansufgreyback: kgunn:  WARNING: QApplication was not created in the main() thread.20:23
dansufService name already taken.20:23
dansufCould not register to DBus session.20:23
dansufterminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::logic_error'20:23
dansuf  what():  basic_string::_S_construct null not valid20:23
dansufAborted (core dumped)20:23
kgunnmmm... how about stop unity8, then start unity8 ;)20:23
dansufunknown job :)20:24
dansufi see20:24
kgunnare you root? or phablet ?20:24
kyleNrickspencer3, 'welcome20:24
kgunndansuf: yeah gotta be phablet....20:24
kgunnone moment20:25
dansuflots of errors and at the end what():  error binding buffer to texture20:25
dansufso generally the one I had before20:25
dansufI think it is hardware-related issue20:26
greybackdansuf: could you please use a pastebin tool like pastebin.ubuntu.com to show us all the output?20:26
dansufgreyback: yeah20:26
popeyahayzen: seen http://paste.ubuntu.com/7186673/ on music-app? balloons suggests you have?20:27
greybackdansuf: let's try something simpler first, before trying unity8. Please install the "mir-demos" package and let me know when you're ready20:27
dansufgreyback: I've already tried mir-demos20:27
kgunngreyback: he did run mir_integration_tests20:27
greybackah ok20:28
dansufgreyback: kgunn: I run the long one with fb at the end and it run successfully annd the rest threw error binding buffer to texture20:28
kgunndansuf: did you start mir_demo_server before trying some other demo_client ?20:28
dansufkgunn: yup20:28
kgunnah...ok, so mixed success/failure20:28
dansufgreyback: kgunn: pastebin.ubuntu.com/7186701/20:28
greybackdansuf: yeah seems the eglCreateImageKHR call in Mir is failing for some reason. I haven't the first idea why20:31
dansufkgunn: greyback: I checked the standalone test and input also works and render_surfaces doesn't show any error but the screen is balck and i can't stop it20:32
dansufgreyback: Yes I've seen this error before in my logs20:32
kdubdansuf, did you get surfaceflinger working without that error?20:37
dansufkdub: my surfaceflinger didnt work and didn't throw that error as far as I remember20:37
dansufkgunn: greyback: kdub: thank you for your help but it's really late and I have to go to sleep sonn.20:38
greybackno worries, I wish you luck20:39
kgunnhope it starts working for you20:39
tedgbfiller, popey, Do you guys know why some apps are shipping blank url-dispatcher files?20:53
popeytedg: probably generated by the sdk20:55
tedgpopey, Who can stop that craziness! :-)20:56
mterrysaviq, btw, I updated my USC branches to compile against latest Mir.  You may also want to pick up lp:~alan-griffiths/unity-mir/compatibility-with-mir-changes for unity-mir compatibility20:57
mterry(for silo 002)20:57
ahayzenpopey, seen something similar i'll have a look later, just going shops :)21:08
ahayzenpopey, is there a bug report?21:08
popeyI'll file one..21:09
ahayzenpopey, thanks21:09
popeyahayzen: bug 130045021:12
ubot5bug 1300450 in Ubuntu Music App "Autopilot failing on mako #269 Object not found with name '*' and properties {'objectName': 'playshape'}." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130045021:12
zte_kis_plusi want to install ubuntu in my zte kis plus21:15
zte_kis_plushow can i do this?21:15
zte_kis_plusany one here?21:16
zte_kis_plusplease people need help21:17
fpshi, is there anything one can do about the device appearing and disappearing constantly on the usb port?21:19
fpsthis kde notification is so annoying that i almost can't charge the phone21:19
zte_kis_plusis bicouse usb version21:20
fpszte_kis_plus: do you have more details?21:20
zte_kis_plusyou may need to use usb 2.0 or higher21:21
fpswhy would that be an issue?21:21
zte_kis_plusi know from windows21:22
fpsand i think a] my port is an usb 2.0 port and my hub, too21:22
zte_kis_plusthe same21:22
fpsit works great for android devices21:22
fpsit's just ubuntu touch. it's like the service is constantly restarting21:22
fpsthat kinda coincides with the UI crashing pretty often, too21:22
zte_kis_plusbut in windows is show message that yous hould conect into a high hub like 3.021:22
zte_kis_plusor any other hub that have extenral power21:23
pmcgowanfps, are you using the latest image? and on which device?21:23
zte_kis_pluswell then my be a bad instalation21:23
zte_kis_plusor configuration into your phone21:23
zte_kis_plusany way21:23
zte_kis_plusi want to install ubuntu into my  zte kiss plus21:23
zte_kis_plusbut how can i do that?21:23
fpspmcgowan: it's a nexus 4 and i updated a few days ago.. r250. interestingly enough my buffy got 263 or so ;D21:23
pmcgowanzte_kis_plus, did you check the ports page?21:23
zte_kis_pluswhat is that?21:24
fpspmcgowan: i had to use the OTA updater, since ubuntu-flash-device failed to push the image21:24
ubot5You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices21:24
zte_kis_pluscant find zte21:25
pmcgowanfps, 250 was the last image promoted to the devel channel I suspect, and the prorposed channel is up to 270 now, but neither should ahev the issue you see21:25
fpspmcgowan: ok, i rechecked it's r250 on this device.. and yeah, i initially pushed the image from the devel channel. might be that my buddy used devel-proposed, true..21:25
zte_kis_plusso bad is no image from the actuals that may work with my zte? i mean i dont know about this compatibility21:26
zte_kis_plusbut i love to have ubuntu in my zte21:26
pmcgowanzte_kis_plus, seems no one has ported it21:26
pmcgowanzte_kis_plus, there are instructions in the porting guide but it takes some work21:26
fpspmcgowan: ah, using the UI actually made it stop disappearning and reappearing on the bus21:27
t1mpfps: did you try a different USB cable and other USB port?21:27
zte_kis_pluswell how much will cost me for some one to make it for me?21:27
pmcgowanfps, could be a bug in that revision then21:27
fpspmcgowan: or like t1mp said it coul dbe that my cable or port are bad..21:28
fpst1mp: i used this cable on a different port, yes, same behaviour..21:28
fpst1mp: i'll see if i can find another cable.. though this one works just fine with the android devices i connect with it21:28
zte_kis_pluspmcgowan, do you know how to make it?21:30
pmcgowanzte_kis_plus, no sorry, there may be folks willing to help you could ask on the mailing list21:30
zte_kis_plushere is my email tuningteam@yahoo.com if you know some one that can make please send me email or the respective person contact me21:32
pmcgowanzte_kis_plus, join this team and mailing list https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-phone21:33
zte_kis_plusok i have registred21:35
zte_kis_plussorry but i'm new to this one i mean i use linkus etc.. but not using so much forums website etc..21:37
zte_kis_plusi will be back later need to reboot pc21:37
fpst1mp: oh wow, the power cable of the usb hub got detached ;D21:39
fpst1mp: so power was just lacking...21:39
t1mpfps: ok, so it is solved now :)21:44
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robotfuelkgunn: do you know who else I can ask about landing my MP for platform-api? https://code.launchpad.net/~chris.gagnon/platform-api/get_coverage_in_ci/+merge/21353322:01
slangaseksergiusens: is this something I could ask you to review? https://code.launchpad.net/~vorlon/phablet-tools/checkbashisms/+merge/21355622:04
* sergiusens looks22:04
* Saviq considers slangasek's LP handle quite badass everytime he sees it22:05
sergiusensslangasek: I'm not sure how it got in; it's checked on package build... that said, I think barry already fixed this22:06
SaviqOTOH /me imagines Vogons every time, too22:06
sergiusensbut your solution is an improvement it seems22:06
barrysergiusens, slangasek: well, kind of.  the branch is approved and passes ci, but not merged afaict: https://code.launchpad.net/~barry/phablet-tools/lp1298550/+merge/21313122:07
barrysergiusens: why not try to land it? :)22:08
sergiusensbarry: yeah, I might want to land both of slangasek's MRs as well; mind if we just use his bashism fix and you revert yours?22:09
barrysergiusens: as long as it gets fixes, that's cool with me22:10
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sergiusensbarry: just revert the bashisms; and I'll request the silo right after ;-)22:30
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kgunnrobotfuel: just to let you know i added a landing line...23:24
kgunnrobotfuel: ah...kept forgeting which channel we were in...so i gotta talk someone into a silo, but i think i can land it23:26
kgunnrobotfuel: i assume its a "make sure it doesn't break" test...since there's no real way to test it, other than ci23:27
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