
=== fibz_ is now known as `Fibz
holsteinTerranceWarrior: pong04:46
holsteinanyways.. im going to be asleep now.. but, you are running kxstudio now, TerranceWarrior , so, be sure you ask for support in that channel.. #kxstudio04:55
=== TheMaster is now known as Unit193
TerranceWarriorwhat to do if you want to stream live music?10:04
=== modulist1c is now known as modulistic
radioiaaneghi all10:55
radioiaanegis it possible, using 2 separate audio devices, to simultaneously run  a Digital Audio Workstation (ex. linux multimedia studio) trough jack and the default system audio device  (ex.brower or music player) using pulse audio?10:56
`Fibzusing qjackctrl + vlc10:57
`Fibzor just qjackctrl, really10:57
radioiaanegi would like to use them simultaneously10:58
radioiaanegwhen i am seeing flash video and i start jack audio engine10:59
radioiaanegthe system audio stops10:59
radioiaanegi want to keep it working10:59
radioiaanegusing web browser ,audio player, flash plugin11:00
radioiaanegand separately keep an open and working  LMMS audio session11:01
radioiaaneg2 separate audio cards, 2 different audio engines, 2 different set of speakers11:02
`Fibzeach must be bound individually, and i must go, but yes this is possible11:02
radioiaanegsure thanks11:03
radioiaanegi will get into it11:04
radioiaaneganother question hope some can help me11:04
radioiaanegany suggestions on how corretly install the libflashsupport plugins?11:05
radioiaanegi need them to route flash audio data processing tools11:06
radioiaanegsorry to processing tools11:06
radioiaanegit should make visible flash audio output in pathage11:07
zequenceradioiaaneg: if you have a UBuntu Studio installation, pulseaudio doesn't stop12:06
zequenceradioiaaneg: however, you need to set PA to use jack outputs12:07
zequencethere's a pulseaudio module that makes this happen, though only with jack212:07
zequenceyou can read more about it at..12:07
ubottuFor information on professional audio tools in Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/ProAudioIntro12:07
holsteinTerranceWarrior: to stream live music? that depends on what you have and what you want to do13:33
holsteini used an icecast server, and either BUTT (broadcast using this tool, which is easy, and not in the repo and doesnt require JACK) or the darkice client, depending on what i needed13:34
holsteinTerranceWarrior: there are many onine streaming options as well, that are arguably easier, and i suggest those to you13:34
holsteinustream, google hangouts, skype... mumble.. though, mumble requires a server setup13:35
TerranceWarriorholstein: i am putting that on the back burner.13:39
TerranceWarriorholstein: how can I get Independence Free to work under Ubuntu? It runs into file renaming position errors.13:39
TerranceWarriordo I need to disassmble wine at the hardware level?13:39
holsteinTerranceWarrior: ask them creators of the software for a native application13:45
holsteinTerranceWarrior: or, try a wine channel13:45
holsteinnothing about ubuntu, linux, or ubuntustudio is preventing that application from running here13:45
holsteinthere is also only a few things that we can do to facilitate its runing here13:46
=== ivo_ is now known as Guest25435
ivo__Hi all14:44
cfhowlettivo__, greetings.  what is your ubuntustudio question?14:45
ivo__Can somebody tell me how do diagnose jack? I can start jack via qjackctl with no errors (as i see), but applications are unable to connect to the jack server14:46
ivo__I am running a relatively fresh install of ubuntu studio 12.0414:48
zequenceivo__: do you see the applications in qjackctl -> "Connect" ?14:58
zequenceivo__: which application are we talking about, exactly?14:58
ivo__zequence, ardour from ubuntu studio 10.4 and i also tried renoise 314:59
zequenceivo__: Did you set ardour to use jack?15:02
zequenceivo__: also, make sure to always start jack first15:02
zequence..if you didn't, you might want to shut any processes running in the background before retrying15:03
ivo__zequence, after starting ardour, there is an audio setup dialog, and it oddly does not list jack as an option15:03
ivo__zequence, jack_lsp tells me this http://pastebin.com/MpstEqVd15:04
zequenceivo__: you're not starting jack right15:04
zequenceivo__: Start from the beginning. Perhaps a reboot might even simplify. Then, start jack with qjackctl.15:05
zequence..then start your jack applications15:05
=== Jordan_U_ is now known as Jordan_U
LoolargeAnyone know how to get wineasio working?19:06
Loolargewhen i try to compile it, it get this error: wine/debug.h: No such file or directory19:06
zequenceLoolarge: Usually that's an indication of that you haven't installed development libraries19:11
zequenceLoolarge: One nice way of installing build dependencies for a particular package is doing: sudo apt-get build-dep <package>19:12
Loolargezequence, i just figured i had installed wine1.4 but not the regular wine package19:12
zequencein the case of wineasio, you can at least get wine libs: sudo apt-get build-dep wine19:12
Loolargezequence, thanks for this hint, very useful19:12
zequenceLoolarge: Those are runtime. Not for building software19:13
zequencedevelopment libs in Debian are usually named lib<something>19:13
zequencelike, libwine-dev or something like that19:13
zequenceruntime libs are often named lib<name>, to clarify (stuff that can't be run as programs, but other programs can run functions from it = runtime)19:14
Loolargezequence, oh dear now i get a different compile error regarding incompatibility between 64 and 32 bit ELF format. Do you know if there is a repository that contains wineasio?19:27
Loolargehow can i reinstall jack? I made the stupid mistake of adding the kxstudio repository and update my jack packages from there. Then i removed it via ppa-purge and now jack is broken, it complains about unresolved symbols in jack_alsa.so19:40
zequenceLoolarge: That's the downside when adding PPAs19:48
zequenceyou change the system19:48
Loolargezequence, i am a fool :D Maybe i'll have to reinstall the system from the cd then19:50
Loolargezequence, what was the line again that you send me earlier to reset the configuration of qjackctl? I noticed that again, jack works fine when i start it from the command line, the error shows only in qjackctl19:55
zequenceLoolarge: The config file is in your home folder. ~/.config/rncbc.org/QjackCtl.conf20:00
zequenceyou toggle to see hidden files and folders using your file browser20:00
zequenceusually, Ctrl+H20:00
Loolargezequence, thanks i found it20:01
Loolargezequence, i will try a reboot now20:01
Loolargezequence, thank god, everything is back to normal now20:03
=== kevin is now known as Guest15511

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