
=== lderan_ is now known as lderan
=== mhall119_ is now known as mhall119
=== bluesabre1 is now known as bluesabre
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knomemorning elfy06:17
elfymorning knome 06:17
=== TheMaster is now known as Unit193
jhenkemorning folks08:32
elfyhi jhenke 08:33
jhenkeelfy just out of curiosity, from which part of the world/time zone are you?10:03
elfyI did that without typing :p10:07
jhenkeokay, working at cononical or just to uk based?10:07
elfyI drive a van for a living ;)10:07
jhenketoo bad kernel 3.14 got released so late, I thought 14.04 might use it10:16
elfyhi ochosi 10:28
lderanhello :)10:31
davmor2elfy: I used to drive a Lorry for a Living :)10:31
elfydavmor2: :)10:31
elfyI used to wire planes for a living10:32
elfydidn't fly them though :p10:33
lderanstill cool tho 10:33
davmor2jhenke: most canonical employees are not based in the uk10:36
davmor2jhenke: there are more in the americas and mainland europe10:36
brainwashelfy: bug 129928610:37
ubottubug 1299286 in xubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "Display performance regression in Xubuntu 13.10 and 14.04 as VirtualBox guest" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129928610:37
brainwashcomment #210:38
davmor2elfy: I have delivered steel for a living then worked for a builder merchant then moved on to deliver gas bottles for them that was heavy work though10:38
jhenkedavmor2 thanks, good to know, but I do not want to get too much into offtopic, now that so many people are alive here10:38
davmor2then my shoulder went and now I work on computers10:39
davmor2jhenke: they are all alive :P10:39
brainwashochosi: hey, we need to fix the session wallpaper problem asap10:41
bluesabrecatfish 1.0.2-2 accepted into unstable :)10:43
brainwashbluesabre: what's new?10:44
bluesabrePython3 instead of 210:44
ochosibrainwash: what session wallpaper problem?10:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1280607 in Catfish "Case insensitive search for non english file names doesn't work" [Undecided,In progress]10:44
brainwashbut doesn't this break the zeitgeist integration?10:44
bluesabreit does10:45
bluesabrebut zeitgeist is only used for instant suggestions10:45
bluesabreand it was only in suggests, so never auto-pulled10:45
brainwashok, I somehow doubt that anyone will complain about catfish not utilizing zeitgeit anymore :)10:46
bluesabrebut yeah, which session wallpaper problem10:47
bluesabreand have we figured out the source of the problem?10:47
* ochosi was away and doesn't even have a clue10:48
brainwashxfdesktop not picking the wallpaper which we define in our xfce4-desktop.xml (xubuntu-default-settings)10:48
brainwashso it falls back to the default Xfce one10:48
brainwashboth wallpapers display a mouse in the centre... so no big deal, or? :D10:49
bluesabreis there a bug for this item?10:50
ochosiso what's the problem with the session?10:50
bluesabresession wallpaper is xfce wallpaper, not xubuntu one10:50
jhenkezeitgeist, what a stupid name for such a software (at least for German speakers)...10:50
ochosijhenke: +110:50
ochosibluesabre: right, it sounded like it was a bug in xfce4-session. but afaik that one doesn't handle wallpapers10:51
brainwashzeitgeist is a well known term in the english language10:51
brainwashochosi: it's xfdesktop10:51
ochosiyeah, even in english it's a bit misleading to what the service does though10:51
ochosibrainwash: have you debugged that a little already?10:52
knomebrainwash, bug 129717010:52
ubottubug 1297170 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "Live Session starts with XFCE wallpaper/install uses same" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129717010:52
knomebrainwash, bug 1284910 might be related as well10:53
ubottubug 1284910 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Xubuntu Beta 1 and Beta 2 installer has debian background wallpaper" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128491010:53
ochosii mean is it a simple bug in our x-d-s file?10:53
knomebut might not10:53
ochosi(that should be easy to verify if you have a brand new setup, which i can't try right now)10:53
brainwashI've checked the code a bit and talked to eric, it should work fine according to him, if we switch back the 4.10 config style (xfce4-desktop.xml)10:53
brainwashbut the 4.10 config style does not work for me either10:54
bluesabredidn't ali1234 mention something like that10:54
bluesabrewhere we need to use the old config and let xfce upgrade it?10:54
bluesabrefor something or another10:54
brainwashI guess so10:54
brainwashxfdesktop is able to migrate the config file10:54
ochosithat's odd though, why does providing a correct config file not work?10:55
bluesabreI'll look into it tonight if nobody beats me to it10:55
bluesabregotta run, bbl10:55
ochosittyl bluesabre 10:55
jhenkecu bluesabre10:55
brainwashit isn't correct, we define "monitor0", but in most cases xfdesktop will use and lock for the actual monitor name like "monitor-HDMI12454"10:56
brainwashand therefore create a new entry in the user config file10:56
ochosiah, i see10:56
brainwashthe old config style should work, but it does not for me10:57
eric_the_idiotdo you have a link to the old file?10:57
brainwasheric_the_idiot: hello :D10:57
ochosiyou mean the old config file?10:58
ochosiyup, that's the change of config basically10:59
brainwashso we've added the "workspace" property10:59
ochosiandrzejr_,ali1234: fwiw, the gtk3 app-indicators are resized correctly now in xfce (no cut edges anymore with e.g. the skype icon)11:09
ochosiknome: but isn't that second bug you linked to a direct problem in ubiquity?11:10
ochosii mean bug 128491011:10
ubottubug 1284910 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Xubuntu Beta 1 and Beta 2 installer has debian background wallpaper" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128491011:10
ochosias ubiquity draws the wallpaper itself11:10
ochosiand the file is there11:10
brainwashbad luck, we fail to display the correct wallpaper in two different apps :D11:11
ochosinot sure whether that's really us11:14
ochosithe ubiquity issue i really don't understand at all11:14
ochosii hope that xnox or someone more involved with ubiquity will be able to shed some light...11:14
eric_the_idiotSo I changed the perchannel-xml file to the 4.10 thing, killed xfdesktop, reset/deleted all the xfconf properties, restarted and it worked.11:21
eric_the_idiothttp://paste.ubuntu.com/7184369/ is the logs from xfdesktop with --enable-debug=full11:21
brainwasheric_the_idiot: I'll test it again11:26
brainwasheric_the_idiot: http://lpaste.net/10205612:03
brainwashimage-path vs. image-last12:05
brainwashochosi: can you revert the x-d-s change?12:06
ochosibrainwash: i suggest you do a merge-request based on your findings that reverts the current version to one that works12:10
ochosii still can't push to xubuntu-default-settings, so it doesn't make any sense if you describe your changes and then i do the MR (it's just more work that way)12:11
brainwashochosi: can I remove the branches from bug 1271713 ?12:12
ubottubug 1271713 in xfdesktop4 (Ubuntu) "xubuntu 14.04 trusty thar desktop wallpapers selection shows empty" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/127171312:12
brainwashthe problem has been fixed in xfdesktop 4.11.412:12
ochosibrainwash: yup, feel free to unlink those12:22
brainwashochosi: ok :)12:23
ochosibrainwash: don't forget to do the merge-request for your branch13:15
brainwashochosi: done13:22
brainwashochosi: bug 129699213:22
ubottubug 1296992 in xubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "Leftover conffile" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129699213:22
brainwashI guess we should fix this too13:23
brainwashor if not, close the report13:24
ochosihuhu, mr_pouit is reporting bugs now instead of fixing them :)13:24
ochosiquite ballsy, being one of the two ppl who can actually push to xubuntu-default-settings13:26
knomebetter than nothing, eh?13:26
ochosibrainwash: i'm a bit too busy with other things this week, i can't really take on additional bugreports13:27
ochosiif you can look into it, that'd be great13:27
brainwashso it is a problem we want to fix?13:27
ochosiwell i don't consider it a huge problem13:29
ochosiit only affects those that are already on 14.0413:29
ochosiat least if i understood it correctly13:29
brainwashochosi: mmh, micahg should know how to do it properly13:40
ochosilight-locker* got sponsored13:57
brainwasheric_the_idiot: do you plan to release xfdesktop 4.11.5 soon? would be great if we could ship a version without all the additional patches from git/master :)14:25
brainwashknome: can you please comment on bug 1299286 ?15:05
ubottubug 1299286 in xubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "Display performance regression in Xubuntu 13.10 and 14.04 as VirtualBox guest" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/129928615:05
brainwashthe reporter requests a change in the documentation15:05
brainwash(comment #2)15:06
lennyHello! I'm trying out the 14.04 beta, is there a reason why the icons on the upper left corner is so large?15:48
brainwashlenny: hi there, which icons exactly?15:54
lennybrainwash, if you choose to have the numix look15:54
lennysettings -> window manager -> numix15:55
brainwashthe new default size for desktop icons is or will be 48px15:55
brainwashso you mean the icons in the window decoration?15:56
lennyIs it because I have a low resolution  screen then?15:56
lennybrainwash, yes15:56
brainwashnot sure, can you upload a screenshot?15:56
lennysure, sec15:57
brainwashochosi might have an explanation 15:57
brainwashoh, that is indeed rather big15:59
brainwashlenny: you could file a bug report against "shimmer-themes"16:03
brainwashand/or wait until ochosi returns16:04
lennyon launch-pad?16:04
brainwashyes, or directly here https://github.com/shimmerproject/Numix16:07
lennyk, filed it at github16:14
lennyAnother question, what was the name of the old menu (the one replaced with whisker-menu)?16:15
brainwashlenny: thanks :)16:15
brainwashapplication menu16:15
knomebrainwash, looks like something we could mention on the release notes, but wouldn't want to push for a docs change in 14.04; 14.04.1 is different again16:18
knomebrainwash, updated the bug.16:20
knomenot sure if it's a bug in -meta at all..16:20
brainwashknome: thanks, I assume that this only affects very few people anyway16:20
brainwashali1234: bug 130027716:25
ubottubug 1300277 in xfce4-settings (Ubuntu) "monitor names incorrect in dual monitor setup" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130027716:25
brainwashyou've created an upstream report some time ago, it does address this issue, correct?16:25
jhenkewhoever asked earlier, xfdesktop 4.11.5 got released17:38
ali1234brainwash: yes18:45
NoskcajSo the day my xfdesktop git-patches branch gets accepted, 4.11.5 comes out anyway19:05
ochosiNoskcaj: sometimes you eat the bear, sometimes the bear eats you...19:06
ochosihave the patches been sponsored/uploaded yet?19:07
brainwashNoskcaj: :D19:09
Noskcajbluesabre, You didn't need to make catfish a "team upload". Your a maintainer of it19:10
brainwashwithout upload/merge rights everything seems so sloooow19:15
Noskcajbrainwash, But syncing catfish worked, so i'm happy19:17
brainwashhooray :)19:17
brainwashNoskcaj: btw, I've just attached the patch files to the abiword reports, did not want to bother with properly packaging it19:21
NoskcajI can try and package it. but i think you should learn how to19:22
brainwashyeah, but I would prefer a new debian release19:22
brainwashbecause there are more fixes for the stable branch19:23
NoskcajThen email the maintainer, a lot19:23
brainwashbut I don't do debian, so far I've only reported 1 bug to the debian guys19:25
brainwashmaybe I should stop avoiding debian19:27
Noskcajcan't hurt19:31
lennybrainwash: I switched my desktop from debian to 14.04 today :D19:32
brainwashlenny: why that?19:32
lennyA couple of reasons, 1. DPM for my radeon card still didn't work with the 3.13 kernel and I was tiered of the fans running at full speed. So if I forfeit my freedom why bother. 2. Other small issues like sometimes freezing at the login screen and other small annoyances19:34
JustanickHello, is it useful, that an upgrade from the last LTS did not remove the 19:35
JustanickAlso the new gcc is not added to update-alternatives19:39
JustanickStill showing the old gcc 4.619:39
brainwashlenny: ah ok19:41
brainwashJustanick: ask in #ubuntu-devel about the leftover kernel files19:42
brainwashand gcc too :)19:42
Justanickbrainwash: I will do it now. ;)19:43
lennyby the way, brainwash, they were fast to respond on the github page :) https://github.com/shimmerproject/Numix/issues/11519:50
lennythanks for the tip19:50
brainwashoh wow, that was very fast indeed19:51
brainwashbut a possible fix might not land in 14.0419:52
brainwashyou will to file a launchpad report against shimmer-themes and hope that the fix finds its way into 14.0419:55
brainwashother than that, just use the git version :)19:55
lennyCan you guide me through filing a launchpad report? I've just made an account20:05
elfylenny: for shimmer-themes do ubuntu-bug shimmer-themes in a terminal20:06
lennyelfy: thanks20:08
lennyDoes this contain enough information? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/shimmer-themes/+bug/130042220:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1300422 in shimmer-themes (Ubuntu) "Numix theme icons too large" [Undecided,New]20:12
brainwashlenny: should be enough, but the bug report title is a bit vague :)20:17
elfynot that it matters much given the link to the issue on shimmerprojects :)20:20
lennywhat themes do you guys use?20:26
elfyI just use what is default mostly20:27
ali1234i use orion20:30
jhenkeIntially I used Greybird, but recently prefering Albatross and sometimes Bluebird20:32
jhenkethe nice thing is that Xubuntu really comes with several nice themes and changing is easy20:32
jhenkeso I sometimes change after some days, keeping the experience fresh20:33
jhenkegood night20:36
lennygood night jhenke 20:36
brainwashcan anyone confirm this? 1. create a new folder and a new file on the desktop 2. move the file into the folder 3. file icon glitches20:40
elfyI installed 13.10 to look at that - couldn't confirm it 20:41
elfymeant to go and leave a note 20:41
brainwashI'm confused20:42
elfyyea - I assume you're talking about bug 130039820:42
ubottubug 1300398 in thunar (Ubuntu) "Thunar don't refresh directory on content change" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130039820:42
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 10785 in General "Moving a file/folder to a different location does not clear the file icon" [Normal,New]20:42
elfyhang on I'll check now20:42
elfydragging it into the folder?20:43
brainwashso that the file should vanish from the desktop20:43
elfyI can only ever get that to copy not move :)20:43
brainwashso it's still there?20:44
brainwashon the desktop20:44
elfymmm 20:44
elfycan't even get it to do that now ... 20:44
brainwashdescribe what you see :D20:44
elfyaaaah 20:45
elfyok - got the file icon on the desktop - open thunar and go look - not there :)20:45
elfyand this time with a new folder and new file it moved it 20:46
brainwashvery odd20:46
elfybut I've been seeing that for an age - just assumed it was copying and not moving :)20:47
elfycommenting in the bug20:48
brainwashaaaah, so you opened ~/Desktop in thunar?20:49
elfyas well20:49
brainwashand the file was not there, but still visible on the desktop?20:49
elfyto see what was going on - but I didn't actually do anything in thunar20:49
elfyI'll get a screenie if you want 20:50
brainwashand if you try to delete the file on the desktop, it will tell you that it cannot find the file anymore20:50
* pleia2 did think it was odd that gema wouldn't just submit a bug20:50
brainwashthanks for commenting20:54
elfyI didn't - I attached the screenie and it lost the comment :|20:54
brainwashone picture is worth ten thousand words20:55
elfycommented this time :)20:56
elfybrainwash: and I had purged your ppa - so am back to standard20:56
brainwashso the system freeze is back?20:57
elfyyea - but I know that it's fixable now - so it doesn't annoy me as much :)20:58
elfyit'll turn up eventually :)20:58
JustanickIs there an option to limit tumbler to ~20% of cpu usage or anything similar?20:59
JustanickCreate a copy of ~15.000 objects pushed the cpu heavily to its limit.21:00
ali1234there will be when we get systemd21:01
brainwashdon't let it crash, we got enough tumbler crash report already :P21:01
ali1234right now you would have to set up all the necessary cgroups stuff manually21:01
JustanickMaybe something for a rainy day.21:03
elfybrainwash: and a desktop reload loses the orphan icon21:04
brainwashelfy: indeed21:04
JustanickBut so far, the runtime on battery seems to be a lot better than on the old LTS version. Thanks!21:05
elfywell - had enough of monday - cya tomorrow :)21:06
ochosilenny: as brainwash said, not sure we can land that in trusty21:08
ochosiat least not in the release iso, maybe in .121:08
ochosii wonder how the ibus issue is going...21:12
brainwashprepare for major uproar after final release xD21:14
lennyochosi: Okay, thanks for being so responsive :)21:14
ochosibtw, did you see that larsu updated indicator-sound so that the hover-effect is back on all buttons21:14
brainwashon all buttons?21:14
ochosilenny: sure no problem. took a while of digging around, but after i had figured it out it wasn't hard to fix21:14
ochosibrainwash: yes, also prev and next21:14
brainwashoh nice21:15
ochosiyour patch is paying off now21:15
brainwashgot a bit bored and created https://code.launchpad.net/~thad-fisch/xubuntu-default-settings/tooltip-size21:17
brainwashor am I the only one who dislikes these big desktop tooltips?21:18
brainwashmaybe I should bother eric with it :D21:20
ochosii dunno, i don't think that's really important21:27
ochosimy main argument would be that of those large icons we're missing quite a bunch e.g. in mimes21:28
ochosiso it would make sense to go down to 64px21:28
ochosibrainwash: but yeah, i guess the point here is not to let you get bored..21:37
brainwashochosi: exactly, now is the fun time21:48
brainwashgetting 14.04 into good shape21:49
ochosibrainwash: well there are a semi-critical few issues i think we need to get fixed22:09
ochosi"few" <-> "semi-critical"22:10
ochosiupdated the draft for the locking article on x.org, in case anyone wants to proofread22:36
Unit193Also, for Unicorn we should s/xchat/hexchat/22:55
starratsthat sounds cool both irc chat apps23:56

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