
dakeri think separation00:14
dakerthere is*00:14
dakeri see that you already have done that https://code.launchpad.net/~debconf14-dev/ubuntu-community-webthemes/light-django-dc14-theme00:15
slangasekdaker: the charm makes me check out two different branches; that's not the same thing as there being actual separation00:16
slangasekbecause half the things I need to change, I find myself configuring in the code branch00:17
dakerwell i see what you are talking about, but i am unable to give an concrete answer :)00:19
cjohnstonslangasek: so its really a horrible split unfortunatly...00:40
cjohnstonand yes, you would have to do a bunch of changes in lp:summit branch00:40
cjohnstonthe 'adding other sites' was very much an after thought and hacked into place by linaro people in a hurry for their requirement00:41
slangasekcjohnston: that's been my assessment thus far ;)  Is there any likelihood that this will improve in the near future?  If not, I'm just going to make my own branch of the code (already done), and ignore the theme branch entirely by deploying in a separate subdir (which was what I'd started out doing)00:41
slangasekin case you're interested, here's the site I'm currently puttering on: http://dc14-summit-test.dodds.net/debconf14/00:42
cjohnstonslangasek: I believe that mhall119 has some work planned for summit, but without you talking to ev, the odds of me doing a whole lot other than helping you is slight00:43
cjohnstonslangasek: I see an error00:43
slangasekcjohnston: this is nothing I would be asking ev about00:43
slangasekhah, yes, there's an error there now, isn't there?00:44
cjohnstonI know. :-)00:44
* slangasek ho-hums and tries to recreate the relation00:45
slangasekok, well I seem to have done a crackerjack job of botching that00:48
slangasekand now I'm afk, guess I'll fix it in a few :)00:48
mhall119slangasek: I'd be happy to help out with the debconf site as part of my community work00:56
cjohnstonmhall119: it would really be nice if we could make the theme branch give everything that would be needed to change summit00:56
mhall119I even got model-mommy packaged and in debian's archives so you can run summit's test suite :)00:56
mhall119cjohnston: what do you mean?00:56
cjohnston20:16:52 slangasek | daker: the charm makes me check out two different branches; that's not the same thing as there being actual00:57
cjohnston                   | separation00:57
cjohnston20:17:08 slangasek | because half the things I need to change, I find myself configuring in the code branch00:57
mhall119what's he changing?00:57
mhall119so make it a "summit theme" instead of a "django theme"?00:58
cjohnstonhrm.. I guess it might actually not be so bad.. I just did a grep for Linaro and there are only a handful of mentions00:59
mhall119as long as he doesn't want to change the *content* of the pages, just the header/footer/visuals, the current separation should work00:59
mhall119but it sounds like maybe he wants to change what content is displayed and where01:00
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slangasekmhall119: hey, certainly wouldn't mind the help :)03:34
slangasekmhall119: fwiw, here's the wiki page I've been preparing for the DebConf team's purposes: https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/Summit03:34
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mhall119slangasek: is debconf for sure going to use it, or still being decided?13:33
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slangasekmhall119: provided we can get it all up and going in the next couple of weeks, I think we'll definitely use it17:01
slangasekmhall119: the team has been stuck on pentabarf for years after they've wanted to, because it's too hard to migrate; this is a year when migration is easier because part of the registration is (necessarily) handled by the venue17:01
mhall119slangasek: people will still need to register in summit, which means having an Ubuntu SSO account at a minimum, and a Launchpad profile preferably17:03
mhall119though they can view the schedule without it17:03
slangasekmhall119: no, we're not using Ubuntu SSO for this17:03
slangasekwe're going to use Debian SSO17:03
mhall119ok, we haven't tried Summit with another OpenID provider, so there may be bugs17:04
mhall119slangasek: do you want to schedule a hangout so you can bring me up to speed with (a) what you've got going so far and (b) what you need changed?17:10
slangasekmhall119: I'll do you one better, I have this written up as a wiki page: https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/Summit17:11
slangasekmhall119: note that we're also not using openid, the requirement on the Debian side is oauth2 - so yeah, I'm sure there will be bugs17:12
mhall119well, as long as there's a django app that makes it easy, we should be good17:17
slangasekyeah, that's the idea :)17:30
mhall119daker: ping17:38
dakermhall119: pong17:38
mhall119daker: hey, you wanted to replace Wordpress with Django on developer.u.c, well I'm going to need to put some of that funcitonality into summit.u.c (shouldn't affect you slangasek), did you have a specific CMS app that you think would work best?17:39
dakermhall119: no, but if you can liste the functionalities you want on it, that would be helpfull :)17:41
mhall119daker: hmmm, all I have right now is "what Wordpress offered, plus translations and better staging->production workflow"17:42
mhall119for summit.u.c, it's really just the ability to manage page content and navigation17:42
dakerdjango-cms is known to work very well17:47
dakerand maybe if you can detail the "what Wordpress offered, plus translations and better staging->production workflow" would be help more17:49
dakerwhat Wordpress offered ? pages/posts/media revisions ?17:49
dakerpassword protected content ?17:49
dakertranslations ? translations of dynamic content posts/content ?17:50
dakerand how this staging->production workflow works17:52
joseloco.ubuntu.com is in django and translated17:57
dakeryes but i think here he want to translate the dynamic content...17:58
josejudging the fact that developer.u.c is going to be in chinese also, yes17:58
dakerlike the api doc translated in chinese17:58
slangasekmhall119: so is there any piece of the debconf summit deployment that you think you could help out with?  I think the part where we're most in need of help, and where you might be best able to help, is getting the registration form going - since that needs someone with a better understanding of django forms than I have18:41
mhall119slangasek: I can help with that18:47
mhall119slangasek: are you wanting to use sponsorship?18:47
slangasekmhall119: we do sponorship, yes18:48
mhall119to be honest, the summit sponsorship system was never that great and hasn't been worked on in a while18:48
slangasekmhall119: well, DebConf, despite doing quite a lot of sponsorship every year, has never had anything approaching a decent workflow for it in the webapp :)18:50

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