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tsdgeosMacSlow: ping08:27
tsdgeosMacSlow: seen http://paste.ubuntu.com/7183774/ ?08:30
MirvSaviq: FYI I gave a silo for greeter split back, now that we're in _much_ better situation silo wise (lots of landings on Friday). tried a build, merge conflict.08:32
SaviqMirv, ok thanks08:44
Saviqmzanetti, I'll be trying right edge again, we're sorted with everything there, are we?08:51
mzanettiSaviq: yeah, I'd say so08:56
mzanettidednick: hey08:58
dednickmzanetti: yo08:59
mzanettidednick: for some reason, the "Unlock SIM" doesn't appear any more on my phone08:59
mzanettidid there anything change lately?08:59
dednickmzanetti: the menu item?08:59
dednickmzanetti: i havent changed anything lately.09:00
dednickmzanetti: i'll check it out09:00
mzanettihmm... ok... then I'll check with ofono.09:00
mzanettijust thought that this might be gone in favor of popping it up automatically09:00
dednickmzanetti: nothing changed in indicator-network in the last few months, so not sure. should still be there.09:02
dednickmzanetti: you sure you still have a pin on your sim? :)09:02
dednickmzanetti: just thought i'd ask the question before diving into it09:03
mzanettidednick: yeah.. I am09:03
mzanettidednick: but let me make sure its not ofono first.09:03
tsdgeosmzanetti: ping09:07
mzanettitsdgeos: o/09:08
MacSlowtsdgeos, that's new to me09:08
tsdgeosmzanetti: can you review https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/lvwphnoprocessevents/+merge/213306 ? it's for the ocassional random crash we get in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/129724009:08
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1297240 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "unity8 crashed with SIGSEGV in QQuickWindowPrivate::polishItems()" [High,In progress]09:08
mzanettitsdgeos: ack09:08
tsdgeosMacSlow: happens in https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/unity-phablet-qmluitests-trusty/1542/testReport/%28root%29/qmltestrunner/VisualQueueTest__test_VisualSnapDecisionsQueue/09:08
tsdgeoswith my branch changing nothing related to that test09:09
tsdgeosMacSlow: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/unity-phablet-qmluitests-trusty/1542/consoleFull for the log09:09
MacSlowtsdgeos, I'll look into that today09:09
MacSlowtsdgeos, thx09:09
mzanettidednick: yeah... ofono seems to work still: http://paste.ubuntu.com/718394009:14
mzanettidednick: but no Unlock SIM entry since yesterday morning. I've rebooted a 100 times to get back my phone. no avail.09:15
mzanettidednick: weird thing is, I didn't do an upgrade in the last days even09:15
mzanettibut I'm sure it was working last week. I think I used it last on Thursday09:16
mzanettidednick: let me know if I can help you to debug it. the phone is still in that state09:16
dednickmzanetti: ok, i'll take a look. dont think i have a pin on my sim anymore though :(09:20
mzanettidednick: you should be able to enable it with dbus calls09:20
dednickmzanetti: oh yeah...09:21
dednick... would probably help to have a sim card in my phone as well..09:24
mhr3Saviq, can i get ack on https://code.launchpad.net/~mhr3/unity-scopes-shell/expose-attributes/+merge/212213 ?09:25
dednickmzanetti: give me a few hours; I went into the office this morning not realising there wasn't any power. Just about to head home. So i'll test it out there where i have a spare sim09:26
Saviqmhr3, you might, let me see quickly09:27
mzanettidednick: yeah, sure. no rush. I'll keep my phone broken :)09:27
dednickmzanetti: thanks :)09:27
Saviqmhr3, you got «"background": null», other's don't have space after colon09:28
Saviqmhr3, you didn't limit it to 3 attributes did you?09:31
mhr3Saviq, right09:32
mhr3do you want me to?09:32
mhr3Saviq, pushed09:41
Saviqmhr3, k09:42
* mzanetti likes how searching for "a" brings up Xbmcremote in the apps scope :D09:46
Saviqmhr3, test the limiting?09:47
tsdgeosCimi: you doing https://code.launchpad.net/~paulliu/unity8/zoomImage/+merge/207941 ?09:55
mhr3Saviq, you're demanding :P09:55
mhr3Saviq, pushed09:55
Cimitsdgeos, my comments are still valid no10:07
tsdgeosCimi: which ones?10:07
tsdgeoshe rewrote the thing, no?10:07
Saviqmzanetti, when I have a sidestage open and go to the dash via ubuntu button or long left swipe, I get a black side stage, that one would be good to fix10:08
mzanettiSaviq: strange. quite sure that was working. ok. will look into it10:08
Cimitsdgeos, sorry was upgrading10:34
Cimitsdgeos, I'd like to see tested fixed values10:35
Cimitsdgeos, like, pinching 100 px results in 1.1 (example) scaling10:35
tsdgeosCimi: can you comment in there again so paulliu knows it still needs fixing?10:36
Cimitsdgeos, also, I'm not convinced of this10:36
Cimitsdgeos, for of lne 334 of the diff10:36
Cimitsdgeos, I think this should be reviewed by daniel10:37
tsdgeosCimi: ok, ask him then :)10:37
Cimitsdgeos, I asked paul to talk with daniel10:37
Cimitsdgeos, I'll ask daniel directly10:37
tsdgeosCimi: :)10:37
Saviqmzanetti, which ap failure do you mean on the lvwph thing?10:38
Saviqlatest result only mentions a qmluitest failure10:38
MacSlowtsdgeos, I have a potential fix for the issue you reported... but it doesn't fail on my machine so I've to first test-run it against jenkins10:38
mzanettiSaviq: upstart integration tests10:38
tsdgeosMacSlow: good10:39
MacSlowtsdgeos, to verify that's fixing the jenkins issue10:39
mzanettiSaviq: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/autopilot-testrunner-otto-trusty/3774/?10:39
mzanettiSaviq: ah right. I didn't refresh the site with the latest posts from jenkins. seems gone indeed10:39
Saviqmzanetti, right, that looks flaky, 2 subsequent runs don't show these fails10:39
Saviqmzanetti, push-ups?10:40
MacSlowtsdgeos, it's all just guess-work... another odd thing is that all of a sudden I get these tons of QWARNings which I never got before10:40
mzanettiSaviq: on it...10:40
Saviqmzanetti, ap results look good, though, doing test plan now, only issue would be the black side stage then10:43
mzanettiSaviq: yep. I'm confident for the test plan. Mirco and Gerry walked through it a couple of times already10:43
mzanettijust flashing the tablet to investigate in the black side stage10:44
MacSlowis the s-jenkins site responsive for anybody?10:44
* mzanetti tries10:44
MacSlowit works... but... doh... it's slow10:44
mzanettiMacSlow: yeah... the initial page with all the jobs is. the rest works fine10:45
mzanettijust try to avoid it10:45
MacSlowmzanetti, yeah10:45
mzanettiby using the on-hover menus10:45
Saviqmzanetti, hmm... the main stage gets confused sometimes, too :/10:46
* Saviq tries to find steps10:47
Saviqaand crash10:48
Saviqand no .crash file... hum10:48
Saviqmzanetti, hmm is it expected that you don't get a right-edge hint with only one app open?10:56
mzanettiSaviq: yeah. have been talking with design about this. There are still a bit unsure what to do in this case.10:57
mzanettiSaviq: discussions are between: hint, open spread nevertheless or open spread with this app and the dash10:57
mzanettiSaviq: we agreed to wait on a final decision10:58
mzanettiSaviq: pushed a fix for the black side stage11:05
Saviqmzanetti, ok cool, kicking a rebuild11:05
Saviqmzanetti, it seems more fragile when apps fail to start than what we have now... like unity8 exits (but does not crash ¿?) when it's trying to get a screenshot of a non-existing app, any idea about that?11:09
mzanettihumm... that's news too. I had tons of not starting apps.11:10
* mzanetti tries to reproduce11:10
mzanettiSaviq: do you know an app that's reliably failing to start right now?11:11
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mzanettiSaviq: ok. got one. its not crashing here.11:13
mzanettiit shows the empty screenshot but still running11:13
Saviqmzanetti, try left-swiping now11:14
Saviqmzanetti, empty as in black?11:14
mzanettino, transparent11:15
mzanettiSaviq: well, when the app is focused its black, yes.11:15
Saviqmzanetti, ok yeah11:15
* mzanetti keeps on digging11:15
Saviqmzanetti, long-left-swipe caused it to exit for me in that situation11:15
Saviqmzanetti, on both manta and mako11:15
mzanettiSaviq: should we be worried that lxc-android-config fails to dist-upgrade?11:17
mzanettiSaviq: nope. just dist-upgraded to the ppa on a freshly fleshed phone. still not "exiting" on empty apps. no matter which gesture11:19
mzanettiSaviq: altough there might be a difference in the "app not starting" thing11:19
Saviqmzanetti, lxc is fine11:19
mzanettie.g. crashing at startup vs not launching anything all11:20
Saviqmzanetti, it's because the file it wants to update is bind-mounted writable11:20
Saviqmzanetti, ok, I'll let you know if I can find some steps11:20
mzanettiok. espected something like that. just wanted to make sure we don't mess up11:20
mzanettiexpected, even11:20
mzanettilxc, that is ^11:20
Cimidednick, hey dude!11:27
dednickCimi: hey11:31
mhr3dednick, crap, we need you here11:32
mhr3dednick, can you come back?11:32
dednickmhr3: heh. no chance :)11:32
mhr3dednick, j/k :)11:32
Cimidednick, I think we should write that component for dealing with bindings!11:33
Cimidednick, I really need it for the wizard11:33
dednickCimi: why?11:34
dednickCimi: but yeah, should be dne11:35
Cimidednick, because they have same issue all around in system settings11:35
dednickCimi: i see. ok, well I'm busy with something at the moment, but I'll try take a look at it later today11:36
mzanettitsdgeos: do you still have your first proposed patch for the move/layoutChanged/modelReset issue around?11:37
tsdgeosit should be in gerrit11:38
tsdgeoslet me see11:38
mzanettiseing that sort() always calls layoutChanged (which does sound correct to me) I'm really not convinced the _q_layoutChanged() should call modelReset()11:38
mhr3Saviq, also ack on https://code.launchpad.net/~mhr3/unity8/fix-1297246/+merge/212593 would be appreciated11:38
mzanettibut rather the move operation should do something that makes it update properly11:39
mzanettiwhich I assume was your first try too11:39
tsdgeossee https://codereview.qt-project.org/#patch,all_unified,67214,611:39
tsdgeosspecially steveire's comment11:39
tsdgeos"Not exactly. The view on *any* model (not specific to QSFPM) is supposed to re-query everything from the model when the layout changes. The number of items in the model, as well as their position might have changed."11:39
mzanettitsdgeos: hmm... I always thought layoutChanged would update everything except number of items11:40
mzanettiwhich is what modelReset is for11:41
tsdgeosdon't ask me :D11:41
tsdgeosas i said11:41
tsdgeosi am not sure i really understand what's the difference between layoutChanged and resetModel11:41
mzanettiwell, after this change there isn't really a difference any more11:43
mzanettithe one that was committed11:43
tsdgeosi mean on the model level11:46
tsdgeosnot on the view level11:46
Saviqmhr3, add http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7184458/ to tst_GenericScopeView.qml please?11:53
mhr3Saviq, thx, pushed11:57
Saviqmhr3, k11:57
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Cimiseb128, any update on this? https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/ubuntu-system-settings/wizard.wifi/+merge/21267512:15
seb128Cimi, no, I'm busy with other things atm, I don't really have time for the wizard, maybe try to catch mterry?12:17
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
MacSlowtsdgeos, the fix seems to work... https://code.launchpad.net/~macslow/unity8/fix-jenkins-issue-with-visual-snap-decisions-queue-qml-test/+merge/21343212:20
paulliuCimi: you talked to Daniel already? I've talked to him last week. Seems ok.12:31
Cimipaulliu, ok12:46
Cimipaulliu, so only thing I'd do now is checking if the scaling works as expected12:46
Cimipaulliu, by testing the actual scaling factor12:47
Cimipaulliu, so instead testing if it scales up or down, test the exact scale12:47
paulliuCimi: I've added that already.12:49
paulliuCimi: The test.answer4 is the exact scaling factor12:50
CimiI didn't see it, sorry12:50
Cimipaulliu, I don't think it's enough, we should test more values12:51
paulliuCimi: ok. Do you mean the image size or?12:51
Cimipaulliu, testing more than 1 zoom action12:52
Cimimaybe a long pinch, a small pinch, a pinch out...12:52
paulliuCimi: ok. got it.12:52
Cimiat least this is IMHO12:52
Cimimzanetti, what would you test in a zoomable image component?12:52
Cimiin reference of this https://code.launchpad.net/~paulliu/unity8/zoomImage/+merge/20794112:52
* mzanetti looks at the code12:52
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mzanettiCimi: mousewheel, pinching, flickable's contentHeight/width after zooming to max/min12:56
Cimipaulliu, ^12:56
mterrykgunn, looks like silo 004 was needed for non split stuff?12:57
kgunnmterry: ok, we can keep pestering for a silo throughout the day12:57
mzanettiCimi, paulliu: seems the MouseAray is supposed to NOT accept keypresses. Maybe place another one one behind it and make sure the first one is indeed click-through12:57
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kgunnmterry: i imagine that's a weekend symptom....alot of stuff should land today and clear out the silos...i reckon12:58
mterrykgunn, makes sense12:58
* mzanetti hopes to free silo 15 today :D13:01
paulliumzanetti: you mean put mousearea inside the PinchArea?13:01
mzanettipaulliu: hmm... does the PinchArea "eat" mouse presses?13:02
mzanettipaulliu: or better: Is the reason for the topmost MouseArea to forward events to the PinchArea only?13:02
paulliumzanetti: MouseArea eat TouchEvents.13:02
paulliumzanetti: yes..13:02
mzanettipaulliu: ah ok. in that case, ignore the MouseArea comment and just make sure the PinchArea works13:03
paulliumzanetti: Actually there's some weirdness here. After an upgrade I found I have to move PinchArea in front of MouseArea. or things doesn't work.13:03
mzanettiok.. in which case I guess the event.accepted = false could go away13:04
paulliumzanetti: Flickable handles the mouse key presses by itself. So the images can move around.13:04
paulliumzanetti: ok. thanks. I'll add the tests you mentioned.13:05
tsdgeosMacSlow: you're missing the checklist :D13:05
tsdgeosMacSlow: why is the forceLayout needed?13:05
MacSlowtsdgeos, doh... right :)13:05
tsdgeosi mean shouldn't the backend do that?13:05
mzanettipaulliu: that's just what comes from the top of my head after giving it a quick look13:05
Saviqmzanetti, we don't have the deps sorted out properly yet13:07
mzanettiSaviq: which ones in particular?13:08
Saviqmzanetti, unity8 does not depend on unity-application-impl, which it should (it only depends on -impl-2)13:08
Saviqmzanetti, and unity-mir does not provide neither13:08
MacSlowtsdgeos, you're the Qt-expert :) I just now it's also needed in the tst_Notifications.qml to make it work13:08
Saviqmzanetti, results in unity8-fake-env being pulled on the device13:08
mzanettioh... I c13:09
tsdgeosMacSlow: hmmmah, didn't realize this was Item forceRelayout, i thought it was a Notifications specific thing13:09
MacSlowtsdgeos, besides... forceLayout() is a method of the ListView (thus part of the frontend/renderer) the backend could not (and should not) mess with that.13:09
Saviqmzanetti, unity8-fake-env needs to Provides: unity-application-impl and unity-application-impl-2, too13:09
tsdgeosMacSlow: ok, i see we're using this already in one place so let's get it merged i guess13:10
mzanettiSaviq: what's this? "Provides: qtubuntu-shell"13:10
mzanettifound in unityfake-env13:10
Saviqmzanetti, that's probably exactly that13:10
MacSlowtsdgeos, also added the checklist.13:10
Saviqmzanetti, needs to be dropped13:11
tsdgeosMacSlow: i'll force a rebuild, just to make sure it works again13:11
MacSlowtsdgeos, don't13:11
MacSlowtsdgeos, I just did that...13:11
Saviqmzanetti, from qtubuntu's Provides, too13:11
tsdgeosMacSlow: ah, cool13:11
MacSlowtsdgeos, http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/unity8-ci/2679/13:11
Saviqmzanetti, as it doesn't actually provide it any more13:11
tsdgeosMacSlow: oki, will approve if that one suceeds then :)13:12
MacSlowtsdgeos, yeah... it should... I mean it already did just an hour ago... but better wait for the current build, just to be sure...13:13
tsdgeosyep :)13:13
Saviqdidrocks, q: unity8-fake-env and libunity-mir1 will: Provides foo-impl, foo-impl-2; unity8 will Depends: libunity-mir1 | foo-impl, foo-impl-2; will libunity-mir1 be upgraded in favour of installing unity8-fake-env?13:13
Saviqwhen upgrading unity8, that is?13:14
MacSlowtsdgeos, btw... that visual-snap-decision branch did pass before... I'm just puzzled it failed on that test after the merge to trunk.13:14
Saviqmterry, hey, there's a conflict in split greeter again13:14
tsdgeosMacSlow: things randomly are slower or not slower13:14
MacSlowtsdgeos, probably... it's sad13:15
mterrySaviq, will update13:16
Saviqdidrocks, mzanetti, also, I think we should add Breaks: lxc-android-config (<= blah), so that upgrade of unity8 will force upgrades of all the packages deprecated surfaceflinger support, wdyt?13:17
* mzanetti believes whatever didrocks will say :D13:17
Saviqmzanetti, yeah, it's a bit convoluted here13:17
Saviqmzanetti, but I think we should achieve a state where "apt-get install unity8" will result in effectively installing all the things from the PPA13:18
mzanettiI agree, yes13:18
mzanettiSaviq: does this look sane to you? http://paste.ubuntu.com/718479913:22
Saviqmzanetti, unity8-private does not implement Unity.Application does it?13:25
Saviqmzanetti, should be libunity-mir1?13:25
mzanettiSaviq: no, it's unity-fake-env & libunity-mir113:26
Saviqmzanetti, +         unity8-private | unity-application-impl,13:26
mzanettiboth provide Unity.Application13:26
Saviqmzanetti, yeah, so that above is wrong13:26
mzanettiah... got it. true13:27
Saviqmzanetti, the whole idea behind foo | foo-impl is for "foo" to be the default selection13:27
Saviqmzanetti, so foo needs to provide foo-impl13:27
mzanettiso should this just be application-impl or "libunity-mir1 | unity-application-impl" right?13:27
mzanettierr, yes, the latter13:27
Saviqmzanetti, it needs to be |, otherwise apt will not resolve13:28
Saviqmzanetti, 'cause there can't be an only-virtual Depends13:28
mzanettiok. fixed13:29
mzanettiand hopefully understood it a bit better13:29
mzanettithanks for all the patience.13:29
Saviqmzanetti, I think qtubuntu needs Breaks: unity8 (<= $new_version)13:37
Saviqmzanetti, as that's actually what happens - it doesn't install the Unity.Application plugin any more13:38
* Saviq needs to summarize this13:38
mzanettiSaviq: hmm... where is that?13:40
Saviqmzanetti, where is what?13:40
mzanettiSaviq: re "http://paste.ubuntu.com/7184799"13:41
mzanettiah... wrong paste13:41
mzanettiSaviq: now "I think qtubuntu needs Breaks: unity8 (<= $new_version)"13:41
MacSlowmzanetti, tsdgeos: I've updated all related branches to "modal snap-decisions". Could you look over the three related MPs again when you have a free slot...   https://code.launchpad.net/~macslow/unity8/modal-snap-decisions/+merge/210988 https://code.launchpad.net/~macslow/unity-notifications/modal-snap-decisions/+merge/212483 https://code.launchpad.net/~macslow/unity-api/expose-notification-data-roles-to-qml/+merge/21258113:41
Saviqmzanetti, it's not anywhere, I think it needs to be added13:42
mzanettimeh... stupid me13:42
MacSlowmzanetti, tsdgeos: btw... here's a video of that they are all about https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sqqmPBa97U013:42
Saviqmzanetti, fwiw... Ubuntu.Application vs. unity-application-impl....13:43
Saviqor is it Unity.Application already?13:43
mzanettiyes, it is13:43
Saviqah U.A., ok13:43
Saviqthat's better13:43
mzanettiSaviq: I changed that when introducing it in unity-api13:44
mzanettiSaviq: thinking about it. does it really break unity8?13:45
Saviqmzanetti, it does when you'd have mir disabled13:45
mzanettiit just wouldn't install the SF support any more. but with Mir, unity still works13:45
Saviqmzanetti, yeah, but if you use sf, and upgrade qtubuntu, but don't upgrade unity813:46
Saviqmzanetti, broken13:46
mzanettibut the package is still required (for Qt QPA). so not sure its really a good idea to add the Breaks13:46
Saviqmzanetti, it will just ensure upgrading of unity813:46
Saviqmzanetti, nothing else13:46
mzanettiah ok13:46
mzanettiok, adding it13:46
Saviqmzanetti, as it will only break previous unity8 versions13:46
Saviqmzanetti, I pushed a debian/changelog bump to unity8 right-edge-213:47
Saviqmzanetti, so Breaks: unity8 (<= 7.85)13:48
Saviqbut I'm analyzing the other things13:48
mzanettiSaviq: <= 7.84, right?13:49
Saviqmzanetti, no, 7.84 is the current version13:49
Saviqmzanetti, ah yeah13:49
mzanettiyep, there's a =13:49
Saviq< vs. <=13:49
Saviqmzanetti, we need < 7.85 then I think13:49
mzanettiSaviq: seeing other examples its either <= or <<13:50
Saviqyes <<13:50
fginthermterry, regarding the unity8 unlock script.  Is the unlock permanent (at least until unity8 is restarted) or can the screen lock back on it's own after a timeout?13:59
mterryfginther, with this unlock script alone, the screen will timeout, but the jenkins scripts separately add a powerd block so it doesn't14:03
didrocksSaviq: yeah, libunity-mir1 shold be upgraded in favour of installating unity8-fake-env14:11
didrocks(sorry, back from running, backlogging)14:12
didrocksSaviq: so, both latest unity8 and lxc-android-config should be installed once we drop SF, right?14:12
didrocksSaviq: or the new unity8 with the old lxc-android-config is fine?14:13
didrocks(it seems it will be to me, no?)14:13
fginthermterry, oh ok. that's the question I was trying to resolve with doanac and the use of system settle14:14
Saviqdidrocks, yeah, lxc-android-config shouldn't break anything14:14
Saviqdidrocks, but then there's ubuntu-touch-session14:14
didrocksah, and this one needs to be upgraded in sync with unity8,14:14
MacSlowtsdgeos, that last rebuild I triggered failed because of a defuct package-download... *sigh* just retriggered it.14:14
Saviqdidrocks, yeah, I think so, otherwise people who ran sf before will still run sf, but there's no more ubuntuappmanager plugin14:15
didrocksSaviq: ok, so I guess new touch-session breaks: unity8 (<< first-version-without-sf-support)14:16
Saviqdidrocks, qtubuntu also Breaks: ubuntu-touch-session (<< first-version-without-sf-support), right?14:18
Saviqdidrocks, since u-t-s might want to launch unity8 with sf support, but there's no application plugin for sf from qtubuntu any more?14:19
didrocksSaviq: yeah, seems it's in that way14:19
Saviqdidrocks, and the last thing... lxc-android-config disables surfaceflinger unconditionally, so should Breaks: ubuntu-touch-session (<< foo), too?14:19
* Saviq summarizes14:20
didrockshum, unsure about lxc-android-config and u-t-s. isn't it u-t-s disabling surfaceflinger launched in the session?14:21
Saviqdidrocks, l-a-c is the one actually preventing the surfaceflinger service to start in the container14:21
* Saviq thinks http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7184985/14:21
didrocksyou didn't draw a map! :p14:21
Saviqdidrocks, I know, I should, tried to explain as best I understand it14:22
didrocksheh, no worry14:22
didrocksso, on the first 2 ones, ack, let me reread for lxc-android-config and u-t-s though14:22
didrocksah, so, it's not u-t-s starting surfaceflinger, but l-a-c14:22
Saviqdidrocks, stopping, rather than starting, but yeah14:23
Cimidednick, could you have a look at a branch and tell me what's wrong with it?14:23
didrocksSaviq: ahhhh, got it14:23
didrocksSaviq: so yeah, making sense14:23
dednickCimi: i can try14:23
dednickbut you'll need to give me a indication as to what i'm looking for14:23
Cimidednick, this one14:24
didrocksSaviq: yeah, just reread and +1 on the plan14:24
Cimidednick, the settings are not in sync14:24
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Cimidednick, when I set something in the wizard, it doesn't get updated in the system settings14:24
Cimidednick, but it works opposite way14:24
Cimicode seems the same14:24
dednickCimi: checked: diagnosticsWidget.canReportCrashes14:25
dednickbinding is broken when checked changes in the DiagnosticsCheckEntry14:26
Cimidednick, but this changes back, no?14:27
dednickCimi: same as the slidermenu before14:27
dednickneed a serverValue kind of thing14:27
Cimimmm o14:27
mzanettidednick: jfi. entering the pin using qdbus still works. the phone gets signal afterwards14:29
dednickmzanetti: i've just tested it with devel-proposed. seems fine on my phone :(14:30
mzanettidednick: hmm... strange... anything I could do to get you more information?14:31
* mzanetti reboots the phone14:31
mzanettidednick: nope. not here again after a reboot14:32
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Saviqmzanetti, please bump ubuntu-touch-session to 0.107, and add the Breaks as described in http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7184985/14:32
dednickmzanetti: hm. hang on. just trying again14:32
Saviqmzanetti, where $first-without-sf-support is 0.10714:33
dednickmzanetti: can you check with indicator-network version you have?14:37
mzanettidednick: 0.5.1+14.04.20140318-0ubuntu114:38
dednickmzanetti: libqmenumodel0 as well please?14:39
mzanettidednick: 0.2.7+14.04.20140305-0ubuntu114:40
Cimidednick, where was your branch with the server value? I cannot remmber14:42
dednickCimi: MenuItemFactory14:42
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Saviqmterry, shall I kick the split greeter silo yet?14:53
dednickmzanetti: hmm.. all same as me. very strange14:53
mterrySaviq, yeah OK!  I think there are some newer Mir branches we might want.  Let me check14:53
Saviqmterry, btw, it's silo 002 now14:53
dednickmzanetti: can you run up the indicators-client app on the phone and send me a screenshot of the network page?14:53
mterrySaviq, k14:53
Saviqmterry, yeah, please look through the list of MPs if we want anything new, or drop anything14:54
mterrySaviq, lp:~andreas-pokorny/mir/no-initial-display-configuration-sent-to-hosting-server and lp:~alan-griffiths/mir/another-Surface-bites-the-dust (which is already in mir/devel, so I guess you don't need it?)14:54
mterrytedg, what's the story with landing indicator-sound again?  Is there a silo in queue?14:55
Saviqmterry, anpok's one was already in the list, so we only need that, all in all?14:56
tedgmterry, Was waiting on beta freeze and then thostr to be off vacation, asked about getting a silo about 10 minutes ago :-)14:56
Saviqmterry, anything else we could drop? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7185109/14:56
mterrytedg, awesome  :)14:56
mterrytedg, with the volume schema branch too!  ;)14:57
tedgmterry, Yup, it's on the sheet.14:57
mterrySaviq, I think that's everything14:57
Saviqmterry, ok, kicking mir to start with14:57
mterrytedg, ah yes, we talked about that last week14:57
anpokSaviq: the one from alan fixes some issue that crept up with osk14:58
Cimimterry, could you review my wifi branch?14:58
Saviqanpok, kthx14:58
mterryCimi, OK, will look today14:58
Saviqmzanetti, please ping when we're ready to kick the right edge silo again14:58
=== dandrader|afk is now known as dandrader
mzanettiSaviq: yep. doing now. was eating.15:03
Saviqmzanetti, ok nw15:03
mzanettiSaviq: just realized that we have a hard dep on libunity-mir1 already15:04
mzanettiSaviq: I supposed that one should go in favor of the | app-impl15:04
mzanettior is there anything else in there we hard-depend on?15:05
Saviqmzanetti, we dlopen the actual lib, not just the plugin15:05
Saviqmzanetti, so it's good for it to be logically there15:06
Saviqmzanetti, especially since foo | bar could arguably be fulfilled by bar, at which point foo wouldn't be pulled in15:06
mzanettiyep, in that case it is. doesn't make it easier to understand by reading th depends, but its the most correct thing, I agree15:07
Saviqscratch that, we're actually linking against libunity-mir, not dlopen'ing it15:07
Saviqmzanetti, which means yeah15:07
Saviqmzanetti, drop it15:07
Saviqmzanetti, only leave the | unity-application-impl-1 one, the hard one will get there from shlibs anyway15:07
mzanettiah ok15:07
mzanettijust wanted to say that it is needed still15:08
mzanettibut yep, didn't think about shlibs15:08
Saviqmzanetti, noticed «qgetenv("QT_QPA_PLATFORM") == "ubuntu"»15:08
Saviqmzanetti, can begone, too15:08
mzanettioh dear... I'm afraid I opnened another can :D15:08
SaviqI think that's the last one :D15:09
Saviqor well, maybe it could stay still15:09
Saviqmzanetti, leave it15:09
Saviqmzanetti, so we can still run under surfaceflinger in fullscreen with the fake app15:09
Saviqmzanetti, since we're not dropping the surfaceflinger QPA (yet)15:09
mzanettiah right. true15:10
mzanettimakes sense15:10
mzanettinot saying that I want to change it, but looks intersting too:15:11
mzanettiReplaces: unity-mir,15:11
mzanettiConflicts: unity-mir,15:11
mzanettiProvides: unity-mir,15:11
Saviqthere's no such package :)15:11
Saviqmzanetti, where did you find that?15:11
Saviqmzanetti, unity-mir debian/control?15:12
Saviqmzanetti, yeah, leave it15:12
Saviqmzanetti, does not hurt, we'll drop it sometime15:12
Saviqmterry, only mir needs to be built before the rest, right? so after mir completes, I can kick the rest?15:13
mterrySaviq, should be15:13
Saviqmterry, kk15:13
mzanettiSaviq: all branches pushed15:15
mzanettitriggering rebuild15:15
Saviqmzanetti, k15:16
Saviqlet's see if that will be the last one :D15:16
* mzanetti hopes :D15:16
elopiohello people. Can I get a review here? https://code.launchpad.net/~elopio/unity8/search_updated/+merge/21315515:56
elopiotsdgeos: you reviewed the original branch, so...15:56
* tsdgeos is sprinting15:57
tsdgeoslet me run a bit faster15:57
Cimidednick, still no luck http://paste.ubuntu.com/7185444/16:00
dednickCimi: does the maybeUpdate code get executed?16:03
dednickCimi: oh, it was removed..16:05
dednickCimi: are you sure that canReportCrashes is changing?16:05
Cimidednick, unless it's bugged...16:06
dednickCimi: perhaps you should check :)16:06
Cimidednick, dunno how16:06
dednickCimi: eh?16:06
Cimiprinting it16:07
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Cimidednick, indeed doesn't seem to change16:08
dednickCimi: wel...16:08
Cimidednick, it's not my code :P16:09
Cimidednick, someone reviewed and approved that :P16:09
Cimidednick, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~system-settings-touch/ubuntu-system-settings/trunk/view/head:/plugins/security-privacy/diagnostics/diagnostics.cpp16:11
Cimidednick, maybe the signal update is not emitted?16:11
Cimidednick, or is just emitted for one single ownwer?16:12
Cimiwondering if it's emitted or not16:13
* Cimi rebuilds16:15
dednickCimi: no idea. code looks like it should be16:15
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Saviqmzanetti, ubuntu-touch-session still at v0.106, we need to bump it to 0.10716:28
Saviqmzanetti, /me bumped16:31
mzanettiSaviq: thanks16:33
Saviqhmm we still can upgrade unity8 separately, 'cause of unity8-fake-env already being there I think...16:36
Saviqdamn what pulled that thing in...16:37
Saviqmzanetti, humpf, unity8-private has "provides: unity-application-2"16:42
Saviqmzanetti, that's wrong, it doesn't provide it16:42
Saviqmzanetti, fixed16:44
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Saviqmterry, looks like there are some build failures https://launchpadlibrarian.net/171368822/buildlog_ubuntu-trusty-amd64.unity-system-compositor_0.0.2%2B14.04.20140331.1-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz16:58
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mterrySaviq, looking17:02
Saviqmterry, also weird - https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/landing-002/+sourcepub/4056446/+listing-archive-extra17:02
mterryPresumably the ftbfs is due to mir changes17:03
Saviqmterry, tries to pull old libplatform-api1-dev for some reason...17:03
mterrySaviq, what am I looking at with that listing-archive-extra link17:03
mterryoh the ftbfs17:04
Saviqmterry, yup17:04
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mterrySaviq, that could be due to synchronization issues -- probably should build platform-api before unity-mir then17:04
Saviqmterry, yeah, might not have gotten ready yet17:05
Saviqmterry, probably kicked the build too early for those two17:05
mterryI didn't realize they needed to be in sequence either17:06
mterryEr, I mean not sequence.  But standard settling differences between any / all packages17:07
kgunnmterry:  i unity-mir does need to build after platform-api17:08
mterrykgunn, k17:08
kgunnmterry: uh-oh...is that just an api break on mir tho ?17:08
mterrykgunn, well, we are testing with mir/devel so probably.  That breaks all the time, eh?17:09
kgunnmterry: well it can for ABI...but API shouldn't without warning and is much more rare17:14
mterrykgunn, well not in my experience, but probably because I'm always prodding the edges of the API in USC17:16
kgunnmterry: if you need any help updating....ping kdub, i know he and duflu have been tinkering with compositor/render classes....17:17
kgunnlooks like you got hit with that....17:17
mterrykgunn, this seems to be scene / surface reorganization17:17
mterryI will poke if I need help, but it might be easy change17:18
kgunnoh..you're right, just saw surface ranker17:18
kgunnwhich would be alan_g17:18
kdubyeah, we've been remodeling around the scene17:18
kgunngreyback: ^ you might potentially be effected ?17:19
kgunn(maybe less so with qtsg)17:19
greybackkgunn: I believe alan_g|EOD has a branch for unity-mir to update it for mir API changes17:20
kgunnmterry: guess alan_g doesn't like you as much as gerry :)17:21
mterryWell, I think his reorganization fixed an issue split was seeing.  So I'll survive17:22
kgunnjosharenson: yo, how's the plodding along for glmark217:23
josharensonkgunn: it was working great on Friday, and not at all today. I have some theories, and I'm working on it.. I also wrote some simple unit-test for mir just to familiarize myself17:24
kgunnjosharenson: great17:27
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tedgUpdated my phone and now it's not showing anything graphical on boot.18:32
tedgUnity is sucking CPU.18:32
tedgNot sure what's up.18:32
tedgLooks like it's just looping with this: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7186210/18:39
tedgInstalled libunity-core-6.0-9 and that fixed it.18:41
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kgunnjosharenson: hey, so from earlier...when you said "it was working" before it didn't :)21:26
kgunndid you mean that glmark2 was actually running as part of the ci ?21:26
josharensonkgunn: yeah I build from source and it works now21:26
josharensonkgunn: no I just meant the gles2-mir version wasn't working21:27
josharensonkgunn: built from source _and_ installed the deb.. I think the deb may have been trying to run all tests (ie: x11)21:28
josharensonkgunn: currently trying to duplicate the jenkins build process locally, as closely as practical so I don't have to keep pushing branches (just for now while I learn)21:30
kgunnjosharenson: cool21:46
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greybackbregma: ping22:11
bregmagreyback, pong22:11
greybackbregma: hey, a while back I recall Qt was compiled using GL when GLES was needed - was there a workaround to select GLES instead of GL? Or is it fixed build-time?22:13
greybackI'm getting http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7187111/22:14
greybackoh hang on, GLES is being used...22:14
bregmaI split qtubuntu into a -desktop build that is compile-time GL and a -android build that is compile-time GLES22:14
bregmathat problem looks like the more recent QT5.2-on-EGL problem22:15
greybackoh joy22:15
greybackany bug or anything reported for that?22:15
bregmagreyback, not upstream, I wasn;t sure if the problem was in qtubuntu not getting a context correctky or Qt itself not handling an EGL context that supports both GL and GLES22:17
bregmaneed an EGL expert to decide that22:17
greybackbregma: ok. You've put me on an attack path anyway, thank you22:17
bregmathe root of the problem is that Qt5.2 will compile the shaders for GL only if the QPA supports _only_ GL, and not, say, the default22:18
bregmait's using an enum when a bitmask may be more appropriate22:18
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