
Kilosmorning all05:05
SpekkoMorning Kilos05:18
Kiloshi Spekko  05:18
Spekkohow was the weekend?05:18
Kiloswhere is the wokkie that jabbers so much05:19
Kilosmorning jabberwocky93  05:41
jabberwocky93morning Kilos :)05:41
SpekkoHe's late05:49
Spekkoalways "stuck in traffic"05:49
Kilosany excuse is better than none05:52
jabberwocky93lol @ spekko05:53
* jabberwocky93 is never late, everyone's always early05:54
Kiloshi bduk  05:57
Kilosmorning Squirm  06:30
magespawngood morning06:56
Kiloshi magespawn  06:56
magespawnwhats up Kilos?07:02
Kiloshmm... everything is working only need to first get modem going with xp then can reboot to ubuntu otherwise nm dont see it07:03
Kilosother buntu drive sees it fine now07:04
Kilosgrrr some more07:04
Kiloswhats up by you?07:04
bdukMorning everyone. Kilos whats this xp thing i see here???07:05
Kilosi have xp on first 20g of my 500g drive because ubuntu dont like working in that area07:05
bduklyk my ons het 2 verraaiers hier07:06
Kiloshaha no man its only to use up bad area of the drive and now to switch my new telkom modem07:06
bdukJust joking also using xp and 7 for some things07:07
Kilosit was a badly crashed drive i was given to save data off07:07
Kilosxp is still the best os for doing modem work on07:08
Kilosmost of the tools are for xp07:08
Kiloswb magespawn  07:20
magespawnyoyo time today?07:20
Kiloslooks like07:20
Kiloshi Golynx  07:41
Golynxhi Kilos07:41
Kiloshi Vince-0  07:42
Golynxhey Vince-007:42
Vince-0Gooie more Kilos en Golynx 08:03
Vince-0lekka naweek?08:03
Kilosja dankie en jy08:03
Vince-0lekka rustig 08:05
Vince-0baie games gespeel08:05
Vince-0Goat Simulator lolz08:05
Vince-0you get points for making things blow up, go flying and do back flips08:13
=== spekko_ is now known as Spekko
=== jabberwocky93_ is now known as JabberwockyA19
Kiloshi superfly  08:55
superflyhi Kilos08:55
Golynxhi superfly09:02
superflyhi Golynx09:03
Kilosoh my everyone is on the yoyo09:20
JabberwockyA19good old monday morning, even for the ZA routing team09:49
inetprogood mornings14:03
Golynxyou know when MTN and Vodacom are upset, when your Cellc connection keeps disconnecting like never before lol14:08
Trixar_zaThat made no sense14:08
GolynxTrixar_za: here is a vodacom tower by me. I'm using Cellc . Its the 5th time i disconnected today. Never had this problem before14:10
Golynxso i'm guessing its because Vodacom lost the court case14:11
Trixar_zaI had it quite often on CellC14:11
Trixar_zaAnd I doubt it. They can be sued to death for business practices like that.14:13
Trixar_zaI also know a few guys that works for the centers at Vodacom :P14:13
Golynxyeah true, but in they're eyes having to pay 44c/minute is so unfair that they will wana try hurt the smaller players somehow  that only have to pay 20c/minute lol14:14
Trixar_zaYes, because 24c is worth the million rand fine they'll get for unethical business practices.14:16
Trixar_zaI think it's more likely that CellC's network is taking a bigger hit than usual14:16
Trixar_zaProbably the school kids14:16
Golynxi usually disconnected a few weeks at a time, but today was strange it hit me 5 times on this "important" day for the mobile operators. 14:18
Trixar_za^--- And very useful with Eskom14:20
Golynxmaybe Cellc is taking a hit by the new customers joining the operator. Since from tomorrow they will enjoy much lower prices for atleast 6 months :) 14:20
Trixar_zaNot the first time CellC took a hit from it's business plans out-running it's capabilities14:21
Trixar_zaKeeps the techs busy I guess :P14:21
Golynxyeah i guess that explains it :)14:22
Kiloshi Trixar_za  14:24
Kiloswhere do i find libusb.h14:24
Kilosmy new sakis can only switch modem but nothing else14:25
Trixar_zaTry apt install libusb-1.014:28
=== plague is now known as Guest6153
=== Guest6153 is now known as cr33p
Kilosi have that and libusb-devs14:37
Kilosi will try again inna morning14:38
Kilosusing xp to wake the modem now then rebooting to 12.0414:38
Kilosi hope nm is better in 14.0414:39
Kilosbeen 12.04 s biggest prob14:39
Trixar_zaWhy are you still on 12.04?14:39
Trixar_zaThat's nearly 2 years old14:40
Kilosya but i can go with new os evry 6 months14:41
Kiloslts to lts now14:41
Trixar_zaYeah, Peppermint is based on the LTS version too14:42
Trixar_zaI think. I may be confusing it with another one :P14:42
Trixar_zaToo many Linux distros in the last few weeks -_-14:43
Kilosis peppermint part of mint?14:44
Kilosstill using gnome2?14:44
* Golynx misses windows :(14:48
Kiloswhat havent you got working yet in linux?14:50
Kilosit works good for me to use up space in drives with bad sectors14:50
Golynxyeah i love linux , but mis this game mostly :p http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-JhjYa0pvQ6k/T6ZZTKu0UEI/AAAAAAAABs0/eyQ8WCy9S20/s1600/Tricky+Truck+screenshot+2.jpg14:50
Golynxit uesd to keep me going when i got frustrated with my work. I used to beat many guys highscores from all over the world14:52
Trixar_zaNo, it's an Lubuntu fork with some Mint features (mostly the file manager). It's a project on it's own though.14:52
Trixar_zaer - not file manager - software manager14:52
Golynxthe developer cant make a linux port 14:52
Kilosi could enjoy using gnome 2 again14:53
Kilos10.10 was very lekker and fast and stable14:54
Kiloslets hope new unity has improved lots14:54
Kiloshi aquarat  15:26
aquarathey kilos :)15:26
Kiloswb spekko_  15:29
Kilosoh my15:29
=== spekko_ is now known as Spekko
Kiloshi Private_User  15:45
Golynxhi Private_User15:46
Golynxhey aquarat and Spekko15:47
Private_Userafternoon all15:53
Private_Useror is it evening yet?15:53
Kiloswhew Private_User  you also on the yoyo15:57
Private_Usermore like a roller coaster ride16:01
JabberwockyA19joy ride!16:02
Golynxunhappy networks today lol16:02
Kilosinetpro  fix it16:36
Private_Userdefinitely a roller coaster16:46
Kiloswe need to work out a plan on how to get this sorted16:48
Kilosone must be able to rev some ceo somewhere16:48
Kiloshi Tonberry  can you fix it16:51
Tonberryhello and what?16:51
Kilosthe yoyo internet we have today16:51
Tonberrymine seems ok...16:52
Kilospages and pages of join parts16:52
Kilosmine too but everyone else is in and out16:52
Tonberrythen again i have only been online for about a minute16:52
Kiloslets watch16:52
* Golynx thinks when the network providers in SA, stop fighting amongst each other, things will be more stable16:54
Golynxhi Tonberry16:54
jabberwocky93tyd om die roller coaster huis toe te vat, bye17:00
captinehi all17:06
Kiloshi captine  17:07
Golynxhey captine17:09
Private_Userlooks like mine is starting again17:43
Kilosits been bad all day17:43
Private_User42 second ping response17:43
Private_Usereish it just never ends we had no power yesterday and most of today17:44
Private_Userand now unstable internet17:45
Private_Userok then gonna go for a break and be back17:45
Kilostough in south africa17:46
Kiloswe have power off tomorrow to work on power lines17:46
Kilosoh my they even got the fly18:20
Kilosinetpro  you still alive??18:20
Kiloshmm... it breathes18:29
* inetpro has a stable net, what's up doc18:31
inetprogood evening everyone18:33
Kilosmine is stable too inetpro  but everyone else is yoyoing18:39
inetproeveryone else?18:39
Kilosoh dont you see join parts18:39
inetpronot everyone18:40
Kilosgolynx jabberwokkie spekko 18:40
KilosPrivate_User  18:40
Kilosmage and vince18:40
Kilosand now the fly is gone too18:41
Kilosand you were gone yesterday18:45
inetprowell, still not everyone18:46
Golynxlol i blame Vodacom and MTN :p18:47
Golynxhi inetpro18:47
Kilosno Golynx  the fly ha adsl18:48
inetpropoor VC and MTN now get blamed for everything?18:48
Kiloslol ya18:48
Golynxjust kidding Kilos 18:49
Kilosi dont understand the whole thing in the court18:49
Kilosthe news said mtn and voda must charge 20c a minute18:49
Kilosand telkom and cellc can charge 44c18:50
Kilosi dont understand18:50
Golynxmy sudden disconnections today, i believe is about the new customers flocking to Cellc. Now that from tomorrow they and Telkom mobile will pay less in call termination rates.18:51
Kiloswhat is call termination rates?18:52
GolynxKilos its to bring more competition to Vodacom and MTN . Thats what ICASA wants.18:52
GolynxMaaz google call termination rates18:53
MaazGolynx: "Termination rates - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Termination_rates :: "Call termination - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Call_termination :: "Ofcom | Regulated prices" http://media.ofcom.org.uk/analysts/regulated-prices/ :: "Icasa releases final regulations on mobile termination rates ..."18:53
inetprothe ten culprits of the day: 18 magespawn, 8 Vince-0, 8 Spekko, 7 Golynx, 7 cr33p, 6 Private_User, 5 jabberwocky93, 4 bduk, 3 superfly, 3 Kilos18:53
Golynxbut its a short term fix 18:53
Kilosi wasnt off at all18:53
Kilosi manually logged off to change drives once early on18:54
inetprothose ^^ are the ten most quit and join yoyo nicks of the day18:54
Kiloswhere you find that info inetpro  18:54
Kilosyou good at this kinda thing hey18:54
inetprocopy paste from above and then grep, cut and sort18:55
Kilosanyway thats about 40% of us18:55
Golynxi guessed right 7 is spot on lol18:55
inetprojust had to tweak some of them with multiple nicks18:56
Kiloswhere is the rain now again18:56
inetprowhat rain?18:59
Kilosya that18:59
Kilosthe free wet stuff from the sky19:00
Kilosnight all. sleep tight.19:03
Kilossee you tomorrow when power returns19:03
Kilosbe good19:03
Golynxnight Kilos19:04
KilosMaaz  watch them19:04
MaazOK Kilos I'll keep an eye on them for you19:04
KilosMaaz  ty19:04
MaazYou are welcome Kilos19:04
inetprowb superfly19:31
superflythanks... datacentre issues19:32
inetprohopefully fixed now19:35
inetprowb Vince-019:37
inetprooh and welcome psydroid19:38
Vince-0gosh darn would you look at the time19:38
inetprowhat is that>19:38
inetprowb nlsthzn 20:15
nlsthznso how is ZA land?20:37
inetprogood and you? 20:44
nlsthzngood thanks... but it is bed time so will catch you all later :)20:44
inetprobetter start watching out for the April fools stories 20:45
Private_Usermorning people22:19

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